Custom Query (41 matches)


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Status: closed (41 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#15240 transform gui icons to svg team enhancement major fixed
#3450 usability issue with Download Area Slippy Map team enhancement normal latest fixed
#4888 scale in slippy map team enhancement normal latest fixed
#7638 Add cursor and selection latitude and longitude to download Slippy Map team enhancement normal latest fixed
#8227 GPX markers dimension team enhancement normal fixed
#10488 Jump to Next Track is needed when editing a GPX file with multiple tracks inside. team enhancement normal fixed
#12484 harmonize warning message with button caption team enhancement normal tested fixed
#13586 Some Preferences tabs cause JOSM to freeze when not connected to the internet team defect normal fixed
#14200 Large node move team defect normal tested fixed
#15441 Display GPX route points (rte) as another layer team enhancement normal fixed
#17836 Download along several gpx tracks at once team enhancement normal latest fixed
#18755 Add compatibility with Java 15 Don-vip enhancement normal fixed
#18919 Allow sorting of table content in changeset manager to facilitate finding related rows Don-vip enhancement normal fixed
#19248 User should be able to override offline mode for one action team enhancement normal fixed
#19316 Don't show warning when a new empty relation is deleted team defect normal fixed
#19437 Warn before opening too many urls team enhancement normal fixed
#19463 HiDPI font problems with 3840x2160 screen (Windows) erickdeoliveiraleal defect normal fixed
#19510 Add "Zoom to layer" in context menu of layers in the Layers panel team enhancement normal fixed
#19583 [patch] unused icons active-pressed and eye-pressed team enhancement normal fixed
#19612 NPE when running RenderingCLI simon04 defect normal fixed
#19632 [PATCH] Try to convert keys to json values prior to saving simon04 enhancement normal fixed
#19633 [patch] Route relations with split start do not show links as expected in the relation editor team defect normal fixed
#19638 ConcurrentModificationException in PluginListParser.addPluginInformation team defect normal fixed
#19681 JCS: update to jcs3-3.0 simon04 enhancement normal fixed
#19685 NullPointerException when editing mapcss validator rules with invalid pseudo class team defect normal fixed
#19692 Zoom mode: zoom in/out depending on rectangle simon04 enhancement normal fixed
#19696 Status Report: add relative timestamp to last errors/warnings simon04 enhancement normal fixed
#19699 Download dialog: add icons to source checkboxes simon04 enhancement normal fixed
#19705 StyledMapRenderer: render turn restrictions in HiDPI simon04 enhancement normal fixed
#19706 Selection/Relation list: render primitive icons in HiDPI simon04 enhancement normal fixed
#19717 DefaultNameFormatter: add missing U+202C POP DIRECTIONAL FORMATTING simon04 enhancement normal fixed
#19725 ImageProvider/ImageResource: extract size computation code simon04 enhancement normal fixed
#19732 Preferences: open previously selected preference tab simon04 enhancement normal fixed
#19736 MapStatus displays non-localized SystemOfMeasurement name simon04 defect normal fixed
#8334 Option to select/configure font size team enhancement minor fixed
#19577 Lots of identical info messages for gpx track without timestamps team enhancement minor fixed
#19669 Add help button to some dialogs simon04 enhancement minor fixed
#19698 Refactoring: make private fields final simon04 enhancement minor fixed
#19731 Imagery providers: move reload button next to activate button simon04 enhancement minor fixed
#19733 GettingStarted: take blue link color from JOSM logo simon04 enhancement minor fixed
#19734 Autofilter: clicking active rule/key opens GPS settings instead of OSM settings simon04 defect minor fixed
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.