Custom Query (22 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#12872 Allow hierarchical layers new hierarchical layer team enhancement major
#14404 Support similar/alternative words when searching for a preset new preset search alias i18n team enhancement major
#7308 Syntax highlighting in search dialog new search syntax highlighting gsoc-candidate team enhancement normal
#7364 Search snippets for frequently used sub-queries new search snippets team enhancement normal
#10736 JOSM ignores keyboard shortcuts after opening another window new template_report, focus, shortcut, arch linux team defect normal
#11871 Searching "Area around places" should allow to center slippy map for further selection new Area, search, download, slippy map, bad request team enhancement normal
#15943 Misbehaviour or wrong description of search string 'key=' reopened template_report search dialog team defect normal
#16082 Strange artifacts when warping imagery at South/North Pole new template_report projection warping stereographic antarctic south pole polar team defect normal
#17980 search dialog: better user interaction with "deleted" and "incomplete" new template_report search deleted incomplete team enhancement normal
#19985 Circle arc: Nodes with multiple parents should still be distributed if they appear in same/reverse order in the ways' node lists new template_report circle arc distribute team defect normal
#20189 Circle arc: New nodes only added after last middle node with several parents new template_report circle arc new node distribute team defect normal
#20573 [WIP Patch] Search preferences dialog assigned preferences search Bjoeni enhancement normal
#20809 Tags/Memberships panel: Search for "Key/Value(/Type)" with multiple tags selected new template_report tags memberships panel search key value team enhancement normal
#21303 Searching for empty role with hasRole does not work new template_report search hasRole empty role team defect normal
#21429 Enable relative timestamp search new search date team enhancement normal
#21464 Dynamically display hints for new search keywords/functions added by plugins in search dialogue new search, plugin, ui team enhancement normal
#22067 Add fuzzy string matching for search menu items action new fuzzy, ui, search, matching team enhancement normal
#23345 Improve WMS Layer Selection for Sources with Numerous Layers new WMS layer search team enhancement normal
#5650 The term 'key:' can only be the last term of a multiple AND search expression. new search dialog team defect minor
#21301 Broken format of message for invalid searches new template_report search invalid team defect minor
#21561 Symbol in search expression missing in notification and enable filter menu new template_report search filter notification menu team defect minor
#22281 layer properties window too small and bug in search new layer properties window search team defect minor
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.