Custom Query (26 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#3757 audio play head jumps to start of the track new audio geotagged images sync team defect minor
#19291 Exception on timeout when loading imagery logo new template_report, imagery, timeout team defect minor
#4350 PicLayer: Import of raster images (*.map, *.kal, *.geotiff) and calibration information (.wld, .tfw) new PicLayer, images rebsc enhancement normal
#5930 imagery once initialized does not use new network-settings new imagery change network setting proxy team defect normal
#6372 Plugin Request: Easy tracing of areas from aerial images new Plugin tracing areas imagery team enhancement normal
#9604 Projection problem with Import Image plugin new Projections, ImportImage, CoordinateReferenceSysrem team defect normal
#11189 Geotagged images taken out on surveys taken close together do not show seperately in JOSM new template_report, images, icons team defect normal
#12124 area icons new area icon style image-pattern team enhancement normal
#12137 Make File>Open recognize Imagery pictures new File Open Imagery pictures team enhancement normal
#12528 Zoom offset adjustment for one imagery template new wms imagery zoom offset team enhancement normal
#15574 [patch] [experimental] make large jpeg loading work through the use of JNI bridge to turbojpeg system library new jpeg geoimage turbojpeg large images libjpeg-turbo jni team enhancement normal
#16655 Could not initialize class com.sun.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGImageReader (win10, 8u171) new template_report jpeg imageio jpeg security webstart team defect normal
#17905 Store the imagery layers names used to edit data and use them in source new upload changeset source imagery team enhancement normal
#18637 Option of keyboard shortcut for "switch (background-)imagery view to next available (background-)imagery in list" reopened keyboard shortcut background imagery team enhancement normal
#19756 Advanced preference for plugin and image paths new template_report preference plugin image path team enhancement normal
#20433 Imagery Integration tests assigned imagery jenkins Don-vip task normal
#20752 Reorder imagery layers: Three shortcuts in preferences but non is working new template_report reorder imagery layer shortcut team defect normal
#20798 Use data layer for image correlation new image correlation team enhancement normal
#21087 Dialogs for adding custom imagery need scrollbar new scrollbar add custom imagery team defect normal
#21141 EULA for background-image new EULA, imagery, source team defect normal
#21701 Add option to open image via remote control w/o preview new image load view remote control team enhancement normal
#21702 Add option to load geotagged image via RC into existing image layer new remote control image load reuse layer team enhancement normal
#21970 Only activate data layer loading a session new template_report session active layer imagery team enhancement normal
#22560 Keep zoom and position in image viewer when switiching between layers new template_report image layer zoom position team enhancement normal
#22585 [Imagery] Add as replacement for Maps4BW going to be turned off new Imagery, Maps4BW,, default entries team enhancement normal
#22612 A single click can touch multiple geoimage layers new template_report image layer team defect normal
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.