5 years |
Don-vip |
see #19017 - update svn:ignores
5 years |
GerdP |
fix #19030: Validator layer is not refreshed
- call …
5 years |
simon04 |
fix #18740 - Tag checker: whitelist a few phonetic characters
5 years |
simon04 |
MainApplication.getCommandLineArgs: fix NPE
5 years |
simon04 |
see #19017 - MapCSSRendererTest: separate color/alpha diff
5 years |
Klumbumbus |
remove TLD from IANA
5 years |
Don-vip |
see #16860 - update spotbugs jar in Netbeans project
5 years |
Don-vip |
see #16860 - remove copy of jmapviewer images in Netbeans project
5 years |
GerdP |
fix #19003: different validator results with layer state "locked"
- …
5 years |
Klumbumbus |
see #16860, see #18880 - Adapt Netbeans config to r16165
5 years |
GerdP |
simplify sort
5 years |
GerdP |
see #18982: Improve log message, show content of panel instead of …
5 years |
GerdP |
see #18919: Allow sorting of table content in changeset manager to …
5 years |
Don-vip |
fix compilation error
5 years |
Don-vip |
remove TLD from IANA
5 years |
Don-vip |
fix PMD/Javadoc issues
5 years |
Don-vip |
fix #18993 - allow to clone a locked dataset
5 years |
GerdP |
fix javadoc
5 years |
simon04 |
I18n update
5 years |
simon04 |
see #16860 - directory cleanup
5 years |
simon04 |
StyledMapRenderer.drawArea: fix redundant local variable, unboxed float
5 years |
simon04 |
ImageResource: rename method parameter
5 years |
simon04 |
Fix images/apply.svg
Fix MapCSSRendererTest.testRender[area-fill-image]
5 years |
GerdP |
see #18982, #10783: allow to collect missing primitives instead of …
5 years |
GerdP |
fix #18979: Improve display of PrimitiveIds
Show e.g. "w2, r123456789" …
5 years |
GerdP |
see #18985: avoid to download parents of deleted (invisble) objects
- …
5 years |
GerdP |
fix #18990: Unable to Join Node To Way when way is the same one that …
5 years |
Don-vip |
fix #18984 - NPE
5 years |
GerdP |
see #18863 split ways: false positive warnings about missing members …
5 years |
GerdP |
fix #18964: MapCSS rules using index are slow
Avoid a sequential …
5 years |
GerdP |
see #18969: Improve performance of validator checks
5 years |
simon04 |
see #16860 - Apache Ivy: exclude various commons-jcs classes from inclusion
5 years |
simon04 |
see #18729, see 18772 - Add TerritoriesTestIT
5 years |
simon04 |
see #16860 - Resolve commons-jcs-core using Apache Ivy
5 years |
simon04 |
see #16860 - Resolve JMapViewer using Apache Ivy
5 years |
simon04 |
Fix images/apply.svg
5 years |
GerdP |
improve performance of LongSegment test: ignore nodes unless partial …
5 years |
GerdP |
see #18749: fix performance regression introduced with r15909
5 years |
Don-vip |
add missing remote control Javadoc
5 years |
simon04 |
fix #18692 - Show Duplicate relation in context menu
5 years |
simon04 |
see #18954, see #18864 - fix SonarQube issues
5 years |
Don-vip |
fix #18962 - introduce DataSet.update to avoid repetitive …
5 years |
Don-vip |
fix #18871 - fix performance regression - padded icons requests made …
5 years |
Klumbumbus |
see #18951 - Add natural=water to autofix of water=river and do …
5 years |
simon04 |
see #18954, see #18864 - Introduce GenericParser for Cascade.convertTo
5 years |
simon04 |
see #16860 - <get> Apache Ivy, remove ivy.jar from repository
5 years |
simon04 |
Fix typos in Javadoc
5 years |
simon04 |
see #18954, see #18864 - Introduce StringParser for parsing various types
5 years |
simon04 |
fix #18954, see #18864 - TaggingPresetReader: read short types
5 years |
Don-vip |
code cleanup / javadoc
5 years |
Don-vip |
fix #18956 - allow TestError to be built with an empty list of …
5 years |
Don-vip |
see #5710 - code refactor to ease a potential fix
5 years |
Don-vip |
see #16860 - update Eclipse classpath
5 years |
Don-vip |
fix #18953 - OrthogonalizeAction: don't produce empty commands sequence
5 years |
simon04 |
OSMDownloadSource: update URLs in code comment
5 years |
Klumbumbus |
fix #18951 - Deprecate water=riverbank in favor of water=river
5 years |
simon04 |
Fix JavaDoc warnings
5 years |
simon04 |
see #16860 - Resolve Checkstyle using Apache Ivy
5 years |
simon04 |
Update to ProGuard 6.2.2 for Java 10/11/12 support
See releaes notes: …
5 years |
simon04 |
see #16860 - Resolve ProGuard using Apache Ivy
5 years |
simon04 |
see #16860 - Resolve JavaCC using Apache Ivy
5 years |
simon04 |
see #16860 - Separate tools/ivy.xml
5 years |
simon04 |
see #16860 - Resolve SpotBugs using Apache Ivy
5 years |
simon04 |
see #16860 - Resolve PMD using Apache Ivy
5 years |
simon04 |
see #18948 - Fix Java warning
5 years |
simon04 |
fix #18948 - Remove obsolete guava.jar
5 years |
simon04 |
see #18948 - Use Utils.readBytesFromStream instead of …
5 years |
simon04 |
see #18948 - Get rid of remaining com.google.common.collect
5 years |
simon04 |
see #18948 - Get rid of remaining ImmutableMap.of
5 years |
simon04 |
see #18948 - Use Collections.singletonMap instead of ImmutableMap.of
5 years |
simon04 |
see #16860 - Apache Ivy: re-add org.glassfish:javax.json
5 years |
simon04 |
see #16860 - build.xml: ant sources : use javax.json:javax.json-api
5 years |
Don-vip |
see #17516 - see #17827 - see #18755 - Enable Jacoco coverage on Java …
5 years |
Don-vip |
fix #18943 - add data types caption in Download along dialogues
5 years |
Don-vip |
see #17533 - see #18455 - partial revert of r15640, causing untagged …
5 years |
simon04 |
fix #18941 - MapImage.getImageResource: wait for image to load
5 years |
simon04 |
Fix typo in Javadoc
5 years |
simon04 |
remove TLD from IANA
5 years |
simon04 |
see #16860 - build.xml: ant sources : remove REVISION
5 years |
simon04 |
fix #15931 - Add a preference to use external browser instead of the …
5 years |
simon04 |
Remove unused HelpBrowser.launchBrowser
5 years |
simon04 |
RequestProcessor: use StandardCharsets.US_ASCII
5 years |
simon04 |
I18n update
5 years |
Don-vip |
fix #18937 - add "water area inside water area" check
5 years |
Don-vip |
fix #18936 - fix layer name detection of Overpass xapi URLs
5 years |
simon04 |
Fix typo in Javadoc
5 years |
simon04 |
fix #17683 - LoadAndZoomHandler: retain order of selection
5 years |
simon04 |
see #16860 - build.xml: add ant sources
Generates jar file of JOSM …
5 years |
simon04 |
see #18140 - build.xml: use ${resources.dir}
5 years |
Don-vip |
see #16860 - see #18880 - setup Ivy in Netbeans project
5 years |
Don-vip |
see #18933 - toolbar code refactoring
5 years |
Don-vip |
fix #18935 - Add "ele" for internal preset "natural=water"
5 years |
GerdP |
see #18928: improve notification when empty way is used in Align nodes
5 years |
GerdP |
see #18928: fix crash with empty way
5 years |
GerdP |
see #18928: prevent possible endless loop in Multipolygon.joinWays()
5 years |
GerdP |
revert unintended commit
5 years |
GerdP |
fix #18769: Each time I open JOSM, the right pane gets slightly wider …
5 years |
Don-vip |
see #17533 - revert r15833, doesn't work
5 years |
Don-vip |
see #17285 - add privacy-policy-url in mirror
5 years |
Don-vip |
see #17285 - add privacy-policy-url in mirror