JOSM Kaartstijlen
De JOSM kaartweergave kan eenvoudigweg worden aangepast met verschillende stijlen. Veel stijlen zijn standaard opgenomen in JOSM.
Er zijn basisstijlen (bijv. JOSM standaard of Potlatch 2) die elk een groot bereik aan objecten dekken. Zij kunnen worden gecombineerd met add-on stijlen die meer speciale onderwerpen dekken (zie de Lijst met beschikbare stijlen hieronder).
Verdere aanpassingen zijn mogelijk via opties voor stijl, zie het gedeelte gedeelte Gevorderde voorkeuren of onder Uw eigen stijl maken
Stijlen kiezen
JOSM heeft drie lijsten met kaartstijlen: beschikbare stijlen (alle stijlen uit de opslagplaats voor stijlen) → actieve stijlen (uw favorieten) → ☑ gekozen stijlen (feitelijk gebruikt voor het intekenen van de kaart)
JOSM wordt geleverd met enkele stijlen die standaard in de lijst "actieve stijlen" staan. U kut stijlen uit deze lijst "actieve stijlen" kiezen om feitelijk te worden gebruikt voor het intekenen van de kaart door te klikken op het keuzevak (☑) op de regel van de gewenste stijl
- in het dialoogvenster Kaarttekenstijlen of
- in het menu "Weergave" ( → "Kaarttekenstijlen") of
- in de voorkeuren voor de Kaarttekenstijlen (zie het gedeelte hieronder)
Onthoud dat, tenzij u werkt met add-on stijlen, u meer dan waarschijnlijk slechts één stijl ☑ per keer wilt hebben geselecteerd.
Activeren van meer stijlen
- Open de Voorkeuren voor Kaarttekenstijlen
- direct uit de kop van het paneel Kaarttekenstijlen met de knop
Voorkeuren of
- Via menu "Weergave" ( → "Kaarttekenstijlen" → "Voorkeuren voor kaarttekenstijlen") of
- Via het algemene venster voor voorkeuren (Menu Bewerken → Voorkeuren →
- direct uit de kop van het paneel Kaarttekenstijlen met de knop
- Selecteer een stijl in de lijst van "beschikbare stijlen" (linkerkant)
- Activeer het door te klikken op de knop met de
blauwe pijl naar rechts tussen de twee lijsten
- Sluit af en bevestig door te klikken op de knop OK
Voorbeeld: Laten we aannemen dat u tags maxspeed=* wilt toevoegen aan OSM, dan zou u waarschijnlijk gebruik willen maken van de stijl Maxspeed (en) (die de waarde van maxspeed op wegen in verschillende kleuren weergeeft). De screencast/animatie aan de rechterkant (klik om te vergroten) geeft weer hoe u deze stijl toevoegt aan uw lijst met "actieve stijlen". Nu zou het een van uw "Actieve stijlen" moeten zijn.
Uw eigen stijlen toevoegen
U kunt uw eigen stijlen toevoegen (vanuit elke URL/bestand) aan de lijst met actieve stijlen – bijvoorbeeld een stijlbestand dat u zelf heeft gemaakt. Klik eenvoudigweg op het plusteken aan de rechterkant en voer ofwel het pad en bestandsnaam of URL voor uw bestand met de stijl in.
Lijst beschikbare stijlen
Korte omschrijving | Auteur | Omschrijving | Versie | |
(Basic) Indoor map | yopaseopor | Visualization of basic tagging in indoor mapping for JOSM Meer details | 1_2019-03-08 | |
Address Tags Validator | Antisida, CupIvan, Felis Pimeja, Zverik | Coloring of buildings with or without addr:street, addr:housenumber (deprecated, use 'Coloured streets style' instead.) | 1.18_2020-10-05 | |
Admin Boundaries | pierzen | Colors Admin Boundary Polygons and nodes. It Helps monitor and edit Boundaries. Parameter options let select Admin levels to show. | 1.7_2024-09-04 | |
Advertising style, to have icons for main types of advertising devices | Barnes38 | Icons for advertising=billboard, advertising=column, advertising=poster_box, advertising=totem, advertising=board Meer details | draft.52_2018-07-25 | |
Apple Paint Style | This map paint style was created to improve the visibility of the streets network for easier editing of ways, nodes, and relations in the JOSM editor. Meer details | 1.4 | ||
BAR Damage Assessment | jgc | Displays colored and shaped icons, to show tagging of visible structural strength and damage scale of buildings, according to HHI BAR damage assessment methodology, adapted for OSM Meer details | 0.6_2018-03-24 | |
Bench | Klumbumbus | Displays details of bench tags. Meer details | 1.1.6_2018-03-24 | |
BesideTheRoad_Speed | kudrdima | Visualization of traffic signs, road characteristics, some of the road infrastructure, traffic restrictions and prohibitions Meer details | 0.9_2021-09-26 | |
BNIWR Rendering (standarized symbols) | Aun (Skippern) Johnsen | JOSM rendering of nautical symbols according to BNIWR standard | 0.1 | |
Boundary_Stone | ajoessen,lutz | Visualization of some historic=* tags | 0.7_2020-10-05 | |
Building Colors | whatismoss | Colors buildings depending on their building=* tag. Meer details | 3_2024-03-13 | |
Building Levels Labels | Sowa1980, Alexander-II | Explicitly shows such tags as roof:levels, building:levels, building:levels:underground, building:min_level in the center of building/building part. | 1.8_2019-05-30 | |
CEVNI Rendering (standarized symbols) | | JOSM rendering of nautical symbols according to CEVNI standard Meer details | 2019-03-10 | |
Collapsed/damaged buildings | Hjart | Style to classify buildings Meer details | 0.6_2020-10-05 | |
Color Ways | Martien, osm username martien-176 (formerly martien-vdg) | Choose your preferred color and line width of building outlines for better visibility on different backgrounds. Also highways and waterways have clearer colors Meer details | 0.2.35_2024-04-20 | |
Colorize bicycle routes | Martin Ždila <martin.zdila@…> | Colorize bicycle routes tagged with tag colour. | 0.2.4_2013-11-03 | |
Colour GPS data | Dirk Stöcker, René Lange | Display points according to GPS status (needs conversion of GPX layer to OSM). | 1.3_2019-11-20 | |
colour tag | Klumbumbus | Displays ways in the colour of their colour tag. Supported formats are 6 digit RGB hexadecimal (#112233), 3 digit RGB hexadecimal (#123) and CSS color names (green). Meer details | 4_2022-08-05 | |
Coloured | geozeisig | Style to classify buildings (german) Meer details | 1.015_2020-10-05 | |
Coloured Buildings.en | riiga | Style to classify buildings (English) Meer details | 1.02_2021-09-18 | |
Coloured | riiga | Style to classify buildings (Swedish) Meer details | 1.01_2021-09-18 | |
Coloured | darkonus | Style to classify buildings. Translation of the geozeisig style Meer details | 0.1_7_2022-05-08 | |
Coloured Kerbs | te | Draws the pattern for barrier=kerb in different colours based on kerb=* tag. Meer details | 4_2018-05-19 | |
Coloured Postcode | geozeisig | Style to ease mapping of Postcode by colouring streets and houses and nodes Meer details | 2.20_2025-01-09 | |
Coloured Streets | geozeisig, Klumbumbus | Colouring of buildings, address nodes and streets with the same street name in the same colour. Makes working with addresses a lot easier. Check out the linked page to read how to change some settings of this mappaint style. Meer details | 3.53.127_2021-04-10 | |
Coloured Suburb | geozeisig | Coloring of buildings with addr:suburb depending on a CRC algorithm Meer details | 2.18_2024-11-27 | |
Colouring helping editing names and refs on streets in Serbia | Pedja | This MapCSS style colors ways according to tags name and ref:RS:street, Style is supposed to be used combined with other styles (Tested in JOSM) Meer details | 0.11_2021-08-06 | |
Conscriptionnumbers/streetnumbers | jose1711 | Displays addresses using Czech/Slovak address system Meer details | 0.2.3_2018-03-24 | |
Cycleway Styling (BNA) | pkoby | This style was developed to aid in editing for the PeopleforBikes Bicycle Network Analysis (BNA). It adds line decorations to visualize on and off-road cycle tags, as well as relevant on-street parking. Notably, it displays individual sides of the road, and includes cycleway buffers. Deprecated tags are shown in different colors to suggest edits. Meer details | 0.7_2023-03-14 | |
Cycleways | cmuelle8 | Standalone style to visualize cycleway=* and bicycle=* of objects, fade everything else. Please turn off JOSM internal style to use it. Meer details | 1.7_2018-03-24 | |
destination_sign Relation | mdv | Highlight relation roles from, sign and to | 1.8_2020-10-05 | |
DigiRoad bus stops | Polyglot | Highlight DigiRoad bus stops with directional arrows Meer details | 1.6_2018-11-02 | |
Direction | Hanikatu | Shows the direction of object or light. Meer details | 1.1.6_2021-06-06 | |
Direction for traffic signs | Michael Maier (species@osm) | very simple preset to show the “direction” tag of a highway=stop,give_way,traffic_signals Meer details | 0.1.7 | |
Disaster damage assessment | SeverinGeo | Displays colored icons and fill colors, to show tagging of visible damage scale of structures and filled patterns for roof materials. Meer details | 1.0.10_2025-02-02 | |
Disc Golf Course Testing | Negreheb | Colouring and icons for a Disc Golf Course to make mapping it easier. Meer details | 0.8_2024-03-21 | |
Enhanced Lane and road attributes | Martin Vonwald,Florin Badita | Visualization of lanes, width, turn lanes, changing the lane, destination, lighting and street lamps, sidewalk, cycletracks, bicycle lanes, bus lanes, psv lanes. Added modification by Florin Badita : - You can see the end of each road segment as a square. - If you modify the lines from ~70 until ~80 and you add your own name, you will be able to see with green your modifications, so that you can inspect the other ways that already have lanes attributes, but were not made by you. - We only show lanes to road categoryes highwer then unclassified, residential. Meer details | 2.9_2020-04-27 | |
EPCI (France) | Don-vip | Display French local authorities (known as EPCI) Meer details | 2.0.5_2016-01-03 | |
european-waterways-classification-style | kannix | visualisation of navigable waterways in Europe for recreational boating Meer details | 2021-12-23 | |
Fietsknooppuntennetwerken | Polyglot | Doet fietsknooppunten en de routes ertussen duidelijker tot hun recht komen. Meer details | 1.15_2020-05-14 | |
fixme and note | Klumbumbus | Displays fixme=* and note=* coloured. Meer details | 1.0.2_2020-08-17 | |
Fixme and notes markers | LLlypuk82, Antisida | This MapCSS style highlights nodes/ways/polygons/multipolygons that contain FIXME/fixme/note and combinations of this tags. This style may be used alone or combined with other styles(Tested in JOSM only). | 0.2_2015-12-15 | |
FIXME Highlight Warnings | pierzen | This MapCSS style highlights ways/Polygons that contain Fixme attribute and unnamed highways. This style may be used alone or combined with other styles such as Potlatch2 and Mapnik (Tested in JOSM only). | 0.20_2017-10-30 | |
Forest | igitov | Display detailed description of forest stands & related objects | 0.0.53 | |
Greenery details | Jeroen Hoek | Highlight various cultivated greenery features, like shrubbery. | 1.3_2021-08-30 | |
hazmat | Klumbumbus | Displays hazmat=* and hazmat:water=* coloured. Meer details | 1.06_2020-10-05 | |
Health Boundaries | pierzen | Colors Health Boundary Polygons and nodes. It Helps monitor and edit Boundaries. Parameter options let select Health levels to show. Meer details | 1.10_2021-05-28 | |
HiDPI Support | Klumbumbus | Allows to scale the nodes size and the font size of the default JOSM mappaint style. Meer details | 1.12_2025-01-13 | |
Highway areas | Alex Seidel (Supaplex030) | Visual support for mapping highway areas (area:highway). Meer details | 1.4_2023-07-26 | |
Highway Nodes | naoliv | Highlights untagged and unconnected nodes in a way Meer details | 1.5_2020-10-05 | |
HU-HighlightHikingTrailSigns | efemm | Highlight hiking trails icons, optimized for Hungarian marking. Meer details | 1.12_2022-04-25 | |
Icon tester | Klumbumbus | Helps to test new JOSM icons. Meer details | 1.1.11_2021-05-15 | |
iD | Leif Rasmussen | Renders roads, waterways, landuse, and other features like iD. Meer details | 0.94_2025-01-28 | |
Incline | Klumbumbus | Display of up/down arrows at the first and last node of ways with incline=*. Meer details | 2.1.10_2020-09-04 | |
Incomplete Object Warnings | Timonade | Checks for incomplete data | 2_2022-09-26 | |
Indoor | Ubica2 Project Team | This JOSM style displays useful information to help indoor map edition. It highlights rooms, corridors, stairs and elevators. In addition, some kind of nodes which are important inside a building will be represented also Meer details | 0.5 | |
Inline_Validation | Validate map data as you edit. | 0.2 | ||
INT 1 Rendering (IHO standarized symbols) PD | Aun (Skippern) Johnsen | JOSM rendering of nautical symbols according to IHO standard INT-1 | 0.2.1 | |
Japan Impassable Ways | cmuelle8 | Dash out ways tagged with barriers, visualize practicability=* Meer details | 1.7_2020-10-05 | |
Japan Tsunami POIS | PierZen | POIS related to Tsunami plus Surface / Roads with damages, obstacles Meer details | 1.24_2020-10-31 | |
JOSM default (XML; old version, outdated) | Old version of JOSM default style | XML: 1.10_2020-03-07 | ||
Kapor2 parcels | jose1711 | Color coding of parcels obtained via Kapor2 plugin (export function) | 0.2_2019-08-15 | |
Landcover tags | Martin Vonwald | Show landcover and some additional landuse tags | 0.4.14_2020-10-05 | |
Lane and road attributes | Martin Vonwald | Visualization of lanes, width, turn lanes, changing the lane, destination, lighting and street lamps, sidewalk, cycletracks, bicycle lanes, bus lanes, psv lanes. Meer details | 2.10-69_2025-01-26 | |
Lane details, right-hand traffic, arrow version | Wolfgang Hinsch | Shown tags:: lanes, turn lanes, bus lanes, changing the lane, cycleways, sidepaths and lightning | 0.11_2014-06-29 | |
Lane details, right-hand traffic, color version | Wolfgang Hinsch | Shown tags:: lanes, turn lanes, bus lanes, changing the lane, cycleways, sidepaths and lightning | 0.5_2014-07-02 | |
Layer checker | Klumbumbus | Display of layer values by different colors. Meer details | 1.3.20_2024-10-12 | |
Less obtrusive nodes | xeen | Make nodes smaller when zoomed out. This makes navigating easier when viewing a large area. Also hides icons and text accordingly. Meer details | 1.9_2018-03-24 | |
LexxPluss Style | Yasuyuki Miura & Masaya Aso | LexxPluss style to be unicorn Meer details | 0.2.12_2022-11-03 | |
light_source | Manuel Hohmann | Icons for light_source=*. | 0.2_2019-08-15 | |
Lit | cmuelle8 | Show lit=yes/no settings in JOSM map display Meer details | 2.0.5_2016-01-03 | |
Lit Objects | achadwick | Supplementary stylesheet which highlights lit and unlit objects by surrounding them with large glows. Works well with the Potlatch 2 base style. | 0.3_2015-06-02 | |
Mapillary Object Detections | Taylor Smock | Paint style for Mapillary point objects | 1.6_2022-08-24 | |
Mapnik (true) | MapCSS variant of the OSM Mapnik style (as close as possible to the original). It is not very suitable for real mapping in an editor because nodes and lines without a style are hidden and opaque areas may cover each other. This file is optimized for JOSM and may need some minor changes to work properly with other MapCSS implementations. | 0.1 | ||
Mapping Accessibility | LorenzoStucchi | Mappatura dell'accessibilità Meer details | 2.4_2020-11-22 | |
MapWithAI | Taylor Smock | Visualization of MapWithAI data | 1.19_2021-03-23 | |
Maxspeed | Rubke, Dirk Stöcker, Vclaw, Klumbumbus | Display maxspeed values of ways in the map view. Meer details | 3.1.52_2025-01-02 | |
Missing Maps / Youth Mappers Validators Checks | George Washington University | Some easy settings to find problems that are common in HOT, Missing Maps and Youth Mappers tasks -- namely roads that have a name, which might suspect, and buildings that aren't tagged as building=yes | 1.7 | |
Modified highways | martien-176 | Highlight modified highways Meer details | 0.1.2_2024-05-08 | |
Modified objects | Sebastian Klein | Highlight modified objects Meer details | 0.1.14_2021-03-23 | |
Mountains | lzhl | Indication mountain terrain tags | 0.6_2020-10-05 | |
MTB | Heiko Woehrle | visualize mtb:scale of objects Meer details | Styles/MTB | |
MTB Trailmap (MTB Difficulty, uphill difficulty, path width, visibility and surface) | Tommi Contursi | Easily visualize MTB trail difficulty, uphill difficulty, trail width, visibility, and surface type with color-coded indicators and text labels. Inspired by, this style ensures your edits are accurately reflected, providing clear and detailed trail information for mountain biking. Includes toggle options allow you to choose which trail attributes are displayed on the map layer. Designed to work seamlessly with JOSM's default styles, such as JOSM Standard and Potlatch 2. Meer details | 1.1.1_2024-08-01 | |
New basic style | Mokrynskyi Pavlo | Style is made in the likeness of the id editor from the web version of Use together with the standard one.Comments and suggestions write to Meer details | 15_2018-08-04 | |
New highway colors | Evgeny Katyshev | Make highways color like at standart OSM render Meer details | 1.0.3_2020-10-05 | |
new parking features | Mario Schütze | Display the new parking features from "Proposed_features/parking" (see link). Meer details | 1.4_2018-03-24 | |
new-modified-buildings | martien-176 | Flags new and modified buildings. This mapstyle is partly inspired by another mapstyle named Modified Objects Meer details | 1.11_2024-05-08 | |
NoFeature | Pierre Béland (PierZen) | No Feature Validation focused style. This style hides the visible and make visible objects hidden in the database with no valid Main tag to facilitate identification of these Features (ie, highway, building, landuse, natural, amenity, shop,etc). This first version is a proof of concept. Comments welcomed. | 0.12_2019-08-15 | |
Open Nederlands Wegenbestand (OpenNWB) | Jeroen van der Gun (Fileradar) | Interactieve kaartstijl met wegkenmerken voor de Lage Landen Meer details | ||
Openbaar vervoer | Polyglot | Zet interessante info van bus- en tramlijnen en -haltes in de kijker Meer details | 2.10_2018-03-24 | |
OpenRailwayMap additional icons and symbols for editing | Nakaner | Style for a assisting mapping of railway information in JOSM. Not suitable for map rendering. Meer details | 0 | |
OpenRailwayMap Electrification layer | Dakon | Style for a electrification layer railroad network map. Meer details | 0 | |
OpenRailwayMap infrastructure standard layer | rurseekatze | Style for a infrastructure standard layer railroad network map. Meer details | 0 | |
OpenRailwayMap maxspeed layer | rurseekatze | Style for a maxspeed layer of the railroad network. Meer details | 0 | |
OpenRailwayMap signalling layer | rurseekatze | Style for a signalling layer railroad network map. Meer details | 0 | |
operator and ref | "Sowa1980, Панкратов Александр Владимирович | Explicitly shows tags like operator, ref in center of area, node | 1.00_2021-12-08 | |
orientation for traffic signs | Stéphane Péneau (Carto'Cité) | simple preset to show the “direction” tag of a highway=stop,give_way,traffic_signals Meer details | 0.3.1 | |
OSMC Hiking | Martin Ždila <martin.zdila@…> | Colorize marked hiking trails using OSMC tagging schema. | 0.2.3_2013-11-03 | |
OSMC Hiking (optimized for SK/CZ/PL) | Martin Ždila <martin.zdila@…> | Colorize marked hiking trails using OSMC tagging schema. Optimized for SK/CZ/PL marking. | 0.2.2_2013-11-03 | |
Osmic | nebulon42 | Osmic icons for JOSM Meer details | 0.1 | |
Paddenstoel guidepost | vsandre | Show a special icon for a paddenstoel guidepost. Meer details | 1.8_2020-10-05 | |
Parkeerstroken | Sebastian Klemm, Kay Drangmeister, Jeroen Hoek, riiga, Supaplex030 | Parkeerstroken/parkeerhavens langs wegen en parkeer-/stopbeperkingen. Meer details | 1.26_2024-10-14 | |
Places_ES_styles | Iago Casabiell González | Displays nodes with [place=*] for Spain. | 1.0.4_2020-01-15 | | ToDos | simon04 | Highlight problematic objects from import Meer details | 1.6_2020-10-05 | |
potlach2 access | iav | Visualizes access tag on highways. Made only for Potlach2 JOSM style | 0.2_2012-11-30 | |
Potlatch 2 | Richard Fairhurst, conversion by Guillaume Rischard | Potlatch 2 core stylesheet, forked, patched, converted and vectorised. Meer details | 1.13_2024-09-01 | |
Power | FLacombe | A more detailed style for various power facilities and features | 0.4.5_2020-04-17 | |
Power Mapping Additions | SSherpa+prabhasp | Special icons for facilitating mapping of power lines; in development. Meer details | 0.35_2020-10-31 | |
PPWBC Rendering (standarized symbols) | Aun (Skippern) Johnsen | JOSM rendering of nautical symbols according to PPWBC standard | 0.1 | |
Priority Road | Klumbumbus | Displays priority_road=* coloured. Meer details | 1.1.9_2020-10-05 | |
PTStops | FiliusMartii | Highlight important information regarding Public Transportation according to public transport version 2 Meer details | 1.0.4_2016-01-19 | |
Public Transport v2 | Ialokim | Highlight important information regarding public transport according to public transport version 2. Meer details | 1.5.9_2023-12-28 | |
Recycling Materials | Klumbumbus | Displays recycling material on recycling nodes. Meer details | 1.0.6_2020-10-05 | |