Custom Query (28 matches)


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Status: closed (28 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#7042 Add "call relation editor" to right click menu of validator and properties toggle dialog. team enhancement minor fixed
#10039 No warning when adding a tag with an already existing key team defect minor tested fixed
#10051 cannot load https Overpass URLs team defect minor tested fixed
#10053 Failing projection unit tests team defect minor fixed
#4513 Support alpha channel in JOSM color preferences team enhancement normal fixed
#4550 Add a "Join Node to Way" action in addition to "Join Way to Node" team enhancement normal latest fixed
#6367 [PATCH]Select last node of way when undoing Follow Line team defect normal latest fixed
#9632 IAE "Comparison method violates its general contract!" in relation list dialog team defect normal tested fixed
#9669 key-press 3 on node goes down to 6 meter team enhancement normal tested fixed
#9682 [Patch] Unneeded keys created by JOSM team defect normal fixed
#9872 Sort "Member of" list naturally team enhancement normal fixed
#9880 building=(!yes) are not recognized as buildings team defect normal tested fixed
#9889 Follow (F) should stop on ambigous junctions chris66nrw@… enhancement normal fixed
#9901 address dialog does not complete street names from ways team enhancement normal tested fixed
#9947 Make File / Open URL also accept URLs with an object number team enhancement normal fixed
#9951 "Join Overlapping Areas" gives strange multipolygons team defect normal tested fixed
#9952 Extrude mode mouse-move tolerance team enhancement normal latest fixed
#9965 Unwanted warning in upload dialog team defect normal fixed
#9988 NPE when viewing advanced informations of a special way team defect normal fixed
#9990 Saving session results in IO Error Don-vip defect normal fixed
#10019 Order of nodes in relations after unglueing team enhancement normal fixed
#10028 follow line function should unselect last node when closing a way team enhancement normal latest fixed
#10037 [Patch] Double click selection mode team enhancement normal fixed
#10048 JOSM shouldn't offer a building=no option team defect normal fixed
#10068 Images with .jpeg extension can't be opened team defect normal tested fixed
#10072 Large GPS points are all gray team defect normal latest fixed
#8465 Switch to Java 7 team enhancement major fixed
#3142 JOSM applet class no longer functional team defect critical latest fixed
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.