Custom Query (2352 matches)


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Results (901 - 1000 of 2352)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#16315 add indoor=* to internal preset team enhancement normal Internal preset
#16347 Nexus Server: SNAPSHOT is not a good version for plugins team defect normal unspecified
#16348 DividedScale$RangeViolatedError: the new range must be within a single subrange team defect normal Core mappaint
#16360 I18n script creates data for transifex directories team defect normal unspecified
#16363 After Using "Gebiet erstellen" (X) with modifier ALT, you have to click twice to modify it team defect normal Core
#16373 When opening new ticket from JOSM, pre-fill component field (if known) team enhancement normal Core bugreport
#16374 Skip "Diable plugin"/"Keep plugin" choice when allowing the user to file a ticket for plugin (when plugin didn't fully crash) team enhancement normal Core bugreport
#16409 Not rendering some office=* types team enhancement normal Internal preset
#16411 [patch] Adds a new utils2plugin action, tool menu item and shortcut to copy features with parent relations team enhancement normal Plugin utilsplugin2
#16434 Delayed line drawing/slow JOSM team defect normal Core
#16449 Presets 'default' field is ignored team defect normal Core
#16482 assign role platform to highway=bus_stop, highway=platform and railway=platform members team enhancement normal Core
#16497 relative path in .joz session file team enhancement normal Core
#16505 Assign (some) minimum frame size to the Overpass API download entry field team defect normal Core
#16516 Listener actions.mapmode.DrawAction was not registered before or already removed team defect normal Core
#16522 IAE: StreetsideViewerDialog was not registered before or already removed team defect normal Plugin streetside
#16523 Built-in level filter ignores min_level/max_level and building:min_level/building:levels team defect normal Core
#16526 Simplify Way on Polygon deletes it with very high values of error team defect normal Core
#16530 Dual head monitor setup: menus and dialogs are on the wrong screen team defect normal Core
#16539 OSM data + GPS Raw data download does not come to an end team defect normal Core
#16553 "failed to remove primitive" after upload team defect normal Core
#16595 search for bus stops when double splitting a way Biswesh enhancement normal Plugin pt_assistant
#16597 button on top bar of relation editor, which shows public_transport:version Biswesh enhancement normal Plugin pt_assistant
#16598 new button in relation editor that finds ways adjacent to stops and add them to the route Biswesh enhancement normal Plugin pt_assistant
#16614 Add button to relation editor to remove all ways for which problems are reported in validator Biswesh enhancement normal Plugin pt_assistant
#16654 add shop=religion & shop=general team enhancement normal Internal preset
#16655 Could not initialize class com.sun.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGImageReader (win10, 8u171) team defect normal Core imagery
#16658 Add highway=corridor, attraction=animal, man_made=water_tap team enhancement normal Internal preset
#16697 reversing a way improperly changes turn:lanes:both_ways team defect normal Core
#16710 Move Node onto Way more difficult at high zoom team defect normal Core
#16732 Support Brazilian ABNT/ABNT2 keyboard layouts when reordering imagery layers team defect normal Core
#16736 screen and slippy map downloading not in sync when below or above 85 degr latitude team defect normal Core
#16745 Poor performance when Command Stack pane is visible team defect normal Core
#16746 keyboard stops working team defect normal Core
#16748 Map is briefly displayed without filters after load_and_zoom team defect normal Core mappaint
#16752 opening a closed way is not obvious when using P or G team enhancement normal Core
#16760 Event loop stuck on ForkJoinPool team defect normal Core
#16767 fails to parse PH or when <time_selector> is not seperated by <space> after <weekday_selector> (only valid option) or when <rule_modifier> present, but accepts and saves some wrong values without warning boman defect normal Plugin openinghourseditor
#16782 JVM crash - kendzi.jogl.model.render.ModelRender.setupTextures kendzi defect normal Plugin kendzi3d
#16815 Add changeset comments to changesets with deleted nodes and specify how many of them stem from merges team enhancement normal Core
#16820 Unglue: guess automatically the destination for tagged node team enhancement normal Core
#16826 Double-click does not work as expected team defect normal Core
#16828 Validator does not catch PT2 relations routing along highway=construction Biswesh enhancement normal Plugin pt_assistant
#16832 Add settings to control automatic refresh strategy team defect normal Core
#16844 Also include layers with a JPG option team enhancement normal Core imagery
#16858 Move jmapviewer to a separate repository team enhancement normal Core
#16859 Tagging nice GSOC tickets team task normal Trac
#16862 Add swimming_area team enhancement normal Internal preset
#16869 Unify preferences API team enhancement normal Core
#16870 JOSM versioning team enhancement normal Core
#16880 Add support for WFS layer team enhancement normal Core imagery
#16881 kml not working in piclayer plugin rebsc defect normal Plugin piclayer
#16916 IAE: Listener mapmode.SelectAction was not registered before or already removed team defect normal Core
#16917 Give zoom-to the first on right click of validator groups and subgroups team enhancement normal Core validator
#16918 Autoexpand validator report classes (Error, Warning, Other) team enhancement normal Core validator
#16941 Display the default projection team enhancement normal Core
#16960 IllegalStateException: The layer has already been destroyed: ConflationLayer Tyndare defect normal Plugin conflation
#16964 Allow the parallel ways function to use 0.1m increments team enhancement normal Core
#16967 WARNING: sun.reflect.Reflection.getCallerClass is not supported team enhancement normal Plugin importimage
#16971 support cycleway:left/cycleway:right in map style or discourage it in validator team defect normal Internal mappaint style
#16974 Addressing dialog improvement team enhancement normal Core
#16975 Addressing dialog house number: support +2 increment for "18,20" team enhancement normal Core
#16988 [Patch] Plugin importvec should not create duplicate nodes Upliner defect normal Plugin importvec
#16990 Paint opposite cycleway tags team enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#17005 Plugin `CustomizePublicTransportStop` team enhancement normal Plugin
#17011 Multiple warnings for same problem team enhancement normal Core validator
#17012 JMockit : Cannot execute JUnit test MultipolygonTest from Eclipse team defect normal Unit tests
#17014 "produce" key naoliv enhancement normal Internal preset
#17032 improve display of unordered gps traces team enhancement normal Core
#17074 detect railway=level_crossing nodes that are not on crossing of railway=* and highway=* ways team enhancement normal Core validator
#17075 extend "new message warning" to other types of communications team enhancement normal Core
#17078 [PATCH] update clothes in preset team enhancement normal Internal preset
#17096 Update plugins dialog should only appear when update changes something team enhancement normal Core
#17098 Special Characters on Mac OS freezes keyboard team defect normal Core
#17102 difference in area styling between forest tagged as natural=wood and landuse=forest is much greater than between landuse=forest and landuse=farmland team enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#17103 Add unsigned_ref to presets team enhancement normal Internal preset
#17124 Improve conflict solving performance team enhancement normal Core
#17132 JOSM froze while asking to upload team defect normal Core
#17134 platform roles membership should be moved to newly created multipolygon (in route=tram/subway/light_rail/train/trolleybus/bus relations) team enhancement normal Core
#17140 Remove tagged nodes from way instead of refusing to delete tagged nodes in ImproveWayAccuracy mode. team enhancement normal Core
#17153 Add per imagery server restrictions for requests per second team enhancement normal Core imagery
#17156 Download imagery from a certain zoom level team enhancement normal Core imagery
#17168 Toggle Next Layer Shortcut team enhancement normal Core shortcuts
#17172 [WIP PATCH] turn:lanes and lanes should match team enhancement normal Core validator
#17175 ConcurrentModificationException at GpxData$LinesIterator.getNext team defect normal Core
#17189 mapcss should be able to use previous fields in the selector in additional fields team defect normal Core mappaint
#17193 Always open the Warning Box Dialog when the Del Key is pressed from the Layers Panel to avoid Silent erase of files team enhancement normal Core
#17200 Don't scroll right when a tag value is selected team defect normal Core
#17201 fix common typo in progressMonitor beginTask() team task normal Core
#17211 Can't see all the discussion from some notes team enhancement normal Core notes
#17243 Add checked validator keys/tags to Taginfo? team enhancement normal Core validator
#17261 Conflation Error with LineString Tyndare defect normal Plugin conflation
#17271 Cannot add assertMatch/assertNoMatch declarations with set declarations team defect normal Core validator
#17287 crossing=marked as a new preset and/or a validator test team enhancement normal Core
#17293 JOSM shows misleading information when plugin fails to load team defect normal Core
#17294 Printing function does not work. IAE: 0 or negative value argument team defect normal Plugin print
#17295 [WIP Patch] All categories are folded by default team enhancement normal Core validator
#17303 It seems that it's not properly working OliverW defect normal Plugin fixaddresses
#17320 Allow boundary=* to share an OSM way with highway=*, waterway=* and other ways team enhancement normal Core validator
#17324 Adding bridge preset to highways not working team defect normal Core
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