Custom Query (90 matches)


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Status: closed (90 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#13800 Validation not possible - IllegalArgumentException team defect blocker Core validator latest
#13636 panning is very slow at high zoom <1m michael2402 defect critical Core mappaint
#13632 Unit tests hanging on Jenkins team defect major Unit tests
#13644 complete freeze on startup opening or new layer creation team defect major Core latest
#13870 Partial regex in the search field causes exception team defect major Core
#6649 open conflict toggle dialog after creating conflict with relation manager team enhancement normal Core
#6664 Josm config files should be in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME instead of ~/.josm team enhancement normal Core
#10260 warning on reversing ways with direction-dependent nodes team enhancement normal Core
#11010 Wrong order of objects uploaded team defect normal Core latest
#11072 Sort validator warnings team enhancement normal Core validator
#11975 [Patch] Support Extended Overpass Turbo Queries simon04 enhancement normal Core
#12030 [Patch] ConcurrentModificationException in findShortcut team defect normal Core latest
#13086 [Patch] Detect all self-intersecting ways (multipolygons, less common tags, etc.) team enhancement normal Core validator
#13094 [PATCH] SimplifyWayAction for first node of closed way team enhancement normal Core
#13289 [Patch] Improve MultipolygonBuilder team enhancement normal Core validator
#13320 use restart text and icon in unsaved changes dialog team enhancement normal Core restart
#13414 [Patch] Allow non-default file formats with native file chooser team defect normal Core
#13515 Add building=ruins and natural=shingle Klumbumbus enhancement normal Internal preset
#13516 Layers dialog buttons remains enabled even if no layer is selected team defect normal Core
#13536 associatedStreet: role verification: Do not warn about incomplete member type relation team defect normal Core validator latest
#13554 Allow multipolygon as member street team defect normal Core validator
#13564 JOSM remote control crash team defect normal Core remotecontrol tested
#13570 [Patch] Coastline validator doesn't report some problems and is slow team defect normal Core validator
#13581 10966 has forgotten GPX-Colours from previous tested team defect normal Core tested
#13591 [Patch] Change in multipolygon is not recognized by MultipolygonCache team defect normal Core
#13643 NoSuchElementException in DuplicateNode.isFixable team defect normal Core validator
#13646 NPE at LayerPositionStrategy when inserting a node from Clipboard team defect normal Core
#13653 defaultpresets.xml => item name="Emergency Access Point" team defect normal Internal preset latest
#13663 Two data layers with the same name (counting starts from 1 again in an saved session file) team defect normal Core
#13664 Open selected note in an external browser simon04 enhancement normal Core notes
#13668 [Patch] Simplify ImageEntry#extractExif? holgermappt enhancement normal Core image mapping
#13674 Possible enhancement in coordinates when adding/moving a node team enhancement normal Core
#13680 Check for golf=bunker && natural=beach team enhancement normal Core validator
#13682 Discard converted_by? naoliv enhancement normal Core
#13687 [Patch] Use CachedFile class for /data/help-browser.css in HelpBrowser class team enhancement normal Core tested
#13703 enable mouse wheel scrolling to move layer visibility sliders team enhancement normal Core latest
#13709 copyright is missing at the map in the history dialog team defect normal Core
#13717 [Patch] GPX->OSM: convert additional gpx-tags simon04 enhancement normal Core
#13727 test waterway together with bridge gives false positive on waterway=weir team defect normal Core validator
#13729 Error when trying to open corrupted Vespucci state file team defect normal Core
#13743 [Patch] Draw segment order numbers on selected way simon04 enhancement normal Core
#13745 [Patch] Changeset manager: allow to download objects from a changeset simon04 enhancement normal Core
#13746 validator - "highway together with highway" team defect normal Core validator tested
#13748 focus in the "coordinates" field when adding a node team enhancement normal Core tested
#13749 Opening individual tracks from<Username>/traces/ team enhancement normal Core
#13752 warn about housenames looking like housenumbers team enhancement normal Core validator
#13762 SEVERE: Cannot add MapCss rule: Cannot add instruction title team defect normal Core validator
#13763 ImproveWayAccuracy sometimes creates way with 1 node simon04 defect normal Core
#13766 [PATCH] Disable the JosmAction Orthogonalize.Undo when nothing is selected team defect normal Core latest
#13767 Asynchronous initializations for more reactive UI simon04 enhancement normal Core
#13778 Not displaying some lower layers where there are no tiles in the upper imagery layer team defect normal Core imagery
#13779 EDT violation detected team defect normal Core
#13786 NPE in TMSCachedTileLoader.<init> (Read-only file system) wiktorn defect normal Core imagery
#13793 Moving dashes when panning team defect normal Core mappaint
#13795 Can't flush cache with local TMS layer wiktorn enhancement normal Core imagery
#13798 regression: groups in validator don't work anymore team defect normal Core
#13799 Use builder pattern for TestError simon04 enhancement normal Core
#13804 a bit more grouping in the validator tree Klumbumbus enhancement normal Core validator
#13807 regression: zoom to problem doesn't work anymore team defect normal Core
#13808 regression: shortcuts are broken team defect normal Core shortcuts
#13823 patch defaultpreset: emergency=defibrillator add recommendet tags from the wiki team enhancement normal Internal preset latest
#13824 Add leisure=horse_riding to presets for sport=equestrian/horse_racing (?) team enhancement normal Internal preset tested
#13826 AIOOBE at AddTagsDialog$2.getToolTipText team defect normal Core remotecontrol
#13827 Exporting geojson crashes josm team defect normal Core
#13828 attempted to open imagegeocentre imagery into Task 43 of 2102 - Suna East, Kenya team defect normal Core imagery
#13841 [patch] Exclude `railway=razed` from crossing ways test team defect normal Core validator
#13851 missing copyright text at the minimap in imagery preferences team defect normal Core
#13857 AddImageryLayerActionTest#testEnabledState broken wiktorn defect normal Core
#13859 NPE - Imagery offset team defect normal Core imagery latest
#13864 JOSM-Absturz bei "Punkte in einer Gerade anordnen" letihu@… defect normal Core
#13868 Unexpected exception after cancelling WMTS imagery selection wiktorn defect normal Core latest
#13869 statusline longitude and latitude icons are mixed up team defect normal Core tested
#13872 Optionally allow OAuth signing of all API requests team enhancement normal Core
#13873 Bug report dialog does not fit in 1366x768 resolution team defect normal Core bugreport
#13875 Possible wrong warning in route=bicycle team defect normal Core validator
#13880 [PATCH] AbstractTileSourceLayer: Allow additional layer context menu entries team enhancement normal Core imagery latest
#13881 Should not allow to add empty entries in TagChecker team defect normal Core
#13907 [Patch] Memory Error opening big OSM file team defect normal Core latest
#13916 Imagery attributes ignored for wms added from wms_endpoint imagery entry team defect normal Core
#13923 [Patch] Select the relation instead open ends with "Multipolygon is not closed" team enhancement normal Core validator
#13510 View menu items are not disabled after last OSM data layer was removed team defect minor Core
#13574 Waypoint labelling "None" doesn't work team defect minor Core latest
#13597 No such function prettifyValue in OpeningHourTest team defect minor Core validator latest
#13609 --version is too verbose team defect minor Core
#13630 IllegalArgumentException: Unexpected '=' in validation team defect minor Core validator
#13744 IllegalArgumentException when removing reordered ValidatorLayer team defect minor Core
#13850 [Patch] Exceptions handled via BugReport are no longer written to the console michael2402 defect minor Core
#13888 After clicking OK when adjusting imagery offset the imagery keeps moving. team defect minor Core tested
#13899 EDT violation in SaveLayersDialog via PluginHandler simon04 defect minor Core
#13785 [patch] refactoring bits to use streams + unit tests associated team enhancement trivial Core latest
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