Custom Query (11427 matches)


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Results (1001 - 1100 of 11427)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#2741 exception after inserting a local WMS server in WMS plugin configuration team defect major Core imagery
#2744 Can' t download data: no protocol: / anonymous defect major Core
#2747 josm hangs when russian chars are input into changeset summary field team defect major Core
#2748 I tried to upload a road with about 100 nodes. I got a message "An unexpected exception occurred. This is always a coding error. ..." Gubaer defect major Core
#2752 [patch] WMSPlugin memory usage team defect major Core imagery
#2753 Cannot parse valid node from xml string team defect major Core
#2755 [PATCH] data error caused by duplicate node fix applied outside of the downloaded area dmuecke defect major Core validator
#2757 josm reports wrong version xeen defect major Core
#2769 Download members is broken team defect major Core
#2772 Conflict dialog doesn't go away when I delete my map layer Gubaer defect major Core
#2773 Error in conflict detection team defect major Core
#2774 Problem in downloading and merging Gubaer defect major Core
#2775 [PATCH] Crash on gpx file marias@… defect major Core
#2776 Openstreetbugs: use new server hampelratte enhancement major Plugin
#2777 InvocationTargetException in PicLayer plugin anonymous defect major Plugin
#2779 [PATCH] Add "Info about Element" (bount to Ctrl+I) to link to /browse/{node,way,relation}/:id on the OSM server team enhancement major Core
#2780 [PATCH] make hdop color more configurable team enhancement major Core
#2781 [PATCH] AlignInCircle fails and aligns nodes in a flat curve team defect major Core
#2782 nullpointerexception when downloading osm data around track jttt defect major Core
#2784 Import audio using modified times (time stamps) does not work david@… defect major Core
#2787 exception when switching image richlv defect major Core
#2791 oneway and cycleway ce defect major Internal preset
#2793 [PATCH] Several errors shown for railway=abandoned team defect major Core validator
#2794 [PATCH] Invalid "Way end node near other way" error team defect major Core validator
#2795 JOSM does not display way team defect major Core
#2797 SlippyMap Downloader improvements team enhancement major Core
#2803 [PATCH] False positives being flagged team defect major Core validator
#2806 [PATCH] highway=unclassified not showing warning when unnamed team enhancement major Core validator
#2811 exception when importing images team defect major Plugin
#2815 NullPointerException during data merging team defect major Core
#2818 error when retrieving map data Gubaer defect major Core
#2821 Bilder sind nicht nachladbar für gpxtrack team defect major Plugin
#2822 wmsplugin with broken sources.cfg team defect major Core imagery
#2823 Audio import does still not work team defect major Core
#2825 josm-tested will happily download plugins that cannot be used team defect major Core
#2828 WMS Plugin doesn't work team defect major Core imagery
#2847 [patch] extented action to create circles team enhancement major Core
#2851 Proxy caching problem team defect major Core
#2853 Missing tagging templates ce enhancement major Internal preset
#2859 Improve plugin handling for older versions team enhancement major Core
#2862 routes plugin needs update jttt defect major Plugin
#2866 Adding new WMS server dmuecke defect major Core imagery
#2868 tagchecker.cfg fails to throw errors when highway=secondary team defect major Core validator
#2874 NullPointerException when using "zoom to selection" team defect major Core
#2877 Utilsplugin does not compile xeen defect major Plugin
#2879 WMS Plugin: unable to add yahoo entry to list team defect major Core imagery
#2882 Explain messages provided by OSM API and provide online help team enhancement major Core
#2888 Check for deleted elements should ignore incomplete elements team defect major Core
#2893 UtilsPlugin: Exception after simplifying a way team defect major Plugin
#2894 wish: 2 symbols (clock / excrements_bag) ulfl enhancement major Internal mappaint style
#2901 Relation editor producing errors team defect major Core
#2905 [new PATCH] Add option to disable the new "Move elements" dialog Gubaer enhancement major Core
#2906 Multi-select & "Copy default" in WMS Plugin preferences only copies the first selected entry team defect major Core imagery
#2913 Upload dialog enters scrolling-mode when JOSM isn't maximized team defect major Core
#2914 Re-edits in relation-editor impossible team defect major Core
#2915 relation-editor: relation-only edit does not trigger uploadable change team defect major Core
#2916 Lakewalker causes error team defect major Plugin
#2918 After some time josm unusable team defect major Core
#2920 unable to upload data jessidee86 defect major Core
#2921 Failure to install wmsplugin as well as some others team defect major Plugin
#2924 Add msgctxt support to JOSM translations so that translators aren't limited when translating two distinct things that happen to be equivalent in English team defect major Core
#2929 Relation Editor: Cancel button does not cancel edits team defect major Core
#2930 Relation Editor: Impossible to add elements AFTER the last line team defect major Core
#2936 java.lang.NullPointerException on photo import team defect major Core
#2937 Huge memory requirements for image import team defect major Core
#2941 [PATCH] relation editor full member sort team enhancement major Core
#2950 tcx import is broken in version 1788 dmuecke defect major Core
#2951 Can not import CSV file Columbus dmuecke defect major Plugin
#2953 [PATCH] Sorting a relation adds new members or crashes Gubaer defect major Core
#2955 Better help text for the slippymap downloader map team enhancement major Core
#2958 uses unchecked or unsafe operations. team defect major Core
#2964 Problem in creating a new relation team defect major Core
#2968 Error at open Relation Dialog team defect major Core
#2976 Relation members in relation editor should be searchable team enhancement major Core
#2979 copying relation does not work as expected team defect major Core
#2980 selected objects not in relation editor team defect major Core
#2989 Ergonomie Terracer Plugin team defect major Plugin terracer
#2990 alert on starting josm mk67 defect major Plugin
#2994 FR: Add "Apply" button to relation editor team enhancement major Core
#2996 error, but no Message, if a relation is containing itself team defect major Core
#2998 Variable collum-with in relations editor team enhancement major Core
#2999 Jumping Node when connecting a street to a node with a photo at same place team defect major Core
#3005 Upload to OSM API failed dmuecke defect major Core
#3006 java.lang.NullPointerException split way team defect major Core
#3008 Can't reach the OKAY button in the Preferences window team defect major Core
#3014 Warn for old-style WMS URLs team defect major Core imagery
#3018 [PATCH] Make sure tools menu entries (and actions) are deactivated when no layer avarab@… defect major Core
#3020 Duplicating relation does not work team defect major Core
#3022 Add confirmation dialog if adding way twice in a relation team enhancement major Core
#3027 load osm-data via remote-control team defect major Plugin
#3029 Download window shivers on MacOS 10.5 under certain conditions team defect major Core
#3030 Menu disappears on Mac OS X when Mac laf is used team defect major Core
#3033 NullPointerException plugins.routes.RouteLayer.paint( jttt defect major Plugin
#3036 Fullscreen mode/Smallscreen mode team enhancement major Core
#3040 NPE when deleting more than one node team defect major Core
#3043 railway=disused is invisible ulfl defect major Internal mappaint style
#3044 preset filter team enhancement major Internal preset
#3046 relation editor: role changes not saved / shown on the command stack team defect major Core
#3049 NPE in validator plugin team defect major Core validator
#3050 Validator exception when wrong layer is selected team defect major Core validator
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
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