Custom Query (84 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#3283 Improve audio markers new gsoc-candidate team enhancement major
#3841 Validator: show meaningful tooltips new gsoc-candidate help team enhancement major
#5215 Automatically detect and fix situations, where server accepted upload and JOSM assumes upload failure new double, changeset, duplicate, node, and, way, conflict, management, upload-api-response team defect major
#6997 zoom controls for the slippy map new zoom keyboard gsoc-candidate team enhancement major
#12872 Allow hierarchical layers new hierarchical layer team enhancement major
#14921 Support Sentinel 2 data directly reopened sentinel gsoc-candidate sotm19 team enhancement major
#16472 Add support to 360 / spherical image assigned 360, panorama, spherical sotmfr2019 Don-vip enhancement major
#20898 [WIP patch] Warn when nodes are 'merged' on geojson import needinfo import colocated nodes ljdelight enhancement major
#1981 rotate map view new rotate mapview gsoc-candidate team enhancement normal
#3560 Tool bar buttons: add small arrow indicating submenu new toolbar button submenu indicator team enhancement normal
#4949 PicLayer calibration - ozi .map file support new oziexplorer calibration rebsc enhancement normal
#5214 duplicate nodes after failed upload new duplicate nodes upload team defect normal
#5641 Painting error layer is very slow new performance gsoc-candidate team defect normal
#5706 [Patch needs rework] Role Verification Warnings reopened Role Verification; validator team defect normal
#6095 Rescan conflicts when tags change new conflict rescan modified team enhancement normal
#6312 terracer: alphabetical interpolation new terracer alphabetical interpolation zerebubuth@… enhancement normal
#7140 Improvements for /capabilities at startup new api capabilities blacklist team enhancement normal
#7308 Syntax highlighting in search dialog new search syntax highlighting gsoc-candidate team enhancement normal
#7487 option to auto-save the current osm file after upload new upload save local file team enhancement normal
#7815 Trouble with the size of windows when displaying an alert new gsoc-candidate team defect normal
#8207 Detect captive portals new template_report hotel wifi access point captive portal team enhancement normal
#8933 External presets / rules / styles: Update does not work new update external preset validator rule style cache team defect normal
#8946 Download Location: option to undelete when downloading older versions new download location undelete history team enhancement normal
#9330 JOSM upload hangs on slow Internet connection new cancel upload hang slow connection team defect normal
#10846 using the notes layer is not intuitive without the notes dialog window new gsoc-candidate ToeBee enhancement normal
#11175 [Patch] "Ways with same position" gives errors that are not needinfo barrier duplicate way Sylves defect normal
#11368 Merge locally modified note comments when downloading notes new gsoc-candidate ToeBee enhancement normal
#11454 Cannot upload gpx track with DirectUpload plugin (JOSM behind HTTP proxy with authentication) new directupload, gpx, proxy, authentication team defect normal
#11982 duplicated nodes which is not used in way or relation reopened duplicated nodes group team enhancement normal
#12270 [patch] allow modifying note data that has not been uploaded yet new gsoc-candidate team enhancement normal
#13866 Improvement to the Scale bar - Readability plus zoom level addition new scale bar team enhancement normal
#14022 Region [TMS_BLOCK_v2] Problem loading keys for file TMS_BLOCK_v2 new jcs cache team defect normal
#14045 OperationNotFoundException: Bursa wolf parameters required - North America Lambert Conformal Conical new template_report projection bursa wolf lambert america team defect normal
#14644 Faster access to bookmarks / home location new bookmark home location team enhancement normal
#15309 Add Key healthcare with Subtags new healthcare team enhancement normal
#15624 [Patch draft] It would be far too easy to hijack a plugin with malicious code new plugin jar signing certificate tofu security team enhancement normal
#16000 Allow per-map setting of imagery.generic.*_expires new tms cache team enhancement normal
#16100 Strava Global Heatmap in JOSM new strava heatmap oauth authentication allier-osm enhancement normal
#16832 Add settings to control automatic refresh strategy new cache update policy team defect normal
#17075 extend "new message warning" to other types of communications new changeset discussion comment notification mail team enhancement normal
#19004 Tile cache seems to forget tiles exist, momentarily new cache team defect normal
#19267 Relation editor: No need to ask for confirmation canceling the creation of a cloned relation without any changes made new template_report relation editor clone cancel team enhancement normal
#19398 Use consistent formatting of IDs in display messages assigned i18n locale number format unicode simon04 enhancement normal
#19602 OsmTransferException while downloading GPX new template_report gpx download truncated-file team defect normal
#19767 What about auto-updates of Homebrew Cask assigned macOS, brew, cask, install, homebrew Stereo enhancement normal
#20023 Add childcare (rendering) new childcare team enhancement normal
#20141 [patch] ImageProvider: cache rendered SVG images using JCS assigned cache svg jcs performance startup simon04 enhancement normal
#20416 Download (incomplete) members: Cancel does not work and timeouts while download relation with members works new template_report cancel download members team defect normal
#20605 Relation editor: Connectivity: Problem with dual-carriage, open end on top with only one way for one direction new template_report route dual carriage connectivity team defect normal
#20686 Cancel of MultiFetchServerObjectReader does not work new template_report cancel team defect normal
#20718 Remove deprecation warnings for is_in tag in the DRC new deprecated team task normal
#20763 "Empty" indicator in data layer when layer contains data new layer state indicator team defect normal
#20778 TMS server cache reopened tms cache invalidate clear team defect normal
#20805 Replace Locale.ENGLISH by Locale.ROOT? new locale team enhancement normal
#21164 Reading folder with image sequence over network is slow new template_report network exif performance cache team enhancement normal
#21255 Canceling an upload completely stalls JOSM new cancel upload team defect normal
#21278 JOSM.exe runs upscaled new template_report jpackage windows hidpi scaling usablity team defect normal
#21336 gray/grey colour value confusion in destination_sign relation preset new British color names gray grey locale team defect normal
#21826 [WIP patch] Upcoming API 0.6 change: limit maximum number of relation members new api capabilities limit relation team enhancement normal
#21831 Add confirmation message to flush the tile cache new template_report context menu flush tile cache team enhancement normal
#21911 Add support for boundary=forest and boundary=forest_compartment new forest compartment feature deprecation team enhancement normal
#22138 Parse and use the status element in OpenStreetMap GET /api/capabilities new capabilities team enhancement normal
#22579 JOSM should not warn about unconnected way ends, if these are certain POIs new unconnected, cave_entrance team enhancement normal
#22596 [Patch] Elevation at current map location / Automatic download of SRTM HGT files new elevation, SRTM HGT, current map location, automatic download team enhancement normal
#22677 [PATCH][RFC] Give hints as to what tags are being matched (was remove man_made=communications_tower) needinfo communications_tower SherbetS enhancement normal
#22748 Extend utility=* to buildings, street cabinets and industrial landuses new utility, street cabinet, service building, industrial team enhancement normal
#22824 WMTS : No way to refresh capabilities manually new wmts, capabilities team defect normal
#22917 How to reload(update) the active map quickly? new tile cache team enhancement normal
#23002 [WIP patch] Inconsistent notification position new notification position team defect normal
#23282 History browser: Offer different color schemes new history gutter colorscale team enhancement normal
#23617 Locale setting is not reflected in font selection new template_report windows locale language detection team defect normal
#23800 WMS username/password login needinfo authentication anonymous defect normal
#23984 Convert from GPX to OSMdata file not support gpx:extension: new gpx tags hr temp cad team defect normal
#23997 [Patch] Add "strolling" value to sac_scale new sac_scale strolling team enhancement normal
#24085 SplitMode: Canceling Split in expert mode's "keep history" dialog should delete the new node new template_report split mode cancel new node team enhancement normal
#24103 Irritations with text-anchor-horizontal and text-anchor-vertical in the documentation ("MapCSS Implementation") new text-anchor-horizontal text-anchor-vertical team task normal
#9924 same geom and all tag of one way are include in the second new duplicated way team enhancement minor
#21561 Symbol in search expression missing in notification and enable filter menu new template_report search filter notification menu team defect minor
#23258 [PATCH] JCSCacheManager locks the wrong directory new cache JCS team defect minor
#23644 validator suggests suspicious replacement new template_report communications_tower tower mast height team defect minor
#24079 Add the ability to entirely clear imagery cache with one button new Imagery Cache Clear Button Preferences team enhancement minor
#14730 Display a notice to the user if functionality (imagery layer display) is reduced in case of low memory allocation new memory Usability notification layer team enhancement trivial
#23594 surface=unspecified in preset LCA from HDDM Optional for: LCA v1.01/Roads new LCA surface unspecified team defect trivial
#24104 [patch] Add since attribute to Deprecated annotations new deprecation since team enhancement trivial
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.