

Table of Contents

  1. Documentation
  2. Results
  3. Only Errors

Comparison between ​ELI and JOSM imagery lists


This page compares the imagery lists of the GitHub project Editor Layer Index (former Editor Imagery Index) and JOSM to find differences or problems with imageries. The following table explains what the different colors in the output below mean. If a red line can't be resolved it can be added to the ignore list. There is also a more detailed reason for each ignore entry documented.

Color Description Action
black informational texts
brown entries in ELI but not in JOSM should be checked and fixed or added to ignore list
red problems with JOSM entries should be checked and fixed
brown differences between ELI and JOSM should be checked and fixed or added to ignore list
blue entries in JOSM but not in ELI should be checked
blue problems with ELI entries should be checked and fixed in ELI or added to ignore list
green entries which already have been checked and are on the ignore list (e.g. only minor style differences, or sync impossible) no action required
golden entries which already have been checked and are on the ignore list (outdated in ELI) should be fixed in ELI
purple different ids not yet decided how to proceed, see 14655#comment:60
yellow new checks in test phase should be checked and fixed if applicable
brown +++ Obsolete skip entry: at the end of this list flags old entries of the ignore list, which are no longer applicable should be removed from the ignore list

This script compares the following properties:

  • source URL
  • type (WMS/TMS/WMTS)
  • name
  • min_zoom and max_zoom
  • country code
  • shapes (coordinates are rounded to 5 decimal digits for the comparison process)
  • icon (ELI unembedded icons, which were stored as data URL before, so these icons are no longer comparable by the script.)
  • best
  • date
  • copyright/attribution information (permission-ref and terms-of-use-url (JOSM) both map to license_url (ELI))
  • projections
  • description
  • id
  • default
  • overlay
  • no-tile-header
  • category
  • privacy-policy-url

This script first tries to find matching URLs and in the remaining data it tries to find matching IDs. Everything left will be reported. The script does not compare all special properties which are available in only one of the two databases.

ELI-only properties according to ELI-schema are:

  • i18n (see #18684)
  • permission_osm

JOSM-only properties according to JOSM-schema are:

  • logo-url
  • mirror

The script also does not yet compare the following properties as they are not yet actively used in ELI:

  • eula
  • logo-image
  • terms-of-use-text
  • no-tile-checksum
  • metadata-header
  • valid-georeference
  • tile-size
  • mod-tile-features
  • custom-http-headers
  • default-layers
  • format
  • transparent
  • minimum-tile-expire

For entries of the kind "... differs ('aaa' != 'bbb')", the first variant (aaa) is ELI and the second (bbb) JOSM.

The files actually used for the comparison are maps and imagery.geojson.

For easier syncing between JOSM and ELI there are two features:

  • This file displays the JOSM database in ELIs geojson format. Note that this file may contain JOSM-only properties (see above) which are not (yet) supported by the ELI schema. Possibly you need to remove these properties when syncing to ELI. Also note that terms-of-use-url isn't converted to license_url in the geojson output.
  • The command ant dist imageryindexdownload in the JOSM svn repository produces several files including imagery_eliout.imagery.xml which is the ELI database in JOSMs xml format. (ELI has an XML output too, but it is without the indentation JOSM uses in the wiki, which makes syncing hard.)
  • The file mapseli contains the imagery_eliout.imagery.xml contents and can be used for Copy&Paste of new entries.

New data is usually taken into account within a few seconds after a JOSM wiki edit or the ELI traviscibot completed his work. (You need to reload this page then to update the comparison script.)


Current number of entries for each type: 966 + 209 + 454 + 167

See below for the summary of all new, unresolved issues.

~~~ JOSM-URL is not unique:
*** Loaded 1338 entries (JOSM). ***
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [AT] BEV INSPIRE Orthofoto [bev-inspire-orthofoto]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [BE] Digitaal Vlaanderen preliminary aerial imagery [DV_OrthoPhoto_Preliminary]
+ ELI Projections EPSG:900913 not useful: [DE] NRW Liegenschaftskataster [nrw_alkis_wms]
+ ELI Projections EPSG:900913 not useful: [DE] NRW Buildings [nrw_alkis_buildings_wms]
+ ELI Projections EPSG:900913 not useful: [DE] NRW Buildings GST [nrw_alkis_buildings_gst_wms]
+ ELI Projections EPSG:900913 not useful: [DE] ALKIS Kreis Viersen [viersen_alkis_wms]
+ ELI Projections EPSG:900913 not useful: [HR] Topo 25 [dgu-topo-25]
+++ ELI-URL is not unique:,Aerial-2014-RGB&STYLES=&CRS={proj}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image/jpeg&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
+ ELI Projections EPSG:900913 not useful: [MD] Moldova Extended Orthophoto (2016) [Geodata-Gov-2016_Extended_Ortofoto_Moldova]
+ ELI Projections EPSG:900913 not useful: [MD] Topographical Linemap of Moldova, 2017 [Geodata-Gov-Topographical-Linemap_Moldova_2017]
+ ELI Projections EPSG:900913 not useful: [PL] Częstochowa: Buildings [Czestochowa-buildings]
+ ELI Projections EPSG:900913 not useful: [PL] Gliwice: Buildings [Gliwice-buildings]
+ ELI Projections EPSG:900913 not useful: [PL] Gliwice: Orthophotomap 2003 (aerial image) [Gliwice-2003]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [SE] Environmental Protection Agency - Trails [Naturvardsverket-trails]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] CBJ Aerial Imagery (2013) [CBJ_Aerial_20130611]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] CBJ Aerial Imagery (May 2023) [CBJ_Aerial_20230516]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] CBJ Aerial Imagery (June 2023) [CBJ_Aerial_20230618]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] MSB Aerial Imagery - Area 1(2019) [MSB_Aerial_2019]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] MSB Aerial Imagery - Area 2 (2020) [MSB_Aerial_2020]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] MSB Aerial Imagery - Area 3 (2021) [MSB_Aerial_2021]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] MSB Aerial Imagery - Core Area (2022) [MSB_Aerial_2022]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] MSB Aerial Imagery - Area 2 (2023) [MSB_Aerial_2023]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] PAgis 2021 Orthophotography [PAgis_Ortho_2021]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] City of Berkeley Orthoimagery (Latest) [Berkeley_CA_Latest]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] City of Burbank Orthoimagery (2024) [Burbank_CA_2024]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] City of Eureka Orthoimagery (2023) [Eureka_CA_2023]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] City of Irvine Orthoimagery (2023) [Irvine_CA_2023]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] City of Manhattan Beach Orthoimagery (2023) [Manhattan_Beach_CA_2023]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] City of Manteca Orthoimagery (2022) [Manteca_CA_2022]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] City of Modesto Orthoimagery (2023) [Modesto_CA_2023]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] City of Modesto Orthoimagery (2024) [Modesto_CA_2024]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Orange County Orthoimagery (2022) [Orange_CA_2022]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] City of Roseville Orthoimagery (2023) [Roseville_CA_2023]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] City of Roseville Orthoimagery (2024) [Roseville_CA_2024]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] San Bernardino County Orthoimagery (2023) [San_Bernardino_CA_2023]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] San Bernardino County Orthoimagery (2024) [San_Bernardino_CA_2024]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] San Mateo County Orthoimagery (2022) [San_Mateo_CA_2022]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Santa Clara County Orthoimagery (2022) [Santa_Clara_CA_2022]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Santa Clara County Orthoimagery (2023) [Santa_Clara_CA_2023]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] City of Santa Rosa Orthoimagery (2022) [Santa_Rosa_CA_2022]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Arapahoe County Aerials Latest [Arapahoe-County-Aerials-Latest]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Mesa County GIS Valleywide 2022 [MCGIS-County-Valleywide-Imagery-2022]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Mesa County GIS Valleywide 2024 [MCGIS-County-Valleywide-Imagery-2024]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Delaware Boundaries [Delaware_Boundaries]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Delaware FirstMap 2021 [Delaware_FirstMap_2021]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Delaware FirstMap 2022 [Delaware_FirstMap_2022]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Delaware Parks 2022 [Delaware_Parks_2022]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Brevard County Orthoimagery (2021) [Brevard_Ortho_2021]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Brevard County Orthoimagery (2022) [Brevard_Ortho_2022]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Brevard County Orthoimagery (2023) [Brevard_Ortho_2023]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Brevard County Orthoimagery (2024) [Brevard_Ortho_2024]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Broward County Orthoimagery (2021) [Broward_Ortho_2021]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Broward County Orthoimagery (2022) [Broward_Ortho_2022]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Broward County Orthoimagery (2023) [Broward_Ortho_2023]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Broward County Orthoimagery (2024) [Broward_Ortho_2024]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Charlotte County Orthoimagery (2020) [Charlotte_Ortho_2020]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Charlotte County Orthoimagery (2022) [Charlotte_Ortho_2022]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Charlotte County Orthoimagery (2023) [Charlotte_Ortho_2023]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Charlotte County Orthoimagery (2024) [Charlotte_Ortho_2024]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Citrus County Orthoimagery (2020) [Citrus_Ortho_2020]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Citrus County Orthoimagery (2023) [Citrus_Ortho_2023]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Collier County Orthoimagery (2022) [Collier_Ortho_2022]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Collier County Orthoimagery (Latest) [Collier_Ortho_Latest]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] JaxGIS Duval Orthoimagery (2023) [Duval_Ortho_2023]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Florida DEP Orthoimagery Composite (2020) [Florida_DEP_Ortho_2020]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Florida DEP Orthoimagery Composite (2021) [Florida_DEP_Ortho_2021]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Hillsborough County Orthoimagery (2023) [Hillsborough_Ortho_2023]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Lee County Orthoimagery (2021) [Lee_Ortho_2021]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Lee County Orthoimagery (2022 Q1) [Lee_Ortho_2022_Q1]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Lee County Orthoimagery (2022 Q4) [Lee_Ortho_2022_Q4]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Lee County Orthoimagery (2023) [Lee_Ortho_2023]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Lee County Orthoimagery (2024) [Lee_Ortho_2024]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Marion County Orthoimagery (2023) [Marion_Ortho_2023]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Martin County Orthoimagery (2024) [Martin_Ortho_2024]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Miami-Dade County Orthoimagery (Latest) [Miami-Dade_Ortho_Latest]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Monroe County Orthoimagery (2023) [Monroe_Ortho_2023]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Monroe County Orthoimagery (2024) [Monroe_Ortho_2024]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Okaloosa County Orthoimagery (2022) [Okaloosa_Ortho_2022]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Osceola County Roads [Osceola_Centerlines]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Palm Beach County Orthoimagery (2021) [Palm-Beach_Ortho_2021]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Palm Beach County Orthoimagery (2022) [Palm-Beach_Ortho_2022]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Polk County Orthoimagery (2023) [Polk_Ortho_2023]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Seminole County Orthoimagery (2021) [Seminole_Ortho_2021]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Seminole County Orthoimagery (2024) [Seminole_Ortho_2024]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Volusia County Orthoimagery (2024) [Volusia_Ortho_2024]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Cook County Orthoimagery 2020 [Cook_IL_2020]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Cook County Orthoimagery 2021 [Cook_IL_2021]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Cook County Orthoimagery 2022 [Cook_IL_2022]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Cook County Orthoimagery 2023 [Cook_IL_2023]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Kansas NG911 Orthoimagery (2014) [Kansas_NG911_2014]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] MD Latest 6 Inch Aerial Imagery []
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] MD Three Inch Aerial Imagery []
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Oakland County Orthoimagery (2020) [Oakland_MI_2020]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Oakland County Orthoimagery (2023) [Oakland_MI_2023]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Mecklenburg County Orthoimagery (2021) [Mecklenburg_NC_2021]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Mecklenburg County Orthoimagery (2022) [Mecklenburg_NC_2022]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Mecklenburg County Orthoimagery (2023) [Mecklenburg_NC_2023]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Mecklenburg County Orthoimagery (2024) [Mecklenburg_NC_2024]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84, EPSG:102100, EPSG:3359 not useful: [US] NC OneMap Latest Orthoimagery (Infrared) [NC_Latest_Ortho_CIR]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84, EPSG:3359, EPSG:102100 not useful: [US] NC OneMap Latest Orthoimagery (NDVI) [NC_Latest_Ortho_NDVI]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Union County Orthoimagery (2019) [Union_Ortho_2019]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Los Alamos County Orthoimagery 2018 (1in) [Los_Alamos_1in_2018]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Los Alamos County Orthoimagery 2018 (3in) [Los_Alamos_3in_2018]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Los Alamos County Orthoimagery 2022 (3in) [Los_Alamos_3in_2022]
+++ ELI-URL is not unique:{wkid}&bboxSR={wkid}&bbox={bbox}&size={width},{height}&foo={proj}
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Northern New Mexico NAIP 2022 (Infrared) [Los_Alamos_NAIP_CIR_2022]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Cattaraugus County Orthoimagery (2020) [Cattaraugus_NY_2020]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Cattaraugus County Orthoimagery (2021) [Cattaraugus_NY_2021]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Cattaraugus County Orthoimagery (2023) [Cattaraugus_NY_2023]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] NYS Hillshade [NYS_Statewide_Hillshade]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Licking County Orthoimagery (2023) [Licking_OH_2023]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Montgomery County Orthoimagery (2022) [Montgomery_OH_2022]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Wood County Orthoimagery (2020) [Wood_OH_2020]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Wood County Orthoimagery (2023) [Wood_OH_2023]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] PEMA Orthoimagery Cycle 2 (2021-2023) [PEMA_Orthoimagery_2023]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Pennsylvania Municipality Boundaries [PennDOT_Municipality]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Rhode Island Aerial Photo (Fall 2021) [RIGIS_Aerial_Photo_21f]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Rhode Island Aerial Photo (Spring 2022) [RIGIS_Aerial_Photo_22s]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Rhode Island Aerial Photo (Spring 2023) [RIGIS_Aerial_Photo_23s]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Rhode Island Aerial Photo (Spring 2024) [RIGIS_Aerial_Photo_24s]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] StratMap Balmorhea & Davis Mountain State Parks Imagery (2020) [StratMap20_NC_6in_Balmorhea_Davis_Mountians]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Loudoun County Orthoimagery (2021) [Loudoun_VA_2021]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Loudoun County Orthoimagery (2022) [Loudoun_VA_2022]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Loudoun County Orthoimagery (2023) [Loudoun_VA_2023]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Loudoun County Orthoimagery (2024) [Loudoun_VA_2024]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] VCGI LiDAR - DSM Hillshade [VCGI_LiDAR_DSM_Hillshade]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Suan Juan County Aerials (2022) [Suan_Juan_WA_2022]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Suan Juan County Aerials (2023) [Suan_Juan_WA_2023]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Suan Juan County Basemap [Suan_Juan_WA_Basemap]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Snohomish County Orthoimagery (2020) [Snohomish_WA_2020]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Snohomish County Orthoimagery (2022) [Snohomish_WA_2022]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [US] Snohomish County Orthoimagery (2024) [Snohomish_WA_2024]
+ ELI Projections CRS:84 not useful: [PW] USDA Palau Imagery (2022) [USDA_Palau_2022]
+ ELI Projections EPSG:900913, EPSG:102113 not useful: [AR] IGN ortofotos VANT [ign-uav-orthophotos-wms]
+ ELI Projections EPSG:900913, EPSG:102113 not useful: [AR] IGN ortofotos [ign-orthophotos-wms]
+ ELI Projections EPSG:900913, EPSG:102113 not useful: [AR] IGN capas vectoriales [ign-wms]
*** Loaded 1382 entries (ELI). ***
+++ iD-URL not in ELI:{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
+++ iD-URL not in ELI:,9,13,1,11,3,12&STYLES=&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
+++ iD-URL not in ELI:{proj}&BBOX={bbox}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&FORMAT=image/png
+++ iD-URL not in ELI: https://wmtsod{switch:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}{zoom}/{x}/{y}
+++ iD-URL not in ELI: https://wmtsod{switch:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}{zoom}/{x}/{y}
+++ iD-URL not in ELI:{proj}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image/jpeg&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
+++ iD-URL not in ELI:{proj}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image/png&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
+++ iD-URL not in ELI:{proj}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image/jpeg&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
+++ iD-URL not in ELI:{proj}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image/jpeg&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
+++ iD-URL not in ELI: https://wmtsod{switch:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}{zoom}/{x}/{y}
+++ iD-URL not in ELI:{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg
+++ iD-URL not in ELI:{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
+++ iD-URL not in ELI: 7586487389962e3f7c24b076dcc8270e6e23a5cb81e890c3fbe9928c5093fa862d8d946ea4a44f02efec19eda9f69b0bc82df4d53b740a5e284aef977eda72de707e354b5b2aa6f1afe22e7c67af90bcb2f8b411c773f6975badf128356ed1bc36fab11bb8fb221958273b22615127e25f52d3b423676a0ae92e2c9293321614e93443ce3b4fd688e8d58f0e9024a515beb7c68a31231802580a3c6504b483e021b06719d39d8a7ee63ed49fa45fe55283c89b7719dad108c539a4deae3d45cc56a1cfe2983edd7fb65906e0f00e8620eeab1f6827
+++ iD-URL not in ELI:{proj}&width={width}&height={height}&bbox={bbox}
+++ iD-URL not in ELI: 7586487389962e3f6627ae31c5ca3f566077e9848da9dbcda1e4978546cfa2da63928664b2f9581fe7a61bb4e7ebd518c123ff963c7007527552e2822a9c79c276626e410539abfdafed3e6d42eec7a0edbefc55dc7ffa9f55f1d524272acfab76f19a07a5ff5749722e3138703d11e15659f3b930611203f4232cb39a1e3605931b6ac51a68ac81e7d7a210b24da9429caae4b41132193f7c2d3a7d099f9df005ee6232d8b9b702c209d7fc877ed95c8dd8bf7e28cae2389f20f2e584641a9660b8
+++ iD-URL not in ELI:{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg
+++ iD-URL not in ELI:{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg
+++ iD-URL not in ELI:{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg
+++ iD-URL not in ELI:{zoom}&TileCol={x}&TileRow={y}
+++ iD-URL not in ELI:{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
+++ iD-URL not in ELI:{zoom}&TileCol={x}&TileRow={y}
+++ iD-URL not in ELI:{proj}&TILED=true&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
+++ iD-URL not in ELI: https://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
+++ iD-URL not in ELI:{proj}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image/jpeg&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
+++ iD-URL not in ELI:{proj}&width={width}&height={height}&bbox={bbox}
+++ iD-URL not in ELI:,2&STYLES=&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
+++ iD-URL not in ELI:{proj}&TILED=true&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
+++ iD-URL not in ELI:{bbox}&bboxSR={wkid}&imageSR={wkid}&size={width},{height}&foo={proj}
+++ iD-URL not in ELI:{zoom}/{y}/{x}.jpg
+++ iD-URL not in ELI:{zoom}/{y}/{x}.png
+++ iD-URL not in ELI:{zoom}/{y}/{x}.jpeg
+++ iD-URL not in ELI:{zoom}/{y}/{x}.jpeg
+++ iD-URL not in ELI:{zoom}/{x}/{y}?
+++ iD-URL not in ELI:{zoom}/{x}/{y}?
*** Loaded 1144 entries (iD). ***
+++ Rapid-URL not in ELI: 7586487389962e3f7c24b076dcc8270e6e23a5cb81e890c3fbe9928c5093fa862d808c64bfa45e1ca5ea01e6bdb5c311917ab7887f234306770cf1c729d573dc60632c48432eb6f3afa376222da7c5f3a8b5e3179267e08766b0f26f2922c9a038f2ae5dafed78160634357f777719bc7d5dd2e00a612c19f43c53b79b1e3605931b6ac51a68ac81e7c4b95b9952f8079faad2b4111c3b347c731c7e3498b3ea12ef5035d990a749c209d7fcfd1aed68a9aaaf4c06fd8e3bc011dfe49a7f12e4049e
+++ Rapid-URL not in ELI: 7586487389962e3f7c24b076dcc8270e6e23a5cb81e890c3fbe9928c5093fa862d808c64bfa45e1ca5ea01e6bdb5d851d975b7887f2343067753facf2bd16b88737f2c48432eb6f3afa376222da7c5f3a8b5e3179267e08766b0f26f2922c9a038f2ae5dafed78160634357f777719bc7d5dd2e00a612c19f43c53b79b1e3605931b6ac51a68ac81e7c4b95b9952f8079faad2b4111c3b347c731c7e3498b3ea12ef5035d990a749c209d7fcfd1aed68a9aaaf4c06fd8e3bc011dfe49a7f12e4049e
+++ Rapid-URL not in ELI:{z}/{x}/{y}{r}.png
*** Loaded 1038 entries (Rapid). ***
* URL for oldid Torokbalint-orthophoto-2018 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [HU] Törökbálint orthophoto 2018 [Törökbálint_2018]
# WMS-URL for id Czech_pLPIS modified: [CZ] Czech pLPIS [Czech_pLPIS]
* URL for id MDT2M_LITORAL_2014_15 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [PT] Elevation hillshade of the coastal areas of mainland Portugal - 2m - 2014-2015 (DGT) [MDT2M_LITORAL_2014_15]
# WMS-URL for id SIBA_2018 modified: [FR] Bassin d Arcachon 2018 [SIBA_2018]
* URL for id US-TIGER-Roads-2023 differs (https://{switch:a,b,c,d}{zoom}/{x}/{y}?access_token=pk.eyJ1Ijoib3BlbnN0cmVldG1hcHVzIiwiYSI6ImNsbWw5cDdsbjA4ZjQyb3FlN2RtZHZhanAifQ.5cfwbNF6RW1td7H1_LLQTQ): [US] TIGER Roads 2023 [US-TIGER-Roads-2023]
* URL for id IndianaMap_Latest differs ({bbox}&imageSR={wkid}&bboxSR={wkid}&size={width},{height}&foo={proj}): [US] IndianaMap Orthoimagery - Latest Available [IndianaMap_Latest]
# WMS-URL for id kartverket-matrikkel modified: [NO] Kartverket Cadastral overlay [kartverket-matrikkel]
# WMS-URL for id trafikverket-vagnat modified: [SE] Trafikverket Road Network (overlay) [trafikverket-vagnat]
* URL for id Ukraine-orto10000-2012 differs (https://m{switch:1,2}{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.jpg): [UA] Ukraine - Orthophotomaps 2012 [Ukraine-orto10000-2012]
* URL for id Gliwice-2013 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [PL] Gliwice: Orthophotomap 2013 (aerial image) [Gliwice-2013]
* URL for id RIGIS_Aerial_Photo_21f differs ({wkid}&bboxSR={wkid}&bbox={bbox}&size={width},{height}&foo={proj}): [US] Rhode Island Aerial Photo (Fall 2021) [RIGIS_Aerial_Photo_21f]
* URL for id Bing differs ( Bing aerial imagery [Bing]
* URL for id URBIS2014 differs ({width}&HEIGHT={height}&CRS={proj}&STYLES=&BBOX={bbox}): [BE] URBIS 2014 aerial imagery [URBIS2014]
* URL for id Hessen-DTK differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [DE] Hesse DTK [Hessen-DTK]
* URL for id Brandenburg-DOP20c differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [DE] Brandenburg GeoBasis-DE/LGB (2025): DOP20c [Brandenburg-DOP20c]
* URL for id NLS-OS-7th_Series differs ({zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png): [GB] NLS - OS 1-inch 7th Series 1955-61 [NLS-OS-7th_Series]
* URL for id turku-orto differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [FI] Turku region aerial imagery 2018 [turku-orto]
# WMS-URL for id dgu-dof-2011 modified: [HR] Croatia 2011 Aerial imagery [dgu-dof-2011]
# WMS-URL for oldid modified: [AT] Tiris: DOM (Surface model) []
# WMS-URL for id GEOSN-DOP-RGB modified: [DE] Saxony latest aerial imagery [GEOSN-DOP-RGB]
# WMS-URL for id SPW2021 modified: [BE] SPW(allonie) 2021 aerial imagery [SPW2021]
# WMS-URL for oldid modified: [EE] Estonia Basemap (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Basemap]
* URL for id kartverket-hoydekurver differs (,hoydetall5punkt,hoydepunkt,vannpunkt,hoydekurver_1m,hoydekurver_5m,N50Hoydekurver,N250Hoydekurver,N500Hoydekurver,N1000Hoydekurver,N2000Hoydekurver&STYLES=&FORMAT=image/png&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [NO] Kartverket Contour Lines overlay [kartverket-hoydekurver]
# WMS-URL for id kalmar-orto-2014 modified: [SE] Kalmar North Orthophoto 2014 [kalmar-orto-2014]
* URL for id Bern-dtm-hillshade-2015 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [CH] Kanton Bern, Digital terrain model 50cm, Relief [Bern-dtm-hillshade-2015]
# WMS-URL for id Czestochowa-2015 modified: [PL] Częstochowa: Orthophotomap 2015 (aerial image) [Czestochowa-2015]
* URL for id URBIS2009 differs ({width}&HEIGHT={height}&CRS={proj}&STYLES=&BBOX={bbox}): [BE] URBIS 2009 aerial imagery [URBIS2009]
# WMS-URL for id Budapest_XI_2019 modified: [HU] Budapest district XI orthophoto 2019 [Budapest_XI_2019]
# WMS-URL for id wroclaw-orto2018 modified: [PL] Wrocław: Orthophotomap 2018 (aerial image) [wroclaw-orto2018]
# WMS-URL for id miljodirektoratet-vern modified: [NO] Miljødirektoratet Protected Areas overlay [miljodirektoratet-vern]
* URL for id kartverket-tilgjengelighet differs ( [NO] Kartverket Accessibility overlay [kartverket-tilgjengelighet]
* URL for id NLS-OS-WarOffice-125k-1940-43 differs ({zoom}/{x}/{y}.png): [GB] NLS - OS/War Office - GSGS 3906 1:25,000, 1940-43 [NLS-OS-WarOffice-125k-1940-43]
# WMS-URL for id Budapest_XI_2021 modified: [HU] Budapest district XI orthophoto 2021 [Budapest_XI_2021]
# WMS-URL for id GEOSN-WebAtlas modified: [DE] Saxony WebAtlasSN [GEOSN-WebAtlas]
* URL for id UkraineLubetskaOTG2020 differs ({zoom}/{y}/{x}): [UA] Ukraine - Lubetska OTG 2020 [UkraineLubetskaOTG2020]
* URL for id linkoping-orto differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&SERVICENAME=wms_ortofoto): [SE] Linköping Orthophoto [linkoping-orto]
* URL for id Catastro-Spain differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [ES] Catastro Spain [Catastro-Spain]
* URL for id opensnowmap-overlay differs ({zoom}/{x}/{y}.png): OpenSnowMap overlay [opensnowmap-overlay]
* URL for id kartverket-sjokart differs (https://opencache{switch:,2,3}{zoom}&x={x}&y={y}): [NO] Kartverket Nautical Charts [kartverket-sjokart]
* URL for id TW_NLSC_WMS_Village differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [TW] Taiwan Village Boundaries [TW_NLSC_WMS_Village]
* URL for oldid COS2018 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [PT] Land Use and Soil Occupation Charter of mainland Portugal - 2018 (DGT) [COS2018_v2]
* URL for id der-es differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [BR] DER-ES [der-es]
+ Missing https: [FR] BD Topo [fr.ign.bdtopo]
* URL for id amarillo_2016_wms differs ({proj}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image/jpeg&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [US] TX City of Amarillo Imagery 2015 [amarillo_2016_wms]
* URL for id Geoportal2-PL-prng differs (,Hydrografia,PozostaleMiejscowosci,Wies,UksztaltowanieTerenu&STYLES=&FORMAT=image/png&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [PL] Geoportal 2: PRNG (geo names) [Geoportal2-PL-prng]
* URL for id fta-digiroad-option differs ( [FI] FTIA Road Network (Digiroad) options (overlay) [fta-digiroad-option]
# WMS-URL for id Bedzin-PL-aerial_image modified: [PL] Będzin: Orthophotomap 2013 (aerial image) [Bedzin-PL-aerial_image]
# WMS-URL for id poznan-ortofotomapa2016 modified: [PL] Poznań: Orthophotomap 2016 (aerial image) [poznan-ortofotomapa2016]
# WMS-URL for id GeolittoralV2-Orthophotos modified: [FR] Géolittoral V2 - Orthophotos 2011-2014 [GeolittoralV2-Orthophotos]
* URL for id US-TIGER-Roads-2022 differs (https://{switch:a,b,c,d}{zoom}/{x}/{y}?access_token=pk.eyJ1Ijoib3BlbnN0cmVldG1hcHVzIiwiYSI6ImNsbWw5cDdsbjA4ZjQyb3FlN2RtZHZhanAifQ.5cfwbNF6RW1td7H1_LLQTQ): [US] TIGER Roads 2022 [US-TIGER-Roads-2022]
* URL for id US-TIGER-Roads-2018 differs (https://{switch:a,b,c,d}{zoom}/{x}/{y}?access_token=pk.eyJ1Ijoib3BlbnN0cmVldG1hcHVzIiwiYSI6ImNsbWw5cDdsbjA4ZjQyb3FlN2RtZHZhanAifQ.5cfwbNF6RW1td7H1_LLQTQ): [US] TIGER Roads 2018 [US-TIGER-Roads-2018]
# WMS-URL for id SPW2012 modified: [BE] SPW(allonie) 2012-2013 aerial imagery [SPW2012]
# WMS-URL for id nve-snoskred modified: [NO] NVE Avalanche Danger Areas overlay [nve-snoskred]
# WMS-URL for id Czech_CUZK-KM modified: [CZ] Czech CUZK:KM [Czech_CUZK-KM]
* URL for id Minnesota-Composite-Image-Service differs ({proj}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image/jpeg&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [US] Minnesota Composite Image Service [Minnesota-Composite-Image-Service]
* URL for id rzeszowski-aerial differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [PL] Powiat rzeszowski: Orthophotomap (aerial image) [rzeszowski-aerial]
# WMS-URL for id SPW2020 modified: [BE] SPW(allonie) 2020 aerial imagery [SPW2020]
* URL for id South-Tyrol-Orthofoto2014 differs (,Aerial-2014-RGB&STYLES=&CRS={proj}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image/jpeg&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [IT] South Tyrol Orthofoto 2014 [South-Tyrol-Orthofoto2014]
* URL for id Hessen-ALKIS differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [DE] Hesse ALKIS [Hessen-ALKIS]
# WMS-URL for oldid modified: [AT] Tiris: contour lines []
* URL for id NLS-OS-NatGrid-11250-1940-60 differs ({zoom}/{x}/{y}.png): [GB] NLS - OS 1:1,250 National Grid Maps, 1940s-1960s [NLS-OS-NatGrid-11250-1940-60]
* URL for oldid Torokbalint-orthophoto-2015 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [HU] Törökbálint orthophoto 2015 [Törökbálint_2015]
* URL for id Geodatastyrelsen_DTK_Kort25 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [DK] SDFI DTK Map25 [Geodatastyrelsen_DTK_Kort25]
+ Missing https: [SE] SCB - Industrial zones [scb-industrial]
* URL for id NLS-OS-NatGrid-110k-1940-60 differs ({zoom}/{x}/{y}.png): [GB] NLS - OS 1:10,560 National Grid Maps, 1940s-1960s [NLS-OS-NatGrid-110k-1940-60]
# WMS-URL for id GEOSN-DOP-2005 modified: [DE] Saxony historical aerial imagery 2005 [GEOSN-DOP-2005]
* URL for id Gliwice-buildings differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [PL] Gliwice: Buildings [Gliwice-buildings]
# WMS-URL for id Budapest_XI_2023 modified: [HU] Budapest district XI orthophoto 2023 [Budapest_XI_2023]
* URL for id brazos_county_2019_wms differs ({proj}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image/jpeg&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [US] TX Brazos County Imagery 2019 [brazos_county_2019_wms]
# WMS-URL for id LV_ORTOFOTO_C6 modified: [LV] Latvia - Orthophoto (2016–2018), 1:5000 [LV_ORTOFOTO_C6]
* URL for id stalowowolski-buildings differs (,adresy,budynki,centroidy&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [PL] Powiat stalowowolski: Buildings [stalowowolski-buildings]
# WMS-URL for id Saarland-DOP20 modified: [DE] Saarland DOP20 [Saarland-DOP20]
# WMS-URL for id DCGIS-County-Imagery-2017-Fall-Leaf-Off-6-Inch modified: [US] Dakota County GIS 2017 Fall Leaf-Off 6-Inch [DCGIS-County-Imagery-2017-Fall-Leaf-Off-6-Inch]
* URL for oldid Bern-AmtlicheVermessung differs ( [CH] Geoinformation Stadt Bern, Amtliche Vermessung [Bern-Katasterplan-wmts]
# WMS-URL for id GEOSN-DOP-CIR modified: [DE] Saxony latest aerial imagery infrared [GEOSN-DOP-CIR]
# WMS-URL for id SPWrelief2014 modified: [BE] SPW(allonie) shaded relief [SPWrelief2014]
* URL for id hri-orto differs ({proj}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image/jpeg&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [FI] Helsinki region orthophoto [hri-orto]
* URL for id Bytom-2012 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [PL] Bytom: Orthophotomap 2012 (aerial image) [Bytom-2012]
* URL for id GeoPortal_DF_2016 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [BR] GeoPortal DF 2016 [GeoPortal_DF_2016]
# WMS-URL for id OGDLidarZH-DOM modified: [CH] Kanton Zürich, Surface Hillshade 2014 50cm [OGDLidarZH-DOM]
+ Missing https: [SE] SCB - Vacation Home Areas [scb-vacation]
# WMS-URL for id GEOSN-DOP-2012_2014 modified: [DE] Saxony historical aerial imagery 2012-2014 [GEOSN-DOP-2012_2014]
* URL for id Singapore-OneMap differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [SG] Singapore OneMap [Singapore-OneMap]
* URL for id Bedzin-PL-buildings differs (,pkt_adr&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [PL] Będzin: Buildings [Bedzin-PL-buildings]
* URL for id Geneve-dsm-2019 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [CH] Canton of Geneva, DSM (SITG 2019) [Geneve-dsm-2019]
* URL for id Geoportal2-PL-addres_points_WMS differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [PL] Geoportal 2: Punkty adresowe [Geoportal2-PL-addres_points_WMS]
* URL for id Worms-2016 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [DE] Worms 2016 [Worms-2016]
* URL for id Lodz-buildings differs (,Ulice,Adresy&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [PL] Łódź: Buildings [Lodz-buildings]
* URL for id poznan-ortofotomapa2014 differs ({proj}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image/jpeg&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [PL] Poznań: Orthophotomap 2014 (aerial image) [poznan-ortofotomapa2014]
* URL for id US-TIGER-Roads-2019 differs (https://{switch:a,b,c,d}{zoom}/{x}/{y}?access_token=pk.eyJ1Ijoib3BlbnN0cmVldG1hcHVzIiwiYSI6ImNsbWw5cDdsbjA4ZjQyb3FlN2RtZHZhanAifQ.5cfwbNF6RW1td7H1_LLQTQ): [US] TIGER Roads 2019 [US-TIGER-Roads-2019]
* URL for id EOXAT2019CLOUDLESS differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): EOx cloudless Sentinel-2 2019 [EOXAT2019CLOUDLESS]
* URL for id South-Tyrol-DTM_2013 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [IT] South Tyrol DTM Hillshade 2013 (0.5 m, partial) [South-Tyrol-DTM_2013]
# WMS-URL for oldid modified: [US] NJ 2015 Aerial Imagery (Infrared) []
* URL for id san_antonio_river_2016_wms differs ({proj}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image/jpeg&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [US] TX San Antonio River Authority Imagery 2016 [san_antonio_river_2016_wms]
* URL for id fr.dpt.06.2020.storm.alex differs ({zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg): [FR] Alpes-Maritimes 2020 (Storm Alex) [fr.dpt.06.2020.storm.alex]
* URL for id ITACyL-Castile-and-Leon differs ({proj}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image/png&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [ES] ITACyL - Castile and León [ITACyL-Castile-and-Leon]
# WMS-URL for id Thuringia-DOP20 modified: [DE] Thüringen DOP20 [Thuringia-DOP20]
* URL for id Sobral_Ortophoto_2017 differs (,prdJaibaras,prdSobral,prdTaperuaba&STYLES=&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [BR] Sobral Orthophoto 2017 [Sobral_Ortophoto_2017]
* URL for id South-Tyrol-Orthofoto-2017 differs ({proj}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image/jpeg&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [IT] South Tyrol Orthofoto 2017 [South-Tyrol-Orthofoto-2017]
* URL for id kartverket-vegnett differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [NO] Kartverket Road Network overlay [kartverket-vegnett]
* URL for id przemysl-aerial differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [PL] Przemyśl: Ortophotomap (aerial image) [przemysl-aerial]
* URL for oldid ORTOS_DGRF_2004_06 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [PT] Orthophotos of mainland Portugal - 50 cm - 2004-2006 (DGT) [ORTOS_DGT_2004_06]
+ Missing https: [SE] SCB - Urban Areas [scb-urban]
* URL for id przemysl-buildings differs (,budynki&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [PL] Przemyśl: Buildings [przemysl-buildings]
* URL for id City_of_Melbourne_Feb_2019 differs (https://{switch:a,b,c,d}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg?access_token=pk.eyJ1Ijoib3BlbnN0cmVldG1hcGF1IiwiYSI6ImNqbWl3bXZ6aDA0MTkzd21xdnV1d2k0azEifQ.HYkMOqH_E2fYd1b0oXRe6w): [AU] City of Melbourne Feb 2019 [City_of_Melbourne_Feb_2019]
* URL for oldid Stuttgart-latest differs ({proj}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image/jpeg&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [DE] Stuttgart latest aerial imagery [StuttgartLatestAerialImagery]
* URL for id Singapore-Landlot differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [SG] Singapore Landlot [Singapore-Landlot]
* URL for id rzeszowski-buildings differs (,EBT,EBU&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [PL] Powiat rzeszowski: Buildings [rzeszowski-buildings]
* URL for id NLS-OS-NatGrid-12500-1940-60-singles differs ({zoom}/{x}/{y}.png): [GB] NLS - OS 1:2,500 National Grid Maps, 1940s-1960s - single sheets [NLS-OS-NatGrid-12500-1940-60-singles]
* URL for id Bern-dsm-hillshade-2015 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [CH] Kanton Bern, Digital surface model 50cm, Relief [Bern-dsm-hillshade-2015]
* URL for id Worms-2012 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [DE] Worms 2012 [Worms-2012]
* URL for id Lombardia-Italy-CTR differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [IT] Lombardia - Italy (CTR) [Lombardia-Italy-CTR]
# WMS-URL for id SPW2009 modified: [BE] SPW(allonie) 2009-2010 aerial imagery [SPW2009]
# WMS-URL for id Zabrze-2011 modified: [PL] Zabrze: Orthophotomap 2011 (aerial image) [Zabrze-2011]
* URL for id NLS-Bartholomew-hfinch-hist differs ({zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png): [GB] NLS - Bartholomew Half Inch, 1897-1907 [NLS-Bartholomew-hfinch-hist]
* URL for id South-Tyrol-Basemap differs ({proj}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image/jpeg&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [IT] South Tyrol Basemap [South-Tyrol-Basemap]
# WMS-URL for id Czestochowa-buildings modified: [PL] Częstochowa: Buildings [Czestochowa-buildings]
* URL for id Geneve-dtm-2014 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [CH] Canton of Geneva, DTM (SITG 2014) [Geneve-dtm-2014]
* URL for id EOXAT2018CLOUDLESS differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): EOx cloudless Sentinel-2 2018 [EOXAT2018CLOUDLESS]
* URL for id dgu-topo-25-new differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [HR] Topo 25 new [dgu-topo-25-new]
* URL for id NLS-OS-NatGrid-12500-1940-60-doubles differs ({zoom}/{x}/{y}.png): [GB] NLS - OS 1:2,500 National Grid Maps, 1940s-1960s - double sheets [NLS-OS-NatGrid-12500-1940-60-doubles]
# WMS-URL for id Budapest_XI_2017 modified: [HU] Budapest district XI orthophoto 2017 [Budapest_XI_2017]
* URL for id sropczyce-buildings differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [PL] Powiat ropczycko-sędziszowski: Buildings [sropczyce-buildings]
* URL for id npd-offshore differs (,55,58&STYLES=&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [NO] NOD Offshore Installations overlay [npd-offshore]
* URL for id caparea_2019_wms differs ({proj}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image/jpeg&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [US] TX Capital Area Imagery 2019 [caparea_2019_wms]
# WMS-URL for id Maaamet-Estonia_Cadastre modified: [EE] Estonia Cadastre (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Cadastre]
* URL for id differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&KEY=4d80de696cd562a63ce463a58a61488d): [AT] MaxRes []
# WMS-URL for id PrahaIPRlow-vegetationorthophoto modified: [CZ] Praha IPR low-vegetation orthophoto [PrahaIPRlow-vegetationorthophoto]
* URL for id Geoportal2-PL-buildings_WMS differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [PL] Geoportal 2: Ewidencja budynków WMS [Geoportal2-PL-buildings_WMS]
# WMS-URL for id PrahaIPRlatestorthophoto modified: [CZ] Praha IPR latest orthophoto [PrahaIPRlatestorthophoto]
* URL for id Gliwice-2018 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [PL] Gliwice: Orthophotomap 2018 (aerial image) [Gliwice-2018]
# WMS-URL for oldid modified: [AT] Tiris: DGM (Terrain model) []
# WMS-URL for id GRAFCAN_Express-Canary_Islands modified: [ES] GRAFCAN OrtoExpress - Canary Islands [GRAFCAN_Express-Canary_Islands]
# WMS-URL for id SPW2018 modified: [BE] SPW(allonie) 2018 aerial imagery [SPW2018]
* URL for id GeoPortal_DF_2015 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [BR] GeoPortal DF 2015 [GeoPortal_DF_2015]
* URL for id dgu-topo-25 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [HR] Topo 25 [dgu-topo-25]
# WMS-URL for id kalmar-orto-2018 modified: [SE] Kalmar Urban Orthophoto 2018 [kalmar-orto-2018]
* URL for id URBIS2015 differs ({width}&HEIGHT={height}&CRS={proj}&STYLES=&BBOX={bbox}): [BE] URBIS 2015 aerial imagery [URBIS2015]
# WMS-URL for id Czestochowa-2017 modified: [PL] Częstochowa: Orthophotomap 2017 (aerial image) [Czestochowa-2017]
# WMS-URL for id hamburg-20cm modified: [DE] Hamburg DOP 20cm (HH LGV DOP20 2022) [hamburg-20cm]
# WMS-URL for id Canvec modified: [CA] Canvec - English [Canvec]
* URL for id dgu-topo-200 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [HR] Topo 200 [dgu-topo-200]
* URL for id Bytom-2014 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [PL] Bytom: Fotoplan 2014 (aerial image) [Bytom-2014]
+ Missing https: [UA] Ukraine - Mykolaiv 2018 [UkraineMykolaiv2018]
* URL for id South_Africa-CD_NGI-Aerial differs ({zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg): [ZA] South Africa CD:NGI Aerial [South_Africa-CD_NGI-Aerial]
# WMS-URL for id modified: [AT] Tiris: orthophoto infrared []
* URL for id fr.pcrs differs ({proj}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image/jpeg&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [FR] PCRS raster ouvert [fr.pcrs]
* URL for id Bytom-2016 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [PL] Bytom: Orthophotomap 2016 (aerial image) [Bytom-2016]
* URL for id stamen-terrain-background differs (https://stamen-tiles-{switch:a,b,c,d}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg): Stamen Terrain Background [stamen-terrain-background]
* URL for id Bytom-buildings differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [PL] Bytom: Buildings [Bytom-buildings]
* URL for id LINZ_NZ_Topo50_Gridless_Maps differs ({zoom}/{x}/{y}.png): [NZ] LINZ NZ Topo50 Gridless Maps [LINZ_NZ_Topo50_Gridless_Maps]
* URL for id UkraineKyiv2014DZK differs ({zoom}/{x}/{-y}.jpg): [UA] Ukraine - Kyiv 2014 (DZK) [UkraineKyiv2014DZK]
* URL for id Gliwice-2020 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [PL] Gliwice: Orthophotomap 2020 (aerial image) [Gliwice-2020]
# WMS-URL for oldid SPW_ORTHO_LAST modified: [BE] SPW(allonie) most recent aerial imagery [SPWLAST]
* URL for id Geneve-dsm-2017 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [CH] Canton of Geneva, DSM (SITG 2017) [Geneve-dsm-2017]
* URL for id differs ({wkid}&bboxSR={wkid}&bbox={bbox}&size={width},{height}&foo={proj}): [US] MD Latest 6 Inch Aerial Imagery []
* URL for oldid Torokbalint-orthophoto-2021 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [HU] Törökbálint orthophoto 2021 [Törökbálint_2021]
# WMS-URL for id modified: [AT] VoGIS: Real color image 2018 (10cm) []
# WMS-URL for oldid modified: [US] NJ 2015 Aerial Imagery (Natural Color) []
* URL for id NLS-OS-6inch-Scotland-hist differs ({zoom}/{x}/{y}.png): [GB] NLS - OS 6-inch Scotland 1842-82 [NLS-OS-6inch-Scotland-hist]
* URL for id dgu-dof-2014-2016 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [HR] Croatia 2014-2016 Aerial imagery [dgu-dof-2014-2016]
* URL for id US-TIGER-Roads-2021 differs (https://{switch:a,b,c,d}{zoom}/{x}/{y}?access_token=pk.eyJ1Ijoib3BlbnN0cmVldG1hcHVzIiwiYSI6ImNsbWw5cDdsbjA4ZjQyb3FlN2RtZHZhanAifQ.5cfwbNF6RW1td7H1_LLQTQ): [US] TIGER Roads 2021 [US-TIGER-Roads-2021]
* URL for id NLS-OS-1st_Series differs ({zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png): [GB] NLS - OS 1:25k 1st Series 1937-61 [NLS-OS-1st_Series]
* URL for id Worms-2003 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [DE] Worms 2003 [Worms-2003]
* URL for oldid OSIP_1ft differs ({proj}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image/jpeg&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [US] Ohio Statewide Imagery Program 1-Foot [Ohio_OSIP_1ft]
* URL for id Israel_MTB differs ({zoom}/{x}/{y}.png): [IL] Israel MTB [Israel_MTB]
# WMS-URL for id SPW2016 modified: [BE] SPW(allonie) 2016 aerial imagery [SPW2016]
* URL for id US-TIGER-Roads-2020 differs (https://{switch:a,b,c,d}{zoom}/{x}/{y}?access_token=pk.eyJ1Ijoib3BlbnN0cmVldG1hcHVzIiwiYSI6ImNsbWw5cDdsbjA4ZjQyb3FlN2RtZHZhanAifQ.5cfwbNF6RW1td7H1_LLQTQ): [US] TIGER Roads 2020 [US-TIGER-Roads-2020]
* URL for id Berlin-2018 differs ({zoom}/{x}/{y}.png): [DE] Berlin/Geoportal DOP20RGB (2018) [Berlin-2018]
* URL for id Geoportal2-PL-Streets_WMS differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [PL] Geoportal 2: Nazwy ulic [Geoportal2-PL-Streets_WMS]
# WMS-URL for id SPW2015 modified: [BE] SPW(allonie) 2015 aerial imagery [SPW2015]
# WMS-URL for id kartverket-historic modified: [NO] Kartverket Historic maps [kartverket-historic]
* URL for id osm-mapnik-german_style differs (https://{switch:a,b,c,d}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png): OpenStreetMap (German Style) [osm-mapnik-german_style]
# WMS-URL for id kalmar-orto-2016 modified: [SE] Kalmar South Orthophoto 2016 [kalmar-orto-2016]
# WMS-URL for id Canvec_French modified: [CA] Canvec - French [Canvec_French]
* URL for id TW_NLSC_WMS_LANDSECT differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [TW] Taiwan Land-Section Data [TW_NLSC_WMS_LANDSECT]
* URL for id LPI_NSW_Administrative_Boundaries_LGA differs ({proj}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image/png32&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [AU] DCS NSW Administrative Boundaries LGA [LPI_NSW_Administrative_Boundaries_LGA]
* URL for id LINZ_NZ_Aerial_Imagery differs ({zoom}/{x}/{y}.webp?api=d01egend5f8dv4zcbfj6z2t7rs3): [NZ] LINZ NZ Aerial Imagery [LINZ_NZ_Aerial_Imagery]
* URL for id dallas_fort_worth_2016_wms differs ({proj}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image/jpeg&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [US] TX Dallas and Fort Worth Imagery 2015 [dallas_fort_worth_2016_wms]
* URL for id South-Tyrol-Orthofoto-2020 differs ({proj}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image/jpeg&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [IT] South Tyrol Orthofoto 2020 [South-Tyrol-Orthofoto-2020]
# WMS-URL for id wroclaw-orto2015 modified: [PL] Wrocław: Orthophotomap 2015 (aerial image) [wroclaw-orto2015]
* URL for id georgetown_2016_wms differs ({proj}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image/jpeg&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [US] TX City of Georgetown Imagery 2015 [georgetown_2016_wms]
* URL for id AL_DPGJC_ASIG_SistemiAdresave differs (,adr_numertim,adr_rruge&STYLES=&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [AL] Adress System Albania (ASIG) [AL_DPGJC_ASIG_SistemiAdresave]
* URL for id GeoPortal_DF_2019 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [BR] GeoPortal DF 2019 [GeoPortal_DF_2019]
* URL for id kartverket-ssr2 differs ( [NO] Kartverket Place Names overlay [kartverket-ssr2]
+ Missing https: [SE] SCB - Small Settlements [scb-settlements]
* URL for id LPI_NSW_Administrative_Boundaries_Parish differs ({proj}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image/png32&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [AU] DCS NSW Administrative Boundaries Parish [LPI_NSW_Administrative_Boundaries_Parish]
* URL for id City_of_Melbourne_May_2018 differs (https://{switch:a,b,c,d}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg?access_token=pk.eyJ1Ijoib3BlbnN0cmVldG1hcGF1IiwiYSI6ImNqbWl3bXZ6aDA0MTkzd21xdnV1d2k0azEifQ.HYkMOqH_E2fYd1b0oXRe6w): [AU] City of Melbourne May 2018 [City_of_Melbourne_May_2018]
# WMS-URL for id SPW2019 modified: [BE] SPW(allonie) 2019 aerial imagery [SPW2019]
* URL for id Hamburg-DK5 differs ({proj}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image/png&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [DE] Hamburg DK5 (HH LGV DK5 2022) [Hamburg-DK5]
* URL for id ORTOS_DGT_2014_15 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [PT] Orthophotos of the coastal areas of mainland Portugal - 10cm - 2014-2015 (DGT) [ORTOS_DGT_2014_15]
* URL for id lantmateriet-orto1975 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [SE] Lantmäteriet Historic Orthophoto 1975 [lantmateriet-orto1975]
* URL for id lantmateriet-orto1960 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [SE] Lantmäteriet Historic Orthophoto 1960 [lantmateriet-orto1960]
# WMS-URL for id DCGIS-County-Imagery-2019-Spring-Leaf-Off-6-Inch modified: [US] Dakota County GIS 2019 Spring Leaf-Off 6-Inch [DCGIS-County-Imagery-2019-Spring-Leaf-Off-6-Inch]
* URL for id kartverket-dom-skygge differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [NO] Kartverket DOM Digital Surface Model [kartverket-dom-skygge]
* URL for id Berlin-2019 differs ({zoom}/{x}/{y}.png): [DE] Berlin/Geoportal DOP20RGB (2019) [Berlin-2019]
* URL for id USSR-Latvia differs (,DTC,DIVDPTC,PD,VS,DS,PS,M&STYLES=&FORMAT=image/jpeg&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [LV] Latvia - Soviet Army General Staff topographic maps [USSR-Latvia]
* URL for id Israel_Hiking differs ({zoom}/{x}/{y}.png): [IL] Israel Hiking [Israel_Hiking]
# WMS-URL for id kartverket-abas modified: [NO] Kartverket Administrative Boundaries overlay [kartverket-abas]
# WMS-URL for id modified: [AT] Tiris: orthophoto []
* URL for id Geneve-dtm-2017 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [CH] Canton of Geneva, DTM (SITG 2017) [Geneve-dtm-2017]
* URL for oldid Torokbalint-orthophoto-2013 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [HU] Törökbálint orthophoto 2013 [Törökbálint_2013]
* URL for id URBIS2012 differs ({width}&HEIGHT={height}&CRS={proj}&STYLES=&BBOX={bbox}): [BE] URBIS 2012 aerial imagery [URBIS2012]
* URL for id Geolittoral-Sentiers differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [FR] Géolittoral - Sentier du littoral [Geolittoral-Sentiers]
* URL for id kartverket-luftfartshindre differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [NO] Kartverket Aviation Obstructions overlay [kartverket-luftfartshindre]
* URL for id Hessen-WebAtlas differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [DE] Hesse WebAtlas [Hessen-WebAtlas]
* URL for id Loire_Atlantique-Orthophotos-2016 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [FR] Loire-Atlantique - Orthophotos 2016 - 10 cm [Loire_Atlantique-Orthophotos-2016]
* URL for id stockholm-orto differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [SE] Stockholm Orthophoto [stockholm-orto]
* URL for id el_paso_2015_wms differs ({proj}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image/jpeg&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [US] TX City of El Paso Imagery 2015 [el_paso_2015_wms]
* URL for id Maaamet-Estonia_Ortho differs ({proj}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image/jpeg&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [EE] Estonia Ortho (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Ortho]
* URL for id lubbock_2016_wms differs ({proj}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image/jpeg&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [US] TX City of Lubbock Imagery 2015 [lubbock_2016_wms]
* URL for id mml-topo differs ({zoom}/{x}/{y}.png): [FI] MML Topographic Map [mml-topo]
* URL for id Geodatastyrelsen_Cadastral_Parcels_INSPIRE_View differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LOGIN=OpenStreetMapDK2015&PASSWORD=Gall4Peters): [DK] SDFI Cadastral Parcels INSPIRE View [Geodatastyrelsen_Cadastral_Parcels_INSPIRE_View]
* URL for id dgu-hok differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [HR] HOK [dgu-hok]
* URL for id Dourados_Ortofotos differs (,ortofoto_2020_distritos&STYLES=&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [BR] Dourados Orthophotos [Dourados_Ortofotos]
* URL for id MassGIS-LIDAR-Shaded-Relief differs ({zoom}/{y}/{x}): [US] MassGIS LIDAR Shaded Relief [MassGIS-LIDAR-Shaded-Relief]
# WMS-URL for id Czestochowa-2016 modified: [PL] Częstochowa: Orthophotomap 2016 (aerial image) [Czestochowa-2016]
# WMS-URL for id kartverket-ok-1st modified: [NO] Kartverket Economic Maps (historic) [kartverket-ok-1st]
* URL for oldid NLS-OS-25inch-hist differs ({zoom}/{x}/{y}.png): [GB] NLS - OS 25-inch (Scotland 1) 1892-1905 [NLS-OS-25inch-hist-scotland1]
* URL for id kartverket-bygninger differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [NO] Kartverket Buildings overlay [kartverket-bygninger]
* URL for id Berlin-2020-TrueDOP differs ({zoom}/{x}/{y}.png): [DE] Berlin/Geoportal TrueDOP20RGB (2020) [Berlin-2020-TrueDOP]
# WMS-URL for id Czestochowa-2011 modified: [PL] Częstochowa: Orthophotomap 2011 (aerial image) [Czestochowa-2011]
* URL for id Siemianowice_Slaskie-buildings differs (,drogi,adresy,ulice&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [PL] Siemianowice Śląskie: Buildings [Siemianowice_Slaskie-buildings]
* URL for id Geneve-dsm-2014 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [CH] Canton of Geneva, DSM (SITG 2014) [Geneve-dsm-2014]
* URL for id Worms-2020 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [DE] Worms 2020 [Worms-2020]
# WMS-URL for id Geolittoral-Orthophotos2000 modified: [FR] Géolittoral - Orthophotos 2000 [Geolittoral-Orthophotos2000]
* URL for id LV_ORTOFOTO_C1 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [LV] Latvia - Orthophoto 1st cycle B&W (1994-1999), 1:30000 [LV_ORTOFOTO_C1]
* URL for id geovekst-nib differs ({zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpeg?api_key=b8e36d51-119a-423b-b156-d744d54123d5): [NO] Norway Orthophoto [geovekst-nib]
# WMS-URL for id GRAFCAN-Canary_Islands modified: [ES] GRAFCAN OrtoExpress Urbana - Canary Islands [GRAFCAN-Canary_Islands]
* URL for id Geneve-dtm-2019 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [CH] Canton of Geneva, DTM (SITG 2019) [Geneve-dtm-2019]
* URL for id Worms-2008 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [DE] Worms 2008 [Worms-2008]
* URL for id Mapa-Educativo-wms differs ( [AR] Educational map (WMS) [Mapa-Educativo-wms]
# WMS-URL for id Czestochowa-2014 modified: [PL] Częstochowa: Orthophotomap 2014 (aerial image) [Czestochowa-2014]
* URL for id lancucki-buildings differs (,budynki,adresy&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [PL] Powiat łańcucki: Buildings [lancucki-buildings]
* URL for id EOXAT2022CLOUDLESS differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): EOx cloudless Sentinel-2 2022 [EOXAT2022CLOUDLESS]
* URL for id EOXAT2020CLOUDLESS differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): EOx cloudless Sentinel-2 2020 [EOXAT2020CLOUDLESS]
* URL for id debicki-buildings differs (,adresy,EBU,EBT,S&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [PL] Powiat dębicki: Buildings [debicki-buildings]
* URL for id Gliwice-2017 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [PL] Gliwice: Orthophotomap 2017 (aerial image) [Gliwice-2017]
# WMS-URL for id mainzlatestaerialimagery modified: [DE] Mainz latest aerial imagery [mainzlatestaerialimagery]
# WMS-URL for id Budapest_XI_2015 modified: [HU] Budapest district XI orthophoto 2015 [Budapest_XI_2015]
# WMS-URL for id kartverket-dtm-skygge modified: [NO] Kartverket DTM Digital Terrain Model [kartverket-dtm-skygge]
* URL for id LPI_NSW_Administrative_Boundaries_County differs ({proj}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image/png32&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [AU] DCS NSW Administrative Boundaries County [LPI_NSW_Administrative_Boundaries_County]
# WMS-URL for id OGDLidarZH-DTM modified: [CH] Kanton Zurich, Terrain Hillshade 2014 50cm [OGDLidarZH-DTM]
* URL for id PNOA-Spain differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [ES] PNOA Spain [PNOA-Spain]
# WMS-URL for oldid modified: [EE] Estonia Forestry (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Forestry]
* URL for id differs ({wkid}&bboxSR={wkid}&bbox={bbox}&size={width},{height}&foo={proj}): [US] MD Three Inch Aerial Imagery []
# WMS-URL for id Czestochowa-2013 modified: [PL] Częstochowa: Orthophotomap 2013 (aerial image) [Czestochowa-2013]
* URL for id LPI_NSW_Administrative_Boundaries_Suburb differs ({proj}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image/png32&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [AU] DCS NSW Administrative Boundaries Suburb [LPI_NSW_Administrative_Boundaries_Suburb]
* URL for id South-Tyrol-Orthofoto2011-20cm differs (,Aerial-2011-RGB-20CM&STYLES=&CRS={proj}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image/jpeg&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [IT] South Tyrol Orthofoto 2011 (larger valleys) [South-Tyrol-Orthofoto2011-20cm]
* URL for id dgu-topo-100 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [HR] Topo 100 [dgu-topo-100]
* URL for id Hessen-DOP20 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [DE] Hesse DOP20 [Hessen-DOP20]
# WMS-URL for id South-Tyrol-Orthofoto-2023 modified: [IT] South Tyrol Orthofoto 2023 [South-Tyrol-Orthofoto-2023]
# WMS-URL for oldid Lodz-2017 modified: [PL] Łódź: Orthophotomap 2019 (aerial image) [Lodz-ortho]
* URL for id Siemianowice_Slaskie-aerial_image differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [PL] Siemianowice Śląskie: Orthophotomap (aerial image) [Siemianowice_Slaskie-aerial_image]
* URL for id EOXAT2021CLOUDLESS differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): EOx cloudless Sentinel-2 2021 [EOXAT2021CLOUDLESS]
*** URLs found in ELI but not in JOSM (546): ***
-  [MD] Topographical Linemap of Moldova, 2017 [Geodata-Gov-Topographical-Linemap_Moldova_2017] **Rapid**
-  [MD] USSR Topographical Map of Moldova, 1:50000, 1982 (1957-1980) [Geodata-Gov-Topographical-Map_Moldova_50000_1982]
-  [MD] Topographical Map of Moldova, 1:50000, 2013 (Raster) [Geodata-Gov-Topographical-Map_Moldova_50000_2013_Raster] **Rapid**
-  [MD] Moldova Orthophoto, Center part (2020) [Geodata-Gov-2020_Ortofoto_Moldova_Centru] **Rapid**
-  [MD] Moldova Orthophoto, South part (2021) [Geodata-Gov-2021_Ortofoto_Moldova_South] **Rapid**
-  [MD] Moldova Extended Orthophoto (2016) [Geodata-Gov-2016_Extended_Ortofoto_Moldova] **Rapid**
-  [MD] Moldova Linemap Orthophoto (2011) [Geodata-Gov-2011_Ortofoto_Linemap] **Rapid**
-  [MD] Chișinău Orthophoto (2000) [GeoData-Gov-2000_Ortofoto_Chisinau] **Rapid**
-  [MD] Chișinău Orthophoto (2006) [GeoData-Gov-2006_Ortofoto_Chisinau] **Rapid**
-  [MD] Chișinău Municipality Orthophoto (2014) [Geodata-Gov-2014_Ortofoto_Chisinau] **Rapid**
-  [MD] Moldova Orthophoto (2007) [Geodata-Gov-2007_Ortofoto_Moldova] **Rapid**
-  [MD] Moldova Orthophoto, 38 cities and towns (2007) 20cm [Geodata-Gov-2007_Ortofoto_Moldova_Urban] **Rapid**
-  [MD] Moldova Orthophoto (2016) [Geodata-Gov-2016_Ortofoto_Moldova] **Rapid**
-  [MD] Ialoveni-Anenii Noi Orthophoto (2003) [GeoData-Gov-2003_Ortofoto_Ialoveni_AneniiNoi] **Rapid**
-  [MD] Chișinău Orthophoto (2011) [Geodata-Gov-2011_Ortofoto_Chisinau] **Rapid**
-  [MD] USSR Topographical Map of Moldova 1:10000 1969-1988 (CS1942) [Geodata-Gov-Topographical-Map_Moldova_10000_CS1942]
-  [MD] USSR Topographical Map of Moldova VISHAGI 1:10000 1986 (CS1942) [Geodata-Gov-Topographical-Map_Moldova_VISHAGI_10000_CS1942]
-  [MD] USSR Topographical Map of Moldova 1:10000 1969-1988 (CS1963) [Geodata-Gov-Topographical-Map_Moldova_10000_CS1963]
-  [MD] USSR Topographical Map of Moldova VISHAGI 1:10000 1986 (CS1963) [Geodata-Gov-Topographical-Map_Moldova_VISHAGI_10000_CS1963]
-  [MD] USSR Topographical Map of Moldova 1:5000 1972-1975 (CS1942) [Geodata-Gov-Topographical-Map_Moldova_5000_CS1942]
-  [MD] USSR Topographical Map of Moldova 1:5000 1972-1975 (CS1963) [Geodata-Gov-Topographical-Map_Moldova_5000_CS1963]
-  [MD] USSR Topographical Map of 9 cities and towns in Moldova, 1:2000 [Geodata-Gov-Topographical-Map_Moldova_Orase_2000]
-  [MD] Topographical Map of Moldova, 1:50000, 2013 (Vector) [Geodata-Gov-Topographical-Map_Moldova_50000_2013_Vector] **Rapid**
-  [ES] ICGC - Ortofoto de Catalunya Provisional [ICGC-ortofoto_color_provisional] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] ADOP Orthoimagery 2017 (6in) [ADOP_2017_6in] **iD+Rapid**
-  [HR] gis-rijeka: Rijeka 2012 aerial imagery [gis-rijeka-2012] **iD+Rapid**
-  [HR] gis-rijeka: Rijeka 2020 aerial imagery [gis-rijeka-2020] **iD+Rapid**
-  [ES] SITNA Ortofoto de máxima actualidad [SITNA-ortofoto_maxima_actualidad] **iD+Rapid**
-  [PL] Geoportal 2: State borders WMS [Geoportal2-PL-state-borders_WMS] **iD+Rapid**
-  [PL] Geoportal 2: Borders of provinces WMS [Geoportal2-PL-boundaries-of-provinces_WMS] **iD+Rapid**
-  [PL] Geoportal 2: Borders of counties WMS [Geoportal2-PL-boundaries-of-counties_WMS] **iD+Rapid**
-  [PL] Geoportal 2: Borders of communes WMS [Geoportal2-PL-boundaries-of-communes_WMS] **iD+Rapid**
-  [PL] Geoportal 2: City boundaries WMS [Geoportal2-PL-City-boundaries_WMS] **iD+Rapid**
-  [JP] Saitama Fukaya-shi Imagery 2017 [saitama_fukaya_orthophoto_2017] **iD+Rapid**
-  [JP] Tokyo Nerima-ku Imagery 2016 [tokyo_nerima_orthophoto_2016] **iD+Rapid**
-  OpenPT Map (overlay) [openpt_map]
-  [BR] SIG Santa Catarina OrtoRGB 2012 [sc2012] **iD+Rapid**
-  [ES] Cartografía Ráster del IGN [IGN-raster] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Charlotte County Orthoimagery (2022) [Charlotte_Ortho_2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Charlotte County Orthoimagery (2023) [Charlotte_Ortho_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Charlotte County Orthoimagery (2024) [Charlotte_Ortho_2024] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Charlotte County Orthoimagery (2020) [Charlotte_Ortho_2020] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Okaloosa County Orthoimagery (2019) [Okaloosa_Ortho_2019] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Okaloosa County Orthoimagery (2022) [Okaloosa_Ortho_2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] City of Roseville Orthoimagery (2023) [Roseville_CA_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] City of Roseville Orthoimagery (2024) [Roseville_CA_2024] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Collier County Orthoimagery (Latest) [Collier_Ortho_Latest] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Collier County Orthoimagery (2022) [Collier_Ortho_2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] City of Santa Rosa Orthoimagery (2022) [Santa_Rosa_CA_2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Sarasota County Orthoimagery (2024) [Sarasota_Ortho_2024] **iD+Rapid**
-  [SE] Lantmäteriet Topographic Map [lantmateriet-topowebb] **iD+Rapid**
-  [IN] PMGSY GeoSadak - India Rural Roads Open Data [India-PMGSY]
-  [NO] Electricity grid voltages & owners overlay [grid-voltages-owners] **Rapid**
-  [US] Licking County Orthoimagery (2023) [Licking_OH_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] PEMA Orthoimagery Cycle 2 (2021-2023) [PEMA_Orthoimagery_2023] **Rapid**
-  [US] City of Eureka Orthoimagery (2023) [Eureka_CA_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] City of Mansfield Orthoimagery (2022) [City_of_Mansfield_OH_2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Escambia County Orthoimagery (2019) [Escambia_Ortho_2019] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Escambia County Orthoimagery (2022) [Escambia_Ortho_2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [FI] FTIA Road Network [fta-digiroad-functional] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] The National Map Topographic [USGS-The-National-Map-Topo] **iD+Rapid**
-  [NZ] LINZ Auckland 2023 [LINZ_Auckland_2023] **Rapid**
-  [NZ] LINZ Auckland 2010-2012 [LINZ_Auckland_2010] **iD+Rapid**
-  [NZ] LINZ Bay of Plenty 2014-2015 [LINZ_Bay_of_Plenty_2014] **iD+Rapid**
-  [NZ] LINZ Christchurch 2015-2016 [LINZ_Christchurch_2015] **iD+Rapid**
-  [NZ] LINZ Hamilton 2016-2017 [LINZ_Hamilton_2016] **iD+Rapid**
-  [NZ] LINZ Cyclone Gabrielle – Hawke's Bay [LINZ_Cyclone_Gabrielle_Hawkes_Bay] **iD+Rapid**
-  [NZ] LINZ Wellington 2017 [LINZ_Wellington_2017] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Florida DEP Orthoimagery Composite (2020) [Florida_DEP_Ortho_2020] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Florida DEP Orthoimagery Composite (2021) [Florida_DEP_Ortho_2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] LA County Basemap [LA_County_Basemap] **iD+Rapid**
-  [NO] Kartverket topo [kartverket-topo4] **iD+Rapid**
-  [PT] Orthophotos of mainland Portugal - 25cm - 2018 (DGT) [ORTOS_DGT_2018_WMS] **iD+Rapid**
-  [MD] German Aerial Imagery (1944) [German-1944_Aerial]
-  [MD] American Aerial Imagery (1966) [American-1966_Aerial]
-  [ZA] City of Cape Town Aerial Imagery (2021) [South_Africa-CapeTown-Aerial-2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  [ZA] City of Cape Town Aerial Imagery (2017) [South_Africa-CapeTown-Aerial-2017] **iD+Rapid**
-  [ZA] City of Cape Town Aerial Imagery (2018) [South_Africa-CapeTown-Aerial-2018] **iD+Rapid**
-  [ZA] City of Cape Town Aerial Imagery (2023) [South_Africa-CapeTown-Aerial-2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Santa Rosa County Orthoimagery (2022) [Santa_Rosa_Ortho_2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] CT ECO Orthoimagery (2023) [CT_ECO_Ortho_2023_RGB] **Rapid**
-  [JP] Japan GSI airphoto Imagery/update 2019 [gsi.go.jp_airphoto_2019] **iD+Rapid**
-  [JP] Japan GSI airphoto Imagery/update 2020 [gsi.go.jp_airphoto_2020] **iD+Rapid**
-  [JP] Japan GSI airphoto Imagery/update 2021 [gsi.go.jp_airphoto_2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Wisconsin Leaf-Off Orthophotography (DNR) [WISC_DNR_Ortho_Composite] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Pinellas County Orthoimagery (2023) [Pinellas_Ortho_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] NYS Hillshade [NYS_Statewide_Hillshade] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] USGS 3D Elevation Program [USGS-3DEP] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Wood County Orthoimagery (2020) [Wood_OH_2020] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Delaware Boundaries [Delaware_Boundaries] **iD+Rapid**
-  [GB] EA LiDAR Digital Terrain Model 1m (2022) [EA_LIDAR_DTM_1m_2022] **Rapid**
-  [GB] EA LiDAR Digital Surface Model 1m (2022) [EA_LIDAR_DSM_1m_2022] **Rapid**
-  [US] CBJ Aerial Imagery (May 2023) [CBJ_Aerial_20230516] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] CBJ Aerial Imagery (June 2023) [CBJ_Aerial_20230618] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] CBJ Aerial Imagery (2013) [CBJ_Aerial_20130611] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] City of Naples Orthoimagery (2020) [Naples_FL_Ortho_2020] **iD+Rapid**
-  [DE] ALKIS Kreis Viersen [viersen_alkis_wms] **Rapid**
-  [BE] Digitaal Vlaanderen DHV II, multidirectional hillshade 0,25 m [DV_DHMV_II_HILL_25cm] **iD+Rapid**
-  [BE] Digitaal Vlaanderen DHV II, Skyview factor 0,25 m [DV_DHMV_II_SVF_25cm] **iD+Rapid**
-  [BE] Digitaal Vlaanderen 2013-2015 aerial imagery 10cm [DV_OrthoPhoto_20132015_10cm] **iD+Rapid**
-  [BE] Digitaal Vlaanderen Wegenregister [DV_Wegenregister] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Crook County Orthoimagery (2023) [Crook-2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Ohio Statewide Imagery Program [OSIP] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Ohio Statewide Imagery Program 6-Inch [OSIP_6in] **iD+Rapid**
-  [SE] Environmental Protection Agency - Protected Areas [Naturvardsverket-protected] **iD+Rapid**
-  [NO] NPI Svalbard detailed topo [npi-svalbard-fkb] **Rapid**
-  [NO] NPI Jan Mayen topo [NPI-JanMayen-topo] **Rapid**
-  [NO] NPI Svalbard Orthophoto [NPI-Svalbard-ortofoto] **Rapid**
-  [DE] Metropole Ruhr: Luftbilder (10 cm) [Metropole_Ruhr_RVR-DOP10] **iD+Rapid**
-  [DE] Aachen Liegenschaftskataster [aachen_alkis_wms]
-  [HR] Croatia 2021-2022 aerial imagery [dgu-dof-2021-2022] **Rapid**
-  [PL] Gliwice: Orthophotomap 2003 (aerial image) [Gliwice-2003] **Rapid**
-  [PL] Gliwice: Orthophotomap 2009 (aerial image) [Gliwice-2009] **iD+Rapid**
-  [PL] Gliwice: Orthophotomap 2021 (aerial image) [Gliwice-2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  GeoScribble latest notes [geoscribble-latest]
-  [ES] ICGC - Ortofoto de Catalunya 1:2.500 vigent [ICGC-orto25c] **iD+Rapid**
-  [ES] ICGC - Topogràfic de Catalunya  [ICGC-topo] **iD+Rapid**
-  [BR] Fortaleza Ortofoto 2010 [Fortaleza_Ortofoto_2010] **iD+Rapid**
-  [BR] Fortaleza Ortofoto 2016 [Fortaleza_Ortofoto_2016] **iD+Rapid**
-  [BE] UrbIS-Ortho 2016 [UrbISOrtho2016] **iD+Rapid**
-  [BE] UrbIS-Ortho 2017 [UrbISOrtho2017] **iD+Rapid**
-  [BE] UrbIS-Ortho 2018 [UrbISOrtho2018] **iD+Rapid**
-  [BE] UrbIS-Ortho 2019 [UrbISOrtho2019] **iD+Rapid**
-  [BE] UrbIS-Ortho 2020 [UrbISOrtho2020] **iD+Rapid**
-  [BE] CIRB/CIBG most recent aerial imagery [UrbISOrtho] **iD+Rapid**
-  [IT] South Tyrol DSM Hillshade 2013 (0.5 m) [South-Tyrol-DSM_2013] **iD+Rapid**
-  [IT] South Tyrol DSM Hillshade 2006 (2.5 m) [South-Tyrol-DSM_2006_2_5m] **iD+Rapid**
-  [IT] South Tyrol DTM Hillshade 2006 (2.5 m) [South-Tyrol-DTM_2006_2_5m] **iD+Rapid**
-  [BE] SPW(allonie) PICC numerical imagery [SPW_PICC] **iD+Rapid**
-  [BR] IBGE BC250 - Pista de Pouso [IBGE_BC250_Pista_Pouso] **iD+Rapid**
-  [BR] Belo Horizonte Ortofoto 2015 [BH_Ortofoto_2015] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Martin County Orthoimagery (2024) [Martin_Ortho_2024] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Martin County Orthoimagery (2021) [Martin_Ortho_2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Martin County Orthoimagery (2022) [Martin_Ortho_2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Martin County Orthoimagery (2023) [Martin_Ortho_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [DE] Frankfurt am Main Luftbild 2016 [Frankfurt-am-Main-2016] **iD+Rapid**
-  [DE] Frankfurt am Main Luftbild 2017 [Frankfurt-am-Main-2017] **iD+Rapid**
-  [DE] Frankfurt am Main Luftbild 2018 [Frankfurt-am-Main-2018] **iD+Rapid**
-  [DE] Frankfurt am Main Luftbild 2019 [Frankfurt-am-Main-2019] **iD+Rapid**
-  [JP] MLIT Plateau Official [Plateau_orthophoto_official] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Union County Orthoimagery (2019) [Union_Ortho_2019] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Allen County Orthoimagery (2021) [Allen_OH_2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] National Agriculture Imagery Program (HI) [USDA-NAIP-HI] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] National Agriculture Imagery Program (PR/USVI) [USDA-NAIP-PR] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Arapahoe County Aerials Latest [Arapahoe-County-Aerials-Latest] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] ADOP Orthoimagery 2017 (1ft) [ADOP_2017_1ft] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] ADOP Orthoimagery 2023 (9in) [ADOP_2023_9in] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Brevard County Orthoimagery (2021) [Brevard_Ortho_2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Brevard County Orthoimagery (2022) [Brevard_Ortho_2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Brevard County Orthoimagery (2023) [Brevard_Ortho_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Brevard County Orthoimagery (2024) [Brevard_Ortho_2024] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Citrus County Orthoimagery (2020) [Citrus_Ortho_2020] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Citrus County Orthoimagery (2023) [Citrus_Ortho_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] City of Berkeley Orthoimagery (Latest) [Berkeley_CA_Latest] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] City of Irvine Orthoimagery (2023) [Irvine_CA_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] City of Marco Island Orthoimagery Pre-Ian (2022) [Marco_Island_FL_Ortho_Pre-Ian_2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] City of Marco Island Orthoimagery Post-Ian (2022) [Marco_Island_FL_Ortho_Post-Ian_2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] City of Marco Island Orthoimagery (2023) [Marco_Island_FL_Ortho_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] City of Marco Island Orthoimagery (2024) [Marco_Island_FL_Ortho_2024] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Cook County Orthoimagery 2020 [Cook_IL_2020] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Cook County Orthoimagery 2021 [Cook_IL_2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Cook County Orthoimagery 2022 [Cook_IL_2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Cook County Orthoimagery 2023 [Cook_IL_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Cuyahoga County Orthoimagery (2023) [Cuyahoga_OH_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Oregon DOGAMI Lidar [DOGAMI-Lidar] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] City of Fairfield Orthoimagery (2023) [City_of_Fairfield_OH_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] City of Fairfield Orthoimagery (2020) [City_of_Fairfield_OH_2020] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Greene County Orthoimagery (2022) [Greene_OH_2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Greene County Orthoimagery (2023) [Greene_OH_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Greene County Orthoimagery (2024) [Greene_OH_2024] **Rapid**
-  [US] Hennepin County Orthoimagery (2020) [Hennepin_Ortho_2020] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Hennepin County Orthoimagery (2021) [Hennepin_Ortho_2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Hennepin County Orthoimagery (2022) [Hennepin_Ortho_2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Hennepin County Orthoimagery (2023) [Hennepin_Ortho_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Hennepin County Orthoimagery (2024) [Hennepin_Ortho_2024] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Los Alamos County Orthoimagery 2018 (1in) [Los_Alamos_1in_2018] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Los Alamos County Orthoimagery 2018 (3in) [Los_Alamos_3in_2018] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Los Alamos County Orthoimagery 2022 (3in) [Los_Alamos_3in_2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Maine Orthoimagery Program (2021) [Maine_2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  [PL] Łódź: Orthophotomap 2015 (aerial image) [Lodz-2015] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Marion County Orthoimagery (2023) [Marion_Ortho_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Montgomery County Orthoimagery (2022) [Montgomery_OH_2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Mercer County Orthoimagery (2021) [Mercer_OH_2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] City of Modesto Orthoimagery (2023) [Modesto_CA_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] City of Modesto Orthoimagery (2024) [Modesto_CA_2024] **Rapid**
-  [US] Monongalia County 2022 Aerial Imagery [Monongalia_WV_2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Monongalia County 2023 Aerial Imagery [Monongalia_WV_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Osceola County Roads [Osceola_Centerlines] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Osceola County Orthoimagery (2023) [Osceola_Ortho_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Osceola County Orthoimagery (2022) [Osceola_Ortho_2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Polk County Orthoimagery (2023) [Polk_Ortho_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] SANDAG 2020 Aerial Imagery [SANDAG_2020] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] SANDAG 2023 Aerial Imagery [SANDAG_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Suan Juan County Aerials (2019) [Suan_Juan_WA_2019] **Rapid**
-  [US] Suan Juan County Aerials (2022) [Suan_Juan_WA_2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Suan Juan County Aerials (2023) [Suan_Juan_WA_2023] **Rapid**
-  [US] Suan Juan County Basemap [Suan_Juan_WA_Basemap] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] San Mateo County Orthoimagery (2022) [San_Mateo_CA_2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Snohomish County Orthoimagery (2020) [Snohomish_WA_2020] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Snohomish County Orthoimagery (2022) [Snohomish_WA_2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Snohomish County Orthoimagery (2024) [Snohomish_WA_2024] **Rapid**
-  [US] Butler County Orthoimagery (2023) [Butler_OH_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] King County Orthoimagery (2019) [King_WA_2019] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] King County Orthoimagery (2021) [King_WA_2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] King County Orthoimagery (2023) [King_WA_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Calaveras County Orthoimagery (2022) [Calaveras_CA_2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] FNSB Aerial Imagery (2023) [FNSB_Aerial_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] City of Stockton Orthoimagery (2023) [Stockton_CA_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [AU] Main Roads WA Road Hierarchy [MainRoadsWA_Road_Hierarchy] **Rapid**
-  [US] Oakland County Orthoimagery (2020) [Oakland_MI_2020] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Oakland County Orthoimagery (2023) [Oakland_MI_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Lee County Orthoimagery (2021) [Lee_Ortho_2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Lee County Orthoimagery (2022 Q1) [Lee_Ortho_2022_Q1] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Lee County Orthoimagery (2022 Q4) [Lee_Ortho_2022_Q4] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Lee County Orthoimagery (2023) [Lee_Ortho_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Lee County Orthoimagery (2024) [Lee_Ortho_2024] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Broward County Orthoimagery (2021) [Broward_Ortho_2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Broward County Orthoimagery (2022) [Broward_Ortho_2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Broward County Orthoimagery (2023) [Broward_Ortho_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Broward County Orthoimagery (2024) [Broward_Ortho_2024] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] City of Bozeman Aerial Photography (2021) [Bozeman_MT_2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] City of Bozeman Aerial Photography (2023) [Bozeman_MT_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] City of Manteca Orthoimagery (2022) [Manteca_CA_2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Miami-Dade County Orthoimagery (Latest) [Miami-Dade_Ortho_Latest] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] MRCOG Orthoimagery (2020) [MRCOG_Ortho_2020] **iD+Rapid**
-  [FR] Lyon Orthophoto 2012 (10cm) [orthophoto_lyon_2012] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] DC From Above Orthophoto 2021 [DC_From_Above_Ortho_2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] DC From Above Orthophoto 2023 [DC_From_Above_Ortho_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Delaware 2012 Orthophotography [Delaware2012Orthophotography] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Delaware FirstMap 2021 [Delaware_FirstMap_2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Delaware FirstMap 2022 [Delaware_FirstMap_2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Delaware Parks 2022 [Delaware_Parks_2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Delaware 2017 Orthophotography (Natural Color) [DE_Orthophotography_2017_NC] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Indiana Statewide Imagery Program (2021) [IN_2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Oregon Statewide Imagery Program (2022) [Oregon-OSIP-2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] DVRPC Orthoimagery 2020 - Philadelphia County (1ft) [DVRPC_2020_PhiladelphiaPA] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] DVRPC Orthoimagery 2020 - Montgomery County (1ft) [DVRPC_2020_MontgomeryPA] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] DVRPC Orthoimagery 2020 - Mercer County (1ft) [DVRPC_2020_MercerNJ] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] DVRPC Orthoimagery 2020 - Gloucestor County (1ft) [DVRPC_2020_GloucestorNJ] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] DVRPC Orthoimagery 2020 - Delaware County (1ft) [DVRPC_2020_DelawarePA] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] DVRPC Orthoimagery 2020 - Chester County (1ft) [DVRPC_2020_ChesterPA] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] DVRPC Orthoimagery 2020 - Camden County (1ft) [DVRPC_2020_CamdenNJ] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] DVRPC Orthoimagery 2020 - Burlington County (1ft) [DVRPC_2020_BurlingtonNJ] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] DVRPC Orthoimagery 2020 - Bucks County (1ft) [DVRPC_2020_BucksPA] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] PEMA Orthoimagery (2018-2020) [PEMA_Orthoimagery] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] StratMap Balmorhea & Davis Mountain State Parks Imagery (2020) [StratMap20_NC_6in_Balmorhea_Davis_Mountians] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] StratMap CapArea & McLennan Imagery (Natural Color 2020) [Stratmap20_NCCIR_CapArea_McLennan] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] StratMap CapArea, Brazos & Kerr Imagery (Natural Color 2021) [StratMap21_NCCIR_CapArea_Brazos_Kerr] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Miami-Dade County Orthoimagery (2021) [Miami-Dade_Ortho_2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  [AQ] Yamato/Queen Fabiola Mountains 2014 evening [osmim-imagicode-LC80651332014352LGN01] **iD**
-  [AQ] Yamato/Queen Fabiola Mountains 2016 evening [osmim-imagicode-LC80651332016358LGN02] **iD**
-  [AQ] Yamato/Queen Fabiola Mountains west evening [osmim-imagicode-LC80661332021346LGN00] **iD**
-  [AQ] Belgica Mountains 2021 evening [osmim-imagicode-LC80691332021351LGN00] **iD**
-  [AQ] Sør Rondane Mountains east evening [osmim-imagicode-LC80701332017363LGN00] **iD**
-  [AQ] Sør Rondane Mountains center evening [osmim-imagicode-LC80711332020363LGN00] **iD**
-  [AQ] Sør Rondane Mountains west evening [osmim-imagicode-LC80741332021354LGN00] **iD**
-  [AQ] Russkiye Mountains west evening [osmim-imagicode-LC80781332017355LGN00] **iD**
-  [AQ] Hoel Mountains 2016 evening [osmim-imagicode-LC80791332016360LGN01] **iD**
-  [AQ] Hoel Mountains 2020 evening [osmim-imagicode-LC80791332020355LGN00] **iD**
-  [AQ] Wohlthat Mountains 2017 evening [osmim-imagicode-LC80801332017353LGN00] **iD**
-  [AQ] Wohlthat Mountains 2021 evening [osmim-imagicode-LC80801332021348LGN00] **iD**
-  [AQ] Orvin Mountains 2017 evening [osmim-imagicode-LC80821332017351LGN00] **iD**
-  [AQ] Orvin Mountains 2021 evening [osmim-imagicode-LC80821332021346LGN00] **iD**
-  [AQ] Gjelsvik Mountains evening [osmim-imagicode-LC80861332016361LGN01] **iD**
-  [AQ] Sverdrup Mountains evening [osmim-imagicode-LC80871332017354LGN00] **iD**
-  [AQ] Gburek Peaks evening [osmim-imagicode-LC80881332017345LGN00] **iD**
-  [AQ] Neumayer Cliffs east evening [osmim-imagicode-LC80891322019359LGN00] **iD**
-  [AQ] Jutulstraumen Glacier evening [osmim-imagicode-LC80891332019359LGN00] **iD**
-  [AQ] Neumayer Cliffs evening [osmim-imagicode-LC80901322020001LGN00] **iD**
-  [AQ] Borg Massif evening [osmim-imagicode-LC80901332019350LGN01] **iD**
-  [AQ] Kirwan Escarpment evening [osmim-imagicode-LC80921322019364LGN00] **iD**
-  [AQ] Borg Massif northwest evening [osmim-imagicode-LC80921332019364LGN00] **iD**
-  [AQ] Russkiye Mountains east evening [osmim-imagicode-LO80771332019354LGN00] **iD**
-  [AQ] Mühlig-Hofmann Mountains evening [osmim-imagicode-LO80841332019355LGN00] **iD**
-  [AQ] James Ross Island [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R009_S64_20230216T125859] **iD**
-  [AQ] Fimbul Ice Shelf to Heimefront Range [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R035_SXX_20220124T083939] **iD**
-  [AQ] Ellsworth Mountains South [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R037_S8X_20230129T120239] **iD**
-  [AQ] Shackleton Range [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R049_S8X_20210209T080929] **iD**
-  [AQ] Mühlig-Hofmann Mountains [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R049_SXX_20220316T080929] **iD**
-  [AQ] Ellsworth Mountains North [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R052_SXX_20230130T130859] **iD**
-  [AQ] Wohlthat Mountains [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R063_SXX_20220317T073919] **iD**
-  [AQ] Nimrod Glacier South [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R069_S83_20230111T174429] **iD**
-  [AQ] Western Sør Rondane Mountains [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R077_S7X_20220226T070839] **iD**
-  [AQ] Eastern Sør Rondane Mountains [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R091_S7X_20210324T063829] **iD**
-  [AQ] Graham Land East [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R095_S6X_20220128T131859] **iD**
-  [AQ] Nimrod Glacier North [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R098_S83_20230113T182459] **iD**
-  [AQ] Byrd Glacier [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R099_SXX_20230212T200529] **iD**
-  [AQ] Ellsworth Mountains [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R109_SXX_20230124T124909] **iD**
-  [AQ] Heimefront Range [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R121_S7X_20220301T085959] **iD**
-  [AQ] Fimbul and Jelbart Ice Shelf [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R121_SXX_20220209T085949] **iD**
-  [AQ] Churchill Mountains [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R127_S83_20230115T190459] **iD**
-  [AQ] McMurdo Sound [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R128_SXX_20230214T204609] **iD**
-  [AQ] Graham Land West [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R138_S6X_20220302T132919] **iD**
-  [US] NJGIN Orthoimagery 2020 - Infrared (1ft leaf off) [NJ_Infrared_2020] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] NJGIN Orthoimagery 2020 - Natural (1ft leaf off) [NJ_Natural_2020] **iD+Rapid**
-  [PL] Geoportal 2: heat pipes WMS [Geoportal2-PL-heat-pipe_WMS] **iD+Rapid**
-  [PL] Geoportal 2: power cord WMS [Geoportal2-PL-power-cord_WMS] **iD+Rapid**
-  [PL] Geoportal 2: gas pipes WMS [Geoportal2-PL-gas-pipe_WMS] **iD+Rapid**
-  [PL] Geoportal 2: sewer pipes WMS [Geoportal2-PL-sewer-pipe_WMS] **iD+Rapid**
-  [PL] Geoportal 2: telecommunications cables WMS [Geoportal2-PL-telecommunications-cable_WMS] **iD+Rapid**
-  [PL] Geoportal 2: water pipes WMS [Geoportal2-PL-water-pipe_WMS] **iD+Rapid**
-  [DE] Brandenburg GeoBasis-DE/LGB (latest) / DGM 1m [Brandenburg-DGM] **iD+Rapid**
-  [DE] Brandenburg GeoBasis-DE/LGB / Alkis [Brandenburg-Alkis] **iD+Rapid**
-  [SE] Sollentuna Orthophoto [sollentuna-orto] **iD+Rapid**
-  [AT] BEV INSPIRE Orthofoto [bev-inspire-orthofoto] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] KyFromAbove Aerial Imagery (2012-2014) [KYAPED_Phase_1] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] KyFromAbove Aerial Imagery (2018-2022) [KYAPED_Phase_2] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Lucas County Orthoimagery (2023) [Lucas_OH_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Loudoun County Orthoimagery (2021) [Loudoun_VA_2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Loudoun County Orthoimagery (2022) [Loudoun_VA_2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Loudoun County Orthoimagery (2023) [Loudoun_VA_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Loudoun County Orthoimagery (2024) [Loudoun_VA_2024] **iD+Rapid**
-  [PL] Powiat lubaczowski: Buildings [lubaczowski-buildings] **iD+Rapid**
-  [LV] Cadastral map, Latvia [LV_CADASTRAL] **iD+Rapid**
-  [UY] Uruguay Ortofotos 2019 [UY-2019-orthophotos] **Rapid**
-  [US] Santa Clara County Orthoimagery (2022) [Santa_Clara_CA_2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Santa Clara County Orthoimagery (2023) [Santa_Clara_CA_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [DE] Berlin/Geoportal ALKIS [Berlin-Alkis] **iD+Rapid**
-  [DE] Berlin/Geoportal Baumbestand, Alkis s/w [Berlin-Baumbestand_Alkis] **iD+Rapid**
-  [DE] Berlin/Geoportal Straßenbefahrung 2014, Alkis [Berlin-Strassenbefahrung-2014-Alkis] **iD+Rapid**
-  [CH] Kanton Aargau 20cm (AGIS 2021) [Aargau-AGIS-2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  [CH] Kanton Aargau 20cm (AGIS 2022) [Aargau-AGIS-2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [CH] Kanton Aargau 20cm (AGIS 2023) [Aargau-AGIS-2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Palm Beach County Orthoimagery (2021) [Palm-Beach_Ortho_2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Palm Beach County Orthoimagery (2022) [Palm-Beach_Ortho_2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Palm Beach County Orthoimagery (2023) [Palm-Beach_Ortho_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] JaxGIS Duval Orthoimagery (2023) [Duval_Ortho_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Franklin County Orthoimagery (2021) [Franklin_OH_2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Franklin County Orthoimagery (2023) [Franklin_OH_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] City of Hilliard Orthoimagery (2023) [City_of_Hilliard_OH_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Hillsborough County Orthoimagery (2023) [Hillsborough_Ortho_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] MSB Aerial Imagery - Area 1(2019) [MSB_Aerial_2019] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] MSB Aerial Imagery - Area 2 (2020) [MSB_Aerial_2020] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] MSB Aerial Imagery - Area 3 (2021) [MSB_Aerial_2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] MSB Aerial Imagery - Core Area (2022) [MSB_Aerial_2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] MSB Aerial Imagery - Area 2 (2023) [MSB_Aerial_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Mecklenburg County Orthoimagery (2021) [Mecklenburg_NC_2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Mecklenburg County Orthoimagery (2022) [Mecklenburg_NC_2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Nassau County Orthoimagery (2023) [Nassau_Ortho_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] San Bernardino County Orthoimagery (2023) [San_Bernardino_CA_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] San Bernardino County Orthoimagery (2024) [San_Bernardino_CA_2024] **Rapid**
-  [AU] DCS NSW Imagery Dates [NSW_LPI_Imagery_Dates] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Cattaraugus County Orthoimagery (2020) [Cattaraugus_NY_2020] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Cattaraugus County Orthoimagery (2023) [Cattaraugus_NY_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Cattaraugus County Orthoimagery (2021) [Cattaraugus_NY_2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] DC From Above Orthophoto 2019 [DC_From_Above_Ortho_2019] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Volusia County Orthoimagery (2024) [Volusia_Ortho_2024] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Volusia County Orthoimagery (2021) [Volusia_Ortho_2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Volusia County Orthoimagery (2023) [Volusia_Ortho_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Sacramento County Orthoimagery (2022) [Sacramento_CA_2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Pennsylvania Municipality Boundaries [PennDOT_Municipality] **iD+Rapid**
-  [PL] Geoportal 2: Squares and housing estates [Geoportal2-PL-squares-and-housing-estates_WMS] **iD+Rapid**
-  [PL] Geoportal 2: Shaded relief (WMS) [Geoportal2-PL-shaded_relief_WMS] **iD+Rapid**
-  [PL] Geoportal 2: High Resolution Orthophotomap (archival imagery) (WMS) [Geoportal2-PL-HighResolution-aerial_archival_image_WMS] **iD+Rapid**
-  [PL] Geoportal 2: Orthophotomap (archival imagery) (WMS) [Geoportal2-PL-aerial_archival_image_WMS] **iD+Rapid**
-  [PL] Geoportal 2: Orthophotomap (latest aerial imagery) (WMTS) [Geoportal2-PL-aerial_image_WMTS] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Mesa County GIS Valleywide 2022 [MCGIS-County-Valleywide-Imagery-2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Mesa County GIS Valleywide 2024 [MCGIS-County-Valleywide-Imagery-2024] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Mesa County GIS NAIP 2015 [MCGIS-County-NAIP-Imagery-2015]
-  [US] Monroe County Orthoimagery (2023) [Monroe_Ortho_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Monroe County Orthoimagery (2024) [Monroe_Ortho_2024] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] City of Burbank Orthoimagery (2021) [Burbank_CA_2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] City of Burbank Orthoimagery (2024) [Burbank_CA_2024] **iD+Rapid**
-  [PW] USDA Palau Imagery (2022) [USDA_Palau_2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] USDA Delta Junction Orthoimagery (2021) [USDA_Delta_Junction_2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  [AS] USDA American Samoa Imagery (2022) [USDA_American_Samoa_2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [MP] USDA Northern Mariana Islands Imagery (2022) [USDA_CNMI_2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [GU] USDA Guam Imagery (2022) [USDA_Guam_2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] USDA Hawaii Imagery (2022) [USDA_Hawaii_2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [MH] USDA Marshall Islands Imagery (2023) [USDA_Marshall_Islands_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [FM] USDA Micronesia Imagery (2023) [USDA_Micronesia_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] USDA Northwest Hawaiian Islands Imagery (2022) [USDA_Northwest_Hawaiian_Islands_2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Orange County Orthoimagery (2022) [Orange_CA_2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Orange County Orthoimagery (Latest) [Orange_Ortho_Latest] **iD+Rapid**
-  [FI] City of Turku ortophoto - 2018 True ortho [turku-orto-2018-true] **iD+Rapid**
-  [NO] Kartverket Hillshade overlay [kartverket-fjellskygge] **iD+Rapid**
-  [AU] Vicmap Address - Address Point [Vicmap-address_no] **iD+Rapid**
-  [AU] Vicmap Elevation - Contour Line [Vicmap-el_contour] **iD+Rapid**
-  [AU] Vicmap Hydro - Watercourse Line [Vicmap-hy_watercourse] **iD+Rapid**
-  [AU] Vicmap Property - Property Polygon [Vicmap-property_view] **iD+Rapid**
-  [AU] Vicmap Transport - Road Line [Vicmap-tr_road] **iD+Rapid**
-  [SE] Gothenburg Orthophoto 2015 [gothenburg-ortho] **iD+Rapid**
-  [SE] Gothenburg Orthophoto 2017 [gothenburg-ortho_2017] **iD+Rapid**
-  [SE] Gothenburg Orthophoto 2019 [gothenburg-ortho_2019] **iD+Rapid**
-  [SE] Gothenburg Orthophoto 2021 [gothenburg-ortho_2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] NYSDOP Latest Orthoimagery (Natural Color) [NYSDOP_Latest] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] NYSDOP Latest Orthoimagery (Infrared) [NYSDOP_Latest_CIR] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] U.S. Forest Service roads [US_Forest_Service_roads] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] City of Manhattan Beach Orthoimagery (2023) [Manhattan_Beach_CA_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Mecklenburg County Orthoimagery (2024) [Mecklenburg_NC_2024] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Mecklenburg County Orthoimagery (2023) [Mecklenburg_NC_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [AU] DCS NSW Floods 2022 [DCS_NSW_Floods2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [FR] Rennes orthophotographie 2021 (5 cm) [rennes_ortho_2021_wms] **Rapid**
-  [FR] Rennes orthophotographie 2014 (20 cm) [rennes_ortho_2014_tms] **iD+Rapid**
-  [FR] Rennes orthophotographie 2017-2018 (10 cm) [rennes_ortho_2018_tms] **iD+Rapid**
-  [FR] Rennes orthophotographie 2020 (20 cm) [rennes_ortho_2020_tms] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Putnam County Orthoimagery (2023) [Putnam_OH_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [CH] Canton de Génève, Orthophoto 2016 (5cm) (SITG) [Geneve-orthophoto-2016] **iD+Rapid**
-  [CH] Canton de Génève, Orthophoto 2018 (20cm) (SITG) [Geneve-orthophoto-2018] **iD+Rapid**
-  [CH] Canton de Génève, Orthophoto 2019 (5cm) (SITG) [Geneve-orthophoto-2019] **iD+Rapid**
-  [CH] Canton de Génève, Orthophoto 2020 (10cm) (SITG) [Geneve-orthophoto-2020] **iD+Rapid**
-  [CH] Canton de Génève, Orthophoto 2021 (20cm) (SITG) [Geneve-orthophoto-2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  [CH] Canton de Génève, Orthophoto 2023 (10cm) (SITG) [Geneve-orthophoto-2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [CH] Canton de Génève, MNA RELIEF OMBRE SURFACE 2023 (SITG) [Geneve-dsm-2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [CH] Canton de Génève, MNA RELIEF OMBRE TERRAIN 2023 (SITG) [Geneve-dtm-2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Seminole County Orthoimagery (2021) [Seminole_Ortho_2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Seminole County Orthoimagery (2023) [Seminole_Ortho_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Seminole County Orthoimagery (2024) [Seminole_Ortho_2024] **iD+Rapid**
-  [NL] PDOK aerial imagery 8cm (WMTS) latest [Actueel_orthoHR_WMTS] **iD+Rapid**
-  [CH] Kanton Zug Neuheim 2020 3.5 cm [Zug-2020-wms] **iD+Rapid**
-  [CH] Kanton Zug Menzingen 2021 6.5 cm [Zug-2021-wms] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Kansas NG911 Orthoimagery (2014) [Kansas_NG911_2014] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Kansas NG911 Orthoimagery (2018) [Kansas_NG911_2018] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Kansas NG911 Orthoimagery (2021) [Kansas_NG911_2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] NC OneMap Latest Orthoimagery (Infrared) [NC_Latest_Ortho_CIR] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] NC OneMap Latest Orthoimagery (Natural Color) [NC_Latest_Ortho_Natural] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] NC OneMap Latest Orthoimagery (NDVI) [NC_Latest_Ortho_NDVI] **iD+Rapid**
-  [AU] LIST Topographic [LIST_Topographic] **iD+Rapid**
-  [LV] Orthophoto (2007–2008), 1:10000, Latvia [LV_ORTOFOTO_C3] **iD+Rapid**
-  [IT] Bologna ortofoto 2022 [Bologna-Orthophoto-2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [CH] Plan Cadastral du SITN, Neuchâtel [PlanCadastralNeuchatel] **iD+Rapid**
-  [PL] Bytom: Orthophotomap 2018 (aerial image) [Bytom-2018] **iD+Rapid**
-  [PL] Bytom: Orthophotomap 2021 (aerial image) [Bytom-2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] NOAA NGS PR/USVI Coastal Imagery (2024) [NOAA_PR_USVI_2024] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] NOAA NGS East Coast Imagery (2023) [NOAA_East_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] NOAA NGS East Coast Imagery (2024) [NOAA_East_2024] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] NOAA NGS Gulf Coast Imagery, West (2023) [NOAA_Gulf_West_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] NOAA NGS Gulf Coast Imagery, East (2023) [NOAA_Gulf_East_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] NOAA NGS West Coast Imagery (2023) [NOAA_West_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] San Francisco Orthoimagery CIR (2022) [San_Francisco_2022_CIR] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] San Francisco Orthoimagery (2022) [San_Francisco_2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] San Francisco Orthoimagery CIR (2023) [San_Francisco_2023_CIR] **Rapid**
-  [US] San Francisco Orthoimagery (2023) [San_Francisco_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] San Francisco Orthoimagery CIR (2024) [San_Francisco_2024_CIR] **Rapid**
-  [US] San Francisco Orthoimagery (2024) [San_Francisco_2024] **Rapid**
-  [AU] ACTmapi Imagery Feb 2024 [ACT202402] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Baker County Orthoimagery (2020) [Baker_Ortho_2020] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] City of Dublin Orthoimagery (2023) [City_of_Dublin_OH_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Solano County Orthoimagery (2022) [Solano_CA_2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Solano County Orthoimagery (2023) [Solano_CA_2023] **Rapid**
-  [US] Solano County Orthoimagery (2024) [Solano_CA_2024] **Rapid**
-  [US] Saint Lucie County Orthoimagery (2021) [Saint_Lucie_Ortho_2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Saint Lucie County Orthoimagery (2023) [Saint_Lucie_Ortho_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Saint Lucie County Orthoimagery (2024) [Saint_Lucie_Ortho_2024] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Seneca County Orthoimagery (2023) [Seneca_OH_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Alachua County Orthoimagery (2023) [Alachua_Ortho_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Alachua County Orthoimagery (2020) [Alachua_Ortho_2020] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Morgan County Orthoimagery (2023) [Morgan_OH_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Philadelphia Orthoimagery 2020 (3in) [Philadelphia_Ortho_2020] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Philadelphia Orthoimagery 2022 (2in) [Philadelphia_Ortho_2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Philadelphia Orthoimagery 2023 [Philadelphia_Ortho_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] MassGIS Basemap [MassGIS-basemap] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] MassGIS LIDAR Slope [MassGIS-LIDAR-Slope] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] MassGIS 2023 Aerial Imagery [MassGIS_2023_Aerial] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Miami County Orthoimagery (2023) [Miami_OH_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Tallahassee - Leon County Orthoimagery (2022 CIR) [Leon_Ortho_2022_CIR] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Tallahassee - Leon County Orthoimagery (2022 RGB) [Leon_Ortho_2022_RGB] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Tallahassee - Leon County Orthoimagery (2024 CIR) [Leon_Ortho_2024_CIR] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Tallahassee - Leon County Orthoimagery (2024 RGB) [Leon_Ortho_2024_RGB] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Lorain County Orthoimagery (2024) [Lorain_OH_2024] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Athens-Clarke County Imagery (2018) [ACC_2018] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Delaware County Orthoimagery (2021) [Delaware_OH_2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Delaware County Orthoimagery (2022) [Delaware_OH_2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Delaware County Orthoimagery (2023) [Delaware_OH_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [DE] Berlin/Geoportal DOP20RGB (2014) [Berlin-2014] **iD+Rapid**
-  [DE] Berlin/Geoportal DOP20RGB (2015) [Berlin-2015] **iD+Rapid**
-  [DE] Berlin/Geoportal DOP20RGB (2016) [Berlin-2016] **iD+Rapid**
-  [DE] Berlin/Geoportal DOP20RGB (2017) [Berlin-2017] **iD+Rapid**
-  [DE] Berlin/Geoportal DOP20CIR (2020 infrared) [Berlin-2020-infrared] **iD+Rapid**
-  [DE] Berlin/Geoportal DOP20RGB (2021) [Berlin-2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  [DE] Berlin/Geoportal DOP20RGBI (2024) [Berlin-2024] **iD+Rapid**
-  [RS] Official Serbia OSM (cyr) [rs-osm-official-cyr] **iD+Rapid**
-  [RS] Official Serbia OSM (lat) [rs-osm-official-lat] **iD+Rapid**
-  [JP] Aich Handa Imagery 2020 [osmfj-handa-2020] **iD+Rapid**
-  [JP] Inuyama city and around Imagery 2023 [osmfj-inuyama-2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [JP] Kagoshima city Imagery 2021 [osmfj-kagoshima-2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  [JP] Kouchi city Imagery 2020 [osmfj-kouchi-2020] **iD+Rapid**
-  [JP] Kyoto prefecture Imagery 2020-2021 [osmfj-kyoto-2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  [JP] Muroran city Imagery 2021 [osmfj-muroran-2019] **iD+Rapid**
-  [JP] Nagahama city Imagery 2021 [osmfj-nagahama-2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  [JP] Niigata Nagaoka city Imagery 2019 [osmfj-nagaoka-2018] **iD+Rapid**
-  [JP] Osaka city Imagery 2022 [osmfj-osaka-2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  OpenStreetMap (Mapnik, no labels) [osm-mapnik-no_labels]
-  [ES] PNOA Spain [PNOA-Spain-TMS] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] TNMap Orthoimagery Latest [TNMap_Orthoimagery_Latest] **iD+Rapid**
-  OSM Inspector: Addresses [OSM_Inspector-Addresses]
-  OSM Inspector: Area [OSM_Inspector-Multipolygon]
-  OSM Inspector: Geometry [OSM_Inspector-Geometry]
-  OSM Inspector: Highways [OSM_Inspector-Highways]
-  OSM Inspector: Places [OSM_Inspector-Places]
-  OSM Inspector: Routing [OSM_Inspector-Routing]
-  OSM Inspector: Tagging [OSM_Inspector-Tagging]
-  [BR] Itu - Eixos [SP_Itu_-_Eixos] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] CAPCOG Imagery (2022) [capcog_2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] City of Wooster Orthoimagery (2022) [City_of_Wooster_OH_2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  [RS] RGZ address and street open data overlay [rs-rgz-ar] **iD+Rapid**
-  [AT] VoGIS: DOM (Surface model) [] **iD+Rapid**
-  [AT] VoGIS: DGM (Terrain model) [] **iD+Rapid**
-  [AT] VoGIS: Echtfarbenbild 2012 (12cm) [] **iD+Rapid**
-  [AT] VoGIS: Echtfarbenbild 2015 (10cm) [] **iD+Rapid**
-  [AT] VoGIS: Echtfarbenbild 2022 (10cm) [] **iD+Rapid**
-  [AT] VoGIS: Echtfarbenbild Winter 2015 (20cm) [] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Wood County Orthoimagery (2023) [Wood_OH_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] San Juan County Orthoimagery (2023) [San_Juan_NM_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] San Juan County Orthoimagery (2019) [San_Juan_NM_2019] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] San Juan County Orthoimagery (2021) [San_Juan_NM_2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  [NO] Kartverket Hiking Trails [kartverket-friluft] **iD+Rapid**
-  [DE] Deutsche Bahn VzG lines Nov 2015 [db-inspire-2015-11] **iD+Rapid**
-  [FR] Ortho HR 2022 [fr.orthohr.2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [FR] Bayonne - Petit et Grand Bayonne 2019 [Bayonne_2019] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] MOA Aerial Imagery (2024) [MOA_Aerial_2024] **Rapid**
-  [US] MOA Aerial Imagery (2021) [MOA_Aerial_2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  [IT] Lombardia - Italy (CTR DBT) [Lombardia-Italy-CTR-DBT] **iD+Rapid**
-  [FR] Eurométropole de Strasbourg - Orthophotographie 2022 [EMS-Orthophotographie-2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Fairfax County Orthoimagery (2024) [Fairfax_VA_2024] **iD+Rapid**
-  [ES] geoEuskadiren Ortoargazkiak [geoEuskadi-ORTO] **iD+Rapid**
-  [BR] GeoPortal DF 2021 50 cm [GeoPortal_DF_2021_50cm] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Saint Johns County Basemap [Saint_Johns_Basemap] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Saint Johns County Infrared Orthoimagery (2021) [Saint_Johns_Ortho_CIR_2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Saint Johns County Natural Color Orthoimagery (2021) [Saint_Johns_Ortho_2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Saint Johns County Infrared Orthoimagery (2024) [Saint_Johns_Ortho_CIR_2024] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Saint Johns County Natural Color Orthoimagery (2024) [Saint_Johns_Ortho_2024] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Manatee County Orthoimagery Infrared (2023) [Manatee_Ortho_2023_CIR] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Manatee County Orthoimagery (2023) [Manatee_Ortho_2023_RGB] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Manatee County Orthoimagery (2022) [Manatee_Ortho_2022] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Manatee County Orthoimagery (Latest) [Manatee_Ortho_Latest] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Manatee County Orthoimagery (2021) [Manatee_Ortho_2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  [DE] Offene Regionalkarte Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (ORKa.MV) [] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] PAgis 2021 Orthophotography [PAgis_Ortho_2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] PAgis 2018 Orthophotography [PAgis_Ortho_2018] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] PortlandMaps Aerial Photos Latest [PortlandMapsAerial] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] PortlandMaps Basemap Color Complete [PortlandMaps] **iD+Rapid**
-  [US] Scioto County Orthoimagery (2023) [Scioto_OH_2023] **iD+Rapid**
-  [IE] OSMIE Land not in Counties [osmie_tie_not_counties] **iD+Rapid**
-  [DE] NRW Buildings [nrw_alkis_buildings_wms] **iD+Rapid**
-  [DE] NRW Liegenschaftskataster [nrw_alkis_wms] **iD+Rapid**
-  [DE] NRW Buildings GST [nrw_alkis_buildings_gst_wms] **iD+Rapid**
-  [DE] NRW iDOP [nrw_idop_wms] **iD+Rapid**
-  [DE] NRW vDOP [nrw_vdop_wms] **iD+Rapid**
-  [ZM] Medium voltage gridlines [zm-medium-voltage-overhead-gridlines] **Rapid**
-  [US] U.S. Forest Roads Overlay [US_Forest_Service_roads_overlay] **iD+Rapid**
-  [GB] OS OpenMap Local (October 2024) [OS-OpenMap_Local_2024_10] **Rapid**
-  [LU] Basemap [lu.geoportail.opendata.basemap] **iD+Rapid**
-  [LU] Cadastre [lu.geoportail.opendata.cadastre] **iD+Rapid**
-  [LU] Ortho 2021 [lu.geoportail.opendata.ortho2021] **iD+Rapid**
-  [LU] Topographical Map [lu.geoportail.opendata.topo] **iD+Rapid**
*** URLs found in JOSM but not in ELI (554): ***
+  [RU] ScanEx IRS [ScanEx-IRS]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Kropyvnytskyi 2015 [UkraineKropyvnytskyi2015]
+  [AL] Image of Base Maps, Topographic Map - Durrës and Tirana [AL_ASIG_Harta_Baze_12000]
+  [AR] geoARBA - Buenos Aires Province Tax Agency (WMS) [geoarba-wms]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Lutsk 2015 [UkraineLutsk2015]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Prylutske 2020 [UkrainePrylutske2020]
+  [PL] Częstochowa: Orthophotomap 2021 (aerial image) [Czestochowa-2021]
+  [BE] SPW(allonie) Réseau Hydrologique Wallon [SPW_RHW]
+  [US] San Juan Metro Area: 2013 USACE Orthophotos [SanJuanMetroAreaUSACEOrthophotos]
+  [TM] Aşgabat (high resolution) [Ashgabat]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Chernivtsi Address Map [UkraineChernivtsiAddr]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Chernivtsi Topographic Map 2015 [UkraineChernivtsiTopo2015]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Chernivtsi 2015 [UkraineChernivtsi2015]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Chornivka 2021 [UkraineChornivka2021]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Koroviia 2021 [UkraineKoroviia2021]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Kolomyia [UkraineKolomyia]
+  [AR] National Glacier Inventory (WMTS) [glaciares]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Mena 2009 [UkraineMena2009]
+  [JP] Atsugi city orthophoto [atsugi_kanagawa_jp_orthophoto]
+  [JP] Itoigawa city orthophoto [itoigawa_niigata_jp_orthophoto]
+  [ES] Catastro Spain [Catastro-Spain_mirror1]
+  [AR] Santa Cruz SDI (WMTS) [ide-santa-cruz-wmts]
+  [JP] Kakegawa city orthophoto [kakegawa_shizuoka_jp_orthophoto]
+  [JP] Omaezaki city orthophoto [omaezaki_shizuoka_jp_orthophoto]
+  [NO] Kartverket Address overlay [kartverket-adresse]
+  [FR] BD Parcellaire Image Histo [BDParcellaireImageHisto]
+  [FR] Anglet 2022 [anglet_2022]
+  [FR] Métropole de Metz 2019 [metz_2019]
+  [FR] Métropole de Metz 2024 [metz_2024]
+  [FR] Nancy - Orthophoto - 2023 [GrandNancy_Orthophotographie_2023]
+  [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2022 [fr.orthohr.2022]
+  [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2023 [fr.orthohr.2023]
+  [FR] Toulouse - Orthophotoplan 2022 [Toulouse-Orthophotoplan-2022]
+  [HU] R67 road orthophoto [R67]
+  [HU] Sátoraljaújhely orthophoto 2020 [Satoraljaujhely_orto_2017]
+  [PL] Poznań: Latest Orthophotomap (aerial image) WMTS [poznan-ortofotomapaBiezaca-wmts]
+  [PL] Będzin: Addresses [Bedzin-PL-addresses]
+  [AU] AGRI black-and-white 2.5m [AGRI-black_and_white-2.5m_mirror1]
+  [US] Virginia Building Footprints [VGIN-BuildingFootprints_WM_mirror1]
+  [US] Virginia Property Lines [VGIN-PropertyLines_WM_mirror1]
+  [US] Virginia Imagery Service - Most Recent [VGIN-Imagery_WM_mirror1]
+  [LU] ANA Luxembourg DTM 2017 Multidirectional [lu.gouvernement.ana.dtm.hires.2017]
+  [DK] SDFI Aerial Imagery (temporary) [sdfi_orto_temp]
+  [SE] Lantmäteriet Historic Orthophotos options [lantmateriet-orto-historic]
+  [SE] Lantmäteriet Topographic Map [lantmateriet-topowebb_mirror1]
+  [SE] Lantmäteriet Topographic Map [lantmateriet-topowebb]
+  [BR] IBGE Federal District addresses [IBGE_DF_Addresses_mirror1]
+  [BR] IBGE Street Names [IBGE_Nomes_Ruas]
+  [FI] FTIA Road Network (overlay) [fta-digiroad-road-type]
+  [NO] Kartverket topo [kartverket-topo]
+  [NO] Kartverket topo greyscale [kartverket-topogrey]
+  [NO] Kartverket topo raster [kartverket-toporaster]
+  [PT] Orthophotos of mainland Portugal - 25cm - 2018 (DGT) [ORTOS_DGT_2018]
+  [PT] Orthophotos of mainland Portugal - 1m - 1995 - Fake Color (DGT) [ORTOS_DGT_1995]
+  [PT] Orthophotos of the northern portion of mainland Portugal IRG - 25cm - 2021 (DGT) [ORTOS_DGT_2021_IRG]
+  [ZA] City of Cape Town 2017 Aerial [South_Africa-Cape_Town-Aerial-2017]
+  [ZA] City of Cape Town 2018 Aerial [South_Africa-Cape_Town-Aerial-2018]
+  [ZA] City of Cape Town 2019 Aerial [South_Africa-Cape_Town-Aerial-2019]
+  [ZA] City of Cape Town 2020 Aerial [South_Africa-Cape_Town-Aerial-2020]
+  [ZA] City of Cape Town 2021 Aerial [South_Africa-Cape_Town-Aerial-2021]
+  [ZA] City of Cape Town 2022 Aerial [South_Africa-Cape_Town-Aerial-2022]
+  [ZA] City of Cape Town 2023 Aerial [South_Africa-Cape_Town-Aerial-2023]
+  [ZA] City of Cape Town 2024 Aerial [South_Africa-Cape_Town-Aerial-2024]
+  [US] CT ECO Orthoimagery (2016) [CT_ECO_Ortho_2016_RGB]
+  [US] CT ECO Orthoimagery (2016) [CT_ECO_Ortho_2016_RGB_mirror1]
+  [US] CT ECO Orthoimagery (2019) [CT_ECO_Ortho_2019_RGB]
+  [US] CT ECO Orthoimagery (2023) [CT_ECO_Ortho_2023_RGB]
+  [US] CT ECO Orthoimagery (2023) [CT_ECO_Ortho_2023_RGB_mirror1]
+  [JP] Japan GSI ortho Imagery []
+  [FR] Mayotte - Pléiades Néo December 17, 2024 [mayotte_pleiades_20241217]
+  [FR] Mayotte - Pléiades Néo December 18, 2024 [mayotte_pleiades_20241218]
+  [FR] Mayotte - Pléiades Néo December 20, 2024 [mayotte_pleiades_20241220]
+  [FR] Mayotte - Pléiades Néo December 21, 2024 [mayotte_pleiades_20241221]
+  [FR] Mayotte - Pléiades Néo December 24, 2024 [mayotte_pleiades_20241224]
+  [FR] Estompage RGE Alti Metropolitain (relief) [rgealti.hillshade]
+  [US] IndianaMap Orthoimagery 2005 [IndianaMap_2005]
+  [US] IndianaMap Orthoimagery 2011 [IndianaMap2011]
+  [US] IndianaMap Orthoimagery 2012 [IndianaMap2012]
+  [US] IndianaMap Orthoimagery 2013 [IndianaMap2013]
+  [US] IndianaMap Orthoimagery 2014 [IndianaMap2014]
+  [US] IndianaMap Orthoimagery 2015 [IndianaMap2015]
+  [US] IndianaMap Orthoimagery 2016-2019 [IndianaMap2016-2019]
+  [SK] DSM 1.0 gray surface shading [dmp1-bw-sr]
+  [SK] DTM 5.0 light terrain shading [dmr5-hillshade-light-sr]
+  [SK] DTM 5.0 gray terrain shading [dmr5-hillshade-bw-sr]
+  [US] USGS 3D Elevation Program Contours [3D-Elevation-Program-Contours]
+  [US] USGS 3D Elevation Program [3D-Elevation-Program]
+  [SE] Länsstyrelserna Wind Turbines (overlay) [lst-wind]
+  [DE] Berlin/Geoportal DOP20RGB (2011) [Berlin-2011]
+  [DE] Berlin/Geoportal DOP20RGB (2014) [Berlin-2014]
+  [DE] Berlin/Geoportal DOP20RGB (2015) [Berlin-2015]
+  [DE] Berlin/Geoportal DOP20RGB (2016) [Berlin-2016]
+  [DE] Berlin/Geoportal DOP20RGB (2017) [Berlin-2017]
+  [DE] Berlin/Geoportal DOP20RGBI (2021) [Berlin-2021-DOP]
+  [DE] Berlin/Geoportal TrueDOP20RGBI (2022) [Berlin-2022-TrueDOP]
+  [US] Delaware 2012 Orthophotography [Delaware2012Orthophotography]
+  [US] Delaware 2017 Orthophotography [Delaware2017Orthophotography]
+  [MX] INEGI Digital Map of Mexico (WMS) v6 [inegi-wms-v6]
+  [DE] Berlin/Geoportal TrueDOP20RGBI (2023) [Berlin-2023-TrueDOP]
+  [CH] Canton of Geneva 5cm (SITG 2011) [Geneve-SITG-2011]
+  [CH] Canton of Geneva 5cm (SITG 2016) [Geneve-SITG-2016]
+  [CH] Canton of Geneva 5cm (SITG 2016) [Geneve-SITG-2016_mirror1]
+  [CH] Canton of Geneva 20cm (SITG 2018) [Geneve-orthophoto-2018]
+  [CH] Canton of Geneva 5cm (SITG 2019) [Geneve-orthophoto-2019]
+  [BE] Digitaal Hoogtemodel Vlaanderen II, multidirectionale hillshade 0,25 m [DHMV_II_HILL_25cm]
+  [BE] Digitaal Vlaanderen 2013-2015 aerial imagery 10cm [OrthoVlaanderen2013201510cm]
+  [BE] Digitaal Vlaanderen 2016 aerial imagery [OrthoVlaanderen2016]
+  [BE] Digitaal Vlaanderen 2017 aerial imagery [OrthoVlaanderen2017]
+  [BE] Digitaal Vlaanderen 2018 aerial imagery [OrthoVlaanderen2018]
+  [BE] Digitaal Vlaanderen 2019 aerial imagery [OrthoVlaanderen2019]
+  [BE] Digitaal Vlaanderen 2020 aerial imagery [OrthoVlaanderen2020]
+  [BE] Digitaal Vlaanderen 2021 aerial imagery [OrthoVlaanderen2021]
+  [BE] Digitaal Vlaanderen 2022 aerial imagery [OrthoVlaanderen2022]
+  [BE] Digitaal Vlaanderen 2023 aerial imagery [OrthoVlaanderen2023]
+  [BE] Digitaal Vlaanderen most recent aerial imagery [OrthoVlaanderen]
+  [BE] Digitaal Hoogtemodel Vlaanderen II, Skyview factor 0,25 m [DHMV_II_SVF_25cm]
+  [BE] Digitaal Vlaanderen preliminary aerial imagery [Orthofotowerkbestand]
+  [CH] Canton Solothurn, Latest Orthophoto Infrared [Solothurn-infrared-SOGIS]
+  [CH] Canton Solothurn, Latest Orthophoto RGB [Solothurn-RGB-SOGIS]
+  [US] Ohio Statewide Imagery Program [Ohio_OSIP]
+  [US] Ohio Statewide Imagery Program 6-Inch [Ohio_OSIP_6in]
+  [PT] Land Use and Soil Occupation Charter of mainland Portugal - 2010 (DGT) [COS2010_v2]
+  [PT] Land Use and Soil Occupation Charter of mainland Portugal - 2015 (DGT) [COS2015_v2]
+  [PT] Official Administrative Charter of Portugal - CAOP 2022 (Mainland - Boundaries) [CAOP2022_linhas]
+  [AR] Ministry of Agroindustry (WMS) [Agroindustria-wms]
+  [NO] Oslo Urban Environment options (layer) [oslo-bymiljo]
+  [SE] Naturvårdsverket Protected Areas options (overlay) [naturvardsverket-skyddad-option]
+  [NO] NPI Svalbard detailed topo [npi-svalbard-fkb]
+  [NO] NPI Jan Mayen topo [NPI-JanMayen-topo]
+  [NO] NPI Svalbard Orthophoto [NPI-Svalbard-ortofoto]
+  [SE] Sollentuna Orthophoto 2022 [sollentuna-orto-2022]
+  [DE] Metropole Ruhr aerial imagery [Metropole_Ruhr_RVR-DOP]
+  [DE] Metropole Ruhr historical aerial imagery 2006 [Metropole_Ruhr_RVR-DOP_2006]
+  [DE] Metropole Ruhr historical aerial imagery 2009 [Metropole_Ruhr_RVR-DOP_2009]
+  [DE] Metropole Ruhr historical aerial imagery 2011 [Metropole_Ruhr_RVR-DOP_2011]
+  [DE] Metropole Ruhr historical aerial imagery 2013 [Metropole_Ruhr_RVR-DOP_2013]
+  [DE] Metropole Ruhr historical aerial imagery 2015 [Metropole_Ruhr_RVR-DOP_2015]
+  [DE] Metropole Ruhr historical aerial imagery 2017 [Metropole_Ruhr_RVR-DOP_2017]
+  [DE] Metropole Ruhr historical aerial imagery 2019 [Metropole_Ruhr_RVR-DOP_2019]
+  [DE] Metropole Ruhr historical aerial imagery 2020 [Metropole_Ruhr_RVR-DOP_2020]
+  [DE] Metropole Ruhr historical aerial imagery 2021 [Metropole_Ruhr_RVR-DOP_2021]
+  [DE] Metropole Ruhr aerial imagery partial coverage 2023 [Metropole_Ruhr_RVR-DOP_2023]
+  [DE] Saxony-Anhalt, LVermGeo, Physical bodies of water [LSA-ATKIS-HYP]
+  [DE] Saxony historical aerial imagery 2015-2017 [GEOSN-DOP-2015_2017]
+  [DE] Saxony historical aerial imagery 2018-2020 [GEOSN-DOP-2018_2020]
+  [DE] Saxony historical aerial imagery 2021-2022 [GEOSN-DOP-2021_2022]
+  [DE] Saxony parcels and districts [GEOSN-Flurstuecke_und_Gemarkungen]
+  [DE] Saxony latest aerial imagery [GEOSN-DOP-RGB_mirror1]
+  [DE] Saxony unprocessed aerial imagery [GEOSN-ROHDOP-RGB]
+  [DE] Saxony WebAtlasSN [GEOSN-WebAtlas_mirror1]
+  [DE] StädteRegion Aachen ALKIS [Aachen-ALKIS]
+  [BR] Dourados Street Names [Dourados_Streets]
+  [SI] MK: LIDAR hillshade+buildings (WMTS) [MK-LidarTlaZgradbeSVF8]
+  [AL] Statistical units, Census Local Government Units (INSTAT) [Njesite_qeverisjes_vendore_census_INSTAT]
+  [AL] ORTHOPHOTO 2018 8CM Durrës and Tirana [AL_ASIG_Ortofoto_2018_8cm]
+  [HR] Croatia 2017-2018 aerial imagery [dgu-dof-2017-2018]
+  [MD] Moldova Ortophoto (2016) [Geoportal-Ortofoto_2016_RM]
+  GeoScribble Map Notes [geoscribbles]
+  [ES] ICGC - Ortophoto Catalonia [ICGC-ortophoto-catalonia]
+  [ES] ICGC - Topo Catalonia [ICGC-topo-catalonia]
+  [BR] Fortaleza Orthophoto 2010 [Fortaleza_Ortophoto_2010]
+  [BR] Fortaleza Orthophoto 2016 [Fortaleza_Ortophoto_2016]
+  [BE] URBIS most recent aerial imagery [URBISOrtho]
+  [BE] URBIS 2004 aerial imagery [URBIS2004]
+  [BE] URBIS 2016 aerial imagery [URBIS2016]
+  [BE] URBIS 2017 aerial imagery [URBIS2017]
+  [BE] URBIS 2018 aerial imagery [URBIS2018]
+  [BE] URBIS 2019 aerial imagery [URBIS2019]
+  [BE] URBIS 2020 aerial imagery [URBIS2020]
+  [BE] URBIS 2021 aerial imagery (east-west) [URBIS2021Eo]
+  [BE] URBIS 2021 aerial imagery (north-south) [URBIS2021Ns]
+  [BE] URBIS 2022 aerial imagery (east-west) [URBIS2022Eo]
+  [BE] URBIS 2022 aerial imagery (north-south) [URBIS2022Ns]
+  [BE] URBIS 2023 aerial imagery [URBIS2023]
+  [IT] South Tyrol Orthofoto 2015 [South-Tyrol-Orthofoto-2015]
+  [IT] South Tyrol DEM Hillshade 2013 (2.5 m, full) [South-Tyrol-DEM-2013-2.5m]
+  [IT] South Tyrol DTM Hillshade 2013 (2.5 m, full) [South-Tyrol-DTM_2013_2_5m]
+  [IT] South Tyrol DEM Hillshade 2013 (0.5 m, partial) [South-Tyrol-DEM-2013-0.5m]
+  [CA] Maple Ridge Aerial Photography 2023 [Maple_Ridge_Aerial_2023]
+  [BE] SPW(allonie) 2022 aerial imagery [SPW2022]
+  [BE] SPW(allonie) 2023 aerial imagery [SPW2023]
+  [BE] Relief Wallonie - MNS 2021-2022 - 50cm [SPW_MNS_2021_22]
+  [BE] SPW(allonie) PICC numerical imagery [SPW_PICC_2000]
+  [IT] South Tyrol Elevation Contour Lines [South-Tyrol-ECL]
+  [BR] Belo Horizonte Orthophoto 2015 [Belo_Horizonte_Ortophoto_2015]
+  Landsat [landsat]
+  [DE] Mainz latest aerial imagery [mainzlatestaerialimagery_mirror1]
+  [SI] ARSO: LIDAR hillshade (WMTS) [ARSO-LIDAR]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Khmelnytskyi [UkraineKhmelnytskyi]
+  [US] WA 2013 aerial imagery for San Juan County []
+  [US] WA 2016 aerial imagery for San Juan County []
+  [US] WA Vector Streetmap for San Juan County []
+  [UA] Ukraine - Slavuta [UkraineSlavuta]
+  [AT] Steiermark Orthophoto []
+  [AT] Tiris: DGM (Terrain shading) []
+  [CA] Toronto Orthorectified Imagery - Most current year [Toronto-Imagery-Most-Current-Year_mirror1]
+  [SI] Ljubljana: Orthophoto 2023 (WMTS) [LJUBLJANA-DOF-2023]
+  [SI] Ljubljana: Orthophoto 2019 (WMTS) [LJUBLJANA-DOF-2019]
+  [SI] Ljubljana: Orthophoto 2020 (WMTS) [LJUBLJANA-DOF-2020]
+  [SI] Ljubljana: Orthophoto 2022 (WMTS) [LJUBLJANA-DOF-2022]
+  [SI] Ljubljana: Zazidalna situacija (WMTS) [LJUBLJANA-ZAZIDALNA-SITUACIJA]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Liubech 2019 [UkraineLiubech2019]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Mykolaivka [UkraineMykolaivka]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Nova Vodolaha [UkraineNovaVodolaha]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Nyzhnia Duvanka [UkraineNyzhniaDuvanka]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Chumaky Municipality [UkraineChumakyMunicipality]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Mezhova and Demuryne [UkraineMezhovaDemuryne]
+  NYS Streets [NYS-Streets]
+  [US] MiSAIL Oakland County Imagery 2020 [misail-oakland-2020]
+  [US] MiSAIL Oakland County Imagery 2023 [misail-oakland-2023]
+  [CZ] Praha-surroundings IPR orthophoto 2019 [PrahaIPRokoli2019]
+  Strava cycling and running heatmap [strava_both_heatmap]
+  Strava cycling heatmap [strava_cycling_heatmap]
+  Strava running heatmap [strava_running_heatmap]
+  Strava water sports heatmap [strava_water_heatmap]
+  Strava winter sports heatmap [strava_winter_heatmap]
+  [DE] Brandenburg GeoBasis-DE/LGB (2025): Georeferenzierte Adresse [Brandenburg-Georeferenzierte-Adresse]
+  [ES] SITNA - Ortophoto Navarre [SITNA-ortophoto-navarre]
+  [ES] SITNA - Basemap Navarre [SITNA-basemap-navarre]
+  [HT] Drone Imagery Matthew(Haiti) October 2016 [drone-imagery-2016]
+  [US] PEMA Orthoimagery [2018-2020] (RGB) [PEMA_Orthoimagery_2018_2020]
+  [US] PEMA Orthoimagery - Eastern [2020-2021] [PEMA_Orthoimagery_2021]
+  [US] PEMA Orthoimagery - Western [2022] [PEMA_Orthoimagery_2022]
+  [US] Texas NAIP Imagery 2012 [texas_naip_2012_wms]
+  [US] Texas NAIP Imagery 2014 [texas_naip_2014_wms]
+  [US] Texas NAIP Imagery 2016 [texas_naip_2016_wms]
+  [US] Texas NAIP Imagery 2018 [texas_naip_2018_wms]
+  [US] Texas NAIP Imagery 2020 [texas_naip_2020_wms]
+  [US] Texas NAIP Imagery 2022 [texas_naip_2022_wms]
+  [US] Texas Orthophoto (2015) []
+  [US] NJ 2020 Aerial Imagery (Natural Color) []
+  [BG] GCCA: Buildings [bulgaria-gcca-buildings]
+  [BG] GCCA: Cadastral parcels [bulgaria-gcca-parcels]
+  [DE] Brandenburg GeoBasis-DE/LGB (2025): DGM 1m [Brandenburg-DGM-1m]
+  [DE] Brandenburg GeoBasis-DE/LGB (2025): WebAtlasDE BE/BB [Brandenburg-WebAtlas]
+  Mapillary Images and Point Features [MapillaryImagesPositions]
+  [EE] Estonia Basemap Relief (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Basemap_Relief]
+  [EE] Estonia Hillshade (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Hillshade]
+  [EE] Estonia Ortho (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Ortho_mirror1]
+  [EE] Estonia Forestry (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Forestry_mirror1]
+  [EE] Estonia Cadastre (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Cadastre_mirror1]
+  [EE] Estonia Basemap (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Basemap_mirror1]
+  [EE] Estonia Basemap Relief (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Basemap_Relief_mirror1]
+  [EE] Estonia Hillshade (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Hillshade_mirror1]
+  [NO] DMF Mines overlay [dmf-mines]
+  [NO] Miljødirektoratet Snowmobile overlay [miljodirektoratet-scooter]
+  [NO] Miljødirektoratet Urban and Vacation Areas overlay [miljodirektoratet-tettbebyggelse]
+  [NO] Miljødirektoratet Fjords overlay [miljodirektoratet-fjord]
+  [SE] Örebro options 2 (overlay) [orebro-extern]
+  [SE] Örebro options 1 (overlay) [orebro-open]
+  [SK] Kataster [zbgis-wms-kataster]
+  [US] KYFromAbove 2019-2022 6in [Ky_Imagery_Phase2_6IN_mirror1]
+  [US] KyFromAbove 2012-2014 [KYAPED]
+  [US] KYFromAbove 2019-2022 6in [Ky_Imagery_Phase2_6IN]
+  [LU] "mapper’s delight" hillshade lidar 2019 [lu.openstreetmap.lidar.hillshade.2019]
+  [LV] Latvia - LVM GEO orthophoto [ORTOFOTO]
+  [LV] Latvia - LVM GEO digital terrain model [DTM]
+  [GB] [AndyTownsendsMapLayer]
+  [CH] Stadt Bern 10cm (2023) [Bern-bern2023-wms_mirror1]
+  [PT] Portugal Topographic Map ( [otmpt]
+  [UY] Ortophotos 2019 [ideuy-ortofotos-mosaico-urbano-2019]
+  [CO] Colombian Rivers [COL_rivers]
+  [CO] Colombian Departments [COL_depts]
+  [CO] Colombian Postal Codes [COL_postal_codes]
+  [AR] National Parks Administration (WMS) [apn-wms]
+  [AU] Launceston OrthoPhoto 2008 [CityOfLaunceston_2008]
+  [CH] Canton Thurgau orthophoto 2017 [kt_tg_ortho_2017_mirror1]
+  [CH] Kanton Zürich Orthophotos 2014/2015 10cm [Kanton-Zürich-2015_mirror1]
+  [CH] City of Zürich base map [Zuerich-city_map]
+  [SG] OneMap (XYZ) [onemap-xyz]
+  [US] Rhode Island Aerial Photo (Spring 2021) [RIGIS_Aerial_Photo_21s]
+  [FR] Métropole de Metz 2022 [metz_2022]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Vinnytsia 2018 [UkraineVinnytsia2018]
+  [GB] NLS - OS 25-inch (Scotland 2) 1892-1905 [NLS-OS-25inch-hist-scotland2]
+  [GB] OS Town Plans, London 1893-1896 (NLS) [NLS_london1893_1896]
+  [GB] NLS - OS 1:1,250/1:2,500 National Grid Maps, 1947-63 - TQ [NLS-OS-NatGrid-11250-12500-1947-63]
+  [IE] OS 1st Ed. 6-inch. Antrim, Ireland (1840s-1880s) (NLS) [os1ed_6inch_antrim]
+  [IE] OS 2nd Ed. 6-inch. Antrim, Ireland (1880-1915) (NLS) [os2ed_6inch_antrim]
+  [IE] OS 1st Ed. 6-inch. Armagh, Ireland (1840s-1880s) (NLS) [os1ed_6inch_armagh]
+  [IE] OS 2nd Ed. 6-inch. Armagh, Ireland (1888-1915) (NLS) [os2ed_6inch_armagh]
+  [IE] OS 1st Ed. 6-inch. Carlow, Ireland (1840s-1880s) (NLS) [os1ed_6inch_carlow]
+  [IE] OS 2nd Ed. 6-inch. Carlow, Ireland (1888-1915) (NLS) [os2ed_6inch_carlow]
+  [IE] OS 1st Ed. 6-inch. Cavan, Ireland (1840s-1880s) (NLS) [os1ed_6inch_cavan]
+  [IE] OS 2nd Ed. 6-inch. Cavan, Ireland (1888-1915) (NLS) [os2ed_6inch_cavan]
+  [IE] OS 1st Ed. 6-inch. Clare, Ireland (1840s-1880s) (NLS) [os1ed_6inch_clare]
+  [IE] OS 2nd Ed. 6-inch. Clare, Ireland (1888-1915) (NLS) [os2ed_6inch_clare]
+  [IE] OS 1st Ed. 6-inch. Cork, Ireland (1840s-1880s) (NLS) [os1ed_6inch_cork]
+  [IE] OS 2nd Ed. 6-inch. Cork, Ireland (1888-1915) (NLS) [os2ed_6inch_cork]
+  [IE] OS 1st Ed. 6-inch. Donegal, Ireland (1840s-1880s) (NLS) [os1ed_6inch_donegal]
+  [IE] OS 2nd Ed. 6-inch. Donegal, Ireland (1888-1915) (NLS) [os2ed_6inch_donegal]
+  [IE] OS 1st Ed. 6-inch. Down, Ireland (1840s-1880s) (NLS) [os1ed_6inch_down]
+  [IE] OS 2nd Ed. 6-inch. Down, Ireland (1888-1915) (NLS) [os2ed_6inch_down]
+  [IE] OS 1st Ed. 6-inch. Dublin, Ireland (1840s-1880s) (NLS) [os1ed_6inch_dublin]
+  [IE] OS 2nd Ed. 6-inch. Dublin, Ireland (1888-1915) (NLS) [os2ed_6inch_dublin]
+  [IE] OS 1st Ed. 6-inch. Fermanagh, Ireland (1840s-1880s) (NLS) [os1ed_6inch_fermanagh]
+  [IE] OS 2nd Ed. 6-inch. Fermanagh, Ireland (1888-1915) (NLS) [os2ed_6inch_fermanagh]
+  [IE] OS 1st Ed. 6-inch. Galway, Ireland (1840s-1880s) (NLS) [os1ed_6inch_galway]
+  [IE] OS 2nd Ed. 6-inch. Galway, Ireland (1888-1915) (NLS) [os2ed_6inch_galway]
+  [IE] OS 1st Ed. 6-inch. Kerry, Ireland (1840s-1880s) (NLS) [os1ed_6inch_kerry]
+  [IE] OS 2nd Ed. 6-inch. Kerry, Ireland (1888-1915) (NLS) [os2ed_6inch_kerry]
+  [IE] OS 1st Ed. 6-inch. Kildare, Ireland (1840s-1880s) (NLS) [os1ed_6inch_kildare]
+  [IE] OS 2nd Ed. 6-inch. Kildare, Ireland (1888-1915) (NLS) [os2ed_6inch_kildare]
+  [IE] OS 1st Ed. 6-inch. Kilkenny, Ireland (1840s-1880s) (NLS) [os1ed_6inch_kilkenny]
+  [IE] OS 2nd Ed. 6-inch. Kilkenny, Ireland (1888-1915) (NLS) [os2ed_6inch_kilkenny]
+  [IE] OS 1st Ed. 6-inch. Offaly (née Kings County), Ireland (1840s-1880s) (NLS) [os1ed_6inch_offaly]
+  [IE] OS 2nd Ed. 6-inch. Offaly (née Kings County), Ireland (1888-1915) (NLS) [os2ed_6inch_offaly]
+  [IE] OS 1st Ed. 6-inch. Leitrim, Ireland (1840s-1880s) (NLS) [os1ed_6inch_leitrim]
+  [IE] OS 2nd Ed. 6-inch. Leitrim, Ireland (1888-1915) (NLS) [os2ed_6inch_leitrim]
+  [IE] OS 1st Ed. 6-inch. Limerick, Ireland (1840s-1880s) (NLS) [os1ed_6inch_limerick]
+  [IE] OS 2nd Ed. 6-inch. Limerick, Ireland (1888-1915) (NLS) [os2ed_6inch_limerick]
+  [IE] OS 1st Ed. 6-inch. Derry/Londonderry, Ireland (1840s-1880s) (NLS) [os1ed_6inch_derry]
+  [IE] OS 2nd Ed. 6-inch. Derry/Londonderry, Ireland (1888-1915) (NLS) [os2ed_6inch_derry]
+  [IE] OS 1st Ed. 6-inch. Longford, Ireland (1840s-1880s) (NLS) [os1ed_6inch_longford]
+  [IE] OS 2nd Ed. 6-inch. Longford, Ireland (1888-1915) (NLS) [os2ed_6inch_longford]
+  [IE] OS 1st Ed. 6-inch. Louth, Ireland (1840s-1880s) (NLS) [os1ed_6inch_louth]
+  [IE] OS 2nd Ed. 6-inch. Louth, Ireland (1888-1915) (NLS) [os2ed_6inch_louth]
+  [IE] OS 1st Ed. 6-inch. Mayo, Ireland (1840s-1880s) (NLS) [os1ed_6inch_mayo]
+  [IE] OS 2nd Ed. 6-inch. Mayo, Ireland (1888-1915) (NLS) [os2ed_6inch_mayo]
+  [IE] OS 1st Ed. 6-inch. Meath, Ireland (1840s-1880s) (NLS) [os1ed_6inch_meath]
+  [IE] OS 2nd Ed. 6-inch. Meath, Ireland (1888-1915) (NLS) [os2ed_6inch_meath]
+  [IE] OS 1st Ed. 6-inch. Monaghan, Ireland (1840s-1880s) (NLS) [os1ed_6inch_monaghan]
+  [IE] OS 2nd Ed. 6-inch. Monaghan, Ireland (1888-1915) (NLS) [os2ed_6inch_monaghan]
+  [IE] OS 1st Ed. 6-inch. Laois (née Queen’s County), Ireland (1840s-1880s) (NLS) [os1ed_6inch_laois]
+  [IE] OS 2nd Ed. 6-inch. Laois (née Queen’s County), Ireland (1888-1915) (NLS) [os2ed_6inch_laois]
+  [IE] OS 1st Ed. 6-inch. Roscommon, Ireland (1840s-1880s) (NLS) [os1ed_6inch_roscommon]
+  [IE] OS 2nd Ed. 6-inch. Roscommon, Ireland (1888-1915) (NLS) [os2ed_6inch_roscommon]
+  [IE] OS 1st Ed. 6-inch. Sligo, Ireland (1840s-1880s) (NLS) [os1ed_6inch_sligo]
+  [IE] OS 2nd Ed. 6-inch. Sligo, Ireland (1888-1915) (NLS) [os2ed_6inch_sligo]
+  [IE] OS 1st Ed. 6-inch. Tipperary, Ireland (1840s-1880s) (NLS) [os1ed_6inch_tipperary]
+  [IE] OS 2nd Ed. 6-inch. Tipperary, Ireland (1888-1915) (NLS) [os2ed_6inch_tipperary]
+  [IE] OS 1st Ed. 6-inch. Tyrone, Ireland (1840s-1880s) (NLS) [os1ed_6inch_tyrone]
+  [IE] OS 2nd Ed. 6-inch. Tyrone, Ireland (1888-1915) (NLS) [os2ed_6inch_tyrone]
+  [IE] OS 1st Ed. 6-inch. Waterford, Ireland (1840s-1880s) (NLS) [os1ed_6inch_waterford]
+  [IE] OS 2nd Ed. 6-inch. Waterford, Ireland (1888-1915) (NLS) [os2ed_6inch_waterford]
+  [IE] OS 1st Ed. 6-inch. Westmeath, Ireland (1840s-1880s) (NLS) [os1ed_6inch_westmeath]
+  [IE] OS 2nd Ed. 6-inch. Westmeath, Ireland (1888-1915) (NLS) [os2ed_6inch_westmeath]
+  [IE] OS 1st Ed. 6-inch. Wexford, Ireland (1840s-1880s) (NLS) [os1ed_6inch_wexford]
+  [IE] OS 2nd Ed. 6-inch. Wexford, Ireland (1888-1915) (NLS) [os2ed_6inch_wexford]
+  [IE] OS 1st Ed. 6-inch. Wicklow, Ireland (1840s-1880s) (NLS) [os1ed_6inch_wicklow]
+  [IE] OS 2nd Ed. 6-inch. Wicklow, Ireland (1888-1915) (NLS) [os2ed_6inch_wicklow]
+  [PL] Forest database BDoL (overlay) [BDoL-UP_WMS]
+  [SG] OneMap (WMTS) [onemap-wmts]
+  [AT] Grey/Contour lines []
+  [BR] RS. Quaraí. 2006 master plan. Neighborhoods and Villages [RS.Quarai.PlanoDiretor2006.BairroseVilas]
+  [BR] RS. Ibirubá. 2019 master plan. Urban zoning [RS.Ibiruba.Planodiretor2019.Zoneamentourbano]
+  [BR] RS. Agudo. 2014 master plan [RS.Agudo.PlanoDiretor2014]
+  [BR] BA. Paulo Afonso. 2022 Urban Map with suburbs [BA.PauloAfonso.MapadacidadedePauloAfonsocomdivisãodebairros2022]
+  [PL] Geoportal 2: ISOK hillshade [Geoportal2-PL-hillshade_WMTS]
+  [PL] Geoportal 2: Time Orthophotomap (aerial image) WMS [Geoportal2-Time-PL-aerial_image_WMS]
+  [PL] Geoportal 2: True Orthophotomap (aerial image) WMS [Geoportal2-PL-true_aerial_image_WMS]
+  [PL] Geoportal 2: High Resolution Orthophotomap (aerial image) WMTS [Geoportal2-PL-HighResolution-aerial_image_WMTS]
+  [PL] Geoportal 2: Orthophotomap (aerial image) WMTS [Geoportal2-PL-aerial_image_WMTS]
+  [PL] Geoportal 2: Orthophotomap (aerial image) WMS [Geoportal2-PL-aerial_image_WMS_mirror1]
+  [US] Mesa County GIS NAIP 2015 [MCGIS-County-NAIP-Imagery-2015]
+  [US] Mesa County GIS Valleywide 2018 [MCGIS-County-Valleywide-Imagery-2018_mirror1]
+  [US] Mesa County GIS NAIP 2015 [MCGIS-County-NAIP-Imagery-2015_mirror1]
+  [US] Mesa County GIS NAIP 2017 [MCGIS-County-NAIP-Imagery-2017_mirror1]
+  [US] Mesa County GIS Valleywide 2022 [MCGIS-City-County-Imagery-2022]
+  [US] Mesa County GIS Valleywide 2024 [MCGIS-City-County-Imagery-2024]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Cherkasy 2010 [UkraineCherkasy2010]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Mariupol [UkraineMariupol]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Kyiv Topographic Map [UkraineKyivTopoMap]
+  [MD] Moldova Ortophoto, Center part (2020) [MoldovaMap-2020_ortofoto_moldova_centru]
+  [SK] Ortofotomozaika SR 2017-2019 [gku-nlc-c1]
+  [DE] Munich latest aerial imagery 60cm (2017) [MunichLatestAerialImagery]
+  [FI] Turku zoning plan [turku-zoning]
+  [FI] Turku 2022 True ortho [turku-2022-true-ortho]
+  [FI] Turku region aerial imagery 2023 [turkuseutu-ilmakuva-2023]
+  [FI] Kaarina, Paimio, and Lieto orthophoto [Kaarina-Paimio-Lieto-ortho-2022]
+  [FI] Turku map service [turku-map-service]
+  [SE] Gothenburg Historic Orthophoto options [gothenburg-ortho-historic]
+  OpenInfraMap [openinframap]
+  [US] NYS Orthos Online [orthos.dhses.ny.gov_latest]
+  [US] NYS Orthos Online (color IR) [orthos.dhses.ny.gov_latest_cir]
+  [HU] FÖMI orthophoto 2011-2014 (JPEG) [FOMI_2011_2014jpg]
+  [GB] OS OpenData StreetView (April 2016) [OS-OpenData_StreetView_2016_04_mirror1]
+  [CH] Bonvillars Orthophoto 2013 [Bonvillars-2013]
+  [CH] Cartoriviera - Orthophoto 2012 [Cartoriviera-2012]
+  [CH] Fiez Orthophoto 2013 [Fiez-2013]
+  [CH] Lausanne - Orthophoto 2016 [Lausanne-2016]
+  [CH] Ville de Nyon - Orthophoto 2016 HD 5cm/pi [Ville_de_Nyon-HD-2016]
+  [CH] SIGIP - Orthophoto 2012 [SIGIP-2012]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Palanka Municipality [UkrainePalankaMunicipality]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Pisochyn Municipality 2021 [UkrainePisochynMunicipality2021]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Rohan Municipality [UkraineRohanMunicipality]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Staryi Saltiv [UkraineStaryiSaltiv]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Zachepylivka [UkraineZachepylivka]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Lozno-Oleksandrivka [UkraineLoznoOleksandrivka]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Novopskov Municipality [UkraineNovopskovMunicipality]
+  [CH] Canton Thurgau relief DTM [kt_tg_dtm_hillshade]
+  [SI] GURS: DOF050 Orthophoto, DTK5... (WMTS) [GURS-WMTS]
+  [FR] Rennes - 2021 [Rennes_2021]
+  [FR] BAN [ban]
+  Panoramax images positions [panoramax]
+  TomTom RoadRunner [TomTomRoadRunner]
+  [PL] Ruda Śląska: Orthophotomap (aerial image) [Ruda_Slaska-aerial_image]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Haivoron 2018 [UkraineHaivoron2018]
+  [NL] PDOK aerial imagery 7,5cm (WMS) latest [Actueel_orthoHR_WMS]
+  [NL] PDOK aerial imagery 7,5cm (WMTS) [Actueel_orthoHR_WMTS]
+  [AU] Vicmap Lite - Public Land (Parks and Reserves) [anzlicId-ANZVI0803003529]
+  [AU] Vicmap Hydro - Watercourse Network 1:25,000 [anzlicId-ANZVI0803002490]
+  [AU] Vicmap Transport - Road Network [anzlicId-ANZVI0803002595]
+  [AU] Vicmap Vegetation - Tree Density 1:25,000 [anzlicId-ANZVI0803003127]
+  [AU] Vicmap Vegetation - Tree Density - Dense [anzlicId-ANZVI0803009330]
+  [LV] Latvia - Orthophoto 1st cycle (1994-1999) [ORTOFOTO_V1]
+  [LV] Latvia - Orthophoto 2nd cycle (2003-2005) [ORTOFOTO_V2]
+  [US] NC Latest Orthoimagery [NC-US]
+  [CO] IDECA orthophotomosaic Bogota D.C. 2017 [IDECA_Ortho2017]
+  [PT] Institute for Nature Conservation and Forests - GIS [ICNF_SIG]
+  [FR] Tours Métropole 2023 [tours_2023]
+  Stamen Terrain [stamen_terrain]
+  Stamen Toner [stamen_toner]
+  Stamen Watercolor [stamen_watercolor]
+  [US] PR/USVI 2017 NOAA Hurricane Maria imagery [PRUSVI_NOAA_Hurricane_Maria]
+  [US] NOAA NGS 69593: Erie, PA [2022-10-05] (NRG) [NOAA_NGS_69593_NRG]
+  [US] NOAA NGS 69593: Erie, PA [2022-10-05] (RGB) [NOAA_NGS_69593_RGB]
+  [US] NOAA NGS 70701: Sitka, AK [2023-05-05] (NRG) [NOAA_NGS_70701_NRG]
+  [US] NOAA NGS 70703: Whittier, AK [2023-05-18] (NRG) [NOAA_NGS_70703_NRG]
+  [US] NOAA NGS 70703: Whittier, AK [2023-05-18] (RGB) [NOAA_NGS_70703_RGB]
+  [IE] OSMIE Baronies [osmie_barony]
+  [IE] OSMIE Civil Parishes [osmie_cps]
+  [IE] OSMIE Dail Election Areas [osmie_dail_ea]
+  [IE] OSMIE EDs [osmie_eds]
+  [IE] OSMIE Local Election Areas [osmie_local_ea]
+  [IE] OSMIE Townlands [osmie_tds]
+  Tracestrack Topo Universal [TracestrackTopo]
+  [AU] ACTmapi Imagery 2024-02 [ACT202402]
+  [AU] ACTmapi Imagery 2024-02 [ACT202402_mirror1]
+  [CA] Algonquin Park Orthophotography 2015 [Algonquin2015]
+  [CA] Central and Northern Ontario Orthophotography 2016 [ONNCOOP2016]
+  [CA] Eastern Ontario Orthophotography 2014 [ONDRAPE2014]
+  [CA] Northwest Ontario Orthophotography 2017 [ONSWOOP2017]
+  [CA] Southcentral Ontario Orthophotography 2018 [ONSCOOP2018]
+  [CA] Southwestern Ontario Orthophotography 2015 [ONSWOOP2015]
+  [US] MassGIS 2019 Orthos [MassGIS-2019-Orthos]
+  [US] MassGIS 2021 Orthos [MassGIS-2021-Orthos]
+  [DE] Berlin/Geoportal DOP20RGB (2014) [Berlin-2014_mirror1]
+  [DE] Berlin/Geoportal DOP20RGB (2015) [Berlin-2015_mirror1]
+  [DE] Berlin/Geoportal DOP20RGB (2016) [Berlin-2016_mirror1]
+  [DE] Berlin/Geoportal DOP20CIR (2016 infrared) [Berlin-2016-infrared]
+  [DE] Berlin/Geoportal DOP20RGB (2017) [Berlin-2017_mirror1]
+  [FR] Vichy 2021 CRAIG [CRAIG_Vichy_2021]
+  [FR] Auvergne 2016 25cm CRAIG [CRAIG-Auvergne-2016]
+  [FR] Auvergne 2013 25cm CRAIG [CRAIG-Auvergne-2013]
+  EOx cloudless Sentinel-2 2023 [EOXAT2023CLOUDLESS]
+  [LU] Stadtbredimus Remembrement 2015 (5cm) [lu.gouvernement.onr.stadtbredimus.2015]
+  [LU] Wintrange Remembrement 2015 (5cm) [lu.gouvernement.onr.wintrange.2015]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Pulyny 2020 [UkrainePulyny2020]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Radisne [UkraineRadisne]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi [UkraineBilhorodDnistrovskyi]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Serhiivka [UkraineSerhiivka]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Ovidiopol [UkraineOvidiopol]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Lymanske [UkraineLymanske]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Velykodolynske [UkraineVelykodolynske]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Tairove [UkraineTairove]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Avanhard [UkraineAvanhard]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Novi Biliari [UkraineNoviBiliari]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Dobroslav [UkraineDobroslav]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Teplodar [UkraineTeplodar]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Biliaivka [UkraineBiliaivka]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Petrivka [UkrainePetrivka]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Ivanivka [UkraineIvanivka]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Rozdilna [UkraineRozdilna]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Tsebrykove [UkraineTsebrykove]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Zatyshshia [UkraineZatyshshia]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Shyriaeve [UkraineShyriaeve]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Savran [UkraineSavran]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Zakharivka [UkraineZakharivka]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Liubashivka [UkraineLiubashivka]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Zatoka and Karolino-Buhaz [UkraineZatokaKarolinoBuhaz]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Slobidka [UkraineSlobidka]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Okny [UkraineOkny]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Zhytomyr [UkraineZhytomyr]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Dnipro 2019 [UkraineDnipro2019GolovAPU]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Odesa [UkraineOdesa]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Dnipro Topographic Map [UkraineDniproTopoMap]
+  [UA] Ukraine - Kyiv 2019 [UkraineKyiv2019]
+  [BR] RS. Porto Alegre. Maxar 2024-02-02 [openaerialmap_10300100F6524600]
+  [BR] RS. Candelâria. Maxar 2023-02-01 [openaerialmap_1040010080457D00]
+  [BR] RS. Relvado, Nova Bréscia, Travesseiro, Conventos. Maxar 2023-06-23 [openaerialmap_1040010087BB6100]
+  [BR] RS. Jacarezinho, Encantado, Roca Sales, Palma. Maxar 2023-03-02 [openaerialmap_1050010039576B00]
+  [BR] RS. Candelâria. Maxar 2024-05-15 [openaerialmap_105001003B152100]
+  QA AEYCH [qa_aeych]
+  QA Has Address [qa_has_address]
+  QA No Name [qa_no_name]
+  OSM Inspector: Addresses [OSM_Inspector-Addresses]
+  OSM Inspector: Areas [OSM_Inspector-Multipolygon]
+  OSM Inspector: Geometry [OSM_Inspector-Geometry]
+  OSM Inspector: Highways [OSM_Inspector-Highways]
+  OSM Inspector: Places [OSM_Inspector-Places]
+  OSM Inspector: Public Transport - Routes [OSM_Inspector-pubtrans_routes]
+  OSM Inspector: Public Transport - Stops [OSM_Inspector-pubtrans_stops]
+  OSM Inspector: Routing [OSM_Inspector-Routing]
+  OSM Inspector: Tagging [OSM_Inspector-Tagging]
+  OSM Inspector: Water [OSM_Inspector-water]
+  [AR] San Juan SDI (WMTS) [ide-san-juan-wmts]
+  [AT] VoGIS: Heights and Terrain []
+  [NO] Kartverket Historic Administrative Boundaries options (overlay) [kartverket-abas_historisk]
+  [NO] Kartverket Hillshade overlay [kartverket-fjellskygge]
+  [NO] Kartverket Trails overlay [kartverket-friluft]
+  [NO] Kartverket Marine Infrastructure options (overlay) [kartverket-maritim_infra]
+  [NO] Kartverket Norway Marine Boundaries options (overlay) [kartverket-maritim-grense]
+  [NO] Kartverket Zoning Plans overlay [kartverket-reguleringsplan]
+  [NO] Kartverket Sentinel 2 (options) [Kartverket-sentinel]
+  [AR] National Geographic Institute Argenmap (WMTS) [ign-argenmap-wmts]
+  [TW] Taiwan Land-Section Data [TW_NLSC_WMS_LANDSECT_mirror1]
+  [TW] Taiwan Village Boundaries [TW_NLSC_WMS_Village_mirror1]
+  [FR] Grand Angoulême 2019 [angouleme_2019]
+  [FR] Bayonne - Petit et Grand Bayonne 2019 [Bayonne_2019]
+  [FR] CA Haguenau 2019 [haguenau_2019]
+  [FR] Métropole Européenne de Lille 2020 [lille_2020]
+  [FR] Lyon Orthophoto 2015 [orthophoto_lyon_2015_8cm]
+  [FR] Nancy - Orthophoto - 1994 [GrandNancy_Orthophotographie_1994]
+  [FR] Nancy - Orthophoto - 1999 [GrandNancy_Orthophotographie_1999]
+  [FR] Nancy - Orthophoto - 2001 [GrandNancy_Orthophotographie_2001]
+  [FR] Nancy - Orthophoto - 2002 [GrandNancy_Orthophotographie_2002]
+  [FR] Nancy - Orthophoto - 2005 [GrandNancy_Orthophotographie_2005]
+  [FR] Nancy - Orthophoto - 2008 [GrandNancy_Orthophotographie_2008]
+  [PL] Warszawa: Orthophotomap 2021 (aerial image) [warszawa-ortofotomapa2021]
+  [ES] LiDAR Spain [LiDAR-PNOA]
+  [CA] Ontario Forest Resources Inventory T1 Enhanced [ONFRIT1]
+  [CA] Ontario Forest Resources Inventory T2 Enhanced [ONFRIT2]
+  [CA] Ontario Digital Surface Model (Imagery-Derived) [OntarioDSMImageryDerived]
+  [CA] Ontario Digital Surface Model (Lidar-Derived) [OntarioDSMLidarDerived]
+  [CA] Ontario Digital Terrain Model (Imagery-Derived) [OntarioDTMImageryDerived]
+  [CA] York Region Imagery 2023 [YR-Imagery-2023]
+  [IT] Lombardia - Italy (CTR DBT) [Lombardia-Italy-CTR-DBT]
+  [FR] Grand Est [Grand_Est]
+  [FR] Nancy - Orthophoto - 2022 [GrandNancy_Orthophotographie_2022]
+  [BR] GeoPortal DF 2021 [GeoPortal_DF_2021]
+  [ES] Mapa base de España [ign-base]
+  [ES] Mapa base de España [ign-base_mirror1]
+  [ES] PNOA Spain [PNOA-Spain_mirror1]
+  [CH] City of Zürich Orthophoto 2013 quasi true [Zuerich-aerial_2013_quasi_true]
+  [DE] North Rhine-Westphalia ALKIS [DE-NRW-ALKIS]
+  [DE] North Rhine-Westphalia iDOP color-infrared [DE-NRW-iDOP-color-infrared]
+  [DE] North Rhine-Westphalia iDOP metadata [DE-NRW-iDOP-meta]
+  [DE] North Rhine-Westphalia iDOP near-infrared [DE-NRW-iDOP-near-infrared]
+  [DE] North Rhine-Westphalia iDOP color [DE-NRW-iDOP]
+  [DE] North Rhine-Westphalia vDOP color-infrared [DE-NRW-vDOP-color-infrared]
+  [DE] North Rhine-Westphalia vDOP metadata [DE-NRW-vDOP-meta]
+  [DE] North Rhine-Westphalia vDOP near-infrared [DE-NRW-vDOP-near-infrared]
+  [DE] North Rhine-Westphalia vDOP color [DE-NRW-vDOP]
+  [DE] North Rhine-Westphalia aerial photograph [DE-NRW-DOP]
+  [ES] Base Map - Geoportal of Santiago de Compostela [Compostela-BaseMap]
+  [SK] ZBGIS [zbgis-wms]
+  [US] Washington Department of Transportation December 2021 [WSDOT-Roads-2021]
+  [US] TIGER Roads 2017 [US-TIGER-Roads-2017]
+  [BR] IBGE Federal District addresses [IBGE_DF_Addresses]
+  [BR] IBGE Map of urban areas [IBGE_Setores_Urbanos]
+  [BR] IBGE Map of rural areas [IBGE_Setores_Rurais]
+  [US] TIGER Roads 2014 [New_and_Misaligned_TIGER_Roads-2013]
+  [GB] OS OpenMap Local (April 2024) [OS-OpenMap_Local_2024_04]
*** Same URL, but different name: ***
* Name differs ('Praha IPR latest orthophoto (TMS mirror)' != 'Praha IPR latest orthophoto'): https://osm-{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg
* Name differs ('Rio Mosaico 2022' != 'Rio Mosaic 2022'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('Stadt Zürich Luftbild 2013' != 'City of Zürich Orthophoto 2013'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('Kartverket Road Network' != 'Kartverket Road Network overlay'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('OpenStreetMap (turistautak)' != 'OpenStreetMap Hungary (hiking routes)'): https://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
* Name differs ('Canton de Génève, MNA RELIEF OMBRE SURFACE 2017 (SITG)' != 'Canton of Geneva, DSM (SITG 2017)'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
* Name differs ('Maa-amet Basic Map' != 'Estonia Basemap (Maaamet)'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('MassGIS 2021 Aerial Imagery' != 'MassGIS 2021 Orthos'):{zoom}/{y}/{x}
* Name differs ('Canton de Génève, MNA RELIEF OMBRE TERRAIN 2014 (SITG)' != 'Canton of Geneva, DTM (SITG 2014)'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
* Name differs ('VoGIS: Luftbilder' != 'VoGIS: Aerial image'):
* Name differs ('OpenAerialMap Mosaic, by' != 'OpenAerialMap Mosaic by'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
* Name differs ('CABA ortofotos 2021' != 'CABA ortofotos 2021 (TMS)'):{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
* Name differs ('IBGE BC250 - Aglomerado Rural Isolado' != 'IBGE BC250 - Isolated Rural Locations'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('Bordeaux 2020' != 'Bordeaux - 2020'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}
* Name differs ('Stadt Zürich Übersichtsplan' != 'City of Zürich Overview map (Steets, buildings, house numbers)'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png?origin=nw
* Name differs ('Orthophoto (2016–2018), 1:5000, Latvia' != 'Latvia - Orthophoto (2016–2018), 1:5000'):{width}&height={height}&bbox={bbox}&format=image/vnd.jpeg-png8&request=GetMap&service=WMS&styles=&transparent=true&version=1.1.1&srs={proj}&layers=public:Orto_LKS
* Name differs ('Bayonne 2016' != 'Bayonne - 2016'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}
* Name differs ('FTA Road Network options' != 'FTIA Road Network (Digiroad) options (overlay)'):
* Name differs ('Ukraine - Vinnytsia TG 2021' != 'Ukraine - Vinnytsia 2021'):{zoom}/{y}/{x}.png?ver=03082021
* Name differs ('Kanton Zug (Walchwil und Zug (Alpli)) 2019' != 'Canton Zug (Walchwil and Zug (Alpli)) 2019'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
* Name differs ('Ortho HR 2014' != 'Ortho HR IGN 2014'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}
* Name differs ('Orthophoto (1994–1999), B&W, 1:30000, Latvia' != 'Latvia - Orthophoto 1st cycle B&W (1994-1999), 1:30000'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
* Name differs ('IGN Atlas Tucumán 100k' != 'National Geographic Institute Atlas Tucumán 100k (TMS)'):{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
* Name differs ('UrbisAdm NL' != 'URBISnl numerical imagery'):{width}&HEIGHT={height}&CRS={proj}&STYLES=&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('Ortofotomozaika SR' != 'Ortofotomozaika SR 2020-2022'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg
* Name differs ('Sobral Ortofoto 2017' != 'Sobral Orthophoto 2017'):,prdJaibaras,prdSobral,prdTaperuaba&STYLES=&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('Kanton Zurich, Terrainschummerung 2014 50cm' != 'Kanton Zurich, Terrain Hillshade 2014 50cm'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('IGN cartas topográficas 50k' != 'National Geographic Institute Mosaic 50k (TMS)'):{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
* Name differs ('Stadt St. Gallen' != 'City of St. Gallen'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('Maa-amet Forestry' != 'Estonia Forestry (Maaamet)'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('Lyon Orthophoto 2015 (8cm)' != 'Lyon Orthophoto 2015/2018'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}
* Name differs ('Lombardia - Italy (C.T.R. 10000 - 1980-94)' != 'Lombardia - Italy (CTR)'): 10000 - 1980-94&STYLES=default&FORMAT=image/jpeg&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
* Name differs ('GrandNancy - Orthophoto - 2012' != 'Nancy - Orthophoto - 2012'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}
* Name differs ('IGN ortofotos' != 'National Geographic Institute Orthophotos Mosaic'):{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
* Name differs (' 2021 cloudless' != 'EOx cloudless Sentinel-2 2021'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('ACTmapi Imagery May 2023' != 'ACTmapi Imagery 2023-05'):
* Name differs ('VIP Orthoimagery - Infrared' != 'VT VIP Orthoimagery - Infrared'):{zoom}/{y}/{x}
* Name differs ('VoGIS: Echtfarbenbild 2020 (10cm)' != 'VoGIS: Real color image 2020 (10cm)'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
* Name differs ('USSR - Latvia' != 'Latvia - Soviet Army General Staff topographic maps'):,DTC,DIVDPTC,PD,VS,DS,PS,M&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&height={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('IGN Atlas Argentina 500k' != 'National Geographic Institute Atlas Argentina 500k (TMS)'):{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
* Name differs ('Stadt Zürich Luftbild 2011' != 'City of Zürich Orthophoto 2011'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png?origin=nw
* Name differs ('OpenRailwayMap Maxspeeds' != 'OpenRailwayMap - MaxSpeed'): https://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
* Name differs ('Address System Albania (ASIG)' != 'Adress System Albania (ASIG)'):,adr_numertim,adr_rruge&STYLES=&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('City of Turku ortophoto - 2021' != 'Turku orthophoto 2021'): 2021&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('ODOT Road Inventory' != 'ODOT (Ohio) Road Inventory'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
* Name differs ('TX: City of Lubbock Imagery 2015' != 'TX City of Lubbock Imagery 2015'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('VCGI LiDAR - DSM Hillshade' != 'VT VCGI LiDAR - DSM Hillshade'):{wkid}&bboxSR={wkid}&bbox={bbox}&size={width},{height}&foo={proj}
* Name differs ('Hamburg DK5 (HH LGV DK5 2021)' != 'Hamburg DK5 (HH LGV DK5 2022)'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('Sóskút, Pusztazámor, Tárnok, Diósd ortophoto 2017' != 'Sóskút, Pusztazámor, Tárnok, Diósd orthophoto 2017'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
* Name differs ('© GeoBasis-DE/LVermGeo LSA, Digital administrative boundaries' != 'Saxony-Anhalt, LVermGeo, administrative boundaries'):,gema,gmdbez,gmd,land,lk&STYLES=&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('Ortho HR 2016' != 'Ortho HR IGN 2016'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}
* Name differs (' Bogoslof Island' != ' Bogoslof Island 2017'):{zoom}&x={x}&y={-y}
* Name differs ('TX: City of El Paso Imagery 2015' != 'TX City of El Paso Imagery 2015'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
* Name differs ('PCRS raster' != 'PCRS raster ouvert'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('ACTmapi Imagery Nov 2023' != 'ACTmapi Imagery 2023-11'):
* Name differs (' 2020 cloudless' != 'EOx cloudless Sentinel-2 2020'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('Vienna: Mehrzweckkarte (general purpose)' != 'Vienna: General purpose'):{zoom}/{y}/{x}.jpeg
* Name differs ('CABA ortofotos 2017' != 'CABA ortofotos 2017 (TMS)'):{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
* Name differs ('SCB - Small Settlements' != 'SCB Small Settlements (overlay)'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('TX: City of Amarillo Imagery 2015' != 'TX City of Amarillo Imagery 2015'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('TX: CapArea Imagery 2019' != 'TX Capital Area Imagery 2019'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('IGN ortofotos VANT' != 'National Geographic Institute UAV photos mosaic'):{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
* Name differs ('Geoportal 2 Nazwy ulic' != 'Geoportal 2: Nazwy ulic'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('NPD Offshore Installations overlay' != 'NOD Offshore Installations overlay'):,61,64&STYLES=&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('© GeoBasis-DE/LVermGeo LSA, DOP20' != 'Saxony-Anhalt, LVermGeo, DOP20'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('NLS - OS 25-inch (Scotland), 1892-1905' != 'NLS - OS 25-inch (Scotland 1) 1892-1905'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
* Name differs ('Kanton Zurich, Orthofoto ZH Frühjahr 2021 RGB 5cm' != 'Canton Zurich, Orthophoto ZH Spring 2021 RGB 5cm'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
* Name differs ('Trafikverket Road Network' != 'Trafikverket Road Network (overlay)'):,Funkvagklass,Farjeled&STYLES=&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('IBGE BC250 - Municípios' != 'IBGE BC250 - Municipalities'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&TRANSPARENT=TRUE
* Name differs ('IBGE BC250 - Unidade de Uso Sustentável - APA' != 'IBGE BC250 - Sustainable Use Units'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('IGN capas vectoriales' != 'National Geographic Institute (WMS)'):
* Name differs ('Géolittoral - Sentiers' != 'Géolittoral - Sentier du littoral'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('VBMP Most Recent Imagery' != 'Virginia Imagery Service - Most Recent'):{zoom}/{y}/{x}
* Name differs ('ACTmapi Imagery Sep 2024' != 'ACTmapi Imagery 2024-09'):
* Name differs (' 2018 cloudless' != 'EOx cloudless Sentinel-2 2018'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('Lantmäteriet Generalstabskartan 1859–1979' != 'Lantmäteriet General Staff Map 1859-1979'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('Riksantikvarieämbetet - Heritage buildings' != 'Riksantikvarieämbetet Heritage buildings (overlay)'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('Riksantikvarieämbetet - Ruins' != 'Riksantikvarieämbetet Ruins (overlay)'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('TX: Dallas and Fort Worth Imagery 2015' != 'TX Dallas and Fort Worth Imagery 2015'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('Kanton Solothurn, Orthofoto 2014 RGB' != 'Canton Solothurn, Orthophoto 2014 RGB'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
* Name differs ('Trafikverket Railway Network' != 'Trafikverket Railway Network (overlay)'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('Stuttgart Luftbild Stadtmessungsamt' != 'Stuttgart latest aerial imagery'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('Geoportal 2: High Resolution Orthophotomap (aerial image) (WMS)' != 'Geoportal 2: High Resolution Orthophotomap (aerial image)'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
* Name differs ('Geoportal 2: Orthophotomap (latest aerial imagery) (WMS)' != 'Geoportal 2: Orthophotomap (aerial image) WMS'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
* Name differs ('Secretaría de Energía' != 'Ministry of Energy and Mining (WMS)'):
* Name differs ('NRW Orthophoto (RGB)' != 'North Rhine-Westphalia aerial photograph'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
* Name differs ('Canton de Génève, MNA RELIEF OMBRE SURFACE 2019 (SITG)' != 'Canton of Geneva, DSM (SITG 2019)'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
* Name differs ('© GeoBasis-DE/LVermGeo LSA, ALKIS Building Outlines' != 'Saxony-Anhalt, LVermGeo, building shapes'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('Kanton Solothurn, DOM Relief 2014 50cm' != 'Kanton Solothurn, DSM Relief 2014 50cm'):{proj}&STYLES=&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
* Name differs ('Rennes orthophotographie 2020 (20 cm) via OSM France' != 'Rennes - 2020'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}
* Name differs ('Vienna: Beschriftungen (annotations)' != 'Vienna: Annotations'):{zoom}/{y}/{x}.png
* Name differs ('VCGI LiDAR - DEM Hillshade' != 'VT VCGI LiDAR - DEM Hillshade'):{zoom}/{y}/{x}
* Name differs ('Kanton Zurich, Orthofoto ZH Sommer 2018 RGB 10cm' != 'Kanton Zürich Orthophoto 2018 10cm'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs (' 2019 cloudless' != 'EOx cloudless Sentinel-2 2019'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('Ortho HR 2021' != 'Ortho HR IGN 2021'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}
* Name differs ('Riksantikvarieämbetet - Protected Heritage Areas' != 'Riksantikvarieämbetet Protected Heritage Areas (overlay)'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('IBGE BC250 - Terra Indígena' != 'IBGE BC250 - Indigenous Lands'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('Kanton Zurich, Orthofoto ZH Sommer 2014/15 RGB 10cm' != 'Kanton Zürich Orthophotos 2014/2015 10cm'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('OpenRailwayMap Signalling' != 'OpenRailwayMap - Signals'): https://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
* Name differs ('Orthophoto (2010-2011), 1:5000, Latvia' != 'Latvia - Orthophoto (2010-2011), 1:5000'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
* Name differs ('Brandenburg GeoBasis-DE/LGB (latest) / DOP20c' != 'Brandenburg GeoBasis-DE/LGB (2025): DOP20c'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('Kanton Zurich, Oberflächenschummerung 2017' != 'Kanton Zurich, Surface Hillshade 2017'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
* Name differs ('Erlangen Luftbild (2016 5,0 cm)' != 'Erlangen aerial imagery (2016 5.0 cm)'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg
* Name differs ('Ortho HR 2020' != 'Ortho HR IGN 2020'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}
* Name differs ('Rennes orthophotographie 2014 (20 cm) via OSM France' != 'Rennes - 2014'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}
* Name differs ('IBGE BC250 - Trecho Rodoviário' != 'IBGE BC250 - Highways Stretches'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('Berlin/Geoportal DOP20RGBI (2023)' != 'Berlin/Geoportal TrueDOP20RGBI (2023)'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
* Name differs ('ITACyL - Castilla y León' != 'ITACyL - Castile and León'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('NLSC General Map with Contour line' != 'Taiwan e-Map Open Data (with Contour Line)'):{zoom}/{y}/{x}
* Name differs ('Ortho Express 2023 (20 cm)' != 'ORTHO Express IGN 2023'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpeg
* Name differs ('VIP Orthoimagery - Best of Color' != 'VT VIP Orthoimagery - Best of Color'):{zoom}/{y}/{x}
* Name differs ('Canton de Génève, MNA RELIEF OMBRE TERRAIN 2017 (SITG)' != 'Canton of Geneva, DTM (SITG 2017)'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
* Name differs ('Bordeaux 2016' != 'Bordeaux - 2016'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}
* Name differs ('OrtoSat - Portugal Continental - 30cm - 2023 (DGT)' != 'OrtoSat of mainland Portugal - 30 cm - 2023 (DGT)'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('Kanton Solothurn, Orthofoto 2017 RGB' != 'Canton Solothurn, Orthophoto 2017 RGB'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
* Name differs ('Ortho HR 2013' != 'Ortho HR IGN 2013'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}
* Name differs ('Erlangen TrueDOP (2022 20 cm)' != 'Erlangen aerial imagery (2022 20 cm)'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
* Name differs ('Riksantikvarieämbetet - Archaeological Sites and Monuments' != 'Riksantikvarieämbetet Archaeological Sites and Monuments (overlay)'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('Trafikverket Road Network extra' != 'Trafikverket Road Network extra (overlay)'):,Vaghinder,Rastplats,Hallplats,Farthinder,BroTunnel,ATK_Matplats&STYLES=&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('IDEIB - Ortofoto més recent de les Illes Balears' != 'IDEIB - Balearic Islands'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('Trafikverket Road Network options' != 'Trafikverket Road Network options (overlay)'):
* Name differs ('IGN ortofotos' != 'National Geographic Institute Orthophotos (WMS)'):
* Name differs ('Digital terrain model (2013–2019), LĢIA, Latvia' != 'Latvia - LĢIA digital terrain model (2013–2019)'):{width}&height={height}&bbox={bbox}&format=image/vnd.jpeg-png8&request=GetMap&service=WMS&styles=&transparent=true&version=1.3.0&crs={proj}&layers=public:ZemeLKS
* Name differs ('Kanton Thurgau, Orthofoto2017 RGB' != 'Canton Thurgau orthophoto 2017'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
* Name differs ('Kanton Schaffhausen, Luftbild 2013' != 'Canton Schaffhausen, aerial imagery 2013'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
* Name differs ('Jaraguá do Sul Ortomosaico 2020' != 'Jaraguá do Sul Orthomosaic 2020'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
* Name differs ('CT ECO Shaded Relief' != 'CT ECO Shaded Relief (2016)'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('IGN cartas topográficas 500k' != 'National Geographic Institute Mosaic 500k (TMS)'):{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
* Name differs ('TX: Brazos County Imagery 2019' != 'TX Brazos County Imagery 2019'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('Ortho HR 2015' != 'Ortho HR IGN 2015'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}
* Name differs ('© GeoBasis-DE/LVermGeo LSA, ALKIS Cadastre parcels' != 'Saxony-Anhalt, LVermGeo, Land parcels/plots ALKIS'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('SVK - Electricity Network' != 'SVK Electricity Network (overlay)'):,US.ElectricityNetwork.Pylons,US.ElectricityNetwork.StationAreas,US.ElectricityNetwork.Stations&STYLES=&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('VoGIS: Flächenwidmungsplan' != 'VoGIS: Zoning plan'):
* Name differs ('Orthophoto (2013-2015), 1:5000, Latvia' != 'Latvia - Orthophoto (2013-2015), 1:5000'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
* Name differs ('NRW DTM Hillshade' != 'North Rhine-Westphalia DTM hillshade'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
* Name differs ('SCB - Urban Areas' != 'SCB Urban Areas (overlay)'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('Hamburg 20cm (HH LGV DOP20 2022)' != 'Hamburg DOP 20cm (HH LGV DOP20 2022)'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('Kanton Thurgau, Basisplan-AV' != 'Canton Thurgau Base plan cadastral surveying'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
* Name differs ('Gothenburg Orthophoto latest' != 'Gothenburg Orthophoto'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
* Name differs ('Cartas Topográficas do Exército Brasileiro' != 'Brazilian Army Topographic Maps'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('Poznań: Orthophotomap Bieżąca (aerial image)' != 'Poznań: Latest Orthophotomap (aerial image)'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
* Name differs ('USGS Topographic Maps' != 'USA/Mexico/Canada/Scandinavia Topo Maps'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
* Name differs ('Toronto Latest Orthoimagery' != 'Toronto Orthorectified Imagery - Most current year'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('Canton de Génève, MNA RELIEF OMBRE TERRAIN 2019 (SITG)' != 'Canton of Geneva, DTM (SITG 2019)'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
* Name differs ('Ortho HR 2017' != 'Ortho HR IGN 2017'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}
* Name differs ('FÖMI orthophoto 2011-2014 (WEBP)' != 'FÖMI orthophoto 2011-2014 (webp)'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}.webp
* Name differs ('Bing Maps Aerial' != 'Bing aerial imagery'):
* Name differs ('Canton de Génève, MNA RELIEF OMBRE SURFACE 2014 (SITG)' != 'Canton of Geneva, DSM (SITG 2014)'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
* Name differs ('IGN Argenmap' != 'National Geographic Institute Argenmap (TMS)'):{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
* Name differs ('Vienna: Orthofoto (aerial image)' != 'Vienna: Aerial image'):{zoom}/{y}/{x}.jpeg
* Name differs ('Ortho Express 2024 (20 cm)' != 'ORTHO Express IGN 2024'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpeg
* Name differs ('ACTmapi Imagery Sep 2023' != 'ACTmapi Imagery 2023-09'):
* Name differs ('Ortho HR 2018 Antilles' != 'Ortho HR IGN 2018 Antilles'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}
* Name differs ('Lithuania - NŽT ORT10LT' != 'ORT10LT (Lithuania)'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpeg
* Name differs ('UrbisAdm FR/NL' != 'URBIS numerical imagery'):{width}&HEIGHT={height}&CRS={proj}&STYLES=&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('Dourados Ortofotos' != 'Dourados Orthophotos'):,ortofoto_2020_distritos&STYLES=&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('NOAA NGS Sitka Imagery (2023)' != 'NOAA NGS 70701: Sitka, AK [2023-05-05] (RGB)'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}
* Name differs ('Environmental Protection Agency - Trails' != 'Naturvårdsverket Trails (overlay)'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('IGN Argenmap gris' != 'National Geographic Institute Argenmap gray'):{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
* Name differs ('Mapa Educativo' != 'Educational map (WMS)'):
* Name differs ('Praha IPR low-vegetation orthophoto (TMS mirror)' != 'Praha IPR low-vegetation orthophoto'): https://osm-{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg
* Name differs ('© GeoBasis-DE/LVermGeo LSA, ATKIS Hydro Network' != 'Saxony-Anhalt, LVermGeo, Hydro network'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('Kanton Schaffhausen, Relief 2013' != 'Canton Schaffhausen, relief 2013'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
* Name differs ('Maa-amet Ortho (TMS)' != 'Estonia Ortho (Maaamet)'):{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
* Name differs ('Orthophotos of mainland Portugal - 50cm - 2004-2006 (DGT)' != 'Orthophotos of mainland Portugal - 50 cm - 2004-2006 (DGT)'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('OpenStreetMap (Standard)' != 'OpenStreetMap Carto (Standard)'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
* Name differs ('Czech CUZK:KM tiles proxy' != 'Czech CUZK:KM'): https://osm-{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
* Name differs ('Rennes orthophotographie 2017-2018 (10 cm) via OSM France' != 'Rennes - 2018'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}
* Name differs ('Lantmäteriet Economic Map 1950–1978' != 'Lantmäteriet Economic Map ca. 1950-1978'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('OpenStreetMap (HOT Style)' != 'HDM (Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team)'): https://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
* Name differs ('OpenStreetMap GPS traces' != 'OpenStreetMap GPS Traces'): https://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
* Name differs ('Amtliche Vermessung farbig WMTS,, Geoinformation Stadt Bern' != 'Geoinformation Stadt Bern, Amtliche Vermessung'):
* Name differs ('Maa-amet Cadastral Map' != 'Estonia Cadastre (Maaamet)'):,TOPOYKSUS_6569,TOPOYKSUS_6573&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('Lyon Orthophoto 2022 (5cm)' != 'Lyon Orthophoto 2022'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('TX: City of Georgetown Imagery 2015' != 'TX City of Georgetown Imagery 2015'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('IBGE BC250 - Vila' != 'IBGE BC250 - Villages'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('TX: Smith County Imagery 2019' != 'TX Smith County Imagery 2019'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
* Name differs ('Ortho HR 2019' != 'Ortho HR IGN 2019'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}
* Name differs ('Stamen Terrain' != 'Stamen Terrain Background'): https://stamen-tiles-{switch:a,b,c,d}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
* Name differs ('Lyon Orthophoto 2018 (8cm)' != 'Lyon Orthophoto 2018'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('Kanton Solothurn, Orthofoto 2016 RGB' != 'Canton Solothurn, Orthophoto 2016 RGB'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
* Name differs ('City of Turku topographic map' != 'Turku topographic map'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('Ortho HR 2017 Antilles' != 'Ortho HR IGN 2017 Antilles'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}
* Name differs ('Kanton Thurgau, Wanderwege' != 'Canton Thurgau hiking paths'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
* Name differs ('South Tyrol Orthofoto 2011 (highres)' != 'South Tyrol Orthofoto 2011 (larger valleys)'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('Kanton Bern, Digitales Terrainmodell 50cm, Relief' != 'Kanton Bern, Digital terrain model 50cm, Relief'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('City of Turku ortophoto - 2018' != 'Turku region aerial imagery 2018'): ilmakuva 2018&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('Ortho HR' != 'Ortho HR IGN'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}
* Name differs ('Kanton Solothurn, Orthofoto 2015 RGB' != 'Canton Solothurn, Orthophoto 2015 RGB'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
* Name differs ('swisstopo SWISSALTI3D' != 'swisstopo swissALTI3D'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
* Name differs ('IBGE BC250 - Rios Drenagem' != 'IBGE BC250 - Rivers and Drainage'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('Maa-amet Ortho (WMS)' != 'Estonia Ortho (Maaamet)'):{proj}&FORMAT=image/jpeg&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('IGN ortofotos VANT' != 'National Geographic Institute UAV Orthophotos (WMS)'):
* Name differs ('Erlangen TrueDOP (2020 20cm)' != 'Erlangen aerial imagery (2020 5,0 cm)'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
* Name differs ('SCB - Industrial zones' != 'SCB Industrial zones (overlay)'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('Kanton Zurich, Oberflächenschummerung 2014 50cm' != 'Kanton Zürich, Surface Hillshade 2014 50cm'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('Trafikverket Railway Network options' != 'Trafikverket Railway Network options (overlay)'):
* Name differs ('IGN cartas topográficas 250k' != 'National Geographic Institute Mosaic 250k (TMS)'):{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
* Name differs (' 2022 cloudless' != 'EOx cloudless Sentinel-2 2022'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('Ortho HR 2018' != 'Ortho HR IGN 2018'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}
* Name differs ('Fortaleza Nomes e Geometria de Ruas' != 'Fortaleza Street Names'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('South Tyrol DTM Hillshade 2013 (0.5 m)' != 'South Tyrol DTM Hillshade 2013 (0.5 m, partial)'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('Latest available ortho' != ' ortho latest'): https://{switch:wmts1,wmts2}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpeg
* Name differs ('OSM Inspector: Coastline (EU)' != 'OSM Inspector: Coastline'):
* Name differs ('Skolverket - Schools' != 'Skolverket Schools (overlay)'):,Grundsarskola,Grundskola,Gymnasiesarskola,Gymnasieskola,Sameskola,Specialskola&STYLES=&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('Kanton Zurich, Orthofoto ZH Frühjahr 2015/16 RGB 10cm' != 'Kanton Zürich Orthophotos 2015/2016 10cm'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('IGN cartas topográficas 100k' != 'National Geographic Institute Mosaic 100k (TMS)'):{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
* Name differs ('Łódź: Orthophotomap 2017 (aerial image)' != 'Łódź: Orthophotomap 2019 (aerial image)'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('Kanton Thurgau, Rad-Routen' != 'Canton Thurgau cycle routes'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
* Name differs ('SCB - Vacation Home Areas' != 'SCB Vacation Home Areas (overlay)'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('TX: San Antonio River Authority Imagery 2016' != 'TX San Antonio River Authority Imagery 2016'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('Berlin/Geoportal DOP20RGBI (2022)' != 'Berlin/Geoportal TrueDOP20RGBI (2022)'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
* Name differs ('Kanton Zurich, Terrainschummerung 2017' != 'Kanton Zurich, Terrain Hillshade 2017'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
* Name differs ('Thunderforest OpenCycleMap' != 'OpenCycleMap'): https://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png?apikey={apikey}
* Name differs ('Kanton Bern: Gebäudegrundrisse' != 'Kanton Bern, Buildings'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
* Name differs ('Rio Mosaico 2019' != 'Rio Mosaic 2019'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('UrbisAdm FR' != 'URBISfr numerical imagery'):{width}&HEIGHT={height}&CRS={proj}&STYLES=&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('OS 1:25k historic (OSM)' != 'OS 1:25k historic (OSM-Limited)'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg
* Name differs ('IBGE BC250 - Estações Geradoras de Energia Elétrica' != 'IBGE BC250 - Electrical Power Plant Generator'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&TRANSPARENT=TRUE
* Name differs ('Erlangen Luftbild (2018 5,0 cm)' != 'Erlangen aerial imagery (2018 5.0 cm)'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg
* Name differs ('Curitiba Ortofoto 2019' != 'Curitiba Orthophoto 2019'):{zoom}/{y}/{x}
* Name differs ('Kanton Zurich, Orthofoto ZH Sommer 2020 RGB 5cm' != 'Kanton Zürich Orthophoto 2020 5cm'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('VoGIS: Echtfarbenbild 2018 (10cm)' != 'VoGIS: Real color image 2018 (10cm)'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('Kanton Bern, Digitales Oberflaechenmodell 50cm, Relief' != 'Kanton Bern, Digital surface model 50cm, Relief'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
* Name differs ('OpenRailwayMap' != 'OpenRailwayMap - Default'): https://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
* Name differs ('Maui County Orthoimagery (2023)' != 'HI Maui County Orthoimagery (2023)'):{zoom}/{y}/{x}
*** Same URL, but different Id: ***
# Id differs ('IPR-orotofoto-last-tms' != 'PrahaIPRlatestorthophoto_mirror1'): https://osm-{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg
# Id differs ('Zuerich-zh_luftbild2013-wms' != 'Zuerich-aerial_2013'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
# Id differs ('' != 'Maaamet-Estonia_Basemap'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
# Id differs ('MassGIS_2021_Aerial' != 'MassGIS-2021-Orthos_mirror1'):{zoom}/{y}/{x}
# Id differs ('Zuerich-zh_uebersichtsplan-tms' != 'Zuerich-overview'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png?origin=nw
# Id differs ('' != ''):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&LAYERS=Infrared2015&BBOX={bbox}
# Id differs ('UkraineVinnytsiaTG2021' != 'UkraineVinnytsia2021'):{zoom}/{y}/{x}.png?ver=03082021
# Id differs ('UrbisAdmNL' != 'URBISnl'):{width}&HEIGHT={height}&CRS={proj}&STYLES=&BBOX={bbox}
# Id differs ('ortofotomozaika-sr' != 'gku-nlc'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg
# Id differs ('' != ''):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
# Id differs ('' != 'Maaamet-Estonia_Forestry'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
# Id differs ('orthophoto_lyon_2015' != 'orthophoto_lyon'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}
# Id differs ('Torokbalint-orthophoto-2021' != 'Törökbálint_2021'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&TRANSPARENT=true
# Id differs ('Zuerich-zh_luftbild2011-tms' != 'Zuerich-aerial_2011'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png?origin=nw
# Id differs ('openrailwaymap-maxspeeds' != 'openrailwaymap-mapxspeed'): https://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
# Id differs ('turku-orto-2021' != 'turku-2021-ortho'): 2021&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
# Id differs ('' != ''):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&LAYERS=Natural2015&BBOX={bbox}
# Id differs ('LSA-DVG' != 'LSA-ALKIS-DVG'):,gema,gmdbez,gmd,land,lk&STYLES=&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
# Id differs ('scb-settlements' != 'scb-smaorter'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
# Id differs ('Bologna-Orthophoto-2017' != ''):{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
# Id differs ('NLS-OS-25inch-hist' != 'NLS-OS-25inch-hist-scotland1'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
# Id differs ('Torokbalint-orthophoto-2013' != 'Törökbálint_2013'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&TRANSPARENT=true
# Id differs ('DV_OrthoPhoto_Preliminary' != 'Orthofotowerkbestand_mirror1'):{zoom}&tileRow={y}&tileCol={x}
# Id differs ('VBMPImagery_Most_Recent' != 'VGIN-Imagery_WM'):{zoom}/{y}/{x}
# Id differs ('Torokbalint-orthophoto-2015' != 'Törökbálint_2015'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&TRANSPARENT=true
# Id differs ('Bern-Orthofotos' != 'Bern-bern2023-wms'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
# Id differs ('osmse-generalstab' != 'lantmateriet-generalstab'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
# Id differs ('Riksantikvariambetet-heritage' != 'raa-byggnader'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
# Id differs ('Riksantikvariambetet-ruins' != 'raa-ruiner'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
# Id differs ('' != ''):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
# Id differs ('' != ''):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
# Id differs ('Stuttgart-latest' != 'StuttgartLatestAerialImagery'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
# Id differs ('NSW_LPI_Imagery' != 'LPI_NSW_Imagery'):{zoom}/{y}/{x}
# Id differs ('Secretaria-de-Energia-wms' != 'Ministerio-de-Energia-y-Mineria-wms'):
# Id differs ('nrw_ortho_wms' != 'DE-NRW-DOP_mirror1'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
# Id differs ('NSW_LPI_BaseMap' != 'LPI_NSW_Base_Map'):{zoom}/{y}/{x}
# Id differs ('OSIP_1ft' != 'Ohio_OSIP_1ft'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
# Id differs ('rennes_ortho_2020_osmfr' != 'Rennes_2020'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}
# Id differs ('OGDOrthoZH2018' != 'Kanton-Zürich-2018'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
# Id differs ('South_Africa-CapeTown-Aerial' != 'South_Africa-CapeTown-Aerial-2015'): https://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg
# Id differs ('Riksantikvariambetet-protected' != 'raa-kulturarv'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
# Id differs ('OGDOrthoZH2015' != 'Kanton-Zürich-2015'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
# Id differs ('openrailwaymap-signalling' != 'openrailwaymap-signals'): https://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
# Id differs ('rennes_ortho_2014_osmfr' != 'Rennes_2014'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}
# Id differs ('Berlin-2023' != 'Berlin-2023-TrueDOP_mirror1'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
# Id differs ('NLSC-EMAP5' != 'TW_NLSC_WMS_EMAP5'):{zoom}/{y}/{x}
# Id differs ('fr.ign.orthoexpress.2023' != 'ortho_express_2023'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpeg
# Id differs ('ORTOSAT_DGT_2023_RGB' != 'ORTOS_DGT_2023'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
# Id differs ('Riksantikvariambetet-archaeological' != 'raa-fornlamningar'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
# Id differs ('IDEIB' != 'IDEIB-Balearic_Islands'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
# Id differs ('DV_GRB' != 'DigitaalVlaanderenGRB'):{zoom}&tileRow={y}&tileCol={x}
# Id differs ('CT_ECO_Ortho_2019_RGB' != 'CT_ECO_Ortho_2019_RGB_mirror1'):{zoom}/{y}/{x}
# Id differs ('CzechCUZKorthophoto' != 'CUZKlatestorthophoto'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
# Id differs ('svk-electricity-network' != 'svk-transmission'):,US.ElectricityNetwork.Pylons,US.ElectricityNetwork.StationAreas,US.ElectricityNetwork.Stations&STYLES=&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
# Id differs ('MCGIS-County-NAIP-Imagery-2019' != 'MCGIS-County-Imagery-2019'):
# Id differs ('CRAIG-Auvergne-2013' != 'CRAIG-Auvergne-2013_mirror1'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
# Id differs ('scb-urban' != 'scb-tatorter'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
# Id differs ('gothenburg-ortho_latest' != 'gothenburg-ortho'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
# Id differs ('USGS-Scanned_Topographic' != 'US-MX-CA-NO-SE-FI-Scanned_Topographic'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
# Id differs ('ign-argenmap' != 'ign-argenmap-tms'):{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
# Id differs ('fr.ign.orthoexpress.2024' != 'ortho_express_2024'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpeg
# Id differs ('UrbisAdmFRNL' != 'URBISfrnl'):{width}&HEIGHT={height}&CRS={proj}&STYLES=&BBOX={bbox}
# Id differs ('Naturvardsverket-trails' != 'naturvardsverket-led'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
# Id differs ('IPR-orotofoto-vege-tms' != 'PrahaIPRlow-vegetationorthophoto_mirror1'): https://osm-{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg
# Id differs ('' != 'Maaamet-Estonia_Ortho_mirror2'):{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
# Id differs ('ORTOS_DGRF_2004_06' != 'ORTOS_DGT_2004_06'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
# Id differs ('MAPNIK' != 'standard'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
# Id differs ('Czech_CUZK-KM-tms' != 'Czech_CUZK-KM_mirror1'): https://osm-{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
# Id differs ('rennes_ortho_2018_osmfr' != 'Rennes_2018'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}
# Id differs ('DV_OrthoPhoto' != 'OrthoVlaanderen_mirror1'):{zoom}&tileRow={y}&tileCol={x}
# Id differs ('Bern-AmtlicheVermessung' != 'Bern-Katasterplan-wmts'):
# Id differs ('LocalAuthorities_RightsOfWay' != 'prowoverlay'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
# Id differs ('SPW_ORTHO_LAST' != 'SPWLAST'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
# Id differs ('CzechCUZKdmr5g' != 'CUZK-DMR5G'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
# Id differs ('scb-industrial' != 'scb-verksamhet'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
# Id differs ('Code-Point_Open' != 'postcodecentroids'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
# Id differs ('Fortaleza_Street_Names' != 'Fortaleza_Streets'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
# Id differs ('skolverket-schools' != 'skolverket-skolenheter'):,Grundsarskola,Grundskola,Gymnasiesarskola,Gymnasieskola,Sameskola,Specialskola&STYLES=&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
# Id differs ('OGDOrthoZH2016' != 'Kanton-Zürich-2016'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
# Id differs ('NSW_LPI_TopographicMap' != 'LPI_NSW_Topographic_Map'):{zoom}/{y}/{x}
# Id differs ('Lodz-2017' != 'Lodz-ortho'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
# Id differs ('Torokbalint-orthophoto-2018' != 'Törökbálint_2018'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&TRANSPARENT=true
# Id differs ('scb-vacation' != 'scb-fritidshus'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
# Id differs ('MCGIS-County-Valleywide-Imagery-2020' != 'MCGIS-City-County-Imagery-2020'):
# Id differs ('Berlin-2022' != 'Berlin-2022-TrueDOP_mirror1'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
# Id differs ('tf-cycle' != 'opencylemap'): https://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png?apikey={apikey}
# Id differs ('COS2018' != 'COS2018_v2'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
# Id differs ('UrbisAdmFR' != 'URBISfr'):{width}&HEIGHT={height}&CRS={proj}&STYLES=&BBOX={bbox}
# Id differs ('Curitiba_Ortofoto_2019' != 'cwb_ortho_2016'):{zoom}/{y}/{x}
# Id differs ('OGDOrthoZH2020' != 'Kanton-Zürich-2020'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
*** Same URL, but different type: ***
*** Same URL, but different zoom bounds: ***
* Maxzoom differs (null != 21): [BR] Rio Mosaic 2022 [rio2022]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [CH] City of Zürich Orthophoto 2013 [Zuerich-aerial_2013]
* Maxzoom differs (21 != 22): [CH] City of Zürich Orthophoto 2013 [Zuerich-aerial_2013]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BE] SPW(allonie) 2020 aerial imagery [SPW2020]
* Minzoom differs (3 != 8): [CH] Kanton Solothurn, DSM Relief 2018 [Solothurn-sogis2018-dsm-wms]
* Maxzoom differs (null != 18): [HU] OpenStreetMap Hungary (hiking routes) [OpenStreetMap-turistautak]
* Minzoom differs (null != 2): [EE] Estonia Basemap (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Basemap]
* Minzoom differs (null != 7): [US] MassGIS 2021 Orthos [MassGIS-2021-Orthos_mirror1]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [ES] GRAFCAN OrtoExpress Urbana - Canary Islands [GRAFCAN-Canary_Islands]
* Minzoom differs (9 != null): [US] USGS Imagery [USGS-Imagery]
* Minzoom differs (null != 9): OpenSnowMap overlay [opensnowmap-overlay]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [US] NH GRANIT 2021/2022 6-inch Orthophotos (Color) [NH_2021_2022_6in_RGB]
* Minzoom differs (11 != 1): [AU] DCS NSW Administrative Boundaries Parish [LPI_NSW_Administrative_Boundaries_Parish]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [NO] SSB City Centres overlay [ssb-sentrum]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [DK] SDFI Terrain Shadow Map (40 cm) [SDFE_Terraen_Skyggekort_40cm]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [AT] VoGIS: Aerial image []
* Minzoom differs (1 != null): OpenAerialMap Mosaic by [OpenAerialMapMosaic]
* Maxzoom differs (31 != 24): OpenAerialMap Mosaic by [OpenAerialMapMosaic]
* Minzoom differs (2 != 8): [CH] Kanton Aargau 50cm DTM/Hillshade [Aargau-AGIS-2014-Hillshade]
* Minzoom differs (null != 10): [IT] South Tyrol Orthofoto 2017 [South-Tyrol-Orthofoto-2017]
* Minzoom differs (null != 2): [PL] Łódź: Buildings [Lodz-buildings]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] IBGE BC250 - Isolated Rural Locations [IBGE_BC250_Aglomerado_Rural]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [HR] Croatia 2014-2016 Aerial imagery [dgu-dof-2014-2016]
* Maxzoom differs (19 != null): [HR] Croatia 2014-2016 Aerial imagery [dgu-dof-2014-2016]
* Minzoom differs (14 != 3): [FR] Bordeaux - 2020 [Bordeaux_2020]
* Minzoom differs (null != 4): [FI] Helsinki region orthophoto [hri-orto]
* Minzoom differs (3 != null): [CH] City of Zürich Overview map (Steets, buildings, house numbers) [Zuerich-overview]
* Minzoom differs (10 != 9): [SG] Singapore OneMap [Singapore-OneMap]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] GeoPortal DF 2016 [GeoPortal_DF_2016]
* Minzoom differs (3 != 5): [FI] FTIA Road Network (Digiroad) options (overlay) [fta-digiroad-option]
* Minzoom differs (3 != 1): [US] NJ 2015 Aerial Imagery (Infrared) []
* Minzoom differs (7 != 10): [AU] City of Melbourne Feb 2019 [City_of_Melbourne_Feb_2019]
* Minzoom differs (null != 10): [HU] Budapest district XI orthophoto 2019 [Budapest_XI_2019]
* Maxzoom differs (null != 21): [HU] Budapest district XI orthophoto 2019 [Budapest_XI_2019]
* Minzoom differs (6 != 10): [CH] Canton Zug (Walchwil and Zug (Alpli)) 2019 [Zug-2019-wms]
* Maxzoom differs (18 != 19): OpenStreetMap (German Style) [osm-mapnik-german_style]
* Minzoom differs (3 != 8): [CH] Kanton Solothurn, DTM Relief 2018 [Solothurn-sogis2018-dtm-wms]
* Minzoom differs (7 != 8): [CH] Kanton Basel-Stadt 2017 [KTBASELSTADT2017]
* Minzoom differs (6 != null): [NZ] LINZ NZ Topo50 Gridless Maps [LINZ_NZ_Topo50_Gridless_Maps]
* Minzoom differs (6 != 1): [AU] DCS NSW Administrative Boundaries State Forest [LPI_NSW_Administrative_Boundaries_StateForest]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BE] URBISnl numerical imagery [URBISnl]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [HR] Topo 100 [dgu-topo-100]
* Minzoom differs (3 != 5): [US] Minnesota Composite Image Service [Minnesota-Composite-Image-Service]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] GeoPortal DF 2015 [GeoPortal_DF_2015]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [AU] DCS NSW Administrative Boundaries LGA [LPI_NSW_Administrative_Boundaries_LGA]
* Maxzoom differs (17 != 18): Waymarked Trails: MTB [Waymarked_Trails-MTB]
* Minzoom differs (null != 15): [PL] Bytom: Orthophotomap 2016 (aerial image) [Bytom-2016]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [FR] Géolittoral - Orthophotos 2000 [Geolittoral-Orthophotos2000]
* Minzoom differs (null != 11): [IT] PCN 2012 - Italy [PCN-Italy-2012]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BE] SPW(allonie) 2019 aerial imagery [SPW2019]
* Minzoom differs (null != 10): [IT] South Tyrol Orthofoto 2023 [South-Tyrol-Orthofoto-2023]
* Minzoom differs (4 != 15): [CH] City of St. Gallen [SG-2018-WMS]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [FR] Géolittoral V2 - Orthophotos 2011-2014 [GeolittoralV2-Orthophotos]
* Minzoom differs (null != 2): [EE] Estonia Forestry (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Forestry]
* Maxzoom differs (18 != null): [CH] swisstopo swissSURFACE3D [swisstopo_swisssurface3d]
* Minzoom differs (10 != 11): [AU] Maxar 2019-2020 Australian Bushfires Pre-event [Maxar_19-20_Australian_Bushfires_PreEvent]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [DE] Saxony topographic map [GEOSN-DTK]
* Minzoom differs (null != 2): [IT] Lombardia - Italy (CTR) [Lombardia-Italy-CTR]
* Minzoom differs (1 != 10): [HU] Törökbálint orthophoto 2021 [Törökbálint_2021]
* Maxzoom differs (null != 21): [HU] Törökbálint orthophoto 2021 [Törökbálint_2021]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [US] VT VIP Orthoimagery - Infrared [VT_Best_CIR]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [AU] DCS NSW Administrative Boundaries Suburb [LPI_NSW_Administrative_Boundaries_Suburb]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [LV] Latvia - Soviet Army General Staff topographic maps [USSR-Latvia]
* Minzoom differs (6 != 1): [AU] DCS NSW Administrative Boundaries NPWS Reserve [LPI_NSW_Administrative_Boundaries_NPWS_Reserve]
* Minzoom differs (4 != null): [CH] City of Zürich Orthophoto 2011 [Zuerich-aerial_2011]
* Maxzoom differs (21 != 22): [CH] City of Zürich Orthophoto 2011 [Zuerich-aerial_2011]
* Minzoom differs (5 != 1): [US] TX City of Lubbock Imagery 2015 [lubbock_2016_wms]
* Minzoom differs (3 != 1): [US] NJ 2015 Aerial Imagery (Natural Color) []
* Minzoom differs (14 != 12): [PH] Pangasinán/Bulacan (Philippines HiRes) [Pangasinan_Bulacan_HiRes]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [US] VT VCGI LiDAR - DSM Hillshade [VCGI_LiDAR_DSM_Hillshade]
* Minzoom differs (null != 11): [HU] Sóskút, Pusztazámor, Tárnok, Diósd orthophoto 2017 [Soskut_Pusztazamor_Tarnok_Diosd_orto_2017]
* Minzoom differs (4 != 5): [US] Dakota County GIS 2017 Fall Leaf-Off 6-Inch [DCGIS-County-Imagery-2017-Fall-Leaf-Off-6-Inch]
* Minzoom differs (2 != 8): [CH] Kanton Aargau 25cm (AGIS 2017) [Aargau-AGIS-2017]
* Minzoom differs (null != 2): [US] Bogoslof Island 2017 [osmim-imagicode-LC80770232017156LGN00]
* Minzoom differs (4 != 1): [US] TX City of El Paso Imagery 2015 [el_paso_2015_wms]
* Maxzoom differs (17 != 18): Waymarked Trails: Winter Sports [Waymarked_Trails-Winter_Sports]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BE] SPW(allonie) 2012-2013 aerial imagery [SPW2012]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [ES] GRAFCAN OrtoExpress - Canary Islands [GRAFCAN_Express-Canary_Islands]
* Minzoom differs (4 != null): [US] TIGER Roads 2019 [US-TIGER-Roads-2019]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Siemianowice Śląskie: Orthophotomap (aerial image) [Siemianowice_Slaskie-aerial_image]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Bytom: Fotoplan 2014 (aerial image) [Bytom-2014]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [AU] DCS NSW Administrative Boundaries County [LPI_NSW_Administrative_Boundaries_County]
* Minzoom differs (null != 2): [IT] Sicily - Italy [Sicily-ATA2007]
* Minzoom differs (5 != null): [SE] SCB Small Settlements (overlay) [scb-smaorter]
* Minzoom differs (5 != 1): [US] TX City of Amarillo Imagery 2015 [amarillo_2016_wms]
* Minzoom differs (null != 4): [PL] Poznań: Orthophotomap 2014 (aerial image) [poznan-ortofotomapa2014]
* Minzoom differs (2 != 1): [US] TX Capital Area Imagery 2019 [caparea_2019_wms]
* Minzoom differs (null != 7): [US] Virginia Property Lines [VGIN-PropertyLines_WM]
* Maxzoom differs (19 != 20): [US] Virginia Property Lines [VGIN-PropertyLines_WM]
* Maxzoom differs (20 != 19): [AT] []
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BE] SPW(allonie) 2021 aerial imagery [SPW2021]
* Minzoom differs (null != 10): [IT] South Tyrol Orthofoto 2014 [South-Tyrol-Orthofoto2014]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Zabrze: Orthophotomap 2011 (aerial image) [Zabrze-2011]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [GB] NLS - OS 25-inch (Scotland 1) 1892-1905 [NLS-OS-25inch-hist-scotland1]
* Minzoom differs (null != 10): [HU] Törökbálint orthophoto 2013 [Törökbálint_2013]
* Maxzoom differs (null != 21): [HU] Törökbálint orthophoto 2013 [Törökbálint_2013]
* Minzoom differs (5 != null): [US] Mesa County GIS Valleywide 2018 [MCGIS-County-Valleywide-Imagery-2018]
* Maxzoom differs (20 != null): [US] Mesa County GIS Valleywide 2018 [MCGIS-County-Valleywide-Imagery-2018]
* Maxzoom differs (17 != 18): Waymarked Trails: Skating [Waymarked_Trails-Skating]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [FR] Bassin d Arcachon 2018 [SIBA_2018]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] IBGE BC250 - Municipalities [IBGE_BC250_Municipio]
* Minzoom differs (null != 10): [HU] Budapest district XI orthophoto 2021 [Budapest_XI_2021]
* Maxzoom differs (null != 21): [HU] Budapest district XI orthophoto 2021 [Budapest_XI_2021]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] IBGE BC250 - Sustainable Use Units [IBGE_BC250_Uso_Sustentavel]
* Minzoom differs (null != 3): [DE] Saxony latest aerial imagery [GEOSN-DOP-RGB]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [DE] Saxony WebAtlasSN [GEOSN-WebAtlas]
* Minzoom differs (null != 2): [AR] National Geographic Institute (WMS) [ign-wms]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Przemyśl: Buildings [przemysl-buildings]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [FR] Géolittoral - Sentier du littoral [Geolittoral-Sentiers]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [CZ] Czech CUZK:KM [Czech_CUZK-KM]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [HR] Topo 25 new [dgu-topo-25-new]
* Minzoom differs (2 != 7): [US] Virginia Imagery Service - Most Recent [VGIN-Imagery_WM]
* Minzoom differs (12 != 2): [FR] BANO [BANO]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [NO] SSB Urban Areas overlay [ssb-tettsteder]
* Minzoom differs (8 != 10): [AU] City of Melbourne May 2018 [City_of_Melbourne_May_2018]
* Minzoom differs (null != 11): [IT] PCN 2006 - Italy [PCN-Italy-2006]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [HR] Topo 25 [dgu-topo-25]
* Minzoom differs (null != 10): [HU] Törökbálint orthophoto 2015 [Törökbálint_2015]
* Maxzoom differs (null != 21): [HU] Törökbálint orthophoto 2015 [Törökbálint_2015]
* Minzoom differs (4 != 10): [CH] Stadt Bern 10cm (2023) [Bern-bern2023-wms]
* Minzoom differs (null != 10): [IT] South Tyrol Orthofoto 2020 [South-Tyrol-Orthofoto-2020]
* Minzoom differs (null != 2): [FR] Vercors (Réserve naturelle des Hauts-Plateaux du Vercors) - Orthophoto - 1999 - 1 m [Vercors-Orthophotos-1999]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [CZ] Czech pLPIS [Czech_pLPIS]
* Minzoom differs (12 != 14): [AU] ARA Bushfires 2020 [ARA_Bushfires_2020]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Powiat rzeszowski: Orthophotomap (aerial image) [rzeszowski-aerial]
* Minzoom differs (null != 10): [HU] Budapest district XI orthophoto 2017 [Budapest_XI_2017]
* Maxzoom differs (null != 21): [HU] Budapest district XI orthophoto 2017 [Budapest_XI_2017]
* Minzoom differs (4 != 1): [CH] Kanton Zug 2011 [Zug-2011]
* Maxzoom differs (null != 21): [CH] Kanton Zug 2011 [Zug-2011]
* Minzoom differs (3 != 1): [US] TX Dallas and Fort Worth Imagery 2015 [dallas_fort_worth_2016_wms]
* Minzoom differs (2 != 8): [CH] Canton Solothurn, Orthophoto 2014 RGB [Solothurn-sogis-ortho2014-wms]
* Minzoom differs (5 != null): [UA] Ukraine - Orthophotomaps 2012 [Ukraine-orto10000-2012]
* Maxzoom differs (15 != 16): [UA] Ukraine - Orthophotomaps 2012 [Ukraine-orto10000-2012]
* Minzoom differs (null != 2): [DE] Stuttgart latest aerial imagery [StuttgartLatestAerialImagery]
* Maxzoom differs (22 != 20): [LU] "mapper’s delight" hillshade lidar 2019 with unclassified points [lu.openstreetmap.lidar.hillshade.2019.classy]
* Minzoom differs (13 != 14): [GB] OS Town Plans, Strathaven 1858 (NLS) [NLS_strathaven1858]
* Minzoom differs (null != 17): [PL] Gliwice: Buildings [Gliwice-buildings]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [AU] DCS NSW Base Map [LPI_NSW_Base_Map]
* Minzoom differs (3 != 8): [CH] Kanton Solothurn, DSM Relief 2014 50cm [Solothurn-sogis2014-dom-wms]
* Minzoom differs (12 != null): [FR] Rennes - 2020 [Rennes_2020]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [US] VT VCGI LiDAR - DEM Hillshade [VCGI_LiDAR_DEM_Hillshade]
* Maxzoom differs (20 != 18): [NO] Kartverket Nautical Charts [kartverket-sjokart]
* Maxzoom differs (null != 21): [CH] Kanton Zürich Orthophoto 2018 10cm [Kanton-Zürich-2018]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [FR] Loire-Atlantique - Orthophotos 2016 - 10 cm [Loire_Atlantique-Orthophotos-2016]
* Minzoom differs (4 != 1): [ZA] City of Cape Town 2015 Aerial [South_Africa-CapeTown-Aerial-2015]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BE] URBIS 2012 aerial imagery [URBIS2012]
* Minzoom differs (4 != null): [US] TIGER Roads 2018 [US-TIGER-Roads-2018]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] IBGE BC250 - Indigenous Lands [IBGE_BC250_Terra_Indegina]
* Maxzoom differs (null != 21): [CH] Kanton Zürich Orthophotos 2014/2015 10cm [Kanton-Zürich-2015]
* Minzoom differs (11 != 10): [NO] Kartverket Aviation Obstructions overlay [kartverket-luftfartshindre]
* Maxzoom differs (21 != 22): [FR] Enedis [enedis]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Częstochowa: Orthophotomap 2016 (aerial image) [Czestochowa-2016]
* Minzoom differs (null != 8): [DE] Brandenburg GeoBasis-DE/LGB (2025): DOP20c [Brandenburg-DOP20c]
* Maxzoom differs (null != 20): [DE] Brandenburg GeoBasis-DE/LGB (2025): DOP20c [Brandenburg-DOP20c]
* Minzoom differs (null != 12): [DE] Mainz latest aerial imagery [mainzlatestaerialimagery]
* Minzoom differs (9 != 10): [CH] Kanton Zurich, Surface Hillshade 2017 [OGDLidarZH-DOM-2017]
* Minzoom differs (12 != null): [FR] Rennes - 2014 [Rennes_2014]
* Minzoom differs (8 != null): [US] Mesa County GIS NAIP 2017 [MCGIS-County-NAIP-Imagery-2017]
* Maxzoom differs (13 != null): [US] Mesa County GIS NAIP 2017 [MCGIS-County-NAIP-Imagery-2017]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BE] SPW(allonie) 2009-2010 aerial imagery [SPW2009]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] IBGE BC250 - Highways Stretches [IBGE_BC250_Rodoviario]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [DE] Berlin/Geoportal TrueDOP20RGBI (2023) [Berlin-2023-TrueDOP_mirror1]
* Minzoom differs (null != 3): [ES] ITACyL - Castile and León [ITACyL-Castile-and-Leon]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [NO] Norway Orthophoto (historic) [geovekst-nib-historic]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [US] IndianaMap Orthoimagery - Latest Available [IndianaMap_Latest]
* Maxzoom differs (19 != 24): [US] IndianaMap Orthoimagery - Latest Available [IndianaMap_Latest]
* Minzoom differs (2 != 3): [FR] ORTHO Express IGN 2023 [ortho_express_2023]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [US] VT VIP Orthoimagery - Best of Color [VT_Best_CLR]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Częstochowa: Orthophotomap 2014 (aerial image) [Czestochowa-2014]
* Maxzoom differs (null != 23): [PL] Gliwice: Orthophotomap 2013 (aerial image) [Gliwice-2013]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [DK] SDFI Screenmap [Geodatastyrelsen_Skaermkort]
* Minzoom differs (14 != 3): [FR] Bordeaux - 2016 [Bordeaux_2016]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [DK] SDFI DTK Map25 [Geodatastyrelsen_DTK_Kort25]
* Minzoom differs (14 != 8): [PT] OrtoSat of mainland Portugal - 30 cm - 2023 (DGT) [ORTOS_DGT_2023]
* Minzoom differs (3 != 8): [CH] Canton Solothurn, Orthophoto 2017 RGB [Solothurn-sogis-ortho2017-wms]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Bytom: Buildings [Bytom-buildings]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BE] URBIS 2014 aerial imagery [URBIS2014]
* Minzoom differs (3 != 8): [CH] Kanton Solothurn, DTM Relief 2014 50cm [Solothurn-sogis2014-dtm-wms]
* Minzoom differs (7 != 6): [US] MassGIS LIDAR Shaded Relief [MassGIS-LIDAR-Shaded-Relief]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BE] URBIS 2009 aerial imagery [URBIS2009]
* Minzoom differs (null != 5): [ES] PNOA Spain [PNOA-Spain]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Siemianowice Śląskie: Buildings [Siemianowice_Slaskie-buildings]
* Minzoom differs (3 != 1): [CH] Canton Fribourg 2016 [CTFRIBOURG2016]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [GB] NLS - OS 1:2,500 National Grid Maps, 1940s-1960s - single sheets [NLS-OS-NatGrid-12500-1940-60-singles]
* Maxzoom differs (null != 21): [CH] Canton Thurgau orthophoto 2017 [kt_tg_ortho_2017]
* Minzoom differs (10 != 8): [CH] Canton Schaffhausen, aerial imagery 2013 [Kanton-Schaffhausen-Luftbild-2013]
* Maxzoom differs (17 != 18): Waymarked Trails: Hiking [Waymarked_Trails-Hiking]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [US] CT ECO Shaded Relief (2016) [CT_ECO_Shaded_relief_2016]
* Minzoom differs (6 != 1): [US] CT ECO Orthoimagery (2019) [CT_ECO_Ortho_2019_RGB_mirror1]
* Maxzoom differs (20 != 23): [US] CT ECO Orthoimagery (2019) [CT_ECO_Ortho_2019_RGB_mirror1]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Bytom: Orthophotomap 2012 (aerial image) [Bytom-2012]
* Minzoom differs (3 != 1): [US] TX Brazos County Imagery 2019 [brazos_county_2019_wms]
* Maxzoom differs (19 != 20): [DE] Hesse DOP20 [Hessen-DOP20]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BE] SPW(allonie) shaded relief [SPWrelief2014]
* Minzoom differs (null != 10): [HU] Budapest district XI orthophoto 2015 [Budapest_XI_2015]
* Maxzoom differs (null != 21): [HU] Budapest district XI orthophoto 2015 [Budapest_XI_2015]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [US] NH GRANIT 2021/2022 6-inch Orthophotos (Infrared) [NH_2021_2022_6in_CIR]
* Minzoom differs (5 != null): [SE] SVK Electricity Network (overlay) [svk-transmission]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Częstochowa: Buildings [Czestochowa-buildings]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [AT] MaxRes []
* Minzoom differs (6 != null): [CH] Stadt Uster Orthophoto 2008 10cm [Uster-2008]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Przemyśl: Ortophotomap (aerial image) [przemysl-aerial]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Powiat ropczycko-sędziszowski: Buildings [sropczyce-buildings]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [US] MetroCOG Orthoimagery (2020) [MetroCOG_Ortho_2020]
* Minzoom differs (17 != 18): [CH] Kanton Basel-Landschaft 10cm (2015) [Basel-Landschaft-2015]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Powiat łańcucki: Buildings [lancucki-buildings]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [AT] VoGIS: Zoning plan []
* Minzoom differs (null != 5): [JP] Japan GSI Standard Map [gsi.go.jp_std_map]
* Minzoom differs (5 != null): [SE] SCB Urban Areas (overlay) [scb-tatorter]
* Minzoom differs (4 != 8): [CH] Canton Thurgau Base plan cadastral surveying [kt_tg_av]
* Maxzoom differs (null != 21): [CH] Canton Thurgau Base plan cadastral surveying [kt_tg_av]
* Minzoom differs (null != 10): [HU] Budapest district XI orthophoto 2023 [Budapest_XI_2023]
* Maxzoom differs (null != 21): [HU] Budapest district XI orthophoto 2023 [Budapest_XI_2023]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BE] SPW(allonie) 2018 aerial imagery [SPW2018]
* Minzoom differs (1 != 3): [BR] Brazilian Army Topographic Maps [BDGEx_ctm_multi]
* Maxzoom differs (17 != 18): Waymarked Trails: Horse Riding [Waymarked_Trails-Horse_Riding]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] DER-ES [der-es]
* Minzoom differs (8 != null): [US] MD Three Inch Aerial Imagery []
* Maxzoom differs (null != 22): [PL] Poznań: Latest Orthophotomap (aerial image) [poznan-ortofotomapaBiezaca]
* Minzoom differs (2 != 3): [FR] BDOrtho IGN [fr.ign.bdortho]
* Maxzoom differs (19 != 21): [FR] BDOrtho IGN [fr.ign.bdortho]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [CA] Geobase Hydrography - French [Geobase_Hydrography_French]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [US] USA/Mexico/Canada/Scandinavia Topo Maps [US-MX-CA-NO-SE-FI-Scanned_Topographic]
* Maxzoom differs (24 != null): [CA] Toronto Orthorectified Imagery - Most current year [Toronto-Imagery-Most-Current-Year]
* Minzoom differs (2 != null): [CH] Canton of Geneva, DTM (SITG 2019) [Geneve-dtm-2019]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [UG] Rwenzori Mountains 2016 [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R078_N01_20160702T082522]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BE] SPW(allonie) 2015 aerial imagery [SPW2015]
* Minzoom differs (2 != null): [CH] Canton of Geneva, DSM (SITG 2014) [Geneve-dsm-2014]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [US] NH GRANIT LiDAR Hillshade 2022 (Northwest) [LiDAR_Bare_Earth_NW_HS_NH_2022]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [AR] National Geographic Institute Argenmap (TMS) [ign-argenmap-tms]
* Maxzoom differs (21 != 19): [AT] Vienna: Aerial image []
* Minzoom differs (4 != 8): [CH] Kanton Solothurn, DTM Relief 2019 [Solothurn-sogis2019-dtm-wms]
* Minzoom differs (2 != 3): [FR] ORTHO Express IGN 2024 [ortho_express_2024]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Będzin: Orthophotomap 2013 (aerial image) [Bedzin-PL-aerial_image]
* Minzoom differs (null != 5): [HU] FÖMI orthophoto 2007-2010 [FOMI_2007_2010]
* Minzoom differs (4 != 9): [LT] ORT10LT (Lithuania) [ORT10LT]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BE] URBIS numerical imagery [URBISfrnl]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [GB] NLS - OS 1:1,250 National Grid Maps, 1940s-1960s [NLS-OS-NatGrid-11250-1940-60]
* Minzoom differs (13 != null): [SE] Naturvårdsverket Trails (overlay) [naturvardsverket-led]
* Minzoom differs (1 != 2): [AR] Educational map (WMS) [Mapa-Educativo-wms]
* Minzoom differs (null != 5): [LU] all layers [lu.geoportail.opendata.wms_endpoint]
* Minzoom differs (10 != 8): [CH] Canton Schaffhausen, relief 2013 [Kanton-Schaffhausen-DSM-2013]
* Minzoom differs (14 != 13): [PH] Lupang Arenda, Taytay Drone Imagery [Arenda_OAM]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [HR] HOK [dgu-hok]
* Minzoom differs (null != 7): [US] Virginia Building Footprints [VGIN-BuildingFootprints_WM]
* Maxzoom differs (19 != 20): [US] Virginia Building Footprints [VGIN-BuildingFootprints_WM]
* Minzoom differs (4 != 1): [CH] Kanton Zug Nord 2016 [Zug-2016]
* Maxzoom differs (null != 21): [CH] Kanton Zug Nord 2016 [Zug-2016]
* Minzoom differs (12 != null): [FR] Rennes - 2018 [Rennes_2018]
* Minzoom differs (4 != 8): [CH] Kanton Aargau 25cm (AGIS 2019) [Aargau-AGIS-2019]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Powiat stalowowolski: Buildings [stalowowolski-buildings]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [GB] NLS - Bartholomew Half Inch, 1897-1907 [NLS-Bartholomew-hfinch-hist]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Powiat rzeszowski: Buildings [rzeszowski-buildings]
* Minzoom differs (null != 2): [EE] Estonia Cadastre (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Cadastre]
* Minzoom differs (3 != 1): [US] TX City of Georgetown Imagery 2015 [georgetown_2016_wms]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] IBGE BC250 - Villages [IBGE_BC250_Villa]
* Minzoom differs (3 != 1): [US] TX Smith County Imagery 2019 [smith_county_2019_wms]
* Minzoom differs (null != 10): [IT] South Tyrol Basemap [South-Tyrol-Basemap]
* Maxzoom differs (20 != 19): [AT] Orthofoto []
* Minzoom differs (3 != 8): [CH] Canton Solothurn, Orthophoto 2016 RGB [Solothurn-sogis-ortho2016-wms]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [ZA] South Africa CD:NGI Aerial [South_Africa-CD_NGI-Aerial]
* Maxzoom differs (20 != null): [GB] Public Rights of Way [prowoverlay]
* Minzoom differs (15 != 4): [FI] Turku topographic map [turku-topo]
* Minzoom differs (null != 8): [CH] Canton Thurgau hiking paths [kt_tg_ww]
* Maxzoom differs (null != 21): [CH] Canton Thurgau hiking paths [kt_tg_ww]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BE] SPW(allonie) most recent aerial imagery [SPWLAST]
* Minzoom differs (null != 13): [IT] PCN 2008 - IT Lazio+Umbria [PCN-Lazio_Umbria-2008]
* Minzoom differs (null != 10): [IT] South Tyrol Orthofoto 2011 (larger valleys) [South-Tyrol-Orthofoto2011-20cm]
* Maxzoom differs (null != 18): [IT] South Tyrol Orthofoto 2011 (larger valleys) [South-Tyrol-Orthofoto2011-20cm]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Powiat dębicki: Buildings [debicki-buildings]
* Minzoom differs (1 != 8): [CH] Kanton Bern, Digital terrain model 50cm, Relief [Bern-dtm-hillshade-2015]
* Minzoom differs (1 != null): [CZ] Czechia CUZK terrain DMR 5G greyscale [CUZK-DMR5G]
* Maxzoom differs (20 != null): [CZ] Czechia CUZK terrain DMR 5G greyscale [CUZK-DMR5G]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [GB] NLS - OS 1:2,500 National Grid Maps, 1940s-1960s - double sheets [NLS-OS-NatGrid-12500-1940-60-doubles]
* Minzoom differs (3 != 8): [CH] Canton Solothurn, Orthophoto 2015 RGB [Solothurn-sogis-ortho2015-wms]
* Maxzoom differs (18 != null): [CH] swisstopo swissALTI3D [swisstopo_swissalti3d]
* Minzoom differs (null != 7): [BR] IBGE BC250 - Rivers and Drainage [IBGE_BC250_Rios_Drenagem]
* Maxzoom differs (19 != null): [HR] Croatia 2019-2020 aerial imagery [dgu-dof-2019-2020]
* Minzoom differs (10 != null): [DE] Erlangen aerial imagery (2020 5,0 cm) [Erlangen-2020]
* Maxzoom differs (20 != 21): [DE] Erlangen aerial imagery (2020 5,0 cm) [Erlangen-2020]
* Minzoom differs (5 != null): [SE] SCB Industrial zones (overlay) [scb-verksamhet]
* Minzoom differs (6 != 1): [CH] Kanton Zug Gemeinde Zug Süd 2018 [Zug-2018]
* Maxzoom differs (null != 21): [CH] Kanton Zug Gemeinde Zug Süd 2018 [Zug-2018]
* Minzoom differs (null != 13): [PL] Geoportal 2: PRNG (geo names) [Geoportal2-PL-prng]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BE] SPW(allonie) 2016 aerial imagery [SPW2016]
* Maxzoom differs (20 != null): [GB] Postcode centroids [postcodecentroids]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [CA] Geobase Hydrography - English [Geobase_Hydrography]
* Minzoom differs (null != 10): [IT] South Tyrol DTM Hillshade 2013 (0.5 m, partial) [South-Tyrol-DTM_2013]
* Maxzoom differs (null != 20): [IT] South Tyrol DTM Hillshade 2013 (0.5 m, partial) [South-Tyrol-DTM_2013]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [EU] OSM Inspector: Coastline [OSM_Inspector-Boundaries]
* Minzoom differs (null != 5): [SK] Slovakia Historic Maps [Slovakia-Historic-Maps]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [HR] Topo 200 [dgu-topo-200]
* Minzoom differs (null != 14): [DK] SDFI Cadastral Parcels INSPIRE View [Geodatastyrelsen_Cadastral_Parcels_INSPIRE_View]
* Maxzoom differs (19 != 20): [DK] SDFI Cadastral Parcels INSPIRE View [Geodatastyrelsen_Cadastral_Parcels_INSPIRE_View]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [DK] SDFI Surface Shadow Map (40 cm) [SDFE_Overflade_Skyggekort_40cm]
* Minzoom differs (4 != 8): [CH] Kanton Solothurn, DSM Relief 2019 [Solothurn-sogis2019-dsm-wms]
* Maxzoom differs (null != 21): [CH] Kanton Zürich Orthophotos 2015/2016 10cm [Kanton-Zürich-2016]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [DE] Deutsche Bahn VzG lines January 2017 [db-inspire-2013-11]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [NO] Kartverket DTM Digital Terrain Model [kartverket-dtm-skygge]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Będzin: Buildings [Bedzin-PL-buildings]
* Minzoom differs (null != 3): [PL] Łódź: Orthophotomap 2019 (aerial image) [Lodz-ortho]
* Minzoom differs (4 != 1): [ZA] City of Cape Town 2013 Aerial [South_Africa-CapeTown-Aerial-2013]
* Maxzoom differs (null != 21): [CH] Canton Thurgau cycle routes [kt_tg_radrouten]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Częstochowa: Orthophotomap 2017 (aerial image) [Czestochowa-2017]
* Minzoom differs (null != 10): [HU] Törökbálint orthophoto 2018 [Törökbálint_2018]
* Maxzoom differs (null != 21): [HU] Törökbálint orthophoto 2018 [Törökbálint_2018]
* Maxzoom differs (20 != 19): [AT] Overlay []
* Minzoom differs (5 != null): [SE] SCB Vacation Home Areas (overlay) [scb-fritidshus]
* Minzoom differs (5 != null): [US] Mesa County GIS Valleywide 2020 [MCGIS-City-County-Imagery-2020]
* Maxzoom differs (20 != 12): [US] Mesa County GIS Valleywide 2020 [MCGIS-City-County-Imagery-2020]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BE] URBIS 2015 aerial imagery [URBIS2015]
* Minzoom differs (3 != 1): [US] TX San Antonio River Authority Imagery 2016 [san_antonio_river_2016_wms]
* Maxzoom differs (17 != 18): Waymarked Trails: Cycling [Waymarked_Trails-Cycling]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Częstochowa: Orthophotomap 2013 (aerial image) [Czestochowa-2013]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [DE] Berlin/Geoportal TrueDOP20RGBI (2022) [Berlin-2022-TrueDOP_mirror1]
* Minzoom differs (9 != 10): [CH] Kanton Zurich, Terrain Hillshade 2017 [OGDLidarZH-DTM-2017]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Częstochowa: Orthophotomap 2011 (aerial image) [Czestochowa-2011]
* Maxzoom differs (null != 21): [BR] Rio Mosaic 2019 [rio2019]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [HR] Croatia 2011 Aerial imagery [dgu-dof-2011]
* Maxzoom differs (19 != null): [HR] Croatia 2011 Aerial imagery [dgu-dof-2011]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BE] URBISfr numerical imagery [URBISfr]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [US] NH GRANIT LiDAR Hillshade 2022 (Northeast) [LiDAR_Bare_Earth_NE_HS_NH_2022]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] IBGE BC250 - Electrical Power Plant Generator [IBGE_BC250_Gerador_Eletrica]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Częstochowa: Orthophotomap 2015 (aerial image) [Czestochowa-2015]
* Maxzoom differs (null != 22): [BR] Curitiba Orthophoto 2019 [cwb_ortho_2016]
* Maxzoom differs (null != 21): [CH] Kanton Zürich Orthophoto 2020 5cm [Kanton-Zürich-2020]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [AT] VoGIS: Real color image 2018 (10cm) []
* Minzoom differs (null != 5): [ES] Catastro Spain [Catastro-Spain]
* Minzoom differs (1 != 8): [CH] Kanton Bern, Digital surface model 50cm, Relief [Bern-dsm-hillshade-2015]
* Maxzoom differs (21 != 20): [US] HI Maui County Orthoimagery (2023) [Maui_2023]
* Minzoom differs (null != 1): [NO] Kartverket DOM Digital Surface Model [kartverket-dom-skygge]
*** Same URL, but different country code: ***
* Country code differs (FR != null): [FR] OpenStreetMap (Basque Style) [osmfr-basque]
* Country code differs (FR != null): [FR] OpenStreetMap (Occitan Style) [osmfr-occitan]
* Country code differs (BY != BG): [BG] Rila and Pirin Mountains [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R093_N41_20150828T092005]
* Country code differs (US != null): [US] USA/Mexico/Canada/Scandinavia Topo Maps [US-MX-CA-NO-SE-FI-Scanned_Topographic]
* Country code differs (FR != null): [FR] OpenStreetMap (Breton Style) [osmfr-breton]
* Country code differs (EU != null): [EU] OSM Inspector: Coastline [OSM_Inspector-Boundaries]
* Country code differs (XN != null): [XN] Nordic snowmobile overlay [kelkkareitit]
*** Same URL, but different quality: ***
* Quality differs (null != eli-best): [US] MassGIS 2021 Orthos [MassGIS-2021-Orthos_mirror1]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [PT] Orthophotos of mainland Portugal - 25cm - 2018 (DGT) [ORTOS_DGT_2018_WMS]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [BR] Belo Horizonte Ortofoto 2015 [BH_Ortofoto_2015]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [ES] geoEuskadiren Ortoargazkiak [geoEuskadi-ORTO]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [US] MassGIS 2023 Aerial Imagery [MassGIS_2023_Aerial]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [US] San Juan County Orthoimagery (2023) [San_Juan_NM_2023]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [MD] Moldova Orthophoto, South part (2021) [Geodata-Gov-2021_Ortofoto_Moldova_South]
* Quality differs (eli-best != null): [CZ] Praha IPR low-vegetation orthophoto [PrahaIPRlow-vegetationorthophoto]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [ES] ICGC - Ortofoto de Catalunya 1:2.500 vigent [ICGC-orto25c]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [US] Los Alamos County Orthoimagery 2022 (3in) [Los_Alamos_3in_2022]
* Quality differs (null != eli-best): [IT] Bologna ortofoto 2017 []
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [US] Suan Juan County Aerials (2023) [Suan_Juan_WA_2023]
* Quality differs (eli-best != null): [PT] Orthophotos of the northern portion of mainland Portugal - 25cm - 2021 (DGT) [ORTOS_DGT_2021_RGB]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [US] Crook County Orthoimagery (2023) [Crook-2023]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [US] NC OneMap Latest Orthoimagery (Natural Color) [NC_Latest_Ortho_Natural]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [DE] Aachen Liegenschaftskataster [aachen_alkis_wms]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [ZA] City of Cape Town Aerial Imagery (2023) [South_Africa-CapeTown-Aerial-2023]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [BR] Fortaleza Ortofoto 2016 [Fortaleza_Ortofoto_2016]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [PL] Bytom: Orthophotomap 2021 (aerial image) [Bytom-2021]
* Quality differs (eli-best != null): [AU] ACTmapi Imagery 2024-09 [ACT202409]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [NZ] LINZ Auckland 2023 [LINZ_Auckland_2023]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [US] StratMap CapArea, Brazos & Kerr Imagery (Natural Color 2021) [StratMap21_NCCIR_CapArea_Brazos_Kerr]
* Quality differs (eli-best != null): [CH] Stadt Bern 10cm (2023) [Bern-bern2023-wms]
* Quality differs (eli-best != null): [BR] GeoPortal DF 2019 [GeoPortal_DF_2019]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [FR] Eurométropole de Strasbourg - Orthophotographie 2022 [EMS-Orthophotographie-2022]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [US] DC From Above Orthophoto 2023 [DC_From_Above_Ortho_2023]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [DE] ALKIS Kreis Viersen [viersen_alkis_wms]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [PL] Geoportal 2: Orthophotomap (latest aerial imagery) (WMTS) [Geoportal2-PL-aerial_image_WMTS]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [MD] Moldova Orthophoto (2016) [Geodata-Gov-2016_Ortofoto_Moldova]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [US] ADOP Orthoimagery 2023 (9in) [ADOP_2023_9in]
* Quality differs (eli-best != null): [DE] Brandenburg GeoBasis-DE/LGB (2025): DOP20c [Brandenburg-DOP20c]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [NZ] LINZ Cyclone Gabrielle – Hawke's Bay [LINZ_Cyclone_Gabrielle_Hawkes_Bay]
* Quality differs (null != eli-best): [DE] Berlin/Geoportal TrueDOP20RGBI (2023) [Berlin-2023-TrueDOP_mirror1]
* Quality differs (eli-best != null): [ES] ITACyL - Castile and León [ITACyL-Castile-and-Leon]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [MD] Moldova Extended Orthophoto (2016) [Geodata-Gov-2016_Extended_Ortofoto_Moldova]
* Quality differs (null != eli-best): [FR] ORTHO Express IGN 2023 [ortho_express_2023]
* Quality differs (eli-best != null): [ES] IDEIB - Balearic Islands [IDEIB-Balearic_Islands]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [MD] Chișinău Municipality Orthophoto (2014) [Geodata-Gov-2014_Ortofoto_Chisinau]
* Quality differs (null != eli-best): [DE] Hesse ALKIS [Hessen-ALKIS]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [MD] Topographical Linemap of Moldova, 2017 [Geodata-Gov-Topographical-Linemap_Moldova_2017]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [NO] NPI Svalbard Orthophoto [NPI-Svalbard-ortofoto]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [UY] Uruguay Ortofotos 2019 [UY-2019-orthophotos]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [MD] Moldova Orthophoto, Center part (2020) [Geodata-Gov-2020_Ortofoto_Moldova_Centru]
* Quality differs (eli-best != null): [CZ] Czechia CUZK orthophoto [CUZKlatestorthophoto]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [HR] Croatia 2021-2022 aerial imagery [dgu-dof-2021-2022]
* Quality differs (eli-best != null): [DE] Hamburg DOP 20cm (HH LGV DOP20 2022) [hamburg-20cm]
* Quality differs (eli-best != null): [SE] Gothenburg Orthophoto [gothenburg-ortho]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [US] Fairfax County Orthoimagery (2024) [Fairfax_VA_2024]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [HR] gis-rijeka: Rijeka 2020 aerial imagery [gis-rijeka-2020]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [US] CBJ Aerial Imagery (May 2023) [CBJ_Aerial_20230516]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [ES] PNOA Spain [PNOA-Spain-TMS]
* Quality differs (null != eli-best): [HU] FÖMI orthophoto 2011-2014 (webp) [FOMI_2011_2014]
* Quality differs (null != eli-best): [EE] Estonia Ortho (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Ortho_mirror2]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [US] Monongalia County 2023 Aerial Imagery [Monongalia_WV_2023]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [US] FNSB Aerial Imagery (2023) [FNSB_Aerial_2023]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [US] MOA Aerial Imagery (2024) [MOA_Aerial_2024]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [SE] Sollentuna Orthophoto [sollentuna-orto]
* Quality differs (null != eli-best): [DE] Hesse WebAtlas [Hessen-WebAtlas]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [US] Philadelphia Orthoimagery 2023 [Philadelphia_Ortho_2023]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [CH] Kanton Zug Neuheim 2020 3.5 cm [Zug-2020-wms]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [CH] Kanton Zug Menzingen 2021 6.5 cm [Zug-2021-wms]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [NL] PDOK aerial imagery 8cm (WMTS) latest [Actueel_orthoHR_WMTS]
* Quality differs (null != eli-best): [DE] Hesse DTK [Hessen-DTK]
* Quality differs (null != eli-best): [HR] Croatia 2019-2020 aerial imagery [dgu-dof-2019-2020]
* Quality differs (null != eli-best): [DE] Erlangen aerial imagery (2020 5,0 cm) [Erlangen-2020]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [BE] CIRB/CIBG most recent aerial imagery [UrbISOrtho]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [IT] Bologna ortofoto 2022 [Bologna-Orthophoto-2022]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [ES] SITNA Ortofoto de máxima actualidad [SITNA-ortofoto_maxima_actualidad]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [US] Delaware FirstMap 2022 [Delaware_FirstMap_2022]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [DE] Berlin/Geoportal DOP20RGBI (2024) [Berlin-2024]
* Quality differs (eli-best != null): [FR] Nancy - Orthophoto [GrandNancy_Orthophotographie]
* Quality differs (null != eli-best): [DE] Erlangen aerial imagery (2018 5.0 cm) [Erlangen-2018]
- Quality best entry not in JOSM for [CH] Kanton Aargau 20cm (AGIS 2023) [Aargau-AGIS-2023]
*** Same URL, but different dates: ***
- Missing JOSM date ('2021;2021' or '2021'): [AR] CABA ortofotos 2021 (TMS) [gcba-ortofotos-2021]
+ Missing ELI date ('2022-09'): [DE] Mainz all aerial imageries [mainzallaerialimageries]
* Date differs (''2019;2019' or '2019'' != '2019-03-29'): [CH] Canton Zug (Walchwil and Zug (Alpli)) 2019 [Zug-2019-wms]
* Date differs (''2021;2023'' != '2019;2022'): [US] National Agriculture Imagery Program [USDA-NAIP]
* Date differs (''2014;2020'' != '2008;2017'): [US] Minnesota Composite Image Service [Minnesota-Composite-Image-Service]
* Date differs (''2015-05;2015-05' or '2015-05'' != '2015-05;2018'): [FR] Lyon Orthophoto 2015/2018 [orthophoto_lyon]
* Date differs (''2022;2023'' != '2019;2020'): [US] MD Latest 6 Inch Aerial Imagery []
* Date differs (''2022-12-27;2023-05-12'' != '2023-05'): [AU] ACTmapi Imagery 2023-05 [ACT202305]
* Date differs (''2010;2019'' != '2019'): [AL] Adress System Albania (ASIG) [AL_DPGJC_ASIG_SistemiAdresave]
* Date differs (''2021-04-01;2021-04-01' or '2021-04-01'' != '2021-04'): [FI] Turku orthophoto 2021 [turku-2021-ortho]
* Date differs (''2013;2017'' != '2017'): [US] VT VCGI LiDAR - DSM Hillshade [VCGI_LiDAR_DSM_Hillshade]
+ Missing ELI date ('-'): [DE] Saxony-Anhalt, LVermGeo, administrative boundaries [LSA-ALKIS-DVG]
- Missing JOSM date ('2017;2017' or '2017'): [AR] CABA ortofotos 2017 (TMS) [gcba-ortofotos-2017]
* Date differs (''2016-03-30;2024-10-02'' != '2015-05;2024-08'): [US] Virginia Property Lines [VGIN-PropertyLines_WM]
* Date differs (''2014;2014' or '2014'' != '2014-07'): [IT] South Tyrol Orthofoto 2014 [South-Tyrol-Orthofoto2014]
* Date differs (''2021;2023'' != '2021-03;2024-06'): [US] Virginia Imagery Service - Most Recent [VGIN-Imagery_WM]
* Date differs (''2023;2023' or '2023'' != '2023-05'): [CH] Stadt Bern 10cm (2023) [Bern-bern2023-wms]
* Date differs (''2023;2023' or '2023'' != '2017-04-12;2017-04-21'): [DE] Stuttgart latest aerial imagery [StuttgartLatestAerialImagery]
+ Missing ELI date ('2018;-'): [DE] North Rhine-Westphalia aerial photograph [DE-NRW-DOP_mirror1]
+ Missing ELI date ('-'): [DE] Saxony-Anhalt, LVermGeo, building shapes [LSA-ALKIS_BU]
* Date differs (''2013;2017'' != '2017'): [US] VT VCGI LiDAR - DEM Hillshade [VCGI_LiDAR_DEM_Hillshade]
* Date differs (''2020;2023'' != '2023'): [DE] Brandenburg GeoBasis-DE/LGB (2025): DOP20c [Brandenburg-DOP20c]
+ Missing ELI date ('2019'): [FR] Route 500 [route500]
* Date differs (''2023;2023' or '2023'' != '2023-04-22'): [DE] Berlin/Geoportal TrueDOP20RGBI (2023) [Berlin-2023-TrueDOP_mirror1]
* Date differs (''2021-04;2021-05'' != '2021-04-10;2021-04-11'): [UA] Ukraine - Cherkasy 2021 [UkraineCherkasy2021]
* Date differs (''2021;2023'' != '2021;2024'): [US] IndianaMap Orthoimagery - Latest Available [IndianaMap_Latest]
* Date differs (''2023-05;2023-10'' != '2023'): [PT] OrtoSat of mainland Portugal - 30 cm - 2023 (DGT) [ORTOS_DGT_2023]
* Date differs (''2013-11-16;2021-04-24'' != '2010-12-02;2015-12-31'): [US] MassGIS LIDAR Shaded Relief [MassGIS-LIDAR-Shaded-Relief]
+ Missing ELI date ('-'): [DE] Saxony-Anhalt, LVermGeo, Land parcels/plots ALKIS [LSA-ALKIS-CP]
* Date differs (''2015-06-05;2015-06-06'' != '2015'): [PL] Wrocław: Orthophotomap 2015 (aerial image) [wroclaw-orto2015]
* Date differs (''2019;2019' or '2019'' != '2019-08-26;2019-10-24'): [US] Mesa County GIS NAIP 2019 [MCGIS-County-Imagery-2019]
* Date differs (''2023;2023' or '2023'' != '2023-04'): [HU] Budapest district XI orthophoto 2023 [Budapest_XI_2023]
- Missing JOSM date ('2022;2022' or '2022'): [SE] Gothenburg Orthophoto [gothenburg-ortho]
* Date differs (''2017;2022'' != '2014;2017'): [US] MD Three Inch Aerial Imagery []
- Missing JOSM date ('2021;2023'): [FR] BDOrtho IGN [fr.ign.bdortho]
* Date differs (''2012;2012' or '2012'' != '2012;2014'): [DE] Saxony historical aerial imagery 2012-2014 [GEOSN-DOP-2012_2014]
* Date differs (''2011-08-11;2014-06-10'' != '2011;2014'): [HU] FÖMI orthophoto 2011-2014 (webp) [FOMI_2011_2014]
* Date differs (''2020;2018'' != '2018;2020'): [BR] Dourados Orthophotos [Dourados_Ortofotos]
+ Missing ELI date ('-'): [DE] Saxony-Anhalt, LVermGeo, Hydro network [LSA-ATKIS-HYN]
* Date differs (''-;2006' or '2006'' != '2004;2006'): [PT] Orthophotos of mainland Portugal - 50 cm - 2004-2006 (DGT) [ORTOS_DGT_2004_06]
* Date differs (''2016-03-29;2024-10-02'' != '2015-05;2024-08'): [US] Virginia Building Footprints [VGIN-BuildingFootprints_WM]
* Date differs (''1950;1978'' != '1950;1979'): [SE] Lantmäteriet Economic Map ca. 1950-1978 [osmse-ekonomiska]
* Date differs (''2022-03-31;2022-02-15'' != '2022'): [FR] Lyon Orthophoto 2022 [orthophoto_lyon_2022]
+ Missing ELI date ('-'): [GB] Public Rights of Way [prowoverlay]
+ Missing ELI date ('2020-01-01'): [JP] Susono city orthophoto [susono_shizuoka_jp_orthophoto]
* Date differs (''2013;2017'' != '2013;2022'): [FR] Ortho HR IGN [fr.orthohr]
* Date differs (''2022;2022' or '2022'' != '2021'): EOx cloudless Sentinel-2 2022 [EOXAT2022CLOUDLESS]
+ Missing ELI date ('2020-10'): [GB] Postcode centroids [postcodecentroids]
- Missing JOSM date ('2019;-' or '2019'): [BR] Fortaleza Street Names [Fortaleza_Streets]
* Date differs (''2022-08-10;2022-09-23'' != '2021-09-03;2021-09-23'): [LU] ortho latest [lu.geoportail.opendata.ortholatest]
* Date differs (''2017;2017' or '2017'' != '2019'): [PL] Łódź: Orthophotomap 2019 (aerial image) [Lodz-ortho]
*** Same URL, but different information: ***
- Missing JOSM description (Yearly IPR Praha orthophotos, usually taken in summer months when vegetation is fully grown. Same imagery as Praha IPR latest orthophoto but served from a TMS proxy): [CZ] Praha IPR latest orthophoto [PrahaIPRlatestorthophoto_mirror1]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [CZ] Praha IPR latest orthophoto [PrahaIPRlatestorthophoto_mirror1]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [CZ] Praha IPR latest orthophoto [PrahaIPRlatestorthophoto_mirror1]
- Missing JOSM attribution URL ( [CZ] Praha IPR latest orthophoto [PrahaIPRlatestorthophoto_mirror1]
- Missing JOSM attribution text (IPR Praha; OSM CZ): [CZ] Praha IPR latest orthophoto [PrahaIPRlatestorthophoto_mirror1]
+ Missing ELI description ('2022 Orthophotos mosaic from Rio de Janeiro city.'): [BR] Rio Mosaic 2022 [rio2022]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [BR] Rio Mosaic 2022 [rio2022]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [BR] Rio Mosaic 2022 [rio2022]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [BR] Rio Mosaic 2022 [rio2022]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:31983 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:29193 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [BR] Rio Mosaic 2022 [rio2022]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [RU] Kerch Strait 2018 [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R021_N44_20180429T082601]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [RU] Kerch Strait 2018 [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R021_N44_20180429T082601]
+ ELI License URL in JOSM Attribution: [FR] Toulouse - Orthophotoplan 2013 [Toulouse-Orthophotoplan-2013]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [NO] NVE Avalanche Danger Areas overlay [nve-snoskred]
* Description differs ('Norwegian road network from the National Road database (NVDB). Colours represent national, county, municipal, private and forest roads + footways/cycleways.' != 'Norwegian road network from the National Road database (NVDB), also used in Vbase and Elveg. Colours represent national, county, municipal, private and forest roads + footways/cycleways.'): [NO] Kartverket Road Network overlay [kartverket-vegnett]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [NO] Kartverket Road Network overlay [kartverket-vegnett]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [NO] Kartverket Road Network overlay [kartverket-vegnett]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:23031 EPSG:23032 EPSG:23033 EPSG:23034 EPSG:23035 EPSG:23036 EPSG:25831 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:25834 EPSG:25835 EPSG:25836 EPSG:27393 EPSG:3007 EPSG:3008 EPSG:3012 EPSG:3013 EPSG:3014 EPSG:3016 EPSG:3029 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3046 EPSG:3047 EPSG:32631 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:32634 EPSG:32635 EPSG:32636 EPSG:3575 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:23029 EPSG:23030 EPSG:23031 EPSG:23032 EPSG:23033 EPSG:23034 EPSG:23035 EPSG:23036 EPSG:25829 EPSG:25830 EPSG:25831 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:25834 EPSG:25835 EPSG:25836 EPSG:27393 EPSG:3007 EPSG:3008 EPSG:3009 EPSG:3010 EPSG:3011 EPSG:3012 EPSG:3013 EPSG:3014 EPSG:3015 EPSG:3016 EPSG:3017 EPSG:3018 EPSG:3029 EPSG:3030 EPSG:3031 EPSG:3032 EPSG:3033 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3036 EPSG:3046 EPSG:3047 EPSG:32629 EPSG:32630 EPSG:32631 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:32634 EPSG:32635 EPSG:32636 EPSG:3575 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [NO] Kartverket Road Network overlay [kartverket-vegnett]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [BE] SPW(allonie) 2020 aerial imagery [SPW2020]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:31370 EPSG:3812 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:31370 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [BE] SPW(allonie) 2020 aerial imagery [SPW2020]
* Description differs ('Orthophotos from the municipality of Stockholm 2018, CC0 license' != 'Orthophotos from the municipality of Stockholm 2019, CC0 license'): [SE] Stockholm Orthophoto [stockholm-orto]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:25833 EPSG:3006 EPSG:3011 EPSG:3015 EPSG:3152 EPSG:32633 EPSG:3395 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326 EPSG:5850' != 'EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:25835 EPSG:25884 EPSG:3006 EPSG:3007 EPSG:3008 EPSG:3009 EPSG:3010 EPSG:3011 EPSG:3012 EPSG:3013 EPSG:3014 EPSG:3015 EPSG:3016 EPSG:3017 EPSG:3018 EPSG:3044 EPSG:3152 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326 EPSG:5850 EPSG:5973 EPSG:5975'): [SE] Stockholm Orthophoto [stockholm-orto]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2056 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2056 EPSG:21781 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [CH] Kanton Solothurn, DSM Relief 2018 [Solothurn-sogis2018-dsm-wms]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [HU] OpenStreetMap Hungary (hiking routes) [OpenStreetMap-turistautak]
+ Missing ELI overlay flag: [HU] OpenStreetMap Hungary (hiking routes) [OpenStreetMap-turistautak]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2056 EPSG:2154 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2056 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [CH] Canton of Geneva, DSM (SITG 2017) [Geneve-dsm-2017]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [EE] Estonia Basemap (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Basemap]
+ License URL differs ('' != ''): [EE] Estonia Basemap (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Basemap]
* Attribution text differs ('Maa-ameti põhikaart' != 'Maa-Ameti põhikaart'): [EE] Estonia Basemap (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Basemap]
+ ELI has minimal projections ('EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:4326'): [EE] Estonia Basemap (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Basemap]
- Missing JOSM description (15cm Spring 2021 true color aerial imagery for the state of Massachusetts): [US] MassGIS 2021 Orthos [MassGIS-2021-Orthos_mirror1]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [US] MassGIS 2021 Orthos [MassGIS-2021-Orthos_mirror1]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [US] MassGIS 2021 Orthos [MassGIS-2021-Orthos_mirror1]
* Attribution text differs ('MassGIS' != 'MassGIS 2021 Orthos, 2021-04'): [US] MassGIS 2021 Orthos [MassGIS-2021-Orthos_mirror1]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] Far southern Transantarctic Mnts. west [osmim-imagicode-aster_anti_west]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] Far southern Transantarctic Mnts. west [osmim-imagicode-aster_anti_west]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] Ohio Range [osmim-imagicode-aster_anti2]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] Ohio Range [osmim-imagicode-aster_anti2]
+ Missing ELI license URL (''): [ES] GRAFCAN OrtoExpress Urbana - Canary Islands [GRAFCAN-Canary_Islands]
* Description differs ('Represents approximately minimum snow cover so can be well used for glacier mapping (somewhat outdated) (true color)' != 'Represents approximately minimum snow cover so can be well used for glacier mapping (true color)'): [PK] Western Karakoram [osmim-imagicode-LC81490352013282LGN00]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [PK] Western Karakoram [osmim-imagicode-LC81490352013282LGN00]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [PK] Western Karakoram [osmim-imagicode-LC81490352013282LGN00]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2056 EPSG:2154 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2056 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [CH] Canton of Geneva, DTM (SITG 2014) [Geneve-dtm-2014]
- Missing JOSM license URL ( [US] USGS Imagery [USGS-Imagery]
* Description differs ('Missing Islands in OSM, somewhat outdated (true color)' != 'Missing Islands in OSM (true color)'): [ID] Batam [osmim-imagicode-LC81250592016107LGN00]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [ID] Batam [osmim-imagicode-LC81250592016107LGN00]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [ID] Batam [osmim-imagicode-LC81250592016107LGN00]
* Attribution text differs ('©' != '© CC-BY-SA'): OpenSnowMap overlay [opensnowmap-overlay]
+ ELI has minimal projections ('EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:3857'): [AU] DCS NSW Administrative Boundaries Parish [LPI_NSW_Administrative_Boundaries_Parish]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:25829 EPSG:25830 EPSG:25831 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:25834 EPSG:25835 EPSG:25836 EPSG:32631 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:32634 EPSG:32635 EPSG:32636 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:25829 EPSG:25830 EPSG:25831 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:25834 EPSG:25835 EPSG:25836 EPSG:32631 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:32634 EPSG:32635 EPSG:32636 EPSG:4326'): [NO] SSB City Centres overlay [ssb-sentrum]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2019 EPSG:2294 EPSG:2295 EPSG:26907 EPSG:26908 EPSG:26909 EPSG:26910 EPSG:26911 EPSG:26912 EPSG:26913 EPSG:26914 EPSG:26915 EPSG:26916 EPSG:26917 EPSG:26918 EPSG:26919 EPSG:26920 EPSG:26921 EPSG:2952 EPSG:32183 EPSG:32184 EPSG:32185 EPSG:32186 EPSG:32187 EPSG:32188 EPSG:32189 EPSG:32190 EPSG:32191 EPSG:32192 EPSG:32193 EPSG:32194 EPSG:32195 EPSG:32196 EPSG:32197 EPSG:32198 EPSG:3395 EPSG:3400 EPSG:3401 EPSG:3573 EPSG:3578 EPSG:3579 EPSG:3799 EPSG:3857 EPSG:3978 EPSG:3979 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2019 EPSG:2294 EPSG:2295 EPSG:26907 EPSG:26908 EPSG:26909 EPSG:26910 EPSG:26911 EPSG:26912 EPSG:26913 EPSG:26914 EPSG:26915 EPSG:26916 EPSG:26917 EPSG:26918 EPSG:26919 EPSG:26920 EPSG:26921 EPSG:26922 EPSG:2952 EPSG:32181 EPSG:32182 EPSG:32183 EPSG:32184 EPSG:32185 EPSG:32186 EPSG:32187 EPSG:32188 EPSG:32189 EPSG:32190 EPSG:32191 EPSG:32192 EPSG:32193 EPSG:32194 EPSG:32195 EPSG:32196 EPSG:32197 EPSG:32198 EPSG:3395 EPSG:3400 EPSG:3401 EPSG:3571 EPSG:3572 EPSG:3573 EPSG:3574 EPSG:3575 EPSG:3576 EPSG:3578 EPSG:3579 EPSG:3799 EPSG:3857 EPSG:3978 EPSG:3979 EPSG:4326'): [CA] Canvec - English [Canvec]
- Missing JOSM description (Usługa przeglądania WMS Krajowa Integracja Numeracji Adresowej umożliwiająca pobieranie obrazów mapowych utworzonych na podstawie danych przestrzennych z Państwowego Rejestru Granic w zakresie ewidencji ulic i adresów.): [PL] Geoportal 2: Punkty adresowe [Geoportal2-PL-addres_points_WMS]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AT] VoGIS: Aerial image []
* Description differs ('Late summer imagery where usual sources are severely limited by clouds and snow, somewhat outdated (true color)' != 'Late summer imagery where usual sources are severely limited by clouds and snow (true color)'): [AL] Prokletije Mountains [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R136_N41_20150831T093006]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [AL] Prokletije Mountains [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R136_N41_20150831T093006]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AL] Prokletije Mountains [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R136_N41_20150831T093006]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( OpenAerialMap Mosaic by [OpenAerialMapMosaic]
- Missing JOSM license URL ( OpenAerialMap Mosaic by [OpenAerialMapMosaic]
+ Missing ELI attribution URL (''): OpenAerialMap Mosaic by [OpenAerialMapMosaic]
+ Missing ELI attribution text ('Terms and License'): OpenAerialMap Mosaic by [OpenAerialMapMosaic]
- Missing JOSM default: OpenAerialMap Mosaic by [OpenAerialMapMosaic]
+ Missing ELI overlay flag: OpenAerialMap Mosaic by [OpenAerialMapMosaic]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [GL] Landsat off-nadir July 2016 [osmim-imagicode-ls_polar2]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [GL] Landsat off-nadir July 2016 [osmim-imagicode-ls_polar2]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [TZ] Mount Kilimanjaro 2016 [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R092_S05_20160802T075556]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [TZ] Mount Kilimanjaro 2016 [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R092_S05_20160802T075556]
* Description differs ('Fotografía aérea tomada en el año 2021' != 'Fotografía aérea de la ciudad de Buenos Aires tomada en el año 2021'): [AR] CABA ortofotos 2021 (TMS) [gcba-ortofotos-2021]
+ ELI projections for type tms: [AR] CABA ortofotos 2021 (TMS) [gcba-ortofotos-2021]
+ Missing ELI description ('Orthofoto 2017, südlicher Teil des Landesgebietes. Die Befliegungen wurden im Zeitraum von Juli bis Oktober 2017 durchgeführt. Auflösung 20cm'): [IT] South Tyrol Orthofoto 2017 [South-Tyrol-Orthofoto-2017]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [IT] South Tyrol Orthofoto 2017 [South-Tyrol-Orthofoto-2017]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:25832 EPSG:32632 EPSG:3857' != 'EPSG:25832 EPSG:31258 EPSG:32632 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [IT] South Tyrol Orthofoto 2017 [South-Tyrol-Orthofoto-2017]
+ ELI License URL in JOSM Attribution: [FR] Toulouse - Orthophotoplan 2015 [Toulouse-Orthophotoplan-2015]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2056 EPSG:21781 EPSG:25832 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:31467 EPSG:32632 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2056 EPSG:21781 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:31287 EPSG:31467 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [CH] swisstopo SWISSIMAGE [swisstopo_swissimage]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2177 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2177 EPSG:2180 EPSG:4326'): [PL] Łódź: Buildings [Lodz-buildings]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [SE] Kalmar Urban Orthophoto 2020 [kalmar-orto-2020]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [BR] IBGE BC250 - Isolated Rural Locations [IBGE_BC250_Aglomerado_Rural]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [BR] IBGE BC250 - Isolated Rural Locations [IBGE_BC250_Aglomerado_Rural]
- Missing JOSM attribution URL ( [BR] IBGE BC250 - Isolated Rural Locations [IBGE_BC250_Aglomerado_Rural]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): Thunderforest Outdoors [tf-outdoors]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): Thunderforest Outdoors [tf-outdoors]
* Attribution text differs ('Maps © Thunderforest, Data © OpenStreetMap contributors' != 'Data © OpenStreetMap contributors'): Thunderforest Outdoors [tf-outdoors]
+ ELI License URL in JOSM Attribution: [FR] Toulouse - Orthophotoplan 2011 [Toulouse-Orthophotoplan-2011]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [DE] Ludwigshafen 2019 [Ludwigshafen-2019]
+ Missing ELI privacy policy URL (''): [NO] Kartverket Accessibility overlay [kartverket-tilgjengelighet]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [NO] Kartverket Accessibility overlay [kartverket-tilgjengelighet]
+ Missing ELI privacy policy URL (''): [DE] Mainz all aerial imageries [mainzallaerialimageries]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:3035 EPSG:3765 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:3765 EPSG:4326'): [HR] Croatia 2014-2016 Aerial imagery [dgu-dof-2014-2016]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [FI] Helsinki region orthophoto [hri-orto]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [FI] Helsinki region orthophoto [hri-orto]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:3067 EPSG:3857 EPSG:3879 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:3857 EPSG:3879 EPSG:4326'): [FI] Helsinki region orthophoto [hri-orto]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:31983 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:31983 EPSG:4326'): [BR] GeoPortal DF 2016 [GeoPortal_DF_2016]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [FR] Bayonne - 2016 [Bayonne_2016]
* Attribution text differs ('Ville de Bayonne, Communauté d'Agglomtération Pays Basque - 2016' != 'Ville de Bayonne, Communauté d'Agglomération Pays Basque - 2016'): [FR] Bayonne - 2016 [Bayonne_2016]
* Description differs ('Digiroad national road network from the Finnish Transport Agency with several options for map layers.' != 'Digiroad national road network from the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency with several options for map layers.'): [FI] FTIA Road Network (Digiroad) options (overlay) [fta-digiroad-option]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [FI] FTIA Road Network (Digiroad) options (overlay) [fta-digiroad-option]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [FI] FTIA Road Network (Digiroad) options (overlay) [fta-digiroad-option]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [FI] FTIA Road Network (Digiroad) options (overlay) [fta-digiroad-option]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [US] NJ 2015 Aerial Imagery (Infrared) []
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [US] NJ 2015 Aerial Imagery (Infrared) []
* Projections differ ('EPSG:3424 EPSG:3616 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326 EPSG:6527' != 'EPSG:102711 EPSG:2959 EPSG:3424 EPSG:3616 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4269 EPSG:4326 EPSG:6527'): [US] NJ 2015 Aerial Imagery (Infrared) []
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [SE] Kalmar South Orthophoto 2016 [kalmar-orto-2016]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [SE] Kalmar South Orthophoto 2016 [kalmar-orto-2016]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:3010 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:3010 EPSG:4326'): [SE] Kalmar South Orthophoto 2016 [kalmar-orto-2016]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [HU] Budapest district XI orthophoto 2019 [Budapest_XI_2019]
- Missing JOSM description (Orthofoto für das Gebiet von Walchwil und Zug (Alpli). Die Befliegung für das genannte Orthofoto fand am 29. März 2019 statt.): [CH] Canton Zug (Walchwil and Zug (Alpli)) 2019 [Zug-2019-wms]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): OpenStreetMap (German Style) [osm-mapnik-german_style]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2056 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2056 EPSG:21781 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [CH] Kanton Solothurn, DTM Relief 2018 [Solothurn-sogis2018-dtm-wms]
* Attribution text differs ('Geodaten Kanton Basel-Stadt OF 2017' != 'Kanton Basel-Stadt OF 2017'): [CH] Kanton Basel-Stadt 2017 [KTBASELSTADT2017]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [US] National Agriculture Imagery Program [USDA-NAIP]
- Missing JOSM license URL ( [US] National Agriculture Imagery Program [USDA-NAIP]
- Missing JOSM attribution URL ( [US] National Agriculture Imagery Program [USDA-NAIP]
- Missing JOSM attribution text (U.S. Department of Agriculture): [US] National Agriculture Imagery Program [USDA-NAIP]
- Missing JOSM description (Esri World Imagery): Esri World Imagery [EsriWorldImagery]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( Esri World Imagery [EsriWorldImagery]
* No tile headers differ ('{Etag=["vvvvvvvvvvvvf"]}' != '{Etag=["10i954m13i2"]}'): Esri World Imagery [EsriWorldImagery]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [DE] Ludwigshafen 2022 [Ludwigshafen-2022]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [NZ] LINZ NZ Topo50 Gridless Maps [LINZ_NZ_Topo50_Gridless_Maps]
* Description differs ('Made in 1994-1999 in cooperation with the Swedish company Swedesurvey Oy. In 1995, aerial photography of Daugavpils city and district was performed in cooperation with the Danish Ministry of Agriculture, aerial photography works are performed by the company 'Kampsax-Geoplan', and orthophoto maps are produced by the State Land Service (VZD) with a resolution of 1 meter. Aerial photography was performed with analog cameras to obtain black and white aerial at 1:30,000 scale. Satellite images of the Eastern border of Latvia were purchased in 2000-2001 from ICONOSS. <a href=''>ArcGIS service</a> description.' != 'Made in 1994-1999 in cooperation with the Swedish company Swedesurvey Oy. In 1995, aerial photography of Daugavpils city and district was performed in cooperation with the Danish Ministry of Agriculture, aerial photography works are performed by the company Kampsax-Geoplan, and orthophoto maps are produced by the State Land Service (VZD) with a resolution of 1 meter. Aerial photography was performed with analog cameras to obtain black and white aerial at 1:30,000 scale. Satellite images of the Eastern border of Latvia were purchased in 2000-2001 from ICONOSS.'): [LV] Latvia - Orthophoto 1st cycle B&W (1994-1999), 1:30000 [LV_ORTOFOTO_C1]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [LV] Latvia - Orthophoto 1st cycle B&W (1994-1999), 1:30000 [LV_ORTOFOTO_C1]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:3059 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:3059 EPSG:4326'): [LV] Latvia - Orthophoto 1st cycle B&W (1994-1999), 1:30000 [LV_ORTOFOTO_C1]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] Patuxent Range [osmim-imagicode-aster_anti3]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] Patuxent Range [osmim-imagicode-aster_anti3]
+ ELI has minimal projections ('EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:3857'): [AU] DCS NSW Administrative Boundaries State Forest [LPI_NSW_Administrative_Boundaries_StateForest]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [CA] Northern Ellesmere Island [osmim-imagicode-nellesmere_ast]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [CA] Northern Ellesmere Island [osmim-imagicode-nellesmere_ast]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:3043 EPSG:31300 EPSG:31370 EPSG:3812 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:31370 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [BE] URBISnl numerical imagery [URBISnl]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:3765 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:3765 EPSG:4326'): [HR] Topo 100 [dgu-topo-100]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [US] Minnesota Composite Image Service [Minnesota-Composite-Image-Service]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:26915 EPSG:3857' != 'EPSG:26915'): [US] Minnesota Composite Image Service [Minnesota-Composite-Image-Service]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:31983 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:31983 EPSG:4326'): [BR] GeoPortal DF 2015 [GeoPortal_DF_2015]
* Attribution text differs ('© GKÚ, NLC 2017-2019' != '© GKÚ, NLC; r.2020-2022'): [SK] Ortofotomozaika SR 2020-2022 [gku-nlc]
+ ELI has minimal projections ('EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:3857'): [AU] DCS NSW Administrative Boundaries LGA [LPI_NSW_Administrative_Boundaries_LGA]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [SE] Linköping Orthophoto [linkoping-orto]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:3006 EPSG:3009 EPSG:3857' != 'EPSG:3009 EPSG:3857'): [SE] Linköping Orthophoto [linkoping-orto]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): Waymarked Trails: MTB [Waymarked_Trails-MTB]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [NO] Kartverket Administrative Boundaries overlay [kartverket-abas]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [NO] Kartverket Administrative Boundaries overlay [kartverket-abas]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [NO] Kartverket Administrative Boundaries overlay [kartverket-abas]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:25831 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:25834 EPSG:25835 EPSG:25836 EPSG:27391 EPSG:27392 EPSG:27393 EPSG:27394 EPSG:27395 EPSG:27396 EPSG:27397 EPSG:27398 EPSG:3034 EPSG:32631 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:32634 EPSG:32635 EPSG:32636 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:25829 EPSG:25830 EPSG:25831 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:25834 EPSG:25835 EPSG:25836 EPSG:27391 EPSG:27392 EPSG:27393 EPSG:27394 EPSG:27395 EPSG:27396 EPSG:27397 EPSG:27398 EPSG:3034 EPSG:32631 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:32634 EPSG:32635 EPSG:32636 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [NO] Kartverket Administrative Boundaries overlay [kartverket-abas]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [PL] Bytom: Orthophotomap 2016 (aerial image) [Bytom-2016]
- Missing JOSM license URL ( [PL] Bytom: Orthophotomap 2016 (aerial image) [Bytom-2016]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2177 EPSG:2180' != 'EPSG:2177'): [PL] Bytom: Orthophotomap 2016 (aerial image) [Bytom-2016]
* Attribution text differs ('Ortho Littorale 2000 - Ministère en charge de l’environnement' != 'Ortho littorale 2000'): [FR] Géolittoral - Orthophotos 2000 [Geolittoral-Orthophotos2000]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AT] Tiris: DGM (Terrain model) []
* Projections differ ('EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3044 EPSG:3045 EPSG:31254 EPSG:31255 EPSG:31257 EPSG:31258 EPSG:31287 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3044 EPSG:3045 EPSG:31254 EPSG:31255 EPSG:31256 EPSG:31257 EPSG:31258 EPSG:31259 EPSG:31287 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [AT] Tiris: DGM (Terrain model) []
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] Southern Transantarctic Mountains [osmim-imagicode-LC80281222016035LGN00]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] Southern Transantarctic Mountains [osmim-imagicode-LC80281222016035LGN00]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [PL] Gliwice: Orthophotomap 2020 (aerial image) [Gliwice-2020]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [GB] NLS - OS 1:10,560 National Grid Maps, 1940s-1960s [NLS-OS-NatGrid-110k-1940-60]
* Attribution text differs ('Geographisches Informationssystem des Kantons Zürich (GIS-ZH), Terrainschummerung' != 'Kanton Zürich Terrain Hillshade'): [CH] Kanton Zurich, Terrain Hillshade 2014 50cm [OGDLidarZH-DTM]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2056 EPSG:21780 EPSG:21781 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2056 EPSG:21780 EPSG:21781 EPSG:21782 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [CH] Kanton Zurich, Terrain Hillshade 2014 50cm [OGDLidarZH-DTM]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [HU] EUFAR Balaton orthophotos [eufar-balaton]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [SI] RABA-KGZ: Slovenia built-up areas [RABA-KGZ-3000]
- Missing JOSM overlay flag: [SI] RABA-KGZ: Slovenia built-up areas [RABA-KGZ-3000]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [BE] SPW(allonie) 2019 aerial imagery [SPW2019]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:31370 EPSG:3812 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:31370 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [BE] SPW(allonie) 2019 aerial imagery [SPW2019]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [DE] Worms 2003 [Worms-2003]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:25832 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:25832 EPSG:4326'): [DE] Worms 2003 [Worms-2003]
+ Missing ELI description ('Full coverage of the territory. Resolution 20cm'): [IT] South Tyrol Orthofoto 2023 [South-Tyrol-Orthofoto-2023]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [IT] South Tyrol Orthofoto 2023 [South-Tyrol-Orthofoto-2023]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [IT] South Tyrol Orthofoto 2023 [South-Tyrol-Orthofoto-2023]
* Attribution text differs ('© Autonome Provinz Bozen/Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano CC-BY 4.0' != '© Autonome Provinz Bozen - Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano'): [IT] South Tyrol Orthofoto 2023 [South-Tyrol-Orthofoto-2023]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [GL] Kangerlussuaq Spring [osmim-imagicode-dms_kangerlussuaq_20160518]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [GL] Kangerlussuaq Spring [osmim-imagicode-dms_kangerlussuaq_20160518]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [DE] Thüringen DOP20 [Thuringia-DOP20]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [DE] Thüringen DOP20 [Thuringia-DOP20]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3044 EPSG:3045 EPSG:31467 EPSG:31468 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3040 EPSG:3041 EPSG:3042 EPSG:3043 EPSG:3044 EPSG:3045 EPSG:3046 EPSG:3047 EPSG:31467 EPSG:31468 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [DE] Thüringen DOP20 [Thuringia-DOP20]
* Attribution text differs ('Ortho Littorale v2 - Ministère en charge de l’environnement' != 'Ortho Littorale V2 - MEDDE'): [FR] Géolittoral V2 - Orthophotos 2011-2014 [GeolittoralV2-Orthophotos]
- Missing JOSM license URL ( [IL] Israel Hiking [Israel_Hiking]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [EE] Estonia Forestry (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Forestry]
+ License URL differs ('' != ''): [EE] Estonia Forestry (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Forestry]
* Attribution text differs ('Maa-ameti metsanduslik ortofoto' != 'Maa-Ameti metsanduslik ortofoto'): [EE] Estonia Forestry (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Forestry]
+ ELI has minimal projections ('EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:4326'): [EE] Estonia Forestry (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Forestry]
- Missing JOSM description (Orthophotographie 2015 de la Métropole de Lyon): [FR] Lyon Orthophoto 2015/2018 [orthophoto_lyon]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [FR] Lyon Orthophoto 2015/2018 [orthophoto_lyon]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [FR] Lyon Orthophoto 2015/2018 [orthophoto_lyon]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [FR] Lyon Orthophoto 2015/2018 [orthophoto_lyon]
* Attribution text differs ('Métropole de Lyon DINSI 2015' != 'Métropole de Lyon DINSI'): [FR] Lyon Orthophoto 2015/2018 [orthophoto_lyon]
- Missing JOSM description (Yearly IPR Praha orthophotos, taken after the leaves are fallen from the trees): [CZ] Praha IPR low-vegetation orthophoto [PrahaIPRlow-vegetationorthophoto]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [CZ] Praha IPR low-vegetation orthophoto [PrahaIPRlow-vegetationorthophoto]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [CZ] Praha IPR low-vegetation orthophoto [PrahaIPRlow-vegetationorthophoto]
- Missing JOSM attribution URL ( [CZ] Praha IPR low-vegetation orthophoto [PrahaIPRlow-vegetationorthophoto]
- Missing JOSM attribution text (IPR Praha): [CZ] Praha IPR low-vegetation orthophoto [PrahaIPRlow-vegetationorthophoto]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326 EPSG:5514' != 'EPSG:102067 EPSG:4326 EPSG:5514'): [CZ] Praha IPR low-vegetation orthophoto [PrahaIPRlow-vegetationorthophoto]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [FR] Nancy - Orthophoto - 2012 [GrandNancy_Orthophotographie_2012]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [GS] Shag Rocks [osmim-imagicode-LC82100972015347LGN00]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [GS] Shag Rocks [osmim-imagicode-LC82100972015347LGN00]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [LK] Adams Bridge [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R119_N09_20160327T050917]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [LK] Adams Bridge [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R119_N09_20160327T050917]
* Description differs ('The most recent 6-inch resolution orthoimagery for the State of Maryland' != 'Six Inch resolution aerial imagery for the State of Maryland'): [US] MD Latest 6 Inch Aerial Imagery []
- Missing JOSM license URL ( [US] MD Latest 6 Inch Aerial Imagery []
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2248 EPSG:26985 EPSG:2893 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326 EPSG:6487 EPSG:6488' != 'EPSG:102685 EPSG:2248 EPSG:26985 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [US] MD Latest 6 Inch Aerial Imagery []
+ ELI has minimal projections ('EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:3857'): EOx cloudless Sentinel-2 2021 [EOXAT2021CLOUDLESS]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [RU] Pechora Sea Coast [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R078_N68_20160930T081002]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [RU] Pechora Sea Coast [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R078_N68_20160930T081002]
- Missing JOSM description (Urban area and western edge of ACT imagery captured 5 - 12 May 2023. Remaining rural imagery captured on 27 - 28 December 2022.): [AU] ACTmapi Imagery 2023-05 [ACT202305]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [AU] ACTmapi Imagery 2023-05 [ACT202305]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [AU] ACTmapi Imagery 2023-05 [ACT202305]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AU] ACTmapi Imagery 2023-05 [ACT202305]
* Attribution text differs ('Aerial Imagery from ACTMapi ©ACT Government and MetroMap' != 'Aerial Imagery from ACTMapi CCBY Australian Capital Territory and MetroMap'): [AU] ACTmapi Imagery 2023-05 [ACT202305]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [US] VT VIP Orthoimagery - Infrared [VT_Best_CIR]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [US] VT VIP Orthoimagery - Infrared [VT_Best_CIR]
* Attribution text differs ('Vermont Imagery Program, Vermont Center for Geographic Information' != 'Vermont Center for Geographic Information'): [US] VT VIP Orthoimagery - Infrared [VT_Best_CIR]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [NO] Riksantikvaren Heritage Sites overlay [riksantikvaren-kulturminner]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [SE] Kalmar Urban Orthophoto 2018 [kalmar-orto-2018]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [SE] Kalmar Urban Orthophoto 2018 [kalmar-orto-2018]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:3010 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:3010 EPSG:4326'): [SE] Kalmar Urban Orthophoto 2018 [kalmar-orto-2018]
+ ELI has minimal projections ('EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:3857'): [AU] DCS NSW Administrative Boundaries Suburb [LPI_NSW_Administrative_Boundaries_Suburb]
* Description differs ('State of bridge construction in August 2016, outdated (true color)' != 'State of bridge construction in August 2016 (true color)'): [RU] Kerch Strait [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R021_N44_20160807T083013]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [RU] Kerch Strait [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R021_N44_20160807T083013]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [RU] Kerch Strait [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R021_N44_20160807T083013]
+ License URL differs ('' != ''): [AT] VoGIS: Real color image 2020 (10cm) []
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2056 EPSG:21781 EPSG:25832 EPSG:31254 EPSG:31257 EPSG:31284 EPSG:31287 EPSG:31467 EPSG:32632 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2056 EPSG:21781 EPSG:25832 EPSG:31254 EPSG:31284 EPSG:31287 EPSG:31467 EPSG:32632 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [AT] VoGIS: Real color image 2020 (10cm) []
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [GB] NLS - OS 1-inch 7th Series 1955-61 [NLS-OS-7th_Series]
+ Missing ELI license URL (''): [LV] Latvia - Soviet Army General Staff topographic maps [USSR-Latvia]
+ Missing ELI attribution text ('Ģ WMS serviss: PSRS armijas ģenerālštāba topogrāfiskās kartes'): [LV] Latvia - Soviet Army General Staff topographic maps [USSR-Latvia]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [IE] Ireland Bartholomew Quarter-Inch 1940 [bartholomew_qi1940]
+ ELI has minimal projections ('EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:3857'): [AU] DCS NSW Administrative Boundaries NPWS Reserve [LPI_NSW_Administrative_Boundaries_NPWS_Reserve]
* Attribution text differs ('Stadt Zürich Luftbild 2011' != 'Stadt Zürich Open Government Data'): [CH] City of Zürich Orthophoto 2011 [Zuerich-aerial_2011]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): OpenRailwayMap - MaxSpeed [openrailwaymap-mapxspeed]
- Missing JOSM description (Streets, Builings and Roads of Albania provided by ASIG Geoportal): [AL] Adress System Albania (ASIG) [AL_DPGJC_ASIG_SistemiAdresave]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [AL] Adress System Albania (ASIG) [AL_DPGJC_ASIG_SistemiAdresave]
- Missing JOSM license URL ( [AL] Adress System Albania (ASIG) [AL_DPGJC_ASIG_SistemiAdresave]
+ Missing ELI overlay flag: [AL] Adress System Albania (ASIG) [AL_DPGJC_ASIG_SistemiAdresave]
- Missing JOSM description (Ortophotos from the city of Turku): [FI] Turku orthophoto 2021 [turku-2021-ortho]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2391 EPSG:2392 EPSG:3067 EPSG:3128 EPSG:3129 EPSG:3130 EPSG:3857 EPSG:3877 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [FI] Turku orthophoto 2021 [turku-2021-ortho]
- Missing JOSM overlay flag: [US] ODOT (Ohio) Road Inventory [ODOT_TIMS_Road_Inventory]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] Cape Adare [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R071_S72_20200216T210519]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] Cape Adare [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R071_S72_20200216T210519]
- Missing JOSM license URL ( [US] NJ 2015 Aerial Imagery (Natural Color) []
* Projections differ ('EPSG:3424 EPSG:3616 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326 EPSG:6527' != 'EPSG:102711 EPSG:2959 EPSG:3424 EPSG:3616 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4269 EPSG:4326 EPSG:6527'): [US] NJ 2015 Aerial Imagery (Natural Color) []
* Description differs ('Vermont statewide hillshade composite of the earth's surface from the digital surface model. Sun angle is multidirectional' != 'Vermont statewide hillshade composite of the earth surface from the digital surface model. Sun angle is multidirectional'): [US] VT VCGI LiDAR - DSM Hillshade [VCGI_LiDAR_DSM_Hillshade]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [US] VT VCGI LiDAR - DSM Hillshade [VCGI_LiDAR_DSM_Hillshade]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:25832 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3044 EPSG:31467 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:25832 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3044 EPSG:31467 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326 EPSG:4647'): [DE] Hamburg DK5 (HH LGV DK5 2022) [Hamburg-DK5]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [HU] Sóskút, Pusztazámor, Tárnok, Diósd orthophoto 2017 [Soskut_Pusztazamor_Tarnok_Diosd_orto_2017]
* Description differs ('Vector recording of administrative boundaries. The boundaries of the federal state, district, municipality and parts of the municipality are given. ' != 'Vector recording of administrative boundaries. The boundaries of the federal state, district, municipality and parts of the municipality are given.'): [DE] Saxony-Anhalt, LVermGeo, administrative boundaries [LSA-ALKIS-DVG]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [DE] Saxony-Anhalt, LVermGeo, administrative boundaries [LSA-ALKIS-DVG]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:31468 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2397 EPSG:2398 EPSG:2399 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:31467 EPSG:31468 EPSG:31469 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326 EPSG:4647'): [DE] Saxony-Anhalt, LVermGeo, administrative boundaries [LSA-ALKIS-DVG]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [US] Dakota County GIS 2017 Fall Leaf-Off 6-Inch [DCGIS-County-Imagery-2017-Fall-Leaf-Off-6-Inch]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:26915 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:26915 EPSG:4326'): [US] Dakota County GIS 2017 Fall Leaf-Off 6-Inch [DCGIS-County-Imagery-2017-Fall-Leaf-Off-6-Inch]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] USGS 250k Topos Antarctica [osmim-imagicode-usgs_250k_ant]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] USGS 250k Topos Antarctica [osmim-imagicode-usgs_250k_ant]
* Description differs ('Recent image from after the eruption (superseeded by newer image) (true color)' != 'Recent image from after the eruption (true color)'): [US] Bogoslof Island 2017 [osmim-imagicode-LC80770232017156LGN00]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [US] Bogoslof Island 2017 [osmim-imagicode-LC80770232017156LGN00]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [US] Bogoslof Island 2017 [osmim-imagicode-LC80770232017156LGN00]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [SE] Lantmäteriet Historic Orthophoto 1960 [lantmateriet-orto1960]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): Waymarked Trails: Winter Sports [Waymarked_Trails-Winter_Sports]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] Pensacola Mountains [osmim-imagicode-LC81511242016033LGN00]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] Pensacola Mountains [osmim-imagicode-LC81511242016033LGN00]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [FR] PCRS raster ouvert [fr.pcrs]
- Missing JOSM license URL ( [FR] PCRS raster ouvert [fr.pcrs]
+ ELI has minimal projections ('EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2154 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [FR] PCRS raster ouvert [fr.pcrs]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [GS] Clerke Rocks [osmim-imagicode-LC82050982015344LGN00]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [GS] Clerke Rocks [osmim-imagicode-LC82050982015344LGN00]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:31370 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:31370 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [BE] SPW(allonie) 2012-2013 aerial imagery [SPW2012]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [AU] ACTmapi Imagery 2023-11 [ACT202311]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [AU] ACTmapi Imagery 2023-11 [ACT202311]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AU] ACTmapi Imagery 2023-11 [ACT202311]
* Attribution text differs ('Aerial Imagery from ACTMapi ©ACT Government and MetroMap' != 'Aerial Imagery from ACTMapi CCBY Australian Capital Territory and MetroMap'): [AU] ACTmapi Imagery 2023-11 [ACT202311]
+ Missing ELI license URL (''): [ES] GRAFCAN OrtoExpress - Canary Islands [GRAFCAN_Express-Canary_Islands]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2177 EPSG:2180 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2177 EPSG:2180 EPSG:4326'): [PL] Siemianowice Śląskie: Orthophotomap (aerial image) [Siemianowice_Slaskie-aerial_image]
+ ELI has minimal projections ('EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:3857'): EOx cloudless Sentinel-2 2020 [EOXAT2020CLOUDLESS]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [AT] Vienna: General purpose []
- Missing JOSM license URL ( [AT] Vienna: General purpose []
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AT] Vienna: General purpose []
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] USGS 500k Antarctica maps [osmim-imagicode-usgs_500k_ant]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] USGS 500k Antarctica maps [osmim-imagicode-usgs_500k_ant]
+ ELI License URL in JOSM Attribution: [FR] Toulouse - Orthophotoplan 2017 [Toulouse-Orthophotoplan-2017]
* Description differs ('Fotografía aérea tomada en el año 2017' != 'Fotografía aérea de la ciudad de Buenos Aires tomada en el año 2017'): [AR] CABA ortofotos 2017 (TMS) [gcba-ortofotos-2017]
+ ELI projections for type tms: [AR] CABA ortofotos 2017 (TMS) [gcba-ortofotos-2017]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [PL] Bytom: Fotoplan 2014 (aerial image) [Bytom-2014]
- Missing JOSM license URL ( [PL] Bytom: Fotoplan 2014 (aerial image) [Bytom-2014]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2177 EPSG:2180 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2177 EPSG:2180'): [PL] Bytom: Fotoplan 2014 (aerial image) [Bytom-2014]
+ ELI has minimal projections ('EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:3857'): [AU] DCS NSW Administrative Boundaries County [LPI_NSW_Administrative_Boundaries_County]
- Missing JOSM description (CyclOSM is a map style designed with cycling in mind. It leverages OpenStreetMap data to create a beautiful and practical cycling map!): CyclOSM [cyclosm]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( CyclOSM [cyclosm]
- Missing JOSM license URL ( CyclOSM [cyclosm]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): CyclOSM [cyclosm]
* Attribution text differs ('Rendering: CyclOSM (hosted by OpenStreetMap France) © Map data OpenStreetMap contributors' != 'Tiles © CyclOSM, Openstreetmap France, data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODBL'): CyclOSM [cyclosm]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL (,Ochrona-danych-osobowych.html): [PL] Poznań: Orthophotomap 2014 (aerial image) [poznan-ortofotomapa2014]
- Missing JOSM license URL (,Ponowne-wykorzystywanie-informacji-sektora-publicznego.html): [PL] Poznań: Orthophotomap 2014 (aerial image) [poznan-ortofotomapa2014]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2177 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2177 EPSG:2180 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [PL] Poznań: Orthophotomap 2014 (aerial image) [poznan-ortofotomapa2014]
- Missing JOSM overlay flag: [CZ] Czech RUIAN budovy [Czech_RUIAN-budovy]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [PG] Vanatinai [osmim-imagicode-LC80910682014358LGN00]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [PG] Vanatinai [osmim-imagicode-LC80910682014358LGN00]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [RU] Northern and Polar Ural mountains August 2016 [osmim-imagicode-ural_s2_2016]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [RU] Northern and Polar Ural mountains August 2016 [osmim-imagicode-ural_s2_2016]
* Description differs ('A statewide Parcel service showing property ownership outlines where available' != 'A statewide parcel service showing property ownership outlines where available'): [US] Virginia Property Lines [VGIN-PropertyLines_WM]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [US] Virginia Property Lines [VGIN-PropertyLines_WM]
+ License URL differs ('' != ''): [US] Virginia Property Lines [VGIN-PropertyLines_WM]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [US] Virginia Property Lines [VGIN-PropertyLines_WM]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AT] []
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [IT] Bologna ortofoto 2017 []
* Description differs ('Ortofotos VANT del Instituto Geográfico Nacional de la República Argentina (TMS)' != 'Mosaico de ortofotos VANT'): [AR] National Geographic Institute UAV photos mosaic [ign-uav-mosaic]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [BE] SPW(allonie) 2021 aerial imagery [SPW2021]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:31370 EPSG:3812 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:31370 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [BE] SPW(allonie) 2021 aerial imagery [SPW2021]
+ Missing ELI description ('Southern half of the territory.'): [IT] South Tyrol Orthofoto 2014 [South-Tyrol-Orthofoto2014]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [IT] South Tyrol Orthofoto 2014 [South-Tyrol-Orthofoto2014]
- Missing JOSM description (Usługa przeglądania WMS Krajowa Integracja Numeracji Adresowej umożliwiająca pobieranie obrazów mapowych utworzonych na podstawie danych przestrzennych z Państwowego Rejestru Granic w zakresie ewidencji ulic i adresów.): [PL] Geoportal 2: Nazwy ulic [Geoportal2-PL-Streets_WMS]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [GL] Landsat off-nadir early July 2020 [osmim-imagicode-ls_polar4]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [GL] Landsat off-nadir early July 2020 [osmim-imagicode-ls_polar4]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [AU] Launceston OrthoPhoto 2013 [CityOfLaunceston_2013]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [PT] Orthophotos of the northern portion of mainland Portugal - 25cm - 2021 (DGT) [ORTOS_DGT_2021_RGB]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [PT] Orthophotos of the northern portion of mainland Portugal - 25cm - 2021 (DGT) [ORTOS_DGT_2021_RGB]
* Attribution text differs ('Informação geográfica cedida pela Direção-Geral do Território' != 'Direcção-Geral do Território'): [PT] Orthophotos of the northern portion of mainland Portugal - 25cm - 2021 (DGT) [ORTOS_DGT_2021_RGB]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:3763 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:3763 EPSG:4258'): [PT] Orthophotos of the northern portion of mainland Portugal - 25cm - 2021 (DGT) [ORTOS_DGT_2021_RGB]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [NO] NOD Offshore Installations overlay [npd-offshore]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [NO] NOD Offshore Installations overlay [npd-offshore]
* Attribution text differs ('© Oljedirektoratet' != '© Sokkeldirektoratet'): [NO] NOD Offshore Installations overlay [npd-offshore]
* Description differs ('For glacier mapping - beware of some fresh snow at higher altitudes (true color)' != 'Up-to-date image for glacier mapping - beware of some fresh snow at higher altitudes (true color)'): [CH] Central Alps in late September 2016 [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R065_N47_20160929T102022]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [CH] Central Alps in late September 2016 [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R065_N47_20160929T102022]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [CH] Central Alps in late September 2016 [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R065_N47_20160929T102022]
* Description differs ('Perfectly aligned cadastral (land registry) parcels in Great Britain' != 'Perfectly aligned cadastral (land registry) parcels in Great Britain.'): [GB] OSMUK Cadastral Parcels [OSMUK-Cadastral-Parcels]
* Attribution text differs ('Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.' != 'Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0'): [GB] OSMUK Cadastral Parcels [OSMUK-Cadastral-Parcels]
- Missing JOSM description (aerial image of the state Saxony-Anhalt, 20 cm resolution): [DE] Saxony-Anhalt, LVermGeo, DOP20 [LSA-DOP20]
* Attribution text differs ('© GeoBasis-DE/LVermGeo LSA' != '© GeoBasis-DE/LVermGeo LSA, DOP20'): [DE] Saxony-Anhalt, LVermGeo, DOP20 [LSA-DOP20]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2398 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:31467 EPSG:31468 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326 EPSG:4647' != 'EPSG:2397 EPSG:2398 EPSG:2399 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:31467 EPSG:31468 EPSG:31469 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326 EPSG:4647'): [DE] Saxony-Anhalt, LVermGeo, DOP20 [LSA-DOP20]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [DE] North Sea Coast 2016 [osmim-imagicode-northsea_s2_2016]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [DE] North Sea Coast 2016 [osmim-imagicode-northsea_s2_2016]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [GB] NLS - OS 25-inch (Scotland 1) 1892-1905 [NLS-OS-25inch-hist-scotland1]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [GL] Kangerlussuaq Autumn [osmim-imagicode-dms_kangerlussuaq_20151008]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [GL] Kangerlussuaq Autumn [osmim-imagicode-dms_kangerlussuaq_20151008]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [HU] Törökbálint orthophoto 2013 [Törökbálint_2013]
+ Missing ELI description ('Mesa County GIS imagery as seen on'): [US] Mesa County GIS Valleywide 2018 [MCGIS-County-Valleywide-Imagery-2018]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [US] Mesa County GIS Valleywide 2018 [MCGIS-County-Valleywide-Imagery-2018]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): Waymarked Trails: Skating [Waymarked_Trails-Skating]
+ Missing ELI attribution URL (''): [FR] Bassin d Arcachon 2018 [SIBA_2018]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [SE] Trafikverket Road Network (overlay) [trafikverket-vagnat]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [BR] IBGE BC250 - Municipalities [IBGE_BC250_Municipio]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [BR] IBGE BC250 - Municipalities [IBGE_BC250_Municipio]
- Missing JOSM attribution URL ( [BR] IBGE BC250 - Municipalities [IBGE_BC250_Municipio]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [US] Alaska Range [osmim-imagicode-LC80700162014211LGN00]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [US] Alaska Range [osmim-imagicode-LC80700162014211LGN00]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [US] Cook Inlet [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R086_N60_20160831T213532]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [US] Cook Inlet [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R086_N60_20160831T213532]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [BE] Digitaal Vlaanderen preliminary aerial imagery [Orthofotowerkbestand_mirror1]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [BE] Digitaal Vlaanderen preliminary aerial imagery [Orthofotowerkbestand_mirror1]
+ ELI projections for type tms: [BE] Digitaal Vlaanderen preliminary aerial imagery [Orthofotowerkbestand_mirror1]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [HU] Budapest district XI orthophoto 2021 [Budapest_XI_2021]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [BR] IBGE BC250 - Sustainable Use Units [IBGE_BC250_Uso_Sustentavel]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [BR] IBGE BC250 - Sustainable Use Units [IBGE_BC250_Uso_Sustentavel]
- Missing JOSM attribution URL ( [BR] IBGE BC250 - Sustainable Use Units [IBGE_BC250_Uso_Sustentavel]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [DE] Northern German west coast tidalflats (infrared) [osmim-imagicode-LC81960222015233LGN00ir]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [DE] Northern German west coast tidalflats (infrared) [osmim-imagicode-LC81960222015233LGN00ir]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3044 EPSG:3045 EPSG:31468 EPSG:3398 EPSG:3399 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326 EPSG:4647 EPSG:5650' != 'EPSG:25833 EPSG:31468 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [DE] Saxony WebAtlasSN [GEOSN-WebAtlas]
* Description differs ('Datos vectoriales del Instituto Geográfico Nacional de la República Argentina' != 'Vector data from the National Geographic Institute of Argentina'): [AR] National Geographic Institute (WMS) [ign-wms]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2081 EPSG:2082 EPSG:2083 EPSG:22171 EPSG:22172 EPSG:22173 EPSG:22174 EPSG:22175 EPSG:22176 EPSG:22177 EPSG:22181 EPSG:22182 EPSG:22183 EPSG:22184 EPSG:22185 EPSG:22186 EPSG:22187 EPSG:22191 EPSG:22192 EPSG:22193 EPSG:22194 EPSG:22195 EPSG:22196 EPSG:22197 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326 EPSG:5343 EPSG:5344 EPSG:5345 EPSG:5346 EPSG:5347 EPSG:5348 EPSG:5349' != 'EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [AR] National Geographic Institute (WMS) [ign-wms]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2179 EPSG:2180 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2179 EPSG:2180 EPSG:4326'): [PL] Przemyśl: Buildings [przemysl-buildings]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [RU] Vostochny Cosmodrome [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R089_N52_20160623T024048]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [RU] Vostochny Cosmodrome [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R089_N52_20160623T024048]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [PG] New Ireland [osmim-imagicode-LC80940622015159LGN00]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [PG] New Ireland [osmim-imagicode-LC80940622015159LGN00]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] Sturge Island/Buckle Island March 2019 [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R043_S67_20190301T220359]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] Sturge Island/Buckle Island March 2019 [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R043_S67_20190301T220359]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [DE] Worms 2012 [Worms-2012]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:25832 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:25832 EPSG:4326'): [DE] Worms 2012 [Worms-2012]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3045 EPSG:32633 EPSG:32634 EPSG:3835 EPSG:3836 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326 EPSG:5221 EPSG:5514' != 'EPSG:102066 EPSG:102067 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3045 EPSG:3046 EPSG:32633 EPSG:32634 EPSG:3835 EPSG:3836 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326 EPSG:5221 EPSG:5514'): [CZ] Czech CUZK:KM [Czech_CUZK-KM]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [NO] NVE Hydropower Plants overlay [nve-vannkraft]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [CA] Eastern Devon Island coast [osmim-imagicode-LC80360072014245LGN00]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [CA] Eastern Devon Island coast [osmim-imagicode-LC80360072014245LGN00]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:3765 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:3765 EPSG:4326'): [HR] Topo 25 new [dgu-topo-25-new]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [AR] Bahía Blanca (low tide) [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R067_S40_20170127T140051]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AR] Bahía Blanca (low tide) [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R067_S40_20170127T140051]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [AU] Heard Island coast [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R047_S54_20160411T044330]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AU] Heard Island coast [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R047_S54_20160411T044330]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [DE] Worms 2016 [Worms-2016]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:25832 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:25832 EPSG:4326'): [DE] Worms 2016 [Worms-2016]
- Missing JOSM description (Mapbox-provided raster tileset that includes a global basemap of high resolution satellite and aerial imagery): Mapbox Satellite [Mapbox]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): Mapbox Satellite [Mapbox]
+ Missing ELI no tile headers ('{ETag=["336b022ed883bc72347a637634e490d4"|"067736a547cafe90014b4e59b6510abe"|"ee1f6802b0234046b553cbbc672ac7d9"|"9f5a2f1d7cc131e58befc2052c71c827"]}'): Mapbox Satellite [Mapbox]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] Elephant Island/Clarence Island [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R009_S61_20160109]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] Elephant Island/Clarence Island [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R009_S61_20160109]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [GL] May 2013 off-nadir Landsat [osmim-imagicode-ls_polar]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [GL] May 2013 off-nadir Landsat [osmim-imagicode-ls_polar]
* Description differs ('The most recently available VBMP orthoimagery for the Commonwealth of Virginia. Most areas were collected at a 1-ft ground sample distance (GSD), with some urban areas upgraded to 6-inch and 3-inch GSD' != 'The most recently available VBMP orthoimagery for all of Virginia'): [US] Virginia Imagery Service - Most Recent [VGIN-Imagery_WM]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [US] Virginia Imagery Service - Most Recent [VGIN-Imagery_WM]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [US] Virginia Imagery Service - Most Recent [VGIN-Imagery_WM]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [US] Virginia Imagery Service - Most Recent [VGIN-Imagery_WM]
* Attribution text differs ('Virginia Geographic Information Network, Commonwealth of Virginia' != 'Virginia Geographic Information Network (VGIN)'): [US] Virginia Imagery Service - Most Recent [VGIN-Imagery_WM]
+ ELI License URL in JOSM Attribution: [FR] BANO [BANO]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [AU] ACTmapi Imagery 2024-09 [ACT202409]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [AU] ACTmapi Imagery 2024-09 [ACT202409]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AU] ACTmapi Imagery 2024-09 [ACT202409]
* Attribution text differs ('Aerial Imagery from ACTMapi ©ACT Government and MetroMap' != 'Aerial Imagery from ACTMapi CCBY Australian Capital Territory and Aerometrex'): [AU] ACTmapi Imagery 2024-09 [ACT202409]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [IT] PCN 2006 - Italy [PCN-Italy-2006]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [HU] Törökbálint orthophoto 2015 [Törökbálint_2015]
+ ELI has minimal projections ('EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:3857'): EOx cloudless Sentinel-2 2018 [EOXAT2018CLOUDLESS]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2056 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2056 EPSG:21781 EPSG:4326'): [CH] Stadt Bern 10cm (2023) [Bern-bern2023-wms]
+ Missing ELI description ('Full coverage of the territory. Resolution 20cm'): [IT] South Tyrol Orthofoto 2020 [South-Tyrol-Orthofoto-2020]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [IT] South Tyrol Orthofoto 2020 [South-Tyrol-Orthofoto-2020]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [IT] South Tyrol Orthofoto 2020 [South-Tyrol-Orthofoto-2020]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [IT] South Tyrol Orthofoto 2020 [South-Tyrol-Orthofoto-2020]
* Attribution text differs ('© Autonome Provinz Bozen/Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano CC-BY 4.0' != '© Autonome Provinz Bozen - Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano'): [IT] South Tyrol Orthofoto 2020 [South-Tyrol-Orthofoto-2020]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [SE] Lantmäteriet Historic Orthophoto 1975 [lantmateriet-orto1975]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:25834 EPSG:3006 EPSG:3007 EPSG:3008 EPSG:3009 EPSG:3010 EPSG:3011 EPSG:3013 EPSG:3015 EPSG:3021 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3044 EPSG:3045 EPSG:3046 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326 EPSG:4619' != 'EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:25834 EPSG:25835 EPSG:3006 EPSG:3007 EPSG:3008 EPSG:3009 EPSG:3010 EPSG:3011 EPSG:3012 EPSG:3013 EPSG:3014 EPSG:3015 EPSG:3016 EPSG:3017 EPSG:3018 EPSG:3021 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3044 EPSG:3045 EPSG:3046 EPSG:3047 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326 EPSG:4619'): [SE] Lantmäteriet Historic Orthophoto 1975 [lantmateriet-orto1975]
- Missing JOSM description (Usługa Krajowa Integracja Ewidencji Gruntów jest usługą zbiorczą prezentacji danych ewidencyjnych pochodzących bezpośrednio z jednostek szczebla powiatowego. Usługa zawiera jedynie dane tych jednostek, które dysponują usługą WMS o odpowiednich parametrach i zdecydowały się włączyć swoją usługę WMS do usługi zbiorczej KrajowaIntegracjaEwidencjiGruntow.): [PL] Geoportal 2: Ewidencja budynków WMS [Geoportal2-PL-buildings_WMS]
* Description differs ('Scan of "Generalstabskartan" ca. 1859–1979' != 'Scan of ´Generalstabskartan´ 1859-1979'): [SE] Lantmäteriet General Staff Map 1859-1979 [lantmateriet-generalstab]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [SE] Lantmäteriet General Staff Map 1859-1979 [lantmateriet-generalstab]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [SE] Lantmäteriet General Staff Map 1859-1979 [lantmateriet-generalstab]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [SE] Lantmäteriet General Staff Map 1859-1979 [lantmateriet-generalstab]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:32633 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326 EPSG:5514' != 'EPSG:102067 EPSG:32633 EPSG:4326'): [CZ] Czech pLPIS [Czech_pLPIS]
- Missing JOSM overlay flag: [CZ] Czech pLPIS [Czech_pLPIS]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [EC] Darwin and Wolf islands, Galapagos [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R040_N01_20160311T164128]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [EC] Darwin and Wolf islands, Galapagos [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R040_N01_20160311T164128]
* Description differs ('Ruins of cultural-historical interest' != 'Ruins of cultural-historical interst'): [SE] Riksantikvarieämbetet Ruins (overlay) [raa-ruiner]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2178 EPSG:2180 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2178 EPSG:2180 EPSG:4326'): [PL] Powiat rzeszowski: Orthophotomap (aerial image) [rzeszowski-aerial]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AT] Tiris: DOM (Surface model) []
* Projections differ ('EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3044 EPSG:3045 EPSG:31254 EPSG:31255 EPSG:31257 EPSG:31258 EPSG:31287 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3044 EPSG:3045 EPSG:31254 EPSG:31255 EPSG:31256 EPSG:31257 EPSG:31258 EPSG:31259 EPSG:31287 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [AT] Tiris: DOM (Surface model) []
* Attribution text differs ('Geoportal Berlin/Digitale farbige Orthophotos 2018 (DOP20RGB) ( mirror)' != 'Geoportal Berlin/Digitale farbige Orthophotos 2018'): [DE] Berlin/Geoportal DOP20RGB (2018) [Berlin-2018]
* Attribution text differs ('Geoportal Berlin/Digitale farbige Orthophotos 2019 (DOP20RGB) ( mirror)' != 'Geoportal Berlin/Digitale farbige Orthophotos 2019 (DOP20RGB)'): [DE] Berlin/Geoportal DOP20RGB (2019) [Berlin-2019]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [GL] Thule Airbase DMS low altitude overflight September 2015 [osmim-imagicode-dms_thule2_2015.09.25]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [GL] Thule Airbase DMS low altitude overflight September 2015 [osmim-imagicode-dms_thule2_2015.09.25]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:31983 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:31983 EPSG:4326'): [BR] GeoPortal DF 2019 [GeoPortal_DF_2019]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [ID] Bakun Reservoir [osmim-imagicode-LC81190582014075LGN00]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [ID] Bakun Reservoir [osmim-imagicode-LC81190582014075LGN00]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [GL] Greenland mosaic [osmim-imagicode-greenland]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [GL] Greenland mosaic [osmim-imagicode-greenland]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AT] Tiris: contour lines []
* Projections differ ('EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3044 EPSG:3045 EPSG:31254 EPSG:31255 EPSG:31257 EPSG:31258 EPSG:31287 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3044 EPSG:3045 EPSG:31254 EPSG:31255 EPSG:31256 EPSG:31257 EPSG:31258 EPSG:31259 EPSG:31287 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [AT] Tiris: contour lines []
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [HU] Budapest district XI orthophoto 2017 [Budapest_XI_2017]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [GS] Leskov Island ASTER [osmim-imagicode-AST_L1T_00311162013112731_20150618142416_109190]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [GS] Leskov Island ASTER [osmim-imagicode-AST_L1T_00311162013112731_20150618142416_109190]
* Description differs ('Ausdehnung: ganzer Kanton Aufloesung: 10cm per Pixel Bildflug: 1.4.2011' != 'Expansion: whole canton Resolution: 10cm per pixel Photo flight: 2011-04-01'): [CH] Kanton Zug 2011 [Zug-2011]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2056 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2056 EPSG:21781 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [CH] Canton Solothurn, Orthophoto 2014 RGB [Solothurn-sogis-ortho2014-wms]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [SE] Trafikverket Railway Network (overlay) [trafikverket-baninfo]
* Description differs ('Orthophotomaps provided by the State Service of Ukraine for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre (StateGeoCadastre).' != 'Orthophotomaps provided by the State Service of Ukraine for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre (StateGeoCadastre), CC BY 4.0'): [UA] Ukraine - Orthophotomaps 2012 [Ukraine-orto10000-2012]
+ Missing ELI license URL (''): [UA] Ukraine - Orthophotomaps 2012 [Ukraine-orto10000-2012]
+ Missing ELI attribution URL (''): [UA] Ukraine - Orthophotomaps 2012 [Ukraine-orto10000-2012]
+ Missing ELI attribution text ('StateGeoCadastre, Ukraine'): [UA] Ukraine - Orthophotomaps 2012 [Ukraine-orto10000-2012]
+ Missing ELI attribution URL (''): [DE] Stuttgart latest aerial imagery [StuttgartLatestAerialImagery]
+ Missing ELI attribution text ('Stadtmessungsamt Stuttgart'): [DE] Stuttgart latest aerial imagery [StuttgartLatestAerialImagery]
+ ELI License URL in JOSM Attribution: [LU] "mapper’s delight" hillshade lidar 2019 with unclassified points [lu.openstreetmap.lidar.hillshade.2019.classy]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2019 EPSG:2294 EPSG:2295 EPSG:26907 EPSG:26908 EPSG:26909 EPSG:26910 EPSG:26911 EPSG:26912 EPSG:26913 EPSG:26914 EPSG:26915 EPSG:26916 EPSG:26917 EPSG:26918 EPSG:26919 EPSG:26920 EPSG:26921 EPSG:2952 EPSG:32183 EPSG:32184 EPSG:32185 EPSG:32186 EPSG:32187 EPSG:32188 EPSG:32189 EPSG:32190 EPSG:32191 EPSG:32192 EPSG:32193 EPSG:32194 EPSG:32195 EPSG:32196 EPSG:32197 EPSG:32198 EPSG:3395 EPSG:3400 EPSG:3401 EPSG:3573 EPSG:3578 EPSG:3579 EPSG:3799 EPSG:3857 EPSG:3978 EPSG:3979 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2019 EPSG:2294 EPSG:2295 EPSG:26907 EPSG:26908 EPSG:26909 EPSG:26910 EPSG:26911 EPSG:26912 EPSG:26913 EPSG:26914 EPSG:26915 EPSG:26916 EPSG:26917 EPSG:26918 EPSG:26919 EPSG:26920 EPSG:26921 EPSG:26922 EPSG:2952 EPSG:32181 EPSG:32182 EPSG:32183 EPSG:32184 EPSG:32185 EPSG:32186 EPSG:32187 EPSG:32188 EPSG:32189 EPSG:32190 EPSG:32191 EPSG:32192 EPSG:32193 EPSG:32194 EPSG:32195 EPSG:32196 EPSG:32197 EPSG:32198 EPSG:3395 EPSG:3400 EPSG:3401 EPSG:3571 EPSG:3572 EPSG:3573 EPSG:3574 EPSG:3575 EPSG:3576 EPSG:3578 EPSG:3579 EPSG:3799 EPSG:3857 EPSG:3978 EPSG:3979 EPSG:4326'): [CA] Canvec - French [Canvec_French]
* Description differs ('Ortofotomapa o rozdzielczości 10 cm lub większej. Dane posortowane są wg rozdzielczości a następnie wg aktualności, np. arkusz z 2012 roku o rozdzielczości 8 cm przysłania arkusz z 2019 roku o rozdzielczości 10 cm.' != 'The aerial image is not available for the whole country.'): [PL] Geoportal 2: High Resolution Orthophotomap (aerial image) [Geoportal2-PL-HighResolution-aerial_image_WMS]
+ Missing ELI no tile headers ('{ETag=[b10cee12]}'): [AU] DCS NSW Imagery [LPI_NSW_Imagery]
- Missing JOSM description (Usługa przeglądania (Web Map Service,WMS) umożliwiająca przeglądanie ortofotomap dla obszaru Polski. Dane udostępniane za pomocą tej usługi stanowią ortofotomapę wykonaną ze zdjęć lotniczych. Usługa oferuje wsparcie dla interfejsu WMS 1.3.0.): [PL] Geoportal 2: Orthophotomap (aerial image) WMS [Geoportal2-PL-aerial_image_WMS]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): Locator Overlay [mapbox_locator_overlay]
- Missing JOSM default: Locator Overlay [mapbox_locator_overlay]
- Missing JOSM description (RGB-/Colorbild - Aus Punktwolke gerechnetes True Orthophoto, Bodenauflösung 10cm): [DE] North Rhine-Westphalia aerial photograph [DE-NRW-DOP_mirror1]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [DE] North Rhine-Westphalia aerial photograph [DE-NRW-DOP_mirror1]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [DE] North Rhine-Westphalia aerial photograph [DE-NRW-DOP_mirror1]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:25831 EPSG:25832 EPSG:28992 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3043 EPSG:3044 EPSG:31466 EPSG:31467 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326 EPSG:4647 EPSG:5649 EPSG:5651 EPSG:5652' != 'EPSG:25831 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:28992 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3043 EPSG:3044 EPSG:3045 EPSG:31466 EPSG:31467 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326 EPSG:4647 EPSG:5649 EPSG:5650 EPSG:5651 EPSG:5652 EPSG:5653'): [DE] North Rhine-Westphalia aerial photograph [DE-NRW-DOP_mirror1]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2056 EPSG:2154 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2056 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [CH] Canton of Geneva, DSM (SITG 2019) [Geneve-dsm-2019]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [PL] Gliwice: Buildings [Gliwice-buildings]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [PL] Gliwice: Buildings [Gliwice-buildings]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2175 EPSG:2177 EPSG:2180 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2172 EPSG:2173 EPSG:2174 EPSG:2175 EPSG:2176 EPSG:2177 EPSG:2178 EPSG:2179 EPSG:2180 EPSG:3120 EPSG:32633 EPSG:32634 EPSG:32635 EPSG:3329 EPSG:3330 EPSG:3331 EPSG:3332 EPSG:3333 EPSG:3334 EPSG:4326'): [PL] Gliwice: Buildings [Gliwice-buildings]
+ Missing ELI no tile headers ('{ETag=[b10cee12]}'): [AU] DCS NSW Base Map [LPI_NSW_Base_Map]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:3754 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:3754 EPSG:4326'): [US] Ohio Statewide Imagery Program 1-Foot [Ohio_OSIP_1ft]
* Description differs ('Shape of buildings in saxony-anhalt' != 'Shape of buildings in Saxony-Anhalt'): [DE] Saxony-Anhalt, LVermGeo, building shapes [LSA-ALKIS_BU]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [DE] Saxony-Anhalt, LVermGeo, building shapes [LSA-ALKIS_BU]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2166 EPSG:2167 EPSG:2168 EPSG:2397 EPSG:2398 EPSG:2399 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:31467 EPSG:31468 EPSG:31469 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326 EPSG:4647' != 'EPSG:2397 EPSG:2398 EPSG:2399 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:31467 EPSG:31468 EPSG:31469 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326 EPSG:4647'): [DE] Saxony-Anhalt, LVermGeo, building shapes [LSA-ALKIS_BU]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2056 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2056 EPSG:21781 EPSG:32632 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [CH] Kanton Solothurn, DSM Relief 2014 50cm [Solothurn-sogis2014-dom-wms]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [GL] Thule Airbase DMS overflight October 2015 [osmim-imagicode-dms_thule_2015.10.06]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [GL] Thule Airbase DMS overflight October 2015 [osmim-imagicode-dms_thule_2015.10.06]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [FR] Rennes - 2020 [Rennes_2020]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [FR] Rennes - 2020 [Rennes_2020]
* Attribution text differs ('Ortho Express 2020 - IGNF' != 'Rennes Métropole - IGNF - 2020'): [FR] Rennes - 2020 [Rennes_2020]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [AT] Vienna: Annotations []
- Missing JOSM license URL ( [AT] Vienna: Annotations []
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AT] Vienna: Annotations []
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [US] VT VCGI LiDAR - DEM Hillshade [VCGI_LiDAR_DEM_Hillshade]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [GL] Northern Greenland ASTER [osmim-imagicode-ngreenland_ast]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [GL] Northern Greenland ASTER [osmim-imagicode-ngreenland_ast]
+ Missing ELI privacy policy URL (''): [NO] Kartverket Nautical Charts [kartverket-sjokart]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [NO] Kartverket Nautical Charts [kartverket-sjokart]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [NO] Kartverket Nautical Charts [kartverket-sjokart]
* Attribution text differs ('Geographisches Informationssystem des Kantons Zürich (GIS-ZH), Orthofoto ZH Sommer 2018 RGB' != 'Kanton Zürich Orthophotos 2018'): [CH] Kanton Zürich Orthophoto 2018 10cm [Kanton-Zürich-2018]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2056 EPSG:21780 EPSG:21781 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2056 EPSG:21780 EPSG:21781 EPSG:21782 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [CH] Kanton Zürich Orthophoto 2018 10cm [Kanton-Zürich-2018]
+ ELI has minimal projections ('EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:3857'): EOx cloudless Sentinel-2 2019 [EOXAT2019CLOUDLESS]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [DE] Aktuelle Luftbilder der Landeshauptstadt München 20cm [AktuelleLuftbilderDerLandeshauptstadtMuenchen20cm]
- Missing JOSM license URL ( [DE] Aktuelle Luftbilder der Landeshauptstadt München 20cm [AktuelleLuftbilderDerLandeshauptstadtMuenchen20cm]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [FR] Loire-Atlantique - Orthophotos 2016 - 10 cm [Loire_Atlantique-Orthophotos-2016]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [GB] OS Town Plans, Peterhead 1868 (NLS) [NLS_peterhead1868]
* Description differs ('Patchy and partly cloudy coverage in usual sources, somewhat outdated (true color)' != 'Patchy and partly cloudy coverage in usual sources (true color)'): [BJ] Cotonou [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R022_N06_20151221T103009]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [BJ] Cotonou [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R022_N06_20151221T103009]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [BJ] Cotonou [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R022_N06_20151221T103009]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2021 [fr.orthohr.2021]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2021 [fr.orthohr.2021]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2021 [fr.orthohr.2021]
+ Missing ELI privacy policy URL (''): [ZA] City of Cape Town 2015 Aerial [South_Africa-CapeTown-Aerial-2015]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:3011 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:3011 EPSG:3012 EPSG:4326'): [SE] Lidingö Orthophoto [lidingo-orto]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:3043 EPSG:31300 EPSG:31370 EPSG:3812 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:31370 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [BE] URBIS 2012 aerial imagery [URBIS2012]
* Description differs ('Image of most of the remaining Rwenzori Mountains glaciers (somewhat outdated) (false color IR)' != 'Recent image of most of the remaining Rwenzori Mountains glaciers (false color IR)'): [UG] Rwenzori Mountains [osmim-imagicode-LC81730602015040LGN00]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [UG] Rwenzori Mountains [osmim-imagicode-LC81730602015040LGN00]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [UG] Rwenzori Mountains [osmim-imagicode-LC81730602015040LGN00]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [AU] Northwest Heard Island [osmim-imagicode-EO1A1350972013086110KF]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AU] Northwest Heard Island [osmim-imagicode-EO1A1350972013086110KF]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [BR] IBGE BC250 - Indigenous Lands [IBGE_BC250_Terra_Indegina]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [BR] IBGE BC250 - Indigenous Lands [IBGE_BC250_Terra_Indegina]
- Missing JOSM attribution URL ( [BR] IBGE BC250 - Indigenous Lands [IBGE_BC250_Terra_Indegina]
+ Missing ELI privacy policy URL (''): [NO] Kartverket Economic Maps (historic) [kartverket-ok-1st]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [NO] Kartverket Economic Maps (historic) [kartverket-ok-1st]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [NO] Kartverket Economic Maps (historic) [kartverket-ok-1st]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:25831 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:25834 EPSG:25835 EPSG:25836 EPSG:27391 EPSG:27392 EPSG:27393 EPSG:27394 EPSG:27395 EPSG:27396 EPSG:27397 EPSG:27398 EPSG:3007 EPSG:3008 EPSG:3012 EPSG:3013 EPSG:3014 EPSG:3016 EPSG:3029 EPSG:3030 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3046 EPSG:3047 EPSG:32631 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:32634 EPSG:32635 EPSG:32636 EPSG:3575 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:25829 EPSG:25830 EPSG:25831 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:25834 EPSG:25835 EPSG:25836 EPSG:27391 EPSG:27392 EPSG:27393 EPSG:27394 EPSG:27395 EPSG:27396 EPSG:27397 EPSG:27398 EPSG:3007 EPSG:3008 EPSG:3009 EPSG:3010 EPSG:3011 EPSG:3012 EPSG:3013 EPSG:3014 EPSG:3015 EPSG:3016 EPSG:3017 EPSG:3018 EPSG:3029 EPSG:3030 EPSG:3031 EPSG:3032 EPSG:3033 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3036 EPSG:3046 EPSG:3047 EPSG:32631 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:32634 EPSG:32635 EPSG:32636 EPSG:3575 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [NO] Kartverket Economic Maps (historic) [kartverket-ok-1st]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] Bunger Hills [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R017_S67_20170223T022551]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] Bunger Hills [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R017_S67_20170223T022551]
* Attribution text differs ('Geographisches Informationssystem des Kantons Zürich (GIS-ZH), Orthofoto ZH Sommer 2014/15 RGB' != 'Kanton Zürich Orthophotos 2014/2015'): [CH] Kanton Zürich Orthophotos 2014/2015 10cm [Kanton-Zürich-2015]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2056 EPSG:21780 EPSG:21781 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2056 EPSG:21780 EPSG:21781 EPSG:21782 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [CH] Kanton Zürich Orthophotos 2014/2015 10cm [Kanton-Zürich-2015]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [NO] Kartverket Aviation Obstructions overlay [kartverket-luftfartshindre]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:23030 EPSG:23031 EPSG:23032 EPSG:23033 EPSG:23034 EPSG:23035 EPSG:23036 EPSG:25830 EPSG:25831 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:25834 EPSG:25835 EPSG:25836 EPSG:27393 EPSG:3006 EPSG:3007 EPSG:3008 EPSG:3009 EPSG:3010 EPSG:3011 EPSG:3012 EPSG:3013 EPSG:3014 EPSG:3015 EPSG:3016 EPSG:3017 EPSG:3018 EPSG:3029 EPSG:3030 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3045 EPSG:3046 EPSG:3047 EPSG:32630 EPSG:32631 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:32634 EPSG:32635 EPSG:32636 EPSG:32661 EPSG:3575 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:23029 EPSG:23030 EPSG:23031 EPSG:23032 EPSG:23033 EPSG:23034 EPSG:23035 EPSG:23036 EPSG:25829 EPSG:25830 EPSG:25831 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:25834 EPSG:25835 EPSG:25836 EPSG:3007 EPSG:3008 EPSG:3009 EPSG:3010 EPSG:3011 EPSG:3012 EPSG:3013 EPSG:3014 EPSG:3015 EPSG:3016 EPSG:3017 EPSG:3018 EPSG:3029 EPSG:3030 EPSG:3031 EPSG:3032 EPSG:3033 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3036 EPSG:3046 EPSG:3047 EPSG:32631 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:32634 EPSG:32635 EPSG:32636 EPSG:3575 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [NO] Kartverket Aviation Obstructions overlay [kartverket-luftfartshindre]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): OpenRailwayMap - Signals [openrailwaymap-signals]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AT] Steiermark Terrain []
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [PT] Orthophotos of the coastal areas of mainland Portugal - 10cm - 2014-2015 (DGT) [ORTOS_DGT_2014_15]
* Attribution text differs ('Informação geográfica cedida pela Direção-Geral do Território' != 'Direcção-Geral do Território'): [PT] Orthophotos of the coastal areas of mainland Portugal - 10cm - 2014-2015 (DGT) [ORTOS_DGT_2014_15]
- Missing JOSM description (Digitale Orthophotos für das Brandenburg mit einer Bodenauflösung von 0,20 m. Regionen haben unterschiedlich alte Daten, vgl. [DE] Brandenburg GeoBasis-DE/LGB (2025): DOP20c [Brandenburg-DOP20c]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [DE] Brandenburg GeoBasis-DE/LGB (2025): DOP20c [Brandenburg-DOP20c]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [DE] Brandenburg GeoBasis-DE/LGB (2025): DOP20c [Brandenburg-DOP20c]
* Attribution text differs ('GeoBasis-DE/LGB / BB-BE DOP20c, dl-de/by-2-0; Geoportal Berlin / DOP20, dl-de/by-2-0' != 'GeoBasis-DE/LGB 2024 / Digitale farbige Orthophotos aktuell'): [DE] Brandenburg GeoBasis-DE/LGB (2025): DOP20c [Brandenburg-DOP20c]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL (,Ochrona-danych-osobowych.html): [PL] Poznań: Orthophotomap 2016 (aerial image) [poznan-ortofotomapa2016]
- Missing JOSM license URL (,Ponowne-wykorzystywanie-informacji-sektora-publicznego.html): [PL] Poznań: Orthophotomap 2016 (aerial image) [poznan-ortofotomapa2016]
+ Missing ELI privacy policy URL (''): [NO] Kartverket Cadastral overlay [kartverket-matrikkel]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [NO] Kartverket Cadastral overlay [kartverket-matrikkel]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [NO] Kartverket Cadastral overlay [kartverket-matrikkel]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:25831 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:25834 EPSG:25835 EPSG:25836 EPSG:27393 EPSG:3034 EPSG:32631 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:32634 EPSG:32635 EPSG:32636 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:25829 EPSG:25830 EPSG:25831 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:25834 EPSG:25835 EPSG:25836 EPSG:27391 EPSG:27392 EPSG:27393 EPSG:27394 EPSG:27395 EPSG:27396 EPSG:27397 EPSG:27398 EPSG:3034 EPSG:32631 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:32634 EPSG:32635 EPSG:32636 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326 EPSG:5105 EPSG:5106 EPSG:5107 EPSG:5108 EPSG:5109 EPSG:5110 EPSG:5111 EPSG:5112 EPSG:5113 EPSG:5114 EPSG:5115 EPSG:5116 EPSG:5117 EPSG:5118 EPSG:5119 EPSG:5120 EPSG:5121 EPSG:5122 EPSG:5123 EPSG:5124 EPSG:5125 EPSG:5126 EPSG:5127 EPSG:5128 EPSG:5129 EPSG:5130'): [NO] Kartverket Cadastral overlay [kartverket-matrikkel]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AT] Tiris: orthophoto []
* Projections differ ('EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3044 EPSG:3045 EPSG:31254 EPSG:31255 EPSG:31257 EPSG:31258 EPSG:31287 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3044 EPSG:3045 EPSG:31254 EPSG:31255 EPSG:31256 EPSG:31257 EPSG:31258 EPSG:31259 EPSG:31287 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [AT] Tiris: orthophoto []
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [FR] Route 500 [route500]
* Attribution text differs ('Geographisches Informationssystem des Kantons Zürich (GIS-ZH), Oberflächenschummerung' != 'Kanton Zürich Surface Hillshade'): [CH] Kanton Zurich, Surface Hillshade 2017 [OGDLidarZH-DOM-2017]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2056 EPSG:21780 EPSG:21781 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2056 EPSG:21780 EPSG:21781 EPSG:21782 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [CH] Kanton Zurich, Surface Hillshade 2017 [OGDLidarZH-DOM-2017]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2020 [fr.orthohr.2020]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2020 [fr.orthohr.2020]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2020 [fr.orthohr.2020]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [FR] Rennes - 2014 [Rennes_2014]
* Attribution text differs ('Mégalis Bretagne et Collectivités Territoriales Bretonnes' != 'Mégalis Bretagne et Collectivités Territoriales Bretonnes 2014'): [FR] Rennes - 2014 [Rennes_2014]
+ Missing ELI description ('Mesa County GIS imagery as seen on'): [US] Mesa County GIS NAIP 2017 [MCGIS-County-NAIP-Imagery-2017]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [US] Mesa County GIS NAIP 2017 [MCGIS-County-NAIP-Imagery-2017]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [IN] Rann of Kutch [osmim-imagicode-LC81510432015030LGN00]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [IN] Rann of Kutch [osmim-imagicode-LC81510432015030LGN00]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [BR] IBGE BC250 - Highways Stretches [IBGE_BC250_Rodoviario]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [BR] IBGE BC250 - Highways Stretches [IBGE_BC250_Rodoviario]
- Missing JOSM attribution URL ( [BR] IBGE BC250 - Highways Stretches [IBGE_BC250_Rodoviario]
* Attribution text differs ('Geoportal Berlin/Digitale farbige TrueOrthophotos 2023 (DOP20RGBI) ( mirror)' != 'Geoportal Berlin/Digitale farbige TrueOrthophotos 2022 (TrueDOP20RGBI)'): [DE] Berlin/Geoportal TrueDOP20RGBI (2023) [Berlin-2023-TrueDOP_mirror1]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [ES] ITACyL - Castile and León [ITACyL-Castile-and-Leon]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [ES] ITACyL - Castile and León [ITACyL-Castile-and-Leon]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:25829 EPSG:25830 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:23028 EPSG:23029 EPSG:23030 EPSG:23031 EPSG:23032 EPSG:25828 EPSG:25829 EPSG:25830 EPSG:25831 EPSG:25832 EPSG:32627 EPSG:32628 EPSG:32629 EPSG:32630 EPSG:32631 EPSG:32632 EPSG:4230 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [ES] ITACyL - Castile and León [ITACyL-Castile-and-Leon]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [GS] Leskov Island Landsat [osmim-imagicode-LC81991002015286LGN00]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [GS] Leskov Island Landsat [osmim-imagicode-LC81991002015286LGN00]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): skobbler [skobbler]
* Attribution text differs ('© Геопортал містобудівного кадастру міста Черкаси' != 'Геопортал містобудівного кадастру міста Черкаси'): [UA] Ukraine - Cherkasy 2021 [UkraineCherkasy2021]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [TW] Taiwan e-Map Open Data (with Contour Line) [TW_NLSC_WMS_EMAP5]
* Description differs ('The latest available orthoimagery for the entire State of Indiana' != 'Indiana statewide orthoimagery collected during leaf-off conditions for the current (2021-2024) program cycle. Minimum 6-inch resolution, with some areas in 3-inch resolution including Monroe and Vermillion counties.'): [US] IndianaMap Orthoimagery - Latest Available [IndianaMap_Latest]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [US] IndianaMap Orthoimagery - Latest Available [IndianaMap_Latest]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [US] IndianaMap Orthoimagery - Latest Available [IndianaMap_Latest]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [US] IndianaMap Orthoimagery - Latest Available [IndianaMap_Latest]
+ ELI has minimal projections ('EPSG:3857' != 'EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [US] IndianaMap Orthoimagery - Latest Available [IndianaMap_Latest]
- Missing JOSM description (Photographies aériennes de 2023, couvrant 1/3 des départements, produite dans un délai très court grâce à un traitement massivement automatisé.): [FR] ORTHO Express IGN 2023 [ortho_express_2023]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [FR] ORTHO Express IGN 2023 [ortho_express_2023]
- Missing JOSM license URL ( [FR] ORTHO Express IGN 2023 [ortho_express_2023]
- Missing JOSM attribution URL ( [FR] ORTHO Express IGN 2023 [ortho_express_2023]
* Attribution text differs ('IGN' != 'ORTHO Express IGN 2023'): [FR] ORTHO Express IGN 2023 [ortho_express_2023]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [US] VT VIP Orthoimagery - Best of Color [VT_Best_CLR]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [US] VT VIP Orthoimagery - Best of Color [VT_Best_CLR]
* Attribution text differs ('Vermont Imagery Program, Vermont Center for Geographic Information' != 'Vermont Center for Geographic Information'): [US] VT VIP Orthoimagery - Best of Color [VT_Best_CLR]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [ID] Sudirman Range 2016 [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R088_S05_20160812T011732]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [ID] Sudirman Range 2016 [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R088_S05_20160812T011732]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2056 EPSG:2154 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2056 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [CH] Canton of Geneva, DTM (SITG 2017) [Geneve-dtm-2017]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] Enderby Land and Kemp Coast [osmim-imagicode-enderby]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] Enderby Land and Kemp Coast [osmim-imagicode-enderby]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [PL] Gliwice: Orthophotomap 2013 (aerial image) [Gliwice-2013]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2175 EPSG:2177 EPSG:2180 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2175 EPSG:2177 EPSG:2180 EPSG:4326'): [PL] Gliwice: Orthophotomap 2013 (aerial image) [Gliwice-2013]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [PL] Gliwice: Orthophotomap 2017 (aerial image) [Gliwice-2017]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [PT] OrtoSat of mainland Portugal - 30 cm - 2023 (DGT) [ORTOS_DGT_2023]
* Attribution text differs ('Informação geográfica cedida pela Direção-Geral do Território' != 'Direcção-Geral do Território'): [PT] OrtoSat of mainland Portugal - 30 cm - 2023 (DGT) [ORTOS_DGT_2023]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2056 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2056 EPSG:21781 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [CH] Canton Solothurn, Orthophoto 2017 RGB [Solothurn-sogis-ortho2017-wms]
+ ELI License URL in JOSM Attribution: [FR] Toulouse - Orthophotoplan 2007 [Toulouse-Orthophotoplan-2007]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] Belgica Mountains evening [osmim-imagicode-LC80691332019346LGN01]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] Belgica Mountains evening [osmim-imagicode-LC80691332019346LGN01]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2013 [fr.orthohr.2013]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [PL] Bytom: Buildings [Bytom-buildings]
- Missing JOSM license URL ( [PL] Bytom: Buildings [Bytom-buildings]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2177 EPSG:2180' != 'EPSG:2177'): [PL] Bytom: Buildings [Bytom-buildings]
- Missing JOSM overlay flag: [PL] Bytom: Buildings [Bytom-buildings]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [KZ] Aral Sea (low water level) [osmim-imagicode-aral1]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [KZ] Aral Sea (low water level) [osmim-imagicode-aral1]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:3043 EPSG:31300 EPSG:31370 EPSG:3812 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:31370 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [BE] URBIS 2014 aerial imagery [URBIS2014]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2056 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2056 EPSG:21781 EPSG:32632 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [CH] Kanton Solothurn, DTM Relief 2014 50cm [Solothurn-sogis2014-dtm-wms]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [SE] Trafikverket Road Network extra (overlay) [trafikverket-vagnat-extra]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [ES] IDEIB - Balearic Islands [IDEIB-Balearic_Islands]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [ES] IDEIB - Balearic Islands [IDEIB-Balearic_Islands]
+ Missing ELI attribution URL (''): [ES] IDEIB - Balearic Islands [IDEIB-Balearic_Islands]
* Attribution text differs ('Infraestructura de Dades Espacials de les Illes Balears' != 'SITIBSA Attribution-ShareAlike (by-sa)'): [ES] IDEIB - Balearic Islands [IDEIB-Balearic_Islands]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:23031 EPSG:25831 EPSG:32631 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4230 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:23029 EPSG:23030 EPSG:23031 EPSG:25828 EPSG:25829 EPSG:25830 EPSG:25831 EPSG:32628 EPSG:32629 EPSG:32630 EPSG:32631 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4230 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [ES] IDEIB - Balearic Islands [IDEIB-Balearic_Islands]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2056 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2056 EPSG:21781 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [CH] Kanton Basel-Stadt 2020 [KTBASELSTADT2020]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [US] MassGIS LIDAR Shaded Relief [MassGIS-LIDAR-Shaded-Relief]
* Attribution text differs ('MassGIS' != 'MassGIS LIDAR'): [US] MassGIS LIDAR Shaded Relief [MassGIS-LIDAR-Shaded-Relief]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:3043 EPSG:31300 EPSG:31370 EPSG:3812 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:31370 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [BE] URBIS 2009 aerial imagery [URBIS2009]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [SE] Trafikverket Road Network options (overlay) [trafikverket-vagnat-option]
+ Missing ELI description ('Most recent orthophotos of the PNOA project (National Plan for Aerial Orthophotography)'): [ES] PNOA Spain [PNOA-Spain]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [ES] PNOA Spain [PNOA-Spain]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:23029 EPSG:23030 EPSG:23031 EPSG:25829 EPSG:25830 EPSG:25831 EPSG:32628 EPSG:32629 EPSG:32630 EPSG:32631 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4230 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:23029 EPSG:23030 EPSG:23031 EPSG:25828 EPSG:25829 EPSG:25830 EPSG:25831 EPSG:32628 EPSG:32629 EPSG:32630 EPSG:32631 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4230 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [ES] PNOA Spain [PNOA-Spain]
+ ELI projections for type wms_endpoint: [AR] National Geographic Institute Orthophotos (WMS) [ign-orthophotos-wms]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2154 EPSG:3857 EPSG:3945 EPSG:3946 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2154 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [FR] Auvergne 2016 25cm CRAIG [CRAIG-Auvergne-2016_mirror1]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] Young Island/Buckle Island January 2020 [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R129_S67_20200121T222409]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] Young Island/Buckle Island January 2020 [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R129_S67_20200121T222409]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [CA] Northern Ellesmere Island July 2016 [osmim-imagicode-nellesmere_ast_2016]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [CA] Northern Ellesmere Island July 2016 [osmim-imagicode-nellesmere_ast_2016]
+ Missing ELI description ('Power networks: lines, substations and supports'): [FR] Volta [osmfr_volta]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [FR] Volta [osmfr_volta]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [FR] Volta [osmfr_volta]
* Attribution text differs ('Tiles © cquest@Openstreetmap France, data © Agence ORE - RTE France, LO/OL' != 'Tiles © cquest@Openstreetmap France, data © Enedis - RTE France, LO/OL'): [FR] Volta [osmfr_volta]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [GB] NLS - OS 1:2,500 National Grid Maps, 1940s-1960s - single sheets [NLS-OS-NatGrid-12500-1940-60-singles]
- Missing JOSM description (Digitales multispektrales Orthofotomosaik des Kantons Thurgau): [CH] Canton Thurgau orthophoto 2017 [kt_tg_ortho_2017]
+ Missing ELI description ('cadastral map of Hesse'): [DE] Hesse ALKIS [Hessen-ALKIS]
* Attribution text differs ('Geobasisdaten @ Hessisches Landesamt für Bodenmanagement und Geoinformation' != 'Geobasisdaten © Hessische Verwaltung für Bodenmanagement und Geoinformation'): [DE] Hesse ALKIS [Hessen-ALKIS]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:25832 EPSG:3044 EPSG:31467 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:3040 EPSG:3041 EPSG:3042 EPSG:3043 EPSG:3044 EPSG:3045 EPSG:3046 EPSG:3047 EPSG:31466 EPSG:31467 EPSG:31468 EPSG:31469 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [DE] Hesse ALKIS [Hessen-ALKIS]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2056 EPSG:21781 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2056 EPSG:21781 EPSG:4326'): [CH] Canton Schaffhausen, aerial imagery 2013 [Kanton-Schaffhausen-Luftbild-2013]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): Waymarked Trails: Hiking [Waymarked_Trails-Hiking]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [BR] Jaraguá do Sul Orthomosaic 2020 [jaragua-do-sul-2020]
- Missing JOSM attribution URL ( [US] CT ECO Shaded Relief (2016) [CT_ECO_Shaded_relief_2016]
- Missing JOSM attribution text (Connecticut Environmental Conditions Online): [US] CT ECO Shaded Relief (2016) [CT_ECO_Shaded_relief_2016]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [NO] Norway Orthophoto (more recent, less zoom) [geovekst-nib2]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [BE] Digitaal Vlaanderen GRB [DigitaalVlaanderenGRB]
* Description differs ('The 2019 6-inch 4-band orthoimagery for the State of Connecticut in natural color' != 'The 2019 spring orthoimagery for the State of Connecticut in natural color'): [US] CT ECO Orthoimagery (2019) [CT_ECO_Ortho_2019_RGB_mirror1]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [PL] Bytom: Orthophotomap 2012 (aerial image) [Bytom-2012]
- Missing JOSM license URL ( [PL] Bytom: Orthophotomap 2012 (aerial image) [Bytom-2012]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2177 EPSG:2180' != 'EPSG:2177'): [PL] Bytom: Orthophotomap 2012 (aerial image) [Bytom-2012]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [SE] Kalmar North Orthophoto 2014 [kalmar-orto-2014]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [SE] Kalmar North Orthophoto 2014 [kalmar-orto-2014]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:3010 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:3011 EPSG:4326'): [SE] Kalmar North Orthophoto 2014 [kalmar-orto-2014]
+ Missing ELI description ('20cm aerial imagery of Hesse'): [DE] Hesse DOP20 [Hessen-DOP20]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:25832 EPSG:3044 EPSG:31467 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:3040 EPSG:3041 EPSG:3042 EPSG:3043 EPSG:3044 EPSG:3045 EPSG:3046 EPSG:3047 EPSG:31466 EPSG:31467 EPSG:31468 EPSG:31469 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [DE] Hesse DOP20 [Hessen-DOP20]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:31370 EPSG:3812 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:31370 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [BE] SPW(allonie) shaded relief [SPWrelief2014]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] Lützow-Holm Bay [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R005_S69_20180222T061749]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] Lützow-Holm Bay [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R005_S69_20180222T061749]
- Missing JOSM overlay flag: [CZ] Czech RUIAN parcely [Czech_RUIAN-parcely]
+ Missing ELI privacy policy URL (''): [HU] Budapest district XI orthophoto 2015 [Budapest_XI_2015]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [HU] Budapest district XI orthophoto 2015 [Budapest_XI_2015]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [DE] Saxony-Anhalt, LVermGeo, Land parcels/plots ALKIS [LSA-ALKIS-CP]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:31468 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2397 EPSG:2398 EPSG:2399 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:31467 EPSG:31468 EPSG:31469 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326 EPSG:4647'): [DE] Saxony-Anhalt, LVermGeo, Land parcels/plots ALKIS [LSA-ALKIS-CP]
- Missing JOSM description (Aerial imagery provided by State Administration of Land Surveying and Cadastre. Resolution 0.125 m/px, median alignment error <=0.2m (as of 2022), biennial cycle (yearly update of one half of the territory, alternating between the two halves)): [CZ] Czechia CUZK orthophoto [CUZKlatestorthophoto]
* License URL differs ('' != '>'): [CZ] Czechia CUZK orthophoto [CUZKlatestorthophoto]
- Missing JOSM attribution URL ( [CZ] Czechia CUZK orthophoto [CUZKlatestorthophoto]
- Missing JOSM attribution text (CUZK): [CZ] Czechia CUZK orthophoto [CUZKlatestorthophoto]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3045 EPSG:32633 EPSG:32634 EPSG:3835 EPSG:3836 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326 EPSG:5221 EPSG:5514' != 'EPSG:102066 EPSG:102067 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3045 EPSG:3046 EPSG:32633 EPSG:32634 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326 EPSG:5221 EPSG:5514'): [CZ] Czechia CUZK orthophoto [CUZKlatestorthophoto]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2177 EPSG:2180 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2177 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [PL] Wrocław: Orthophotomap 2015 (aerial image) [wroclaw-orto2015]
* Description differs ('Swedish transmission network for electricity.' != 'Swedish transmission network for electricity'): [SE] SVK Electricity Network (overlay) [svk-transmission]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [HU] FÖMI orthophoto 2005 [FOMI_2005]
* Attribution text differs ('Földmérési és Távérzékelési Intézet' != 'Lechner Tudásközpont'): [HU] FÖMI orthophoto 2005 [FOMI_2005]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [DE] Worms 2020 [Worms-2020]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:25832 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:25832 EPSG:4326'): [DE] Worms 2020 [Worms-2020]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2174 EPSG:2175 EPSG:2177 EPSG:2180 EPSG:3120 EPSG:32634 EPSG:3330 EPSG:3334 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2172 EPSG:2173 EPSG:2174 EPSG:2175 EPSG:2176 EPSG:2177 EPSG:2178 EPSG:2179 EPSG:2180 EPSG:3120 EPSG:32633 EPSG:32634 EPSG:32635 EPSG:3329 EPSG:3330 EPSG:3331 EPSG:3332 EPSG:3333 EPSG:3334 EPSG:4326'): [PL] Częstochowa: Buildings [Czestochowa-buildings]
- Missing JOSM description (Aktuelle Digitale Orthophotos des LFRZ aus gemeinsamen Befliegungen mit den Landesregierungen): [AT] MaxRes []
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [AT] MaxRes []
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AT] MaxRes []
* Projections differ ('EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3044 EPSG:3045 EPSG:31254 EPSG:31255 EPSG:31256 EPSG:31257 EPSG:31258 EPSG:31259 EPSG:31287 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:3416 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3044 EPSG:3045 EPSG:31254 EPSG:31255 EPSG:31256 EPSG:31257 EPSG:31258 EPSG:31259 EPSG:31287 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:3416 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [AT] MaxRes []
+ Missing ELI description ('Mesa County GIS imagery as seen on'): [US] Mesa County GIS NAIP 2019 [MCGIS-County-Imagery-2019]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [US] Mesa County GIS NAIP 2019 [MCGIS-County-Imagery-2019]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [US] Mesa County GIS NAIP 2019 [MCGIS-County-Imagery-2019]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2179 EPSG:2180 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2179 EPSG:2180 EPSG:4326'): [PL] Przemyśl: Ortophotomap (aerial image) [przemysl-aerial]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2178 EPSG:2180 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2178 EPSG:2180 EPSG:4326'): [PL] Powiat ropczycko-sędziszowski: Buildings [sropczyce-buildings]
+ Missing ELI privacy policy URL (''): [US] MetroCOG Orthoimagery (2020) [MetroCOG_Ortho_2020]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [CH] Kanton Basel-Landschaft 10cm (2015) [Basel-Landschaft-2015]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2178 EPSG:2180 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2178 EPSG:2180 EPSG:4326'): [PL] Powiat łańcucki: Buildings [lancucki-buildings]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AT] VoGIS: Zoning plan []
* Description differs ('New locks with less clouds than in the Sentinel-2 image - make sure to check image alignment, outdated (true color)' != 'New locks with less clouds than in the Sentinel-2 image - make sure to check image alignment (true color)'): [PA] Panama Canal - Pacific side [osmim-imagicode-EO1A0120532016364110KF]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [PA] Panama Canal - Pacific side [osmim-imagicode-EO1A0120532016364110KF]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [PA] Panama Canal - Pacific side [osmim-imagicode-EO1A0120532016364110KF]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2154 EPSG:3857 EPSG:3945 EPSG:3946 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2154 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [FR] Auvergne 2013 25cm CRAIG [CRAIG-Auvergne-2013_mirror1]
+ ELI License URL in JOSM Attribution: [LU] ortho technique 2019 (10cm) [lu.geoportail.opendata.ortho_2019_winter]
* Description differs ('Darstellung der DGM Schummerung in Graustufen. Die imaginäre Lichtquelle befindet sich im Nordwesten. Eine Erhebung erscheint am Nordwesthang hell und am Südosthang dunkel. Ebenen sind mit mittlerer Helligkeit gefärbt.' != 'Display of the DTM shading in grayscale. The imaginary light source is located in the northwest. An elevation appears bright on the northwest slope and dark on the southeast slope. Layers are colored with medium brightness.'): [DE] North Rhine-Westphalia DTM hillshade [nrw_dtm_wms]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [DE] North Rhine-Westphalia DTM hillshade [nrw_dtm_wms]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:25831 EPSG:25832 EPSG:28992 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3043 EPSG:3044 EPSG:31466 EPSG:31467 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326 EPSG:4647 EPSG:5649 EPSG:5651 EPSG:5652' != 'EPSG:25831 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:28992 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3043 EPSG:3044 EPSG:3045 EPSG:31466 EPSG:31467 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326 EPSG:4647 EPSG:5649 EPSG:5650 EPSG:5651 EPSG:5652 EPSG:5653'): [DE] North Rhine-Westphalia DTM hillshade [nrw_dtm_wms]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [AT] Eastern Alps autumn colors 2019 [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R022_N47_20191026T101029]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AT] Eastern Alps autumn colors 2019 [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R022_N47_20191026T101029]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [DE] Hamburg DOP 20cm (HH LGV DOP20 2022) [hamburg-20cm]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:25832 EPSG:3044 EPSG:31467 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326 EPSG:4647' != 'EPSG:25832 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3044 EPSG:31467 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326 EPSG:4647'): [DE] Hamburg DOP 20cm (HH LGV DOP20 2022) [hamburg-20cm]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [NO] Svalbard mosaic [osmim-imagicode-s2sval]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [NO] Svalbard mosaic [osmim-imagicode-s2sval]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [GL] Landsat off-nadir late July 2020 [osmim-imagicode-ls_polar5]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [GL] Landsat off-nadir late July 2020 [osmim-imagicode-ls_polar5]
* Description differs ('Basisplan-AV des Kantons Thurgau farbig & schwarzweiss mit Liegenschaften, Nomenklatur, Landes-, Kantons- und Gemeindegrenzen, Einzelobjekten, Bodenbedeckung, Strassennamen, Höhenkurven und Geländemodell' != 'Base plan cadastral surveying of the canton Thurgau coloured & black & white with properties, nomenclature, national, cantonal and municipal boundaries, individual objects, land cover, road names, contour lines and terrain model'): [CH] Canton Thurgau Base plan cadastral surveying [kt_tg_av]
* Description differs ('Late summer imagery where usual sources are severely limited by clouds and snow, somewhat outdated (true color)' != 'Late summer imagery where usual sources are severely limited by clouds and snow (true color)'): [BG] Rila and Pirin Mountains [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R093_N41_20150828T092005]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [BG] Rila and Pirin Mountains [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R093_N41_20150828T092005]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [BG] Rila and Pirin Mountains [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R093_N41_20150828T092005]
- Missing JOSM description (Usługa Krajowa Integracja Ewidencji Gruntów jest usługą zbiorczą prezentacji danych ewidencyjnych pochodzących bezpośrednio z jednostek szczebla powiatowego. Usługa zawiera jedynie dane tych jednostek, które dysponują usługą WMS o odpowiednich parametrach i zdecydowały się włączyć swoją usługę WMS do usługi zbiorczej KrajowaIntegracjaEwidencjiGruntow.): [PL] Geoportal 2: Granice działek [Geoportal2-PL-plot_boundaries_WMS]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [DE] Worms 2008 [Worms-2008]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:25832 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:25832 EPSG:4326'): [DE] Worms 2008 [Worms-2008]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [HU] Budapest district XI orthophoto 2023 [Budapest_XI_2023]
* Description differs ('Orthophoto for Gothenburg municipality' != 'Most recent orthophotos for Gothenburg municipality'): [SE] Gothenburg Orthophoto [gothenburg-ortho]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:3006 EPSG:3007 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:3006 EPSG:3007 EPSG:3857'): [SE] Gothenburg Orthophoto [gothenburg-ortho]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [KZ] Aral Sea (high water level) [osmim-imagicode-aral2]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [KZ] Aral Sea (high water level) [osmim-imagicode-aral2]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [BE] SPW(allonie) 2018 aerial imagery [SPW2018]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:31370 EPSG:3812 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:31370 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [BE] SPW(allonie) 2018 aerial imagery [SPW2018]
* Description differs ('Images of the new locks (but partly cloudy, somewhat outdated) (true color)' != 'Images of the new locks (but partly cloudy) (true color)'): [PA] Panama Canal [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R111_N09_20160604T154554]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [PA] Panama Canal [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R111_N09_20160604T154554]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [PA] Panama Canal [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R111_N09_20160604T154554]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [BR] Brazilian Army Topographic Maps [BDGEx_ctm_multi]
- Missing JOSM attribution URL ( [BR] Brazilian Army Topographic Maps [BDGEx_ctm_multi]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): Waymarked Trails: Horse Riding [Waymarked_Trails-Horse_Riding]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [BR] DER-ES [der-es]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [BR] DER-ES [der-es]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [DE] North Sea Coast 2017 [osmim-imagicode-northsea_s2_2017]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [DE] North Sea Coast 2017 [osmim-imagicode-northsea_s2_2017]
* Description differs ('Works only from within Ukraine or with an Ukrainian proxy server.' != 'Orthophotomaps provided by the State Service of Ukraine for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre (StateGeoCadastre), CC BY 4.0'): [UA] Ukraine - Kyiv 2014 (DZK) [UkraineKyiv2014DZK]
+ Missing ELI license URL (''): [UA] Ukraine - Kyiv 2014 (DZK) [UkraineKyiv2014DZK]
+ Missing ELI attribution URL (''): [UA] Ukraine - Kyiv 2014 (DZK) [UkraineKyiv2014DZK]
+ Missing ELI attribution text ('StateGeoCadastre, Ukraine'): [UA] Ukraine - Kyiv 2014 (DZK) [UkraineKyiv2014DZK]
* Description differs ('3-inch Resolution Imagery of year 2017 (Westminster), year 2020 (Gaithersburg, Rockville, Annapolis), and year 2022 (Cecil and Easton)' != 'Three Inch Resolution Imagery for the cities of Rockville, Gaithersburg and Annapolis'): [US] MD Three Inch Aerial Imagery []
- Missing JOSM license URL ( [US] MD Three Inch Aerial Imagery []
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [US] MD Three Inch Aerial Imagery []
* Description differs ('Image from after the 2015 eruption, somewhat outdated (true color)' != 'Image from after the 2015 eruption (true color)'): [CL] Volcán Calbuco [osmim-imagicode-LC82330892016031LGN00]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [CL] Volcán Calbuco [osmim-imagicode-LC82330892016031LGN00]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [CL] Volcán Calbuco [osmim-imagicode-LC82330892016031LGN00]
* Privacy policy URL differs (',Ochrona-danych-osobowych.html' != ''): [PL] Poznań: Latest Orthophotomap (aerial image) [poznan-ortofotomapaBiezaca]
* License URL differs (',Ponowne-wykorzystywanie-informacji-sektora-publicznego.html' != ''): [PL] Poznań: Latest Orthophotomap (aerial image) [poznan-ortofotomapaBiezaca]
+ Missing ELI attribution URL (''): [PL] Poznań: Latest Orthophotomap (aerial image) [poznan-ortofotomapaBiezaca]
- Missing JOSM description (Combinaison des meilleures photographies aériennes (de 20 à 5 cm) et des images satellites à plus grande échelle. Mise à jour progressivement sur 1/3 des départements chaque année.): [FR] BDOrtho IGN [fr.ign.bdortho]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [FR] BDOrtho IGN [fr.ign.bdortho]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [FR] BDOrtho IGN [fr.ign.bdortho]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [FR] BDOrtho IGN [fr.ign.bdortho]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [FR] Bordeaux - 2012 [Bordeaux_2012]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [HU] Szeged orthophoto 2011 [Szeged_2011]
* Attribution text differs ('SZTE TFGT - University of Szeged' != 'Szegedi Tudományegyetem Természeti Földrajzi és Geoinformatikai Tanszék'): [HU] Szeged orthophoto 2011 [Szeged_2011]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [US] USA/Mexico/Canada/Scandinavia Topo Maps [US-MX-CA-NO-SE-FI-Scanned_Topographic]
- Missing JOSM description (Latest 8 centimeter resolution orthoimagery for the City of Toronto in the Province of Ontario): [CA] Toronto Orthorectified Imagery - Most current year [Toronto-Imagery-Most-Current-Year]
+ Missing ELI attribution URL (''): [CH] Canton of Geneva, DTM (SITG 2019) [Geneve-dtm-2019]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2056 EPSG:2154 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2056 EPSG:4326'): [CH] Canton of Geneva, DTM (SITG 2019) [Geneve-dtm-2019]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] Yamato/Queen Fabiola Mountains [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R005_S7X_20200303T061749]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] Yamato/Queen Fabiola Mountains [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R005_S7X_20200303T061749]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2180 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3044 EPSG:3045 EPSG:31468 EPSG:3398 EPSG:3399 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326 EPSG:5514 EPSG:5650' != 'EPSG:25833 EPSG:31468 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [DE] Saxony historical aerial imagery 2012-2014 [GEOSN-DOP-2012_2014]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [HU] Danube flood orthophoto 2013 [Duna_2013]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [UG] Rwenzori Mountains 2016 [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R078_N01_20160702T082522]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [UG] Rwenzori Mountains 2016 [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R078_N01_20160702T082522]
* Description differs ('Goverment-based leaf-covered orthophotos with 40 cm/pixel resolution for the entire country. This layer should be used as an alignment base in lack of a more accurate reference. WEBP format images, JOSM needs a webp plugin for them.' != 'Government-based leaf-covered orthophotos with 40 cm/pixel resolution for the entire country. This layer should be used as an alignment base in lack of a more accurate reference. WEBP format images, JOSM needs a webp plugin for them.'): [HU] FÖMI orthophoto 2011-2014 (webp) [FOMI_2011_2014]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [HU] FÖMI orthophoto 2011-2014 (webp) [FOMI_2011_2014]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [HU] FÖMI orthophoto 2011-2014 (webp) [FOMI_2011_2014]
- Missing JOSM description (Satellite and aerial imagery.): Bing aerial imagery [Bing]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): Bing aerial imagery [Bing]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [GL] Qasigiannguit [osmim-imagicode-DMS_1142622_03746_20110415_17533956]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [GL] Qasigiannguit [osmim-imagicode-DMS_1142622_03746_20110415_17533956]
+ Missing ELI attribution URL (''): [CH] Canton of Geneva, DSM (SITG 2014) [Geneve-dsm-2014]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2056 EPSG:2154 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2056 EPSG:4326'): [CH] Canton of Geneva, DSM (SITG 2014) [Geneve-dsm-2014]
* Description differs ('Image from after the 2014/2015 eruption, somewhat outdated (true color)' != 'Image from after the 2014/2015 eruption (true color)'): [CV] Fogo, Cape Verde [osmim-imagicode-LC82100502015347LGN00]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [CV] Fogo, Cape Verde [osmim-imagicode-LC82100502015347LGN00]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [CV] Fogo, Cape Verde [osmim-imagicode-LC82100502015347LGN00]
+ Missing ELI privacy policy URL (''): [NO] Kartverket Place Names overlay [kartverket-ssr2]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [NO] Kartverket Place Names overlay [kartverket-ssr2]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2056 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2056 EPSG:21781 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [CH] Kanton Basel-Stadt 2023 [KTBASELSTADT2023]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:26919 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:26919 EPSG:4326'): [US] NH GRANIT LiDAR Hillshade 2022 (Northwest) [LiDAR_Bare_Earth_NW_HS_NH_2022]
- Missing JOSM description (Mapa base del Instituto Geográfico Nacional de la República Argentina): [AR] National Geographic Institute Argenmap (TMS) [ign-argenmap-tms]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [AT] Vienna: Aerial image []
- Missing JOSM license URL ( [AT] Vienna: Aerial image []
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AT] Vienna: Aerial image []
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [CH] Kanton Solothurn, DTM Relief 2019 [Solothurn-sogis2019-dtm-wms]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2056 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2056 EPSG:21781 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [CH] Kanton Solothurn, DTM Relief 2019 [Solothurn-sogis2019-dtm-wms]
- Missing JOSM description (Photographies aériennes de 2024, couvrant 1/3 des départements, produite dans un délai très court grâce à un traitement massivement automatisé.): [FR] ORTHO Express IGN 2024 [ortho_express_2024]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [FR] ORTHO Express IGN 2024 [ortho_express_2024]
- Missing JOSM license URL ( [FR] ORTHO Express IGN 2024 [ortho_express_2024]
- Missing JOSM attribution URL ( [FR] ORTHO Express IGN 2024 [ortho_express_2024]
* Attribution text differs ('IGN' != 'ORTHO Express IGN 2024'): [FR] ORTHO Express IGN 2024 [ortho_express_2024]
+ Missing ELI description ('Imagery only accessible from a Polish IP address.'): [PL] Będzin: Orthophotomap 2013 (aerial image) [Bedzin-PL-aerial_image]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [AU] ACTmapi Imagery 2023-09 [ACT202309]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [AU] ACTmapi Imagery 2023-09 [ACT202309]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AU] ACTmapi Imagery 2023-09 [ACT202309]
* Attribution text differs ('Aerial Imagery from ACTMapi ©ACT Government and MetroMap' != 'Aerial Imagery from ACTMapi CCBY Australian Capital Territory and MetroMap'): [AU] ACTmapi Imagery 2023-09 [ACT202309]
+ ELI has minimal projections ('EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:3857'): [BE] TEC bus stops [TECstops]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [HU] FÖMI orthophoto 2007-2010 [FOMI_2007_2010]
* Attribution text differs ('Földmérési és Távérzékelési Intézet' != 'Lechner Tudásközpont'): [HU] FÖMI orthophoto 2007-2010 [FOMI_2007_2010]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [DE] North Sea Coast spring 2018 [osmim-imagicode-northsea_s2_2018]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [DE] North Sea Coast spring 2018 [osmim-imagicode-northsea_s2_2018]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [IE] Ireland Civil Parishes and Baronies - Memorial Atlas [antrimnuig]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [LT] ORT10LT (Lithuania) [ORT10LT]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [NO] Kartverket Historic maps [kartverket-historic]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:25831 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:25834 EPSG:25835 EPSG:25836 EPSG:27391 EPSG:27392 EPSG:27393 EPSG:27394 EPSG:27395 EPSG:27396 EPSG:27397 EPSG:27398 EPSG:3034 EPSG:32631 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:32634 EPSG:32635 EPSG:32636 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:25829 EPSG:25830 EPSG:25831 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:25834 EPSG:25835 EPSG:25836 EPSG:27391 EPSG:27392 EPSG:27393 EPSG:27394 EPSG:27395 EPSG:27396 EPSG:27397 EPSG:27398 EPSG:3034 EPSG:32631 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:32634 EPSG:32635 EPSG:32636 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [NO] Kartverket Historic maps [kartverket-historic]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:3043 EPSG:31300 EPSG:31370 EPSG:3812 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:31370 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [BE] URBIS numerical imagery [URBISfrnl]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [US] NOAA NGS 70701: Sitka, AK [2023-05-05] (RGB) [NOAA_NGS_70701_RGB]
* Attribution text differs ('NOAA National Geodetic Survey' != 'NOAA NGS'): [US] NOAA NGS 70701: Sitka, AK [2023-05-05] (RGB) [NOAA_NGS_70701_RGB]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [RU] Vostochny Cosmodrome 2020 [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R089_N52_20200930T023551]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [RU] Vostochny Cosmodrome 2020 [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R089_N52_20200930T023551]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [GB] NLS - OS 1:1,250 National Grid Maps, 1940s-1960s [NLS-OS-NatGrid-11250-1940-60]
- Missing JOSM description (Yearly IPR Praha orthophotos, taken after the leaves are fallen from the trees. Same imagery as Praha IPR low-vegetation orthophoto but served from a TMS proxy): [CZ] Praha IPR low-vegetation orthophoto [PrahaIPRlow-vegetationorthophoto_mirror1]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [CZ] Praha IPR low-vegetation orthophoto [PrahaIPRlow-vegetationorthophoto_mirror1]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [CZ] Praha IPR low-vegetation orthophoto [PrahaIPRlow-vegetationorthophoto_mirror1]
- Missing JOSM attribution URL ( [CZ] Praha IPR low-vegetation orthophoto [PrahaIPRlow-vegetationorthophoto_mirror1]
- Missing JOSM attribution text (IPR Praha; OSM CZ): [CZ] Praha IPR low-vegetation orthophoto [PrahaIPRlow-vegetationorthophoto_mirror1]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [DE] Saxony-Anhalt, LVermGeo, Hydro network [LSA-ATKIS-HYN]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:31468 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2397 EPSG:2398 EPSG:2399 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:31467 EPSG:31468 EPSG:31469 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326 EPSG:4647'): [DE] Saxony-Anhalt, LVermGeo, Hydro network [LSA-ATKIS-HYN]
+ Missing ELI privacy policy URL (''): [LU] all layers [lu.geoportail.opendata.wms_endpoint]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [LU] all layers [lu.geoportail.opendata.wms_endpoint]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2056 EPSG:21781 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2056 EPSG:21781 EPSG:4326'): [CH] Canton Schaffhausen, relief 2013 [Kanton-Schaffhausen-DSM-2013]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [EE] Estonia Ortho (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Ortho_mirror2]
+ License URL differs ('' != ''): [EE] Estonia Ortho (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Ortho_mirror2]
* Attribution text differs ('Maa-ameti ortofoto' != 'Maa-Ameti ortofoto'): [EE] Estonia Ortho (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Ortho_mirror2]
- Missing JOSM license URL ( [IL] Israel MTB [Israel_MTB]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [PT] Orthophotos of mainland Portugal - 50 cm - 2004-2006 (DGT) [ORTOS_DGT_2004_06]
* Attribution text differs ('Informação geográfica cedida pela Direção-Geral do Território' != 'Direcção-Geral do Território'): [PT] Orthophotos of mainland Portugal - 50 cm - 2004-2006 (DGT) [ORTOS_DGT_2004_06]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] Larsen C ice shelf after calving [osmim-imagicode-larsen_2018]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] Larsen C ice shelf after calving [osmim-imagicode-larsen_2018]
- Missing JOSM description (The default OpenStreetMap layer.): OpenStreetMap Carto (Standard) [standard]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): OpenStreetMap Carto (Standard) [standard]
* Attribution text differs ('© OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0' != '© OpenStreetMap contributors'): OpenStreetMap Carto (Standard) [standard]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [GB] NLS - OS/War Office - GSGS 3906 1:25,000, 1940-43 [NLS-OS-WarOffice-125k-1940-43]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [EC] El Altar [osmim-imagicode-AST_L1T_00302052007154424_20150518041444_91492]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [EC] El Altar [osmim-imagicode-AST_L1T_00302052007154424_20150518041444_91492]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:3765 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:3765 EPSG:4326'): [HR] HOK [dgu-hok]
* Description differs ('Virginia Building Footprint Map Service' != 'Building footprints from VBMP orthoimagery and locality data'): [US] Virginia Building Footprints [VGIN-BuildingFootprints_WM]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [US] Virginia Building Footprints [VGIN-BuildingFootprints_WM]
+ License URL differs ('' != ''): [US] Virginia Building Footprints [VGIN-BuildingFootprints_WM]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [US] Virginia Building Footprints [VGIN-BuildingFootprints_WM]
* Description differs ('Orthofoto fuer den Nordteil des Kantons Zug. Geflogen am 20.04.2016. 10cm Aufloesung per Pixel. Abdeckung: Gemeinden Cham, Steinhausen und Baar, sowie Teile von Zug Befliegung vor Laubaustrieb, ohne Schneeabdeckung.' != 'Orthophoto for the northern part of the canton Zug. Flown on 20.04.2016. 10cm resolution per pixel. Coverage: Communities of Cham, Steinhausen and Baar, as well as parts of Zug.'): [CH] Kanton Zug Nord 2016 [Zug-2016]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [FR] Rennes - 2018 [Rennes_2018]
* Attribution text differs ('Mégalis Bretagne et Collectivités Territoriales Bretonnes' != 'Mégalis Bretagne et Collectivités Territoriales Bretonnes 2018'): [FR] Rennes - 2018 [Rennes_2018]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2178 EPSG:2180 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2178 EPSG:2180 EPSG:4326'): [PL] Powiat stalowowolski: Buildings [stalowowolski-buildings]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [BE] Digitaal Vlaanderen most recent aerial imagery [OrthoVlaanderen_mirror1]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [BE] Digitaal Vlaanderen most recent aerial imagery [OrthoVlaanderen_mirror1]
* Description differs ('Scan of "Economic maps" ca. 1950–1978' != 'Scan of ´Economic maps´ ca. 1950-1978'): [SE] Lantmäteriet Economic Map ca. 1950-1978 [osmse-ekonomiska]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [SE] Lantmäteriet Economic Map ca. 1950-1978 [osmse-ekonomiska]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [SE] Lantmäteriet Economic Map ca. 1950-1978 [osmse-ekonomiska]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [SE] Lantmäteriet Economic Map ca. 1950-1978 [osmse-ekonomiska]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [GB] NLS - Bartholomew Half Inch, 1897-1907 [NLS-Bartholomew-hfinch-hist]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [GL] Thule Airbase DMS overflight September 2015 [osmim-imagicode-dms_thule_2015.09.25]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [GL] Thule Airbase DMS overflight September 2015 [osmim-imagicode-dms_thule_2015.09.25]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [GL] Thule Air Base [osmim-imagicode-DMS_1142636_160xx_20110507_1822xxxx]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [GL] Thule Air Base [osmim-imagicode-DMS_1142636_160xx_20110507_1822xxxx]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2178 EPSG:2180 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2178 EPSG:2180 EPSG:4326'): [PL] Powiat rzeszowski: Buildings [rzeszowski-buildings]
* Description differs ('Amtliche Vermessung farbig WMTS' != 'Plan for the land register of the city of Bern (coloured).'): [CH] Geoinformation Stadt Bern, Amtliche Vermessung [Bern-Katasterplan-wmts]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [CH] Geoinformation Stadt Bern, Amtliche Vermessung [Bern-Katasterplan-wmts]
* Attribution text differs ('Amtliche Vermessung farbig WMTS,, Geoinformation Stadt Bern' != 'Geoinformation Stadt Bern, Amtliche Vermessung (Darstellung farbig)'): [CH] Geoinformation Stadt Bern, Amtliche Vermessung [Bern-Katasterplan-wmts]
- Missing JOSM projections (EPSG:2056): [CH] Geoinformation Stadt Bern, Amtliche Vermessung [Bern-Katasterplan-wmts]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] Far southern Transantarctic Mnts. east [osmim-imagicode-aster_anti_east]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] Far southern Transantarctic Mnts. east [osmim-imagicode-aster_anti_east]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [EE] Estonia Cadastre (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Cadastre]
+ License URL differs ('' != ''): [EE] Estonia Cadastre (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Cadastre]
* Attribution text differs ('Maa-ameti katastrikaart ortofoto alusel' != 'Maa-Ameti katastrikaart ortofoto alusel'): [EE] Estonia Cadastre (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Cadastre]
+ ELI has minimal projections ('EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:4326'): [EE] Estonia Cadastre (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Cadastre]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [CH] Western Alps autumn colors 2017 [osmim-imagicode-walps_autumn_2017]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [CH] Western Alps autumn colors 2017 [osmim-imagicode-walps_autumn_2017]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [US] Dakota County GIS 2019 Spring Leaf-Off 6-Inch [DCGIS-County-Imagery-2019-Spring-Leaf-Off-6-Inch]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:26915 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:103726 EPSG:26915 EPSG:4326'): [US] Dakota County GIS 2019 Spring Leaf-Off 6-Inch [DCGIS-County-Imagery-2019-Spring-Leaf-Off-6-Inch]
+ Missing ELI description ('WebAtlas of Hesse'): [DE] Hesse WebAtlas [Hessen-WebAtlas]
* Attribution text differs ('Geobasisdaten @ Hessisches Landesamt für Bodenmanagement und Geoinformation' != 'Geobasisdaten © Hessische Verwaltung für Bodenmanagement und Geoinformation'): [DE] Hesse WebAtlas [Hessen-WebAtlas]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:25832 EPSG:3044 EPSG:31466 EPSG:31467 EPSG:31468 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:3040 EPSG:3041 EPSG:3042 EPSG:3043 EPSG:3044 EPSG:3045 EPSG:3046 EPSG:3047 EPSG:31466 EPSG:31467 EPSG:31468 EPSG:31469 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [DE] Hesse WebAtlas [Hessen-WebAtlas]
- Missing JOSM description (Orthophotographie 2022 de la Métropole de Lyon): [FR] Lyon Orthophoto 2022 [orthophoto_lyon_2022]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [FR] Lyon Orthophoto 2022 [orthophoto_lyon_2022]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [FR] Lyon Orthophoto 2022 [orthophoto_lyon_2022]
- Missing JOSM attribution URL ( [FR] Lyon Orthophoto 2022 [orthophoto_lyon_2022]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2154 EPSG:27562 EPSG:27572 EPSG:3857 EPSG:3946 EPSG:4171 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2154 EPSG:27562 EPSG:27572 EPSG:3857 EPSG:3946 EPSG:4171 EPSG:4326'): [FR] Lyon Orthophoto 2022 [orthophoto_lyon_2022]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [BR] IBGE BC250 - Villages [IBGE_BC250_Villa]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [BR] IBGE BC250 - Villages [IBGE_BC250_Villa]
- Missing JOSM attribution URL ( [BR] IBGE BC250 - Villages [IBGE_BC250_Villa]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [RU] Ushakov Island August 2020 [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R093_N79_20200831T091601]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [RU] Ushakov Island August 2020 [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R093_N79_20200831T091601]
* Description differs ('Basemap of South Tyrol' != 'Basemap with standard background'): [IT] South Tyrol Basemap [South-Tyrol-Basemap]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [IT] South Tyrol Basemap [South-Tyrol-Basemap]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [IT] South Tyrol Basemap [South-Tyrol-Basemap]
* Attribution text differs ('© Autonome Provinz Bozen/Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano CC0-1.0' != 'Autonome Provinz Bozen - Provincia autonoma di Bolzano - OpenStreetMap contributors'): [IT] South Tyrol Basemap [South-Tyrol-Basemap]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:25832 EPSG:32632 EPSG:3857' != 'EPSG:25832 EPSG:31258 EPSG:32632 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [IT] South Tyrol Basemap [South-Tyrol-Basemap]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AT] Orthofoto []
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): QA No Address [qa_no_address]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:3006 EPSG:3007 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:3006 EPSG:3007 EPSG:3857'): [SE] Gothenburg City map [gothenburg-citymap]
- Missing JOSM description (Orthophotographie 2018 de la Métropole de Lyon): [FR] Lyon Orthophoto 2018 [orthophoto_lyon_2018]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [FR] Lyon Orthophoto 2018 [orthophoto_lyon_2018]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [FR] Lyon Orthophoto 2018 [orthophoto_lyon_2018]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [FR] Lyon Orthophoto 2018 [orthophoto_lyon_2018]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2154 EPSG:27562 EPSG:27572 EPSG:3857 EPSG:3946 EPSG:4171 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2154 EPSG:27562 EPSG:27572 EPSG:3857 EPSG:3946 EPSG:4171 EPSG:4326'): [FR] Lyon Orthophoto 2018 [orthophoto_lyon_2018]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] Lambert Glacier west [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R061_S7X_20200226T041719]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] Lambert Glacier west [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R061_S7X_20200226T041719]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2056 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2056 EPSG:21781 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [CH] Canton Solothurn, Orthophoto 2016 RGB [Solothurn-sogis-ortho2016-wms]
- Missing JOSM description (Public rights of way data released by local authorities, as collated at [GB] Public Rights of Way [prowoverlay]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [GB] Public Rights of Way [prowoverlay]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [GB] Public Rights of Way [prowoverlay]
- Missing JOSM attribution URL ( [GB] Public Rights of Way [prowoverlay]
- Missing JOSM attribution text (Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.): [GB] Public Rights of Way [prowoverlay]
* Description differs ('Topographic map from the city of Turku' != 'Topographic map by the city of Turku'): [FI] Turku topographic map [turku-topo]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2391 EPSG:2392 EPSG:3067 EPSG:3128 EPSG:3129 EPSG:3130 EPSG:3857 EPSG:3877 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [FI] Turku topographic map [turku-topo]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [ID] Sudirman Range 2015 [osmim-imagicode-LC81030632015286LGN00]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [ID] Sudirman Range 2015 [osmim-imagicode-LC81030632015286LGN00]
* Description differs ('Langsamverkehr: Verlauf der Wanderwege mit symbolischer Darstellung der Wegweiser, Unterführungen, Treppen und Brücken. Informationen über die Wegoberfläche und Rollstuhlgängigkeit.' != 'Slow traffic: the course of the hiking trails with symbolic representations of signposts, underpasses, stairs and bridges. Information about the path surface and wheelchair accessibility.'): [CH] Canton Thurgau hiking paths [kt_tg_ww]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:31370 EPSG:3812 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:31370 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [BE] SPW(allonie) most recent aerial imagery [SPWLAST]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:3003 EPSG:3004 EPSG:3035 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4265 EPSG:4326 EPSG:4806' != 'EPSG:2056 EPSG:21781 EPSG:3003 EPSG:3004 EPSG:3035 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4265 EPSG:4326 EPSG:4806'): [IT] PCN 2008 - IT Lazio+Umbria [PCN-Lazio_Umbria-2008]
* Description differs ('Orthophoto of South Tyrol from 2011 with up to 20cm resolution (larger valleys)' != 'Orthophoto of South Tyrol from 2011 with up to 20cm resolution (larger valleys only)'): [IT] South Tyrol Orthofoto 2011 (larger valleys) [South-Tyrol-Orthofoto2011-20cm]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [IT] South Tyrol Orthofoto 2011 (larger valleys) [South-Tyrol-Orthofoto2011-20cm]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [IT] South Tyrol Orthofoto 2011 (larger valleys) [South-Tyrol-Orthofoto2011-20cm]
* Attribution text differs ('© Autonome Provinz Bozen/Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano CC-BY 4.0' != '© Autonome Provinz Bozen/Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano CC-BY 3.0'): [IT] South Tyrol Orthofoto 2011 (larger valleys) [South-Tyrol-Orthofoto2011-20cm]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] Victoria Land east [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R057_S7X_20190210T213409]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] Victoria Land east [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R057_S7X_20190210T213409]
- Missing JOSM description (Yearly IPR Praha orthophotos, usually taken in summer months when vegetation is fully grown): [CZ] Praha IPR latest orthophoto [PrahaIPRlatestorthophoto]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [CZ] Praha IPR latest orthophoto [PrahaIPRlatestorthophoto]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [CZ] Praha IPR latest orthophoto [PrahaIPRlatestorthophoto]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326 EPSG:5514' != 'EPSG:102067 EPSG:4326 EPSG:5514'): [CZ] Praha IPR latest orthophoto [PrahaIPRlatestorthophoto]
- Missing JOSM description (The aerial photos released by Susono City as open data.): [JP] Susono city orthophoto [susono_shizuoka_jp_orthophoto]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2178 EPSG:2180 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2178 EPSG:2180 EPSG:4326'): [PL] Powiat dębicki: Buildings [debicki-buildings]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [CH] Kanton Bern, Digital terrain model 50cm, Relief [Bern-dtm-hillshade-2015]
+ License URL differs ('' != ''): [CH] Kanton Bern, Digital terrain model 50cm, Relief [Bern-dtm-hillshade-2015]
+ Missing ELI description ('digital topographic map of Hesse'): [DE] Hesse DTK [Hessen-DTK]
* Attribution text differs ('Geobasisdaten @ Hessisches Landesamt für Bodenmanagement und Geoinformation' != 'Geobasisdaten © Hessische Verwaltung für Bodenmanagement und Geoinformation'): [DE] Hesse DTK [Hessen-DTK]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:25832 EPSG:3044 EPSG:31466 EPSG:31467 EPSG:31468 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:3040 EPSG:3041 EPSG:3042 EPSG:3043 EPSG:3044 EPSG:3045 EPSG:3046 EPSG:3047 EPSG:31466 EPSG:31467 EPSG:31468 EPSG:31469 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [DE] Hesse DTK [Hessen-DTK]
* Description differs ('Ortophotos from the city of Turku' != 'Ortophoto for Turku metro area'): [FI] Turku region aerial imagery 2018 [turku-orto]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2391 EPSG:2392 EPSG:3067 EPSG:3128 EPSG:3129 EPSG:3130 EPSG:3857 EPSG:3877 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [FI] Turku region aerial imagery 2018 [turku-orto]
* Description differs ('Missing islands and coarse coastline due to cloud cover in Bing, lakes could also use additional detail (somewhat outdated) (true color)' != 'Missing islands and coarse coastline due to cloud cover in Bing, lakes could also use additional detail (true color)'): [ID] Southeastern Sulawesi [osmim-imagicode-LC81130622013270LGN00]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [ID] Southeastern Sulawesi [osmim-imagicode-LC81130622013270LGN00]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [ID] Southeastern Sulawesi [osmim-imagicode-LC81130622013270LGN00]
- Missing JOSM description (Hill shaded terrain model of Czech Republic, grayscale. LIDAR based. Buildings and vegetation filtered out. Median height error 0.18m to 0.3m. Provided by State Administration of Land Surveying and Cadastre.): [CZ] Czechia CUZK terrain DMR 5G greyscale [CUZK-DMR5G]
* License URL differs ('' != '>'): [CZ] Czechia CUZK terrain DMR 5G greyscale [CUZK-DMR5G]
- Missing JOSM attribution URL ( [CZ] Czechia CUZK terrain DMR 5G greyscale [CUZK-DMR5G]
- Missing JOSM attribution text (CUZK): [CZ] Czechia CUZK terrain DMR 5G greyscale [CUZK-DMR5G]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3045 EPSG:32633 EPSG:32634 EPSG:3835 EPSG:3836 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326 EPSG:5221 EPSG:5514' != 'EPSG:102066 EPSG:102067 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3045 EPSG:3046 EPSG:32633 EPSG:32634 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326 EPSG:5221 EPSG:5514'): [CZ] Czechia CUZK terrain DMR 5G greyscale [CUZK-DMR5G]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [GB] NLS - OS 1:2,500 National Grid Maps, 1940s-1960s - double sheets [NLS-OS-NatGrid-12500-1940-60-doubles]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2056 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2056 EPSG:21781 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [CH] Canton Solothurn, Orthophoto 2015 RGB [Solothurn-sogis-ortho2015-wms]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [BR] IBGE BC250 - Rivers and Drainage [IBGE_BC250_Rios_Drenagem]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [BR] IBGE BC250 - Rivers and Drainage [IBGE_BC250_Rios_Drenagem]
- Missing JOSM attribution URL ( [BR] IBGE BC250 - Rivers and Drainage [IBGE_BC250_Rios_Drenagem]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326 EPSG:4674' != 'EPSG:22525 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326 EPSG:5396'): [BR] IBGE BC250 - Rivers and Drainage [IBGE_BC250_Rios_Drenagem]
* Attribution text differs ('© Геопортал містобудівного кадастру міста Черкаси' != 'Геопортал містобудівного кадастру міста Черкаси'): [UA] Ukraine - Cherkasy 2015 [UkraineCherkasy2015]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] USGS 50k Topos McMurdo Dry Valleys [osmim-imagicode-usgs_50k_ant]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] USGS 50k Topos McMurdo Dry Valleys [osmim-imagicode-usgs_50k_ant]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [HU] FÖMI orthophoto 2000 [FOMI_2000]
* Attribution text differs ('Földmérési és Távérzékelési Intézet' != 'Lechner Tudásközpont'): [HU] FÖMI orthophoto 2000 [FOMI_2000]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [EE] Estonia Ortho (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Ortho]
+ License URL differs ('' != ''): [EE] Estonia Ortho (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Ortho]
* Attribution text differs ('Maa-ameti ortofoto' != 'Maa-Ameti ortofoto'): [EE] Estonia Ortho (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Ortho]
+ ELI has minimal projections ('EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:3301'): [EE] Estonia Ortho (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Ortho]
+ ELI projections for type wms_endpoint: [AR] National Geographic Institute UAV Orthophotos (WMS) [ign-uav-orthophotos-wms]
- Missing JOSM attribution URL ( [DE] Erlangen aerial imagery (2020 5,0 cm) [Erlangen-2020]
+ Missing ELI privacy policy URL (''): [NO] Kartverket Contour Lines overlay [kartverket-hoydekurver]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [NO] Kartverket Contour Lines overlay [kartverket-hoydekurver]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [NO] Kartverket Contour Lines overlay [kartverket-hoydekurver]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:23031 EPSG:23032 EPSG:23033 EPSG:23034 EPSG:23035 EPSG:23036 EPSG:25831 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:25834 EPSG:25835 EPSG:25836 EPSG:3006 EPSG:3007 EPSG:3008 EPSG:3012 EPSG:3013 EPSG:3014 EPSG:3016 EPSG:3029 EPSG:3030 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3046 EPSG:3047 EPSG:32631 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:32634 EPSG:32635 EPSG:32636 EPSG:3575 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326 EPSG:5105 EPSG:5106 EPSG:5107 EPSG:5108 EPSG:5109 EPSG:5110 EPSG:5111 EPSG:5112 EPSG:5113 EPSG:5114 EPSG:5115 EPSG:5116 EPSG:5117 EPSG:5118 EPSG:5119 EPSG:5120 EPSG:5121 EPSG:5122 EPSG:5123 EPSG:5124 EPSG:5125 EPSG:5126 EPSG:5127 EPSG:5128 EPSG:5129 EPSG:5130' != 'EPSG:23029 EPSG:23030 EPSG:23031 EPSG:23032 EPSG:23033 EPSG:23034 EPSG:23035 EPSG:23036 EPSG:25829 EPSG:25830 EPSG:25831 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:25834 EPSG:25835 EPSG:25836 EPSG:3006 EPSG:3007 EPSG:3008 EPSG:3009 EPSG:3010 EPSG:3011 EPSG:3012 EPSG:3013 EPSG:3014 EPSG:3015 EPSG:3016 EPSG:3017 EPSG:3018 EPSG:3029 EPSG:3030 EPSG:3031 EPSG:3032 EPSG:3033 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3036 EPSG:3046 EPSG:3047 EPSG:32629 EPSG:32630 EPSG:32631 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:32634 EPSG:32635 EPSG:32636 EPSG:3575 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326 EPSG:5105 EPSG:5106 EPSG:5107 EPSG:5108 EPSG:5109 EPSG:5110 EPSG:5111 EPSG:5112 EPSG:5113 EPSG:5114 EPSG:5115 EPSG:5116 EPSG:5117 EPSG:5118 EPSG:5119 EPSG:5120 EPSG:5121 EPSG:5122 EPSG:5123 EPSG:5124 EPSG:5125 EPSG:5126 EPSG:5127 EPSG:5128 EPSG:5129 EPSG:5130'): [NO] Kartverket Contour Lines overlay [kartverket-hoydekurver]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [ID] Anak Krakatau [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R032_S07_20200921T025549]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [ID] Anak Krakatau [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R032_S07_20200921T025549]
* Description differs ('Orthofoto fuer den Suedteil der Gemeinde Zug. Geflogen per Drohne an mehreren Tagen Anfangs April 2018. 10cm Aufloesung per Pixel. Abdeckung: Suedteil der Gemeinde Zug Befliegung vor Laubaustrieb, ohne Schneeabdeckung.' != 'Orthophoto for the southern part of the municipality of Zug. Flown by drone on several days in early April 2018. 10cm resolution per pixel. Coverage: Southern part of the community of Zug. Flying before leaves grow, without snow cover.'): [CH] Kanton Zug Gemeinde Zug Süd 2018 [Zug-2018]
* Attribution text differs ('Geographisches Informationssystem des Kantons Zürich (GIS-ZH), Oberflächenschummerung' != 'Kanton Zürich Surface Hillshade'): [CH] Kanton Zürich, Surface Hillshade 2014 50cm [OGDLidarZH-DOM]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2056 EPSG:21780 EPSG:21781 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2056 EPSG:21780 EPSG:21781 EPSG:21782 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [CH] Kanton Zürich, Surface Hillshade 2014 50cm [OGDLidarZH-DOM]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2176 EPSG:2177 EPSG:2178 EPSG:2179 EPSG:2180 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2176 EPSG:2177 EPSG:2178 EPSG:2179 EPSG:2180 EPSG:4326'): [PL] Geoportal 2: PRNG (geo names) [Geoportal2-PL-prng]
* Description differs ('Digitales Orthophoto des Saarlands, 20cm' != 'Saarland aerial, imagery, 20cm'): [DE] Saarland DOP20 [Saarland-DOP20]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [DE] Saarland DOP20 [Saarland-DOP20]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:25832 EPSG:3034 EPSG:31466 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:3034 EPSG:31466 EPSG:31467 EPSG:31468 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [DE] Saarland DOP20 [Saarland-DOP20]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [SE] Trafikverket Railway Network options (overlay) [trafikverket-baninfo-option]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( Esri World Imagery (Clarity) Beta [EsriWorldImageryClarity]
+ ELI has minimal projections ('EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:3857'): EOx cloudless Sentinel-2 2022 [EOXAT2022CLOUDLESS]
+ Missing ELI description ('Centroids for postcodes in Great Britain from OS Code-Point'): [GB] Postcode centroids [postcodecentroids]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [GB] Postcode centroids [postcodecentroids]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [GB] Postcode centroids [postcodecentroids]
- Missing JOSM attribution URL ( [GB] Postcode centroids [postcodecentroids]
- Missing JOSM attribution text (Contains OS data © Crown, Royal Mail data © Royal Mail and National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database right): [GB] Postcode centroids [postcodecentroids]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] Antarctic Peninsula [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R095_S6X_20200119T131859]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] Antarctic Peninsula [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R095_S6X_20200119T131859]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [HT] Canaan - American Red Cross, Dec-2017 [canaan_drone_red_cross_201712]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [RU] Ushakov Island August 2016 [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R094_N79_20160812T105622]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [RU] Ushakov Island August 2016 [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R094_N79_20160812T105622]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] Lambert Glacier east [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R075_S7X_20190113T034629]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] Lambert Glacier east [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R075_S7X_20190113T034629]
* Description differs ('Street names and geometry in Fortaleza' != 'Street names and geometry in Fortaleza. Note, this service uses geo-blocking.'): [BR] Fortaleza Street Names [Fortaleza_Streets]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [BR] Fortaleza Street Names [Fortaleza_Streets]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:31984 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:31984'): [BR] Fortaleza Street Names [Fortaleza_Streets]
- Missing JOSM description (Schummerung errechnet aus dem DTM): [IT] South Tyrol DTM Hillshade 2013 (0.5 m, partial) [South-Tyrol-DTM_2013]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [IT] South Tyrol DTM Hillshade 2013 (0.5 m, partial) [South-Tyrol-DTM_2013]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:23032 EPSG:25832 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3044 EPSG:31254 EPSG:32632 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4230 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326 EPSG:6875 EPSG:7791' != 'EPSG:25832 EPSG:31258 EPSG:32632 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [IT] South Tyrol DTM Hillshade 2013 (0.5 m, partial) [South-Tyrol-DTM_2013]
* Attribution text differs ('Geoportal Berlin/Digitale farbige TrueOrthophotos 2020 (TrueDOP20RGB) ( mirror)' != 'Geoportal Berlin/Digitale farbige TrueOrthophotos 2020 (TrueDOP20RGB)'): [DE] Berlin/Geoportal TrueDOP20RGB (2020) [Berlin-2020-TrueDOP]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [LU] ortho latest [lu.geoportail.opendata.ortholatest]
+ ELI License URL in JOSM Attribution: [LU] ortho latest [lu.geoportail.opendata.ortholatest]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [NO] Miljødirektoratet Protected Areas overlay [miljodirektoratet-vern]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:25831 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:25834 EPSG:25835 EPSG:25836 EPSG:32631 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:32634 EPSG:32635 EPSG:32636 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:25831 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:25834 EPSG:25835 EPSG:25836 EPSG:32631 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:32634 EPSG:32635 EPSG:32636 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [NO] Miljødirektoratet Protected Areas overlay [miljodirektoratet-vern]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [GS] Scott Island [osmim-imagicode-LC80611072014036LGN00]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [GS] Scott Island [osmim-imagicode-LC80611072014036LGN00]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:3765 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:3765 EPSG:4326'): [HR] Topo 200 [dgu-topo-200]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [ZZ] Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Myanmar bilingual [osm-cambodia_laos_thailand_vietnam-bilingual]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [NO] NVE Wind Power Plants overlay [nve-vindkraft]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [CH] Kanton Solothurn, DSM Relief 2019 [Solothurn-sogis2019-dsm-wms]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2056 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2056 EPSG:21781 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [CH] Kanton Solothurn, DSM Relief 2019 [Solothurn-sogis2019-dsm-wms]
* Attribution text differs ('Geographisches Informationssystem des Kantons Zürich (GIS-ZH), Orthofoto ZH Frühjahr 2015/16 RGB' != 'Kanton Zürich Orthophotos 2015/2016'): [CH] Kanton Zürich Orthophotos 2015/2016 10cm [Kanton-Zürich-2016]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2056 EPSG:21780 EPSG:21781 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2056 EPSG:21780 EPSG:21781 EPSG:21782 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [CH] Kanton Zürich Orthophotos 2015/2016 10cm [Kanton-Zürich-2016]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [DE] Northern German west coast tidalflats [osmim-imagicode-LC81960222015233LGN00vis]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [DE] Northern German west coast tidalflats [osmim-imagicode-LC81960222015233LGN00vis]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [NO] Kartverket DTM Digital Terrain Model [kartverket-dtm-skygge]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [NZ] LINZ NZ Aerial Imagery [LINZ_NZ_Aerial_Imagery]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [KE] Mount Kenya 2016 [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R092_S02_20160613T075613]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [KE] Mount Kenya 2016 [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R092_S02_20160613T075613]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [US] Bogoslof Island 2019 [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R015_N52_20190816T222539]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [US] Bogoslof Island 2019 [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R015_N52_20190816T222539]
+ Missing ELI description ('Imagery only accessible from a Polish IP address.'): [PL] Będzin: Buildings [Bedzin-PL-buildings]
+ Missing ELI no tile headers ('{ETag=[b10cee12]}'): [AU] DCS NSW Topographic Map [LPI_NSW_Topographic_Map]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2177 EPSG:2180 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2177 EPSG:2180 EPSG:4326'): [PL] Łódź: Orthophotomap 2019 (aerial image) [Lodz-ortho]
+ Missing ELI privacy policy URL (''): [ZA] City of Cape Town 2013 Aerial [South_Africa-CapeTown-Aerial-2013]
* Description differs ('Langsamverkehr: Radweg-Netz (Routen) signalisiert durch Wegweiser' != 'Slow traffic: cycle path network (routes) indicated by signposts'): [CH] Canton Thurgau cycle routes [kt_tg_radrouten]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] McMurdo Sound and Dry Valleys [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R042_S78_20170214T202521]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] McMurdo Sound and Dry Valleys [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R042_S78_20170214T202521]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [IE] Ireland British War Office One-Inch 1941-43 GSGS 4136 [GSGS4136]
* Description differs ('Beaches, tidal flats and other costal forms, somewhat outdated (true color)' != 'Beaches, tidal flats and other costal forms (true color)'): [RU] Northern Dvina delta at low tide [osmim-imagicode-ndvina]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [RU] Northern Dvina delta at low tide [osmim-imagicode-ndvina]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [RU] Northern Dvina delta at low tide [osmim-imagicode-ndvina]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [PE] Willkanuta Mountains and Quelccaya Ice Cap [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R039_S15_20160510T145731]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [PE] Willkanuta Mountains and Quelccaya Ice Cap [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R039_S15_20160510T145731]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:25831 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:25834 EPSG:25835 EPSG:25836 EPSG:32631 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:32634 EPSG:32635 EPSG:32636 EPSG:4267 EPSG:4269 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:25831 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:25834 EPSG:25835 EPSG:25836 EPSG:32631 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:32634 EPSG:32635 EPSG:32636 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [NO] Miljødirektoratet Public Recreation Areas overlay [miljodirektoratet-friluftsomrader]
+ ELI has minimal projections ('EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:3857'): [BE] TEC bus lines [TEClines]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] Victoria Land west [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R143_S7X_20200302T215359]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] Victoria Land west [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R143_S7X_20200302T215359]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [HU] Törökbálint orthophoto 2018 [Törökbálint_2018]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [PL] Gliwice: Orthophotomap 2018 (aerial image) [Gliwice-2018]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AT] Overlay []
* Attribution text differs ('CC-BY ©2020 Geodetska uprava Republike Slovenije (' != 'CC-BY ©2022 Geodetska uprava Republike Slovenije ('): [SI] GURS: Building outlines [GURS-buildings]
* Description differs ('A lot of very coarse coastlines could be improved here, much snow cover though so no use for glacier mapping (somewhat outdated) (false color IR)' != 'A lot of very coarse coastlines could be improved here, much snow cover though so no use for glacier mapping (false color IR)'): [CL] Isla Londonderry [osmim-imagicode-LC82280982013259LGN00]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [CL] Isla Londonderry [osmim-imagicode-LC82280982013259LGN00]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [CL] Isla Londonderry [osmim-imagicode-LC82280982013259LGN00]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [PT] Elevation hillshade of the coastal areas of mainland Portugal - 2m - 2014-2015 (DGT) [MDT2M_LITORAL_2014_15]
* Attribution text differs ('Informação geográfica cedida pela Direção-Geral do Território' != 'Direcção-Geral do Território'): [PT] Elevation hillshade of the coastal areas of mainland Portugal - 2m - 2014-2015 (DGT) [MDT2M_LITORAL_2014_15]
* Description differs ('Réseau hydrographique: cours et plans d'eau et POI' != 'Hydrographic network: courses and water features and POIs'): [FR] BD Carthage [route500hydro]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [FR] BD Carthage [route500hydro]
+ Missing ELI description ('Mesa County GIS imagery as seen on'): [US] Mesa County GIS Valleywide 2020 [MCGIS-City-County-Imagery-2020]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [US] Mesa County GIS Valleywide 2020 [MCGIS-City-County-Imagery-2020]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:3043 EPSG:31300 EPSG:31370 EPSG:3812 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:31370 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [BE] URBIS 2015 aerial imagery [URBIS2015]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [IS] Eastern Iceland [osmim-imagicode-LC82160152013239LGN00]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [IS] Eastern Iceland [osmim-imagicode-LC82160152013239LGN00]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): Waymarked Trails: Cycling [Waymarked_Trails-Cycling]
* Attribution text differs ('Geoportal Berlin/Digitale farbige TrueOrthophotos 2022 (DOP20RGBI) ( mirror)' != 'Geoportal Berlin/Digitale farbige TrueOrthophotos 2022 (TrueDOP20RGBI)'): [DE] Berlin/Geoportal TrueDOP20RGBI (2022) [Berlin-2022-TrueDOP_mirror1]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): Thunderforest Landscape [tf-landscape]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): Thunderforest Landscape [tf-landscape]
* Attribution text differs ('Maps © Thunderforest, Data © OpenStreetMap contributors' != 'Data © OpenStreetMap contributors'): Thunderforest Landscape [tf-landscape]
* Attribution text differs ('Geographisches Informationssystem des Kantons Zürich (GIS-ZH), Terrainschummerung' != 'Kanton Zürich Terrain Hillshade'): [CH] Kanton Zurich, Terrain Hillshade 2017 [OGDLidarZH-DTM-2017]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2056 EPSG:21780 EPSG:21781 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2056 EPSG:21780 EPSG:21781 EPSG:21782 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [CH] Kanton Zurich, Terrain Hillshade 2017 [OGDLidarZH-DTM-2017]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): OpenCycleMap [opencylemap]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): OpenCycleMap [opencylemap]
* Attribution text differs ('Maps © Thunderforest, Data © OpenStreetMap contributors' != 'Data © OpenStreetMap contributors'): OpenCycleMap [opencylemap]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [PT] Land Use and Soil Occupation Charter of mainland Portugal - 2018 (DGT) [COS2018_v2]
* Attribution text differs ('Informação geográfica cedida pela Direção-Geral do Território' != 'Direcção-Geral do Território'): [PT] Land Use and Soil Occupation Charter of mainland Portugal - 2018 (DGT) [COS2018_v2]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:3763 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:3763 EPSG:4258'): [PT] Land Use and Soil Occupation Charter of mainland Portugal - 2018 (DGT) [COS2018_v2]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] Young Island March 2020 [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R129_S67_20200301T222409]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AQ] Young Island March 2020 [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R129_S67_20200301T222409]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AL] Municipality of Tirana (Open Labs GeoPortal) [openlabs-geoportal-tirana]
+ Missing ELI description ('2019 Orthophotos mosaic from Rio de Janeiro city.'): [BR] Rio Mosaic 2019 [rio2019]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [BR] Rio Mosaic 2019 [rio2019]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [BR] Rio Mosaic 2019 [rio2019]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [BR] Rio Mosaic 2019 [rio2019]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:31983 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:29193 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [BR] Rio Mosaic 2019 [rio2019]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [PE] Coropuna [osmim-imagicode-EO1A0040712016264110KF]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [PE] Coropuna [osmim-imagicode-EO1A0040712016264110KF]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:3765 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:3765 EPSG:4326'): [HR] Croatia 2011 Aerial imagery [dgu-dof-2011]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [NO] Norway Orthophoto [geovekst-nib]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:3043 EPSG:31300 EPSG:31370 EPSG:3812 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:31370 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [BE] URBISfr numerical imagery [URBISfr]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AT] Tiris: orthophoto infrared []
* Projections differ ('EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3044 EPSG:3045 EPSG:31254 EPSG:31255 EPSG:31257 EPSG:31258 EPSG:31287 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3044 EPSG:3045 EPSG:31254 EPSG:31255 EPSG:31256 EPSG:31257 EPSG:31258 EPSG:31259 EPSG:31287 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [AT] Tiris: orthophoto infrared []
* Projections differ ('EPSG:26919 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:26919 EPSG:4326'): [US] NH GRANIT LiDAR Hillshade 2022 (Northeast) [LiDAR_Bare_Earth_NE_HS_NH_2022]
+ Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AT] Steiermark Surface []
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [BV] Bouvet Island [osmim-imagicode-LC81800982013291LGN00]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [BV] Bouvet Island [osmim-imagicode-LC81800982013291LGN00]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [BR] IBGE BC250 - Electrical Power Plant Generator [IBGE_BC250_Gerador_Eletrica]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [BR] IBGE BC250 - Electrical Power Plant Generator [IBGE_BC250_Gerador_Eletrica]
- Missing JOSM attribution URL ( [BR] IBGE BC250 - Electrical Power Plant Generator [IBGE_BC250_Gerador_Eletrica]
+ Missing ELI description ('Aerial imagery in Curitiba, released by the municipality.'): [BR] Curitiba Orthophoto 2019 [cwb_ortho_2016]
- Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [BR] Curitiba Orthophoto 2019 [cwb_ortho_2016]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [GB] NLS - OS 6-inch Scotland 1842-82 [NLS-OS-6inch-Scotland-hist]
* Attribution text differs ('Geographisches Informationssystem des Kantons Zürich (GIS-ZH), Orthofoto ZH Sommer 2020 RGB' != 'Kanton Zürich Orthophotos 2020'): [CH] Kanton Zürich Orthophoto 2020 5cm [Kanton-Zürich-2020]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2056 EPSG:21780 EPSG:21781 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2056 EPSG:21780 EPSG:21781 EPSG:21782 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [CH] Kanton Zürich Orthophoto 2020 5cm [Kanton-Zürich-2020]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [GB] NLS - OS 1:25k 1st Series 1937-61 [NLS-OS-1st_Series]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [AU] Launceston OrthoPhoto 2011 [CityOfLaunceston_2011]
* Projections differ ('EPSG:2056 EPSG:21781 EPSG:25832 EPSG:31254 EPSG:31257 EPSG:31284 EPSG:31287 EPSG:31467 EPSG:32632 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:21781 EPSG:25832 EPSG:31254 EPSG:31284 EPSG:32632 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [AT] VoGIS: Real color image 2018 (10cm) []
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [US] MassGIS L3 Parcels [MassGIS-L3-Parcels]
* Attribution text differs ('MassGIS' != 'MassGIS L3 Parcels'): [US] MassGIS L3 Parcels [MassGIS-L3-Parcels]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [AR] Bahía Blanca (high tide) [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R067_S40_20170417T140051]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AR] Bahía Blanca (high tide) [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R067_S40_20170417T140051]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [KZ] Northeast Caspian Sea 2018 [osmim-imagicode-caspian_2018]
* Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [KZ] Northeast Caspian Sea 2018 [osmim-imagicode-caspian_2018]
+ Missing ELI description ('Cadastral Cartography of the General Directorate of Cadastre'): [ES] Catastro Spain [Catastro-Spain]
+ Missing ELI privacy policy URL (''): [ES] Catastro Spain [Catastro-Spain]
+ Missing ELI license URL (''): [ES] Catastro Spain [Catastro-Spain]
+ Missing ELI attribution URL (''): [ES] Catastro Spain [Catastro-Spain]
+ Missing ELI attribution text ('CATASTRO Continua CC-BY 4.0'): [ES] Catastro Spain [Catastro-Spain]
* Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [CH] Kanton Bern, Digital surface model 50cm, Relief [Bern-dsm-hillshade-2015]
+ License URL differs ('' != ''): [CH] Kanton Bern, Digital surface model 50cm, Relief [Bern-dsm-hillshade-2015]
- Missing JOSM description (The 2023 orthoimagery for Maui County of the State of Hawaii): [US] HI Maui County Orthoimagery (2023) [Maui_2023]
* License URL differs ('' != ''): [NO] Kartverket DOM Digital Surface Model [kartverket-dom-skygge]
*** Mismatching shapes: ***
* Different number of points for shape 1 (85 ! = 37): [BR] Rio Mosaic 2022 [rio2022]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [PS] Gaza Strip - Pléiades - 2014/07/06 (NIR) [gaza_pleiades_20140706_nir]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [CH] City of Zürich Orthophoto 2013 [Zuerich-aerial_2013]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [RU] Kerch Strait 2018 [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R021_N44_20180429T082601]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [FR] Toulouse - Orthophotoplan 2013 [Toulouse-Orthophotoplan-2013]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [BE] SPW(allonie) 2020 aerial imagery [SPW2020]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2: [BE] SPW(allonie) 2020 aerial imagery [SPW2020]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [HU] OpenStreetMap Hungary (hiking routes) [OpenStreetMap-turistautak]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/8: [EE] Estonia Basemap (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Basemap]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/4: [EE] Estonia Basemap (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Basemap]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 3/2: [EE] Estonia Basemap (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Basemap]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 4/3: [EE] Estonia Basemap (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Basemap]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 5/1: [EE] Estonia Basemap (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Basemap]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 6/5: [EE] Estonia Basemap (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Basemap]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 7/6: [EE] Estonia Basemap (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Basemap]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 8/7: [EE] Estonia Basemap (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Basemap]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/4: [FR] Cadastre [Cadastre]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 2: [FR] Cadastre [Cadastre]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 4/5: [FR] Cadastre [Cadastre]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 5/6: [FR] Cadastre [Cadastre]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 6/1: [FR] Cadastre [Cadastre]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [US] MassGIS 2021 Orthos [MassGIS-2021-Orthos_mirror1]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [AQ] Far southern Transantarctic Mnts. west [osmim-imagicode-aster_anti_west]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [AQ] Ohio Range [osmim-imagicode-aster_anti2]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/2: [ES] GRAFCAN OrtoExpress Urbana - Canary Islands [GRAFCAN-Canary_Islands]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/5: [ES] GRAFCAN OrtoExpress Urbana - Canary Islands [GRAFCAN-Canary_Islands]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 3: [ES] GRAFCAN OrtoExpress Urbana - Canary Islands [GRAFCAN-Canary_Islands]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 4: [ES] GRAFCAN OrtoExpress Urbana - Canary Islands [GRAFCAN-Canary_Islands]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 5/1: [ES] GRAFCAN OrtoExpress Urbana - Canary Islands [GRAFCAN-Canary_Islands]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 6: [ES] GRAFCAN OrtoExpress Urbana - Canary Islands [GRAFCAN-Canary_Islands]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 7/8: [ES] GRAFCAN OrtoExpress Urbana - Canary Islands [GRAFCAN-Canary_Islands]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 8/9: [ES] GRAFCAN OrtoExpress Urbana - Canary Islands [GRAFCAN-Canary_Islands]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 9/7: [ES] GRAFCAN OrtoExpress Urbana - Canary Islands [GRAFCAN-Canary_Islands]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [PK] Western Karakoram [osmim-imagicode-LC81490352013282LGN00]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [CH] Canton of Geneva, DTM (SITG 2014) [Geneve-dtm-2014]
* Different number of shapes (3 != 1): [US] USGS Imagery [USGS-Imagery]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [ID] Batam [osmim-imagicode-LC81250592016107LGN00]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [US] NH GRANIT 2021/2022 6-inch Orthophotos (Color) [NH_2021_2022_6in_RGB]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/2: [AU] DCS NSW Administrative Boundaries Parish [LPI_NSW_Administrative_Boundaries_Parish]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/1: [AU] DCS NSW Administrative Boundaries Parish [LPI_NSW_Administrative_Boundaries_Parish]
+++ ELI shape 1 double point at 1: [AQ] Graham Land West [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R138_S6X_20220302T132919]
* Different number of shapes (11 != 5): [DK] SDFI Terrain Shadow Map (40 cm) [SDFE_Terraen_Skyggekort_40cm]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [PL] Geoportal 2: Punkty adresowe [Geoportal2-PL-addres_points_WMS]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (249 ! = 30): [AT] VoGIS: Aerial image []
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [AL] Prokletije Mountains [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R136_N41_20150831T093006]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (76 ! = 94): [CH] Kanton Aargau 50cm DTM/Hillshade [Aargau-AGIS-2014-Hillshade]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [GL] Landsat off-nadir July 2016 [osmim-imagicode-ls_polar2]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [TZ] Mount Kilimanjaro 2016 [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R092_S05_20160802T075556]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [FR] Toulouse - Orthophotoplan 2015 [Toulouse-Orthophotoplan-2015]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [CH] swisstopo SWISSIMAGE [swisstopo_swissimage]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (55 ! = 41): [PL] Łódź: Buildings [Lodz-buildings]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [BR] IBGE BC250 - Isolated Rural Locations [IBGE_BC250_Aglomerado_Rural]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [FR] Toulouse - Orthophotoplan 2011 [Toulouse-Orthophotoplan-2011]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (293 ! = 294): [DE] Ludwigshafen 2019 [Ludwigshafen-2019]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [HR] Croatia 2014-2016 Aerial imagery [dgu-dof-2014-2016]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [FR] Bordeaux - 2020 [Bordeaux_2020]
* Different number of shapes (1 != 8): [TW] Taiwan Land-Section Data [TW_NLSC_WMS_LANDSECT]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [FI] Helsinki region orthophoto [hri-orto]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [CH] City of Zürich Overview map (Steets, buildings, house numbers) [Zuerich-overview]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (7 ! = 15): [SG] Singapore OneMap [Singapore-OneMap]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [NO] NPI Svalbard topo [npi-svalbard-topo]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/5: [AU] DCS NSW Floods 2021 [DCS_NSW_Floods2021]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2: [AU] DCS NSW Floods 2021 [DCS_NSW_Floods2021]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 3/4: [AU] DCS NSW Floods 2021 [DCS_NSW_Floods2021]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 4/3: [AU] DCS NSW Floods 2021 [DCS_NSW_Floods2021]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [BR] GeoPortal DF 2016 [GeoPortal_DF_2016]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (30 ! = 36): [LV] Latvia - Orthophoto (2016–2018), 1:5000 [LV_ORTOFOTO_C6]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [SE] Kalmar South Orthophoto 2016 [kalmar-orto-2016]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (11 ! = 60): [UA] Ukraine - Vinnytsia 2021 [UkraineVinnytsia2021]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [HU] Budapest district XI orthophoto 2019 [Budapest_XI_2019]
+++ ELI shape 1 double point at 2: [CH] Kanton Zug (Walchwil und Zug (Alpli)) 2019 [Zug-2019-wms]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (9 ! = 7): [CH] Canton Zug (Walchwil and Zug (Alpli)) 2019 [Zug-2019-wms]
+ No ELI shape: [FR] OpenStreetMap (Basque Style) [osmfr-basque]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [CH] Kanton Basel-Stadt 2017 [KTBASELSTADT2017]
* Different number of shapes (8 != 7): [US] National Agriculture Imagery Program [USDA-NAIP]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [DE] Ludwigshafen 2022 [Ludwigshafen-2022]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 4/1: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2014 [fr.orthohr.2014]
* Different number of points for shape 1/2 (63 ! = 65): [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2014 [fr.orthohr.2014]
* Different number of points for shape 2/3 (55 ! = 52): [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2014 [fr.orthohr.2014]
* Different number of points for shape 3/4 (49 ! = 56): [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2014 [fr.orthohr.2014]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [AQ] Patuxent Range [osmim-imagicode-aster_anti3]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/2: [AU] DCS NSW Administrative Boundaries State Forest [LPI_NSW_Administrative_Boundaries_StateForest]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/1: [AU] DCS NSW Administrative Boundaries State Forest [LPI_NSW_Administrative_Boundaries_StateForest]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [CA] Northern Ellesmere Island [osmim-imagicode-nellesmere_ast]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [AR] National Geographic Institute Atlas Tucumán 100k (TMS) [ign-atlas-tucuman-100k]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [HR] Topo 100 [dgu-topo-100]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/2: [FR] BD Topo [fr.ign.bdtopo]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/5: [FR] BD Topo [fr.ign.bdtopo]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 3/4: [FR] BD Topo [fr.ign.bdtopo]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 4/1: [FR] BD Topo [fr.ign.bdtopo]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 5/6: [FR] BD Topo [fr.ign.bdtopo]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 7/8: [FR] BD Topo [fr.ign.bdtopo]
+++ ELI shape 1 double point at 1: [AQ] Neumayer Cliffs east evening [osmim-imagicode-LC80891322019359LGN00]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/2: [AU] DCS NSW Administrative Boundaries LGA [LPI_NSW_Administrative_Boundaries_LGA]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/1: [AU] DCS NSW Administrative Boundaries LGA [LPI_NSW_Administrative_Boundaries_LGA]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [SE] Linköping Orthophoto [linkoping-orto]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [PL] Bytom: Orthophotomap 2016 (aerial image) [Bytom-2016]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/2: [FR] Géolittoral - Orthophotos 2000 [Geolittoral-Orthophotos2000]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/4: [FR] Géolittoral - Orthophotos 2000 [Geolittoral-Orthophotos2000]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 4/1: [FR] Géolittoral - Orthophotos 2000 [Geolittoral-Orthophotos2000]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 5: [FR] Géolittoral - Orthophotos 2000 [Geolittoral-Orthophotos2000]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/3: [IT] PCN 2012 - Italy [PCN-Italy-2012]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 2/4: [IT] PCN 2012 - Italy [PCN-Italy-2012]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 3/2: [IT] PCN 2012 - Italy [PCN-Italy-2012]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 4/5: [IT] PCN 2012 - Italy [PCN-Italy-2012]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 5/1: [IT] PCN 2012 - Italy [PCN-Italy-2012]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (24 ! = 6): [BR] Sobral Orthophoto 2017 [Sobral_Ortophoto_2017]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/2: [AT] Tiris: DGM (Terrain model) []
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/1: [AT] Tiris: DGM (Terrain model) []
* Different number of points for shape 1 (56 ! = 10): [AQ] Southern Transantarctic Mountains [osmim-imagicode-LC80281222016035LGN00]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [PL] Gliwice: Orthophotomap 2020 (aerial image) [Gliwice-2020]
* Different number of shapes (11 != 3): [GB] NLS - OS 1:10,560 National Grid Maps, 1940s-1960s [NLS-OS-NatGrid-110k-1940-60]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [SI] RABA-KGZ: Slovenia built-up areas [RABA-KGZ-3000]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [BE] SPW(allonie) 2019 aerial imagery [SPW2019]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2: [BE] SPW(allonie) 2019 aerial imagery [SPW2019]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (225 ! = 469): [IT] South Tyrol Orthofoto 2023 [South-Tyrol-Orthofoto-2023]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [AR] National Geographic Institute Mosaic 50k (TMS) [ign-cartas-50k]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [GL] Kangerlussuaq Spring [osmim-imagicode-dms_kangerlussuaq_20160518]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [DE] Thüringen DOP20 [Thuringia-DOP20]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [CH] City of St. Gallen [SG-2018-WMS]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [GB] Hampshire Aerial FCIR [Hampshire-Aerial-FCIR]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/3: [FR] Géolittoral V2 - Orthophotos 2011-2014 [GeolittoralV2-Orthophotos]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2: [FR] Géolittoral V2 - Orthophotos 2011-2014 [GeolittoralV2-Orthophotos]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 3/1: [FR] Géolittoral V2 - Orthophotos 2011-2014 [GeolittoralV2-Orthophotos]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [HR] osm-hr: Zagreb 2012 Aerial imagery [osm-hr-zagreb-2012]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [IL] Israel Hiking [Israel_Hiking]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/8: [EE] Estonia Forestry (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Forestry]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/4: [EE] Estonia Forestry (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Forestry]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 3/2: [EE] Estonia Forestry (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Forestry]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 4/3: [EE] Estonia Forestry (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Forestry]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 5/1: [EE] Estonia Forestry (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Forestry]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 6/5: [EE] Estonia Forestry (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Forestry]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 7/6: [EE] Estonia Forestry (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Forestry]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 8/7: [EE] Estonia Forestry (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Forestry]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [CH] swisstopo swissSURFACE3D [swisstopo_swisssurface3d]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [GS] Shag Rocks [osmim-imagicode-LC82100972015347LGN00]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [LK] Adams Bridge [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R119_N09_20160327T050917]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [AR] National Geographic Institute Orthophotos Mosaic [ign-orthophotos-mosaic]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (357 ! = 46): [US] MD Latest 6 Inch Aerial Imagery []
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [RU] Pechora Sea Coast [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R078_N68_20160930T081002]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [AU] ACTmapi Imagery 2023-05 [ACT202305]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [HU] Törökbálint orthophoto 2021 [Törökbálint_2021]
+++ ELI shape 1 double point at 410: [AQ] Shackleton Range [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R049_S8X_20210209T080929]
+++ ELI shape 1 double point at 1: [AQ] Kirwan Escarpment evening [osmim-imagicode-LC80921322019364LGN00]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/4: [NO] Riksantikvaren Heritage Sites overlay [riksantikvaren-kulturminner]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/1: [NO] Riksantikvaren Heritage Sites overlay [riksantikvaren-kulturminner]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 3/2: [NO] Riksantikvaren Heritage Sites overlay [riksantikvaren-kulturminner]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 4/3: [NO] Riksantikvaren Heritage Sites overlay [riksantikvaren-kulturminner]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/6: [SE] Kalmar Urban Orthophoto 2018 [kalmar-orto-2018]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2: [SE] Kalmar Urban Orthophoto 2018 [kalmar-orto-2018]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 3: [SE] Kalmar Urban Orthophoto 2018 [kalmar-orto-2018]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 4: [SE] Kalmar Urban Orthophoto 2018 [kalmar-orto-2018]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 5: [SE] Kalmar Urban Orthophoto 2018 [kalmar-orto-2018]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 6/1: [SE] Kalmar Urban Orthophoto 2018 [kalmar-orto-2018]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/2: [AU] DCS NSW Administrative Boundaries Suburb [LPI_NSW_Administrative_Boundaries_Suburb]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/1: [AU] DCS NSW Administrative Boundaries Suburb [LPI_NSW_Administrative_Boundaries_Suburb]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [RU] Kerch Strait [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R021_N44_20160807T083013]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (7 ! = 15): [SG] Singapore Landlot [Singapore-Landlot]
+ No ELI shape: [FR] OpenStreetMap (Occitan Style) [osmfr-occitan]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [GB] NLS - OS 1-inch 7th Series 1955-61 [NLS-OS-7th_Series]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/3: [GB] NLS - OS 1-inch 7th Series 1955-61 [NLS-OS-7th_Series]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 3/4: [GB] NLS - OS 1-inch 7th Series 1955-61 [NLS-OS-7th_Series]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 4/5: [GB] NLS - OS 1-inch 7th Series 1955-61 [NLS-OS-7th_Series]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 5/9: [GB] NLS - OS 1-inch 7th Series 1955-61 [NLS-OS-7th_Series]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 6: [GB] NLS - OS 1-inch 7th Series 1955-61 [NLS-OS-7th_Series]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 7: [GB] NLS - OS 1-inch 7th Series 1955-61 [NLS-OS-7th_Series]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 8: [GB] NLS - OS 1-inch 7th Series 1955-61 [NLS-OS-7th_Series]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 9/10: [GB] NLS - OS 1-inch 7th Series 1955-61 [NLS-OS-7th_Series]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 10/11: [GB] NLS - OS 1-inch 7th Series 1955-61 [NLS-OS-7th_Series]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 11/12: [GB] NLS - OS 1-inch 7th Series 1955-61 [NLS-OS-7th_Series]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 12/2: [GB] NLS - OS 1-inch 7th Series 1955-61 [NLS-OS-7th_Series]
- No JOSM shape: [LV] Latvia - Soviet Army General Staff topographic maps [USSR-Latvia]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [IE] Ireland Bartholomew Quarter-Inch 1940 [bartholomew_qi1940]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/2: [AU] DCS NSW Administrative Boundaries NPWS Reserve [LPI_NSW_Administrative_Boundaries_NPWS_Reserve]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/1: [AU] DCS NSW Administrative Boundaries NPWS Reserve [LPI_NSW_Administrative_Boundaries_NPWS_Reserve]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [AR] National Geographic Institute Atlas Argentina 500k (TMS) [ign-atlas-argentina-500k]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [CH] City of Zürich Orthophoto 2011 [Zuerich-aerial_2011]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (58 ! = 223): [AL] Adress System Albania (ASIG) [AL_DPGJC_ASIG_SistemiAdresave]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (72 ! = 10): [FI] Turku orthophoto 2021 [turku-2021-ortho]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (363 ! = 62): [US] ODOT (Ohio) Road Inventory [ODOT_TIMS_Road_Inventory]
+++ ELI shape 1 double point at 26: [AQ] Cape Adare [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R071_S72_20200216T210519]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (112 ! = 8): [AQ] Cape Adare [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R071_S72_20200216T210519]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [US] TX City of Lubbock Imagery 2015 [lubbock_2016_wms]
+++ ELI shape 1 double point at 19: [AQ] Sør Rondane Mountains east evening [osmim-imagicode-LC80701332017363LGN00]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [PH] Pangasinán/Bulacan (Philippines HiRes) [Pangasinan_Bulacan_HiRes]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2: [PH] Pangasinán/Bulacan (Philippines HiRes) [Pangasinan_Bulacan_HiRes]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [SI] GURS: Road lines [GURS-roads]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/2: [DE] Hamburg DK5 (HH LGV DK5 2022) [Hamburg-DK5]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/1: [DE] Hamburg DK5 (HH LGV DK5 2022) [Hamburg-DK5]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [HU] Sóskút, Pusztazámor, Tárnok, Diósd orthophoto 2017 [Soskut_Pusztazamor_Tarnok_Diosd_orto_2017]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2: [HU] Sóskút, Pusztazámor, Tárnok, Diósd orthophoto 2017 [Soskut_Pusztazamor_Tarnok_Diosd_orto_2017]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [DE] Saxony-Anhalt, LVermGeo, administrative boundaries [LSA-ALKIS-DVG]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (1222 ! = 13): [AQ] USGS 250k Topos Antarctica [osmim-imagicode-usgs_250k_ant]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [CH] Kanton Aargau 25cm (AGIS 2017) [Aargau-AGIS-2017]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/2: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2016 [fr.orthohr.2016]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/6: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2016 [fr.orthohr.2016]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 3: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2016 [fr.orthohr.2016]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 4/8: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2016 [fr.orthohr.2016]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 5/1: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2016 [fr.orthohr.2016]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 6/7: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2016 [fr.orthohr.2016]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 7/4: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2016 [fr.orthohr.2016]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 8/5: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2016 [fr.orthohr.2016]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 9: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2016 [fr.orthohr.2016]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [US] Bogoslof Island 2017 [osmim-imagicode-LC80770232017156LGN00]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [US] TX City of El Paso Imagery 2015 [el_paso_2015_wms]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [FR] Alpes-de-Haute-Provence 2010 [fr.dpt.04.2010]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (39 ! = 7): [AQ] Pensacola Mountains [osmim-imagicode-LC81511242016033LGN00]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 2/1: [FR] PCRS raster ouvert [fr.pcrs]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 3/2: [FR] PCRS raster ouvert [fr.pcrs]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 5/3: [FR] PCRS raster ouvert [fr.pcrs]
* Different number of points for shape 1/4 (68 ! = 99): [FR] PCRS raster ouvert [fr.pcrs]
* Different number of points for shape 4/5 (11 ! = 82): [FR] PCRS raster ouvert [fr.pcrs]
* Different number of points for shape 6 (100 ! = 31): [FR] PCRS raster ouvert [fr.pcrs]
* Different number of points for shape 7 (14 ! = 34): [FR] PCRS raster ouvert [fr.pcrs]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [GS] Clerke Rocks [osmim-imagicode-LC82050982015344LGN00]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [BE] SPW(allonie) 2012-2013 aerial imagery [SPW2012]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2: [BE] SPW(allonie) 2012-2013 aerial imagery [SPW2012]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [AU] ACTmapi Imagery 2023-11 [ACT202311]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/2: [ES] GRAFCAN OrtoExpress - Canary Islands [GRAFCAN_Express-Canary_Islands]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/5: [ES] GRAFCAN OrtoExpress - Canary Islands [GRAFCAN_Express-Canary_Islands]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 3: [ES] GRAFCAN OrtoExpress - Canary Islands [GRAFCAN_Express-Canary_Islands]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 4: [ES] GRAFCAN OrtoExpress - Canary Islands [GRAFCAN_Express-Canary_Islands]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 5/1: [ES] GRAFCAN OrtoExpress - Canary Islands [GRAFCAN_Express-Canary_Islands]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 6: [ES] GRAFCAN OrtoExpress - Canary Islands [GRAFCAN_Express-Canary_Islands]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 7/8: [ES] GRAFCAN OrtoExpress - Canary Islands [GRAFCAN_Express-Canary_Islands]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 8/9: [ES] GRAFCAN OrtoExpress - Canary Islands [GRAFCAN_Express-Canary_Islands]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 9/7: [ES] GRAFCAN OrtoExpress - Canary Islands [GRAFCAN_Express-Canary_Islands]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/5: [US] TIGER Roads 2019 [US-TIGER-Roads-2019]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/4: [US] TIGER Roads 2019 [US-TIGER-Roads-2019]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 4/2: [US] TIGER Roads 2019 [US-TIGER-Roads-2019]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 5/1: [US] TIGER Roads 2019 [US-TIGER-Roads-2019]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 6/3: [US] TIGER Roads 2019 [US-TIGER-Roads-2019]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [PL] Siemianowice Śląskie: Orthophotomap (aerial image) [Siemianowice_Slaskie-aerial_image]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [AT] Vienna: General purpose []
+++ ELI shape 1 double point at 265: [AQ] USGS 500k Antarctica maps [osmim-imagicode-usgs_500k_ant]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (595 ! = 11): [AQ] USGS 500k Antarctica maps [osmim-imagicode-usgs_500k_ant]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [FR] Toulouse - Orthophotoplan 2017 [Toulouse-Orthophotoplan-2017]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [PL] Bytom: Fotoplan 2014 (aerial image) [Bytom-2014]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/2: [AU] DCS NSW Administrative Boundaries County [LPI_NSW_Administrative_Boundaries_County]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/1: [AU] DCS NSW Administrative Boundaries County [LPI_NSW_Administrative_Boundaries_County]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [US] TX City of Amarillo Imagery 2015 [amarillo_2016_wms]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [PL] Poznań: Orthophotomap 2014 (aerial image) [poznan-ortofotomapa2014]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (99 ! = 31): [US] TX Capital Area Imagery 2019 [caparea_2019_wms]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [PG] Vanatinai [osmim-imagicode-LC80910682014358LGN00]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [RU] Northern and Polar Ural mountains August 2016 [osmim-imagicode-ural_s2_2016]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [AT] []
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [AR] National Geographic Institute UAV photos mosaic [ign-uav-mosaic]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [BE] SPW(allonie) 2021 aerial imagery [SPW2021]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2: [BE] SPW(allonie) 2021 aerial imagery [SPW2021]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [CH] Kanton Aargau 25cm (AGIS 2014) [Aargau-AGIS-2014]
* Different number of shapes (2 != 1): [IT] South Tyrol Orthofoto 2014 [South-Tyrol-Orthofoto2014]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [PL] Geoportal 2: Nazwy ulic [Geoportal2-PL-Streets_WMS]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [GL] Landsat off-nadir early July 2020 [osmim-imagicode-ls_polar4]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [AU] Launceston OrthoPhoto 2013 [CityOfLaunceston_2013]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [PT] Orthophotos of the northern portion of mainland Portugal - 25cm - 2021 (DGT) [ORTOS_DGT_2021_RGB]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [NO] NOD Offshore Installations overlay [npd-offshore]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [CH] Central Alps in late September 2016 [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R065_N47_20160929T102022]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [PL] Zabrze: Orthophotomap 2011 (aerial image) [Zabrze-2011]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/2: [GB] OSMUK Cadastral Parcels [OSMUK-Cadastral-Parcels]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/3: [GB] OSMUK Cadastral Parcels [OSMUK-Cadastral-Parcels]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 3/5: [GB] OSMUK Cadastral Parcels [OSMUK-Cadastral-Parcels]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 4/6: [GB] OSMUK Cadastral Parcels [OSMUK-Cadastral-Parcels]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 5/1: [GB] OSMUK Cadastral Parcels [OSMUK-Cadastral-Parcels]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 6/7: [GB] OSMUK Cadastral Parcels [OSMUK-Cadastral-Parcels]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 7/9: [GB] OSMUK Cadastral Parcels [OSMUK-Cadastral-Parcels]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 8/10: [GB] OSMUK Cadastral Parcels [OSMUK-Cadastral-Parcels]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 11/4: [GB] OSMUK Cadastral Parcels [OSMUK-Cadastral-Parcels]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [DE] Saxony-Anhalt, LVermGeo, DOP20 [LSA-DOP20]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [DE] North Sea Coast 2016 [osmim-imagicode-northsea_s2_2016]
* Different number of shapes (6 != 3): [GB] NLS - OS 25-inch (Scotland 1) 1892-1905 [NLS-OS-25inch-hist-scotland1]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [GL] Kangerlussuaq Autumn [osmim-imagicode-dms_kangerlussuaq_20151008]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (495 ! = 71): [CH] Canton Zurich, Orthophoto ZH Spring 2021 RGB 5cm [OGDOrthoZH2021]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [HU] Törökbálint orthophoto 2013 [Törökbálint_2013]
* Different number of shapes (1 != 3): [US] Mesa County GIS Valleywide 2018 [MCGIS-County-Valleywide-Imagery-2018]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [BR] IBGE BC250 - Municipalities [IBGE_BC250_Municipio]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [US] Alaska Range [osmim-imagicode-LC80700162014211LGN00]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [US] Cook Inlet [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R086_N60_20160831T213532]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [BR] IBGE BC250 - Sustainable Use Units [IBGE_BC250_Uso_Sustentavel]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [DE] Northern German west coast tidalflats (infrared) [osmim-imagicode-LC81960222015233LGN00ir]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [AR] National Geographic Institute (WMS) [ign-wms]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [PL] Przemyśl: Buildings [przemysl-buildings]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [RU] Vostochny Cosmodrome [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R089_N52_20160623T024048]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/3: [FR] Géolittoral - Sentier du littoral [Geolittoral-Sentiers]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2: [FR] Géolittoral - Sentier du littoral [Geolittoral-Sentiers]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 3/1: [FR] Géolittoral - Sentier du littoral [Geolittoral-Sentiers]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [PG] New Ireland [osmim-imagicode-LC80940622015159LGN00]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (60 ! = 8): [AQ] Sturge Island/Buckle Island March 2019 [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R043_S67_20190301T220359]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [CA] Eastern Devon Island coast [osmim-imagicode-LC80360072014245LGN00]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/1: [HR] Topo 25 new [dgu-topo-25-new]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 3/7: [HR] Topo 25 new [dgu-topo-25-new]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 4/3: [HR] Topo 25 new [dgu-topo-25-new]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 5: [HR] Topo 25 new [dgu-topo-25-new]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 6/4: [HR] Topo 25 new [dgu-topo-25-new]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 7/2: [HR] Topo 25 new [dgu-topo-25-new]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 8/6: [HR] Topo 25 new [dgu-topo-25-new]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [AR] Bahía Blanca (low tide) [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R067_S40_20170127T140051]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [AU] Heard Island coast [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R047_S54_20160411T044330]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (31 ! = 6): [AQ] Elephant Island/Clarence Island [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R009_S61_20160109]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [GL] May 2013 off-nadir Landsat [osmim-imagicode-ls_polar]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (136 ! = 77): [US] Virginia Imagery Service - Most Recent [VGIN-Imagery_WM]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/4: [FR] BANO [BANO]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 2: [FR] BANO [BANO]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 4/5: [FR] BANO [BANO]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 5/6: [FR] BANO [BANO]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 6/1: [FR] BANO [BANO]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [AU] ACTmapi Imagery 2024-09 [ACT202409]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/3: [IT] PCN 2006 - Italy [PCN-Italy-2006]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 2/4: [IT] PCN 2006 - Italy [PCN-Italy-2006]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 3/2: [IT] PCN 2006 - Italy [PCN-Italy-2006]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 4/5: [IT] PCN 2006 - Italy [PCN-Italy-2006]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 5/1: [IT] PCN 2006 - Italy [PCN-Italy-2006]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/2: [HR] Topo 25 [dgu-topo-25]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/1: [HR] Topo 25 [dgu-topo-25]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [BE] OpenStreetMap (Belgian Style) [osmbe]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [HU] Törökbálint orthophoto 2015 [Törökbálint_2015]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (5 ! = 27): [CH] Stadt Bern 10cm (2023) [Bern-bern2023-wms]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (382 ! = 469): [IT] South Tyrol Orthofoto 2020 [South-Tyrol-Orthofoto-2020]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [PL] Geoportal 2: Ewidencja budynków WMS [Geoportal2-PL-buildings_WMS]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [AT] Surface []
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [SE] Lantmäteriet General Staff Map 1859-1979 [lantmateriet-generalstab]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/7: [AU] ARA Bushfires 2020 [ARA_Bushfires_2020]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/5: [AU] ARA Bushfires 2020 [ARA_Bushfires_2020]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 4/3: [AU] ARA Bushfires 2020 [ARA_Bushfires_2020]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 5/6: [AU] ARA Bushfires 2020 [ARA_Bushfires_2020]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 6/1: [AU] ARA Bushfires 2020 [ARA_Bushfires_2020]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 7/4: [AU] ARA Bushfires 2020 [ARA_Bushfires_2020]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/4: [NO] NPI Svalbard satellite [npi-svalbard-landsat]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/5: [NO] NPI Svalbard satellite [npi-svalbard-landsat]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 3/1: [NO] NPI Svalbard satellite [npi-svalbard-landsat]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 4/2: [NO] NPI Svalbard satellite [npi-svalbard-landsat]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 5/3: [NO] NPI Svalbard satellite [npi-svalbard-landsat]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [EC] Darwin and Wolf islands, Galapagos [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R040_N01_20160311T164128]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [PL] Powiat rzeszowski: Orthophotomap (aerial image) [rzeszowski-aerial]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [FR] Toulouse - Orthophotoplan 2019 [Toulouse-Orthophotoplan-2019]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/2: [AT] Tiris: DOM (Surface model) []
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/1: [AT] Tiris: DOM (Surface model) []
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [DE] Berlin/Geoportal DOP20RGB (2018) [Berlin-2018]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [DE] Berlin/Geoportal DOP20RGB (2019) [Berlin-2019]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [GL] Thule Airbase DMS low altitude overflight September 2015 [osmim-imagicode-dms_thule2_2015.09.25]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (123 ! = 29): [BR] GeoPortal DF 2019 [GeoPortal_DF_2019]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [ID] Bakun Reservoir [osmim-imagicode-LC81190582014075LGN00]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [GL] Greenland mosaic [osmim-imagicode-greenland]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/2: [AT] Tiris: contour lines []
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/1: [AT] Tiris: contour lines []
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [HU] Budapest district XI orthophoto 2017 [Budapest_XI_2017]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [AT] Terrain []
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [GS] Leskov Island ASTER [osmim-imagicode-AST_L1T_00311162013112731_20150618142416_109190]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [CH] Kanton Zug 2011 [Zug-2011]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [US] TX Dallas and Fort Worth Imagery 2015 [dallas_fort_worth_2016_wms]
+++ ELI shape 1 double point at 1: [AQ] Graham Land East [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R095_S6X_20220128T131859]
+++ ELI shape 1 double point at 202: [AQ] Graham Land East [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R095_S6X_20220128T131859]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (38 ! = 75): [CH] Canton Solothurn, Orthophoto 2014 RGB [Solothurn-sogis-ortho2014-wms]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [UA] Ukraine - Orthophotomaps 2012 [Ukraine-orto10000-2012]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (59 ! = 61): [DE] Stuttgart latest aerial imagery [StuttgartLatestAerialImagery]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [LU] "mapper’s delight" hillshade lidar 2019 with unclassified points [lu.openstreetmap.lidar.hillshade.2019.classy]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [PL] Geoportal 2: High Resolution Orthophotomap (aerial image) [Geoportal2-PL-HighResolution-aerial_image_WMS]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [AU] DCS NSW Imagery [LPI_NSW_Imagery]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2: [AU] DCS NSW Imagery [LPI_NSW_Imagery]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 3: [AU] DCS NSW Imagery [LPI_NSW_Imagery]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/5: [US] TIGER Roads 2020 [US-TIGER-Roads-2020]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/4: [US] TIGER Roads 2020 [US-TIGER-Roads-2020]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 4/2: [US] TIGER Roads 2020 [US-TIGER-Roads-2020]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 5/1: [US] TIGER Roads 2020 [US-TIGER-Roads-2020]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 6/3: [US] TIGER Roads 2020 [US-TIGER-Roads-2020]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [PL] Geoportal 2: Orthophotomap (aerial image) WMS [Geoportal2-PL-aerial_image_WMS]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [AR] Ministry of Energy and Mining (WMS) [Ministerio-de-Energia-y-Mineria-wms]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (111 ! = 358): [DE] North Rhine-Westphalia aerial photograph [DE-NRW-DOP_mirror1]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [PL] Gliwice: Buildings [Gliwice-buildings]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [AU] DCS NSW Base Map [LPI_NSW_Base_Map]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [US] Ohio Statewide Imagery Program 1-Foot [Ohio_OSIP_1ft]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [DE] Saxony-Anhalt, LVermGeo, building shapes [LSA-ALKIS_BU]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (115 ! = 207): [CH] Kanton Solothurn, DSM Relief 2014 50cm [Solothurn-sogis2014-dom-wms]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [GL] Thule Airbase DMS overflight October 2015 [osmim-imagicode-dms_thule_2015.10.06]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [AT] Vienna: Annotations []
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [GL] Northern Greenland ASTER [osmim-imagicode-ngreenland_ast]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [NO] Kartverket Nautical Charts [kartverket-sjokart]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2: [NO] Kartverket Nautical Charts [kartverket-sjokart]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 3: [NO] Kartverket Nautical Charts [kartverket-sjokart]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (495 ! = 151): [CH] Kanton Zürich Orthophoto 2018 10cm [Kanton-Zürich-2018]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [FR] Loire-Atlantique - Orthophotos 2016 - 10 cm [Loire_Atlantique-Orthophotos-2016]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [BJ] Cotonou [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R022_N06_20151221T103009]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 2: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2021 [fr.orthohr.2021]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 3: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2021 [fr.orthohr.2021]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 4: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2021 [fr.orthohr.2021]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 5: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2021 [fr.orthohr.2021]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 6: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2021 [fr.orthohr.2021]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 7: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2021 [fr.orthohr.2021]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (195 ! = 191): [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2021 [fr.orthohr.2021]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [ZA] City of Cape Town 2015 Aerial [South_Africa-CapeTown-Aerial-2015]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [SE] Lidingö Orthophoto [lidingo-orto]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/5: [US] TIGER Roads 2018 [US-TIGER-Roads-2018]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/4: [US] TIGER Roads 2018 [US-TIGER-Roads-2018]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 4/2: [US] TIGER Roads 2018 [US-TIGER-Roads-2018]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 5/1: [US] TIGER Roads 2018 [US-TIGER-Roads-2018]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 6/3: [US] TIGER Roads 2018 [US-TIGER-Roads-2018]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [UG] Rwenzori Mountains [osmim-imagicode-LC81730602015040LGN00]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [AU] Northwest Heard Island [osmim-imagicode-EO1A1350972013086110KF]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [BR] IBGE BC250 - Indigenous Lands [IBGE_BC250_Terra_Indegina]
+++ ELI shape 1 double point at 1: [AQ] Bunger Hills [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R017_S67_20170223T022551]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (129 ! = 7): [AQ] Bunger Hills [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R017_S67_20170223T022551]
* Different number of shapes (1 != 9): [FR] Enedis [enedis]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [AT] Steiermark Terrain []
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [PL] Częstochowa: Orthophotomap 2016 (aerial image) [Czestochowa-2016]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (96 ! = 381): [DE] Brandenburg GeoBasis-DE/LGB (2025): DOP20c [Brandenburg-DOP20c]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [PL] Poznań: Orthophotomap 2016 (aerial image) [poznan-ortofotomapa2016]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/2: [AT] Tiris: orthophoto []
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/1: [AT] Tiris: orthophoto []
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [FR] Route 500 [route500]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/4: [GB] 7th Series (OS7) [OS7]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/6: [GB] 7th Series (OS7) [OS7]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 3/8: [GB] 7th Series (OS7) [OS7]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 4/9: [GB] 7th Series (OS7) [OS7]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 5/10: [GB] 7th Series (OS7) [OS7]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 6/7: [GB] 7th Series (OS7) [OS7]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 7/11: [GB] 7th Series (OS7) [OS7]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 8/12: [GB] 7th Series (OS7) [OS7]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 9/1: [GB] 7th Series (OS7) [OS7]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 10/2: [GB] 7th Series (OS7) [OS7]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 11/13: [GB] 7th Series (OS7) [OS7]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 12/14: [GB] 7th Series (OS7) [OS7]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 13/15: [GB] 7th Series (OS7) [OS7]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 14/5: [GB] 7th Series (OS7) [OS7]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 15/16: [GB] 7th Series (OS7) [OS7]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 16/17: [GB] 7th Series (OS7) [OS7]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 17/18: [GB] 7th Series (OS7) [OS7]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 18/19: [GB] 7th Series (OS7) [OS7]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 19/20: [GB] 7th Series (OS7) [OS7]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 20/3: [GB] 7th Series (OS7) [OS7]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 21: [GB] 7th Series (OS7) [OS7]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 22: [GB] 7th Series (OS7) [OS7]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 23: [GB] 7th Series (OS7) [OS7]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 24: [GB] 7th Series (OS7) [OS7]
* Different number of shapes (1 != 2): [CH] Kanton Zurich, Surface Hillshade 2017 [OGDLidarZH-DOM-2017]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2020 [fr.orthohr.2020]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 2: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2020 [fr.orthohr.2020]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 3: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2020 [fr.orthohr.2020]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 4: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2020 [fr.orthohr.2020]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 5: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2020 [fr.orthohr.2020]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (32 ! = 113): [FR] Rennes - 2014 [Rennes_2014]
+++ ELI shape 1 double point at 401: [BR] Itu - Eixos [SP_Itu_-_Eixos]
+++ ELI shape 1 double point at 581: [BR] Itu - Eixos [SP_Itu_-_Eixos]
+++ ELI shape 1 double point at 594: [BR] Itu - Eixos [SP_Itu_-_Eixos]
+++ ELI shape 1 double point at 672: [BR] Itu - Eixos [SP_Itu_-_Eixos]
+++ ELI shape 1 double point at 1027: [BR] Itu - Eixos [SP_Itu_-_Eixos]
+++ ELI shape 1 double point at 1585: [BR] Itu - Eixos [SP_Itu_-_Eixos]
+++ ELI shape 1 double point at 1615: [BR] Itu - Eixos [SP_Itu_-_Eixos]
+++ ELI shape 1 double point at 1625: [BR] Itu - Eixos [SP_Itu_-_Eixos]
+++ ELI shape 1 double point at 1794: [BR] Itu - Eixos [SP_Itu_-_Eixos]
+++ ELI shape 1 double point at 1796: [BR] Itu - Eixos [SP_Itu_-_Eixos]
+++ ELI shape 1 double point at 1844: [BR] Itu - Eixos [SP_Itu_-_Eixos]
+++ ELI shape 1 double point at 1878: [BR] Itu - Eixos [SP_Itu_-_Eixos]
+++ ELI shape 1 double point at 2026: [BR] Itu - Eixos [SP_Itu_-_Eixos]
+++ ELI shape 1 double point at 2403: [BR] Itu - Eixos [SP_Itu_-_Eixos]
+++ ELI shape 1 double point at 2579: [BR] Itu - Eixos [SP_Itu_-_Eixos]
+++ ELI shape 1 double point at 2670: [BR] Itu - Eixos [SP_Itu_-_Eixos]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [US] Mesa County GIS NAIP 2017 [MCGIS-County-NAIP-Imagery-2017]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [BE] SPW(allonie) 2009-2010 aerial imagery [SPW2009]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2: [BE] SPW(allonie) 2009-2010 aerial imagery [SPW2009]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [IN] Rann of Kutch [osmim-imagicode-LC81510432015030LGN00]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [BR] IBGE BC250 - Highways Stretches [IBGE_BC250_Rodoviario]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (64 ! = 359): [DE] Berlin/Geoportal TrueDOP20RGBI (2023) [Berlin-2023-TrueDOP_mirror1]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [ES] ITACyL - Castile and León [ITACyL-Castile-and-Leon]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [GS] Leskov Island Landsat [osmim-imagicode-LC81991002015286LGN00]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (8 ! = 104): [UA] Ukraine - Cherkasy 2021 [UkraineCherkasy2021]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [UA] Ukraine - Andriivska OTG 2020 [UkraineDonAndriivskaOTG2020]
* Different number of shapes (1 != 8): [TW] Taiwan e-Map Open Data (with Contour Line) [TW_NLSC_WMS_EMAP5]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (215 ! = 591): [US] IndianaMap Orthoimagery - Latest Available [IndianaMap_Latest]
+++ ELI shape 43 double point at 37: [FR] Ortho Express 2023 (20 cm) [fr.ign.orthoexpress.2023]
* Different number of shapes (79 != 5): [FR] ORTHO Express IGN 2023 [ortho_express_2023]
* Different number of shapes (2 != 1): [US] VT VIP Orthoimagery - Best of Color [VT_Best_CLR]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [ID] Sudirman Range 2016 [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R088_S05_20160812T011732]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [PL] Częstochowa: Orthophotomap 2014 (aerial image) [Czestochowa-2014]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (114 ! = 8): [AQ] Enderby Land and Kemp Coast [osmim-imagicode-enderby]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [CH] Kanton Basel-Stadt 2015 [KTBASELSTADT2015]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [PL] Gliwice: Orthophotomap 2013 (aerial image) [Gliwice-2013]
* Different number of shapes (11 != 5): [DK] SDFI Screenmap [Geodatastyrelsen_Skaermkort]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [PL] Gliwice: Orthophotomap 2017 (aerial image) [Gliwice-2017]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [FR] Bordeaux - 2016 [Bordeaux_2016]
* Different number of shapes (11 != 5): [DK] SDFI DTK Map25 [Geodatastyrelsen_DTK_Kort25]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (170 ! = 55): [PT] OrtoSat of mainland Portugal - 30 cm - 2023 (DGT) [ORTOS_DGT_2023]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (35 ! = 73): [CH] Canton Solothurn, Orthophoto 2017 RGB [Solothurn-sogis-ortho2017-wms]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [FR] Toulouse - Orthophotoplan 2007 [Toulouse-Orthophotoplan-2007]
+++ ELI shape 1 double point at 15: [AQ] Belgica Mountains evening [osmim-imagicode-LC80691332019346LGN01]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (23 ! = 6): [AQ] Belgica Mountains evening [osmim-imagicode-LC80691332019346LGN01]
* Different number of shapes (3 != 5): [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2013 [fr.orthohr.2013]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [PL] Bytom: Buildings [Bytom-buildings]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [KZ] Aral Sea (low water level) [osmim-imagicode-aral1]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (379 ! = 89): [DE] Erlangen aerial imagery (2022 20 cm) [Erlangen-2022]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (115 ! = 207): [CH] Kanton Solothurn, DTM Relief 2014 50cm [Solothurn-sogis2014-dtm-wms]
* Different number of shapes (1 != 4): [ES] IDEIB - Balearic Islands [IDEIB-Balearic_Islands]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [US] MassGIS LIDAR Shaded Relief [MassGIS-LIDAR-Shaded-Relief]
* Different number of shapes (19 != 22): [HU] orthophotos [osm-hu-ortho]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/2: [ES] PNOA Spain [PNOA-Spain]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/5: [ES] PNOA Spain [PNOA-Spain]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 3: [ES] PNOA Spain [PNOA-Spain]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 4: [ES] PNOA Spain [PNOA-Spain]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 5/6: [ES] PNOA Spain [PNOA-Spain]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 6/1: [ES] PNOA Spain [PNOA-Spain]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 7: [ES] PNOA Spain [PNOA-Spain]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 8: [ES] PNOA Spain [PNOA-Spain]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 9: [ES] PNOA Spain [PNOA-Spain]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 10/11: [ES] PNOA Spain [PNOA-Spain]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 11/10: [ES] PNOA Spain [PNOA-Spain]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [AR] National Geographic Institute Orthophotos (WMS) [ign-orthophotos-wms]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [FR] Auvergne 2016 25cm CRAIG [CRAIG-Auvergne-2016_mirror1]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [PL] Siemianowice Śląskie: Buildings [Siemianowice_Slaskie-buildings]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [AQ] Young Island/Buckle Island January 2020 [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R129_S67_20200121T222409]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [CA] Northern Ellesmere Island July 2016 [osmim-imagicode-nellesmere_ast_2016]
* Different number of shapes (3 != 1): [FR] Volta [osmfr_volta]
* Different number of shapes (6 != 45): [GB] NLS - OS 1:2,500 National Grid Maps, 1940s-1960s - single sheets [NLS-OS-NatGrid-12500-1940-60-singles]
+++ ELI shape 1 double point at 1: [AQ] Heimefront Range [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R121_S7X_20220301T085959]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [CH] Canton Thurgau orthophoto 2017 [kt_tg_ortho_2017]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [NZ] Environment Canterbury Imagery [Environment_Canterbury_Imagery]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (294 ! = 196): [DE] Hesse ALKIS [Hessen-ALKIS]
* Different number of shapes (1 != 3): [CH] Canton Schaffhausen, aerial imagery 2013 [Kanton-Schaffhausen-Luftbild-2013]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [AR] National Geographic Institute Mosaic 500k (TMS) [ign-cartas-500k]
* Different number of shapes (4 != 3): [BE] Digitaal Vlaanderen GRB [DigitaalVlaanderenGRB]
* Different number of shapes (1 != 3): [GB] OS Town Plans, Edinburgh 1940s-1960s (NLS) [NLS_edinburgh1940_1960]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [PL] Bytom: Orthophotomap 2012 (aerial image) [Bytom-2012]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [BE] OpenStreetMap (Belgian Style - French) [osmbe-fr]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (56 ! = 45): [US] TX Brazos County Imagery 2019 [brazos_county_2019_wms]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (294 ! = 196): [DE] Hesse DOP20 [Hessen-DOP20]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/3: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2015 [fr.orthohr.2015]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/5: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2015 [fr.orthohr.2015]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 3/6: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2015 [fr.orthohr.2015]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 4/2: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2015 [fr.orthohr.2015]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 5/8: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2015 [fr.orthohr.2015]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 6/4: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2015 [fr.orthohr.2015]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 7: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2015 [fr.orthohr.2015]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 8/1: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2015 [fr.orthohr.2015]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [BE] SPW(allonie) shaded relief [SPWrelief2014]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2: [BE] SPW(allonie) shaded relief [SPWrelief2014]
+++ ELI shape 1 double point at 1: [AQ] Lützow-Holm Bay [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R005_S69_20180222T061749]
+++ ELI shape 1 double point at 45: [AQ] Lützow-Holm Bay [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R005_S69_20180222T061749]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (114 ! = 6): [AQ] Lützow-Holm Bay [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R005_S69_20180222T061749]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (16 ! = 173): [UA] Ukraine - Lubetska OTG 2020 [UkraineLubetskaOTG2020]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [HU] Budapest district XI orthophoto 2015 [Budapest_XI_2015]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [DE] Saxony-Anhalt, LVermGeo, Land parcels/plots ALKIS [LSA-ALKIS-CP]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [HR] osm-hr: Knin 2007 Aerial imagery [osm-hr-knin-2007]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [US] NH GRANIT 2021/2022 6-inch Orthophotos (Infrared) [NH_2021_2022_6in_CIR]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/2: [GB] OS OpenData StreetView (April 2016) [OS-OpenData_StreetView_2016_04]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/3: [GB] OS OpenData StreetView (April 2016) [OS-OpenData_StreetView_2016_04]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 3/5: [GB] OS OpenData StreetView (April 2016) [OS-OpenData_StreetView_2016_04]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 4/6: [GB] OS OpenData StreetView (April 2016) [OS-OpenData_StreetView_2016_04]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 5/1: [GB] OS OpenData StreetView (April 2016) [OS-OpenData_StreetView_2016_04]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 6/7: [GB] OS OpenData StreetView (April 2016) [OS-OpenData_StreetView_2016_04]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 7/9: [GB] OS OpenData StreetView (April 2016) [OS-OpenData_StreetView_2016_04]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 8/10: [GB] OS OpenData StreetView (April 2016) [OS-OpenData_StreetView_2016_04]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 11/4: [GB] OS OpenData StreetView (April 2016) [OS-OpenData_StreetView_2016_04]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [HU] FÖMI orthophoto 2005 [FOMI_2005]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [FR] Bouches-du-Rhône 2009 [fr.dpt.13.2009]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [PL] Częstochowa: Buildings [Czestochowa-buildings]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [AT] MaxRes []
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [US] Mesa County GIS NAIP 2019 [MCGIS-County-Imagery-2019]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [PL] Przemyśl: Ortophotomap (aerial image) [przemysl-aerial]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [PL] Powiat ropczycko-sędziszowski: Buildings [sropczyce-buildings]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [HR] osm-hr: Zagreb 2018 Aerial imagery [osm-hr-zagreb-2018]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [CH] Kanton Basel-Landschaft 10cm (2015) [Basel-Landschaft-2015]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [PL] Powiat łańcucki: Buildings [lancucki-buildings]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [AT] VoGIS: Zoning plan []
* Different number of points for shape 1 (543 ! = 47): [MX] INEGI Digital Map of Mexico (WMS) [inegi-wms]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [PA] Panama Canal - Pacific side [osmim-imagicode-EO1A0120532016364110KF]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [LU] ortho technique 2019 (10cm) [lu.geoportail.opendata.ortho_2019_winter]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (111 ! = 358): [DE] North Rhine-Westphalia DTM hillshade [nrw_dtm_wms]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (45 ! = 22): [JP] Japan GSI Standard Map [gsi.go.jp_std_map]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [AT] Eastern Alps autumn colors 2019 [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R022_N47_20191026T101029]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [GB] Hampshire Aerial RGB [Hampshire-Aerial-RGB]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/2: [DE] Hamburg DOP 20cm (HH LGV DOP20 2022) [hamburg-20cm]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/1: [DE] Hamburg DOP 20cm (HH LGV DOP20 2022) [hamburg-20cm]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [NO] Svalbard mosaic [osmim-imagicode-s2sval]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [GL] Landsat off-nadir late July 2020 [osmim-imagicode-ls_polar5]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [CH] Canton Thurgau Base plan cadastral surveying [kt_tg_av]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [BG] Rila and Pirin Mountains [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R093_N41_20150828T092005]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [PL] Geoportal 2: Granice działek [Geoportal2-PL-plot_boundaries_WMS]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [KZ] Aral Sea (high water level) [osmim-imagicode-aral2]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [BE] SPW(allonie) 2018 aerial imagery [SPW2018]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2: [BE] SPW(allonie) 2018 aerial imagery [SPW2018]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [PA] Panama Canal [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R111_N09_20160604T154554]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [SI] RABA-KGZ: Slovenia farmland use [RABA-KGZ]
* Different number of shapes (1 != 8): [TW] Taiwan Village Boundaries [TW_NLSC_WMS_Village]
* Different number of shapes (2 != 1): [BR] Brazilian Army Topographic Maps [BDGEx_ctm_multi]
* Different number of shapes (1 != 8): [TW] Taiwan e-Map Open Data [TW_NLSC_WMS_EMAP6]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [FR] CRAIG - 2019 [Craig_2019]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [DE] North Sea Coast 2017 [osmim-imagicode-northsea_s2_2017]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [UA] Ukraine - Kyiv 2014 (DZK) [UkraineKyiv2014DZK]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (338 ! = 125): [DE] Saxony digital terrain model [GEOSN-DGM]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [BE] OpenStreetMap (Belgian Style - Dutch) [osmbe-nl]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 4/3: [US] MD Three Inch Aerial Imagery []
* Different number of points for shape 1 (19 ! = 9): [US] MD Three Inch Aerial Imagery []
* Different number of points for shape 2 (25 ! = 17): [US] MD Three Inch Aerial Imagery []
* Different number of points for shape 3/4 (47 ! = 5): [US] MD Three Inch Aerial Imagery []
* Different number of points for shape 5 (25 ! = 23): [US] MD Three Inch Aerial Imagery []
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/5: [GB] OS Scottish Popular historic [OS-Scottish_Popular-historic]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2: [GB] OS Scottish Popular historic [OS-Scottish_Popular-historic]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 3/6: [GB] OS Scottish Popular historic [OS-Scottish_Popular-historic]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 4/7: [GB] OS Scottish Popular historic [OS-Scottish_Popular-historic]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 5/1: [GB] OS Scottish Popular historic [OS-Scottish_Popular-historic]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 6/4: [GB] OS Scottish Popular historic [OS-Scottish_Popular-historic]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 7/8: [GB] OS Scottish Popular historic [OS-Scottish_Popular-historic]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 8/3: [GB] OS Scottish Popular historic [OS-Scottish_Popular-historic]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [CL] Volcán Calbuco [osmim-imagicode-LC82330892016031LGN00]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [PL] Poznań: Latest Orthophotomap (aerial image) [poznan-ortofotomapaBiezaca]
* Different number of shapes (8 != 7): [FR] BDOrtho IGN [fr.ign.bdortho]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [FR] Alpes-Maritimes 2009 [fr.dpt.06.2009]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [FR] Bordeaux - 2012 [Bordeaux_2012]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [HU] Szeged orthophoto 2011 [Szeged_2011]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [CH] Kanton Aargau 25cm (AGIS 2016) [Aargau-AGIS-2016]
* Different number of shapes (6 != 4): [US] USA/Mexico/Canada/Scandinavia Topo Maps [US-MX-CA-NO-SE-FI-Scanned_Topographic]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (17 ! = 13): [CA] Toronto Orthorectified Imagery - Most current year [Toronto-Imagery-Most-Current-Year]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (112 ! = 97): [CH] Canton of Geneva, DTM (SITG 2019) [Geneve-dtm-2019]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (479 ! = 18): [AQ] Yamato/Queen Fabiola Mountains [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R005_S7X_20200303T061749]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (130 ! = 125): [DE] Saxony historical aerial imagery 2012-2014 [GEOSN-DOP-2012_2014]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [HU] Danube flood orthophoto 2013 [Duna_2013]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [UG] Rwenzori Mountains 2016 [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R078_N01_20160702T082522]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/6: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2017 [fr.orthohr.2017]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/5: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2017 [fr.orthohr.2017]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 3/2: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2017 [fr.orthohr.2017]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 4/3: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2017 [fr.orthohr.2017]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 5/1: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2017 [fr.orthohr.2017]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 6/4: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2017 [fr.orthohr.2017]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 7: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2017 [fr.orthohr.2017]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [HU] FÖMI orthophoto 2011-2014 (webp) [FOMI_2011_2014]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [GL] Qasigiannguit [osmim-imagicode-DMS_1142622_03746_20110415_17533956]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [BE] SPW(allonie) 2015 aerial imagery [SPW2015]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2: [BE] SPW(allonie) 2015 aerial imagery [SPW2015]
+++ ELI shape 1 double point at 1: [CH] Canton de Génève, MNA RELIEF OMBRE SURFACE 2014 (SITG) [Geneve-dsm-2014]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (12 ! = 24): [CH] Canton of Geneva, DSM (SITG 2014) [Geneve-dsm-2014]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [CV] Fogo, Cape Verde [osmim-imagicode-LC82100502015347LGN00]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [US] NH GRANIT LiDAR Hillshade 2022 (Northwest) [LiDAR_Bare_Earth_NW_HS_NH_2022]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 2: [US] NH GRANIT LiDAR Hillshade 2022 (Northwest) [LiDAR_Bare_Earth_NW_HS_NH_2022]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [AR] National Geographic Institute Argenmap (TMS) [ign-argenmap-tms]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [AT] Vienna: Aerial image []
+++ ELI shape 2 double point at 0: [CH] Kanton Solothurn, DTM Relief 2019 [Solothurn-sogis2019-dtm-wms]
* Different number of shapes (2 != 1): [CH] Kanton Solothurn, DTM Relief 2019 [Solothurn-sogis2019-dtm-wms]
* Different number of shapes (1 != 7): [FR] ORTHO Express IGN 2024 [ortho_express_2024]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [PL] Będzin: Orthophotomap 2013 (aerial image) [Bedzin-PL-aerial_image]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [AU] ACTmapi Imagery 2023-09 [ACT202309]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/2: [HR] osm-hr: Orbview [osm-hr-orbview]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/18: [HR] osm-hr: Orbview [osm-hr-orbview]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 3/4: [HR] osm-hr: Orbview [osm-hr-orbview]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 4/5: [HR] osm-hr: Orbview [osm-hr-orbview]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 5/6: [HR] osm-hr: Orbview [osm-hr-orbview]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 6/8: [HR] osm-hr: Orbview [osm-hr-orbview]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 7/1: [HR] osm-hr: Orbview [osm-hr-orbview]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 8/17: [HR] osm-hr: Orbview [osm-hr-orbview]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 9: [HR] osm-hr: Orbview [osm-hr-orbview]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 10/16: [HR] osm-hr: Orbview [osm-hr-orbview]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 11/3: [HR] osm-hr: Orbview [osm-hr-orbview]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 12: [HR] osm-hr: Orbview [osm-hr-orbview]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 13: [HR] osm-hr: Orbview [osm-hr-orbview]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 14/10: [HR] osm-hr: Orbview [osm-hr-orbview]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 15/14: [HR] osm-hr: Orbview [osm-hr-orbview]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 16/15: [HR] osm-hr: Orbview [osm-hr-orbview]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 17/7: [HR] osm-hr: Orbview [osm-hr-orbview]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 18/19: [HR] osm-hr: Orbview [osm-hr-orbview]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 19/11: [HR] osm-hr: Orbview [osm-hr-orbview]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2018 Antilles [fr.orthohr.2018.antilles]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [HU] FÖMI orthophoto 2007-2010 [FOMI_2007_2010]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [DE] North Sea Coast spring 2018 [osmim-imagicode-northsea_s2_2018]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [LT] ORT10LT (Lithuania) [ORT10LT]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [HR] osm-hr: US Topo 50 [osm-hr-ustopo50]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/10: [HR] osm-hr: US Topo 50 [osm-hr-ustopo50]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 3/2: [HR] osm-hr: US Topo 50 [osm-hr-ustopo50]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 4/5: [HR] osm-hr: US Topo 50 [osm-hr-ustopo50]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 5/4: [HR] osm-hr: US Topo 50 [osm-hr-ustopo50]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 6: [HR] osm-hr: US Topo 50 [osm-hr-ustopo50]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 7: [HR] osm-hr: US Topo 50 [osm-hr-ustopo50]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 8/3: [HR] osm-hr: US Topo 50 [osm-hr-ustopo50]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 9/8: [HR] osm-hr: US Topo 50 [osm-hr-ustopo50]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 10/9: [HR] osm-hr: US Topo 50 [osm-hr-ustopo50]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (13 ! = 75): [BR] Dourados Orthophotos [Dourados_Ortofotos]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [GB] Surrey Air Survey [Surrey-Air_Survey]
- No JOSM shape: [US] NOAA NGS 70701: Sitka, AK [2023-05-05] (RGB) [NOAA_NGS_70701_RGB]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [RU] Vostochny Cosmodrome 2020 [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R089_N52_20200930T023551]
* Different number of shapes (6 != 21): [GB] NLS - OS 1:1,250 National Grid Maps, 1940s-1960s [NLS-OS-NatGrid-11250-1940-60]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [AR] National Geographic Institute Argenmap gray [ign-argenmap-gray]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [AR] Educational map (WMS) [Mapa-Educativo-wms]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [DE] Saxony-Anhalt, LVermGeo, Hydro network [LSA-ATKIS-HYN]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [LU] all layers [lu.geoportail.opendata.wms_endpoint]
* Different number of shapes (1 != 3): [CH] Canton Schaffhausen, relief 2013 [Kanton-Schaffhausen-DSM-2013]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/8: [EE] Estonia Ortho (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Ortho_mirror2]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/4: [EE] Estonia Ortho (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Ortho_mirror2]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 3/2: [EE] Estonia Ortho (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Ortho_mirror2]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 4/3: [EE] Estonia Ortho (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Ortho_mirror2]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 5/1: [EE] Estonia Ortho (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Ortho_mirror2]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 6/5: [EE] Estonia Ortho (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Ortho_mirror2]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 7/6: [EE] Estonia Ortho (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Ortho_mirror2]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 8/7: [EE] Estonia Ortho (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Ortho_mirror2]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [IL] Israel MTB [Israel_MTB]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (50 ! = 9): [AQ] Larsen C ice shelf after calving [osmim-imagicode-larsen_2018]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/3: [GB] NLS - OS/War Office - GSGS 3906 1:25,000, 1940-43 [NLS-OS-WarOffice-125k-1940-43]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/4: [GB] NLS - OS/War Office - GSGS 3906 1:25,000, 1940-43 [NLS-OS-WarOffice-125k-1940-43]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 3/2: [GB] NLS - OS/War Office - GSGS 3906 1:25,000, 1940-43 [NLS-OS-WarOffice-125k-1940-43]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 4/1: [GB] NLS - OS/War Office - GSGS 3906 1:25,000, 1940-43 [NLS-OS-WarOffice-125k-1940-43]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [EC] El Altar [osmim-imagicode-AST_L1T_00302052007154424_20150518041444_91492]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [HR] HOK [dgu-hok]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (17 ! = 19): [CH] Kanton Zug Nord 2016 [Zug-2016]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [FR] Rennes - 2018 [Rennes_2018]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [CH] Kanton Aargau 25cm (AGIS 2019) [Aargau-AGIS-2019]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (16 ! = 15): [SE] Lantmäteriet Economic Map ca. 1950-1978 [osmse-ekonomiska]
* Different number of shapes (12 != 6): [GB] NLS - Bartholomew Half Inch, 1897-1907 [NLS-Bartholomew-hfinch-hist]
+++ ELI shape 1 double point at 785: [JP] Inuyama city and around Imagery 2023 [osmfj-inuyama-2023]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [GL] Thule Airbase DMS overflight September 2015 [osmim-imagicode-dms_thule_2015.09.25]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [GL] Thule Air Base [osmim-imagicode-DMS_1142636_160xx_20110507_1822xxxx]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [PL] Powiat rzeszowski: Buildings [rzeszowski-buildings]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (73 ! = 136): [CH] Geoinformation Stadt Bern, Amtliche Vermessung [Bern-Katasterplan-wmts]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [AQ] Far southern Transantarctic Mnts. east [osmim-imagicode-aster_anti_east]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/8: [EE] Estonia Cadastre (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Cadastre]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/4: [EE] Estonia Cadastre (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Cadastre]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 3/2: [EE] Estonia Cadastre (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Cadastre]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 4/3: [EE] Estonia Cadastre (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Cadastre]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 5/1: [EE] Estonia Cadastre (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Cadastre]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 6/5: [EE] Estonia Cadastre (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Cadastre]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 7/6: [EE] Estonia Cadastre (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Cadastre]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 8/7: [EE] Estonia Cadastre (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Cadastre]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [CH] Western Alps autumn colors 2017 [osmim-imagicode-walps_autumn_2017]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (294 ! = 196): [DE] Hesse WebAtlas [Hessen-WebAtlas]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [FR] Lyon Orthophoto 2022 [orthophoto_lyon_2022]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (203 ! = 87): [US] TX City of Georgetown Imagery 2015 [georgetown_2016_wms]
+++ ELI shape 1 double point at 1: [CH] Canton de Génève, Orthophoto 2018 (20cm) (SITG) [Geneve-orthophoto-2018]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [BR] IBGE BC250 - Villages [IBGE_BC250_Villa]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (28 ! = 67): [US] TX Smith County Imagery 2019 [smith_county_2019_wms]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [RU] Ushakov Island August 2020 [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R093_N79_20200831T091601]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [IT] South Tyrol Basemap [South-Tyrol-Basemap]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [AT] Orthofoto []
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2019 [fr.orthohr.2019]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/8: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2019 [fr.orthohr.2019]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 3/12: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2019 [fr.orthohr.2019]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 4/6: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2019 [fr.orthohr.2019]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 5/4: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2019 [fr.orthohr.2019]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 6/10: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2019 [fr.orthohr.2019]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 7/9: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2019 [fr.orthohr.2019]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 8/5: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2019 [fr.orthohr.2019]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 9/7: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2019 [fr.orthohr.2019]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 10/11: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2019 [fr.orthohr.2019]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 11/3: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2019 [fr.orthohr.2019]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 12/2: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2019 [fr.orthohr.2019]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [SE] Gothenburg City map [gothenburg-citymap]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (362 ! = 21): [AQ] Lambert Glacier west [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R061_S7X_20200226T041719]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (50 ! = 95): [CH] Canton Solothurn, Orthophoto 2016 RGB [Solothurn-sogis-ortho2016-wms]
* Different number of shapes (2 != 1): [ZA] South Africa CD:NGI Aerial [South_Africa-CD_NGI-Aerial]
* Different number of shapes (1 != 11): [GB] Public Rights of Way [prowoverlay]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [FR] Alpes-Maritimes 2020 (Storm Alex) [fr.dpt.06.2020.storm.alex]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2: [FR] Alpes-Maritimes 2020 (Storm Alex) [fr.dpt.06.2020.storm.alex]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [ID] Sudirman Range 2015 [osmim-imagicode-LC81030632015286LGN00]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2017 Antilles [fr.orthohr.2017.antilles]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/3: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2017 Antilles [fr.orthohr.2017.antilles]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 3/2: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2017 Antilles [fr.orthohr.2017.antilles]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 4: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2017 Antilles [fr.orthohr.2017.antilles]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [CH] Canton Thurgau hiking paths [kt_tg_ww]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [BE] SPW(allonie) most recent aerial imagery [SPWLAST]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2: [BE] SPW(allonie) most recent aerial imagery [SPWLAST]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [IT] South Tyrol Orthofoto 2011 (larger valleys) [South-Tyrol-Orthofoto2011-20cm]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (489 ! = 23): [AQ] Victoria Land east [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R057_S7X_20190210T213409]
+++ ELI shape 53 double point at 16805: [JP] Japan GSI airphoto Imagery/update 2020 [gsi.go.jp_airphoto_2020]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (294 ! = 196): [DE] Hesse DTK [Hessen-DTK]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [ID] Southeastern Sulawesi [osmim-imagicode-LC81130622013270LGN00]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/9: [FR] Ortho HR IGN [fr.orthohr]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/7: [FR] Ortho HR IGN [fr.orthohr]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 3/8: [FR] Ortho HR IGN [fr.orthohr]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 4/10: [FR] Ortho HR IGN [fr.orthohr]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 5/3: [FR] Ortho HR IGN [fr.orthohr]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 6: [FR] Ortho HR IGN [fr.orthohr]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 7/4: [FR] Ortho HR IGN [fr.orthohr]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 8/1: [FR] Ortho HR IGN [fr.orthohr]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 9/2: [FR] Ortho HR IGN [fr.orthohr]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 10/5: [FR] Ortho HR IGN [fr.orthohr]
* Different number of shapes (6 != 37): [GB] NLS - OS 1:2,500 National Grid Maps, 1940s-1960s - double sheets [NLS-OS-NatGrid-12500-1940-60-doubles]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (35 ! = 73): [CH] Canton Solothurn, Orthophoto 2015 RGB [Solothurn-sogis-ortho2015-wms]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [CH] swisstopo swissALTI3D [swisstopo_swissalti3d]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [BR] IBGE BC250 - Rivers and Drainage [IBGE_BC250_Rios_Drenagem]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (8 ! = 79): [UA] Ukraine - Cherkasy 2015 [UkraineCherkasy2015]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (62 ! = 8): [AQ] USGS 50k Topos McMurdo Dry Valleys [osmim-imagicode-usgs_50k_ant]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [HU] FÖMI orthophoto 2000 [FOMI_2000]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/8: [EE] Estonia Ortho (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Ortho]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/4: [EE] Estonia Ortho (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Ortho]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 3/2: [EE] Estonia Ortho (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Ortho]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 4/3: [EE] Estonia Ortho (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Ortho]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 5/1: [EE] Estonia Ortho (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Ortho]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 6/5: [EE] Estonia Ortho (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Ortho]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 7/6: [EE] Estonia Ortho (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Ortho]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 8/7: [EE] Estonia Ortho (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Ortho]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [AR] National Geographic Institute UAV Orthophotos (WMS) [ign-uav-orthophotos-wms]
* Different number of shapes (11 != 5): [DK] SDFI Aerial Imagery [Geodatastyrelsen_Denmark]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [DE] Erlangen aerial imagery (2020 5,0 cm) [Erlangen-2020]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [ID] Anak Krakatau [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R032_S07_20200921T025549]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [CH] Kanton Zug Gemeinde Zug Süd 2018 [Zug-2018]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [CH] Kanton Aargau 20cm (AGIS 2020) [Aargau-AGIS-2020]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [NO] Kystverket Navigational Aid overlay [kystverket-navigasjon]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [PL] Geoportal 2: PRNG (geo names) [Geoportal2-PL-prng]
+ No ELI shape: [FR] OpenStreetMap (Breton Style) [osmfr-breton]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [AR] National Geographic Institute Mosaic 250k (TMS) [ign-cartas-250k]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [BE] SPW(allonie) 2016 aerial imagery [SPW2016]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2: [BE] SPW(allonie) 2016 aerial imagery [SPW2016]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/2: [GB] Postcode centroids [postcodecentroids]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/3: [GB] Postcode centroids [postcodecentroids]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 3/5: [GB] Postcode centroids [postcodecentroids]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 4/6: [GB] Postcode centroids [postcodecentroids]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 5/1: [GB] Postcode centroids [postcodecentroids]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 6/7: [GB] Postcode centroids [postcodecentroids]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 7/9: [GB] Postcode centroids [postcodecentroids]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 8/10: [GB] Postcode centroids [postcodecentroids]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 11/4: [GB] Postcode centroids [postcodecentroids]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (303 ! = 16): [AQ] Antarctic Peninsula [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R095_S6X_20200119T131859]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/5: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2018 [fr.orthohr.2018]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/4: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2018 [fr.orthohr.2018]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 3/6: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2018 [fr.orthohr.2018]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 4/1: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2018 [fr.orthohr.2018]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 5/3: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2018 [fr.orthohr.2018]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 6/2: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2018 [fr.orthohr.2018]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 7: [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2018 [fr.orthohr.2018]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [RU] Ushakov Island August 2016 [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R094_N79_20160812T105622]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (430 ! = 22): [AQ] Lambert Glacier east [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R075_S7X_20190113T034629]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (8 ! = 25): [BR] Fortaleza Street Names [Fortaleza_Streets]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (1013 ! = 469): [IT] South Tyrol DTM Hillshade 2013 (0.5 m, partial) [South-Tyrol-DTM_2013]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [DE] Berlin/Geoportal TrueDOP20RGB (2020) [Berlin-2020-TrueDOP]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [LU] ortho latest [lu.geoportail.opendata.ortholatest]
- No JOSM shape: [EU] OSM Inspector: Coastline [OSM_Inspector-Boundaries]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/4: [NO] Miljødirektoratet Protected Areas overlay [miljodirektoratet-vern]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/1: [NO] Miljødirektoratet Protected Areas overlay [miljodirektoratet-vern]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 3/2: [NO] Miljødirektoratet Protected Areas overlay [miljodirektoratet-vern]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 4/3: [NO] Miljødirektoratet Protected Areas overlay [miljodirektoratet-vern]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [GS] Scott Island [osmim-imagicode-LC80611072014036LGN00]
+++ ELI shape 1 double point at 389: [AQ] Western Sør Rondane Mountains [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R077_S7X_20220226T070839]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [HR] Topo 200 [dgu-topo-200]
* Different number of shapes (11 != 5): [DK] SDFI Cadastral Parcels INSPIRE View [Geodatastyrelsen_Cadastral_Parcels_INSPIRE_View]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [ZZ] Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Myanmar bilingual [osm-cambodia_laos_thailand_vietnam-bilingual]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [PS] Gaza Strip - Pléiades - 2014/07/06 [gaza_pleiades_20140706]
* Different number of shapes (11 != 5): [DK] SDFI Surface Shadow Map (40 cm) [SDFE_Overflade_Skyggekort_40cm]
+++ ELI shape 2 double point at 0: [CH] Kanton Solothurn, DSM Relief 2019 [Solothurn-sogis2019-dsm-wms]
* Different number of shapes (2 != 1): [CH] Kanton Solothurn, DSM Relief 2019 [Solothurn-sogis2019-dsm-wms]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (495 ! = 490): [CH] Kanton Zürich Orthophotos 2015/2016 10cm [Kanton-Zürich-2016]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [DE] Deutsche Bahn VzG lines January 2017 [db-inspire-2013-11]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [DE] Northern German west coast tidalflats [osmim-imagicode-LC81960222015233LGN00vis]
* Different number of shapes (2 != 1): [NZ] LINZ NZ Aerial Imagery [LINZ_NZ_Aerial_Imagery]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [AR] National Geographic Institute Mosaic 100k (TMS) [ign-cartas-100k]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [KE] Mount Kenya 2016 [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R092_S02_20160613T075613]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [US] Bogoslof Island 2019 [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R015_N52_20190816T222539]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [PL] Będzin: Buildings [Bedzin-PL-buildings]
* Different number of shapes (1 != 3): [AU] DCS NSW Topographic Map [LPI_NSW_Topographic_Map]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (55 ! = 41): [PL] Łódź: Orthophotomap 2019 (aerial image) [Lodz-ortho]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [SI] GURS: Slovenia orthophoto 25cm (DOF025) [GURS-DOF025]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [ZA] City of Cape Town 2013 Aerial [South_Africa-CapeTown-Aerial-2013]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [CH] Canton Thurgau cycle routes [kt_tg_radrouten]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (59 ! = 8): [AQ] McMurdo Sound and Dry Valleys [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R042_S78_20170214T202521]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [IE] Ireland British War Office One-Inch 1941-43 GSGS 4136 [GSGS4136]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [PL] Częstochowa: Orthophotomap 2017 (aerial image) [Czestochowa-2017]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [RU] Northern Dvina delta at low tide [osmim-imagicode-ndvina]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [PE] Willkanuta Mountains and Quelccaya Ice Cap [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R039_S15_20160510T145731]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (382 ! = 20): [AQ] Victoria Land west [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R143_S7X_20200302T215359]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [HU] Törökbálint orthophoto 2018 [Törökbálint_2018]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [PL] Gliwice: Orthophotomap 2018 (aerial image) [Gliwice-2018]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [AT] Overlay []
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [SI] GURS: Building outlines [GURS-buildings]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [CL] Isla Londonderry [osmim-imagicode-LC82280982013259LGN00]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [FR] BD Carthage [route500hydro]
* Different number of shapes (1 != 2): [US] Mesa County GIS Valleywide 2020 [MCGIS-City-County-Imagery-2020]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [IS] Eastern Iceland [osmim-imagicode-LC82160152013239LGN00]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (5509 ! = 106): [US] TX San Antonio River Authority Imagery 2016 [san_antonio_river_2016_wms]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [PL] Częstochowa: Orthophotomap 2013 (aerial image) [Czestochowa-2013]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (64 ! = 359): [DE] Berlin/Geoportal TrueDOP20RGBI (2022) [Berlin-2022-TrueDOP_mirror1]
* Different number of shapes (1 != 2): [CH] Kanton Zurich, Terrain Hillshade 2017 [OGDLidarZH-DTM-2017]
+++ ELI shape 1 double point at 1: [AQ] Neumayer Cliffs evening [osmim-imagicode-LC80901322020001LGN00]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [CH] Kanton Bern, Buildings [KantonBernBuildings]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (11 ! = 5): [AQ] Young Island March 2020 [osmim-imagicode-S2B_R129_S67_20200301T222409]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [PL] Częstochowa: Orthophotomap 2011 (aerial image) [Czestochowa-2011]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (85 ! = 37): [BR] Rio Mosaic 2019 [rio2019]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [PE] Coropuna [osmim-imagicode-EO1A0040712016264110KF]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [HR] Croatia 2011 Aerial imagery [dgu-dof-2011]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/2: [AT] Tiris: orthophoto infrared []
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/1: [AT] Tiris: orthophoto infrared []
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [US] NH GRANIT LiDAR Hillshade 2022 (Northeast) [LiDAR_Bare_Earth_NE_HS_NH_2022]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 2: [US] NH GRANIT LiDAR Hillshade 2022 (Northeast) [LiDAR_Bare_Earth_NE_HS_NH_2022]
* Different number of shapes (12 != 8): [GB] OS 1:25k historic (OSM-Limited) [OS-historic-25k-OSM_Limited]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [AT] Steiermark Surface []
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [BV] Bouvet Island [osmim-imagicode-LC81800982013291LGN00]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [BR] IBGE BC250 - Electrical Power Plant Generator [IBGE_BC250_Gerador_Eletrica]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [DE] Erlangen aerial imagery (2018 5.0 cm) [Erlangen-2018]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [PL] Częstochowa: Orthophotomap 2015 (aerial image) [Czestochowa-2015]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [GB] NLS - OS 6-inch Scotland 1842-82 [NLS-OS-6inch-Scotland-hist]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/5: [GB] NLS - OS 6-inch Scotland 1842-82 [NLS-OS-6inch-Scotland-hist]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 3/2: [GB] NLS - OS 6-inch Scotland 1842-82 [NLS-OS-6inch-Scotland-hist]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 4/6: [GB] NLS - OS 6-inch Scotland 1842-82 [NLS-OS-6inch-Scotland-hist]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 5/3: [GB] NLS - OS 6-inch Scotland 1842-82 [NLS-OS-6inch-Scotland-hist]
* Different number of points for shape 1 (495 ! = 71): [CH] Kanton Zürich Orthophoto 2020 5cm [Kanton-Zürich-2020]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/3: [GB] NLS - OS 1:25k 1st Series 1937-61 [NLS-OS-1st_Series]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/1: [GB] NLS - OS 1:25k 1st Series 1937-61 [NLS-OS-1st_Series]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 3/5: [GB] NLS - OS 1:25k 1st Series 1937-61 [NLS-OS-1st_Series]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 5/6: [GB] NLS - OS 1:25k 1st Series 1937-61 [NLS-OS-1st_Series]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 6/4: [GB] NLS - OS 1:25k 1st Series 1937-61 [NLS-OS-1st_Series]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 7: [GB] NLS - OS 1:25k 1st Series 1937-61 [NLS-OS-1st_Series]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 8/2: [GB] NLS - OS 1:25k 1st Series 1937-61 [NLS-OS-1st_Series]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [US] MassGIS L3 Parcels [MassGIS-L3-Parcels]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [AR] Bahía Blanca (high tide) [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R067_S40_20170417T140051]
* Different coordinate for point 2 of shape 1: [KZ] Northeast Caspian Sea 2018 [osmim-imagicode-caspian_2018]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1/2: [ES] Catastro Spain [Catastro-Spain]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 2/5: [ES] Catastro Spain [Catastro-Spain]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 3: [ES] Catastro Spain [Catastro-Spain]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 4: [ES] Catastro Spain [Catastro-Spain]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 5/6: [ES] Catastro Spain [Catastro-Spain]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 6/1: [ES] Catastro Spain [Catastro-Spain]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 7: [ES] Catastro Spain [Catastro-Spain]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 8: [ES] Catastro Spain [Catastro-Spain]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 9: [ES] Catastro Spain [Catastro-Spain]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 10/11: [ES] Catastro Spain [Catastro-Spain]
* Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 11/10: [ES] Catastro Spain [Catastro-Spain]
*** Mismatching icons: ***
- No JOSM icon: [CZ] Praha IPR latest orthophoto [PrahaIPRlatestorthophoto_mirror1]
* Different icons: [NO] Kartverket Road Network overlay [kartverket-vegnett]
+ No ELI icon: [CH] Kanton Solothurn, DSM Relief 2018 [Solothurn-sogis2018-dsm-wms]
* Different icons: [US] MassGIS 2021 Orthos [MassGIS-2021-Orthos_mirror1]
* Different icons: [US] USGS Imagery [USGS-Imagery]
+ No ELI icon: [BR] IBGE BC250 - Isolated Rural Locations [IBGE_BC250_Aglomerado_Rural]
* Different icons: [NO] Kartverket Accessibility overlay [kartverket-tilgjengelighet]
* Different icons: [HR] Croatia 2014-2016 Aerial imagery [dgu-dof-2014-2016]
* Different icons: [SG] Singapore OneMap [Singapore-OneMap]
* Different icons: [NO] NPI Svalbard topo [npi-svalbard-topo]
* Different icons: [BR] GeoPortal DF 2016 [GeoPortal_DF_2016]
* Different icons: [US] NJ 2015 Aerial Imagery (Infrared) []
* Different icons: [UA] Ukraine - Vinnytsia 2021 [UkraineVinnytsia2021]
+ No ELI icon: [CH] Kanton Solothurn, DTM Relief 2018 [Solothurn-sogis2018-dtm-wms]
+ No ELI icon: [FR] OpenStreetMap (Basque Style) [osmfr-basque]
* Different icons: [NZ] LINZ NZ Topo50 Gridless Maps [LINZ_NZ_Topo50_Gridless_Maps]
* Different icons: [HR] Topo 100 [dgu-topo-100]
* Different icons: [BR] GeoPortal DF 2015 [GeoPortal_DF_2015]
+ No ELI icon: [SK] Ortofotomozaika SR 2020-2022 [gku-nlc]
* Different icons: [NO] Kartverket Administrative Boundaries overlay [kartverket-abas]
+ No ELI icon: [BR] Sobral Orthophoto 2017 [Sobral_Ortophoto_2017]
* Different icons: [AT] Tiris: DGM (Terrain model) []
* Different icons: [GB] NLS - OS 1:10,560 National Grid Maps, 1940s-1960s [NLS-OS-NatGrid-110k-1940-60]
* Different icons: [HR] osm-hr: Zagreb 2012 Aerial imagery [osm-hr-zagreb-2012]
- No JOSM icon: [CZ] Praha IPR low-vegetation orthophoto [PrahaIPRlow-vegetationorthophoto]
* Different icons: [US] MD Latest 6 Inch Aerial Imagery []
* Different icons: EOx cloudless Sentinel-2 2021 [EOXAT2021CLOUDLESS]
- No JOSM icon: [AU] ACTmapi Imagery 2023-05 [ACT202305]
* Different icons: [NO] Riksantikvaren Heritage Sites overlay [riksantikvaren-kulturminner]
* Different icons: [SG] Singapore Landlot [Singapore-Landlot]
+ No ELI icon: [FR] OpenStreetMap (Occitan Style) [osmfr-occitan]
* Different icons: [FI] Turku orthophoto 2021 [turku-2021-ortho]
* Different icons: [US] ODOT (Ohio) Road Inventory [ODOT_TIMS_Road_Inventory]
+ No ELI icon: [US] TX City of Lubbock Imagery 2015 [lubbock_2016_wms]
* Different icons: [US] NJ 2015 Aerial Imagery (Natural Color) []
+ No ELI icon: [US] TX City of El Paso Imagery 2015 [el_paso_2015_wms]
* Different icons: [FR] PCRS raster ouvert [fr.pcrs]
- No JOSM icon: [AU] ACTmapi Imagery 2023-11 [ACT202311]
* Different icons: [US] TIGER Roads 2019 [US-TIGER-Roads-2019]
* Different icons: EOx cloudless Sentinel-2 2020 [EOXAT2020CLOUDLESS]
* Different icons: [SE] SCB Small Settlements (overlay) [scb-smaorter]
* Different icons: CyclOSM [cyclosm]
+ No ELI icon: [US] TX City of Amarillo Imagery 2015 [amarillo_2016_wms]
+ No ELI icon: [PL] Poznań: Orthophotomap 2014 (aerial image) [poznan-ortofotomapa2014]
* Different icons: [US] TX Capital Area Imagery 2019 [caparea_2019_wms]
* Different icons: [AT] []
+ No ELI icon: [PT] Orthophotos of the northern portion of mainland Portugal - 25cm - 2021 (DGT) [ORTOS_DGT_2021_RGB]
* Different icons: [US] Mesa County GIS Valleywide 2018 [MCGIS-County-Valleywide-Imagery-2018]
+ No ELI icon: [BR] IBGE BC250 - Municipalities [IBGE_BC250_Municipio]
+ No ELI icon: [BR] IBGE BC250 - Sustainable Use Units [IBGE_BC250_Uso_Sustentavel]
* Different icons: [HR] Topo 25 new [dgu-topo-25-new]
- No JOSM icon: [AU] ACTmapi Imagery 2024-09 [ACT202409]
* Different icons: [HR] Topo 25 [dgu-topo-25]
* Different icons: EOx cloudless Sentinel-2 2018 [EOXAT2018CLOUDLESS]
* Different icons: [AT] Surface []
* Different icons: [AU] ARA Bushfires 2020 [ARA_Bushfires_2020]
* Different icons: [NO] NPI Svalbard satellite [npi-svalbard-landsat]
* Different icons: [AT] Tiris: DOM (Surface model) []
* Different icons: [BR] GeoPortal DF 2019 [GeoPortal_DF_2019]
* Different icons: [AT] Tiris: contour lines []
* Different icons: [AT] Terrain []
+ No ELI icon: [US] TX Dallas and Fort Worth Imagery 2015 [dallas_fort_worth_2016_wms]
+ No ELI icon: [CH] Canton Solothurn, Orthophoto 2014 RGB [Solothurn-sogis-ortho2014-wms]
+ No ELI icon: [CH] Kanton Solothurn, DSM Relief 2014 50cm [Solothurn-sogis2014-dom-wms]
* Different icons: [NO] Kartverket Nautical Charts [kartverket-sjokart]
* Different icons: EOx cloudless Sentinel-2 2019 [EOXAT2019CLOUDLESS]
* Different icons: [DE] Aktuelle Luftbilder der Landeshauptstadt München 20cm [AktuelleLuftbilderDerLandeshauptstadtMuenchen20cm]
+ No ELI icon: [BR] IBGE BC250 - Indigenous Lands [IBGE_BC250_Terra_Indegina]
* Different icons: [NO] Kartverket Economic Maps (historic) [kartverket-ok-1st]
* Different icons: [NO] Kartverket Aviation Obstructions overlay [kartverket-luftfartshindre]
* Different icons: [AT] Steiermark Terrain []
+ No ELI icon: [PT] Orthophotos of the coastal areas of mainland Portugal - 10cm - 2014-2015 (DGT) [ORTOS_DGT_2014_15]
+ No ELI icon: [PL] Poznań: Orthophotomap 2016 (aerial image) [poznan-ortofotomapa2016]
* Different icons: [NO] Kartverket Cadastral overlay [kartverket-matrikkel]
* Different icons: [AT] Tiris: orthophoto []
* Different icons: [US] Mesa County GIS NAIP 2017 [MCGIS-County-NAIP-Imagery-2017]
+ No ELI icon: [BR] IBGE BC250 - Highways Stretches [IBGE_BC250_Rodoviario]
* Different icons: [UA] Ukraine - Cherkasy 2021 [UkraineCherkasy2021]
* Different icons: [US] IndianaMap Orthoimagery - Latest Available [IndianaMap_Latest]
+ No ELI icon: [PT] OrtoSat of mainland Portugal - 30 cm - 2023 (DGT) [ORTOS_DGT_2023]
+ No ELI icon: [CH] Canton Solothurn, Orthophoto 2017 RGB [Solothurn-sogis-ortho2017-wms]
+ No ELI icon: [CH] Kanton Solothurn, DTM Relief 2014 50cm [Solothurn-sogis2014-dtm-wms]
* Different icons: [US] MassGIS LIDAR Shaded Relief [MassGIS-LIDAR-Shaded-Relief]
* Different icons: [GB] NLS - OS 1:2,500 National Grid Maps, 1940s-1960s - single sheets [NLS-OS-NatGrid-12500-1940-60-singles]
+ No ELI icon: [US] TX Brazos County Imagery 2019 [brazos_county_2019_wms]
* Different icons: [UA] Ukraine - Lubetska OTG 2020 [UkraineLubetskaOTG2020]
- No JOSM icon: [CZ] Czechia CUZK orthophoto [CUZKlatestorthophoto]
* Different icons: [HR] osm-hr: Knin 2007 Aerial imagery [osm-hr-knin-2007]
* Different icons: [US] Mesa County GIS NAIP 2019 [MCGIS-County-Imagery-2019]
* Different icons: [HR] osm-hr: Zagreb 2018 Aerial imagery [osm-hr-zagreb-2018]
* Different icons: [SE] SCB Urban Areas (overlay) [scb-tatorter]
+ No ELI icon: [UA] Ukraine - Kyiv 2014 (DZK) [UkraineKyiv2014DZK]
* Different icons: [US] MD Three Inch Aerial Imagery []
* Different icons: [PL] Poznań: Latest Orthophotomap (aerial image) [poznan-ortofotomapaBiezaca]
* Different icons: [FR] BDOrtho IGN [fr.ign.bdortho]
* Different icons: [NO] Kartverket Place Names overlay [kartverket-ssr2]
+ No ELI icon: [CH] Kanton Solothurn, DTM Relief 2019 [Solothurn-sogis2019-dtm-wms]
- No JOSM icon: [AU] ACTmapi Imagery 2023-09 [ACT202309]
* Different icons: [HR] osm-hr: Orbview [osm-hr-orbview]
* Different icons: [HR] osm-hr: US Topo 50 [osm-hr-ustopo50]
* Different icons: [NO] Kartverket Historic maps [kartverket-historic]
+ No ELI icon: [BR] Dourados Orthophotos [Dourados_Ortofotos]
* Different icons: [US] NOAA NGS 70701: Sitka, AK [2023-05-05] (RGB) [NOAA_NGS_70701_RGB]
* Different icons: [GB] NLS - OS 1:1,250 National Grid Maps, 1940s-1960s [NLS-OS-NatGrid-11250-1940-60]
* Different icons: [SE] Naturvårdsverket Trails (overlay) [naturvardsverket-led]
* Different icons: [AR] Educational map (WMS) [Mapa-Educativo-wms]
- No JOSM icon: [CZ] Praha IPR low-vegetation orthophoto [PrahaIPRlow-vegetationorthophoto_mirror1]
+ No ELI icon: [PT] Orthophotos of mainland Portugal - 50 cm - 2004-2006 (DGT) [ORTOS_DGT_2004_06]
* Different icons: [GB] NLS - OS/War Office - GSGS 3906 1:25,000, 1940-43 [NLS-OS-WarOffice-125k-1940-43]
* Different icons: [HR] HOK [dgu-hok]
+ No ELI icon: [US] TX City of Georgetown Imagery 2015 [georgetown_2016_wms]
+ No ELI icon: [BR] IBGE BC250 - Villages [IBGE_BC250_Villa]
+ No ELI icon: [US] TX Smith County Imagery 2019 [smith_county_2019_wms]
* Different icons: [AT] Orthofoto []
+ No ELI icon: [CH] Canton Solothurn, Orthophoto 2016 RGB [Solothurn-sogis-ortho2016-wms]
* Different icons: [FI] Turku topographic map [turku-topo]
- No JOSM icon: [CZ] Praha IPR latest orthophoto [PrahaIPRlatestorthophoto]
* Different icons: [FI] Turku region aerial imagery 2018 [turku-orto]
- No JOSM icon: [CZ] Czechia CUZK terrain DMR 5G greyscale [CUZK-DMR5G]
* Different icons: [GB] NLS - OS 1:2,500 National Grid Maps, 1940s-1960s - double sheets [NLS-OS-NatGrid-12500-1940-60-doubles]
+ No ELI icon: [CH] Canton Solothurn, Orthophoto 2015 RGB [Solothurn-sogis-ortho2015-wms]
+ No ELI icon: [BR] IBGE BC250 - Rivers and Drainage [IBGE_BC250_Rios_Drenagem]
* Different icons: [UA] Ukraine - Cherkasy 2015 [UkraineCherkasy2015]
* Different icons: [SE] SCB Industrial zones (overlay) [scb-verksamhet]
* Different icons: [NO] Kartverket Contour Lines overlay [kartverket-hoydekurver]
+ No ELI icon: [FR] OpenStreetMap (Breton Style) [osmfr-breton]
* Different icons: EOx cloudless Sentinel-2 2022 [EOXAT2022CLOUDLESS]
+ No ELI icon: [GB] Postcode centroids [postcodecentroids]
+ No ELI icon: [BR] Fortaleza Street Names [Fortaleza_Streets]
* Different icons: [NO] Miljødirektoratet Protected Areas overlay [miljodirektoratet-vern]
* Different icons: [HR] Topo 200 [dgu-topo-200]
+ No ELI icon: [CH] Kanton Solothurn, DSM Relief 2019 [Solothurn-sogis2019-dsm-wms]
* Different icons: [NO] Kartverket DTM Digital Terrain Model [kartverket-dtm-skygge]
* Different icons: [NZ] LINZ NZ Aerial Imagery [LINZ_NZ_Aerial_Imagery]
* Different icons: [NO] Miljødirektoratet Public Recreation Areas overlay [miljodirektoratet-friluftsomrader]
* Different icons: [AT] Overlay []
* Different icons: [SE] SCB Vacation Home Areas (overlay) [scb-fritidshus]
+ No ELI icon: [PT] Elevation hillshade of the coastal areas of mainland Portugal - 2m - 2014-2015 (DGT) [MDT2M_LITORAL_2014_15]
* Different icons: [US] Mesa County GIS Valleywide 2020 [MCGIS-City-County-Imagery-2020]
+ No ELI icon: [US] TX San Antonio River Authority Imagery 2016 [san_antonio_river_2016_wms]
+ No ELI icon: [PT] Land Use and Soil Occupation Charter of mainland Portugal - 2018 (DGT) [COS2018_v2]
* Different icons: [HR] Croatia 2011 Aerial imagery [dgu-dof-2011]
* Different icons: [AT] Tiris: orthophoto infrared []
* Different icons: [AT] Steiermark Surface []
+ No ELI icon: [BR] IBGE BC250 - Electrical Power Plant Generator [IBGE_BC250_Gerador_Eletrica]
+ No ELI icon: [BR] Curitiba Orthophoto 2019 [cwb_ortho_2016]
* Different icons: [UA] Ukraine - Vinnytsia 2020 [UkraineVinnytsia2020]
* Different icons: [US] MassGIS L3 Parcels [MassGIS-L3-Parcels]
* Different icons: [NO] Kartverket DOM Digital Surface Model [kartverket-dom-skygge]
*** Mismatching categories: ***
* Different categories ('historicphoto' != 'photo'): [PK] Western Karakoram [osmim-imagicode-LC81490352013282LGN00]
* Different categories ('historicphoto' != 'photo'): [ID] Batam [osmim-imagicode-LC81250592016107LGN00]
* Different categories ('historicphoto' != 'photo'): [AL] Prokletije Mountains [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R136_N41_20150831T093006]
* Different categories ('photo' != 'historicphoto'): [GL] Landsat off-nadir July 2016 [osmim-imagicode-ls_polar2]
* Different categories ('photo' != 'historicphoto'): [FR] Bayonne - 2016 [Bayonne_2016]
* Different categories ('historicphoto' != 'photo'): [PL] Bytom: Orthophotomap 2016 (aerial image) [Bytom-2016]
* Different categories ('historicphoto' != 'photo'): [PL] Gliwice: Orthophotomap 2020 (aerial image) [Gliwice-2020]
* Different categories ('photo' != 'historicphoto'): [AU] ACTmapi Imagery 2023-05 [ACT202305]
* Different categories ('historicphoto' != 'photo'): [RU] Kerch Strait [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R021_N44_20160807T083013]
* Different categories ('historicphoto' != 'photo'): [AT] VoGIS: Real color image 2020 (10cm) []
* Different categories ('map' != 'historicmap'): [IE] Ireland Bartholomew Quarter-Inch 1940 [bartholomew_qi1940]
* Different categories ('photo' != 'historicphoto'): [CH] City of Zürich Orthophoto 2011 [Zuerich-aerial_2011]
* Different categories ('historicphoto' != 'photo'): [US] NJ 2015 Aerial Imagery (Natural Color) []
* Different categories ('photo' != 'historicphoto'): [CH] Kanton Aargau 25cm (AGIS 2017) [Aargau-AGIS-2017]
* Different categories ('historicphoto' != 'photo'): [US] TX Capital Area Imagery 2019 [caparea_2019_wms]
* Different categories ('photo' != 'historicphoto'): [FR] Nancy - Orthophoto - 2016 [GrandNancy_Orthophotographie_2016]
* Different categories ('historicphoto' != 'photo'): [IT] Bologna ortofoto 2017 []
* Different categories ('photo' != 'historicphoto'): [CH] Kanton Aargau 25cm (AGIS 2014) [Aargau-AGIS-2014]
+ No ELI category: [GB] NLS - OS 25-inch (Scotland 1) 1892-1905 [NLS-OS-25inch-hist-scotland1]
* Different categories ('photo' != 'historicphoto'): [DE] Worms 2016 [Worms-2016]
* Different categories ('photo' != 'historicphoto'): [FR] Toulouse - Orthophotoplan 2019 [Toulouse-Orthophotoplan-2019]
* Different categories ('photo' != 'historicphoto'): [CH] Canton Solothurn, Orthophoto 2014 RGB [Solothurn-sogis-ortho2014-wms]
* Different categories ('other' != 'map'): [DE] Saxony-Anhalt, LVermGeo, building shapes [LSA-ALKIS_BU]
* Different categories ('map' != 'other'): [AT] Vienna: Annotations []
* Different categories ('photo' != 'historicphoto'): [FR] Loire-Atlantique - Orthophotos 2016 - 10 cm [Loire_Atlantique-Orthophotos-2016]
* Different categories ('historicphoto' != 'photo'): [BJ] Cotonou [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R022_N06_20151221T103009]
* Different categories ('photo' != 'historicphoto'): [LV] Latvia - Orthophoto (2010-2011), 1:5000 [LV_ORTOFOTO_C4]
* Different categories ('photo' != 'historicphoto'): [CH] Kanton Basel-Stadt 2015 [KTBASELSTADT2015]
* Different categories ('photo' != 'historicphoto'): [CH] Canton Solothurn, Orthophoto 2017 RGB [Solothurn-sogis-ortho2017-wms]
* Different categories ('other' != 'map'): [DE] Hesse ALKIS [Hessen-ALKIS]
* Different categories ('historicphoto' != 'photo'): [US] CT ECO Orthoimagery (2019) [CT_ECO_Ortho_2019_RGB_mirror1]
* Different categories ('historicphoto' != 'photo'): [US] Mesa County GIS NAIP 2019 [MCGIS-County-Imagery-2019]
* Different categories ('photo' != 'historicphoto'): [LV] Latvia - Orthophoto (2013-2015), 1:5000 [LV_ORTOFOTO_C5]
* Different categories ('historicphoto' != 'photo'): [PA] Panama Canal - Pacific side [osmim-imagicode-EO1A0120532016364110KF]
* Different categories ('historicphoto' != 'photo'): [BG] Rila and Pirin Mountains [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R093_N41_20150828T092005]
* Different categories ('historicphoto' != 'photo'): [PA] Panama Canal [osmim-imagicode-S2A_R111_N09_20160604T154554]
* Different categories ('historicphoto' != 'photo'): [CL] Volcán Calbuco [osmim-imagicode-LC82330892016031LGN00]
* Different categories ('photo' != 'historicphoto'): [CH] Kanton Aargau 25cm (AGIS 2016) [Aargau-AGIS-2016]
+ No ELI category: Bing aerial imagery [Bing]
* Different categories ('map' != 'historicmap'): [IE] Ireland British War Office 1:25k GSGS 3906 [GSGS3906]
* Different categories ('historicphoto' != 'photo'): [CV] Fogo, Cape Verde [osmim-imagicode-LC82100502015347LGN00]
* Different categories ('photo' != 'historicphoto'): [AU] ACTmapi Imagery 2023-09 [ACT202309]
* Different categories ('photo' != 'historicphoto'): [HU] FÖMI orthophoto 2007-2010 [FOMI_2007_2010]
* Different categories ('map' != 'historicmap'): [IE] Ireland Civil Parishes and Baronies - Memorial Atlas [antrimnuig]
+ No ELI category: [CZ] Czech CUZK:KM [Czech_CUZK-KM_mirror1]
* Different categories ('photo' != 'historicphoto'): [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2019 [fr.orthohr.2019]
* Different categories ('photo' != 'historicphoto'): [CH] Canton Solothurn, Orthophoto 2016 RGB [Solothurn-sogis-ortho2016-wms]
* Different categories ('map' != 'other'): [GB] Public Rights of Way [prowoverlay]
* Different categories ('photo' != 'historicphoto'): [FR] Alpes-Maritimes 2020 (Storm Alex) [fr.dpt.06.2020.storm.alex]
* Different categories ('map' != 'other'): [CH] Canton Thurgau hiking paths [kt_tg_ww]
* Different categories ('historicphoto' != 'photo'): [ID] Southeastern Sulawesi [osmim-imagicode-LC81130622013270LGN00]
* Different categories ('photo' != 'historicphoto'): [CH] Canton Solothurn, Orthophoto 2015 RGB [Solothurn-sogis-ortho2015-wms]
* Different categories ('historicphoto' != 'photo'): [HR] Croatia 2019-2020 aerial imagery [dgu-dof-2019-2020]
* Different categories ('photo' != 'historicphoto'): [FR] Ortho HR IGN 2018 [fr.orthohr.2018]
* Different categories ('map' != 'other'): [BR] Fortaleza Street Names [Fortaleza_Streets]
* Different categories ('photo' != 'historicphoto'): [DE] Berlin/Geoportal TrueDOP20RGB (2020) [Berlin-2020-TrueDOP]
* Different categories ('map' != 'other'): [DE] Deutsche Bahn VzG lines January 2017 [db-inspire-2013-11]
+ No ELI category: [XN] Nordic snowmobile overlay [kelkkareitit]
+ No ELI category: [PL] Łódź: Orthophotomap 2019 (aerial image) [Lodz-ortho]
* Different categories ('map' != 'other'): [CH] Canton Thurgau cycle routes [kt_tg_radrouten]
* Different categories ('map' != 'historicmap'): [IE] Ireland British War Office One-Inch 1941-43 GSGS 4136 [GSGS4136]
* Different categories ('historicphoto' != 'photo'): [RU] Northern Dvina delta at low tide [osmim-imagicode-ndvina]
* Different categories ('historicphoto' != 'photo'): [CL] Isla Londonderry [osmim-imagicode-LC82280982013259LGN00]
* Different categories ('photo' != 'historicphoto'): [DE] Berlin/Geoportal TrueDOP20RGBI (2022) [Berlin-2022-TrueDOP_mirror1]
* Different categories ('photo' != 'historicphoto'): [FR] Nancy - Orthophoto [GrandNancy_Orthophotographie]
* Different categories ('other' != 'map'): [ES] Catastro Spain [Catastro-Spain]
*** Miscellaneous checks: ***
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * License URL differs ('' != ''): [SE] Lantmäteriet Topographic Map [lantmateriet-topowebb_mirror1]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: - Missing JOSM description (Satellite and aerial imagery.): Mapbox Satellite [Mapbox]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('IBGE-BC250-Villa' != 'IBGE-BC250 Villages'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&TRANSPARENT=TRUE
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [HU] Budapest district XI orthophoto 2015 [Budapest_XI_2015]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * URL for id hri-orto differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [FI] Helsinki region orthophoto [hri-orto]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * License URL differs ('' != ''): [FI] FTIA Road Network (overlay) [fta-digiroad-functional]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('IBGE-BC250-Pista de Pouso' != 'IBGE-BC250 Landing strip'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&TRANSPARENT=TRUE
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * URL for id Bytom-2012 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [PL] Bytom: Orthophotomap 2012 (aerial image) [Bytom-2012]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different number of points for shape 1 (39 ! = 41): [AU] ACTmapi Imagery January 2020 [ACT2020-01_mirror1]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: -  [GB] OS OpenData Locator [OS-OpenData_Locator]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [DE] Berlin/Geoportal DOP20RGB (2015) [Berlin-2015_mirror1]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: -  [LU] Topographical Map [lu.geoportail.opendata.topo]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [DE] Berlin/Geoportal DOP20RGB (2014) [Berlin-2014_mirror1]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution text differs ('© Autonomen Provinz Bozen/Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano CC0-1.0' != '© Autonome Provinz Bozen/Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano CC0-1.0'): [IT] South Tyrol DTM Hillshade 2013 (0.5 m) [South-Tyrol-DTM_2013]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [HU] Törökbálint orthophoto 2015 [Törökbálint_2015]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Maxzoom differs (18 != 20): [DE] Berlin/Geoportal DOP20CIR (2016 infrared) [Berlin-2016-infrared]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * License URL differs ('' != ''): [SE] Trafikverket Road Network (overlay) [trafikverket-vagnat]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (null != 12): [DE] Frankfurt am Main aerial imagery 2016 [Frankfurt-am-Main-2016]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('IBGE Distrito Federal' != 'IBGE Federal District addresses'): https://{switch:a,b,c,d}{zoom}/{x}/{y}?access_token=pk.eyJ1Ijoid2lsbGUiLCJhIjoicFNVWk5VWSJ9.hluCd0YGvYHNlFi_utWe2g
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [FR] Ortho HR 2014 [fr.orthohr.2014]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: - Missing JOSM license URL ( [BR] Londrina Ortofoto 2011 [londrina2011]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different categories ('map' != 'other'): [AT] Vienna: Beschriftungen (annotations) []
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Projections differ ('EPSG:3765 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:3765 EPSG:4326'): [HR] Topo 25 [dgu-topo-25]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Date differs (''2019-07-04;2019-08-22'' != '2020-07-30;2020-09-19'): [LU] ortho latest [lu.geoportail.opendata.ortholatest]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Projections differ ('EPSG:25831 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3043 EPSG:31370 EPSG:32631 EPSG:3812 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:25831 EPSG:3043 EPSG:31370 EPSG:32631 EPSG:3812 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [BE] AIV Digitaal Hoogtemodel Vlaanderen II, Skyview factor 0,25 m [AIV_DHMV_II_SVF_25cm]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * URL for id poznan-ortofotomapa2014 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [PL] Poznań: Orthophotomap 2014 (aerial image) [poznan-ortofotomapa2014]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [DE] Metropole Ruhr: Luftbilder (10 cm) [Metropole_Ruhr_RVR-DOP10]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('IBGE-BC250-Rios Drenagem' != 'IBGE-BC250 River drains'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&TRANSPARENT=TRUE
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * URL for id GeoPortal_DF_2016 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [BR] GeoPortal DF 2016 [GeoPortal_DF_2016]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Projections differ ('EPSG:2056 EPSG:21781 EPSG:25832 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:31287 EPSG:31467 EPSG:32632 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2056 EPSG:21781 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:31287 EPSG:31467 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [CH] swisstopo SWISSIMAGE [swisstopo_swissimage]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different icons: [NO] NPI Svalbard Orthophoto [NPI-Svalbard-ortofoto]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * URL for id South-Tyrol-Orthofoto2011-20cm differs (,P_BZ_OF_2011_20cm_EPSG3857&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [IT] South Tyrol Orthofoto 2011 (highres) [South-Tyrol-Orthofoto2011-20cm]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BE] SPW(allonie) PICC numerical imagery [SPW_PICC_2000]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: -  [AU] ACTmapi Imagery 2018 [ACT2018]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Projections differ ('EPSG:25832 EPSG:31466 EPSG:31467 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:31466 EPSG:31467 EPSG:31468 EPSG:31469 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [DE] Metropole Ruhr: Luftbilder (10 cm) [Metropole_Ruhr_RVR-DOP10]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('UrbIS-Ortho 2017' != 'URBIS 2017 aerial imagery'):{width}&HEIGHT={height}&CRS={proj}&STYLES=&BBOX={bbox}
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * URL for oldid COS2018 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [PT] Land Use and Soil Occupation Charter of mainland Portugal - 2018 (DGT) [COS2018_v1.0]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] IBGE-BC250 Villages [IBGE_BC250_Villa]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Date differs (''-;2006' or '2006'' != '2004;2006'): [PT] Orthophotos of mainland Portugal - 50 cm - 2004-2006 [ORTOS_DGT_2004_06]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: -  [FR] Lyon Orthophoto 2012-03 10cm [orthophoto_lyon_2012]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [BR] GeoPortal DF 2016 [GeoPortal_DF_2016]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (3 != 1): [US] TX: City of Georgetown Imagery 2015 [georgetown_2016_wms]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * License URL differs ('' != ''): [BR] Rio Mosaic 2015 [rio2015]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Description differs ('Ortophotos from the city of Turku' != 'Ortophoto for Turku municipality'): [FI] Turku orthophoto [turku-orto]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Projections differ ('EPSG:2248 EPSG:26985 EPSG:2893 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326 EPSG:6487 EPSG:6488' != 'EPSG:102685 EPSG:2248 EPSG:26985 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [US] MD Transportation Basemap []
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [DK] SDFE Cadastral Parcels INSPIRE View [Geodatastyrelsen_Cadastral_Parcels_INSPIRE_View]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution text differs ('Geoportal Berlin/Digitale farbige Orthophotos 2014 (DOP20RGB) ( mirror)' != 'Geoportal Berlin/Digitale farbige Orthophotos 2014'): [DE] Berlin/Geoportal DOP20RGB (2014) [Berlin-2014_mirror1]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('UrbIS-Ortho 2016' != 'URBIS 2016 aerial imagery'):{width}&HEIGHT={height}&CRS={proj}&STYLES=&BBOX={bbox}
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different number of points for shape 1 (15 ! = 5): [CH] Lausanne - Orthophoto 2016 [Lausanne-2016]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Maxzoom differs (null != 21): [BR] Rio Mosaic 2015 [rio2015]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('City of Turku ortophoto' != 'Turku orthophoto'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
+++ Obsolete skip entry: -  [AT] VoGIS: Echtfarbenbild Winter 2015 (20cm) []
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Projections differ ('EPSG:23700 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:23700 EPSG:4326'): [HU] Budapest district XI orthophoto 2017 [Budapest_XI_2017]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('Geoportal 2: High Resolution Orthophotomap, may be old and outdated (aerial image)' != 'Geoportal 2: High Resolution Orthophotomap (aerial image)'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('Geoportal 2 Nazwy ulic' != 'Geoportal 2: Nazwy ulic'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('Canton de Génève, Orthophoto 2019 (5cm) (SITG)' != 'Canton of Geneva 5cm (SITG 2019)'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Projections differ ('EPSG:2056 EPSG:21781 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2056 EPSG:21781 EPSG:4326'): [CH] Stadt Bern 10cm (2020) [Bern-bern2020-wms]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] IBGE-BC250 Isolated Rural Location [IBGE_BC250_Aglomerado_Rural]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs (' 2018 cloudless' != 'EOx cloudless Sentinel-2 2018'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * License URL differs ('' != ''): [BE] AIV Flanders GRB [AGIVFlandersGRB]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('ACTmapi Imagery Apr 2020' != 'ACTmapi Imagery April 2020'):{bbox}&size={width},{height}&foo={proj}
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * URL for id bavaria-80cm differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [DE] Bavaria (80 cm) [bavaria-80cm]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [AT] VoGIS: Luftbilder []
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * URL for id South_Africa-CapeTown-Aerial-2017 differs ( [ZA] City of Cape Town 2017 Aerial [South_Africa-CapeTown-Aerial-2017]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: - Missing JOSM description (Esri world imagery.): Esri World Imagery [EsriWorldImagery]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different icons: [NO] Kartverket N50 topo [kartverket-topo4]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('Estonia Hillshading (Maaamet)' != 'Estonia Hillshade (Maaamet)'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca (WMS)' != 'Ministry of Agroindustry (WMS)'):
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [PT] Orthophotos of mainland Portugal - 50 cm - 2004-2006 [ORTOS_DGT_2004_06]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different number of points for shape 1 (85 ! = 37): [BR] Rio Mosaic 2015 [rio2015]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different number of shapes (4 != 3): [BR] Londrina Ortofoto 2011 [londrina2011]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('IBGE-BCIM-Município' != 'IBGE-BCIM Municipalities'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&TRANSPARENT=TRUE
+++ Obsolete skip entry: - Missing JOSM description (aerial imagery of Frankfurt am Main, photographed on 2016-05-06): [DE] Frankfurt am Main aerial imagery 2016 [Frankfurt-am-Main-2016]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * URL for id el_paso_2015_wms differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [US] TX: City of El Paso Imagery 2015 [el_paso_2015_wms]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Projections differ ('EPSG:23032 EPSG:25832 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3044 EPSG:31254 EPSG:32632 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4230 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2056 EPSG:21781 EPSG:23031 EPSG:23032 EPSG:2397 EPSG:2398 EPSG:2399 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3043 EPSG:3044 EPSG:3045 EPSG:3068 EPSG:31251 EPSG:31252 EPSG:31253 EPSG:31254 EPSG:31255 EPSG:31256 EPSG:31257 EPSG:31258 EPSG:31259 EPSG:31281 EPSG:31282 EPSG:31283 EPSG:31284 EPSG:31285 EPSG:31286 EPSG:31287 EPSG:31288 EPSG:31289 EPSG:31290 EPSG:31466 EPSG:31467 EPSG:31468 EPSG:31469 EPSG:32631 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:32634 EPSG:3329 EPSG:3333 EPSG:3396 EPSG:3397 EPSG:3399 EPSG:3416 EPSG:3833 EPSG:3834 EPSG:3835 EPSG:3837 EPSG:3838 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [IT] South Tyrol DTM Hillshade 2013 (2.5 m) [South-Tyrol-DTM_2013_2_5m]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('OSIP 6in Imagery Most Current Available' != 'Ohio Statewide Imagery Program, 6in'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('CIRB/CIBG most recent aerial imagery' != 'URBIS most recent aerial imagery'):{width}&HEIGHT={height}&CRS={proj}&STYLES=&BBOX={bbox}
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('ACTmapi Imagery Nov 2020' != 'ACTmapi Imagery November 2020'):{bbox}&size={width},{height}&foo={proj}
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different number of points for shape 1 (5509 ! = 106): [US] TX: San Antonio River Authority Imagery 2016 [san_antonio_river_2016_wms]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Date differs (''2015;2015' or '2015'' != '2017'): [DE] Munich latest aerial imagery 60cm [MunichLatestAerialImagery]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: -  [LU] Basemap [lu.geoportail.opendata.basemap]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: - Quality best entry not in JOSM for [MD] Moldova Ortophoto, Center part (2020) [MoldovaMap-2020_ortofoto_moldova_centru]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different categories ('historicphoto' != 'photo'): [DE] Munich latest aerial imagery 60cm [MunichLatestAerialImagery]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BE] URBIS 2019 aerial imagery [URBIS2019]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution text differs ('Geodaten Stadt Bern' != 'Orthophoto 2016, Vermessungsamt Stadt Bern'): [CH] Stadt Bern 10cm (2016) [Bern-bern2016_mirror1]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('UrbIS-Ortho 2019' != 'URBIS 2019 aerial imagery'):{width}&HEIGHT={height}&CRS={proj}&STYLES=&BBOX={bbox}
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [RU] ScanEx IRS [ScanEx-IRS]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Description differs ('Amtliche Vermessung farbig WMTS' != 'Cadastral survey coloured WMTS'): [CH] Amtliche Vermessung farbig WMTS,, Geoinformation Stadt Bern [Bern-Katasterplan-wmts]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Projections differ ('EPSG:4326 EPSG:5514' != 'EPSG:102067 EPSG:4326 EPSG:5514'): [CZ] Praha IPR latest orthophoto [PrahaIPRlatestorthophoto]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution text differs ('Geoportal Berlin/Digitale farbige Orthophotos 2017 (DOP20RGB) ( mirror)' != 'Geoportal Berlin/Digitale farbige Orthophotos 2017'): [DE] Berlin/Geoportal DOP20RGB (2017) [Berlin-2017_mirror1]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [PT] Land Use and Soil Occupation Charter of mainland Portugal - 2018 (DGT) [COS2018_v1.0]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution text differs ('Geodaten Stadt Bern' != 'Geoinformation Stadt Bern'): [CH] Stadt Bern 10cm (2020) [Bern-bern2020-wms]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BE] URBIS most recent aerial imagery [URBISOrtho]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('Orthophotos of mainland Portugal - 50cm - 2004-2006 (DGT)' != 'Orthophotos of mainland Portugal - 50 cm - 2004-2006'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (3 != 1): [US] TX: San Antonio River Authority Imagery 2016 [san_antonio_river_2016_wms]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('IBGE Nomes de Ruas' != 'IBGE Street Names'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png?key=YmPoUxbTlEHlrASzv56Z
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [DE] Deutsche Bahn VzG lines Nov 2015 [db-inspire-2015-11]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [FI] FTIA Road Network (overlay) [fta-digiroad-functional]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] IBGE-BC250 Units of Sustainable Use - APA [IBGE_BC250_Uso_Sustentavel]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: -  [PT] Orthophotos of mainland Portugal - 25cm - 2018 (DGT) [ORTOS_DGT_2018_WMS]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * URL for id Geodatastyrelsen_Cadastral_Parcels_INSPIRE_View differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&LOGIN=OpenStreetMapDK2015&PASSWORD=Gall4Peters): [DK] SDFE Cadastral Parcels INSPIRE View [Geodatastyrelsen_Cadastral_Parcels_INSPIRE_View]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Projections differ ('EPSG:32632 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:32632 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [IT] Lombardia - Italy (CTR) [Lombardia-Italy-CTR]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Projections differ ('EPSG:25833 EPSG:3006 EPSG:3011 EPSG:3015 EPSG:3152 EPSG:32633 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326 EPSG:5850' != 'EPSG:2172 EPSG:2173 EPSG:2174 EPSG:2175 EPSG:2176 EPSG:2177 EPSG:2178 EPSG:2179 EPSG:2180 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:25835 EPSG:25884 EPSG:3006 EPSG:3007 EPSG:3008 EPSG:3009 EPSG:3010 EPSG:3011 EPSG:3012 EPSG:3013 EPSG:3014 EPSG:3015 EPSG:3016 EPSG:3017 EPSG:3018 EPSG:3044 EPSG:3120 EPSG:3152 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:3301 EPSG:3395 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326 EPSG:5255 EPSG:5850 EPSG:5973 EPSG:5975'): [SE] Sollentuna Orthophoto [sollentuna-orto]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [NO] Kartverket Road Network overlay [kartverket-vegnett]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BE] URBIS 2018 aerial imagery [URBIS2018]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * URL for id londrina2011 differs ({zoom}/{y}/{x}): [BR] Londrina Ortofoto 2011 [londrina2011]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: -  [AT] VoGIS: DGM (Terrain model) []
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (1 != 7): [US] Virginia Property Lines [VGIN-PropertyLines_WM_mirror1]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * License URL differs ('' != ''): [CZ] Praha IPR low-vegetation orthophoto [PrahaIPRlow-vegetationorthophoto_mirror2]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: -  [US] Mesa County GIS NAIP 2017 [MCGIS-County-NAIP-Imagery-2017]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution text differs ('© Autonomen Provinz Bozen/Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano CC0-1.0' != '© Autonome Provinz Bozen/Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano CC0-1.0'): [IT] South Tyrol DSM Hillshade 2013 (2.5 m) [South-Tyrol-DSM_2013_2_5m]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Projections differ ('EPSG:23031 EPSG:23032 EPSG:23033 EPSG:23034 EPSG:23035 EPSG:23036 EPSG:25831 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:25834 EPSG:25835 EPSG:25836 EPSG:3007 EPSG:3008 EPSG:3012 EPSG:3013 EPSG:3014 EPSG:3016 EPSG:3029 EPSG:3030 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3046 EPSG:3047 EPSG:32631 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:32634 EPSG:32635 EPSG:32636 EPSG:3575 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:23029 EPSG:23030 EPSG:23031 EPSG:23032 EPSG:23033 EPSG:23034 EPSG:23035 EPSG:23036 EPSG:25829 EPSG:25830 EPSG:25831 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:25834 EPSG:25835 EPSG:25836 EPSG:3007 EPSG:3008 EPSG:3009 EPSG:3010 EPSG:3011 EPSG:3012 EPSG:3013 EPSG:3014 EPSG:3015 EPSG:3016 EPSG:3017 EPSG:3018 EPSG:3029 EPSG:3030 EPSG:3031 EPSG:3032 EPSG:3033 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3036 EPSG:3046 EPSG:3047 EPSG:32631 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:32634 EPSG:32635 EPSG:32636 EPSG:3575 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [NO] Kartverket Aviation Obstructions overlay [kartverket-luftfartshindre]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Maxzoom differs (18 != 20): [DE] Berlin/Geoportal DOP20RGB (2019) [Berlin-2019]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution text differs ('© OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA 2.0' != '© OpenStreetMap contributors'): OpenStreetMap Carto (Standard) [standard]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (5 != 1): [AU] ACTmapi Imagery January 2020 [ACT2020-01_mirror1]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (null != 5): [RU] ScanEx IRS [ScanEx-IRS]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (null != 2): [EE] Estonia Hillshade (Maaamet) [Maaamet-Estonia_Hillshade]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution text differs ('Informação geográfica cedida pela Direção-Geral do Território' != 'Direcção-Geral do Território'): [PT] Land Use and Soil Occupation Charter of mainland Portugal - 2018 (DGT) [COS2018_v1.0]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [DK] SDFE Skærmkort [Geodatastyrelsen_Skaermkort]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: - Missing JOSM description (Satellite imagery): [BR] GeoPortal DF 2019 [GeoPortal_DF_2019]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different icons: [NO] Kartverket Hillshade overlay [kartverket-fjellskygge]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: - Missing JOSM description (Satellite imagery): [BR] GeoPortal DF 2015 [GeoPortal_DF_2015]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (5 != 1): [CH] Canton of Geneva 5cm (SITG 2016) [Geneve-SITG-2016_mirror1]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution text differs ('Geoportal Berlin/Digitale farbige Orthophotos 2016 (DOP20RGB) ( mirror)' != 'Geoportal Berlin/Digitale farbige Orthophotos 2016'): [DE] Berlin/Geoportal DOP20RGB (2016) [Berlin-2016_mirror1]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different number of points for shape 1 (5 ! = 27): [CH] Stadt Bern 10cm (2020) [Bern-bern2020-wms]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different number of points for shape 1 (40 ! = 97): [CH] Canton of Geneva 5cm (SITG 2019) [Geneve-orthophoto-2019]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] IBGE-BC250 Highways stretches [IBGE_BC250_Rodoviario]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Date differs (''2014;2014' or '2014'' != '2014-07-02;2014-09-11'): [FR] Rennes - 2014 [Rennes_2014]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] IBGE-BCIM Stations for Electrical Power Generation [IBGE_BCIM_Gerador_Eletrica]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('Frankfurt am Main Luftbild 2017' != 'Frankfurt am Main aerial imagery 2017'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AT] MaxRes []
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different number of points for shape 1 (28 ! = 67): [US] TX: Smith County Imagery 2019 [smith_county_2019_wms]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: - Missing JOSM description (Schummerung errechnet aus dem DSM)): [IT] South Tyrol DSM Hillshade 2013 (2.5 m) [South-Tyrol-DSM_2013_2_5m]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Projections differ ('EPSG:25831 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25834 EPSG:25835 EPSG:25836 EPSG:32631 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:32634 EPSG:32635 EPSG:32636 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:25831 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:25834 EPSG:25835 EPSG:25836 EPSG:32631 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:32634 EPSG:32635 EPSG:32636 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [NO] NVE Electricity Network overlay [nve-nettanlegg]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Description differs ('Routes du réseau classé (autoroutes, nationales, départementales)' != 'Routes of the classified network (highways, nationals, departmentals)'): [FR] Route 500 [route500]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [BR] GeoPortal DF 2019 [GeoPortal_DF_2019]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different number of points for shape 4 (55 ! = 56): [FR] Ortho HR 2014 [fr.orthohr.2014]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (4 != 1): [US] TX: City of El Paso Imagery 2015 [el_paso_2015_wms]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different number of points for shape 1 (5 ! = 9): [DE] Frankfurt am Main aerial imagery 2016 [Frankfurt-am-Main-2016]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (4 != 10): [CH] Stadt Bern 10cm (2020) [Bern-bern2020-wms]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * License URL differs ('' != ''): [BE] AIV Flanders most recent aerial imagery [AGIV_mirror1]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: -  [MD] Moldova Ortophoto (2016) [MoldovaMap-2020_Ortofoto_2016_RM]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('Trafikverket Road Network' != 'Trafikverket Road Network (overlay)'):,Funkvagklass,Farjeled&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Projections differ ('EPSG:2056 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2056 EPSG:4326'): [CH] Canton of Geneva, DTM (SITG 2019) [Geneve-dtm-2019]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('NLS - OS 25-inch (Scotland), 1892-1905' != 'NLS - OS 25-inch (Scotland 1) 1892-1905'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * URL for id ORTOS_DGT_2014_15 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [PT] Orthophotos of the coastal areas of mainland Portugal - 10cm - 2014-2015 (DGT) [ORTOS_DGT_2014_15]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('Ortofotomozaika SR' != 'Orthophoto mosaic Slovakia'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Projections differ ('EPSG:2056 EPSG:21781 EPSG:25832 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:31287 EPSG:31467 EPSG:32632 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2056 EPSG:21781 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:31287 EPSG:31467 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [CH] swisstopo SWISSALTI3D [swisstopo_swissalti3d]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (7 != null): [US] San Juan Metro Area: 2013 USACE Orthophotos [SanJuanMetroAreaUSACEOrthophotos]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different number of shapes (9 != 7): [FR] Ortho HR 2020 [fr.orthohr.2020]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: - Missing JOSM description (aerial imagery of Frankfurt am Main, photographed on 11.06.2017 and 06.07.2017): [DE] Frankfurt am Main aerial imagery 2017 [Frankfurt-am-Main-2017]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (2 != 8): [CH] Stadt Bern 10cm (2016) [Bern-bern2016_mirror1]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [DK] SDFE Terrain Shadow Map (40 cm) [SDFE_Terraen_Skyggekort_40cm]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (2 != null): [CH] Canton of Geneva 20cm (SITG 2018) [Geneve-orthophoto-2018]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different icons: [FR] Cadastre [Cadastre]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * URL for id Ukraine-orto10000-2012 differs ({zoom}/{x}/{-y}.jpg): [UA] Ukraine - Orthophotomaps 2012 [Ukraine-orto10000-2012]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (5 != 1): [US] TX: City of Lubbock Imagery 2015 [lubbock_2016_wms]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Description differs ('Digiroad national road network from the Finnish Transport Agency with several options for map layers.' != 'Digiroad national road network from the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency with several options for map layers.'): [FI] FTIA Road Network options (overlay) [fta-digiroad-option]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (null != 7): [BR] IBGE-BC250 River drains [IBGE_BC250_Rios_Drenagem]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [HU] FÖMI orthophoto 2000 [FOMI_2000]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: - Missing JOSM description (Ortophotos from the city of Turku): [FI] City of Turku ortophoto - 2018 True ortho [turku-2018-true-ortho]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution text differs ('Bayerische Vermessungsverwaltung' != 'Datenquelle: Bayerische Vermessungsverwaltung –'): [DE] Bavaria (80 cm) [bavaria-80cm]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('Kanton Bern, Digitales Oberflaechenmodell 50cm, Relief' != 'Kanton Bern, Digital surface model 50cm, Relief'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [ZA] City of Cape Town 2018 Aerial [South_Africa-CapeTown-Aerial-2018]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different number of shapes (1 != 2): [CH] Canton of Geneva 5cm (SITG 2016) [Geneve-SITG-2016_mirror1]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Description differs ('Digitale Orthophotos für das gesamte Berliner Stadtgebiet mit einer Bodenauflösung von 0,20 m im Blattschnitt 2 km x 2 km.' != 'Digital orthophotos for the entire Berlin city area with a ground resolution of 0.20 m in a sheet section of 2 km x 2 km.'): [DE] Berlin/Geoportal DOP20RGB (2011) [Berlin-2011]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Projections differ ('EPSG:2056 EPSG:21781 EPSG:25832 EPSG:31254 EPSG:31257 EPSG:31284 EPSG:31287 EPSG:31467 EPSG:32632 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2056 EPSG:21781 EPSG:25832 EPSG:31254 EPSG:31284 EPSG:31287 EPSG:31467 EPSG:32632 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [AT] VoGIS: Echtfarbenbild 2020 (10cm) []
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Projections differ ('EPSG:25831 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:25834 EPSG:25835 EPSG:25836 EPSG:32631 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:32634 EPSG:32635 EPSG:32636 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:25831 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:25834 EPSG:25835 EPSG:25836 EPSG:32631 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:32634 EPSG:32635 EPSG:32636 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4267 EPSG:4269 EPSG:4326'): [NO] Miljødirektoratet Protected Areas overlay [miljodirektoratet-vern]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different number of shapes (3 != 5): [FR] Ortho HR 2013 [fr.orthohr.2013]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different number of points for shape 1 (55 ! = 49): [DE] Munich latest aerial imagery 60cm [MunichLatestAerialImagery]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('IBGE-BC250-Unidade de Uso Sistentável - APA' != 'IBGE-BC250 Units of Sustainable Use - APA'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&TRANSPARENT=TRUE
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Maxzoom differs (null != 11): [ZA] City of Cape Town 2017 Aerial [South_Africa-CapeTown-Aerial-2017]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [DE] Metropole Ruhr: Luftbilder (10 cm) [Metropole_Ruhr_RVR-DOP10]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different number of points for shape 1 (534 ! = 191): [DE] Metropole Ruhr: Luftbilder (10 cm) [Metropole_Ruhr_RVR-DOP10]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * License URL differs ('' != ''): [SE] Trafikverket Road Network options (overlay) [trafikverket-vagnat-option]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: -  [LU] Ortho 2018 [lu.geoportail.opendata.ortho2018]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Projections differ ('EPSG:32633 EPSG:4326 EPSG:5514' != 'EPSG:102067 EPSG:32633 EPSG:4326'): [CZ] Czech pLPIS [Czech_pLPIS]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('IBGE-BCIM-Estações Geradora de Energia Elétrica' != 'IBGE-BCIM Stations for Electrical Power Generation'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&TRANSPARENT=TRUE
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('Trafikverket Road Network options' != 'Trafikverket Road Network options (overlay)'):
+++ Obsolete skip entry: - Missing JOSM description (Satellite imagery): [BR] GeoPortal DF 2016 [GeoPortal_DF_2016]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: -  [MD] Moldova Ortophoto, Center part (2020) [MoldovaMap-2020_ortofoto_moldova_centru]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: -  [RU] ScanEx SPOT [ScanEx-SPOT]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: - Missing JOSM description (RGB-/Colorbild - Normale farbliche Darstellung.): [DE] North Rhine-Westphalia aerial photograph [DE-NRW-DOP_mirror1]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different categories ('map' != 'other'): [DE] Deutsche Bahn VzG lines Nov 2015 [db-inspire-2015-11]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('TX: CapArea Imagery 2019' != 'TX: Capital Area Imagery 2019'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('IBGE-BC250-Terra Indigena' != 'IBGE-BC250 Indigenous Lands'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&TRANSPARENT=TRUE
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('FTA Road Network options' != 'FTIA Road Network options (overlay)'):
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Projections differ ('EPSG:3006 EPSG:3007 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:3006 EPSG:3007 EPSG:3857'): [SE] Gothenburg Orthophoto 2015 [gothenburg-ortho]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [FI] FTIA Road Network options (overlay) [fta-digiroad-option]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different number of points for shape 1 (56 ! = 45): [US] TX: Brazos County Imagery 2019 [brazos_county_2019_wms]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [FR] BDOrtho IGN [fr.ign.bdortho]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different number of points for shape 1 (88 ! = 9): [CH] Stadt Bern 10cm (2016) [Bern-bern2016_mirror1]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Description differs ('City of Cape Town Aerial ortho-photography of the municipal area. 8cm ground sample distance.' != 'City of Cape Town Aerial ortho-photography of the municipal area. 8cm ground sample distance'): [ZA] City of Cape Town 2018 Aerial [South_Africa-CapeTown-Aerial-2018]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution text differs ('Geoportal Berlin/Digitale farbige Orthophotos 2015 (DOP20RGB) ( mirror)' != 'Geoportal Berlin/Digitale farbige Orthophotos 2015'): [DE] Berlin/Geoportal DOP20RGB (2015) [Berlin-2015_mirror1]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('2017 Aerial Imagery from the City of Cape Town' != 'City of Cape Town 2017 Aerial'):
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('Frankfurt am Main Luftbild 2018' != 'Frankfurt am Main aerial imagery 2018'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Projections differ ('EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:31467 EPSG:31468 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:31467 EPSG:31468 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [DE] Bavaria (80 cm) [bavaria-80cm]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('ACTmapi Imagery Jun 2020' != 'ACTmapi Imagery June 2020'):{bbox}&size={width},{height}&foo={proj}
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * URL for id PrahaIPRlow-vegetationorthophoto differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [CZ] Praha IPR low-vegetation orthophoto [PrahaIPRlow-vegetationorthophoto]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [DK] SDFE DTK Kort25 [Geodatastyrelsen_DTK_Kort25]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * URL for id Bern-bern2020-wms differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [CH] Stadt Bern 10cm (2020) [Bern-bern2020-wms]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('Trafikverket Road Network extra' != 'Trafikverket Road Network extra (overlay)'):,Vaghinder,Rastplats,Rastficka,Hallplats,Farthinder,BroTunnel,ATK_Matplats&STYLES=&SRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [DE] Berlin/Geoportal DOP20RGB (2016) [Berlin-2016_mirror1]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [DK] SDFE aerial imagery [Geodatastyrelsen_Denmark]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: - Missing JOSM description (Schummerung errechnet aus dem DTM): [IT] South Tyrol DTM Hillshade 2013 (0.5 m) [South-Tyrol-DTM_2013]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (2 != null): [CH] Canton of Geneva 5cm (SITG 2019) [Geneve-orthophoto-2019]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('FTIA Road Networkk' != 'FTIA Road Network (overlay)'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * License URL differs ('' != ''): [AU] ACTmapi Imagery June 2019 [ACT2019-06_mirror1]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('IPR ortofoto Low-Vegetation (tmsproxy)' != 'Praha IPR low-vegetation orthophoto'): https://osm-{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different icons: [FI] Turku orthophoto [turku-orto]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('Canton de Génève, Orthophoto 2018 (20cm) (SITG)' != 'Canton of Geneva 20cm (SITG 2018)'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Description differs ('New York State High Resolution Digital Orthoimagery, 1 foot resolution' != 'New York State High Resolution Digital Orthoimagery, 1 foot resolution, visible light'): [US] NYS Orthos Online [orthos.dhses.ny.gov_latest]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Projections differ ('EPSG:2391 EPSG:2392 EPSG:3067 EPSG:3129 EPSG:3130 EPSG:3857 EPSG:3877 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [FI] Turku topographic map [turku-topo]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('Moldova Ortophoto (2016) / Reserve Server' != 'Moldova Ortophoto (2016)'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different number of points for shape 1 (12 ! = 42): [CH] Canton of Geneva 20cm (SITG 2018) [Geneve-orthophoto-2018]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * License URL differs ('' != ''): [SE] Trafikverket Railway Network (overlay) [trafikverket-baninfo]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] IBGE-BCIM Municipalities [IBGE_BCIM_Municipio]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * License URL differs ('' != ''): [BE] AIV Flanders 2013-2015 aerial imagery 10cm [AGIV10cm]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution text differs ('Stadtvermessungsam Frankfurt am Main' != 'Stadtvermessungsamt Frankfurt am Main'): [DE] Frankfurt am Main aerial imagery 2017 [Frankfurt-am-Main-2017]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different number of points for shape 1 (520 ! = 552): [US] USGS Imagery [USGS-Imagery]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Description differs ('GSI Kiban 2500 via Good for tracing, but a bit older.' != 'GSI Kiban 2500. Good for tracing, but a bit older.'): [JP] Japan GSI KIBAN 2500 [finds.jp_KBN_2500]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Projections differ ('EPSG:2391 EPSG:2392 EPSG:3067 EPSG:3128 EPSG:3129 EPSG:3130 EPSG:3857 EPSG:3877 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [FI] Turku orthophoto [turku-orto]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different categories ('photo' != 'historicphoto'): [CH] Canton of Geneva 20cm (SITG 2018) [Geneve-orthophoto-2018]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('IPR ortofoto LAST (tmsproxy)' != 'Praha IPR latest orthophoto'): https://osm-{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [HU] Törökbálint orthophoto 2018 [Törökbálint_2018]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('IBGE-BC250-Aglomerado Rural Isolado' != 'IBGE-BC250 Isolated Rural Location'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&TRANSPARENT=TRUE
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * URL for id South_Africa-CapeTown-Aerial-2018 differs ( [ZA] City of Cape Town 2018 Aerial [South_Africa-CapeTown-Aerial-2018]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: - Missing JOSM privacy policy URL ( [FR] Lyon Orthophoto 2015/2018 [orthophoto_lyon]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Projections differ ('EPSG:2056 EPSG:21781 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2056 EPSG:21781 EPSG:4326'): [CH] Stadt Bern 10cm (2016) [Bern-bern2016_mirror1]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * URL for id Agroindustria-wms differs ( [AR] Ministry of Agroindustry (WMS) [Agroindustria-wms]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (3 != 13): [FI] FTIA Road Network (overlay) [fta-digiroad-functional]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] IBGE-BC250 Landing strip [IBGE_BC250_Pista_Pouso]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * License URL differs ('' != ''): [AU] ACTmapi Imagery January 2020 [ACT2020-01_mirror1]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [HU] Budapest district XI orthophoto 2019 [Budapest_XI_2019]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different categories ('photo' != 'historicphoto'): [CH] Stadt Bern 10cm (2016) [Bern-bern2016_mirror1]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('Trafikverket Railway Network options' != 'Trafikverket Railway Network options (overlay)'):
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BE] URBIS 2016 aerial imagery [URBIS2016]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * URL for id PrahaIPRlatestorthophoto differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [CZ] Praha IPR latest orthophoto [PrahaIPRlatestorthophoto]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: -  [ZA] City of Cape Town 2018 Aerial [South_Africa-CapeTown-Aerial-2018-rest]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [ZA] City of Cape Town 2017 Aerial [South_Africa-CapeTown-Aerial-2017]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (3 != 1): [US] TX: Dallas and Fort Worth Imagery 2015 [dallas_fort_worth_2016_wms]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [FI] FTIA Road Network options (overlay) [fta-digiroad-option]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AT] VoGIS: Luftbilder []
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different icons: [NO] NPI Svalbard detailed topo [npi-svalbard-fkb]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (3 != 5): [FI] FTIA Road Network options (overlay) [fta-digiroad-option]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: -  [PL] Powiat lubaczowski: Buildings [lubaczowski-buildings]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different categories ('photo' != 'historicphoto'): [DE] Frankfurt am Main aerial imagery 2016 [Frankfurt-am-Main-2016]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Privacy policy URL differs ('' != ''): [JP] Japan GSI KIBAN 2500 [finds.jp_KBN_2500]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('2018 Aerial Imagery from the City of Cape Town' != 'City of Cape Town 2018 Aerial'):
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different number of points for shape 1 (203 ! = 87): [US] TX: City of Georgetown Imagery 2015 [georgetown_2016_wms]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (5 != 1): [US] Delaware 2012 Orthophotography [Delaware2012Orthophotography]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: -  [IT] Lombardia - Italy (CTR DBT) [Lombardia-Italy-CTR-DBT]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Projections differ ('EPSG:2391 EPSG:3067 EPSG:3129 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [FI] City of Turku ortophoto - 2018 True ortho [turku-2018-true-ortho]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: - Missing JOSM projections (EPSG:3857): [ZA] City of Cape Town 2018 Aerial [South_Africa-CapeTown-Aerial-2018]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: -  [LU] Cadastre [lu.geoportail.opendata.cadastre]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [CH] Stadt Bern 10cm (2020) [Bern-bern2020-wms]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AU] Main Roads WA Road Hierarchy [MainRoadsWA_Road_Hierarchy]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * URL for id GeoPortal_DF_2015 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [BR] GeoPortal DF 2015 [GeoPortal_DF_2015]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * License URL differs ('' != ''): [CZ] Praha IPR latest orthophoto [PrahaIPRlatestorthophoto_mirror2]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('Secretary of Energy (WMS)' != 'Ministry of Energy and Mining (WMS)'):
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution text differs ('© GKÚ, NLC 2017-2019' != '© GKÚ, NLC; r.2017-2019'): [SK] Orthophoto mosaic Slovakia [gku-nlc]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * URL for id orthos.dhses.ny.gov_latest differs (,1,2,3&STYLES=&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [US] NYS Orthos Online [orthos.dhses.ny.gov_latest]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: -  [AT] VoGIS: DOM (Surface model) []
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Projections differ ('EPSG:25831 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3043 EPSG:31370 EPSG:32631 EPSG:3812 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:25831 EPSG:3043 EPSG:31370 EPSG:32631 EPSG:3812 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [BE] AIV Flanders 2013-2015 aerial imagery 10cm [AGIV10cm]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution text differs ('© Autonomen Provinz Bozen/Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano' != 'Autonome Provinz Bozen - Provincia autonoma di Bolzano - OpenStreetMap contributors'): [IT] South Tyrol Topomap []
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Projections differ ('EPSG:23032 EPSG:25832 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3044 EPSG:31254 EPSG:32632 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4230 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2056 EPSG:21781 EPSG:23031 EPSG:23032 EPSG:2397 EPSG:2398 EPSG:2399 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3043 EPSG:3044 EPSG:3045 EPSG:3068 EPSG:31251 EPSG:31252 EPSG:31253 EPSG:31254 EPSG:31255 EPSG:31256 EPSG:31257 EPSG:31258 EPSG:31259 EPSG:31281 EPSG:31282 EPSG:31283 EPSG:31284 EPSG:31285 EPSG:31286 EPSG:31287 EPSG:31288 EPSG:31289 EPSG:31290 EPSG:31466 EPSG:31467 EPSG:31468 EPSG:31469 EPSG:32631 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:32634 EPSG:3329 EPSG:3333 EPSG:3396 EPSG:3397 EPSG:3399 EPSG:3416 EPSG:3833 EPSG:3834 EPSG:3835 EPSG:3837 EPSG:3838 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [IT] South Tyrol DSM Hillshade 2013 (2.5 m) [South-Tyrol-DSM_2013_2_5m]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('Thunderforest OpenCycleMap' != 'OpenCycleMap'): https://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png?apikey=7bd5ed2197cf4da29fa26de0ba6530cc
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [HU] FÖMI orthophoto 2007-2010 [FOMI_2007_2010]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: -  [NO] Kartverket Hiking Trails [kartverket-friluft]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [DE] Frankfurt am Main aerial imagery 2017 [Frankfurt-am-Main-2017]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different number of points for shape 2 (49 ! = 65): [FR] Ortho HR 2014 [fr.orthohr.2014]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (3 != 1): [US] TX: Brazos County Imagery 2019 [brazos_county_2019_wms]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (6 != 1): [AU] ACTmapi Imagery Feb 2019 [ACT2019_mirror1]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [ZA] City of Cape Town 2018 Aerial [South_Africa-CapeTown-Aerial-2018]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Maxzoom differs (18 != 20): [DE] Berlin/Geoportal DOP20RGB (2018) [Berlin-2018]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: -  [ZA] City of Cape Town 2017 Aerial [South_Africa-CapeTown-Aerial-2017-rest]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution text differs ('Rennes Métropole 2014' != 'Mégalis Bretagne et Collectivités Territoriales Bretonnes 2014'): [FR] Rennes - 2014 [Rennes_2014]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [IT] South Tyrol Orthofoto 2011 (highres) [South-Tyrol-Orthofoto2011-20cm]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (3 != 1): [US] TX: Smith County Imagery 2019 [smith_county_2019_wms]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [BR] Londrina Ortofoto 2011 [londrina2011]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution text differs ('Stadtvermessungsam Frankfurt am Main' != 'Stadtvermessungsamt Frankfurt am Main'): [DE] Frankfurt am Main aerial imagery 2016 [Frankfurt-am-Main-2016]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: -  [ES] PNOA Spain [PNOA-Spain-TMS]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution text differs ('© Autonomen Provinz Bozen/Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano CC-BY 3.0' != '© Autonome Provinz Bozen/Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano CC-BY 3.0'): [IT] South Tyrol Orthofoto 2014 [South-Tyrol-Orthofoto2014]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution text differs ('Geoportal Berlin/Digitale Color-Infrarot-Orthophotos 2016 (DOP20CIR) ( mirror)' != 'Geoportal Berlin/Digitale Color-Infrarot-Orthophotos 2016'): [DE] Berlin/Geoportal DOP20CIR (2016 infrared) [Berlin-2016-infrared]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different number of shapes (3 != 1): [RU] ScanEx IRS [ScanEx-IRS]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('OSIP 1ft Imagery Most Current Available' != 'Ohio Statewide Imagery Program, 1ft'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('ACTmapi Imagery Jan 2020' != 'ACTmapi Imagery January 2020'):{bbox}&size={width},{height}&foo={proj}
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Projections differ ('EPSG:2391 EPSG:2392 EPSG:2393 EPSG:2394 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3046 EPSG:3047 EPSG:3048 EPSG:3067 EPSG:3126 EPSG:3127 EPSG:3128 EPSG:3129 EPSG:3130 EPSG:3131 EPSG:3132 EPSG:3133 EPSG:3134 EPSG:3135 EPSG:3136 EPSG:3137 EPSG:3138 EPSG:3386 EPSG:3387 EPSG:3395 EPSG:3857 EPSG:3873 EPSG:3874 EPSG:3875 EPSG:3876 EPSG:3877 EPSG:3878 EPSG:3879 EPSG:3880 EPSG:3881 EPSG:3882 EPSG:3883 EPSG:3884 EPSG:3885 EPSG:4123 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326 EPSG:4937 EPSG:5048' != 'EPSG:2391 EPSG:2392 EPSG:2393 EPSG:2394 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3046 EPSG:3047 EPSG:3048 EPSG:3067 EPSG:3126 EPSG:3127 EPSG:3128 EPSG:3129 EPSG:3130 EPSG:3131 EPSG:3132 EPSG:3133 EPSG:3134 EPSG:3135 EPSG:3136 EPSG:3137 EPSG:3138 EPSG:3386 EPSG:3387 EPSG:3395 EPSG:3857 EPSG:3873 EPSG:3874 EPSG:3875 EPSG:3876 EPSG:3877 EPSG:3878 EPSG:3879 EPSG:3880 EPSG:3881 EPSG:3882 EPSG:3883 EPSG:3884 EPSG:3885 EPSG:4123 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326 EPSG:5048'): [FI] FTIA Road Network (overlay) [fta-digiroad-functional]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Projections differ ('EPSG:25831 EPSG:3035 EPSG:3043 EPSG:31370 EPSG:32631 EPSG:3812 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:25831 EPSG:3043 EPSG:31370 EPSG:32631 EPSG:3812 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [BE] AIV Digitaal Hoogtemodel Vlaanderen II, multidirectionale hillshade 0,25 m [AIV_DHMV_II_HILL_25cm]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution text differs ('© Autonomen Provinz Bozen/Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano CC0-1.0' != '© Autonome Provinz Bozen/Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano CC0-1.0'): [IT] South Tyrol DTM Hillshade 2013 (2.5 m) [South-Tyrol-DTM_2013_2_5m]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [IT] South Tyrol DTM Hillshade 2013 (2.5 m) [South-Tyrol-DTM_2013_2_5m]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * License URL differs ('' != ''): [US] Minnesota Composite Image Service [Minnesota-Composite-Image-Service]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * License URL differs ('' != ''): [FR] Rennes - 2014 [Rennes_2014]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [DK] SDFE Surface Shadow Map (40 cm) [SDFE_Overflade_Skyggekort_40cm]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [NO] NPD Offshore Installations overlay [npd-offshore]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * URL for id Gliwice-2013 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [PL] Gliwice: Orthophotomap 2013 (aerial image) [Gliwice-2013]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (2 != 1): [US] TX: Capital Area Imagery 2019 [caparea_2019_wms]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Projections differ ('EPSG:2264 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2264 EPSG:2264 EPSG:26917 EPSG:32019 EPSG:32119 EPSG:3358 EPSG:3404 EPSG:3631 EPSG:3632 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [US] NC Latest Orthoimagery [NC-US]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different icons: [NO] NPI Jan Mayen topo [NPI-JanMayen-topo]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * URL for id LINZ_NZ_Aerial_Imagery differs ({zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg?api=d01egend5f8dv4zcbfj6z2t7rs3): [NZ] LINZ NZ Aerial Imagery [LINZ_NZ_Aerial_Imagery]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * URL for id IBGE_BC250_Rodoviario differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image/png&TRANSPARENT=TRUE): [BR] IBGE-BC250 Highways stretches [IBGE_BC250_Rodoviario]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [PL] Ruda Śląska: Orthophotomap (aerial image) [Ruda_Slaska-aerial_image]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different categories ('photo' != 'historicphoto'): [DE] Frankfurt am Main aerial imagery 2017 [Frankfurt-am-Main-2017]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: - Quality best entry not in JOSM for [MD] Moldova Ortophoto (2016) [MoldovaMap-2020_Ortofoto_2016_RM]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Projections differ ('EPSG:23700 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:23700 EPSG:4326'): [HU] Budapest district XI orthophoto 2015 [Budapest_XI_2015]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different number of points for shape 1 (249 ! = 30): [AT] VoGIS: Luftbilder []
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different icons: [FI] City of Turku ortophoto - 2018 True ortho [turku-2018-true-ortho]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [HU] Törökbálint orthophoto 2013 [Törökbálint_2013]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Maxzoom differs (18 != 20): [HT] Drone Imagery Matthew(Haiti) October 2016 [drone-imagery-2016]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * URL for id PNOA-Spain differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [ES] PNOA Spain [PNOA-Spain]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Projections differ ('EPSG:25832 EPSG:31467 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326 EPSG:4647' != 'EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:31466 EPSG:31467 EPSG:31468 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [DE] Maps4BW (LGL-BW, [Maps4BW-LGL_BW]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution text differs ('Geoportal Berlin/Digitale farbige Orthophotos 2011 (DOP20RGB)' != 'Geoportal Berlin/Digitale farbige Orthophotos 2011'): [DE] Berlin/Geoportal DOP20RGB (2011) [Berlin-2011]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (2 != 7): [US] Virginia Imagery Service - Most Recent [VGIN-Imagery_WM_mirror1]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BR] IBGE-BC250 Indigenous Lands [IBGE_BC250_Terra_Indegina]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Maxzoom differs (null != 14): [RU] ScanEx IRS [ScanEx-IRS]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * License URL differs ('' != ''): [FI] FTIA Road Network options (overlay) [fta-digiroad-option]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (4 != 1): [US] Delaware 2017 Orthophotography [Delaware2017Orthophotography]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [CH] Stadt Bern 10cm (2016) [Bern-bern2016_mirror1]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution text differs ('© Autonomen Provinz Bozen/Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano CC0-1.0' != '© Autonome Provinz Bozen/Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano CC0-1.0'): [IT] South Tyrol Orthofoto 2017 [South-Tyrol-Orthofoto-2017]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: - Missing JOSM projections (EPSG:3857): [ZA] City of Cape Town 2017 Aerial [South_Africa-CapeTown-Aerial-2017]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [HU] Budapest district XI orthophoto 2017 [Budapest_XI_2017]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * License URL differs ('' != ''): [FR] BDOrtho IGN [fr.ign.bdortho]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different categories ('photo' != 'historicphoto'): [BE] URBIS 2019 aerial imagery [URBIS2019]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different icons: [DE] Stuttgart latest aerial imagery [StuttgartLatestAerialImagery]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [BE] URBIS 2017 aerial imagery [URBIS2017]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('Frankfurt am Main Luftbild 2016' != 'Frankfurt am Main aerial imagery 2016'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (null != 12): [BR] Londrina Ortofoto 2011 [londrina2011]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (5 != 1): [AU] ACTmapi Imagery June 2019 [ACT2019-06_mirror1]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('Nomes de Ruas IBGE Salvador-BA' != 'IBGE Salvador street names'):{zoom}/{x}/{y}?access_token=pk.eyJ1Ijoid2lsbGUiLCJhIjoicFNVWk5VWSJ9.hluCd0YGvYHNlFi_utWe2g
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [AT] VoGIS: Flächenwidmungsplan []
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (7 != 8): [DE] Bavaria (80 cm) [bavaria-80cm]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: -  [US] Mesa County GIS Valleywide 2018 [MCGIS-County-Valleywide-Imagery-2018]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('IBGE-BC250-Trecho Rodoviario' != 'IBGE-BC250 Highways stretches'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&FORMAT=image/png&TRANSPARENT=TRUE
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (null != 12): [DE] Frankfurt am Main aerial imagery 2017 [Frankfurt-am-Main-2017]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Projections differ ('EPSG:2056 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2056 EPSG:4326'): [CH] Canton of Geneva, DSM (SITG 2014) [Geneve-dsm-2014]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [ZA] City of Cape Town 2017 Aerial [South_Africa-CapeTown-Aerial-2017]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Date differs (''2013;2017'' != '2013;2020'): [FR] Ortho HR [fr.orthohr]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (6 != null): [AU] DCS NSW Imagery Dates [NSW_LPI_Imagery_Dates]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [CH] Lausanne - Orthophoto 2016 [Lausanne-2016]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different categories ('photo' != 'historicphoto'): [HU] Budapest district XI orthophoto 2019 [Budapest_XI_2019]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('NRW Orthophoto' != 'North Rhine-Westphalia aerial photograph'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution text differs ('Informação geográfica cedida pela Direção-Geral do Território' != 'Direcção-Geral do Território'): [PT] Orthophotos of mainland Portugal - 50 cm - 2004-2006 [ORTOS_DGT_2004_06]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [AU] ACTmapi Imagery Feb 2019 [ACT2019_mirror1]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * URL for id rio2015 differs ({proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}): [BR] Rio Mosaic 2015 [rio2015]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Projections differ ('EPSG:23700 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:23700 EPSG:4326'): [HU] Budapest district XI orthophoto 2019 [Budapest_XI_2019]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (5 != 1): [US] TX: City of Amarillo Imagery 2015 [amarillo_2016_wms]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Projections differ ('EPSG:3754 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:3754 EPSG:4326'): [US] Ohio Statewide Imagery Program, 1ft [Ohio_OSIP_1ft]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: -  [BR] SIG Santa Catarina OrtoRGB 2012 [sc2012]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('IGN (WMS)' != 'National Geographic Institute (WMS)'):
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Maxzoom differs (null != 11): [ZA] City of Cape Town 2018 Aerial [South_Africa-CapeTown-Aerial-2018]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [HU] FÖMI orthophoto 2005 [FOMI_2005]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution text differs ('© Autonomen Provinz Bozen/Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano CC-BY 3.0' != '© Autonome Provinz Bozen/Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano CC-BY 3.0'): [IT] South Tyrol Orthofoto 2011 (highres) [South-Tyrol-Orthofoto2011-20cm]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Projections differ ('EPSG:2056 EPSG:21781 EPSG:25832 EPSG:31254 EPSG:31257 EPSG:31284 EPSG:31287 EPSG:31467 EPSG:32632 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:21781 EPSG:25832 EPSG:31254 EPSG:31284 EPSG:32632 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326'): [AT] VoGIS: Echtfarbenbild 2018 (10cm) []
+++ Obsolete skip entry: -  [AU] ACTmapi Imagery 2017 [ACT2017]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * URL for id stamen-terrain-background differs (https://stamen-tiles-{switch:a,b,c,d}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg): Stamen Terrain [stamen-terrain-background]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [DE] Berlin/Geoportal DOP20RGB (2011) [Berlin-2011]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('Trafikverket Railway Network' != 'Trafikverket Railway Network (overlay)'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Projections differ ('EPSG:23029 EPSG:23030 EPSG:25829 EPSG:25830 EPSG:32629 EPSG:32630 EPSG:4230 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:23028 EPSG:23029 EPSG:23030 EPSG:23031 EPSG:23032 EPSG:25828 EPSG:25829 EPSG:25830 EPSG:25831 EPSG:25832 EPSG:32627 EPSG:32628 EPSG:32629 EPSG:32630 EPSG:32631 EPSG:32632 EPSG:4230 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [ES] ITACyL - Castile and León [ITACyL-Castile-and-Leon]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Projections differ ('EPSG:2056 EPSG:21781 EPSG:25832 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:31287 EPSG:31467 EPSG:32632 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2056 EPSG:21781 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:3034 EPSG:3035 EPSG:31287 EPSG:31467 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4258 EPSG:4326'): [CH] swisstopo swissSURFACE3D [swisstopo_swisssurface3d]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (4 != null): [US] TIGER Roads 2017 [US-TIGER-Roads-2017]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution text differs ('© Autonomen Provinz Bozen/Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano CC-BY 4.0' != '© Autonome Provinz Bozen/Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano CC-BY 4.0'): [IT] South Tyrol Orthofoto 2014/2015 [South-Tyrol-Orthofoto-2014-2015]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: -  [FR] Bayonne - Petit et Grand Bayonne 2019 [Bayonne_2019]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (2 != 1): [US] NC Latest Orthoimagery [NC-US]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('Geoportal 2: Orthophotomap (latest aerial imagery)' != 'Geoportal 2: Orthophotomap (aerial image) WMS'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('Kartverket Road Network' != 'Kartverket Road Network overlay'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('National Education Map (WMS)' != 'Educational map (WMS)'):
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Description differs ('Works only from within Ukraine or with an Ukrainian proxy server.' != 'Orthophotomaps provided by the State Service of Ukraine for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre (StateGeoCadastre), CC BY 4.0'): [UA] Ukraine - Orthophotomaps 2012 [Ukraine-orto10000-2012]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Maxzoom differs (18 != 20): [DE] Berlin/Geoportal DOP20RGB (2015) [Berlin-2015_mirror1]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Projections differ ('EPSG:2056 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2056 EPSG:4326'): [CH] Canton of Geneva 5cm (SITG 2019) [Geneve-orthophoto-2019]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * URL for id Bytom-buildings differs (,adr_punkty_adresowe,eg_budynki&STYLES=&FORMAT=image/png&CRS={proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap): [PL] Bytom: Buildings [Bytom-buildings]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different number of points for shape 1 (99 ! = 31): [US] TX: Capital Area Imagery 2019 [caparea_2019_wms]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: - Missing JOSM projections (EPSG:2056): [CH] Amtliche Vermessung farbig WMTS,, Geoinformation Stadt Bern [Bern-Katasterplan-wmts]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (null != 2): [DE] Maps4BW (LGL-BW, [Maps4BW-LGL_BW]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: - Missing JOSM description (Schummerung errechnet aus dem DSM)): [IT] South Tyrol DSM Hillshade 2013 (0.5 m) [South-Tyrol-DSM_2013]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Projections differ ('EPSG:4326 EPSG:5514' != 'EPSG:102067 EPSG:4326 EPSG:5514'): [CZ] Praha IPR low-vegetation orthophoto [PrahaIPRlow-vegetationorthophoto]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('Kanton Bern, Digitales Terrainmodell 50cm, Relief' != 'Kanton Bern, Digital terrain model 50cm, Relief'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [BR] GeoPortal DF 2015 [GeoPortal_DF_2015]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: -  [AT] VoGIS: Echtfarbenbild 2012 (12cm) []
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Maxzoom differs (18 != 20): [DE] Berlin/Geoportal DOP20RGB (2014) [Berlin-2014_mirror1]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different number of shapes (3 != 5): [US] MD Three Inch Aerial Imagery []
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution text differs ('CC-BY ©2020 Geodetska uprava Republike Slovenije (' != 'CC-BY ©2021 Geodetska uprava Republike Slovenije ('): [SI] GURS: Building outlines [GURS-buildings]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: -  [PL] Łódź: Orthophotomap 2015 (aerial image) [Lodz-2015]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different number of points for shape 3 (63 ! = 52): [FR] Ortho HR 2014 [fr.orthohr.2014]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('Stuttgart Luftbild Stadtmessungsamt 2017' != 'Stuttgart latest aerial imagery'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('UrbIS-Ortho 2018' != 'URBIS 2018 aerial imagery'):{width}&HEIGHT={height}&CRS={proj}&STYLES=&BBOX={bbox}
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Maxzoom differs (null != 20): [DE] Berlin/Geoportal DOP20RGB (2011) [Berlin-2011]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [AT] VoGIS: Flächenwidmungsplan []
+++ Obsolete skip entry: - Missing JOSM description (Schummerung errechnet aus dem DTM): [IT] South Tyrol DTM Hillshade 2013 (2.5 m) [South-Tyrol-DTM_2013_2_5m]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: -  [AT] VoGIS: Echtfarbenbild 2015 (10cm) []
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('Lyon Orthophoto 2018 (8cm)' != 'Lyon Orthophoto 2018'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * License URL differs ('' != ''): [SE] Trafikverket Road Network extra (overlay) [trafikverket-vagnat-extra]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Projections differ ('EPSG:2174 EPSG:2175 EPSG:2177 EPSG:2180 EPSG:3120 EPSG:32634 EPSG:3330 EPSG:3334 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2177'): [PL] Bytom: Buildings [Bytom-buildings]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Maxzoom differs (18 != 20): [DE] Berlin/Geoportal DOP20RGB (2016) [Berlin-2016_mirror1]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * License URL differs ('' != ''): [AU] ACTmapi Imagery Feb 2019 [ACT2019_mirror1]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * License URL differs ('' != ''): [SE] Trafikverket Railway Network options (overlay) [trafikverket-baninfo-option]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (null != 1): [AT] VoGIS: Echtfarbenbild 2018 (10cm) []
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution text differs ('© Autonomen Provinz Bozen/Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano CC0-1.0' != '© Autonome Provinz Bozen/Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano CC0-1.0'): [IT] South Tyrol DSM Hillshade 2013 (0.5 m) [South-Tyrol-DSM_2013]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Different coordinate for point 1 of shape 1: [AU] ACTmapi Imagery June 2019 [ACT2019-06_mirror1]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Attribution URL differs ('' != ''): [FI] FTIA Road Network (overlay) [fta-digiroad-functional]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Minzoom differs (1 != 7): [US] Virginia Building Footprints [VGIN-BuildingFootprints_WM_mirror1]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: -  [US] U.S. Forest Service roads [US_Forest_Service_roads]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Projections differ ('EPSG:2056 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326' != 'EPSG:2056 EPSG:4326'): [CH] Canton of Geneva 5cm (SITG 2016) [Geneve-SITG-2016_mirror1]
+++ Obsolete skip entry: * Name differs ('Canton de Génève, Orthophoto 2016 (5cm) (SITG)' != 'Canton of Geneva 5cm (SITG 2016)'):{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}&VERSION=1.3.0&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap

Only Errors

The following list summarizes all red entries (i.e. new, unresolved issues) from the large list above. There should be none.

Last modified 6 months ago Last modified on 2024-07-10T17:08:18+02:00
Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.