Custom Query (2351 matches)


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Results (2201 - 2300 of 2351)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#24025 Error while opening .gpkg file team defect normal Plugin opendata
#24026 Interpolate upscaled imageries team enhancement normal Core imagery
#24033 [Patch] There should be a validator warning for the deprecated key building:roof team enhancement normal Core validator
#24034 Add {apikey} support for TIGER Roads 2023 team defect normal Core imagery
#24036 Not all relations purged from Relations Window and app crashes upon attempt to edit purged relation team defect normal Core
#24041 Add preset amenity=research_institute team enhancement normal Internal preset
#24042 Text in download menu, dialogs panel, and presets rendered as text rather than icons appears too small to be readable. Other text (e.g. menu bar, tool tips, title bars, initial info screen) is okay. team defect normal Core
#24047 When the http2 plugin is enabled, Socks proxy settings are ignored team defect normal Plugin http2
#24048 Crash when opening folders team defect normal Core
#24049 Exception when revert edits team defect normal Plugin reverter
#24050 error message after starting JOSM team defect normal Core
#24051 Error while entering street name containing diacritics with Compose key team defect normal Core
#24055 : Impossible to rename team defect normal Plugin photo_geotagging
#24057 Make the charging station preset also apply to areas team enhancement normal Internal preset
#24058 Create tagging preset for man_made=charge_point team enhancement normal Internal preset
#24073 Treat the tag waterway=fish_pass like waterway=stream team defect normal Core
#24077 Unexpected Exception when increasing value of "downloadAlongWay.area" team defect normal Core
#24083 KartaView plugin throws NullPointerException jBeata defect normal Plugin Kartaview/openstreetcam
#24085 SplitMode: Canceling Split in expert mode's "keep history" dialog should delete the new node team enhancement normal Core
#24089 Exception while mapping speed limits. team defect normal Core
#24094 Fehler beim aktivieren vom Plugin pt_assistant_layer Biswesh defect normal Plugin pt_assistant
#24096 Child() is not working in match_expression of presets (although the documentation suggests that it should) team defect normal Core
#24098 Zoom to selected element automatically team enhancement normal Plugin utilsplugin2
#24099 JOSM loading tiles outside of min/max-zoom range team defect normal Core imagery
#24103 Irritations with text-anchor-horizontal and text-anchor-vertical in the documentation ("MapCSS Implementation") team task normal Wiki content
#24112 Error when clicking on elevation data link on preferences hhtznr defect normal Plugin Elevation
#24114 Validate location:transition=yes as incompatible with line_management=termination team enhancement normal Core validator
#24115 Revert r19307 and use Java 14 switch expressions team defect normal 26.12 Core
#24125 JOSM I18n contest 2025 team task normal 25.07 Core
#24134 Bug encountered selecting a feature. Biswesh defect normal Plugin pt_assistant
#24138 The ^ character appears unexpectedly in dialog boxes team defect normal Core
#24143 Expand "Select connected ways" with "same type" or "same name" team enhancement normal Plugin utilsplugin2
#24144 Incomplete pedestrian crossing tagging. Required tags are highway=crossing|traffic_signals and crossing=*. (4) - appearing on cycleway with foot=no team defect normal Core validator
#24145 Zoom/Scrolling Settings Not Respected team defect normal JMapViewer
#24148 Validator warns about "overlapping buildings" when a building overlaps a building:part team defect normal Core validator
#24154 JOSM Seems to Erreoneously Find Preference Files to Have Errors and does not Produce Preference File Backups team defect normal Core
#24158 NPE in JCSCachedTileLoaderJob in case of network error team defect normal Core
#24164 Consider Migrating translations to self-hosted Weblate team task normal 25.07 Core
#24166 German Glossar (Deutsche Übersetzung) team enhancement normal Wiki content
#24167 Declining a move team defect normal Core
#24170 NPE at team defect normal Core geojson
#24174 help-wiki of select mode team defect normal Wiki content
#24185 details of delete mode team task normal Wiki content
#24186 delete mode with shift: no question, which segment shall use old id team enhancement normal Core
#24188 [WIP patch] Speed up tagging preset filtering team enhancement normal Core
#24189 Support new street_cabinet tagging scheme team enhancement normal Internal preset
#24190 inconsistent structure of action help pages (page title etc.) team defect normal Wiki content
#24192 Bug in PT Plugin warning for roads used by trolley buses but have no trolley wire (run on battery there) Biswesh defect normal Plugin pt_assistant
#24194 help wiki improvement of draw mode > continuous drawing team enhancement normal Wiki content
#24195 Missing action help wiki page team enhancement normal Wiki content
#24197 standardised formatting @ Help Wiki team enhancement normal Wiki content
#24200 Crash du plugin Cadastre team defect normal Plugin cadastre-fr
#24201 Erreur en téléchargant un extrait du cadastre team defect normal Plugin opendata
#24202 wikipedia.mapcss false positives team defect normal 25.03 Internal preset
#24206 Crash when splitting and deleting path team defect normal Core
#24207 [patch] Fix License Classes in defaultpreset team defect normal 25.03 Internal preset
#24208 wrong "Dialogs Panel" instead correct "Sidebar" in View Menu team defect normal Core
#571 node placement tools team enhancement major Core
#724 Josm Extrude for multiple elements team enhancement major Core
#1729 SRTM/ASTER layers OliverW enhancement major Plugin elevationprofile
#2318 snap to ways / nodes while in select/move mode team enhancement major Core
#2319 snap to markers team enhancement major Core
#2710 [WIP Patch] The preferences should have multiple server profiles team enhancement major Core
#2891 (unfinished PATCH) new mapmode for circles Landwirt enhancement major Core
#3198 Disable keyboard shortcuts while a move or area selection is in progress team enhancement major Core shortcuts
#3282 Syncing audio tracks not posible behind initial waypoint team defect major Core audio
#3283 Improve audio markers team enhancement major Core audio
#3841 Validator: show meaningful tooltips team enhancement major Core validator
#4509 In addition to "conflicts", detect and resolve "potential map anomalies" team enhancement major Core
#4798 relation editor: highlight "doubled" members with different roles differently than "doubled" members with the same role team enhancement major Core
#4925 Dialog are placed wrong on dual-head X11 team defect major Core
#5038 Proposal for editing object attributes in spreadsheet mode team enhancement major Core
#5190 Rectify fails in WGS84 team defect major Core
#5215 Automatically detect and fix situations, where server accepted upload and JOSM assumes upload failure team defect major Core
#5325 Auto-Save when uploading, after each successful block of data. team enhancement major Core
#6002 "Upload selection" should not check for parents team defect major Core
#6102 Non-Connected way checks in validator needs to be projection independent defect major Core validator
#6205 Turnrestrictions plugin doesn't like adding a new restriction on two ways when they already intersect at a different location. team defect major Plugin turnrestrictions
#6441 turnrestrictions plugin putting wrong end of split highway in "To" when selecting "Only Right Turn" team defect major Plugin turnrestrictions
#6518 select and edit actions performed in inactive layer. team defect major Core
#6764 Selecting anything in the vicinity of selected nodes is nearly impossible team defect major Core
#6997 zoom controls for the slippy map team enhancement major Core
#7282 OsmTransferCanceledException while opening changeset or uploading changes team defect major Core
#7293 conflict when replacing a way in an inclomplete loaded relation with a new way team defect major Core
#7297 Conflict management - Synchronize datasets efficiently team defect major Core
#7807 State based drawing team enhancement major Core
#8019 Sort relations by directional roles team defect major Core
#8085 conflict management and deleted nodes and ways team enhancement major Core
#8820 Tabular edit of name tags team enhancement major Plugin tageditor
#8830 Keep autosave files in case of a crash team defect major Core
#8835 Button to send download to background team enhancement major Core
#8913 PH and SH unknown boman defect major Plugin openinghourseditor
#8968 Combining ways: Roles not adjusted when changing direction team defect major Core
#9353 Sync JOSM between multiple computers team enhancement major Core
#11641 Hang when I close application and after popup send before exit team defect major Core
#12302 Visually differentiate deprecated tags team enhancement major Internal mappaint style
#12630 IllegalStateException: Tag collection does not include the selected value team defect major Core
#12726 Include command stack actions in saved sessions team enhancement major Core
#12872 Allow hierarchical layers team enhancement major Core
#13160 Some kind of deadlock which prevents typing in textboxes team defect major Core
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.