
Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 16 months ago

#2710 new enhancement

[WIP Patch] The preferences should have multiple server profiles

Reported by: avarab@… Owned by: team
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Core Version: latest
Keywords: authorization OAuth Cc: joshdoe, malenki, Zibik, francois.lacombe, vinber, 1ec5

Description (last modified by Don-vip)

If I want to switch from to some test server while hacking OSM I have to erase my current API host/user/password and put in new values, then repeat this process when I switch back.

The preferences should have a drop-down list of OSM servers and associated users/password that I could switch between. This would help both with switching servers and switching users on the same server.

Attachments (3)

initial_multiuser_rework.patch (23.3 KB ) - added by taylor.smock 6 years ago.
Initial patch to support multiple users. This is mostly adding new methods to support passing different auth tokens around. The upload panel has a dropdown box that currently doesn't do anything except show the logged in user's name, which is the reason for adding support for passing different auth tokens. TODO actually use input from the dropdown box and create a method to add additional user accounts.
initial_multiuser_rework_v2.patch (47.9 KB ) - added by taylor.smock 6 years ago.
Starts refactoring the preferences panel in order to allow adding multiple users (preferences panel is currently broken).
initial_multiuser_rework_v3.patch (56.1 KB ) - added by taylor.smock 6 years ago.
Partially working preferences panel -- still needs a lot of work

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (29)

comment:1 by joshdoe, 14 years ago

Cc: joshdoe added

I believe this same issue affects users who access WMS servers which require authentication. I'm using such a server, and I have to constantly reenter usernames and passwords between downloading images from WMS and uploading changesets to OSM. I would say this is closer to a bug than an enhancement. I'm not familiar with the code for this, but couldn't we just have per host user/pass? This wouldn't solve the problem for users who might try and access different paths on the same host that use different credentials, however I imagine this isn't very common.

comment:2 by Don-vip, 12 years ago

Ticket #8048 has been marked as a duplicate of this ticket.

comment:3 by Don-vip, 11 years ago

Ticket #9672 has been marked as a duplicate of this ticket.

comment:4 by Don-vip, 11 years ago

Cc: malenki added
Description: modified (diff)

comment:5 by Don-vip, 11 years ago

Ticket #9677 has been marked as a duplicate of this ticket.

comment:6 by Don-vip, 11 years ago

Cc: Zibik added

comment:7 by Don-vip, 11 years ago

Ticket #9918 has been marked as a duplicate of this ticket.

comment:8 by bastiK, 11 years ago

Cc: francois.lacombe added

Note, that you run JOSM with multiple different preference directories:

$ java -Djosm.home=/path/to/pref/dir -jar josm-tested.jar

The disadvantage is of course that all the other settings, like plugins, are also separate for each "profile".

comment:9 by francois.lacombe, 10 years ago

I've tried to copy my main JOSM instance and duplicate my settings on it (it's not a problem, my OSM and private usage don't need the same plug-ins or even the same projection).

I've got a standalone josm-tested.jar in C:\Program Files\JOSM_2 and launch it with "C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\javaw.exe" -Djosm.home="C:\Program Files\JOSM_2\josm" -jar "C:\Program Files\JOSM_2\josm-tested.jar"
It seems standalone Java apps (instead of jnlp) can't accept self-signed HTTPS certificates and I do have services which are using such protocol.
The only stuff I get is a Java security Exception while loading presets and styles over HTTPS at startup.

I must have forgotten an hidden option somewhere but I'm not very surprised.

comment:10 by Don-vip, 9 years ago

Ticket #12585 has been marked as a duplicate of this ticket.

comment:11 by Stalfur, 9 years ago

No wonder I couldn't find this issue, 7 years old now and last touched 21 months ago! My bad for the duplicate 12585 though

comment:12 by Don-vip, 8 years ago

Ticket #5490 has been marked as a duplicate of this ticket.

comment:13 by Zverikk, 7 years ago

Seconding this. It was a minor inconvenience before (different accounts on different servers), but since I started doing imports, this has become a major issue. It'd be great to store oauth settings for multiple accounts, or have a history of oauth tokens, with an option to delete some.

comment:14 by Gppes, 7 years ago

Hello Josm team, thanks for your great software!

I also would be interested in this feature!

comment:15 by rivermont, 6 years ago

Also looking forward to this feature as separate accounts are required by

by taylor.smock, 6 years ago

Initial patch to support multiple users. This is mostly adding new methods to support passing different auth tokens around. The upload panel has a dropdown box that currently doesn't do anything except show the logged in user's name, which is the reason for adding support for passing different auth tokens. TODO actually use input from the dropdown box and create a method to add additional user accounts.

by taylor.smock, 6 years ago

Starts refactoring the preferences panel in order to allow adding multiple users (preferences panel is currently broken).

comment:16 by taylor.smock, 6 years ago

Summary: The preferences should have multiple server profiles[WIP Patch] The preferences should have multiple server profiles

by taylor.smock, 6 years ago

Partially working preferences panel -- still needs a lot of work

comment:17 by simon04, 5 years ago

Ticket #18811 has been marked as a duplicate of this ticket.

comment:18 by simon04, 5 years ago

Cc: vinber added

comment:19 by Mashin, 4 years ago

For imports this would be great. I hope this will be implemented at some point.

comment:20 by anonymous, 3 years ago

Hi !
Same here. I'll have often to switch between the community account OSM_BFC, where every mass edit is community-driven, to my personal account.

There will be one day where I won't be awake enough, won't change settings and will push changes on the wrong account...

Thanks by advance !

comment:21 by ika-chan!, 3 years ago

Ultra-strong support. This will make it easier to work with multiple OSM-based projects like OpenGeoFiction, local maps, et al.

comment:22 by richlv, 3 years ago

Offering help with testing, if this is resurrected.

comment:23 by daganzdaanda, 3 years ago

+1 would love this, since I wanted to do some plugin debugging and needed a second account for
Even with all the documentation it was not straightforward to get it running. I hope that including multiple accounts in one JOSM setup would make this easier.

comment:24 by 1ec5, 2 years ago

Cc: 1ec5 added

comment:25 by skyper, 21 months ago

Keywords: authorization OAuth added

comment:26 by anonymous, 16 months ago

I described the workaround I use in!dgard/diary/401874.

It's a script that modifies preferences.xml and then launches JOSM.

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