
Version 3 (modified by LuxuryCoop, 7 years ago) ( diff )



이 페이지는 기본적인 JOSM 설치 단계와 문제 해결에 도움이 되는 정보를 제공합니다. JOSM으로 작업을 시작하려면 IntroductionHelp 페이지를 보세요. 그리고 설치 중에 생기는 다양한 문제를 해결하려 한다면 설치 참고 (en)를 보세요.

권장 옵션

source:trunk/images/openlocation.png /download/josm.jnlp josm.jnlp]시작(안정적인 최신 버전)
권장하는 버전, 모든 플랫폼, 매달 안정적인 버전으로 자동으로 업데이트(시작하려면).

source:trunk/images/download.png josm-tested.jar 다운로드(안정적인 버전 19342)
모든 플랫폼(구동하려면).

모든 다운로드 옵션

매달 JOSM 팀은 안정적인 버전을 다운로드 파일로 출시 (en)합니다. 이 안정적인 버전은 MS Windows와 Apple Mac에서 구동할 수 있도록 빌드됩니다. JOSM을 구동하기 위해 josm.jnlp를 클릭했을 때마다 항상 안정적인 최신 버전을 받아올 것입니다. 이를 구현하기 위해서 Java Web Start (en)를 사용합니다.

매일 밤마다 빌드 시스템이 최신 개발 버전을 생성합니다. 이 버전은 약간의 오류가 있을 수 있지만, 보통은 잘 작동합니다. 최신 개발 버전도 Java Web Start로 사용할 수 있습니다.

모든 운영체제용
버전   Web Start   다운로드 Windows Apple Mac Ubuntu, Debian… openSUSE
안정적인 버전 19342 josm.jnlp josm-tested.jar
(아래 참조)
(아래 참조)
아래 참조 아래 참조
최신 버전 19346 latest.jnlp josm-latest.jar 아래 참조
오래된 버전 download/ dists/

스크립트를 실행할 때는 다운로드 대역폭을 줄이기 위해 먼저 안정적인 버전, 최신 버전 또는 둘 다에서 확인해 주세요.

번역본 조각
다운로드 용량에서 문제가 생길 경우에는 더 작은 안정적인 버전 파일을 사용할 수 있습니다. 영어만 포함해서 다운로드하고 싶다면 URL에 ?lang=en을 추가하세요. 다른 번역본을 포함하고 싶다면 'en'을 원하는 언어 코드 (en)(첫 글자는 소문자, 지원되는 언어만 해당)로 대체하세요. 더 나아가 ?unsigned=1를 추가하면 다운로드 파일에서 서명 정보를 제거해서 파일 크기를 줄일 수 있습니다.



JOSM의 안정적인 버전을 Application:Geo 레포지토리에서 사용할 수 있습니다.

먼저 레포지토리에서 yast나 zypper에 루트 유저를 추가하세요(현재 사용하고 있는 URL의 버전을 대체하세요).

zypper ar -f Application:Geo

그러고 난 후 단순히 josmjosm-fonts 패키지를 설치하세요.


이는 Ubuntu에서 주로 사용하는 패키지 레포지토리입니다. 이 패키지는 다른 Debian 기반(특히 Ubuntu 기반) 배포판에서도 작동하겠지만, 우리는 그 외 배포판을 활발하게 테스트하고 유지보수하지 않습니다.

이 레포지토리는 2개의 패키지를 포함합니다.

  • josm – Provides the tested version (stable). Replaces the package from the official Ubuntu repository.
  • josm-latest – The latest version (nightly). Can be installed parallel to the josm package. The default preference folder is ~/.josm-latest.

In addition to the regular procedure described below, older DEBs can be manually downloaded from the archives.


Edit the package resource list /etc/apt/sources.list:

sudo editor /etc/apt/sources.list

and add one of the following lines according to your Ubuntu-Version:

deb trusty universe
deb xenial universe
deb artful universe
# For other Debian based distributions add:
deb alldist universe

Alternatively, this can be done with the following one-liner in Ubuntu:

echo deb $(lsb_release -sc) universe | ↩
↪sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/josm.list > /dev/null

Download and register the public key:

wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -

Now refresh your sources (you may need to install sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https)

sudo apt-get update

and install:

# You can skip this first line if these packages were not installed before.
sudo apt-get remove josm josm-plugins

# For the tested version
sudo apt-get install josm
# for the development version
sudo apt-get install josm-latest



When you double-click on a jar file and nothing happens in most cases this means Java isn't installed.

JOSM is tested with Oracles variant, so we recommend to get Java from their pages for manual downloads or intermediate versions. But first give the Java already distributed with the operating system a try, for example.

When choosing a download keep in mind:

  • A Java Plug-in for web browsers is not needed to run JOSM. Therefore results from pages like are not relevant.
  • A Java variant with 64 bit is recommended for JOSM. The operating systems architecture is important for deciding between 32 bit Java or 64 bit Java. Because JOSM is not affected by the web browsers architecture most recommendations on this page are not relevant.
  • Avoid pages like which intent to place Java Plug-ins in web browsers. And this is not important for JOSM.

For further information visit the Installation Notes and troubleshooting pages. Java in this section means a JRE (Java Runtime Engine) which provides a JVM (Java Virtual Machine) to run JOSM, a Java program that is developed using JDK (Java Development Kit) and sometimes launched with the JNLP (Java Network Launch Protocol aka Web Start and successor of Java Plug-ins).

Testing Java

Checks if Java is installed and why JOSM does not start (example mainly for MS Windows).

  1. Download josm-tested.jar to your desktop.
  2. Open a Command Prompt aka Terminal
  3. Type cd %homepath%⏎ and type cd Desktop
  4. Type java -version ⏎ Three lines with the version data should appear. If you see something else then Java is not properly installed.
  5. Type java -jar josm-tested.jar⏎. Now JOSM should run, started from the Command Line (en).
  6. Quit JOSM.
  7. Type josm-tested.jar⏎. If JOSM starts again, the Windows Explorer is ready for double clicks on jar files.

Web Start

Launching JOSM via Web Start has many more error causes than the traditional way with first downloading a jar file and afterwards starting it. So please test Java first and then run the tests described below or elsewhere Web Start issues.

Testing Web Start

  1. Download josm.jnlp to your desktop.
  2. Open a Terminal and move to the Desktop as above
  3. Type javaws josm.jnlp⏎. This should initially download JOSM, serve a security dialog and then launch JOSM.

Virtual Machine

Out of memory

Nowadays manually controlling Javas memory is seldom needed because available RAM on computers has grown. Wrongly chosen values can decrease JOSM performance.

For some tasks, JOSM has a large appetite for memory. On the one hand, it may be necessary to configure a memory size that supports more plugins and features. On the other hand can slow machines be stabilized by restricting Javas memory use. If needed, use the command line (en) to set the Java Option -Xmx…m, for example -Xmx512m or -Xmx1536m. Formerly older java programs accepted -Xmx=512m or even -Xmx 512m. Now those malformed arguments throw error messages.

VM selection

On current versions of MS Windows by default Java is installed mainly in the C:\Program Files\Java\ directory. Additional parts are placed in C:\Program Files\Oracle\Java\. There is a .\javapath\ directory as target for the PATH environment variable. It is the home for the three virtual files java.exe, javaw.exe and javaws.exe. This files are symbolic links form the current Java installations.

On older versions of 64 bit Windows sometimes the 32 bit mode JRE was additionally installed. Also some browsers brought their own JVM with limited capabilities. In those cases a Web Start from the browser would not use your Java installation but that from the browser.

Check that there's no other javawebstart in \Windows\SysWow64. The Java control panel will not detect it and you can safely delete it. Perfom cleanup and only keep the latest versions of each JRE (One or the 32-bit mode, another one for the 64-bit mode).

For shortcuts created on the desktop for JNLP and running the Javawebstart launcher , make sure to pass VM parameters prefixed with -J and no intermediate space before the VM option. If you have installed both the 32-bit and 64-bit version, you should pass the option "-d64" if you want to select the preferred 64-bit VM. Note that some Oracle documentation pages indicate the option "-D64" with the incorrect capitalization!)

Example of an edited command line for a shortcut on the windows desktop:

javaws.exe -J-d64 -J-Xmx2048m  josm.jnlp 

Windows josm.exe

Using josm-setup.exe for installation on Microsoft Windows does the following:

  • Puts the files josm-tested.jar and josm.exe in directory chosen by the user, default is C:\Program Files (86)\JOSM\
  • Suggests to register josm.exe as target for the file extensions *.osm and *.gpx.
  • Suggests to place JOSM shortcut icons on the Desktop and in the Start Menu (Currently they are placed for an admin only and can be copied from there, #11398).
  • Asks if the Plug-Ins Imagery offset database and Turn restrictions should be provided.
  • Adds uninstall data at the appropriate places.

When starting, josm.exe searches its directory for the jar file and runs the command \path\to\javaw.exe -Xms128m -Xmx1024m -jar \path\to\josm-tested.jar. Josm.exe acts as a wrapper and is portable (en).

When josm.exe finds the argument --l4j-debug, it writes the log file launch4j.log into the current directory if that is writeable. Some other options are possible and all usual JOSM Program arguments (en) too. See example:

# Write a log while starting JOSM and load OSM data
josm.exe --l4j-debug

For giving Java options (en) to the Java VM josm.exe uses the optional file josm.l4j.ini in its directory. In this file each option needs a separate line and comments are possible, see Additional JVM options.

While being a 32-bit program, josm.exe seems to need a 64-bit Java on 64-bit Windows.

MacOS Errors

Apple has two mechanisms to protect you from using JOSM: File Quarantine and Gatekeeper.

Downloaded from the internet

If you get an error saying "'' is an application downloaded from the internet." you can bypass this by right-clicking on or josm.jnlp and selecting 'open'. You should then see the same message but this time with an option to "Open" regardless. This is only necessary on the first run of JOSM.


OS X "gatekeeper" results in this very misleading error dialog If you get an error saying "'' is damaged and can't be opened. You should move it to the Trash", then you need to temporarily disable Gatekeeper.

Open System Preferences and the 'Security & Privacy' options. Set 'Allow applications downloaded from:' to 'Anywhere'.

If that radio button is missing from the Security & Privacy preferences panel, open the Terminal window. The following command may become the radio button to appear. No image "SecurityPrivacy.png" attached to Ko:Download

sudo spctl --master-disable

Known issues

Not closed issues about ...:

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