Custom Query (19 matches)


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Status: closed (19 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#11386 [PATCH] out of memory wiktorn defect major fixed
#11397 [PATCH] NullPointerException when item is retrieved from the TMS cache Don-vip defect major fixed
#5717 Retry loading tiles wolfgang@… enhancement normal tested needinfo
#5819 Imagery/Bing: low resolution tiles in mixed resolution areas aren't displayed Cobra defect normal latest fixed
#5820 TMS right-click menu works only for last created layer team defect normal latest fixed
#7256 "flush tile cache" takes forever team defect normal fixed
#9874 [Patch] Problem displaying Bing Imagery 180° E team defect normal tested fixed
#10454 [PATCH] Mapbox "empty" tile (imagery with zoom level > 17) team enhancement normal tested fixed
#10902 [PATCH] TMS simultaneous connections team defect normal fixed
#11353 Imagery offset not updating the image team defect normal fixed
#11379 Flush Tile Cache Doesn't Work Completely wiktorn defect normal fixed
#11404 [PATCH] High CPU load during tile loading in TMS layer and download box wiktorn defect normal tested fixed
#11437 TMS failed tiles make CPU load go up indefinitely; remove/readd layer doesn't help alv defect normal tested fixed
#11456 Bing capture date missing wiktorn defect normal latest fixed
#11494 NPE: Error while loading object from cache: null team defect normal fixed
#11553 Josm very slow when the view is outside an imagery limit wiktorn defect normal latest fixed
#11554 Have Mapbox Satelite zoomable to a level closer to earth team enhancement normal duplicate
#2887 Allow clearing of slippymap's tilecache team enhancement minor fixed
#10996 Hiding Error/Placeholder Tiles team enhancement minor fixed
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.