

Preferences > Tagging Presets


If you want to learn how presets can also be added to the toolbar see - Toolbar Customization
If you want to use presets or need complete reference of presets see Presets

Presets allow you to select predefined tags for objects. From this area of the preferences menu you can choose which presets to use and set some preferences:


Run data validator on user input
(default: disabled)
Advance preference: taggingpreset.validator

source:trunk/resources/images/dialogs/validator.svg Validator is run in background and in case of issues, a warning icon source:trunk/resources/images/warning-small.svg is displayed on top with the validator message as tooltip.

Sort presets menu alphabetically
(default: enabled)
Advance preference: taggingpreset.sortvalues

Whether the preset menu should be sorted alphabetically or the original order be kept


Items on the right will appear in presets menu. The preset list on the left will be downloaded automatically.

  • source:trunk/resources/images/preferences/activate-right.svg Activate preset(s) from available presets by using the blue, right arrow in the middle.
  • source:trunk/resources/images/dialogs/add.svg Add a preset from a local file or a network-located preset by an URL (https)
  • source:trunk/resources/images/dialogs/edit.svg Change an existing entry
  • source:trunk/resources/images/dialogs/delete.svg Remove an existing entry

A search field in the left list allows easier finding of specific presets.

With the Icon paths section (also with add, edit and delete buttons) data directories for icons can be specified. Typically these are included in the presets so this field can be ignored most of the time.

Advanced Preferences

Property Default Explanation
taggingpreset.dialog.only-applicable-to-selection true true
taggingpreset.display-keys-as-hint true
taggingpreset.fill-default-for-tagged-primitives false Whether defaults should always be added or only for untagged objects, see #12733.
taggingpreset.min-elements-for-scroller 15

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Last modified 5 weeks ago Last modified on 2025-01-09T18:05:18+01:00

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