
Opened 14 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#6656 new enhancement

OpeningHoursEditor corrections + enhancements

Reported by: Pepou Owned by: boman
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Plugin openinghourseditor Version: latest
Keywords: openinghourseditor plugin enhancement boxes shortcut description dialog list drop-down holiday Cc:

Description (last modified by Don-vip)

Following the discussion in ticket #6584 I've moved a few wishes here:

  • While manually editing the text value and noticing a syntax error, the plugin's behavior is highly user-unfriendly - the grid with rectangular boxes disappears and the user may be completely lost.

I'd recommend to keep the graphics part corresponding to the last known correct value (until the text edit field will be corrected) and let the user override the incorrectly edited text part with mouse moves on the graphics part.

  • One correction to the description: "You can also create a single time-point (for example: Mo-Fr 09:15) by setting the height of the rectangle to 0, the color of the rectangle will change to green. You can also delete a rectangle by changing its width or height to 0."

The second sentence is misleading. Actually a rectangle can be deleted by a) setting its width to 0, or b) setting its height below 0. Green (single-time point) rectangles can be deleted just with the a) method, because it is not more possible to change their height to anything from 0.

  • A couple of times I wanted to add opening hours to some POI. I've opened the plugin GUI ("edit new tag" is selected, but the line next to it is empty), pressed OK, painted some time rectangles (not noticing the Key line keeping empty) and pressed OK, then wondered, where is the new tag gone. Wrong, it was not even created - empty key name.

A much more friendly behavior would be to replace the Key line with the same control, which is used in the simple basic dialog for adding a key + value to object's properties (it is possible to choose from supported values (pull-down with small triangle at the right side) - just as it appears in the plugin's wiki, and/or edit the value manually) and populate the list with common key names (opening_hours, service_times, collection_times, etc. with opening_hours being the default).

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Change History (3)

comment:1 by D4RKL3G10N, 13 years ago

Keywords: openinghourseditor plugin enhancement boxes shortcut description dialog list drop-down holiday added

To bullet 2:

Indeed it's a misleading. And I was able to delete green boxes on the chart by instead of changing the height (which is impossible for green boxes in the chart), changing the width to the opposite direction.

To bullet 3:

I fully agree that this is a problem that should be fixed, since there is no drop-down list whatsoever, as opposed to what the wiki shows. Maybe it is a coding error that happened between versions. Maybe we should open a ticket just for that problem?

Additional Enhancement Proposals:

Holiday options
There isn't an option to set holiday opening hours. Notice that the wiki about opening_hours predicts that there can be defined opening hours for public holidays [PH] and school holidays [SH]. Maybe a checkbox or a right-click menu for the rectangles could allow to indicate such hours -or- a button in the same fashion as the 24/7 button, although I think it would be confusing since holidays can coexist with other opening hours, as opposed to 24/7.

Clearly displaying shortcut Ctrl+T
On the 'Tools' menu, the OpeningHours line doesn't mention the shortcut. I had to search for it on Preferences -> Shortcuts.

comment:2 by Don-vip, 12 years ago

Description: modified (diff)
Owner: changed from team to boman

in reply to:  1 comment:3 by skyper, 8 years ago

Replying to D4RKL3G10N:

Holiday options
There isn't an option to set holiday opening hours. Notice that the wiki about opening_hours predicts that there can be defined opening hours for public holidays [PH] and school holidays [SH]. Maybe a checkbox or a right-click menu for the rectangles could allow to indicate such hours -or- a button in the same fashion as the 24/7 button, although I think it would be confusing since holidays can coexist with other opening hours, as opposed to 24/7.

See #7890 and #8913

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