Custom Query (20135 matches)


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Results (601 - 700 of 20135)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#7524 Draw mode is broken xeen defect critical Core
#7545 Licensechange plugin overrides CT status in History Window framm defect critical Plugin licensechange
#7570 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException when selecting a boundary relation team defect critical Core
#7596 Plugin installation is broken team defect critical Core
#7600 Unable to add to way anonymous defect critical Core
#7606 Values in presets get translated simon04 defect critical Core
#7609 Replace Geometry command hangs josm with 100% cpu team defect critical Plugin utilsplugin2
#7620 JOSM crash every minute team defect critical Core
#7703 How to get resources from inside plugin? bastiK defect critical Core
#7757 AIOOBE at RoutePatternAction.calcOffset roland.olbricht defect critical Plugin public_transport
#7921 merge areas Luebeck defect critical Core
#7938 [critical/blocking] stack overflow: infinite exceptions when opening Conflict editor on a relation team defect critical Core
#7978 Merging nodes is broken. Don-vip defect critical Core
#8100 GeoJSON output not readable by TileMill team defect critical Core
#8299 Fehler bei Editierung von Relationen, Löschung von Knoten/Wegen von Relationen aus dem Datenbestand team defect critical Core
#8435 [PATCH] Relationship Editor crashes JOSM team defect critical Core
#8491 WP-Articles containing ampersand ("&") can not be opened simon04 defect critical Plugin wikipedia
#8498 Conflate plugin crashes when conflating joshdoe defect critical Plugin conflation
#8587 JOSM Windows Installer is still in 5759, not 5836 team defect critical Installer Windows
#8597 Data loss when joining address node into building team defect critical Plugin terracer
#8608 Uploading revert-changeset crashes Upliner defect critical Plugin reverter
#8620 JOSM does not compile after JMapViewer update team defect critical JMapViewer
#8654 Create Mac OS X application bundle which uses Java 1.7 on 10.8 team enhancement critical 14.03 Installer MacOS
#8680 History dialog missing new version after a revert team defect critical Core
#8698 SVN and plugin update server is down? team defect critical unspecified
#8781 does not work with relations Upliner defect critical Plugin buildings_tools
#8814 Trac bug: time out uploading attachment (critical) stoecker defect critical Trac
#8900 reverter plugin crashing when starting JOSM (r6081) Upliner defect critical Plugin reverter
#8938 Reverting selection + deleted object produces data inconsistency Upliner defect critical Plugin reverter
#8982 JOSM Print Plugin Crashes JOSM anonymous defect critical Plugin print
#9047 "Guess"ing missing fields in addresses overwrites existing values OliverW defect critical Plugin fixaddresses
#9284 SVN Version does not compile team defect critical 13.11 Core
#9431 terracer crash team defect critical Plugin terracer
#9482 regression: irregular behaviour drawing ways Don-vip defect critical 14.01 Core
#9511 IllegalArgumentException when testing "Oauth token" Don-vip defect critical 14.01 Core
#9618 heavy load at pre-upload check team defect critical Core
#9626 MapCSS validation strings are not included in core language files simon04 defect critical 14.01 (hotfix) Core
#9640 NullPointerException team defect critical Core
#9698 JOSM starts as few pixel width window. team defect critical Core
#9699 JOSM starts as few pixel width window. Don-vip defect critical 14.02 Core
#9701 NPE in ToggleDialog team defect critical 14.02 Core
#9769 Conflation Plugin error on conflate joshdoe defect critical Plugin conflation
#9777 ssl + OAuth and notes does not work ToeBee defect critical Core notes
#9789 Не загружает данные на сервер team defect critical Core
#9899 No warning about pending uploads on exit ToeBee defect critical Core notes
#9936 Unexpectd Error in Pic Layer Plugin TomaszStelmach defect critical Plugin piclayer
#9939 old Java-Version team defect critical Core
#9962 WMS Service dont work since this version team defect critical 14.05 Core imagery
#10049 direct download plugin not working team defect critical Plugin DirectDownload
#10094 building tools Upliner defect critical Plugin buildings_tools
#10156 combine ways: conflicts not shown team defect critical 14.10 Core
#10204 validator bug "wrong roundabout" on cycleway roundabouts team defect critical 14.06 Core validator
#10336 OpenSSL CCS vulnerability (CVE-2014-0224) team defect critical unspecified
#10436 Does not connect to server due to SSL key > 1024 team defect critical Core
#10521 Genshi error on uploading of files to wiki. stoecker defect critical Trac
#10562 Uploading with command Line team enhancement critical Core
#10665 Version 7643 problems with Plugin 'continuous download' Gnonthgol defect critical Plugin continuosDownload
#10948 Error when extracting PBF files. Don-vip defect critical Plugin pbf
#11075 Error starting josm team defect critical Core
#11204 This plugin doesn't work and never has been working (on selected architectures?) team defect critical Plugin videomapping
#11209 Keyboard input stops working after a few minutes team defect critical Core
#11308 Underlying unable to download maps from the server - reports an error team defect critical Core
#11311 Can not download the source map. team defect critical Core
#11318 Download new data not working team defect critical Core
#11424 AttributeError: 'org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MapView' object has no attribute 'recalculateCenterScale' team defect critical Core
#11579 JOSM latest doesn't start. josm-latest of yesterday and josm-tested did work team defect critical 15.08 Core
#11647 Regression: relation list empty team defect critical 15.08 Core
#11704 Short cut key to create a circle using a single way anonymous enhancement critical Plugin ext_tools
#11717 Bing layer hides data layer team defect critical Core
#11878 Terracer plugin causes unexpected exception. Can't upload. team defect critical Plugin terracer
#11978 Exception on Split Way jezevec defect critical Core
#12022 GNOME AtkWrapper causing LOTS of UI issues/exceptions with OpenJDK8 on Debian/Ubuntu team defect critical Core
#12073 "sort values" results in exception team defect critical 15.11 Core
#12097 NoClassDefFoundError when importing GeoTiff image maps2xplane@… defect critical Plugin geotools
#12153 Changing sorting order in Tags/Memberships window and clicking in one tag, edits the wrong tag team defect critical 15.12 Core
#12262 NPE when trying to open specific turn restriction in relation editor Don-vip defect critical 15.12 Core
#12279 JOSM hangs when opening a large file team defect critical 16.01 Core mappaint
#12405 Glue function doesn't work for nodes and ways Don-vip defect critical 16.02 Core
#12616 Random repositioning of nodes team defect critical 16.04 Core
#12759 specify maxspeed for each lane team enhancement critical Core
#12913 Imagery presets not accesible from stoecker defect critical Trac
#12966 continuosDownload doesn't work anymore danidoedel defect critical Plugin continuosDownload
#12995 NPE after activating a WMS imagery source team defect critical 16.06 Core imagery
#13051 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException w/ ZoomToAction team defect critical Core
#13095 Exception on closing layers team defect critical 16.06 Core
#13149 josm 10526 trojan? team defect critical Installer Windows
#13177 Better handle errors while downloading parent ways/relations team defect critical 20.05 Core
#13218 Activating the building plugin results in error Don-vip defect critical Plugin buildings_tools
#13301 Imagery offset not functioning team defect critical Core
#13322 The error happen when i try to fix error of geometry team defect critical 16.08 Core
#13338 SSLException in Mapillary plugin on activation of large area Don-vip defect critical Plugin mapillary
#13374 No nodes drawn even on highest zoom level team defect critical 16.08 Core mappaint
#13464 Fast draw plugin does not enter map mode. akks defect critical Plugin FastDraw
#13534 NPE in FiltersDownloader.downloadFiltersInfoList Nipel-Crumple defect critical Plugin rasterfilters
#13631 IAE: Listener CommandLine.(XXX)Action was not registered before or already removed Hind defect critical Plugin commandline
#13636 panning is very slow at high zoom <1m michael2402 defect critical 16.10 Core mappaint
#13648 Rex plugin needs update team defect critical Plugin rex
#13784 RejectedExecutionException - MainApplication.worker in terminated state if restart fails to locate java runtime Don-vip defect critical 20.12 Core restart
#13809 Jenkins build hangs / JOSM deadlock (AudioPlayerTest / NotificationManager.processQueue) team defect critical 17.04 Core
#13896 IAE: Listener improveway.ImproveWayAccuracyAction was already registered kolesar defect critical Plugin ImproveWay
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