
Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#2989 closed defect (fixed)

Ergonomie Terracer Plugin

Reported by: ludwich@… Owned by: team
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Plugin terracer Version: latest
Keywords: input order Cc:…


Der Eingabedialog ist nicht logisch, die erste Box ist die höher Hausnummer die Zweite Box ist die niederiger Hausnummer. Gibt man erst die niedrige Hausnummer ein (feld2) und springt dann in das feld für die höhere Hausnummer wird Feld2 wieder auf den Wert "1" gesetzt.

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Change History (6)

comment:1 by casualwalker, 15 years ago

The same in English:

The Input dialog is illogical, the first input box is the highest house number, the second box is the lower number. If you enter the lower number first (2nd box) and then switch to the 1st box, the value in the 2nd box is re-set to 1.

I second that, in my opinion it more natural to enter the lower value first and then go to the higher value. And simply ignoring user-input, just because he uses a different order of his input is pretty annoying.

Besides, the plugin seems to use a different look-and-feel then the remainder of JOSM.

comment:2 by casualwalker, 15 years ago

Owner: changed from zerebubuth@… to casualwalker
Status: newassigned

The input dialog will be re-designed.

  • lowest housenumber goes first
  • the user can enter any values, they will not be automagically reset
  • if the values are inconsistent (e.g. lowest > highest), a warning is displayed and the OK button is disabled.
  • housenumbers can be ommitted altogether, instead the user can specify the number of segments (see Ticket #3343)

comment:3 by casualwalker, 15 years ago

Implementation is done. I'll close the bug, when I see the new functionality in the downloads.

comment:4 by casualwalker, 15 years ago

Cc:… added
Owner: changed from casualwalker to team
Status: assignednew

Could somebody who has the proper SVN setup create the distribution of the plugin? I did not get the publish ant script to work. Same goes for Ticket #3343.

comment:5 by stoecker, 15 years ago

Updated terracer to 19085. You only need to build after an "svn up" and then checkin the file in "../dist".

comment:6 by casualwalker, 15 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Thanks, I tried committing myself, but ../dist is not part my svn checkout (thus has no svn information).
This also closes Bug 3343.

Enjoy the holidays.

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