Custom Query (17 matches)


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Status: closed (17 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#11253 [Patch] Parkings and maxstay: no unit for the maxstay-time Klumbumbus defect normal tested fixed
#18134 Add support for healthcare=laboratory simon04 enhancement normal fixed
#18693 [PATCH] add door=* to entrance preset Klumbumbus enhancement normal fixed
#18934 [PATCH] Add leisure=amusement_arcade team enhancement normal latest fixed
#18994 [Patch] With a MultiPolygon Relation, the values for the Preset Facilities/Education/School are saved within the Relation, whilst other presets are not. team defect normal fixed
#19007 Add checkbox recycling:paper_packaging for internal preset "recycling container" team enhancement normal fixed
#19038 Add information=route_marker team enhancement normal fixed
#19045 More optional tags in sports presets team enhancement normal fixed
#19072 Add shop=storage_rental team enhancement normal fixed
#19079 [Patch] Fix label of preset_link of "fixme", "note" and "description team enhancement normal fixed
#19081 [PATCH] Add amenity=public_bath Klumbumbus enhancement normal fixed
#19186 Add amenity=public_bookcase team enhancement normal fixed
#19261 maxspeed:advisory team enhancement normal fixed
#19271 Validator: man_made=street_cabinet als area team defect normal fixed
#19284 Add separate preset localization string for Shoes shop and recycling material team defect normal fixed
#19287 Please add playground=* to presets team enhancement normal fixed
#19298 Pecan Trees team enhancement normal latest fixed
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