Custom Query (177 matches)


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Results (101 - 177 of 177)

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Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#19470 History browser: retain selection after (re)loading of history new history reset reload selection team defect normal
#19478 Possibility to customize the toolbar more than now new toolbar position touchscreen size team enhancement normal
#19481 Add own autocomplete to changeset tag table new changeset tag autocomplete team enhancement normal
#19504 Better documentation of mapcss validator rules syntax new mapcss validator rules team enhancement normal
#19567 When restoring an auto-saved data layer, keep the file around new autosave team enhancement normal
#19616 Better handling of zero-width space (\u200b) in URL new validator, url team enhancement normal
#19634 Refactor / rewrite WayConnectionTypeCalculator? new relation editor connectivity team enhancement normal
#19666 GPXSettingsPanel should leverage IPreferences new gpx preference refactoring team enhancement normal
#19748 Risky autofix: Incorrect roundabout (highway: primary instead of {trunk/motorway}) new template_report roundabout trunk motorway team defect normal
#19874 Add read/write support for TopoJSON format new TopoJSON team enhancement normal
#20020 Support vehicle and motor_vehicle access tags on highways new template_report access vehicle motor_vehicle team enhancement normal
#20044 Relation editor: Exceptions with preset links in presets new template_report relation editor preset link team defect normal
#20232 Relation editor: Make left toolbar user configurable new template_report relation editor toolbar team enhancement normal
#20242 Validator: False positive for first/last stop does not match first/last way with roundtrip new template_report validator roundtrip first last stop Biswesh defect normal
#20256 False positives of some validator rules caused by incomplete data new template_report validator download area incomplete Biswesh defect normal
#20383 Shorten middle mouse button displayed context new template_report middle mouse button team enhancement normal
#20410 Hidden Layer visible with focus in relation editor dialog new template_report hidden layer relation editor Biswesh defect normal
#20461 maximize the before-upload validator windows new validator team enhancement normal
#20568 potentially wrong validator warnings on PTv2 relations for first/last segments of bus routes new validator route last first stop Biswesh defect normal
#20689 Validator Preferences: Own tab for settings new preferences validator team enhancement normal
#20763 "Empty" indicator in data layer when layer contains data new layer state indicator team defect normal
#20786 Relation Editor: Display more (useful) information in window title new template_report relation editor header title name team enhancement normal
#20872 Compare coordinates with Wikidata new validator floscher enhancement normal
#20879 History browser: which version changed a tag (git blame)? reopened history version simon04 enhancement normal
#21001 Relation editor: Select previous/next gap: Ignore adjacent incomplete members new template_report relation editor select gap incomplete members team enhancement normal
#21013 Customize track drawing dialog needs scrollbar new template_report gpx customize drawing scrollbar team defect normal
#21087 Dialogs for adding custom imagery need scrollbar new scrollbar add custom imagery team defect normal
#21173 [WIP patch] Improve historic=ruins preset new historic ruins team enhancement normal
#21211 Missing warnings in modifying partial downloaded data with some tools (e.g. splitting ways) new gui tools warnings team defect normal
#21227 [WIP PATCH] Too many autocomplete suggestions for roles in relation editor new template_report role autocompletion filter relation editor team enhancement normal
#21262 The imagery toolbar buttons periodically disappear new template_report toolbar team defect normal
#21318 MVT style drops data when two points have same coordinates new mvt mapbox vector tile team defect normal
#21362 better navigation of change history new template_report history browser team defect normal
#21384 sort/propose prefills on upload box for last used, not alphabetical new template_report upload auto-completion regression team defect normal
#21390 Odd word wrap in tooltip new template_report upload tooltip wrap team defect normal
#21399 Check for valid secondary tags of power plant and generator new power plant generator source method output team enhancement normal
#21468 Add red;white preset colour value to power towers new power tower colour team enhancement normal
#21563 Opening history of relation with high version number leads to exceeding OSM bandwidth limit new template_report history error 509 bandwidth limit download team defect normal
#21636 Validator should give warning for leisure=horse_riding without name new validator horse_riding team enhancement normal
#21808 OSM Inspector / JOSM layer new template_report OSM Inspector team defect normal
#21821 allow to call external validator from JOSM new external,validation,validator,plugin team enhancement normal
#21891 Support for stops.txt from GTFS data new template_report public_transport GTFS stops.txt Don-vip enhancement normal
#21944 [Patch] Add 'replace member(s) with selected object(s)' button to relation editor new relation, editor, gui, replace team enhancement normal
#21971 Command stack for relation editor new template_report relation editor undo command stack team enhancement normal
#22020 [WIP PATCH] Mac OS X > arrow keys cannot be used to move the downloaded map new pijltjestoetsen macos team defect normal
#22308 [Patch] Add option to toggle layer read-only status to popup menu needinfo layer, state, read-only, toggle, lock, locked Woazboat enhancement normal
#22346 ToggleDialog: fix maximum height new toggle dialog maximum height team enhancement normal
#22382 restore after crash is not restoring the session new restore session team enhancement normal
#22452 JOSM on Microsoft Store new microsoft store team defect normal
#22596 [Patch] Elevation at current map location / Automatic download of SRTM HGT files new elevation, SRTM HGT, current map location, automatic download team enhancement normal
#22659 The "Jump to position" tool does not refresh after first use needinfo jump to position URL severin.menard defect normal
#22665 Conflict resolver has my/theirs wrongly assigned new relation editor conflict version name team defect normal
#22677 [PATCH][RFC] Give hints as to what tags are being matched (was remove man_made=communications_tower) needinfo communications_tower SherbetS enhancement normal
#22874 Jump To Position dialog - missing/incorrect label new JumpToPosition team defect normal
#22916 NPE at org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.dialogs.relation.GenericRelationEditor.updateOkPanel after uploading changes new template_report upload relation editor team defect normal
#22927 Super routes members are not sorted new template_report relation_editor superroute team defect normal
#22971 min-josm-version ignored for validator rules new template_report min-josm-version validator meta team defect normal
#23168 Autosave layers in a more automatic way or make deleting of the workin layers more difficult needinfo autosave agvg enhancement normal
#23229 JOSM-mapcss Limited Parent - Child selectors for nodes with OSM hierarchy relation, way, node new mapcss parent child selector team enhancement normal
#23282 History browser: Offer different color schemes new history gutter colorscale team enhancement normal
#23379 The edit-relation screen looses changes new relation editor textbox save team defect normal
#23382 History dialog doesn't show changes from imported OSC file assigned template_report history taylor.smock defect normal
#23549 I cannot find any information (documentation, manual) on how to use this plugin! new manual, howto, documentation taylor.smock task normal
#23773 Missing icons and toolbar actions without name new template_report icon toolbar action name double-m defect normal
#23940 History Dialog: No new version listed if the object is deleted new template_report history version deleted state team defect normal
#8448 Tag editor: "short cuts" for tag combinations new tag editor team enhancement minor
#8844 "Toggle panels" action move displayed map about 1 pixel new tab toggle panels team defect minor
#19503 Rules validation throws exception instead or warning new template_report rules validator mapcss team defect minor
#20380 Toolbar buttons for easypreset-created presets are disabled until you once enter toolbar editing settings panel new toolbar preset easypreset button github maripogoda defect minor
#21681 Icon with more contrast/colors needed for man_made=tower in default preset and style new tower icon visibility team enhancement minor
#22535 Huge button to dock the image viewer new template_report viewer button size team defect minor
#22591 Center text in raised layer button in image viewer new template_report layer button text team enhancement minor
#23213 UI: Add buttons to enable/disable all validator tests new template_report UI validator tests team enhancement minor
#23644 validator suggests suspicious replacement new template_report communications_tower tower mast height team defect minor
#10004 Treat highway=* + area=yes similar to roundabouts in the relation editor. new relation editor connectivity team enhancement trivial
#19529 Download Dialog: Tile numbers: Button offset new template_report download dialog tile numbers button team defect trivial
#20481 just an idea: 'undo' versus 'restore to' new Command Stack,undo,restore team enhancement trivial
1 2
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.