Custom Query (11 matches)


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Status: closed (11 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#18899 option to specify the strictness of OpeningHoursParser team enhancement normal fixed
#19579 Exclude numeric values from value in preset check team enhancement normal fixed
#19589 bogus validator warning duplicate housenumbers team defect normal latest fixed
#19604 Validator: warn when name equals alt_name team enhancement normal fixed
#19609 [Patch] Unneeded "turn:lanes:forward without lanes:forward" warnings team defect normal tested fixed
#19660 "Area is unnecessary for leisure" warning with free flying field Klumbumbus enhancement normal fixed
#19742 Warn about much likely wrong direction tag on highway=mini_roundabout team enhancement normal fixed
#19760 Unusual Unicode character on ɗ character. team defect normal fixed
#19570 Reduce priority of building=hangar warning due to unavoidable false positives team defect minor fixed
#19619 Parameter 'data' must not be null via TagChecker.check team defect minor fixed
#19650 [PATCH] Do not warn about incline=* with leisure=slipway team defect minor fixed
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.