
Opened 4 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

#20354 assigned defect

Failing Imagery tests because of invalid bounding box (zero area)

Reported by: mdk Owned by: Don-vip
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Unit tests Version:
Keywords: Cc:

Description (last modified by mdk)

Some Imagery tests are failing with Invalid values for BBOX like PL-Geoportal2-PL-Streets_WMS, PL-Geoportal2-PL-addres_points_WMS and PL-Geoportal2-PL-buildings_WMS.
The bounding box is defined by BBOX=5390252.4918224,6079981.9976201,5390252.4918224,6079981.9976201 where the horizontal values are identical (5390252.4918224) which results in a bounding box with zero width. Also the vertical values are identical (6079981.9976201).

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Change History (8)

comment:1 by skyper, 4 years ago

Summary: Failing Imagery tests because of invalid bponding box (zero width)Failing Imagery tests because of invalid bounding box (zero width)

comment:2 by mdk, 4 years ago

Also IT-South-Tyrol-DTM_2013, IT-South-Tyrol-DSM_2013_2_5m and IT-South-Tyrol-DSM_2013 fails with

The request bounding box has zero area: ReferencedEnvelope[-3890268.1359988 : -3890268.1359988, 5948920.5474836 : 5948920.5474836]

DE-nrw_dtm_wms fails with

"Invalid values for BBOX" for BBOX=-54970.5283014,9441846.2714057,-54970.5283014,9441846.2714057

HR-dgu-dof-2019-s-e fails with

The request bounding box has zero area: SRSEnvelope[486389.9737018 : 486389.9737018, 9890115.1358492 : 9890115.1358492]

PL-poznan-ortofotomapaBiezaca fails with

The request bounding box has zero area: SRSEnvelope[6390252.4918224 : 6390252.4918224, 6079981.9976201 : 6079981.9976201]

NO-geovekst-nib3 fails with

"Parameter 'bbox' contains inconsistent values. " for BBOX=-180.0000000,90.0000000,-180.0000000,90.0000000

comment:3 by mdk, 4 years ago

Description: modified (diff)
Summary: Failing Imagery tests because of invalid bounding box (zero width)Failing Imagery tests because of invalid bounding box (zero area)

comment:4 by Don-vip, 3 years ago

Component: Core imageryUnit tests

comment:5 by Don-vip, 3 years ago

The test tries to check if min-zoom is correct. When not set, min-zoom is considered to be 0, thus the whole world is requested. If it fails it probably means min-zoom must be increased.

comment:6 by mdk, 3 years ago

As far as I understand the bounding box is defined by two points like upper left and lower right corner. The Problem in all these cases is, that the BBOX in this examples are defined by two identical points. So the request fails with (a new ?) check in the WMS server that the bounding box is empty.
I don't know the the test code in JOSM, but if the bounding box is defined by our test code, the request is invalid - independent of the zoom level.

in reply to:  6 comment:7 by stoecker, 3 years ago

Replying to mdk:

As far as I understand the bounding box is defined by two points like upper left and lower right corner. The Problem in all these cases is, that the BBOX in this examples are defined by two identical points. So the request fails with (a new ?) check in the WMS server that the bounding box is empty.

That's probably something which should also be checked in our ELI-Sync Script ;-)

in reply to:  6 comment:8 by Don-vip, 3 years ago

Owner: changed from team to Don-vip
Status: newassigned

Replying to mdk:

that the BBOX in this examples are defined by two identical points.

Ah sorry read too fast. Indeed there's a bug somewhere, I'll take a look.

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