All Tickets (including closed) (2469 matches)

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Results (701 - 800 of 2469)

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Component Ticket Milestone Priority Status Summary Created Type
Internal mappaint style #12866 normal new Display disused:railway=* and abandoned:railway=* like railway=disused/abandoned whenever relevant 8 years enhancement
Core #12895 normal new Show only "self-created" problem warnings in novice mode? 8 years defect
Core #12921 normal new tag autocompletion has a weakness for trailing numbers 8 years defect
Core #12985 normal new Move advanced info to expert mode 8 years enhancement
Plugin turnlanes-tagging #12996 normal new Turnlanes-tagging pluging having shortcut conflicts with Turn Restrictions plugin 8 years defect
Core #13030 normal new Allow the creation of two map views 8 years enhancement
Core #13036 normal new More validation for commands 8 years enhancement
Core #13042 normal new JOSM becomes unresponsive after "Test Access Token" after "New Acces Token" 8 years defect
Plugin conflation #13065 normal new Conflation: the conflict-resolution dialog shouldn't be modal 8 years defect
Core notes #13074 normal new Make notes movable if not uploaded. 8 years enhancement
Unit tests #13099 normal new Broken unit test: 8 years defect
Core imagery #13118 normal new [Patch] wms imagery should probe for WMS Version or allow to set it 8 years defect
Plugin wikipedia #13121 normal new Create/update Wikidata item using OSM data 8 years enhancement
Core #13125 normal new Allow to set Simplify Way tolerance in the interface 8 years enhancement
Core #13143 normal new Make autosave not block on other threads 8 years enhancement
Core validator #13146 normal new UnsupportedOperationException: Unable to remove primitives from TestError 8 years defect
Core multipoly #13152 normal new Unecessary decision dialog while merging two ways that are part of a multipolygon 8 years defect
Core imagery #13155 normal new Better handling of Layer.checkLayerMemoryDoesNotExceedMaximum 8 years defect
Core #13205 normal new Warn users when trying to upload really large changesets 8 years enhancement
Core #13373 normal new Adding a node with two selected ways may result in unintended node move 8 years defect
Plugin rasterfilters #13382 normal new a rasterfilters color inversion/transformation filter seems very useful 8 years enhancement
Plugin rasterfilters #13383 normal new rasterfilters "Choose filters" button missing 8 years defect
Core imagery #13386 normal new [Patch draft] Make imagery support multiple map views 8 years enhancement
Plugin rasterfilters #13405 normal new Filter Download Button not working 8 years defect
Plugin reverter #13435 normal new Option to restore deleted and modified objects only 8 years enhancement
Core #13446 normal new Preference cleanup 8 years enhancement
Plugin rasterfilters #13448 normal new NPE at RasterFiltersPlugin.activeOrEditLayerChanged while closing josm 8 years defect
Core #13456 normal new Structure/clean the main menu 8 years enhancement
External mappaint style #13457 normal new Street area 8 years enhancement
Core validator #13472 normal new Detect areas mapped on top of highway=* areas 8 years enhancement
Core #13478 normal new IAE: Parameter 'member' must not be null when resolving relation conflict 8 years defect
Core validator #13517 normal new Warn users if hw=path is a lone tag 8 years enhancement
Core #13519 normal new "Selection" main menu 8 years enhancement
Core #13520 normal new Add support for video in embedded help 8 years enhancement
Core #13538 normal new Missing "Cannot add node outside of the world" message 8 years defect
Plugin elevationprofile #13589 normal reopened IAE: Cannot paint layer, it is not registered (ElevationProfileLayer) 8 years defect
Core validator #13600 normal new too far away check does not use multipolygons 8 years defect
Core mappaint #13604 normal reopened IAE: Cannot paint layer, it is not registered (OsmDataLayer) 8 years defect
Core shortcuts #13626 normal new Paste as source position should be the default setting. 8 years enhancement
Core validator #13651 normal new conditional tag: False warning with complex opening_hours values in combination with AND 8 years defect
Plugin turnlanes #13656 normal new IAE in turnlanes plugin ModelContainer.getJunction 8 years defect
Core shortcuts #13666 normal new Unable to change "Paste at source position" keyboard shortcut to Ctrl-V 8 years defect
Core #13678 normal new Problem with closed multipolygon displaying and test 8 years defect
Core #13698 normal new RelationEditor: "Zoom to" replaces selection without hint in text, it shoudn't 8 years enhancement
Core #13706 normal new History browser: color moved relation members differently 8 years defect
Plugin simplifyArea #13713 normal new Simplify area is removing some big chunks 8 years defect
Core #13734 normal new Wishlist: Multitouch mouse zoom/pan gestures on mac OS 8 years enhancement
Core #13740 normal new Should reverse highways by default, instead setting oneway=-1 8 years enhancement
Core #13753 normal new Option to keep or remove all ways when resolving conflicting merges 8 years enhancement
Core #13755 normal new IAE at ImproveWayAccuracyAction.mouseReleased - on node removal 8 years defect
Core #13774 normal new On GPS import do not change the viewport 8 years defect
Core #13788 normal new Opening individual tracks from<Username>/traces/ via remote control 8 years enhancement
Plugin turnlanes #13806 normal new StackOverflowError at Path$Line.getLength 8 years defect
Core #13814 normal reopened Zoom is extremely sensitive now 8 years defect
Core #13866 normal new Improvement to the Scale bar - Readability plus zoom level addition 8 years enhancement
Core #13884 normal new Option to save selected objects only 8 years enhancement
Core #13885 normal new Option to paste the same object into another layer 8 years enhancement
Core #13887 normal new More complete option to select nodes from ways 8 years enhancement
Core #13894 normal new Object out of boundaries in JOSM 8 years enhancement
Internal preset #13900 normal new Presets: Add a combobox for name 8 years enhancement
Core #13914 normal new More descriptive network connection issues message 8 years enhancement
Core image mapping #13915 normal reopened Allow rotating images 8 years enhancement
Core #13918 normal new Better handle some dialogs marked as "never show again" 8 years enhancement
Core imagery #13938 normal new Provide faster way to edit imagery bookmark entries 8 years enhancement
Core #13939 normal new Should not create dialogs at the middle of two screens + should remember the dialog position 8 years defect
Core #13944 normal new ImproveWayAccuracy should allow node merging to closest one when creating it 8 years enhancement
Core imagery #13952 normal new JOSM unresponsive when zooming out completely 8 years defect
Plugin wikipedia #13965 normal new Allow keyboard shortcuts for WIkipedia functions 8 years enhancement
Core #13967 normal new Direct option to save/load toolbar items 8 years enhancement
Core #13968 normal new Optional display of current zoom level 8 years enhancement
Core validator #13971 normal new Explain what "fix" "autofix" button will do for every check using captions 8 years enhancement
Core validator #13992 normal new URL validator on source:url 8 years defect
Core #14003 normal new Mouse moves trigger costly calculations to early 8 years enhancement
Core mappaint #14006 normal new Multipolygon: combinedPolygons not updated on node merge 8 years defect
Plugin fixaddresses #14012 normal new Parking not recognized 8 years enhancement
Plugin fixaddresses #14014 normal new support for highway with different side name 8 years enhancement
Core #14018 normal new JOSM is very slow 8 years defect
Core imagery #14022 normal new Region [TMS_BLOCK_v2] Problem loading keys for file TMS_BLOCK_v2 8 years defect
Plugin importimage #14045 normal new OperationNotFoundException: Bursa wolf parameters required - North America Lambert Conformal Conical 8 years defect
Plugin wikipedia #14051 normal new Unhandled timeout exception in WikipediaApp.getWikidataForArticles 8 years defect
Plugin rasterfilters #14061 normal new NPE at RasterFiltersPreferences.ok 8 years defect
Core #14069 normal new More coloring options for GPX files (HDOP circle) 8 years enhancement
Core #14077 normal new Proxy authentication 8 years enhancement
Core #14083 normal new Horizontal scrolling with mouse doesn't work 8 years defect
Core imagery #14087 normal new automatically switch to a mirror source if tile loading fails or takes very long 8 years enhancement
Core validator #14092 normal new Should not suggest to downgrade the classification of some roundabouts 8 years enhancement
Core #14094 normal new Incomplete object info in the conflict dialog 8 years defect
Core validator #14096 normal new Optional use of subgroups triggered by number of hits 8 years enhancement
Core notes #14111 normal new Some improvements for notes 8 years enhancement
Core #14139 normal new Customize track drawing, gpx, where did I stop, speed color scheme. 7 years enhancement
Core #14142 normal new Rename "Toggle Dialogs" (sometimes "Windows") to "Panel" 7 years enhancement
Core #14168 normal new JOSM not working with manual or system proxy settings 7 years defect
Core #14177 normal new Tag/Membership conflict window: Window height/divider not properly adjusted 7 years defect
Plugin utilsplugin2 #14178 normal new Replace geometry: Optional setting handling for membership conflicts 7 years enhancement
Core #14182 normal reopened Cancel upload produces a mess :) 7 years defect
Plugin #14191 normal new Get route segments from overlapping way or GPS trace 7 years enhancement
Core validator #14290 normal new Parent selector is selecting both child and parent 7 years defect
Plugin print #14335 normal new Printing function does not work. AIOOBE: 0 7 years defect
Core validator #14378 normal new Global territory selector 7 years enhancement
Plugin wikipedia #14448 normal new wikidata IDs fetch should show number of added and unchanged values in popup 7 years enhancement
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