
Opened 10 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

#10760 closed enhancement (fixed)

keep imagery list in sync with the editor imagery index

Reported by: bastiK Owned by: team
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: unspecified Version:
Keywords: imagery maps Cc:


Currently, there are two separate places where the list of imagery sources is maintained. The editor imagery index for for iD and Potlatch 2 and a custom system in the JOSM wiki for JOSM.

The maintainers of iD and PL2 have shown no intention so far to switch to the JOSM wiki. Likewise there was no agreement among the JOSM dev-team to adopt the imagery index. Therefore we are stuck with this situation for some time.

Anyway, there is no reason we shouldn't (manually) synchronize both data sets. If this is done regularly then both indices would be practically identical. This would be almost as good as having a common data base.

Attachments (2)

maps.xml (1.3 MB ) - added by bastiK 10 years ago.
JOSM maps file for 2015-01-28 update
imagery.json (1.9 MB ) - added by bastiK 10 years ago.
EII source file for 2015-01-28 update (9eb59f170b473)

Change History (66)

comment:1 by bastiK, 10 years ago

In 7726/josm:

see #10760 - add tool to compare both imagery lists

comment:2 by bastiK, 10 years ago

Added a little script to compare more systematically.

In both lists, the URL{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}

is included twice, but this seems to be intended.

Here are the current results:

*** Loaded 196 entries (JOSM). ***
*** Loaded 230 entries (EII). ***
*** URLs found in EII but not in JOSM (125): ***
  2u - http://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  Czech UHUL:ORTOFOTO -{proj}&LAYERS=Ortofoto_cb&STYLES=default&FORMAT=image/jpeg&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox} MaxRes -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg (Orthophotomap) -{zoom}/{x}/{y}
  Hamburg (40 cm) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  Hamburg (DK5) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  Hike & Bike -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  Kanton Solothurn 12.5cm (SOGIS 2007) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  Kanton Solothurn 12.5cm (SOGIS 2011) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  Kanton Solothurn Infrarot 12.5cm (SOGIS 2011) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  Lithuania - NŽT ORT10LT -{z}/{x}/{y}.jpeg
  Locator Overlay - http://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token=pk.eyJ1Ijoib3BlbnN0cmVldG1hcCIsImEiOiJhNVlHd29ZIn0.ti6wATGDWOmCnCYen-Ip7Q
  Lombardia - Italy (CTR) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  OSM Inspector: Addresses (EU) -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  OSM Inspector: Boundaries (EU) -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  OSM Inspector: Geometry -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  OSM Inspector: Highways -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  OSM Inspector: Multipolygon -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  OSM Inspector: Places -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  OSM Inspector: Redaction Bot -,bot_point_cleared,bot_point_superseded,bot_point_modified,bot_line_modified_cp,bot_point_deleted,bot_line_deleted_cp,bot_line_cleared,bot_line_superseded,bot_line_modified,bot_line_deleted&FORMAT=image/png&TRANSPARENT=true&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetMap&STYLES=&EXCEPTIONS=application/vnd.ogc.se_inimage&SRS={proj}&BBOX={bbox}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}
  OSM Inspector: Routing (EU) -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  OSM Inspector: Tagging -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  OpenStreetMap (German Language) -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  OpenStreetMap (Mapnik) - http://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  OpenStreetMap (Sorbian Language) -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  OpenStreetMap GPS traces - http://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  QA No Address -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  Skobbler - http://tiles{switch:1,2,3,4}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  South Tyrol Orthofoto 2011 -{z}/{x}/{-y}.png
  South Tyrol Orthofoto 2011 -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  South Tyrol Topomap -{z}/{x}/{-y}.png
  South Tyrol Topomap -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  Stadt Bern 10cm/25cm (2008) -,1&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  Stadt Zürich Luftbild 2011 -{z}/{x}/{y}.png?origin=nw
  Streets NRW -{proj}&STYLES=&LAYERS=unzugeordnete_strassen,kreisstrassen_ast,kreisstrassen,landesstrassen_ast,landesstrassen,bundesstrassen_ast,bundesstrassen,autobahnen_ast,autobahnen,endpunkte&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  Tiris: DGM (Terrain model) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  Tiris: DOM (Surface model) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  Waymarked Trails: Cycling -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  Waymarked Trails: Hiking -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  Waymarked Trails: MTB -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  Waymarked Trails: Skating -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  Waymarked Trails: Winter Sports -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  [CA] Kelowna 2012 - http://{switch:a,b,c,d}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  [CA] Kelowna Roads overlay - http://{switch:a,b,c,d}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  [CA] Latest southwest British Columbia Landsat - http://{switch:a,b,c,d}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Aberdeen 1866-1867 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Airdrie 1858 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Alexandria 1859 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Alloa 1861-1862 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Annan 1859 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Arbroath 1858 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Ayr 1855 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Berwick-upon-Tweed 1852 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Brechin 1862 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Burntisland 1894 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Campbelton 1865 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Coatbridge 1858 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Cupar 1893-1894 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Dalkeith 1852 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Dalkeith 1893 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Dumbarton 1859 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Dumfries 1850 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Dumfries 1893 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Dundee 1857-1858 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Dundee 1870-1872 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Dunfermline 1854 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Dunfermline 1894 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Edinburgh 1849-1851 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Edinburgh 1876-1877 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Edinburgh 1893-1894 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Elgin 1868 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Falkirk 1858-1859 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Forfar 1860-1861 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Forres 1868 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Galashiels 1858 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Girvan 1857 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Glasgow 1857-1858 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Glasgow 1892-1894 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Greenock 1857 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Haddington 1853 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Haddington 1893 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Hamilton 1858 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Hawick 1857-1858 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Inverness 1867-1868 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Irvine 1859 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Jedburgh 1858 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Kelso 1857 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Kilmarnock 1857-1859 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Kirkcaldy 1855 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Kirkcaldy 1894 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Kirkcudbright 1850 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Kirkcudbright 1893 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Kirkintilloch 1859 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Kirriemuir 1861 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Lanark 1858 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Linlithgow 1856 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Mayole 1856-1857 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Montrose 1861-1862 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Musselburgh 1853 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Musselburgh 1893 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Nairn 1867-1868 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Oban 1867-1868 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Peebles 1856 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Perth 1860 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Peterhead 1868 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Port Glasgow 1856-1857 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Portobello 1893-1894 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Rothesay 1862-1863 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Selkirk 1865 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, St Andrews 1854 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, St Andrews 1893 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Stirling 1858 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Stonehaven 1864 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Stranraer 1847 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Stranraer 1863-1877 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Stranraer 1893 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Strathaven 1858 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Wick 1872 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Wigtown 1848 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [GB] OS Town Plans, Wigtown 1894 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
  [LU] Luxembourg Inspire Ortho 2010 -{z}/{x}/{y}.jpeg
  [LU] Luxembourg Inspire Ortho 2013 -{z}/{x}/{y}.jpeg
  [US] New & Misaligned TIGER Roads - http://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token=pk.eyJ1Ijoib3BlbnN0cmVldG1hcCIsImEiOiJhNVlHd29ZIn0.ti6wATGDWOmCnCYen-Ip7Q
  [US] U.S. Forest Service roads -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  [VE] Landsat 233055 - http://{switch:a,b,c,d}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
*** URLs found in JOSM but not in EII (91): ***
  HDM (Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team) - http://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  OpenStreetMap (Mapnik) - https://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  OpenStreetMap (Mapnik, no labels) -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  OpenStreetMap GPS Traces - https://gps-{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  Strava cycling heatmap -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  Strava running heatmap -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  Yahoo Sat -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  [AT] Tiris: DGM (Terrain model) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  [AT] Tiris: DOM (Surface model) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  [AT] VoGIS: DGM (Terrain model) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  [AT] VoGIS: DOM (Surface model) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  [AT] VoGIS: Echtfarbenbild 2012 (12cm) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  [AT] VoGIS: Flächenwidmungsplan -
  [BR] IBGE Mapa de Setores Rurais - http://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  [BR] IBGE Mapa de Setores Urbanos - http://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  [CH] Bonvillars Orthophoto 2013 -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  [CH] Cartoriviera - Orthophoto 2012 -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  [CH] Fiez Orthophoto 2013 -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png 
  [CH] Lausanne - Orthophoto technique 2012 -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  [CH] Orthofoto Kanton Solothurn Infrarot (SOGIS 2011/2012/2013) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  [CH] Orthofoto Kanton Solothurn RGB (SOGIS 2011/2012/2013) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  [CH] SIGIP - Orthophoto 2012 -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  [CH] Stadt Bern 10cm/25cm (2012) - wms:{bbox}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&SRS={proj}
  [CH] Stadt Zürich Luftbild 2011 -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  [CH] Stadt Zürich Übersichtsplan (Strassen, Gebäude, Hausnummer) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  [CH] Ville de Nyon - Orthophoto 2010 HD 5cm/pi -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  [CZ] Czech RUIAN budovy -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  [CZ] Czech RUIAN parcely -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  [CZ] Czech pLPIS -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&TRANSPARENT=true
  [DE] Hamburg (40 cm) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  [DE] Hamburg (DK5) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  [DE] Hike & Bike - http://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  [DE] Maps4BW (LGL-BW, -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  [DE] NRW-Atlas: Automatisierte Liegenschaftskarte (Raster) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  [DE] NRW-Atlas: Automatisierte Liegenschaftskarte (Vektor) -,nw_alk_vektor_gebaeude,nw_alk_vektor_beschriftung&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  [DE] NRW-Atlas: Digitale GrundKarte 1:5000 -,nw_dgk5_hoehen&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  [DE] NRW-Atlas: Luftbilder -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  [DE] NRW-Atlas: Topographische Karte 1:10000 -,nw_dtk10_res&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  [DE] Old map of Pegau - TK25 Messtischblatt (4839; 1909; PROJ.4-rect) -{proj}&exceptions=application/vnd.ogc.session.inimage&width={width}&height={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  [DE] Old map of Zwenkau - TK25 Messtischblatt (4739; 1906; PROJ.4-rect) -{proj}&exceptions=application/vnd.ogc.session.inimage&width={width}&height={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  [DE] OpenStreetMap (Sorbian Language) -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  [DE] Physical DE - Physische Karte (Naturräume) -{proj}&exceptions=application/vnd.ogc.session.inimage&width={width}&height={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  [DE] Physical DE:Harz - Overlay für Bing (z.B. Deckkraft zw. 20 und 50 Prozent nutzen) -{proj}&exceptions=application/vnd.ogc.session.inimage&width={width}&height={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  [DE] Physical DE:Harz - Physische Karte (Naturräume) -{proj}&exceptions=application/vnd.ogc.session.inimage&width={width}&height={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  [ES] GRAFCAN Express - Canary Islands -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  [FR] Bordeaux - 2012 -{zoom}/{x}/{y}
  [FR] CRIGE PACA Alpes-Maritimes 2009 - 40 cm -{zoom}/{x}/{y}
  [FR] Grand Lyon - Orthophotographie 2012 - 10cm -,1830_5155_10cm_CC46,1830_5160_10cm_CC46,1830_5165_10cm_CC46,1830_5170_10cm_CC46,1830_5175_10cm_CC46,1830_5180_10cm_CC46,1830_5185_10cm_CC46,1830_5190_10cm_CC46,1835_5150_10cm_CC46,1835_5155_10cm_CC46,1835_5160_10cm_CC46,1835_5165_10cm_CC46,1835_5170_10cm_CC46,1835_5175_10cm_CC46,1835_5180_10cm_CC46,1835_5185_10cm_CC46,1835_5190_10cm_CC46,1840_5150_10cm_CC46,1840_5155_10cm_CC46,1840_5160_10cm_CC46,1840_5165_10cm_CC46,1840_5170_10cm_CC46,1840_5175_10cm_CC46,1840_5180_10cm_CC46,1840_5185_10cm_CC46,1840_5190_10cm_CC46,1845_5150_10cm_CC46,1845_5155_10cm_CC46,1845_5160_10cm_CC46,1845_5165_10cm_CC46,1845_5170_10cm_CC46,1845_5175_10cm_CC46,1845_5180_10cm_CC46,1845_5185_10cm_CC46,1845_5190_10cm_CC46,1850_5155_10cm_CC46,1850_5160_10cm_CC46,1850_5165_10cm_CC46,1850_5170_10cm_CC46,1850_5175_10cm_CC46,1850_5180_10cm_CC46,1850_5185_10cm_CC46,1855_5155_10cm_CC46,1855_5165_10cm_CC46,1855_5170_10cm_CC46,1855_5175_10cm_CC46,1855_5180_10cm_CC46,1855_5185_10cm_CC46,1860_5155_10cm_CC46,1860_5160_10cm_CC46,1860_5165_10cm_CC46,1860_5170_10cm_CC46,1860_5175_10cm_CC46,1860_5180_10cm_CC46,1860_5185_10cm_CC46,1865_5155_10cm_CC46,1865_5160_10cm_CC46,1865_5165_10cm_CC46,1865_5170_10cm_CC46&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  [FR] GrandNancy Orthophotographie 2012 -{zoom}/{x}/{y}
  [FR] Loire-Atlantique - Orthophotos 2012 - 20 cm - http://{switch:a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h}{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.jpg
  [FR] Toulouse - Orthophotoplan 2013 -{zoom}/{x}/{y}
  [FR] Tours - Orthophotos 2013 -{zoom}/{x}/{y}
  [FR] Vercors - Réserve naturelle des Hauts-Plateaux du Vercors - Orthophotos 1999 - 1 m -{zoom}/{x}/{y}
  [GB] OS 1:25k historic (OSM-Best) -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  [HT] Drone Imagery 2014 (Haiti) -{zoom}/{x}/{y}
  [IT] Lombardia - Italy (CTR) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  [IT] PCN 2012 - Italy -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  [LT] ORT10LT (Lithuania) -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpeg
  [LU] Luxembourg Inspire Ortho 2010 -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  [LU] Luxembourg Inspire Ortho 2013 -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  [LU] Luxembourg Inspire Railway -{s},{w},{n},{e}&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&LAYERS=TN.RailTransportNetwork.RailwayLink&STYLES=inspire_common:DEFAULT&FORMAT=image/png&TRANSPARENT=TRUE
  [LU] Luxembourg Inspire Roads -{s},{w},{n},{e}&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&LAYERS=TN.RoadTransportNetwork.RoadLink&STYLES=inspire_common:DEFAULT&FORMAT=image/png&TRANSPARENT=TRUE
  [ML] Niger Delta Oct 2012 Landsat -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  [PL] Bytom: Budynki (buildings) -,adr_punkty_adresowe,eg_budynki&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  [PL] Bytom: Ortofotomapa 2012 (aerial image) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  [PL] Będzin: Budynki (buildings) -,pkt_adr&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  [PL] Będzin: Ortofotomapa 2013 (aerial image) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  [PL] Chorzów: Budynki (buildings) -,2,1,8,7,6&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  [PL] Częstochowa: Ortofotomapa 2011 (aerial image) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  [PL] Geoportal 2: Ortofotomapa (aerial image) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}{header(User-Agent,Mozilla/5.0 (JOSM)}
  [PL] Geoportal 2: PRNG (geo names) -,Hydrografia,PozostaleMiejscowosci,Wies&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}{header(User-Agent,Mozilla/5.0 (JOSM)}
  [PL] Gliwice: Budynki (buildings) -,pkt_adr_auto&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  [PL] Gliwice: Ortofotomapa 2013 (aerial image) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  [PL] Katowice: Ortofotomapa (aerial image) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  [PL] Ruda Śląska: Ortofotomapa (aerial image) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  [PL] Rzeszów: Budynki (buildings) -,budynki,adresy&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  [PL] Rzeszów: Ortofotomapa (aerial image) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  [PL] Siemianowice Śląskie: Ortofotomapa (aerial image) -,budynki&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  [PL] Zabrze: Ortofotomapa 2011 (aerial image) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  [PL] Szlaki (paths) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  [PL] Łódź: Ortofotomapa (aerial image) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  [PL] Świętochłowice: Ortofotomapa 2009 (aerial image) -{bbox}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&SRS={proj}
  [PS] Gaza Strip - Pléiades - 2014/07/06 (NIR) -{zoom}/{x}/{y}
  [PS] Gaza Strip - Pléiades - 2014/07/06 -{zoom}/{x}/{y}
  [UA] Ukraine - Orthophotomaps 2012 -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.jpg
  [US] MassGIS L3 Parcels -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  [US] NC Latest Orthoimagery -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  [US] New & Misaligned TIGER Roads (TIGER 2013) - http://{switch:a,b,c},enf.ho20a3n1,enf.game1617/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  osmfr - http://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  skobbler - http://tiles{switch:1,2,3,4}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  skobbler heatmap -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
*** Same URL, but different name: ***
  name differs: http://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token=pk.eyJ1Ijoib3BlbnN0cmVldG1hcCIsImEiOiJhNVlHd29ZIn0.ti6wATGDWOmCnCYen-Ip7Q
     (IEE):     Mapbox Satellite
     (JOSM):    MapBox Satellite
  name differs:{zoom}/{x}/{y}
     (IEE):     Imagerie Drone (Haiti)
     (JOSM):    Drone Imagery (Haiti)
  name differs:{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg
     (IEE):     OS 1:25k historic (OSM)
     (JOSM):    OS 1:25k historic (OSM-Limited)
  name differs: http://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
     (IEE):     TIGER 2012 Roads Overlay
     (JOSM):    OSM US TIGER 2012 Roads Overlay
  name differs: http://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
     (IEE):     USGS Topographic Maps
     (JOSM):    USGS Scanned Topographic Maps
  name differs:
     (IEE):     Bing aerial imagery
     (JOSM):    Bing Sat
  name differs:{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
     (IEE):     Erlangen Luftbild (2011 5,0 cm)
     (JOSM):    Erlangen 2011 Luftbild (5,0 cm)
  name differs:{proj}&WIDTH={width}&height={height}&BBOX={bbox}
     (IEE):     20cm ortho - Coastline
     (JOSM):    20cm ortho - Latvia - Coastline
  name differs:{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
     (IEE):     Erlangen Luftbild (2013 6,25 cm)
     (JOSM):    Erlangen 2013 Luftbild (6,25 cm)
*** Same URL, but different type: ***
*** Same URL, but different zoom bounds: ***
  minzoom differs: [GB] OS Town Plans, Cupar 1854 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
     (IEE):     13
     (JOSM):    null
  minzoom differs: OpenPT Map (overlay) -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
     (IEE):     5
     (JOSM):    4
  maxzoom differs: OpenPT Map (overlay) -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
     (IEE):     16
     (JOSM):    17
  minzoom differs: [GB] Surrey Air Survey -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
     (IEE):     8
     (JOSM):    null
  maxzoom differs: [GB] Surrey Air Survey -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
     (IEE):     19
     (JOSM):    null
  maxzoom differs: [AT] -{zoom}/{y}/{x}.jpeg
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    19
*** Same URL, but different country code: ***
  country code differs: [DK] Fugro (Denmark) - http://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    DK
  country code differs: [FR] Toulouse - Orthophotoplan 2011 -{zoom}/{x}/{y}
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    FR
  country code differs: [IE] Ireland Bartholomew Quarter-Inch 1940 -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    IE
  country code differs: [SK] Slovakia EEA GMES Urban Atlas -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    SK
  country code differs: [ES] PNOA Spain -{proj}&LAYERS=pnoa&STYLES=default&FORMAT=image/jpeg&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    ES
  country code differs: [IT] PCN 2008 - IT Lazio+Umbria -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    IT
  country code differs: [SK] Katastrálna mapa Slovenska (KaPor, 2011-05) -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    SK
  country code differs: [IT] PCN 2006 - Italy -,OI.ORTOIMMAGINI.2006.32&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    IT
  country code differs: [FR] Tours - Orthophotos 2008-2010 -{zoom}/{x}/{y}
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    FR
  country code differs: [FR] Tours - Orthophotos 2008 -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpeg
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    FR
  country code differs: [SK] Katastrálna mapa Slovenska (KaPor, 2010-04) -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    SK
  country code differs: [IE] Ireland EEA CORINE 2006 -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    IE
  country code differs: [IE] Ireland British War Office 1:25k GSGS 3906 -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    IE
  country code differs: [SK] Car - http://t{switch:1,2,3,4}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpeg
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    SK
  country code differs: [FR] CRAIG - Montluçon 2009 - 15 cm -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    FR
  country code differs: [DE] Stuttgart (Luftbild) -,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8&STYLES=default,default,default,default,default,default,default,default,default&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    DE
  country code differs: [FR] Géolittoral V2 - Orthophotos 2010-2012 -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    FR
  country code differs: [CH] Canton de Neuchâtel 50cm (SITN 2006) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    CH
  country code differs: [FR] Géobretagne - Morbihan 2010 -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    FR
  country code differs: [AT] MaxRes -,Luftbild_1m,Luftbild_8m,Satellitenbild_30m&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    AT
  country code differs: [CH] Stadtplan Zürich -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png?origin=nw
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    CH
  country code differs: [TH] Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam bilingual - http://{switch:a,b,c,d}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    TH
  country code differs: [EE] Estonia Basemap (Maaamet) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    EE
  country code differs: [ES] GRAFCAN - Canary Islands -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    ES
  country code differs: [FR] CRAIG - Vichy 2009 - 15 cm -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    FR
  country code differs: [AT] Vienna: Beschriftungen (annotations) -{zoom}/{y}/{x}.png
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    AT
  country code differs: [CH] Stadt Uster Orthophoto 2008 10cm -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png?origin=nw
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    CH
  country code differs: [CH] Kanton Aargau 25cm (AGIS 2011) -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    CH
  country code differs: [FR] Toulouse - Orthophotoplan 2007 -{zoom}/{x}/{y}
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    FR
  country code differs: [FR] CRAIG - Moulins 2009 - 15 cm -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    FR
  country code differs: [CH] Canton de Fribourg 50cm (2005) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    CH
  country code differs: [AT] -{zoom}/{y}/{x}.jpeg
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    AT
  country code differs: [IT] Lodi - Italy -{proj}&LAYERS=Terraitaly%20Ortofoto%202007&STYLES=%2C%2C&FORMAT=image/png&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    IT
  country code differs: [SK] Cyclo - http://t{switch:1,2,3,4}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpeg
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    SK
  country code differs: [DE] Erlangen 2011 Luftbild (5,0 cm) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    DE
  country code differs: [AT] Vienna: Orthofoto (aerial image) -{zoom}/{y}/{x}.jpeg
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    AT
  country code differs: [EE] Estonia Ortho (Maaamet) -{proj}&FORMAT=image/jpeg&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    EE
  country code differs: [GB] 7th Series (OS7) -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    GB
  country code differs: [DK] Geodatastyrelsen (Denmark) -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpeg
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    DK
  country code differs: [ES] SIGPAC Spain -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    ES
  country code differs: [SK] Ski - http://t{switch:1,2,3,4}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpeg
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    SK
  country code differs: [FR] Géolittoral - Sentiers -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    FR
  country code differs: [DK] Vejmidte (Denmark) - http://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    DK
  country code differs: [AT] Graz: Basiskarte (base map) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    AT
  country code differs: [DE] Bavaria (2 m) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    DE
  country code differs: [LV] 20cm ortho - Latvia - Coastline -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&height={height}&BBOX={bbox}
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    LV
  country code differs: [DE] Erlangen 2013 Luftbild (6,25 cm) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    DE
  country code differs: [IE] Ireland British War Office One-Inch 1941-43 GSGS 4136 -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    IE
  country code differs: [FR] CRAIG - Le Puy 2010 - 15 cm -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    FR
  country code differs: [LV] 50cm ortho - Latvia -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&height={height}&BBOX={bbox}
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    LV
  country code differs: [IE] Ireland EEA GMES Urban Atlas -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    IE
  country code differs: [FR] Géobretagne - Brest 2010 - 10 cm -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    FR
  country code differs: [FR] CRAIG - Auvergne 2009/2010 - 30 cm -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    FR
  country code differs: [ES] IDEIB - Balearic Islands -{proj}&LAYERS=8&STYLES=default&FORMAT=image/png&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    ES
  country code differs: [RU] ScanEx IRS - IRS
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    RU
  country code differs: [CZ] Czech CUZK:KM -{proj}&LAYERS=parcelni_cisla_i,obrazy_parcel_i,RST_KMD_I,hranice_parcel_i,DEF_BUDOVY,RST_KN_I,dalsi_p_mapy_i,prehledka_kat_prac,prehledka_kat_uz,prehledka_kraju-linie&FORMAT=image/png&transparent=TRUE&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    CZ
  country code differs: [CH] Canton de Génève 5cm (SITG 2011) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    CH
  country code differs: [AT] Vienna: Mehrzweckkarte (general purpose) -{zoom}/{y}/{x}.jpeg
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    AT
  country code differs: [RU] ScanEx SPOT - SPOT
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    RU
  country code differs: [DK] Stevns (Denmark) - http://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    DK
  country code differs: [CH] Canton du Jura 50cm (RCJU 1998) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    CH
  country code differs: [SK] Hiking - http://t{switch:1,2,3,4}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpeg
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    SK
  country code differs: [SK] Slovakia Historic Maps -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    SK
  country code differs: [LV] USSR - Latvia -,DTC,DIVDPTC,PD,VS,DS,PS,M&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&height={height}&BBOX={bbox}
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    LV
  country code differs: [IT] Sicily - Italy -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    IT
  country code differs: [ES] Catastro Spain -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    ES
  country code differs: [EE] Estonia Multi (Maaamet) -,BK_MERI_polygo_8478_3,BK_VEEHOIDLA_p_8494_3,BK_VAIKEJARV_p_8493_3,BK_SUURJARV_po_8489_3,BK_SUURJOGI_po,BK_TUHAMAGI_po_8490_3,BK_SOO_polygon_8488_3,BK_SETTEBASSEI_8487_3,BK_PRUGIMAGI_p_8484_3,BK_POLD_polygo_8483_3,BK_TURBAVALI_p_8492_3,BK_METS_polygo_8479_3,BK_MARGALA_pol_8477_3,BK_LENNUVALI_p_8473_3,BK_KIVIMURD_po_8469_3,BK_KAEVANDUS_p_8468_3,BK_HOONESTATUD_8497_3,BK_VEEPIIR_lin_8495_2,BK_KRAAV_line_8472_2,BK_PEAKRAAV_li_8482_2,BK_OJA_line_8481_2,BK_JOEDL10_lin_8467_2,BK_JOEDK10_lin_8465_2,BK_KLINT_line_8470_2,BK_LIIN110_lin_8474_2,BK_LIIN220_lin_8475_2,BK_LIIN330_lin_8476_2,BK_TEXT_S_18_i_8405_1,BK_TEXT_M_10_i_8411_1,BK_TEXT_S_12_i_8409_1,BK_TEXT_S_10_i_8414_1,BK_TEXT_M_6_it_8418_1,BK_TEXT_S_8_it_8417_1,BK_TEXT_M_8_it_8416_1,BK_TEXT_M_10_i_8413_1,meri_8378_3,MapBSR_mais500_8379_3,MapBSR_mais100_8379_3,EHAK_GEN_8380_3,EHAK_GEN_8381_3,EHAK_GEN_8386_3,rannajoon100_l_8383_2,hpInt11,saar100_polyli_8384_3,hpInt12,KUJUNDUSPIIR_G_8374,KUJUNDUSPIIR_G_8365_2,KUJUNDUSPIIR_G_8374_2,rannajoon10_li_8388_2,saar10_polylin_8364_3,KUJUNDUSPIIR_G_8372,KUJUNDUSPIIR_G_8376_2,KUJUNDUSPIIR_G_8372_2,KUJUNDUSPIIR_G_8375_2,KUJUNDUSPIIR_G_8377_2,venepiir_line_8382_2,alevid_1,alevikud_1,linnaosad_1,linnad_1,MaakondNimi_te_8362_1,HaldusNimi_tex_8385_1,KUJUNDUSPIIR_G_6882_2,kylanimed_1,BK_METSATEE_li_8480_2,BK_KOHALIKTEE__8471_2,korvalmaantee,tugimaantee,trassiosa,pohimaantee,raudtee_esmane,BK_RAUDTEE_lin_8485_2,TOPOYKSUS_6569,TOPOYKSUS_7793&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    EE
  country code differs: [ES] ITACyL - Castile and León -{proj}&FORMAT=image/jpeg&STYLES=Default&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    ES
  country code differs: [CH] HEIG-VD / Orthophoto Yverdon-les-Bains 25cm (2007) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    CH
  country code differs: [SK] Slovakia EEA CORINE 2006 -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
     (IEE):     null
     (JOSM):    SK

in reply to:  2 comment:3 by stoecker, 10 years ago

Replying to bastiK:

Added a little script to compare more systematically.

In both lists, the URL{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}

is included twice, but this seems to be intended.

I doubt it. With the same layers and same URL it can't be 2000 and 2012-2012 data. It can be only one of these two.

comment:4 by stoecker, 10 years ago

When the purpose was to split the two regions, then it should be joined into one. Maybe that split was done before we had the higher accuracy area borders? Thought for one of the two regions I get no pictures in preview.

comment:5 by stoecker, 10 years ago

BTW: Tickets in ​editor imagery index suggest, that even iD maintains an own list and does not use the index as direct base, but more like a suggestion. So essential we have the same situation as in the past. Everbody does their own stuff. :-)

in reply to:  5 ; comment:6 by bastiK, 10 years ago

Replying to stoecker:

BTW: Tickets in ​editor imagery index suggest, that even iD maintains an own list and does not use the index as direct base, but more like a suggestion. So essential we have the same situation as in the past. Everbody does their own stuff. :-)

They do use the editor imagery index as direct base, but apply a small post-processing script to filter out some stuff they don't want.

I fear we are still the odd one out. :)

in reply to:  6 comment:7 by stoecker, 10 years ago

Replying to bastiK:

I fear we are still the odd one out. :)

As were the original I have no problems with it.

And also beside the 3 large mass imports were you already added one to our list it seems our list is more up-to-date. I remember many changes in the diffs and usually the index is the old variant.

comment:8 by bastiK, 10 years ago

Let's not get into an argument, which had more or better contributions since the fork. There are unique changes in both lists and therefore all OSM users will benefit from a mutual update.

in reply to:  8 ; comment:9 by stoecker, 10 years ago

Replying to bastiK:

Let's not get into an argument, which had more or better contributions since the fork. There are unique changes in both lists and therefore all OSM users will benefit from a mutual update.

Will you do this as a permanent task? Updating their list each time we have a change? As far as I remember we had not a single feedback from the fork, so it will be our work if we want an unique set of data.

comment:10 by stoecker, 10 years ago

It seems these changes could be interessting here:

  2u - http://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png (Orthophotomap) -{zoom}/{x}/{y}
  Locator Overlay - http://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token=pk.eyJ1Ijoib3BlbnN0cmVldG1hcCIsImEiOiJhNVlHd29ZIn0.ti6wATGDWOmCnCYen-Ip7Q
  OSM Inspector: Addresses (EU) -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  OSM Inspector: Boundaries (EU) -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  OSM Inspector: Geometry -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  OSM Inspector: Highways -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  OSM Inspector: Multipolygon -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  OSM Inspector: Places -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  OSM Inspector: Routing (EU) -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  OSM Inspector: Tagging -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  QA No Address -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  South Tyrol Orthofoto 2011 -{z}/{x}/{-y}.png
  South Tyrol Topomap -{z}/{x}/{-y}.png
  Waymarked Trails: Cycling -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  Waymarked Trails: Hiking -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png  
  Waymarked Trails: MTB -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  Waymarked Trails: Skating -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  Waymarked Trails: Winter Sports -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  [CA] Kelowna 2012 - http://{switch:a,b,c,d}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  [CA] Kelowna Roads overlay - http://{switch:a,b,c,d}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  [CA] Latest southwest British Columbia Landsat - http://{switch:a,b,c,d}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  [US] New & Misaligned TIGER Roads - http://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token=pk.eyJ1Ijoib3BlbnN0cmVldG1hcCIsImEiOiJhNVlHd29ZIn0.ti6wATGDWOmCnCYen-Ip7Q
  [US] U.S. Forest Service roads -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  [VE] Landsat 233055 - http://{switch:a,b,c,d}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  minzoom differs: [GB] OS Town Plans, Cupar 1854 (NLS) -{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
     (IEE):     13
     (JOSM):    null
  minzoom differs: [GB] Surrey Air Survey -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
     (IEE):     8
     (JOSM):    null
  maxzoom differs: [GB] Surrey Air Survey -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
     (IEE):     19
     (JOSM):    null

comment:11 by bastiK, 10 years ago

2u - http://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
down, service discontinued according to wiki (Orthophotomap) -{zoom}/{x}/{y}
seems to be down, may be a TMS proxy for our "Geoportal 2: Ortofotomapa (aerial image)" WMS

Haven't looked at the rest so far.

in reply to:  9 ; comment:12 by bastiK, 10 years ago

Replying to stoecker:

Replying to bastiK:

Let's not get into an argument, which had more or better contributions since the fork. There are unique changes in both lists and therefore all OSM users will benefit from a mutual update.

Will you do this as a permanent task? Updating their list each time we have a change? As far as I remember we had not a single feedback from the fork, so it will be our work if we want an unique set of data.

Even if it's only one update per year, this would already be an improvement (EII was created Feb. 2013).

I have the feeling that your grudges won't help to get any cooperation. Just relax and let me handle it. :)

in reply to:  12 comment:13 by stoecker, 10 years ago

Replying to bastiK:

I have the feeling that your grudges won't help to get any cooperation. Just relax and let me handle it. :)

Sure, I wont do any more communication in this topic outside from JOSM as I agree, that it probably will not do any good. We'll see if your enthusiasm will help more than mine in the earlier days of JOSM.

comment:14 by stoecker, 10 years ago

What we'd need BTW is min-zoom and max-zoom for WMS also. Suggestions welcome :-)

comment:15 by stoecker, 10 years ago

Any progress? Seems "New & Misaligned TIGER Roads" has been updated here recently.

comment:16 by stoecker, 10 years ago

Ticket #11022 has been marked as a duplicate of this ticket.

comment:18 by Aun Johnsen <lists@…>, 10 years ago

I notice from the discussion that maybe it was started a little premature to unify this. I still believe it is the right thing to do, but before actually doing the change, a task plan need to be done and some responsible appointed.

I am coming with this request because I am in the process, together with some other users, of identifying several potencial data sources, and having to prepare them offline (for several different editors) before publishing makes for a lot of double work.

If this could be done in a few simple operations, it would benefit the entire OSM community, not only a few certain editors.

If there is missing arguments in the source files, than let these be identified so they can be added to the scripts generating the output files.

If there are dead sources, get them identified and flagged.

If there are missing identifiers, such as country codes, or bounding boxes, get them added.

If the output xml format is missing information, identify it so the script can be modified.

I mean, the trac/wiki editing is OK, but it is not great, it calls for a steep learning curve, at least if you need to add a bounding box, so that wouldn't make it much different from learning how to write the EII sources.

It is maybe easier for maintenance if you can work with the sources offline, and preferably health check the files before sending them.

in reply to:  18 comment:19 by stoecker, 10 years ago

Replying to Aun Johnsen <lists@…>:

I mean, the trac/wiki editing is OK, but it is not great, it calls for a steep learning curve, at least if you need to add a bounding box, so that wouldn't make it much different from learning how to write the EII sources.

It is maybe easier for maintenance if you can work with the sources offline, and preferably health check the files before sending them.

The Wiki allows everybody to contribute. But we don't usually CREATE the data there (except for easy stuff). For this we have a plugin, which imports any Maps list file and presents it in JOSM as normal multipolygon relations which can be added/modified/... This data is then exported as XML again, which can be pasted into the wiki page. We thus use the normal JOSM workflow to create the data.

comment:20 by Aun Johnsen <lists@…>, 10 years ago

So basically what you are saying is:
I can create the entry in EII, run the script generating the XML, enter the XML file and find my entry, copy it and past it on the wiki. Why is this a better model than harmonising the two? I am sure it is possible to make a way of syncing between the two if it is necessary to keep the databases separated. I mean it is better for everybody that the entries only need to be done in one place.

Double entering the data is unnecessary and will often result in data only being entered one place or another, or if entered in the two only maintained in one or the other. The OSM community as a whole would benefit from more unification, and I am sure that it is possible to work out a solution that the developers can be satisfied with.

in reply to:  20 comment:21 by stoecker, 10 years ago

Replying to Aun Johnsen <lists@…>:

So basically what you are saying is:
I can create the entry in EII, run the script generating the XML, enter the XML file and find my entry, copy it and past it on the wiki.

Where do I say this? I say that we use JOSM editor infrastructure to generate the data. As far as I know this is the only existing workflow. Everything else involves scripting, data conversion and the like. This was the answer to your "steep learning curve". Load in JOSM, Copy & Paste requires no steep learning curve. Many people already managed to do so it seems.

To be clear: We talking about the polygons here. It would be overkill for other changes. There it's a simply copy something else in the wiki and change it.

The OSM community as a whole would benefit from more unification, and I am sure that it is possible to work out a solution that the developers can be satisfied with.

No discussion about that anymore. Arguments are exchanged and you have no new ones.

Last edited 10 years ago by stoecker (previous) (diff)

comment:22 by Aun Johnsen <lists@…>, 10 years ago

I understand you have made up your mind that EII will not be implemented in JOSM infrastructure. I am not trying to change that as I have a feeling will require arguments I am not able to cook up.

What I suggest is something more like monitoring and importing of each other, let say monthly when the stable JOSM are published to run scripts comparing the the two, and maybe import or mark for importations new ones, and flag the ones with altered polygons.

I do not know how much of this can be fully automated and how much of this need human attention, but IMO it is worth looking into. There are currently several layers in JOSM not available in other editors, that is a loss for them, but also there are several layers in EII that is not available in JOSM, and that is a loss for us who are using JOSM as main, or even only editor.

As a college of me constantly say, "why settle with good when we can be great".

comment:23 by stoecker, 10 years ago

As you can see with this ticket we already have a script which compares the data (to a certain degree). What's missing is fixing both sides. The Github files contain many outdated information and probably also some good stuff not in JOSM. Feel free to fix both sides. There are no objections to cleanup. You can see our history, as well as the one in Github and you can check recent status with our preview feature.

We're always glad if somebody improves our database. Even improving EII with JOSM knowledge helps us, as manual checks get easier when we don't need to re-verify stuff already fixed in JOSM list. Comment 10 (and 2) contain last results as a starting point.

What we wouldn't like is replacing newer data with older information.

comment:24 by Aun Johnsen <lists@…>, 10 years ago

I saw that script and even checked the code (don't understand java/groovy enough to actually understand the workflow though), and also looked at the output, so I see that one stone is in place, and as you can see in this issue on EII, there are ideas milling in cleaning up dead links in some way.

Both in JOSM and EII are needed developers to pull scripts or code for this, and unfortunately I am not very good at java or python, so there is very little I can actually contribute here. I feel at the moment that it is like navigating two icebergs to get this moving.

For me the question is: Will JOSM be able to auto-import layers from EII, and where is this on the priority list?

in reply to:  22 comment:25 by bastiK, 10 years ago

Replying to Aun Johnsen <lists@…>:

What I suggest is something more like monitoring and importing of each other, let say monthly when the stable JOSM are published to run scripts comparing the the two, and maybe import or mark for importations new ones, and flag the ones with altered polygons.

It's been some time without any updates, but I am still planning to do exactly that. Some help would be appreciated though. We also need to keep track of the EII differences that we don't want to adopt, usually because the server is dead (and possibly report back to EII).

For me the question is: Will JOSM be able to auto-import layers from EII, and where is this on the priority list?

I would say use scripts, but check all the changes manually.

Last edited 10 years ago by bastiK (previous) (diff)

in reply to:  24 comment:26 by stoecker, 10 years ago

Replying to Aun Johnsen <lists@…>:

Both in JOSM and EII are needed developers to pull scripts or code for this, and unfortunately I am not very good at java or python, so there is very little I can actually contribute here. I feel at the moment that it is like navigating two icebergs to get this moving.

This is no automated task. It's a major task to write tools which automatically can detect which of two versions really is the best. The human brain is much better for such tasks. Tools can help to check for differences and allow to pre-sort them (i.e. already checked, new, ...).

For me the question is: Will JOSM be able to auto-import layers from EII, and where is this on the priority list?

Like Paul said: That will remain a human task. Check the diffs, find the better version and correct the other one. When done for all diffs you'll have equal data at both sides. Here you can simply change the wiki, for EII you need to send a pull request with the fixed version.

When you detect some case where the diff tool can display information better, than ask and we may adapt it.

So you can do a lot - Read the output of the tool and clean differences :-).

comment:27 by stoecker, 10 years ago

Hey, "Mapnik Black & White" is back. That's good. P.S. Readded no labels also.

comment:28 by bastiK, 10 years ago

What about the following?

  OSM Inspector: Addresses (EU) -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  OSM Inspector: Boundaries (EU) -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  OSM Inspector: Geometry -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  OSM Inspector: Highways -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  OSM Inspector: Multipolygon -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  OSM Inspector: Places -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  OSM Inspector: Routing (EU) -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  OSM Inspector: Tagging -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png

Without a map key, they are hard to understand. But in combination with the OSM Inspector website, it might be useful for finding issues on the JOSM map more quickly. One problem is that it is a static layer and you cannot, for example, turn off FIXMEs for Tagging issues.

comment:29 by stoecker, 10 years ago

I think we need something like <description lang="en">...</description> and display it as mouseover in JOSM dialog. There are too many different types of URL's now.

comment:30 by bastiK, 10 years ago

I've reviewed all the information that the script currently provides and fixed / extended the JOSM wiki accordingly.

The [GB] OS Town Plans have been imported earlier, here is a short report for the recent changes:

*** URLs found in EII but not in JOSM (57): ***
  2u - http://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
has been removed by community (too old and low quality)
  Czech UHUL:ORTOFOTO -{proj}&LAYERS=Ortofoto_cb&STYLES=default&FORMAT=image/jpeg&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
URLs are outdated (we have fixed version)
  Estonia Basemap (Maaamet) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  Estonia Multi (Maaamet) -,BK_MERI_polygo_8478_3,BK_VEEHOIDLA_p_8494_3,BK_VAIKEJARV_p_8493_3,BK_SUURJARV_po_8489_3,BK_SUURJOGI_po,BK_TUHAMAGI_po_8490_3,BK_SOO_polygon_8488_3,BK_SETTEBASSEI_8487_3,BK_PRUGIMAGI_p_8484_3,BK_POLD_polygo_8483_3,BK_TURBAVALI_p_8492_3,BK_METS_polygo_8479_3,BK_MARGALA_pol_8477_3,BK_LENNUVALI_p_8473_3,BK_KIVIMURD_po_8469_3,BK_KAEVANDUS_p_8468_3,BK_HOONESTATUD_8497_3,BK_VEEPIIR_lin_8495_2,BK_KRAAV_line_8472_2,BK_PEAKRAAV_li_8482_2,BK_OJA_line_8481_2,BK_JOEDL10_lin_8467_2,BK_JOEDK10_lin_8465_2,BK_KLINT_line_8470_2,BK_LIIN110_lin_8474_2,BK_LIIN220_lin_8475_2,BK_LIIN330_lin_8476_2,BK_TEXT_S_18_i_8405_1,BK_TEXT_M_10_i_8411_1,BK_TEXT_S_12_i_8409_1,BK_TEXT_S_10_i_8414_1,BK_TEXT_M_6_it_8418_1,BK_TEXT_S_8_it_8417_1,BK_TEXT_M_8_it_8416_1,BK_TEXT_M_10_i_8413_1,meri_8378_3,MapBSR_mais500_8379_3,MapBSR_mais100_8379_3,EHAK_GEN_8380_3,EHAK_GEN_8381_3,EHAK_GEN_8386_3,rannajoon100_l_8383_2,hpInt11,saar100_polyli_8384_3,hpInt12,KUJUNDUSPIIR_G_8374,KUJUNDUSPIIR_G_8365_2,KUJUNDUSPIIR_G_8374_2,rannajoon10_li_8388_2,saar10_polylin_8364_3,KUJUNDUSPIIR_G_8372,KUJUNDUSPIIR_G_8376_2,KUJUNDUSPIIR_G_8372_2,KUJUNDUSPIIR_G_8375_2,KUJUNDUSPIIR_G_8377_2,venepiir_line_8382_2,alevid_1,alevikud_1,linnaosad_1,linnad_1,MaakondNimi_te_8362_1,HaldusNimi_tex_8385_1,KUJUNDUSPIIR_G_6882_2,kylanimed_1,BK_METSATEE_li_8480_2,BK_KOHALIKTEE__8471_2,korvalmaantee,tugimaantee,trassiosa,pohimaantee,raudtee_esmane,BK_RAUDTEE_lin_8485_2,TOPOYKSUS_6569,TOPOYKSUS_7793&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  Estonia Ortho (Maaamet) -{proj}&FORMAT=image/jpeg&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
TMS mirror of WMS (not needed for JOSM) MaxRes -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg
down? (only get black images) (Orthophotomap) -{zoom}/{x}/{y}
change Applied!
  Hamburg (40 cm) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
broken URL (we have fix)
  Hamburg (DK5) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
according to wiki, URL is deprecated (we have updated URL)
  Hike & Bike -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
URLs updated in JOSM (not tested)  
  Kanton Solothurn 12.5cm (SOGIS 2007) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  Kanton Solothurn 12.5cm (SOGIS 2011) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  Kanton Solothurn Infrarot 12.5cm (SOGIS 2011) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
broken format: {z} (otherwise the same)
  Lithuania - NŽT ORT10LT -{z}/{x}/{y}.jpeg
added to JOSM!
  Locator Overlay - http://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token=pk.eyJ1Ijoib3BlbnN0cmVldG1hcCIsImEiOiJncjlmd0t3In0.DmZsIeOW-3x-C5eX-wAqTw
URL updated in JOSM (not tested)  
  Lombardia - Italy (CTR) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
added to JOSM! (fixed: actually worldwide)
  OSM Inspector: Addresses (EU) -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
added to JOSM!
  OSM Inspector: Boundaries (EU) -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
added to JOSM!
  OSM Inspector: Geometry -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
added to JOSM!
  OSM Inspector: Highways -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
added to JOSM!
  OSM Inspector: Multipolygon -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
added to JOSM!
  OSM Inspector: Places -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  OSM Inspector: Redaction Bot -,bot_point_cleared,bot_point_superseded,bot_point_modified,bot_line_modified_cp,bot_point_deleted,bot_line_deleted_cp,bot_line_cleared,bot_line_superseded,bot_line_modified,bot_line_deleted&FORMAT=image/png&TRANSPARENT=true&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetMap&STYLES=&EXCEPTIONS=application/vnd.ogc.se_inimage&SRS={proj}&BBOX={bbox}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}
added to JOSM! (fixed: actually worldwide)
  OSM Inspector: Routing (EU) -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
added to JOSM!
  OSM Inspector: Tagging -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
URL updated in JOSM
  OpenStreetMap (German Language) -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
(re)added to JOSM!
  OpenStreetMap (Mapnik Black & White) - http://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
JOSM uses https instead
  OpenStreetMap (Mapnik) - http://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
URL updated in JOSM (not tested)  
  OpenStreetMap (Sorbian Language) -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
both URLs work, also we use https
  OpenStreetMap GPS traces - http://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
added to JOSM!
  QA No Address -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
different URL - both work, but ours updated by jbeata (skobbler)
  Skobbler - http://tiles{switch:1,2,3,4}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
TMS mirror of WMS
  South Tyrol Orthofoto 2011 -{z}/{x}/{-y}.png
added to JOSM!
  South Tyrol Orthofoto 2011 -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
TMS mirror of WMS
  South Tyrol Topomap -{z}/{x}/{-y}.png
added to JOSM!
  South Tyrol Topomap -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
obsolete, there is now a TMS servert for 2012 imagery
  Stadt Bern 10cm/25cm (2008) -,1&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
TMS proxy of existing WMS
  Stadt Zürich Luftbild 2011 -{z}/{x}/{y}.png?origin=nw
server down, data obsolete
  Streets NRW -{proj}&STYLES=&LAYERS=unzugeordnete_strassen,kreisstrassen_ast,kreisstrassen,landesstrassen_ast,landesstrassen,bundesstrassen_ast,bundesstrassen,autobahnen_ast,autobahnen,endpunkte&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
URL updated in JOSM (not tested)  
  Tiris: DGM (Terrain model) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
URL updated in JOSM (not tested)  
  Tiris: DOM (Surface model) -{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
added to JOSM!
  Waymarked Trails: Cycling -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  Waymarked Trails: Hiking -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  Waymarked Trails: MTB -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  Waymarked Trails: Skating -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
  Waymarked Trails: Winter Sports -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
format error ({proj(EPSG:4326)}), otherwise the same
  [CA] Canvec -{proj(EPSG:4326)}&FORMAT=image/png&transparent=true&layers=SCW-Toporama&WIDTH={width}&height={height}&BBOX={bbox}
format error (SRS=EPSG:4326), otherwise the same
  [CA] Geobase Hydrography -,nhn:network&WIDTH={width}&height={height}&BBOX={bbox}
format error (SRS=EPSG:4326), otherwise the same
  [CA] Geobase Roads -,nrn:streetnames,nrn:streetnames:streetnames_primary,nrn:streetnames:streetnames_secondary,nrn:streetnames:streetnames_other,nhn:hydrography,nrn:roadnetwork&WIDTH={width}&height={height}&BBOX={bbox}
added to JOSM!
  [CA] Kelowna 2012 - http://{switch:a,b,c,d}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
added to JOSM!
  [CA] Kelowna Roads overlay - http://{switch:a,b,c,d}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
very low resolution - don't see how this would be useful
  [CA] Latest southwest British Columbia Landsat - http://{switch:a,b,c,d}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
TMS proxy of WMS
  [LU] Luxembourg Inspire Ortho 2010 -{z}/{x}/{y}.jpeg
TMS proxy of WMS
  [LU] Luxembourg Inspire Ortho 2013 -{z}/{x}/{y}.jpeg
added to JOSM!
  [US] U.S. Forest Service roads -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
added to JOSM!
  [VE] Landsat 233055 - http://{switch:a,b,c,d}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
URL updated in JOSM (to higher dpi version) -{zoom}/{y}/{x}.jpeg

*** Same URL, but different name: ***
okay in JOSM
  name differs:{zoom}/{x}/{y}
     (IEE):     Imagerie Drone (Haiti)
     (JOSM):    Drone Imagery (Haiti)
okay in JOSM
  name differs:{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg
     (IEE):     OS 1:25k historic (OSM)
     (JOSM):    OS 1:25k historic (OSM-Limited)
  name differs: http://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
     (IEE):     TIGER 2012 Roads Overlay
     (JOSM):    OSM US TIGER 2012 Roads Overlay
okay in JOSM (changed)
  name differs: http://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token=pk.eyJ1Ijoib3BlbnN0cmVldG1hcCIsImEiOiJhNVlHd29ZIn0.ti6wATGDWOmCnCYen-Ip7Q
     (IEE):     New & Misaligned TIGER Roads
     (JOSM):    New & Misaligned TIGER Roads (TIGER 2014)
  name differs: http://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
     (IEE):     USGS Topographic Maps
     (JOSM):    USGS Scanned Topographic Maps
  name differs:
     (IEE):     Bing aerial imagery
     (JOSM):    Bing Sat
  name differs:{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
     (IEE):     Erlangen Luftbild (2011 5,0 cm)
     (JOSM):    Erlangen 2011 Luftbild (5,0 cm)
  name differs:{proj}&WIDTH={width}&height={height}&BBOX={bbox}
     (IEE):     20cm ortho - Coastline
     (JOSM):    20cm ortho - Latvia - Coastline
  name differs:{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
     (IEE):     Erlangen Luftbild (2013 6,25 cm)
     (JOSM):    Erlangen 2013 Luftbild (6,25 cm)
  name differs: http://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token=pk.eyJ1Ijoib3BlbnN0cmVldG1hcCIsImEiOiJncjlmd0t3In0.DmZsIeOW-3x-C5eX-wAqTw
     (IEE):     Mapbox Satellite
     (JOSM):    MapBox Satellite

*** Same URL, but different zoom bounds: ***
JOSM value is correct
  minzoom differs: OpenPT Map (overlay) -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
     (IEE):     5
     (JOSM):    4
JOSM value is correct
  maxzoom differs: OpenPT Map (overlay) -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
     (IEE):     16
     (JOSM):    17
  minzoom differs: [GB] Surrey Air Survey -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
     (IEE):     8
     (JOSM):    null
  maxzoom differs: [GB] Surrey Air Survey -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
     (IEE):     19
     (JOSM):    null

(Exclamation mark in comment means there has been a wiki edit.)

Last edited 10 years ago by bastiK (previous) (diff)

by bastiK, 10 years ago

Attachment: maps.xml added

JOSM maps file for 2015-01-28 update

by bastiK, 10 years ago

Attachment: imagery.json added

EII source file for 2015-01-28 update (9eb59f170b473)

comment:31 by stoecker, 10 years ago

Notes to your comments:

  • {z} is supported by JOSM for some time, but {zoom} should still be preferred for old versions to work.
  • I fixed the hardcoded projections for Canadian URL's some weeks ago.
  • I think we dropped this one in favour of the German style map, i.e. not updated, but removed
    URL updated in JOSM
      OpenStreetMap (German Language) -{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png

Maybe we should add the TMS proxies in the XML as well for reference?


There is a ticket in EII about handling these multi-URL's as well.

Does no harm even if (not yet) used by JOSM.

Last edited 10 years ago by stoecker (previous) (diff)

comment:32 by stoecker, 10 years ago

I added some new features like mirror, comment and a lastckeck date to the XML format.

in reply to:  31 ; comment:33 by bastiK, 10 years ago

Replying to stoecker:

Maybe we should add the TMS proxies in the XML as well for reference?


Your extension of the xml schema looks a little "pragmatic" (redundant but incomplete listing of properties). Do you plan to complete this? Otherwise I would suggest to add the mirrors as ordinary entries, but simply add the id of the mirrored WMS service in an additional attribute. We can make JOSM ignore the mirrors by adding mandatory='true' to the new attribute:

        <mirror-of mandatory='true'>id-of-wms-service</mirror-of>

comment and a lastckeck date to the XML format.

EII has a description field, e.g.

        "type": "tms", 
        "id": "", 
        "description": "Basemap of Austria, based on goverment data."

This is somewhat similar to comment, so I think we should stick to description.

comment:34 by Aun Johnsen <lists@…>, 10 years ago

What about old-url/new-url for services that have changed URL? Seems like this happens from time to time, so if the user have an active layer that have changed URL it can be (auto?)updated in his preferences

in reply to:  33 ; comment:35 by stoecker, 10 years ago

Replying to bastiK:

Replying to stoecker:

Your extension of the xml schema looks a little "pragmatic" (redundant but incomplete listing of properties). Do you plan to complete this?

Not really pragmatic. I added the ones, which are relevant to the service. Everything else should be the same or it is no real mirror.

Thought as always there may be changes in future :-)

Otherwise I would suggest to add the mirrors as ordinary entries, but simply add the id of the mirrored WMS service in an additional attribute. We can make JOSM ignore the mirrors by adding mandatory='true' to the new attribute:

Actually this is what I wanted to prevent - that we have two entries which surely will drift apart over the time. This option is still open for these which I consider no "true" mirrors. I.e. where attribution, coverage area and others differ.

EII has a description field, e.g.

        "type": "tms", 
        "id": "", 
        "description": "Basemap of Austria, based on goverment data."

This is somewhat similar to comment, so I think we should stick to description.

Description is fine for me. Also matches the other XML formats better.

in reply to:  35 comment:36 by stoecker, 10 years ago

Replying to stoecker:

Description is fine for me. Also matches the other XML formats better.

Ah, I already used description in the XSD. Only in the wiki I used comment. I'm overworked :-)

What about old-url/new-url for services that have changed URL? Seems like this happens from time to time, so if the user have an active layer that have changed URL it can be (auto?)updated in his preferences

This is handled by the ID. No need to keep old URL's.

comment:37 by stoecker, 10 years ago

Anyone who knows how to change the XSD, so that description and mirror can appear multiple times without breaking all? XSD is a pain in the ass!

in reply to:  37 comment:38 by bastiK, 10 years ago

Replying to stoecker:

Anyone who knows how to change the XSD, so that description and mirror can appear multiple times without breaking all? XSD is a pain in the ass!

I don't think this is possible with XSD 1.0. What about this:

      <name>MyImagery (TMS mirror)</name>

Then we could use the same complexType inside the <mirrors> element and don't need to duplicate the attributes. The mirror would then (by convention) inherit all the attributes that aren't specified from the parent.

comment:39 by stoecker, 10 years ago

Hmm, first it does not solve the issue for description, where there a multiple instances needed for different languages. And second it's so complex. I don't want to make the final XML complex only because we're not able to make a proper validation file. It should be easy for users, not for the validator.

I'm pretty sure somehow it's possible. For the presets we also have the chance to add multiple similar entries.

in reply to:  39 comment:40 by bastiK, 10 years ago

Replying to stoecker:

I'm pretty sure somehow it's possible. For the presets we also have the chance to add multiple similar entries.

It's possible if you no longer demand that there is at most one name, url, etc.

comment:41 by stoecker, 10 years ago

Hmm, not fine, but a solution.

comment:42 by stoecker, 10 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

From our side all is done except adding JSON output. So closing this ticket for now.

comment:43 by stoecker, 10 years ago

A note: Last month there have been a bunch of changes in EII.

comment:44 by Don-vip, 9 years ago

Ticket #12313 has been marked as a duplicate of this ticket.

in reply to:  42 ; comment:45 by Klumbumbus, 8 years ago

In my opinion a single common database for the imageries would still be the best solution. Maintain two databases is no fun and the current situation is not satisfying.

Replying to stoecker:

From our side all is done except adding JSON output.

Please give a list of points which must be fulfilled by the EII side so that EII can replace the JOSM /Maps implementation. (Beside the fact the all entries need to be checked again for differences between JOSM and EII before this step is finally done.)

What I see at the moment:

  • support all the JOSM specific properties (or find another equal solution)
    • epsg4326to3857Supported
    • valid-georeference
    • mirror
    • no-tile-header
    • no-tile-checksum
    • metadata-header
    • id
    • ...?
  • the assurance to add more josm specific properties in the future if they are needed e.g. for new josm specific features
  • i18n support of imagery names (
  • ...?

Please enhance this list.

To simplify creation of shapes the Imagery-XML-Bounds plugin would require an enhancemant to support geojson as well.

in reply to:  45 ; comment:46 by stoecker, 8 years ago

Replying to Klumbumbus:

In my opinion a single common database for the imageries would still be the best solution. Maintain two databases is no fun and the current situation is not satisfying.

Replying to stoecker:

From our side all is done except adding JSON output.

Please give a list of points which must be fulfilled by the EII side so that EII can replace the JOSM /Maps implementation. (Beside the fact the all entries need to be checked again for differences between JOSM and EII before this step is finally done.)

I don't see any chance for this ATM.

Points against:

  • The EII project is a clone of JOSM wiki, but it does not have most of JOSM wikis features.
  • EII must be open to community changes, not only to programmers.
  • And most important: From the start there have been no efforts to actually work together with us - Vincent and Sebastian tried a lot.
  • Since we have this EII ⟷ JOSM issue, the JOSM wiki was more active with outside contribution.
  • My personal point: I don't see a single advantage of EII compared to what we have.

There is a ticket #12706 for tracking dataset unification. If you want, you can reduce the red entries. Whenever I tried, the main work was to add ignores for the outdated EII entries and not adding new stuff to JOSM wiki. Also a point against switching.

We could get EII and JOSM wiki in coexistence with mainly-automatic syncing. That would mean nobody needs to drop their project and it's nevertheless one database. But that would need implementation efforts on the side of EII as well and I don't see that happening.

comment:47 by simon04, 8 years ago

I'm not very happy with the current situation

  • code is written and maintained to track the differences of both databases, source:trunk/scripts/SyncEditorImageryIndex.groovy
  • code is written and maintained to visualize the differences, wiki:ImageryCompare
  • time is spent to manually go through the differences
  • time is spent to manually submit/update entries in both databases
  • editing wiki:Maps is no fun and requires copying the XML to an external editor for every step more complex than fixing a typo

Instead, this time could be spent to bring JOSM forward, do some mapping, or do something else.

Also, I do not see any unsolvable technical/social issues. For instance, i18n could be done via the current JOSM translation process until ELI is ready.

in reply to:  47 ; comment:48 by stoecker, 8 years ago

Replying to simon04:

I'm not very happy with the current situation

That's the same code, so count it only once. :-)

  • time is spent to manually go through the differences
  • time is spent to manually submit/update entries in both databases

Nobody does this really.

  • editing wiki:Maps is no fun and requires copying the XML to an external editor for every step more complex than fixing a typo

That's the same for EII, only there it's JSON. And it's only true for the boundaries. Editing the base stuff directly in the wiki is easy enough.

A direct interface in the imagery-xml plugin could improve the workflow for boundaries, but I'm not sure that's worth the effort. Map stuff changes too seldom.

Also, I do not see any unsolvable technical/social issues. For instance, i18n could be done via the current JOSM translation process until ELI is ready.

I see no sense in switching to a solution which makes situation worse only to have an unification. What's the purpose of this - Only to be able to say "Yes, we are united"?

We have active contribution to the Maps pages adding new entries and updating old ones, so it simply works. While unifications may be an interesting goal, the drawbacks of the current situation are really minimal for users.

in reply to:  48 ; comment:49 by simon04, 8 years ago

Replying to stoecker:

  • editing wiki:Maps is no fun and requires copying the XML to an external editor for every step more complex than fixing a typo

That's the same for EII, only there it's JSON. And it's only true for the boundaries. Editing the base stuff directly in the wiki is easy enough.

My point is not XML vs. JSON, but directly being able to use your editor of choice. One-click editing in-browser on GitHub (followed by a commit to the personal fork, followed by a pull-request) is as simple as on Trac.

What's the purpose of this - Only to be able to say "Yes, we are united"?

Analogy: moving facts from Wikipedia to Wikidata for shared use.

the drawbacks of the current situation are really minimal for users.

For the map users, I agree. For those who maintain the entries, I strongly disagree.

comment:50 by bastiK, 8 years ago

Here is a setup that might work:

  • JOSM forks the EII on github, JOSM clients download the maps database from the JOSM fork
  • Figure out a more user-friendly way to make a pull request, e.g. some kind of web form that results in a pull request or direct commit in the JOSM fork
  • Automated process to merge changes from EII
  • Make pull requests to integrate JOSM changes into EII - should be much easier than it is now
    -> This makes synchronization as easy as possible, while we are free to make independent technical decisions, if necessary.

in reply to:  50 comment:51 by stoecker, 8 years ago

Replying to bastiK:

Here is a setup that might work:

  • JOSM forks the EII on github, JOSM clients download the maps database from the JOSM fork
  • Figure out a more user-friendly way to make a pull request, e.g. some kind of web form that results in a pull request or direct commit in the JOSM fork
  • Automated process to merge changes from EII
  • Make pull requests to integrate JOSM changes into EII - should be much easier than it is now
    -> This makes synchronization as easy as possible, while we are free to make independent technical decisions, if necessary.

They we again have another clone. That makes it again more complex instead going into a direction of unification.

For me the main question is if EII people are willing to collaborate. I don't see that. Every attempt you two did until now failed completely. And without the will for collaboration it wont work.

in reply to:  46 ; comment:52 by Klumbumbus, 8 years ago

Replying to stoecker:

Points against:

  • The EII project is a clone of JOSM wiki, but it does not have most of JOSM wikis features.

Thats why I try to collect the list of things, which need to be implemented in EII. From what I read in the different discussions, EII developers are willing to add things. Can you please give a list of features, which are missing in EII? We can then forward the list to the EII developers and see if they can implement it.

  • EII must be open to community changes, not only to programmers.

I don't see such a big disadvantage here. Everybody can create pull requests or create github issues. It is only one single confirmation click of one of the EII maintainers more. (Maybe they can give one or all of the current JOSM developers the access to merge pull requests.) In the end it is even an advantage because the chance that someone reviews the changes and asks back for license is much higher. Currently if some user (with login or anonym) adds an entry to the JOSM Maps wiki nobody cares. If someone adds an imagery where OSM has no permission to trace from much likely nobody will notice. And then we have the forbidden entry in JOSM.

  • And most important: From the start there have been no efforts to actually work together with us - Vincent and Sebastian tried a lot.

ticket:12313#comment:29 (no answer)

  • Since we have this EII ⟷ JOSM issue, the JOSM wiki was more active with outside contribution.

Once there is only one database we can bundle our efforts and improve the common database together. Then there is no need to do "outside contribution".

  • My personal point: I don't see a single advantage of EII compared to what we have.

The main advantage is that all the imagery maintenance has to been done only once instead of twice. In my opinion this weights much more then all the points you listed here.

There is a ticket #12706 for tracking dataset unification. If you want, you can reduce the red entries. Whenever I tried, the main work was to add ignores for the outdated EII entries and not adding new stuff to JOSM wiki. Also a point against switching.

The first step must be to prepare the technical base and the will to switch to EII. THEN we can start manually syncing all the entries. And then finally switch. It is clear that nobody has interrest to manually sync both databases when he knows that once all entries are synced both databases will differ again fast. This is just a waste of time and work.

We could get EII and JOSM wiki in coexistence with mainly-automatic syncing. That would mean nobody needs to drop their project and it's nevertheless one database. But that would need implementation efforts on the side of EII as well and I don't see that happening.

I think that would be much more work and much more complicated instead of implementing some missing features at EII and switch to EII.

in reply to:  47 comment:53 by Klumbumbus, 8 years ago

Replying to simon04:

i18n could be done via the current JOSM translation process until ELI is ready.

I don't think that will work, because all entry names in EII must be changed to english instead of the current local language. This is not a good solution. i18n must be supported by EII itself.

in reply to:  49 comment:54 by stoecker, 8 years ago

Replying to simon04:

Replying to stoecker:

  • editing wiki:Maps is no fun and requires copying the XML to an external editor for every step more complex than fixing a typo

That's the same for EII, only there it's JSON. And it's only true for the boundaries. Editing the base stuff directly in the wiki is easy enough.

My point is not XML vs. JSON, but directly being able to use your editor of choice. One-click editing in-browser on GitHub (followed by a commit to the personal fork, followed by a pull-request) is as simple as on Trac.

That you don't mean XML against JSON was clear.

But I don't see your point.

  • What workflow is better in GitHub compared to Wiki edits?
  • Why do you need to load XML data into an editor?

I improved our solution each time we had issues making editing hard, but at least I need to know what's bad, as I don't have issues myself.

A proper and easy method would be to add a form-based interface presenting the imagery data of one entry in typical form style with a map below, where you can choose the boundary. That would be easy to use. But until now I didn't think doing so is worth the effort, as it needs implementation work and current method is good enough for the seldom changes.

What's the purpose of this - Only to be able to say "Yes, we are united"?

Analogy: moving facts from Wikipedia to Wikidata for shared use.

the drawbacks of the current situation are really minimal for users.

For the map users, I agree. For those who maintain the entries, I strongly disagree.

Changing is seldom compared to using, so benefits must be really high to change a working infrastructure.

Last edited 8 years ago by stoecker (previous) (diff)

in reply to:  48 ; comment:55 by Klumbumbus, 8 years ago

Replying to stoecker:

We have active contribution to the Maps pages adding new entries and updating old ones, so it simply works.

Beside the shape changes I myself made the last days I guess we had less then 10 changes to our Maps database in the last year. Looking at there is much more progress going on.

in reply to:  52 ; comment:56 by stoecker, 8 years ago

Replying to Klumbumbus:

Replying to stoecker:

Points against:

  • The EII project is a clone of JOSM wiki, but it does not have most of JOSM wikis features.

Thats why I try to collect the list of things, which need to be implemented in EII. From what I read in the different discussions, EII developers are willing to add things. Can you please give a list of features, which are missing in EII? We can then forward the list to the EII developers and see if they can implement it.

Yes, written willingness was never the problem. Actually acting on it is.

A first step would be to try to resolve the differences between the two databases. When ImageryCompare is empty then next steps would be to solve the missing functionality.

  • EII must be open to community changes, not only to programmers.

I don't see such a big disadvantage here. Everybody can create pull requests or create github issues.

That's a very programmer centric point of view, which I don't agree with.

The wiki based approach was choosen to actually get away from programmer controlled lists.

Currently if some user (with login or anonym) adds an entry to the JOSM Maps wiki nobody cares.

I try to have a look at each of the changes.

If someone adds an imagery where OSM has no permission to trace from much likely nobody will notice. And then we have the forbidden entry in JOSM.

Yes. That's possible. Community efforts means a certain level of trust is needed. I don't see that as bad.

  • My personal point: I don't see a single advantage of EII compared to what we have.

The main advantage is that all the imagery maintenance has to been done only once instead of twice. In my opinion this weights much more then all the points you listed here.

Well. Ask EII to switch to JOSM wiki and see the answer. Implementing missing JSON output is a matter of an hour work. I din't do it yet to not further complicate the bad feelings. Or see the Github ticket where I asked. ;-) I agree that my request was maybe a bit too harsh...

The first step must be to prepare the technical base and the will to switch to EII.

It's not a technical issue. Technical issues would be much easier to solve than the current situation.

THEN we can start manually syncing all the entries. And then finally switch. It is clear that nobody has interrest to manually sync both databases when he knows that once all entries are synced both databases will differ again fast. This is just a waste of time and work.

No. When both sides are willing to actually work together, then syncing would be a simple matter of change notices. That can be handled manually without much effort. If that would be the only remaining problem I'd volunteer to handle these on our side. It's only an issues as long as it drifts apart.

I think that would be much more work and much more complicated instead of implementing some missing features at EII and switch to EII.

You see that mainly from a technical point. That's not the issue here.

in reply to:  55 comment:57 by stoecker, 8 years ago

Replying to Klumbumbus:

Replying to stoecker:

We have active contribution to the Maps pages adding new entries and updating old ones, so it simply works.

Beside the shape changes I myself made the last days I guess we had less then 10 changes to our Maps database in the last year. Looking at there is much more progress going on.

I look at this from time to time, but didn't check each entry. From the comments it still seems the majority of commits is for the software, not for the data.

in reply to:  56 ; comment:58 by Klumbumbus, 8 years ago

Replying to stoecker:

It's only an issues as long as it drifts apart.

As long as there will be no common database or automatic(!) synchronization the two databases will always drift apart. And as long they will drift apart atleast I (and obviously everybody else) has no motivation to manually sync them.

I (and obviously everybody else) don't want to manually maintain two databases because that's double work.

Also I'm a bit hesitant to improve the JOSM Maps wiki more since every change results in more work for someone in the feature when this needs to be synced again with EII.

in reply to:  58 comment:59 by stoecker, 8 years ago

Replying to Klumbumbus:

Replying to stoecker:

It's only an issues as long as it drifts apart.

As long as there will be no common database or automatic(!) synchronization the two databases will always drift apart. And as long they will drift apart atleast I (and obviously everybody else) has no motivation to manually sync them.

If that boils down to "Switch to EII first" or "have no sync" than my choice is not to have a sync. That were the first words ever heard from EII: I made something better - consider dropping your stuff and use mine.

If people involved don't want to spend the time needed to first get the data straight I simply don't believe all the other work will be done. Until now history has shown that all efforts towards a common data base have been single sided (example:

comment:60 by Frederik Ramm, 8 years ago

Ok, let's act for a moment as if whoever invented EII behaved like a self-absorbed asshole when they set it up, believed that what they do must automatically be better than everything that could possibly already exist so no need to even look at the other rubbish out there, and by the way they were using the latest cool kid technologies like github & json whereas everyone else was still stuck in laughable 1970's svn and XML.

Let us further assume that, purely looking at technical capabilities, the JOSM approach is more powerful than the EII one.

Should this automatically mean that JOSM won't budge until at the very least EII supports all of JOSM's features but maybe not even then becasue they have been assholes in the past?

My opinion is: No. A common imagery index *is* a worthwhile goal, there should be absolutely no question about that. In a world in which editors can't even agree on which background images to use, my motivation to participate in any of the systems would be very limited and I'm certain I am not the only one. Also the best solution is not necessarily the solution with the best technical features (see VHS video); a solution can also be best because it is more commonly used or more interoperable.

My suggestion to end this tiring discussion lies in the German idiom "der Klügere gibt nach" (the wiser person will give in). I suggest to scrap the whole Wiki imagery index in JOSM, with all its cool advanced features, and switch to EII, with all the drawbacks. If this doesn't happen because of a maintainer veto, then make a plugin that will disable the Wiki imagery index and use EII, and if that isn't possible, then start distributing an alternative JOSM version that uses the EII.

This will either go down without much fuss - proving that many of the "advanced" features that JOSM had were perhaps not really essential and just an unnecessary complication. (Do I really need i18n for "Stadt Karlsruhe WMS"?)

Or it will provoke criticism - maybe some users will then say that the EII is a step backwards and needs improvements. These user voices should then be directed towards the nice folks at EII, and the will weigh much, much more than JOSM developers bitching about EII being technologically inferior because it lacks a niche feature.

(For the record, I think a maintainer veto should be reserved for extreme cases. This case here looks to me like "everyone wants to switch to EII but the maintainer", and I don't think the reasons presented would warrant a veto. OSM, and JOSM, are not projects that strive for technical perfection, instead we make many compromises to make it easier for people to work together. This would be one such compromise.)

in reply to:  60 ; comment:61 by stoecker, 8 years ago

Replying to Frederik Ramm:

Ok, let's act for a moment as if whoever invented EII behaved like a self-absorbed asshole when they set it up, believed that what they do must automatically be better than everything that could possibly already exist so no need to even look at the other rubbish out there, and by the way they were using the latest cool kid technologies like github & json whereas everyone else was still stuck in laughable 1970's svn and XML.

Let us further assume that, purely looking at technical capabilities, the JOSM approach is more powerful than the EII one.

Should this automatically mean that JOSM won't budge until at the very least EII supports all of JOSM's features but maybe not even then becasue they have been assholes in the past?

My opinion is: No. A common imagery index *is* a worthwhile goal, there should be absolutely no question about that. In a world in which editors can't even agree on which background images to use, my motivation to participate in any of the systems would be very limited and I'm certain I am not the only one. Also the best solution is not necessarily the solution with the best technical features (see VHS video); a solution can also be best because it is more commonly used or more interoperable.

My suggestion to end this tiring discussion lies in the German idiom "der Klügere gibt nach" (the wiser person will give in). I suggest to scrap the whole Wiki imagery index in JOSM, with all its cool advanced features, and switch to EII, with all the drawbacks. If this doesn't happen because of a maintainer veto, then make a plugin that will disable the Wiki imagery index and use EII, and if that isn't possible, then start distributing an alternative JOSM version that uses the EII.

This will either go down without much fuss - proving that many of the "advanced" features that JOSM had were perhaps not really essential and just an unnecessary complication. (Do I really need i18n for "Stadt Karlsruhe WMS"?)

Or it will provoke criticism - maybe some users will then say that the EII is a step backwards and needs improvements. These user voices should then be directed towards the nice folks at EII, and the will weigh much, much more than JOSM developers bitching about EII being technologically inferior because it lacks a niche feature.

(For the record, I think a maintainer veto should be reserved for extreme cases. This case here looks to me like "everyone wants to switch to EII but the maintainer", and I don't think the reasons presented would warrant a veto. OSM, and JOSM, are not projects that strive for technical perfection, instead we make many compromises to make it easier for people to work together. This would be one such compromise.)

If the people involved in developing JOSM put so much weight on this topic that forking and overruling the maintainer is even considered really, I will resign as maintainer and drop any further contributions to JOSM. Because in this case it seems I'm unable to do my job. If this is wanted, please say so! JOSM will not suffer from this, as we have an active group of people who can take over.

To your main point: We did not ever reach a common state for anything - be that presets, styles (yes we have MapCSS but it drifts apart step by step and actually it has been superior to the XML we had), imagery, file formats, icons, whatever - Why should the imagery issue be so much special that we must reach an unification. We don't need to, as it works. Yes, it could be better, but it woulds also be better to have peace on the world. Not everything is reachable ATM.

Probably 95% of the users actually don't care about all that Map stuff we are talking here. They only use the standard maps and there is no issue with these. We're talking about the fine details here. And dropping the fine details to get rid of the fine details issue seems a strange solution to me.

I did the technical implementations for this topic from the very beginning and if I'm not allowed to decide how to proceed then this is no longer a development model I can support.

BTW regarding your plugin idea: Whoever wants to use EII already can do so. Only changing one entry in config is necessary and a few people also do it.

in reply to:  61 comment:62 by Klumbumbus, 8 years ago

Replying to stoecker:

If the people involved in developing JOSM put so much weight on this topic that forking and overruling the maintainer is even considered really,[...]

No that's nonsense.

[...] I will resign as maintainer and drop any further contributions to JOSM.

Please, no. JOSM needs your contributions.

in reply to:  61 ; comment:63 by simon04, 8 years ago

Replying to stoecker:

Why should the imagery issue be so much special that we must reach an unification. We don't need to, as it works.

Because it seems the easiest to achieve. And it also does not influence the end-user experience in any way. But it lifts a burden from editor contributors.

A different aspect for clarification: the editor-layer-index project is hosted within the OSM Lab GitHub team with very liberal write permissions. It is basically the sequel of in the modern times of Git/GitHub.

So when speaking about editor-layer-index, there's no them or EII people, but a we as in OSM developers!

Please also check and to see the broad range of contributions.

The editor-layer-index also facilitates the nice concept of best imagery for a region due to JOSM could benefit from this one by marking those layers in the imagery menu.

in reply to:  63 comment:64 by stoecker, 8 years ago

Replying to simon04:

The editor-layer-index also facilitates the nice concept of best imagery for a region due to JOSM could benefit from this one by marking those layers in the imagery menu.

See #12313.

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