IAE - DeleteCommand (46 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Resolution Milestone Created Reporter
#23965 IAE: Way is already deleted (Delete command) (Way not properly removed after merging buildings) 5 months hun.30d@…
#23088 IAE: Node is already deleted needinfo 20 months anonymous
#22738 IllegalArgumentException when conflating after using MWAI merge function 2 years watmildon
#22713 IllegalArgumentException: Relation is already deleted needinfo 2 years anonymous
#22582 Conflation plugin not robust to item manipulation/deletions 2 years watmildon
#22213 JOSM doesn't handle gracefully when a relation is attempted to be deleted for a second time. 3 years anonymous
#21451 Unhandled exception: deleted relation is still listed in other relations 21.10 3 years kudlav
#20985 When deleting a turn restriction using delete button... (Not sure what happened. Reporting the bug anyway.) duplicate 4 years anonymous
#19852 IAE: Node is already deleted 4 years anonymous
#19246 DataIntegrityProblemException: Deleted node referenced in DeleteCommand needinfo 5 years anonymous
#18997 IAE: Node is already deleted needinfo 5 years myfanwy
#18732 JOSM-crash with Contour-Merge duplicate 5 years jumat@…
#18717 IAE: "Relation is already deleted" at TurnRestrictionsListDialog$DeleteAction.deleteRelation (deleting invalid turn restrictions) 5 years mirror176@…
#18688 IAE: Node is already deleted duplicate 5 years danspecht@…
#18676 IllegalArgumentException node is already deleted at org.openstreetmap.josm.command.DeleteCommand.executeCommand (JOSM crashed during conflict clearance) duplicate 5 years jumat@…
#18600 IAE: Node is already deleted (ContourMergeMode) duplicate 5 years Jrachi
#18489 IAE: node is already deleted (DeleteAction) - Conflicts crash JOSM duplicate 5 years Wulfmorn
#18416 IAE: Node is already deleted needinfo 5 years anonymous
#18330 IAE: Node is already deleted duplicate 5 years danspecht@…
#18071 IAE: Node is already deleted duplicate 6 years anonymous
#18028 IAE: Node is already deleted duplicate 6 years anonymous
#18027 IAE: Node is already deleted duplicate 6 years anonymous
#17735 IAE: Relation is already deleted (Deleting a boundary relation) duplicate 6 years anonymous
#17439 IAE: Node is already deleted duplicate 6 years anonymous
#17232 IAE: Node is already deleted duplicate 6 years anonymous
#17203 IAE: relation is already deleted duplicate 6 years recebh79@…
#17042 IAE: Node is already deleted - Cannot delete building duplicate 6 years pulecz@…
#16932 IAE: Node is already deleted (DeleteAction) 6 years joze.horvat@…
#16457 IAE: object is already deleted duplicate 7 years naoliv
#16245 IAE: Node is already deleted (DeleteAction) duplicate 7 years anonymous
#16206 IAE: Way is already deleted 7 years anonymous
#16012 IAE: Node is already deleted when joining two ways (JoinAreasAction) 7 years anonymous
#15679 IAE: Node is already deleted (DeleteAction) duplicate 7 years Kathyaus
#15214 IAE: Relation is already deleted duplicate 8 years anonymous
#15076 IAE: Relation is already deleted duplicate 8 years anonymous
#14958 JosmRuntimeException: "Reindexing way failed to remove" at QuadBucketPrimitiveStore.reindexWay 8 years anonymous
#14855 IAE: Node is already deleted (MergeNodesAction) 8 years anonymous
#14751 IAE: Node is already deleted - Merging a Dupe Node using WayDownloaderPlugin 8 years alexkemp
#14159 IAE: Node is already deleted: resolving multiple conflicts duplicate 8 years AlaskaDave
#13659 Leider gibt es jetzt ständig Konflikte die aufgelöst werden müssen. In unangetasteten (!) Gebieten. Änderungen lassen sich nicht hochladen. duplicate 8 years anonymous
#13658 IAE Node is already deleted (DeleteAction) duplicate 8 years anonymous
#11666 exception on deleting already deleted relation needinfo 10 years *Martin*
#10428 Deleting buildings and trying to resolve a conflict caused an exception duplicate 11 years anonymous
#9957 Auto correct data error bug report request... duplicate 11 years anonymous
#9956 Bug report request auto correct after validating data... needinfo 11 years anonymous
#9705 IAE "node is already deleted" after conflict resolution irreproducible 11 years trekki <bergenholtz@…>
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.