Active Tickets (2457 matches)

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Results (101 - 200 of 2457)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Component Ticket Milestone Priority Status Summary Created Type
Core #23577 major new Problems with combining transactions "Replace geometry Ctrl+Shift-G" and "Join areas Shift-J" since update to actual version 19017 2 months defect
Core validator #23646 major new Dont warn parking=* on bicycle_parking 5 weeks defect
Core #21 normal new Bookmarks 18 years enhancement
Core #1708 normal new JOSM should not make me wait for up/downloading data but do it in background 16 years enhancement
Core #1981 normal new rotate map view 15 years enhancement
Core audio #2041 normal new Audio syncronization by time 15 years enhancement
Core #2212 normal new can't edit over 180th meridian 15 years defect
Core #2372 Longterm normal assigned Add GeoTIFF support 15 years enhancement
Plugin terracer #2496 normal new Terracer: warn about unsupported selection (support more than 4 nodes and other shapes than rectangles) 15 years defect
Core #2694 normal new add snapping Distance in GUI-Preferences 15 years enhancement
Core #3034 normal new open relation editor by click on turn-restriction symbol 15 years enhancement
Core #3118 normal new Indicate what background processes JOSM is running 15 years enhancement
Core #3417 normal new GPX parsing error messages shown in the console aren't shown in the UI 15 years enhancement
Core #3464 normal new varying behaviour using Enter and Escape 15 years defect
Core validator #3495 normal new Automatic way combining 15 years enhancement
Core validator #3496 normal new Background checking mode for validator 15 years enhancement
Core #3560 normal new Tool bar buttons: add small arrow indicating submenu 15 years enhancement
Core #3607 normal new working with download bounding boxes 15 years enhancement
Core audio #3633 normal new Audio position reset when downloading new data 15 years defect
Plugin routing #3638 normal new routes criteria 15 years enhancement
Core #3743 normal new wish: sign for snap crossing 15 years enhancement
Core #3746 normal new Allow reverting objects to previous state in history dialog 15 years enhancement
Plugin dataimport #3865 normal new Support GarminDataBase format 15 years enhancement
Core #4112 normal new Relation editor: Allow selecting objects in the relation editor selection list to apply operations to 15 years enhancement
Core #4145 normal new [PATCH][RFC] Show upload progress when uploading osmChange 14 years enhancement
Core image mapping #4168 normal new Geoimage: remember synchronization offset value for different cameras 14 years enhancement
Core image mapping #4169 normal new Geoimage: remember synchronization offset for each set of photos 14 years enhancement
Core image mapping #4172 normal new geoimage: preload images 14 years enhancement
Core #4215 normal new Changeset object counter 14 years enhancement
Core #4299 normal new Group related objects when in chunked mode 14 years enhancement
Plugin piclayer #4350 normal new PicLayer: Import of raster images (*.map, *.kal, *.geotiff) and calibration information (.wld, .tfw) 14 years enhancement
Core #4368 normal new conflict-list sorting 14 years enhancement
Core audio #4395 normal new Audiomapping 14 years enhancement
Core #4399 normal new tree-view for relation-list 14 years enhancement
Core #4507 normal new conflict manager: option to switch freeze after all members on/off. 14 years enhancement
Core #4518 normal new Update data: option to treat objects potentially deleted on the server as conflicts 14 years enhancement
Core #4596 normal new Relations are not always easily distinguishable 14 years enhancement
Core #4615 normal new conflict manager: tags: provide buttons use all my/their tags 14 years enhancement
Core validator #4626 normal new parallelize validator checks 14 years enhancement
Core #4654 normal new warning when deleting an object with remaining conflict 14 years enhancement
Core #4689 normal new conflict management: Remember width of columns in member window 14 years enhancement
Core #4738 normal new no_left_turn turn restrictions are displayed in 2 different ways. 14 years enhancement
Core #4746 normal new conflict manager: please highlight deleted members and conflict in roles separately 14 years enhancement
Core #4748 normal new conflict manager: member dialog: possibility to apply role to all selected members 14 years enhancement
Core #4819 normal new Increase "out of memory threshold" 14 years enhancement
Plugin surveyor #4868 normal new Wish: Surveyor-Plugin - autom. offset left or right 14 years enhancement
Plugin piclayer #4949 normal new PicLayer calibration - ozi .map file support 14 years enhancement
Core #5033 normal new Add preferences dialog to reset "Do not show me again" messages 14 years enhancement
Core #5034 normal new When automatic request answer are used, warn user 14 years enhancement
Core #5060 normal new Add nodes by heading/distance. 14 years enhancement
Core #5079 normal new Orthoganalize nodes that are not connected by ways 14 years enhancement
Core audio #5088 normal new Trouble to synchronize several small audio files 14 years enhancement
Core #5097 normal new [α Patch] possibility to repeat the last action (macro recording) 14 years enhancement
Core validator #5203 normal new Key to jump to next error 14 years enhancement
Core #5205 normal new Support Undo in relation editor 14 years enhancement
Core #5214 normal new duplicate nodes after failed upload 14 years defect
Plugin livegps #5219 normal new livegps does not drawn lines immediately 14 years defect
Core #5233 normal new Reload file from disk 14 years enhancement
Core #5315 normal new Also show note=* for nodes/ways, not only for relations; DEFAULT_NAMING_TAGS_FOR_RELATIONS for nodes/ways 14 years enhancement
Core #5355 normal new Infinite loop in download window on OutOfMemory 14 years defect
Core #5381 normal reopened mouse cursor not always what it should be 14 years defect
Core #5404 normal reopened OSM-API-close and HTTP-Request-Pipelining don't work over some proxies - JOSM must be restarted for further edits 14 years defect
Core audio #5405 normal new Allow Zoom to marker for audio markers (and other marker types?) 14 years enhancement
Core #5421 normal new Please make SimplifyArea plugin to be part of the JOSM core 14 years enhancement
Core #5439 normal new Implement ability to hide selected object 14 years enhancement
Core #5446 normal new Ineffective upload when uploading by parts 14 years defect
Core #5466 normal new purge doesn't delete the info about downloaded areas 14 years defect
Core #5493 normal new Visualize implicit turn restrictions 14 years enhancement
Core shortcuts #5515 normal reopened Single Key Shortcuts for activating and showing/hiding layers 14 years enhancement
Core audio #5541 normal new Audio and Gpx 14 years enhancement
Core #5619 normal new "update data" does not find conflicts 14 years defect
Core validator #5641 normal new Painting error layer is very slow 14 years defect
Plugin piclayer #5648 normal new PicLayer format shall support the projection used 14 years enhancement
Core #5662 normal reopened display timestamp of individual GPX trackpoints 14 years enhancement
Core #5686 normal new Combining ways while having relation editor open causes invalid link 14 years defect
Core #5694 normal new (patch needs rework) two more select modes 14 years enhancement
Core #5700 normal new synchronise individual entities until upload succeeds 14 years enhancement
Core #5706 normal reopened [Patch needs rework] Role Verification Warnings 14 years defect
Core #5710 normal new Confirmation question undo to wrong place (more than 20 object) 14 years defect
Core #5746 normal new Implement "if-unused" osmChange API feature for outside BBOX nodes 13 years enhancement
Core shortcuts #5763 normal new Keyboard shortcuts not saved 13 years defect
Core #5846 normal new AssertionError when undoing PurgeCommand 13 years defect
Core #5855 normal new Simplifying way sometimes leaves a stray node 13 years defect
Core #5879 normal reopened Force purge nodes with tags along way 13 years enhancement
Core #5900 normal new Presets: combo box styled element to setting the key to a fixed predefined value 13 years enhancement
Core imagery #5930 normal new imagery once initialized does not use new network-settings 13 years defect
Plugin ext_tools #5944 normal new reload configuration 13 years enhancement
Core #6095 normal new Rescan conflicts when tags change 13 years enhancement
Core mappaint #6129 normal new (PATCH needs rework) have even more flexiblity in mapcss 13 years enhancement
Core #6146 normal new Hatch entire data layers without download bounds 13 years enhancement
Core #6160 normal new filter doesn't work as expected on multipolygon relations 13 years defect
Core #6164 normal new Warning about failed data update after upload 13 years enhancement
Plugin terracer #6172 normal reopened Terracer: Does not check for existing associatedStreet relation and silently deletes members 13 years defect
Plugin terracer #6173 normal new Terracer: does not keep the orientation of housenumbers 13 years defect
Plugin terracer #6178 normal new terracer: deletes addr node without copying any data 13 years defect
Core audio #6180 normal new audioicons status indication 13 years enhancement
Core #6182 normal new add an option not to show all existing values in the 'change value dialog' 13 years enhancement
Core #6184 normal new "Save/Upload" question is sometimes asked when not necessary and sometimes not asked when necessary 13 years defect
Core validator #6189 normal new Duplicate nodes in two un-closed ways 13 years enhancement
Plugin terracer #6191 normal new Terracer: does not add housenumbers if highest housenumber is given 13 years defect
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Batch Modify
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.