Custom Query (1168 matches)


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Results (1101 - 1168 of 1168)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#4342 (Pseudo-) Error after update to JOSM 2561 from opensuse repo and plugins by automagic team defect minor Core
#4397 Failed to locate image team defect minor Core
#4605 JOSM opens multiple search dialogs when busy team defect minor Core
#4711 Open file names with comma in them team defect minor Core
#4841 Spurious preference: message..value team defect minor Core
#4939 On shortcut conflict it should choose an alternative that is not already taken team defect minor Core
#5077 can not select more than one object anymore. team defect minor Core
#5105 Better GPX track style customization team enhancement minor Core
#5279 after panning additionally downloaded raw gpx data only drawn after first click team defect minor Core
#5346 default line styles are switched team enhancement minor Internal mappaint style
#5371 the Validator critisize highway=unclassified team enhancement minor Core validator
#5649 New command to switch between actual and previous layer team enhancement minor Core
#5770 Download changeset team enhancement minor Core
#5801 Blink-Feature for Layers team enhancement minor Core
#5860 tiger:reviewed=no highlighting doesn't happen on "railway=spur" team defect minor Internal mappaint style
#6042 Provisioning of md5 (or sha1) for josm-latest/josm-tested files team enhancement minor unspecified
#6200 #7840981 (ещё редактируется) team defect minor Core
#6209 Please merge loading osm and gps data into one info-popup team enhancement minor Core
#6215 mismatch in version number team defect minor Core
#6287 Teg attach error team defect minor Core
#6722 First start of JOSM after reboot regularly crashes team defect minor Core
#7143 Erroneous styles in internal stylesheet team defect minor Internal mappaint style
#8199 Validator for surface and maxspeed team enhancement minor Core validator
#8231 Alternative turn restriction icons team enhancement minor Core
#8338 Color option for GPX tracks team enhancement minor Core
#8786 Russian translation: ambiguous preset translation pishisyda@… defect minor unspecified
#8826 Download Dialog: limit coordinates to useful values team enhancement minor Core
#8839 Illegal value for attribute 'version' on OSM primitive with ID 579259. Got -1. (at line 4, column 113) team defect minor Core
#9589 Filter does not show new nodes if merged with old nodes. team defect minor Core
#9855 Print (output) table of active shortcuts team enhancement minor Core
#11542 please add sanity checking for key:location values team enhancement minor Core validator
#14991 Allow drawing nodes in "Lasso form" team enhancement minor Core
#15117 natural=scrub validation issues team enhancement minor Core validator
#15260 converting gpx layer to osm data layer results in empty file team defect minor Core
#15812 Aerial imagery might not be aligned warning shown again despite checkbox team defect minor Core imagery
#15937 Cannot start JOSM and then load a previously georeferenced image jidanni defect minor Plugin piclayer
#17148 komische Menütexte in Deutsch "lade Daten herunter" statt "Daten herunterladen" etc. Hb--- defect minor unspecified
#18179 Text fields act weirdly team defect minor Core
#18417 Display object IDs when file information is incomplete dieterdreist enhancement minor Core
#19205 Information popup that asks the user a question but only has OK as option anonymous enhancement minor Core
#19233 Add the "reset" button to the sat image offset settings window. team enhancement minor Core imagery
#19537 Searchable list of available background layers PHerison enhancement minor Core
#19689 OS detection: Linux Mint josm.sanspourriel enhancement minor Core
#23542 User defined presets allie@… enhancement minor Core
#23562 Certain overpass commands throw an exception team defect minor Core
#1414 Checkboxes framm defect trivial Core
#1443 Relation editor: typo framm defect trivial Core
#1678 start page shows the contents twice! framm defect trivial unspecified
#1680 initial news layer receiving events framm defect trivial Core
#2363 crash after customizing tool bar team defect trivial Internal preset
#2546 gettext-commons 0.9.6 changes andreas@… defect trivial Core
#2831 Corrupted preferences on JOSM? team defect trivial Core
#3332 add key/Tag opening_hours ce enhancement trivial Internal preset
#4952 Suggestions for Startpage of JOSM team enhancement trivial unspecified
#5082 JOSM installer version 3208 anonymous defect trivial Installer Windows
#5610 too much autocompletion in JOSM search team defect trivial Core
#6693 Some Plugins didn't get updated after recent i18n fixes team defect trivial Plugin
#7378 no zoom Cottaer defect trivial Core
#9003 Select all the points on a way team enhancement trivial Plugin utilsplugin2
#14743 Advanced Preferences wasteful abbreviations team enhancement trivial Core
#14874 Cannot see changes that are to be uploaded if offline team enhancement trivial Core
#14879 Search message disappears before anybody can read it -- set minimum time of life for fleeting items jidanni enhancement trivial Core
#15052 Mention that Search results are Selected team enhancement trivial Core
#15921 Document that one can reposition 1, 2, and 3 at any time jidanni task trivial Plugin piclayer
#15957 Update Help/Menu/Imagery#Caching offline strategy discussion team enhancement trivial Wiki content
#15976 Add mouseover documenting "load all tiles" team enhancement trivial Core imagery
#19657 Make possible to copy layer names team enhancement trivial Core
#22644 [Question]/[Idea] JOSM export rendered preview as image file team enhancement trivial Core
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.