Version 29 (modified by 9 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
Keyboard shortcut:
+ Delete
Allows the user to delete nodes and other objects.
Delete mode
Alt modifier
+ Delete
, when Alt
is held when using this tool the way and its' associated unused nodes are deleted.
Shift modifier
+ Delete
, when Shift
is held when using this tool, the segment you clicked is removed from the way, and the way split into two.
Ctrl modifier
+ Delete
, when Ctrl
is pressed when releasing the button, the objects and all its references are deleted. The exact definition of all its references is:
- If a node is deleted, the node and all ways and areas the node is part of are deleted as well.
- If a way is deleted, only the way and no nodes are deleted.
- If an area is deleted, only the area gets deleted.
The following key shortcuts are defined:
- If the user did not press
and the object has any references, the user is informed and nothing is deleted.
Note: in some Linux desktop environment (e.g. KDE) the Alt-click event is captured to perform actions like dragging the window across the screen. To reclaim this combination to Josm you have to open the Control Center, click on Desktop, Window Behaviour, Actions and change the modifier key to something different than Alt
Deleting objects being part of relations
If you delete an object which is part of a relation the object has to be removed from the relation. JOSM doesn't silently do so. Rather, the following confirmation dialog is displayed:
The entries in the displayed list indicate from which relations (second column in the table) the object (or the objects, if you delete more than one object) have to be removed.
Click Cancel if you don't want to remove the objects from these relations. In this case, JOSM doesn't delete the objects either, the operation is aborted. Click OK if you agree with removing the objects from the displayed relations.
See also
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Attachments (1)
- confirm-delete-from-relations.png (25.8 KB ) - added by 15 years ago.
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