Custom Query (1168 matches)


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Results (801 - 900 of 1168)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#17708 Update or remove nkamapper enhancement normal External imagery source
#17717 A way to organize filters in JOSM for different projects team enhancement normal Core
#17721 Fehler trat bei Anklicken einer Straßenlinie auf team defect normal Core
#17739 Impossible add translation for lines with parameters on team defect normal Core
#17742 Unable to load an area (Pezens FR-11288) team defect normal Core
#17749 kendzi3d plugin broken since josm-snapshot-15007 team defect normal Core
#17792 Out of memory error team defect normal Core
#17807 Allocation of IDs from Elements as Nodes, ways, etc between JOSM and .osm/.xml file team task normal Core
#17830 JOSM crashes when Kendzi3D Plugin is activated kendzi defect normal Plugin kendzi3d
#17883 can't create an account: SpamBayes rejects attempts stoecker defect normal Trac
#17922 IAE: Listener SelectionEventManager was already registered qeef defect normal Plugin mapathoner
#18024 Single Polish imagery source not working on Linux with HTTPS team defect normal Core imagery
#18036 wiki: font size of "Korean" too big stoecker defect normal Trac
#18075 JOSM slow with MapCSS on openSUSE systems team defect normal Core mappaint
#18082 ClassCastException with Java 9 grinapo defect normal Core
#18090 Using the keyboard shortcut for the Copy function does not work… defect normal Core
#18099 NOT ABLE TO OPEN .GEOJOSN FORMAT FILE ON MY JOSM team defect normal Core
#18120 RSS feed from jenkins broken team defect normal Unit tests
#18150 option to ignore validator warnings is missing to me mkoniecz defect normal Core validator
#18171 Find almost right angle (RightAngleBuildingTest Class) returns no result in Validation Results team defect normal Core validator
#18226 Choosing an account and project when working with JOSM at system startup. team defect normal Core
#18261 (Almost) overlapping nodes team enhancement normal Core validator
#18298 Cycling through objects with Alt + Left Click doesn't work in MX Linux Discostu36 defect normal Core
#18305 Imagery Offset Database Plugin not loading the.ian.colwell@… defect normal Plugin imagery_offset_db
#18312 Update site on for external (git-based) plugins team enhancement normal Plugin
#18318 Propose to the user to disable all filters when loading >1000 elements team enhancement normal Core
#18346 Missing ability to select all open polylines only team defect normal Core
#18382 usage=irrigation. Complains that railway tag missing. team defect normal Core validator
#18476 Junglebus validation rules and public_transport=stop_position presets team defect normal External rule
#18483 No longer possible to add members twice to the same relationship Mazda05 defect normal Core
#18493 Use same icons than ID uses for POI team enhancement normal External mappaint style
#18497 Cannot quickly search value containing substring team enhancement normal Core
#18502 Cannot combine ways with different version history anonymous defect normal Core
#18531 upload dialog: preserve existing values when obtaining source values from layers team enhancement normal Core
#18553 new "error" audit rule team task normal Core validator
#18595 Jenkins doesn't display test results: Bad Message 431 - reason: Request Header Fields Too Large Don-vip defect normal Unit tests
#18849 Further image optimisation possible in Java bundle team enhancement normal Core
#18879 [Patch] Allow to opt-out from JOSM's certificate amendment simon04 enhancement normal Core
#18939 Backport ELI checks to Trac JOSM Maps validator stoecker enhancement normal Trac
#18983 Is there a Presets test site/program? Allroads enhancement normal External preset
#19103 Streetside images do not load in current view vodryc defect normal Plugin MicrosoftStreetside
#19239 Use the filter on a KML/KMZ layer team enhancement normal Core
#19297 IndexOutOfBoundsException when Starting JOSM team defect normal Core
#19317 Scrolling using scroll wheel on Mac is way too sensitive (even on 3rd party mouse with all speed settings at minimum) team defect normal Core
#19322 How to automatically load map or a dragged *.gpx file? team enhancement normal Core
#19324 Change track color and move map by dragging? team enhancement normal Core
#19387 Purge all JOSM information from linux mint to do a clean install team defect normal Core
#19505 [WIP patch] adjust Netbeans configuration vladimir.kokovic@… enhancement normal Core
#19525 Shapefile cannot be imported Don-vip defect normal Plugin geotools
#19547 Website ( is not reachable via IPv6 stoecker defect normal Trac
#19552 cant open a route team defect normal Core
#19561 Improve plugin update UX with Debian packages stanton defect normal Core
#19588 Error loading layer Jasmetk0 defect normal Core
#19613 JOSM has a different result versus erickdeoliveiraleal defect normal Core
#19637 Validation via MapWithAI does not recognize accents or apostrophes Puxan defect normal Plugin mapwithai
#19741 Constant reload of tiles from any background layer sharcrash defect normal Core imagery
#19768 Provide a way to manually split changes team enhancement normal Core
#19778 Allow Lat/Lon input before downloading anything AlaskaDave enhancement normal Core
#19806 Easypresets has lost presets after update to latest JOSM John Grubb defect normal Plugin EasyPresets
#19814 Graphic bug after screen resolution switching StephaneP defect normal Core
#19837 shortcut error "Ctrl+Shift+Unknown keyCode: 0xfff" kebisi defect normal Core
#19844 macOS - SecurityException: The jurisdiction policy files are not signed by the expected signer Stereo defect normal Core
#19904 kann mit JOSM keine Bearbeitungen mehr hochladen team defect normal Core
#19965 Sort relations ordered by ID team enhancement normal Core
#20007 Unglue node with tags from another element (area or way) + put on new node, not working team defect normal Core
#20169 Will not stay on select mode using a mouse pad team defect normal Core
#20179 Filtering Nodes stopped working team defect normal Core
#20195 JOSM Freeze on additional window open team defect normal Core
#20198 Plain text attribute editing instead of table cell based editing anonymous enhancement normal Core
#20209 Selecting multiple objects without using ctrl key team enhancement normal Core
#20212 Extrude action may add unexpected nodes team defect normal Core
#20237 A critical problem about plugin installing and running anonymous defect normal Core
#20288 New shortcut to activate the last active layer team enhancement normal Core shortcuts
#20320 Icons are way too small on big screens tykayn defect normal Core
#20329 interface has become very slow (since about the time when the team defect normal Core
#20404 Impossible to add new external preset. stoecker defect normal Trac
#20415 CAPAS SHP team defect normal Core
#20487 Image/photo viewer used with gpx display does not use auto-rotation, but image viewer for geo-tagged images does it team enhancement normal Core image mapping
#20491 IAE: {0} is not a valid TMS argument anonymous defect normal Core imagery
#20505 Remot control "select" regression team defect normal Core remotecontrol
#20532 Remote loading of geojson files broken - bug in opendata plugin Don-vip defect normal Core remotecontrol
#20593 Download a relation object doesn't load members even if the box is checked anonymous enhancement normal Core
#20606 not able to load more teh one layer since last JOSM update andy_king50@… defect normal Core
#20628 InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private java.awt.Image javax.swing.text.html.ImageView.image accessible simon04 defect normal Core
#20668 What means "Non-public police facility"? team enhancement normal Core
#20675 rev. 17580 need updates team defect normal Core
#20715 Order of menu item has unexpectedly changed team defect normal Core
#20722 Add definition heritage for Lübeck team enhancement normal External preset
#20781 Prevent uploading of empty relations team enhancement normal Core validator
#20806 KeyError: 'token' stoecker defect normal Trac
#20876 error from downloading small section of rural North Dakota team defect normal Core
#20937 Missing '?' in the xlink:href wmts GetCapabilities gives error. team task normal Core imagery
#21061 Warning: Unable to use English input method team defect normal Core
#21114 Missing milliseconds in Exif time on macOS team defect normal Core image mapping
#21220 Plugin "measurement" can't be added. team defect normal Plugin measurement
#21274 Allow saving and restoring of keyboard shortcut “profiles” team enhancement normal Core shortcuts
#21293 has insufficient privileges to access this directory team defect normal Installer Windows
#21307 Installer fails under Windows 10 team defect normal Installer Windows
#21310 Datensatz "geschlossen" lässt sich nicht hochladen team defect normal Core
#21338 When editing support layer timestamp, some image could not be correlated Don-vip defect normal Core image mapping
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.