Custom Query (60 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (60 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#15596 after updating tags on a few nodes, saved, then tried to upload team defect blocker Core latest
#15535 Freeze on Java 9 when you attempt to move node along a line using Extrusion tool team defect critical Core tested
#15547 Serious autocomplete performance degradation Don-vip defect major Core
#6135 picture preview disappears when adjusting time team defect normal Core latest
#8509 [Patch] Background uploading team enhancement normal Core latest
#10542 highlight of validator layer broken team defect normal Core validator
#11217 support urls in notes team enhancement normal Core notes
#11537 Autosave also note layer team enhancement normal Core notes
#12086 josm hangs when saving notes locally team defect normal Core notes latest
#12623 allow copying any text from note comments team enhancement normal Core notes tested
#12641 visible=false attribute is lost when an object is merged into another layer team defect normal Core tested
#13694 Display UTM zone and letter in object info panel team enhancement normal Core
#13747 don't select tag adding dialog fields upon focus change team defect normal Core tested
#13883 lat/lon numbers in the statusbar don't update when you move the map with the keyboard (ctrl + arrow keys) team defect normal Core
#14082 Remove coordinates from nodes in validator and selection dialogs team enhancement normal Core
#14101 Keystrokes in filters get captured as shortcuts team defect normal Core
#14778 visible mapview reduces when using way filter team defect normal Core mappaint
#15269 Complain about bare tourism=attraction team enhancement normal Core validator
#15469 [Patch] Improve presets for campsites team enhancement normal Internal preset
#15477 Suggest to simplify payment:coins + payment:notes to payment:cash team enhancement normal Core validator
#15478 [PATCH] Warn about unconnected highway=milestone team enhancement normal Core validator
#15501 increase timeout for ImageryCompareTestIT.testImageryEntries team enhancement normal Unit tests
#15503 Draw admin_level borders only with boundary=administrative team enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#15505 Update com.drew.metadata sourcecode to current GitHub code Don-vip enhancement normal Core
#15506 No option to write coordinates to image header after using correlate to GPX bastiK defect normal Core image mapping latest
#15507 Update multipolygon action no longer works (since JOSM 12914) team defect normal Core multipoly tested
#15508 [PATCH] add TileSourceRule, use in MinimapDialogTest team enhancement normal Unit tests latest
#15511 Zoom glitch in picture view Don-vip defect normal Core image mapping
#15517 add cuisine=friture team enhancement normal Internal preset
#15519 NPE at MultipolygonCache.selectionChanged team defect normal Core
#15521 backround color is not reset after disabling mappaint style with explicit background color team defect normal Core mappaint tested
#15523 make barrier=kerb subtler team enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#15525 Add parent_osm_id for mapcss team enhancement normal Core mappaint
#15531 Option to see the traffic between JOSM and OSM servers naoliv enhancement normal Core
#15532 [PATCH] Use HTTPS to communicate with OSM dev servers team enhancement normal Core
#15534 NPE on Opening the Changeset Manager from the history dialog Hb--- defect normal Core latest
#15536 Bad validation & fixes around unisex toilets team defect normal Core validator
#15537 Changeset hashtags team enhancement normal Core
#15538 Hitting L to align nodes in line not realizing there are only start and end nodes results in the bug report team defect normal Core tested
#15539 [PATCH] use awaitility in MinimapDialogTest rather than Thread.sleep() team enhancement normal Unit tests
#15541 notes displayed outside the map area team defect normal Core notes latest
#15545 WMTS GetCapabilities not always refreshed team defect normal Core imagery
#15550 Note tooltip needs automatic line break team defect normal Core notes
#15552 Correlate with GPX - decimal separator bug team defect normal Core latest
#15556 disable add foot=yes and bicycle=yes when insert barrier=gate team defect normal Internal preset
#15562 enhancement: visualize coastline like water areas team enhancement normal Internal mappaint style latest
#15568 search menu items : add higlight for the selected item team defect normal Core latest
#15571 Select Target Layer dropdown to small team defect normal Core
#15573 ConcurrentModificationException at GpxData.length team defect normal Core
#15575 Validator falsely reports warning "unclosed way - natural type gully" team defect normal Core validator tested
#15585 Failed to copy simple closed path (Ctrl+C prompted the error) team defect normal Core
#15586 Panning is broken team defect normal Core latest
#5823 Object count is calculated wrong for decide show confirmation question after move or not team defect minor Core latest
#11762 IllegalArgumentException: component not found in tabbed pane team defect minor Core
#12626 Rename F3 search dialog and Shift+F3 dialog from "Presets" team enhancement minor Core tested
#13153 Should not warn to upload/save "modified" layers with 0 objects team enhancement minor Core
#15119 length of way not displayed in status bar without selection panel team defect minor Core
#15502 Subject: [PATCH] ImageEntry: Copy isNewGpsData in applyTmp() team enhancement minor Core image mapping latest
#15572 Render layer contextual menu icons with the same size team enhancement minor Core
#15580 Validator warns about overlapping ways for abandoned:buildings [patch] team defect minor Core validator
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.