
Opened 7 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#16482 new enhancement

assign role platform to highway=bus_stop, highway=platform and railway=platform members

Reported by: Polyglot Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Core Version:
Keywords: Relation editor platform role Cc:


At present the role platform is only assigned if the node or way has public_transport=platform.

It would be better to assign the role platform to highway=bus_stop, highway=platform and railway=platform when adding these objects to route and stop_area relations.

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comment:1 by simon04, 6 years ago

According to, public_transport=platform is mandatory for public_transport:version=2.

comment:2 by Polyglot, 6 years ago

I don't think it would hurt JOSM to cater to the lowest common denominator.

The basic requirement for a bus stop that renders on is to add highway=bus_stop to it and this is not about to change anytime soon.

A stop that only has public_transport=platform/bus=yes without highway=bus_stop will not render for the foreseeable future, that is. There is a long-standing ticket for Carto where this is pointed out. There is no willingness to move away from highway=bus_stop.

I've tried to move to PT v2 five years ago already. Today the only reason I'm still adding public_transport=platform/bus=yes to them is for the convenience that JOSM automatically assigns those roles when I add them to the route relations.

That and the validator warning that doesn't like platform roles on 'bare' highway=bus_stop nodes.

in reply to:  2 comment:3 by skyper, 4 years ago

Working on #17661 and #18662, I found this ticket.

Replying to Polyglot:

The basic requirement for a bus stop that renders on is to add highway=bus_stop to it and this is not about to change anytime soon.

A stop that only has public_transport=platform/bus=yes without highway=bus_stop will not render for the foreseeable future, that is. There is a long-standing ticket for Carto where this is pointed out. There is no willingness to move away from highway=bus_stop.

We could add a warning for nodes with pt=platform without hw=bus_stop but that would lead ro having bus_stop on both, platform and stop_position, I guess.

I've tried to move to PT v2 five years ago already. Today the only reason I'm still adding public_transport=platform/bus=yes to them is for the convenience that JOSM automatically assigns those roles when I add them to the route relations.

Same for me, and I can add railway=tram_stop.
We probably have to live with it for another decade or more looking on how much work there is still left in well mapped areas in Germany. Especially, the regional bus lines need attention.

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