16 years |
stoecker |
some forgotten capitalizations and updated translations
16 years |
ce |
16 years |
ce |
16 years |
ce |
16 years |
ce |
changed display name of (Hiking-)Signpost to Signpost (Hiking)
16 years |
ce |
16 years |
ce |
added amenity=bar on request of Martin Koppenhöfer
16 years |
stoecker |
fix #2265 - broken icons
16 years |
stoecker |
close #2224
16 years |
stoecker |
added route relation
16 years |
stoecker |
fix #1848 - version in start screen. patch by xeen
16 years |
ce |
added type="node,way,closedway" to *all* items. It's a preparation to …
16 years |
stoecker |
close #2149
16 years |
stoecker |
fix link
16 years |
stoecker |
fixed XML format violation
16 years |
ce |
Types added by Johannes Huesing. Thanks a bunch!
16 years |
ce |
removed motorway_exit thanks to a patch of
Claudius Henrichs
16 years |
ce |
even more reorga
16 years |
ce |
lots of reorga. Preset "natural" disappeared.
16 years |
stoecker |
cleanup texts
16 years |
stoecker |
fixed #2135
16 years |
stoecker |
better integration of type handling in presets
16 years |
stoecker |
minor cleanup
16 years |
stoecker |
added relation presets
16 years |
ce |
added landuse=meadow
16 years |
stoecker |
added sk language, updated translations, closed #2057
16 years |
stoecker |
some more presets stuff
16 years |
stoecker |
fixed error in presets
16 years |
stoecker |
more international links
16 years |
stoecker |
some more links in presets
16 years |
stoecker |
added lots of map features links. Thanks to Benedikt Leitner
16 years |
stoecker |
support localized links
16 years |
stoecker |
added link to presets, fix #1675
16 years |
stoecker |
introduced optional and space in tagging presets xml
16 years |
stoecker |
partly fix #1720. Patch by Russ Nelson
16 years |
ce |
changed kebap to kebab (schluchz). #1930.
16 years |
stoecker |
fixed typo
16 years |
ce |
added icon for lift_gate as an Xmas gift :) .
16 years |
ce |
16 years |
ce |
16 years |
ce |
16 years |
ce |
#1862, power part
16 years |
ce |
16 years |
ulfl |
add shop=car_repair
16 years |
ce |
new icon
16 years |
ulfl |
add disabled_spaces combobox
16 years |
ulfl |
add park_and_ride to the parking combo box
16 years |
ulfl |
add a short explanation comment of the possible features
add …
16 years |
ulfl |
add tourism=chalet
16 years |
ce |
16 years |
ulfl |
add some more amenities - already in use:
emergency_phone …
16 years |
ce |
first (rough) barriers according to …
16 years |
ulfl |
add ele tags for:
- mountain_pass
- peak
- glacier
- volcano …
16 years |
ulfl |
fix #1643, add:
- recycling:cans
- recycling:scrap_metal
16 years |
ce |
added shop=hairdresser
16 years |
ce |
added types for tourism=information
16 years |
framm |
- added addr:country to presets
16 years |
ce |
some reorganisation and hunting stand added.
16 years |
ce |
added recycling:paper
16 years |
mfloryan |
Fixed one moved image.
16 years |
ce |
copied some icons over from mappaint
16 years |
mfloryan |
A small fix to presets file - corrected location for the boules.png …
16 years |
ce |
added uic_ref for railway stations on demand of Thorsten Feles.
16 years |
ce |
applied changes as requested by Thorsten Feles
16 years |
mfloryan |
Fixed some spellings and one error in presets (consulted with ce)
16 years |
ce |
overwrote icons by such from www.sjjb.co.uk/mapicons
16 years |
ce |
modified a lot of icons, mainly transparent backgrounds, but also …
16 years |
ce |
added changes by Thorsten Feles.
16 years |
ce |
sorry for the traffic, I should have checked it better: Reverting
the …
16 years |
ce |
applied changes to presets as suggested by Thorsten Feles.
16 years |
framm |
- fix highway=services. closes #1557.
16 years |
ce |
added height, type and name:botanical for trees.
16 years |
ce |
added natural=tree on request of
Jan Peter Stotz <jan@…> …
16 years |
stoecker |
added building
16 years |
ulfl |
use highway=speed_camera instead of amenity, this makes a lot more …
16 years |
ulfl |
use new glacier and volcano icons
16 years |
ulfl |
new waterway=waterfall and some sequence cleanup
16 years |
ulfl |
use the "right" bollard icon
16 years |
ce |
added baby_hatch, as it already got 15 approvals.
16 years |
ce |
added barrier=bollard
16 years |
ce |
added wheelchair and bike checls for subway entries
16 years |
stoecker |
added gate
16 years |
ulfl |
repeating the topic "Car/Car Parking" in the label makes no longer …
16 years |
ulfl |
use the racquet and boule icons
16 years |
ulfl |
various major and minor changes:
moving around entries, add lot's of …
16 years |
ce |
further power changes
16 years |
ce |
rebuilt power_generator according to changes in map features.
Thanks …
16 years |
ulfl |
add a new aerialway group
16 years |
stoecker |
removed duplicate preset icons, added better message for 500 server …
16 years |
ulfl |
resort some more stuff
16 years |
ulfl |
remove icon entries that are identical in styles and presets
16 years |
ulfl |
experimental: move highway exit and some waterway stuff to places that …
16 years |
ulfl |
... and even more icon changes …
16 years |
ulfl |
... and even more icon changes …
16 years |
ulfl |
... and even more icon changes …
16 years |
ulfl |
more icon fixes
16 years |
ulfl |
fix some icon sizes, add some more
16 years |
ulfl |
use a lot of the mappaint icons also for the presets
16 years |
stoecker |
bridge defaults to layer 1 now
16 years |
ce |
fixed some items that accidentally made it into the main preset