Custom Query (59 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#6518 select and edit actions performed in inactive layer. new edit select inactive layer data team defect major
#12872 Allow hierarchical layers new hierarchical layer team enhancement major
#20006 Merge layer: specific order of layers needed to find conflicts new template_report merge layer revert conflict team defect major
#20739 Layers not working in MapCSS styles new layer mapcss team defect major
#4350 PicLayer: Import of raster images (*.map, *.kal, *.geotiff) and calibration information (.wld, .tfw) new PicLayer, images rebsc enhancement normal
#5515 Single Key Shortcuts for activating and showing/hiding layers reopened layer shortcut jttt enhancement normal
#7479 Debug layer to show node movement new debug layer team enhancement normal
#8464 Grid Layer for JOSM new grid layer team enhancement normal
#9819 [PATCH] stricter checking for highways crossing waterways without bridges needinfo crossing layer bridge tunnel reichg defect normal
#12415 [patch] temporary layer did not use use antialiasing new antialiasing layer team defect normal
#12840 Add an option to snap also in other visible layers new snap,layers team enhancement normal
#13604 IAE: Cannot paint layer, it is not registered (OsmDataLayer) reopened template_report layer regression gsoc-core team defect normal
#15639 JOSM not respecting layers in display new template_report, layer, rendering order team defect normal
#16240 Merge function is single threaded new layers, merge, multi-thread team enhancement normal
#17168 Toggle Next Layer Shortcut new layer team enhancement normal
#17356 GUI should announce the Edit Layer similar to the Active layer new edit layer inactive team enhancement normal
#18377 Merge (selection) into a new layer new template_report merge new layer team enhancement normal
#18461 Unresolved conflicts: Warn before or deny some data layer actions new template_report unresolved conflict data layer session merge team enhancement normal
#18564 Disabling filter only affects active layer new template_report filter layer team defect normal
#18647 Ability to create layer groups new template_report group layer team enhancement normal
#18671 Silent download to other layer new template_report download never osm file layer team defect normal
#18894 Merge (selection): No user information about layer state `upload=*` new template_report upload never false merge layer state team defect normal
#18911 Clicking on layer's opacity slider "toggles" instead of sliding new template_report layer slider opacity team defect normal
#19238 Ability to chose and display a key value tag related to an object within the map new kml; kmz; gpz; layers team enhancement normal
#19307 Make "Download to new layer" visible and choosable in confimation dialog new template_report new layer option confirmation team enhancement normal
#19308 Download as new layer not respected if new_layer=false is present new template_report download new layer team defect normal
#19414 Options to disable/hide validator test, relation editor buttons and layer new disable hide validator button layer Biswesh enhancement normal
#20251 widen the area to activate a layer in the layer window for use with the mouse new switch layer team enhancement normal
#20410 Hidden Layer visible with focus in relation editor dialog new template_report hidden layer relation editor Biswesh defect normal
#20752 Reorder imagery layers: Three shortcuts in preferences but non is working new template_report reorder imagery layer shortcut team defect normal
#20763 "Empty" indicator in data layer when layer contains data new layer state indicator team defect normal
#21055 Layer: Wrong and misleading direction arrows for routes with dual directions new template_report layer direction arrow role Biswesh defect normal
#21331 Can't create a gpx layer from images without exporting to a file new support-layer team enhancement normal
#21334 image direction is wrong when position is beetween 2 gpx point reopened support-layer Don-vip defect normal
#21378 Use an own, temporally flag to block layer on upload. new template_report upload flag layer state locked team defect normal
#21702 Add option to load geotagged image via RC into existing image layer new remote control image load reuse layer team enhancement normal
#21868 PT Assistant plugin layer problem reopened template_report layer Biswesh defect normal
#21887 amenity inside amenity should always consider layer tag new template_report node inside area amenity parking layer team defect normal
#21904 [Patch] Pasting a changeset URL causes the changeset's objects and their historys to be downloaded new changeset url download layer team enhancement normal
#21970 Only activate data layer loading a session new template_report session active layer imagery team enhancement normal
#22308 [Patch] Add option to toggle layer read-only status to popup menu needinfo layer, state, read-only, toggle, lock, locked Woazboat enhancement normal
#22560 Keep zoom and position in image viewer when switiching between layers new template_report image layer zoom position team enhancement normal
#22587 mvt layer not stored in .joz file (java session) new session mvt layer team defect normal
#22612 A single click can touch multiple geoimage layers new template_report image layer team defect normal
#22781 Warning for highway and layer combination new tag_combination layer highway team enhancement normal
#23223 Unable to finish merging two layers needinfo Layers Merging aubreybachant@… defect normal
#23345 Improve WMS Layer Selection for Sources with Numerous Layers new WMS layer search team enhancement normal
#23492 Unable to access buttons to move image in PicLayer needinfo PicLayer, plugin django07 defect normal
#23520 Error occurs when closing JOSM new template_report, gpx, markerlayer team defect normal
#23601 Warn about incorrectly connected highway with man_made=bridge or man_made=tunnel and different layer values new layer connected highway man_made bridge tunnel team enhancement normal
#23705 Add unit test for save/upload layer preconditions check new save upload layer precodition team enhancement normal
#4132 'Shift+g' to switch from all GPS traces to just mine new gpx, gps, UI, user interface, keyboard shortcut, layer, display team enhancement minor
#13704 file rename process unexpectedly aborts new file rename layer team enhancement minor
#17986 elevation layer always created new template_report layer OliverW defect minor
#19157 Layer panel context menu: Save option not disabled with no changes new template_report save layer context menu team enhancement minor
#22281 layer properties window too small and bug in search new layer properties window search team defect minor
#22591 Center text in raised layer button in image viewer new template_report layer button text team enhancement minor
#14730 Display a notice to the user if functionality (imagery layer display) is reduced in case of low memory allocation new memory Usability notification layer team enhancement trivial
#18797 Same layer name used multiple times new template_report data layer name session team defect trivial
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.