Custom Query (31 matches)


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Status: closed (31 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#21488 CCE: org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.widgets.QuadStateCheckBox$QuadStateDecorator cannot be cast to javax.swing.JToggleButton$ToggleButtonModel Don-vip defect major Core
#21502 JOSM is "stealing" several file extensions after each update/installation (Windows) Don-vip defect major Installer Windows latest
#21507 [PATCH] IAE: "offsetLimit must be after current position" at MaxLengthDocumentFilter.replace (Japanese IME) team defect major Core tested
#17034 Add support for power=connection team enhancement normal Internal preset
#20378 [Patch] No Warnings on Crossings GerdP defect normal Core validator latest
#20982 [Patch] Douglas-Peucker implementation is wrong GerdP defect normal Core
#21446 Memory leaks with TaggingPreset team defect normal Core
#21494 Support aarch64/arm64 architecture in APT repository jleedev enhancement normal Ubuntu package
#21497 Please restore standard file selection window for Mac team defect normal Core
#21508 [Patch] Remove empty rows from multiselect team enhancement normal Internal preset
#21509 New coverity issues related to comboboxes team defect normal Core
#21510 [PATCH] Enable Multi-Release Jars (MRJAR AKA JEP 238) Don-vip enhancement normal Core
#21519 AIOOBE at org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.PluginListParser.parse Don-vip defect normal Core
#21538 [Patch] Opening GPS traces in browser does not work Don-vip defect normal Core latest
#21541 false positive: crossing railways GerdP defect normal Core validator
#21550 [PATCH] NPE in org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.tagging.presets.items.PresetListEntry.getCount team defect normal Core tested
#21557 [PATCH] in File > Upload data : "New changeset" cannot be translated team defect normal Core tested
#21596 [PATCH] Update dependencies in ivy.xml and tools/ivy.xml Don-vip enhancement normal Core
#21610 [Patch] Change layer default value for man_made=bridge to a positive value team defect normal Internal preset latest
#21642 Meadow preset does not include the meadow key Don-vip enhancement normal Internal preset
#21646 [PATCH][RFC] Round new points in or modify equals Don-vip defect normal Core imagery
#21655 Wrong order of changesets in the changeset manager Don-vip defect normal Core tested
#21682 [Patch] Exceptions in layer change listeners prevent JOSM from closing team defect normal Core
#21688 [Patch] Validator error for milestones Don-vip defect normal Core validator latest
#21694 IOOBE: Index -1 out of bounds for length 2 (MapPaintStyles.toggleStyleActive) Don-vip defect normal Core mappaint
#21696 ISE: no convergence for ts=NaN at Don-vip enhancement normal Core tested
#21716 JOSM validator complains about valid values for mtb:scale team defect normal Core validator
#21447 [Patch] layer=0 proposed in presets, then warned about team enhancement minor Internal preset latest
#21505 Javadoc warnings Don-vip defect minor Core
#21652 add gold to "material" team enhancement minor Internal preset
#21645 [patch] Extract common branches Don-vip enhancement trivial Core
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