Custom Query (46 matches)


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Status: closed (46 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#16215 Korean translation LuxuryCoop enhancement major Core
#16249 [PATCH] Imagery definitions refactor team enhancement major Core imagery
#5603 first/last buttons for geoimage dialog team enhancement normal Core image mapping
#7953 WMS layer handling wiktorn defect normal Core imagery
#10047 Initialize only active mappaint styles team enhancement normal Core mappaint
#11304 zoom changed when converting a layer team defect normal Core tested
#11949 History dialog going crazy sometimes with long usernames team defect normal Core latest
#13561 Can't go out of "Adjust imagery offset" even after pressing Ok or Cancel and dialog disappeared. team defect normal Core imagery tested
#13889 Make preset searchs ignore accents team enhancement normal Core
#13937 Imagery offset bookmarks aren't locale independent team defect normal Core imagery
#14718 Persist message if file cannot be found team defect normal Core remotecontrol
#15124 "download along track" doesn't remember settings team defect normal Core
#15367 Power transformer extension team enhancement normal Internal preset
#15877 roof:color <-> roof:colour / building:color team enhancement normal Core validator
#15940 Landsat not working team defect normal External imagery source
#15988 WMTS, directly open used in .jos file team enhancement normal Core imagery
#16103 Add map type definition to XML team enhancement normal Core imagery
#16177 Add preset for leisure=resort team enhancement normal Internal preset
#16192 Settings sorted team enhancement normal Core mappaint
#16199 Korean font poliakoffmykhailo defect normal Core
#16220 filtering to show installed plugins team enhancement normal Core tested
#16222 [Patch] Fine tuned support for trees team enhancement normal Internal preset latest
#16253 Please add PostFinance Card to payment methods team enhancement normal Internal preset tested
#16254 Please add a drinking_water=* checkbox to the fountain preset team enhancement normal Internal preset tested
#16256 "Building with almost square angle" autofix to improve team defect normal Core validator tested
#16260 Delayed line drawing/slow JOSM jumat@… defect normal Core
#16264 Validator creates wrong messages JOSM 13710 team defect normal Core validator
#16265 Can't change mapmode after imagery offset changed Enock4seth defect normal Core imagery latest
#16276 Add faces=* to clock preset team enhancement normal Internal preset
#16277 Random error after switching between windows anonymous defect normal Core imagery
#16293 Add fence_type=railing to barrier=fence preset team enhancement normal Internal preset
#16302 IAE when switching map mode while offset dialog is open Don-vip defect normal Core imagery
#16307 Unable to retrieve wms layer list team defect normal Core imagery latest
#16308 failed to locate image 'blank.???' with Java 11 team defect normal Core
#16311 Increase the default memory to 2G team enhancement normal Core
#16316 InvalidPathException at Compression.getCompressedFileOutputStream team defect normal Core
#16319 icon of Help button in Plugin update dialog is not properly scaled team defect normal Core latest
#16321 mappaint style icons are gone team defect normal Core
#8011 About dialog improvements team enhancement minor Core
#10229 Rendering will not update if moved from right-hand traffic area to left-hand and vice versa team defect minor Core mappaint latest
#15828 Allow copypasting author from author window team enhancement minor Core
#16201 [Patch] Simplify calculation of SVG size in ImageProvider team enhancement minor Core
#16214 Provide autofix to remove completely useless area=yes (useless both as a tag and as indicator of real issues) from inner multipolygons ways team enhancement minor Core validator
#16288 Detect similar i18n strings team enhancement minor Core
#8939 Keystroke errors in AddTagsDialog team defect trivial Core
#16322 Typo in "Click to closnew ImageProvidere window" team defect trivial Core latest
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