
Useful for highlighting pedestrian affairs when mapping. Visualizes the sidewalk, sidewalk:left, and sidewalk:right tags of highways, and renders various highway=footway types specified via footway=* in different patterns.

Ways that do not permit pedestrian use are (optionally) made translucent, making it easy to see that a tag like foot=no or foot=use_sidepath is applied.

Sample (NOZIP)

When tactile_paving is set to a value which indicates the presence of tactile paving, a white casing is drawn around the way.

Tactile paving (NOZIP)


Some features of this Map Paint Style can be configured, such as the highlighting of ways that are part of hiking/walking routes. You can toggle these settings in JOSM.

Sample of walking route highlighting (NOZIP)


When kerb=* is used on a node, an icon representing the value used is shown:

Sample of kerb=* (NOZIP)


This style probably misses lots of useful functionality. Please let me know if you want to modify this style (if I don't reply within a reasonable span of time, go ahead and edit this style yourself).

meta {
    title: "Sidewalks and footways (with knobs on)";
    description: "Useful for pedestrian affairs. Visualizes the sidewalk, sidewalk:both, sidewalk:left, and sidewalk:right attribute of highways, and renders various highway=footway types in different patterns. Ways that do not permit pedestrian use are made translucent.";
    link: "";
    icon: "silly-icon.svg";
    author: "Jeroen Hoek";
    version: "1.16_2023-12-17";
    min-josm-version: "17428";

    This style is a fork of
    Because this style introduces more features than the above I have forked it. If the author of the original is willing the two may be combined in the future.

meta[lang=de] {
    title: "Geh- und Fußwege (mit allen Schikanen)";
    description: "Praktisch für Fußgängerangelegenheiten. Visualisiert die Tags sidewalk, sidewalk:both, sidewalk:left und sidewalk:right und zeichnet die verschiedenen Arten von highway=footway mit unterschiedlichen Mustern. Straßen die für Fußgänger nicht zugänglich sind werden durchscheinend gemacht."

meta[lang=ja] {
    title: "歩道とサイドワーク(一切合切版)";
    description: "歩行者との関連のあるものに便利です。「sidewalk」と「sidewalk:both」と「sidewalk:left」と「sidewalk:right」というタグの可視化し、「highway=footway」の様々な種類を色々な模様に示します。歩行者が歩けない道は半透明にします。";

meta[lang=nl] {
    title: "Stoepen en voetpaden (met alles dr'op en dr'an)";
    description: "Handig voor voetgangerszaken. Visualiseert de sidewalk, sidewalk:both, sidewalk:left, en sidewalk:right tags, en tekent de verschillende highway=footway soorten met verschillende patronen. Wegen waar voetgangers niet mogen komen worden doorschijnend gemaakt.";


setting::highlight_routes {
    type: boolean;
    label: tr("Highlight ways part of trails and other hiking routes");
    default: true;

setting::highlight_rwn_nodes {
    type: boolean;
    label: tr("Show the node names of recreational walking node networks");
    default: true;

setting::highlight_tactile_paving {
    type: boolean;
    label: tr("Highlight ways with tactile paving");
    default: true;

setting::no_foot_translucent {
    type: boolean;
    label: tr("Make ways without pedestrian access translucent");
    default: true;

setting::trunk_implies_foot_no {
    type: boolean;
    label: tr("Treat trunk roads without motorroad=yes as inaccesible for pedestrians (used in combination with the translucency option)");
    default: true;

setting::show_kerb {
    type: boolean;
    label: tr("Show kerb transition values on nodes");
    default: true;

    The sidewalk=*, sidewalk:both=*, sidewalk:left=*, and sidewalk:right=* tags.

way["sidewalk:right"]::sidewalks_right {
    width: 3;
    dashes: 5, 1;
    offset: min(eval(0 - 10 - (prop("width") * 0.5) - (prop("width", "default") * 0.5)), -10);
way["sidewalk:left"]::sidewalks_left {
    width: 3;
    dashes: 5, 1;
    offset: max(eval(10 + (prop("width") * 0.5) + (prop("width", "default") * 0.5)), 10);

way[sidewalk=both][!"sidewalk:right"][!"sidewalk:both"]::sidewalks_right {
    set sidewalk-yes;
way[sidewalk=both][!"sidewalk:left"][!"sidewalk:both"]::sidewalks_left {
    set sidewalk-yes;

/* left and no mean no sidewalk on the right if sidewalk:right is not set. */
way[sidewalk=~/^(left)|(no)$/][!"sidewalk:right"][!"sidewalk:both"]::sidewalks_right {
    set sidewalk-no;
/* right and no mean no sidewalk on the left if sidewalk:left is not set. */
way[sidewalk=~/^(right)|(no)$/][!"sidewalk:left"][!"sidewalk:both"]::sidewalks_left {
    set sidewalk-no;

way[sidewalk=separate][!"sidewalk:right"][!"sidewalk:both"]::sidewalks_right {
    set sidewalk-separate;
way[sidewalk=separate][!"sidewalk:left"][!"sidewalk:both"]::sidewalks_left {
    set sidewalk-separate;

/* More specific values can override the general sidewalk=* tag. */

way["sidewalk:both"=yes][!"sidewalk:left"]::sidewalks_left {
   set sidewalk-yes;
way["sidewalk:both"=yes][!"sidewalk:right"]::sidewalks_right {
   set sidewalk-yes;

way["sidewalk:both"=no][!"sidewalk:left"]::sidewalks_left {
   set sidewalk-no;
way["sidewalk:both"=no][!"sidewalk:right"]::sidewalks_right {
   set sidewalk-no;

way["sidewalk:both"=separate][!"sidewalk:left"]::sidewalks_left {
   set sidewalk-separate;
way["sidewalk:both"=separate][!"sidewalk:right"]::sidewalks_right {
   set sidewalk-separate;

/* sidewalk:left and sidewalk:right are more specific than sidewalk:both, so they override previous values. */

way["sidewalk:left"=yes]::sidewalks_left {
   set sidewalk-yes;
way["sidewalk:right"=yes]::sidewalks_right {
   set sidewalk-yes;

way["sidewalk:left"=no]::sidewalks_left {
   set sidewalk-no;
way["sidewalk:right"=no]::sidewalks_right {
   set sidewalk-no;

way["sidewalk:left"=separate]::sidewalks_left {
   set sidewalk-separate;
way["sidewalk:right"=separate]::sidewalks_right {
   set sidewalk-separate;

/* Styling. */

way.sidewalk-yes::sidewalks_left {
    color: #00cc00;
way.sidewalk-yes::sidewalks_right {
    color: #00cc00;

way.sidewalk-separate::sidewalks_left {
    color: #00aa00;
    dashes: 5, 10;
    opacity: 0.7;
way.sidewalk-separate::sidewalks_right {
    color: #00aa00;
    dashes: 5, 10;
    opacity: 0.7;

way.sidewalk-no::sidewalks_left {
    color: #ff0000;
    opacity: 0.5;
way.sidewalk-no::sidewalks_right {
    color: #ff0000;
    opacity: 0.5;

/* Values of kerb=* when used on nodes part of a way. */

node|z-21[kerb][setting("show_kerb")] {
    symbol-shape: circle;
    symbol-fill-color: #636363;
    symbol-size: 10;
    symbol-stroke-width: 1;
    symbol-stroke-color: #d3d3d3;
node|z-19[kerb][setting("show_kerb")] {
    symbol-shape: square;
    symbol-size: 4;
    symbol-stroke-width: 0;
node|z-21[kerb=raised][setting("show_kerb")] {
    symbol-fill-color: #933434;
    symbol-stroke-color: #e8bfbf;
node|z-21[kerb=lowered][setting("show_kerb")] {
    symbol-fill-color: #34938a;
    symbol-stroke-color: #bfe8e5;
node|z-21[kerb=rolled][setting("show_kerb")] {
    symbol-fill-color: #935c34;
    symbol-stroke-color: #e8d0bf;
node|z-21[kerb=flush][setting("show_kerb")] {
    symbol-fill-color: #349340;
    symbol-stroke-color: #bfe8c4;
node|z-21[kerb=yes][setting("show_kerb")] {
    symbol-fill-color: #848484;
    symbol-stroke-color: #f0f0f0;
node|z-21[kerb=no][setting("show_kerb")] {
    symbol-fill-color: #363636;
    symbol-stroke-color: #adadad;

node|z21-[kerb][setting("show_kerb")] {
    icon-image: kerb-other.svg;
node|z22-[kerb][setting("show_kerb")] {
    icon-width: 32;
node|z21-[kerb=raised][setting("show_kerb")] {
    icon-image: kerb-raised.svg;
node|z21-[kerb=lowered][setting("show_kerb")] {
    icon-image: kerb-lowered.svg;
node|z21-[kerb=rolled][setting("show_kerb")] {
    icon-image: kerb-rolled.svg;
node|z21-[kerb=flush][setting("show_kerb")] {
    icon-image: kerb-flush.svg;
node|z21-[kerb=yes][setting("show_kerb")] {
    icon-image: kerb-yes.svg;
node|z21-[kerb=no][setting("show_kerb")] {
    icon-image: kerb-no.svg;

/* Styling of other related highways. */

way[highway=footway] {
    color: #00cc00;
    width: 1;

way[highway=footway][footway=sidewalk] {
    width: 3;

way[highway=pedestrian] {
    width: 5;

way[highway=footway][footway=crossing] {
    width: 3;
    color: #00aa80;
    dashes: 3, 6;
way|z19-[highway=footway][footway=crossing] {
    width: 2;
    color: #00aa80;
    dashes: none;
/* Don't show the dashes on the side for continous crossings, because there the road crosses the sidewalk, rather than the other way around. */
way|z19-[highway=footway][footway=crossing]["crossing:continuous"!=yes]::sidewalks_left {
    offset: 11.5;
    width: 2;
    color: #00aa80;
    dashes: 5;
way|z19-[highway=footway][footway=crossing]["crossing:continuous"!=yes]::sidewalks_right {
    offset: -11.5;
    width: 2;
    color: #00aa80;
    dashes: 5;

way[highway=footway][footway=traffic_island] {
    width: 3;
    color: #00aa80;
way|z19-[highway=footway][footway=traffic_island] {
    width: 2;
    color: #00aa80;
way|z19-[highway=footway][footway=traffic_island]::sidewalks_left {
    offset: 10;
    width: 5;
    color: #00aa80;
    dashes: 5;
way|z19-[highway=footway][footway=traffic_island]::sidewalks_right {
    offset: -10;
    width: 5;
    color: #00aa80;
    dashes: 5;

way[highway=footway][footway=link] {
    width: 3;
    color: #69aa00;
    dashes: 2, 4;

way[highway=footway][footway=access] {
    width: 2;
    dashes: 5, 10;

    highway=crossing, minimal extensions.

node|z21-[highway=crossing]["crossing:continuous"=yes]::crossing_bg {
    symbol-shape: hexagon;
    symbol-fill-color: none;
    symbol-size: 40;
    symbol-stroke-width: 2;
    symbol-stroke-color: #00aa80;
    object-z-index: -0.9;

    tactile paving.

way[tactile_paving=partial]::tactile_paving_bg {
    set has-tactile-paving;

way[setting("highlight_tactile_paving")].has-tactile-paving::tactile_paving_bg {
    width: 7;
    color: white;
    opacity: 0.8;
    object-z-index: -0.8;

way[highway=pedestrian][setting("highlight_tactile_paving")].has-tactile-paving::tactile_paving_bg {
    width: 9;

    Highlight walking routes.

relation[type=route][route=foot] > way[setting("highlight_routes")]::walking_route_bg, 
relation[type=route][route=hiking] > way[setting("highlight_routes")]::walking_route_bg {
    width: 20;
    opacity: 0.3;
    color: #b4ffad;
    object-z-index: -1.0;

relation[type=route][route=foot]["network:type"=node_network] > way[setting("highlight_routes")]::walking_route_bg, 
relation[type=route][route=hiking]["network:type"=node_network] > way[setting("highlight_routes")]::walking_route_bg {
    width: 20;
    opacity: 0.3;
    color: #adb8ff;
    object-z-index: -1.0;

/* For rwn node networks show the node number. */
relation[type=network]["network:type"=node_network] > node[rwn_ref][setting("highlight_rwn_nodes")]::walking_route_fg {
    symbol-shape: circle;
    symbol-fill-color: #ffffff;
    symbol-size: 40;
    symbol-stroke-width: 2;
    symbol-stroke-color: #555555;
    text: "rwn_ref";
    /* Scale the text based on the length of the node reference. These tend to be short (between 1 and 4 characters), but longer ones should render nicely too. */
    font-size: eval(18 - max(min(length(tag("rwn_ref")), 6), 2) * 1.3);
    text-anchor-horizontal: center;
    text-anchor-vertical: center;
    text-color: #000000;
    /* The halo is for longer node references: they will overlap with the circle but remain legible. */
    text-halo-color: #ffffff;
    text-halo-radius: 2;
    major-z-index: 5.0;

    Make ways with no pedestrian access translucent. this makes it easier to focus on the ways that do permit pedestrians, 
    and shows whether or not pedestrian access is allowed at a glance.

    `highway=motorway`, `highway=motorway_link`, and `highway=busway` imply `foot=no`. for `highway=trunk` and `highway=trunk_link`
    this may be locale dependent. For this reason this style inlcudes a setting which can configure behaviour for the latter.

way[foot=designated] {
    /* This overrides access=* below. */
    set foot-has-access;

way[motorroad=yes][setting("no_foot_translucent")]!.foot-has-access::core_motorroad {
    /* Motorroad casing is in a separate layer. */
    opacity: 0.3;

way[foot=no][setting("no_foot_translucent")] {
    width: max(prop("width"), 1);
    opacity: 0.3;

way[foot=no][setting("no_foot_translucent")]::core_access {
    /* ::core_access is the layer used for access restrictions in JOSM default. */
    opacity: 0.3;


Last modified 14 months ago Last modified on 2023-12-17T13:02:30+01:00

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