15 years |
bastiK |
i18n update
15 years |
bastiK |
applied #4641 - projection change for the French Cadastre (patch by pieren)
15 years |
jttt |
Added mappaint performance test
15 years |
jttt |
Different fix for #4815 - having bbox in each instance of Node would …
15 years |
bastiK |
change tagged node color in wire frame view
15 years |
bastiK |
fixed #4820 (change node paint style like in [3159], but for wireframeview)
15 years |
bastiK |
fixed #4815 (after [3154] you cannot remove a node from quadbuckets if …
15 years |
jttt |
Add check-plugins target to build.xml. It will download plugins and …
15 years |
stoecker |
i18n update
15 years |
bastiK |
i18n update
15 years |
bastiK |
fixed #2801 - Display junction nodes with a different style à la Potlatch
15 years |
jttt |
Use simple casting instead of Math.floor(). Should do the same thing …
15 years |
jttt |
Keep size in QuadBuckets instead of calculating it on demand
15 years |
jttt |
Fix NPE in case SplitWayAction show message dialog
15 years |
jttt |
Check for relations without physical members in Relation.getBBox()
15 years |
jttt |
Use positional search in QuadBuckets.contains() and remove()
15 years |
jttt |
Return copy of bbox in Way.getBBox (to make sure internal copy won't …
15 years |
Gubaer |
SplitWayAction slightly refactored, going to need this somewhere else
15 years |
jttt |
QuadBuckets.search - use only one list instead of creating and copying …
15 years |
jttt |
Split QBLevel only once in QuadBuckets, simplified add operation
15 years |
jttt |
Do not allow zero length arrays for OsmPrimitive.keys
15 years |
jttt |
Fix compilation error
15 years |
jttt |
Use virtual collections for Dataset.all... methods
15 years |
jttt |
Use referrers when loading members of primitive in PropertiesDialog
15 years |
jttt |
Do not keep width at QBLevel, simplify QuadTilling.index
15 years |
jttt |
Fix #4740 Map view sometimes turns black
15 years |
bastiK |
limit the size of the undo stack
15 years |
bastiK |
see #4554 - Fixing duplicate nodes takes increasingly longer
15 years |
Gubaer |
small changes in tag editor panel
15 years |
jttt |
Fix #4597: search does not find id:0
15 years |
bastiK |
i18n update
15 years |
Gubaer |
15 years |
Gubaer |
added a few utility methods
15 years |
jttt |
Fix #4729 josm >= 3116 extremely slow and laggy
15 years |
Gubaer |
Added three getters for platform specific cut/copy/paste key strokes
15 years |
bastiK |
fixed #4606 - merging a new and an already existing node (better …
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #4371: Changeset comment reverts to previous when switching options
15 years |
Gubaer |
missing I18n added
15 years |
bastiK |
fixed: show version of installed plugin in the status report (and not …
15 years |
bastiK |
fixed #4679 - JOSM no longer finds plugins in /usr/share/josm/plugins
15 years |
jttt |
Memory optimizations
15 years |
jttt |
Different fix for #4728 - discard offscreen buffer for all layer in MapView
15 years |
jttt |
Fix #4728 display of gps-tracks (points, lines) does not refresh, cosmetics
15 years |
jttt |
Use QuadBuckets in SimplePaintVisitor
15 years |
jttt |
Fix #4723 Error on load, on zoom
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #4725: Much slower selection list handling since 3102
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #4725: Much slower selection list handling since 3102
Removed …
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #4673: I18n: motd in russian not displayed
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #4698: Link not works
15 years |
Gubaer |
applied #4716: patch by Claudius Henrichs: Upload summary page text is …
15 years |
jttt |
Cache offscreen buffer for GpxLayer
15 years |
jttt |
Handle changes in viewID in MapView instead of OsmDataLayer
15 years |
jttt |
Enable check for referenced deleted primitive by default
15 years |
jttt |
Reuse offscreenBuffer if layers didn't change
15 years |
Gubaer |
added Serializable on SimplePrimitiveId, going to need for DnD in a plugin
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #4719: Double click in selection list does not work anymore
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #4704: German hint not visibile on empty plugin list
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #4715: Typos in ExceptionUtil
15 years |
Gubaer |
applied #4708: patch by Claudius Henrichs: OAuth dialog default window …
15 years |
Gubaer |
see #4713: missing I18n
15 years |
Gubaer |
applied #4715: patch by mjulius: Typos in ExceptionUtil
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #4705: Exception when drawing a closed way
15 years |
jttt |
Fix #4624 Relations not rendered right away
15 years |
mjulius |
fix issue that when plugins are updated only the updated plugins are …
15 years |
Gubaer |
Removing @Overrides - got inserted too early and make troubles while …
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #4701: Tile download
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #4699: selectionlist gets out of sync
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #4651: Ability to download incomplete relation from selection …
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #4684: HTTP 408 gives coding error popup
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #4686: When editing tags in the relation editor <TAB> will …
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #4691: Exception when clicking 'Select'
15 years |
jttt |
Added handler for uncaught exception in modal dialogs
15 years |
jttt |
Fix #4652 Unexpected error when LiveGPS tracking is started
15 years |
bastiK |
i18n update
15 years |
jttt |
Changes in multipolygon handling (see #4661), cosmetics
15 years |
Gubaer |
Improved widget for selecting a bounding box based on a grid of OSM …
15 years |
Gubaer |
Ouch, shouldn't have removed getData(). Fixes the previous commit.
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #4681: Open Street Bug Plugin Crashed
15 years |
jttt |
Added ProGuard tool (see #4640)
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #4443: Plugins with known update site: Don't download unless a …
15 years |
mjulius |
In PurgePrimitivesCommand remove all instances of a node to be purged …
15 years |
Gubaer |
15 years |
mjulius |
see #4674 - NPE in ToggleDialog
now throws IllegalArgumentException …
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #4665: Plugin Local version lower Offer version
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #4670: Not Locilised #7
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #4660: Local plugin list does not display umlauts
Local cache …
15 years |
bastiK |
added svn:eol-style=native to source files
15 years |
stoecker |
enable translation for missing strings
15 years |
mjulius |
fixes #4666 - update data downloads unneeded ways outside download …
15 years |
mjulius |
see #4670 - Not Locilised #7
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #4668: Exception on deleting a way
15 years |
bastiK |
fixed #4593 - conflict list and header not updated right away after …
15 years |
bastiK |
fix version display after plugin update
15 years |
bastiK |
see #4565 - local version number lost, after update plugin list.
15 years |
jttt |
Remove unused class
15 years |
bastiK |
i18n update
15 years |
bastiK |
fixed: plugin version in status report is wrong. It should show the …
15 years |
mjulius |
fixes #4634 - Unable to download incomplete members of a new relation
15 years |
mjulius |
fixes #4648 - User panel not showing data when toggled from hidden to shown
15 years |
Gubaer |
Removing @deprecated support for former ugly hacks in the plugin …