Custom Query (61 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#5038 Proposal for editing object attributes in spreadsheet mode new selection,editing, spreadsheet, attribute table team enhancement major
#8913 PH and SH unknown new PH SH syntax boman defect major
#15856 Numerical shortcuts don't work in AZERTY new template_report keyboard layout AZERTY numeric shortcut team defect major
#22939 Improve ways & data layer tool softlock new template_report, softlock, tool_selection, shortcut kolesar defect major
#5203 Key to jump to next error new key shortcut team enhancement normal
#5515 Single Key Shortcuts for activating and showing/hiding layers reopened layer shortcut jttt enhancement normal
#5763 Keyboard shortcuts not saved new keyboard shortcuts team defect normal
#6412 Additional hotkeys/shortcuts for navigating completion lists new autocompletion, shortcuts, hotkeys team enhancement normal
#6656 OpeningHoursEditor corrections + enhancements new openinghourseditor plugin enhancement boxes shortcut description dialog list drop-down holiday boman enhancement normal
#7012 Handle relation membership in "create multipolygon" new create multipolygon move memberships team enhancement normal
#7506 [Patch] Adding shortcut for relation editor and tag editor new relation editor, shortcuts team enhancement normal
#7513 [Patch] Warn non-experts when combining ways with conflicting tags or ways being part of relations reopened combine conflict tag membership team enhancement normal
#7628 confirmation on way combine for relation turn_restriction new combine way turn_restriction membership conflict team defect normal
#7890 Add columns for the opening hours on public holidays (PH) and school holidays (SH) new PH, SH boman enhancement normal
#10286 extruder: problem with shared nodes new template_report extruder shared node team defect normal
#10310 remove shop=yes and shop=no from presets new shop amenity fuel team enhancement normal
#10736 JOSM ignores keyboard shortcuts after opening another window new template_report, focus, shortcut, arch linux team defect normal
#10748 Move and connect way to an external node with shape retention new move way, shape retention, join team enhancement normal
#10937 <CTRL><ALT>J (jump to next marker not working new Jump to marker shortcut team enhancement normal
#11122 add shop=motorcycle_repair new shop motorcycle repair team enhancement normal
#12243 Quick apply tags new shortcuts, power mapping team enhancement normal
#12597 Replace memberships of one object by another new replace membership simon04 enhancement normal
#12862 Shortcut to select the outer way of a selected multipolygon new multipolygon, shortcut, outer team enhancement normal
#13965 Allow keyboard shortcuts for WIkipedia functions new wikidata, feature request, shortcut simon04 enhancement normal
#14178 Replace geometry: Optional setting handling for membership conflicts new template_report replace geometry membership team enhancement normal
#14782 Keyboard shortcut for "zoom to" in relation editor / double click new template_report keyboard shortcut zoom_to team enhancement normal
#14899 Add shortcuts to rotate objects new rotate, Shortcut team enhancement normal
#15512 cycleway=lane not showing one side when,....... new dash, oneway, bicycle, lane, cycleway team defect normal
#16654 add shop=religion & shop=general new shop religion general team enhancement normal
#17959 add shop=agrarian and shop=trade new shop agrarian trade team enhancement normal
#18592 Tags/Memberships toggle dialog: enable opening several relation editor dialog simultaneously new template_report Tags Memberships relation editor team enhancement normal
#18637 Option of keyboard shortcut for "switch (background-)imagery view to next available (background-)imagery in list" reopened keyboard shortcut background imagery team enhancement normal
#18675 Join Areas: Tags and Membership from uninvolved objects copied new template_report join area tag membership team defect normal
#18974 [patch] Add support for shortcut 'zoom to selection' (key '3') when note is selected new template_report zoom shortcut team enhancement normal
#19052 No user information if "disconnect node from way" modifies a relation new template_report disconnect node relation membership team defect normal
#20103 Warn about short ways new template_report short way length team enhancement normal
#20190 Orthogonalize Shape: Creates command which changes nothing new template_report orthogonalize shape team defect normal
#20648 Unable to edit keybind for "Delete tags" new keyboard shortcuts team defect normal
#20752 Reorder imagery layers: Three shortcuts in preferences but non is working new template_report reorder imagery layer shortcut team defect normal
#20800 Replace Geometry: keep connections to existing ways new replace geometry shared node team enhancement normal
#20809 Tags/Memberships panel: Search for "Key/Value(/Type)" with multiple tags selected new template_report tags memberships panel search key value team enhancement normal
#21336 gray/grey colour value confusion in destination_sign relation preset new British color names gray grey locale team defect normal
#21831 Add confirmation message to flush the tile cache new template_report context menu flush tile cache team enhancement normal
#21984 .zip file in session file isn't reopened new template_report session shp zip Don-vip defect normal
#22299 [Patch] Allow selection of relations in relation membership table via middle click new relation, membership table, selection team enhancement normal
#22355 Some ideas to improve Tags/Membership window and "add tag"/"change tag" dialogue new improve Tags/Membership window team enhancement normal
#22423 [Patch] Do not mix capital/lowerkey letter keys in Tags/Memberships window reopened sort keys Tags/memberships panel team defect normal
#22460 After squaring a building and uploading, the downloaded building is not square enough for the extrude tool to avoid creating unnecessary nodes new extrusion square node shift rounding team enhancement normal
#22605 No indication of and no option to delete automatically added CS-tag "hashtag" new template_report changeset tag hashtag team defect normal
#22617 Include shop=agrarian new shop agrarian team enhancement normal
#22910 Add massage= to shop=massage preset new massage shop default preset team enhancement normal
#22999 Kann man disued:shop als feste Regel einführen? - Can you use disused:shop as a fixed rule? Often there are wrong entries like "disued:shop" new template_report shop disused team enhancement normal
#23409 export matsim network to shapefile is crashing new matsim_network_export2shapefile double-m defect normal
#23768 Export from MATSim to Shape file new MATSim- Shape file double-m defect normal
#23996 Convert non-standard dashes to standard dashes in the Opening Hours field new template_report opening_hours dash team enhancement normal
#24064 Keyboard shortcut for switching active layers does not work needinfo keyboard shortcut busterama@… defect normal
#24157 How to display keyboard shortcuts in the wiki help pages? assigned keyboard shortcuts HeiKue task normal
#4132 'Shift+g' to switch from all GPS traces to just mine new gpx, gps, UI, user interface, keyboard shortcut, layer, display team enhancement minor
#6423 Impossible to simplify the "shared" parts of "overlapping ways" new simplify,overlapping ways, shared nodes team enhancement minor
#17314 Change "Join Node to Way" to "Join Way with Node" reopened i18n english team enhancement minor
#23592 Support for shop=wigs new shop wigs team enhancement minor
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.