Custom Query (79 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#8820 Tabular edit of name tags new matrix tag edit team enhancement major
#12630 IllegalStateException: Tag collection does not include the selected value new template_report conflict tag merge team defect major
#18992 Tagging Preset: No information exchange between linked presets new template_report tagging preset link team defect major
#21221 Relation editor: Preset link: DataIntegrityProblemException: Primitive must be part of the dataset while editing a relation new template_report data consistency relation editor tagging preset validate async regression team defect major
#24028 Upload dialog should preserve all changset's tags if an open changset is the target new template_report upload tag open changeset team defect major
#4615 conflict manager: tags: provide buttons use all my/their tags new conflict manager tag button team enhancement normal
#6864 Can't "download along" a pure waypoints gpx file / marker layer / geotagged images layer new waypoint gpx marker download geotagged enhancement normal
#7513 [Patch] Warn non-experts when combining ways with conflicting tags or ways being part of relations reopened combine conflict tag membership team enhancement normal
#9679 [Incomplete Patch] Validator complains about key: *:lanes:conditional (etc.) reopened conditional lanes-tagging team defect normal
#10056 support to include chunks from default preset in external presets new chunk external tagging preset team enhancement normal
#11045 New optional parameters to "import" remote control handler for tag replacement and OSM API download new import tag replacement download team enhancement normal
#11910 [Patch in discussion] Adding imagery_used to changeset tags new changeset tags team enhancement normal
#12613 Show preview image in the geotagging Plugin new photo_geotagging EXIF team enhancement normal
#12625 Propose to merge multipolygon tags into polygon tags when taking an outer polygon off the relation new multipolygon outer split merge helper tag team enhancement normal
#12716 <preset_link>: prefer target in current source, then search in defaultpresets, then search in other external presets new template_report tagging preset link team defect normal
#13651 conditional tag: False warning with complex opening_hours values in combination with AND new template_report conditional tag team defect normal
#14934 Interface improvement for `destination` tags and all other semicolon-separated list values new list tag semicolon GUI combobox team enhancement normal
#15007 Tagging preset: check and set key/value for more then one kv. new tagging preset multiple tags checkbox team enhancement normal
#16061 GeoBretagne orthophotos assigned france geobretagne Stereo task normal
#16112 improve relation member handling / consistency map, tags window and relation editor new relation editor tags window team defect normal
#16395 Warning/test for possible wrong lanes count reopened oneway lanes lanes-tagging team enhancement normal
#17172 [WIP PATCH] turn:lanes and lanes should match new mapcss lanes lanes-tagging team enhancement normal
#17243 Add checked validator keys/tags to Taginfo? new taginfo team enhancement normal
#17998 check for correct value of access new access value lanes-tagging team enhancement normal
#18019 [Patch] Creating a multipolygon is wrongly moving highway=* to the relation assigned multipolygon create move tags GerdP enhancement normal
#18380 [RFC] Add implied tags to presets new implies, implied, tags, presets, tag, preset team enhancement normal
#18415 interpret things like change:lanes=no as 0 lanes for the validator new lanes-tagging change team enhancement normal
#18488 Lane count validation new lanes lanes-tagging team enhancement normal
#18592 Tags/Memberships toggle dialog: enable opening several relation editor dialog simultaneously new template_report Tags Memberships relation editor team enhancement normal
#18597 Combine Way does not generate conflict when joining maxspeed with maxspeed:forward in expert mode new combine conflict tag expert team defect normal
#18648 combine objects: tag conflict: no warning for equal values which should be summed up new template_report tag conflict sum combine object team defect normal
#18650 combine objects: tag conflict: support more keys with option to sum up values new template_report combine object tag conflict sum team enhancement normal
#18664 avoid the need to add quotes manually for copy/paste new template_report copy tag quote team enhancement normal
#18675 Join Areas: Tags and Membership from uninvolved objects copied new template_report join area tag membership team defect normal
#18898 Add Tag: clicking on key/value combination just added in the action does not fill key text field new template_report add_tag key team defect normal
#19023 Tagging presets preferences: Several usability issues new template_report tagging preset preferences team enhancement normal
#19090 Recently added tags: Separate number of displayed items and lenght of list new template_report recently added tags team enhancement normal
#19093 Warn about "destination" with "turn:lanes" new template_report lanes-tagging turn_lanes destination team enhancement normal
#19095 Warning about "*:lanes=*" tagging without "oneway=yes" new lanes-tagging forward backward team enhancement normal
#19190 Option to set and call variables in tagging presets and validator rules new variable tagging preset rule team enhancement normal
#19472 Tagging preset: Column width as option for checkgroup new template_report tagging preset checkgroup column width team enhancement normal
#19481 Add own autocomplete to changeset tag table new changeset tag autocomplete team enhancement normal
#19511 Support of complete tag in fixChange and FixRemove new template_report tag fixChange fixRemove team enhancement normal
#19594 [Patch] converting to multipolygon too aggressive assigned multipolygon create move tags GerdP defect normal
#19649 Specify key name in Number of lanes greater than *:lanes new template_report lanes-tagging team enhancement normal
#19653 Find more conflicting keys in lanes-tagging new template_report lanes-tagging conflicting keys team enhancement normal
#20688 Tagging Presets Preferences: Own tab for preferences settings (check boxes) new template_report preferences tab tagging presets team enhancement normal
#20809 Tags/Memberships panel: Search for "Key/Value(/Type)" with multiple tags selected new template_report tags memberships panel search key value team enhancement normal
#20861 Tagging preset: "value_template" always overwrites value without strong indication and without option to disable. new template_report tagging preset value_template team defect normal
#20866 amenity=parking icon not displayed in latest tags when adding it to area new template_report add tag icon team enhancement normal
#20966 ReplaceGeometry on tagged nodes new replace geometry way node tag team enhancement normal
#21207 Tagging presets: Align text behind icons and center icons new template_report tagging preset align center icon team enhancement normal
#21228 More flexible tagging preset dialogs new tagging presets team enhancement normal
#21526 Loosing values pasting "Copy all/selected Keys/Values" with key with multiple values new template_report paste tag conflict team defect normal
#21576 Please add support for the species:wikidata=* key, as it is implemented in the iD new wikidata, additional functions, mapping, tag floscher enhancement normal
#21654 DataIntegrityProblemException: Primitive must be part of the dataset: {Node) while editing restaurant with preset needinfo template_report tagging preset validate async andre-sa defect normal
#21691 Group inside group not properly allocated within the menu new template_report external tagging preset team enhancement normal
#21829 [Possible PATCH] F3 produces " Primitive must be part of the dataset" new template_report tagging preset validate async team defect normal
#21917 'except' tag in the turnrestrictions plugin new template_report except tag undocumented team defect normal
#22049 multiselect field emptied after new dialog opened new tagging preset multiselect icon preset link team defect normal
#22322 [Patch] Add tag list popup menu actions to create filters for selected tags new tag, filter, selection team enhancement normal
#22350 [TaggingPreset] Add some values for "match" attribute to determine negative results of matching new tagging preset match team enhancement normal
#22355 Some ideas to improve Tags/Membership window and "add tag"/"change tag" dialogue new improve Tags/Membership window team enhancement normal
#22423 [Patch] Do not mix capital/lowerkey letter keys in Tags/Memberships window reopened sort keys Tags/memberships panel team defect normal
#22605 No indication of and no option to delete automatically added CS-tag "hashtag" new template_report changeset tag hashtag team defect normal
#22633 Check tag with multiple values on power lines when changing direction of way new power line multiple voltage wire team enhancement normal
#22639 False validator warning "voltage:* without transformer" new power transformer voltage team defect normal
#22664 [PATCH] Make tagging presets more flexible new tagging preset team enhancement normal
#22781 Warning for highway and layer combination new tag_combination layer highway team enhancement normal
#22800 Align Nodes in Circle: Keep position of nodes with tags or membership new template_report align node circle tag team enhancement normal
#23248 automatically tag a changeset revert new tags, revert, changeset Upliner enhancement normal
#23865 Problem with the regions validator (false positive) if there are duplicate presets (like one for inside the US and Canada and one for outside the US and Canada) new vespucci regions tagging preset team enhancement normal
#23984 Convert from GPX to OSMdata file not support gpx:extension: new gpx tags hr temp cad team defect normal
#3757 audio play head jumps to start of the track new audio geotagged images sync team defect minor
#8448 Tag editor: "short cuts" for tag combinations new tag editor team enhancement minor
#10098 adding a new tag with a already existing key makes you loose your value if you do not overwrite reopened tag team enhancement minor
#18352 add tag dialog: prevent window size to be bigger than screen new template_report expert mode add tag dialog recent window size team enhancement minor
#20834 Merge "Copy all Keys/Values" and utilsplugin2's "Copy Tags" new copy tags action team enhancement minor
#24060 Enhancements for "Tag multiple objects" feature in UtilsPlugin2 new Tag multiple objects team enhancement minor
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.