
Інші мови:

Стиль кольорів мапи

source:trunk/resources/images/dialogs/mapstyle.svg Клавішна комбінація: Alt+Shift+M

Показ і приховування діалогу Стилів кольорів мапи

Показати та приховати діалог Стилів кольорів мапи можливо одним із наступних способів:

  • клацнувши на source:trunk/resources/images/dialogs/mapstyle.svg в панелі інструментів ліворуч в основному вікні JOSM, або
  • використовуючи меню Вікна, або
  • натиснувши Alt+Shift+M.

В ньому показується перелік наявних стилів мапи.


source:trunk/resources/images/apply.svg Turn selected styles on or off. Can also be done by clicking the checkbox in front of each entry. The first entry (Wireframe View) is special, it cannot be combined with any other style and it cannot be moved up and down or removed from the list.

Up / Down

source:trunk/resources/images/dialogs/up.svg / source:trunk/resources/images/dialogs/down.svg Move the selected entries up or down. Styles sources are applied top to bottom, so lower entries can override upper entries.

Map Style Settings

source:trunk/resources/images/dialogs/mappaintpreference.svg Launch the Settings dialog and open the tab for Map Style settings. This dialog has a list of styles that you can select from. In addition you can add and delete styles from your list.

Right click Menu

Right click on any entry for further options

Reload from File

source:trunk/resources/images/dialogs/refresh.svg Only works for style sources that are saved locally. Reloads the style and updates the map area. By default local mappaint styles reload automatically when you safe changes in the file.

Save as…

source:trunk/resources/images/copy.svg Save a copy of the style to file. The copy will be added to the list of styles. You can open the file in a text editor and reload after doing some changes.

Style settings

Change settings of the mappaint style if supported by the style. The default JOSM mappaint style is an example of a style which supports different special style settings.


source:trunk/resources/images/info.svg The info dialog has 3 tabs:

General info on the style source (Title, URL, ...)
If there are errors when loading the style, you can inspect the error log in this tab. Style sources that have errors are marked with a small source:trunk/resources/images/warning-small.svg-sign in the main view.
Here you can quickly look up the source code of the style. It is read-only, but you can copy text to your own custom styles.

Debug Map Styles

There is an experimental feature to debug the style generation process. In the selection dialog right click on an entry and click "Inspect". Then select the map style tab. Note that output might not be 100% complete, e.g. some properties of the generated styles are not shown.

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Last modified 5 years ago Last modified on 2020-03-10T18:48:11+01:00
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