
Opened 16 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#3369 closed enhancement (fixed)

validator check to detect ways exceeding the API capabilities waynodes

Reported by: rweait Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Core validator Version: latest
Keywords: api capabilities Cc:

Description (last modified by Don-vip)

I've been working with large import files in josm and a couple of things would be nice as a bulk import helper:

  • a count of changes in the current changeset, without having to attempt an upload and failing.
  • an option to upload only the selected node/way/relation. When the import file has 66,000 changes, uploading a dozen of the largest individually can make the rest an easy and legal upload.
  • a count of the number of overlength ways and a quick way to select the longest (and fix it)
  • a way to split a layer into sensible, legal changeset-sized layers. Perhaps I can divide the import file into quadrants (without breaking ways / relations) and upload each quadrant in turn?
  • a way to compare an import layer to the existing database and mark import items as upload, do not upload, upload immediately, and have then hide. So un-triaged items in the import layer are obvious.

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Change History (5)

comment:1 by Gubaer, 16 years ago

Component: unspecifiedCore
Version: latest
  • an option to upload only the selected node/way/relation. When the import file has 66,000 changes, uploading a dozen of the largest individually can make the rest an easy and legal upload.

You may try to

  • create a new empty layer
  • select nodes/ways/relations
  • merge the selected primitives to an empty layer with Edit -> Merge selection
  • activate the new layer
  • upload the new layer

comment:2 by Gubaer, 15 years ago

(In [2599]) fixed #4130: Chunked upload mode counter is wrong
fixed #4118: Upload dialog too complicated
fixed #4129: Hide the new "Upload data in one request/chunks/individually" behind an expanding "Upload method" box
fixed #2075: API 0.6: don't upload more than 50K edits at once
fixed #4044: Huge uploads never end [should be solved with chunked upload mode]
fixed #4110: Upload dialog spacing wrong
fixed #3386: Upload dialog has empty areas when the changeset doesn't include all of add/modify/delete operations
see #3369: bulk import helper [JOSM now supports multi changesets uploads]

See online help for more details.

Completes r2598

in reply to:  description ; comment:3 by Don-vip, 12 years ago

Component: CoreCore validator
Description: modified (diff)
Keywords: api capabilities added
Summary: bulk import helpervalidator check to detect ways exceeding the API capabilities waynodes

Replying to rweait:

  • a count of changes in the current changeset, without having to attempt an upload and failing.

This will be tracked by #7772.

  • an option to upload only the selected node/way/relation.

UploadSelection introduced in r2250.

  • a count of the number of overlength ways and a quick way to select the longest (and fix it)

Agreed, I thought we already had a check for this.

  • a way to split a layer into sensible, legal changeset-sized layers. Perhaps I can divide the import file into quadrants (without breaking ways / relations) and upload each quadrant in turn?

r2599 above introduced multi changeset uploads.

  • a way to compare an import layer to the existing database and mark import items as upload, do not upload, upload immediately, and have then hide. So un-triaged items in the import layer are obvious.

Too complicated.

==> I change the ticket to reflect the last thing to do: add a validator check to detect ways exceeding the API capabilities waynodes (currently set to 2000) and propose a fix (cut it in the middle maybe)

in reply to:  3 comment:4 by skyper, 12 years ago

Replying to Don-vip:

==> I change the ticket to reflect the last thing to do: add a validator check to detect ways exceeding the API capabilities waynodes (currently set to 2000) and propose a fix (cut it in the middle maybe)

Cut in the middle will not work. You have to make sure that each part will have 2000 waynodes or less.

comment:5 by Don-vip, 11 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

In fact we already have this test before upload since r1693, so we can close this ticket.

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