
#22987 closed defect (duplicate)

Arrangement of Presets

Reported by: mrgenie Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Core Version: tested
Keywords: Cc:


I'll update this report step by step - as it's a complicated matter where I'll cut-paste the various files that are to be merged in the preset menu.

I'll add an attachment with screenshot as well.

So here's the first file (partially only relevant part)


description="Philippines Jeepney Presets for conveniently adding all Objects part of Jeepney Routes"
shortdescription="Philippines Jeepneys"


<group name="Philippines" icon="flag.svg">

<group name="Jeepney" icon="JeepneyFront.svg">

<!-- Jeepney Stop, exact point on the highway -->
<item name="Stop Position" icon="StopPosition.svg" type="node">

<link wiki="Tag:public_transport=stop_position" />
<label text="Jeepney stop position (node) on the road" />
<space />
<key key="bus" value="yes" />
<key key="public_transport" value="stop_position"/>
<reference ref="name" />
<reference ref="no_stop_area" />
<reference ref="network" />

<separator /> the end of file....


description="Tag easily nodes along highways as traffic signs for the Philippines using the official DPWH codes. Based on work from @yopaseopor"
shortdescription="Philippines Traffic Signs"


<group name="Philippines" icon="various/flag.svg">

<group name="Traffic Signs" icon="various/PH_license_plate.svg">

<group name="Beside the road" icon="various/beside_road.svg">

<!-- Regulatory signs -->
<group name="Regulatory">

<item name="R1-1" icon="regulatory/Philippines_road_sign_R1-1.svg" type="node">

<key key="traffic_sign" value="PH:R1-1"/>
<combo key="direction" text="Direction sign is facing" values="N,NNE,NE,NEE,E,SEE,SE,SSE,S,SSW,SW,SWW,W,NWW,NW,NNW" default="" />

</item> the end of file....

I have a few local files I'm still working on before I upload them - but the thing is, the nested Philippines inside the Philippines menu option

If I have only 1 preset - it's not there. The moment I have 2+ under the Philippines menu option - JOSM magically creates a nested bogus 2nd Philippines under Philippines

And it's empty - hovering over it - there's nothing there! So all the menu options are actually correct for the 2+ preset definitions, it's just JOSM creates out of nowhere this bogus 2nd Philippines

So my question - how do I create my presets file that this doesn't happen, that I don't have this 2nd bogus Philippines menu option?

Or if this is a bug - can you please fix it?

Thank you for your consideration

Attachments (2)

java_REIzRHrSry.png (34.6 KB ) - added by mrgenie 17 months ago.
Showing the 2nd bogus entry
java_qAocQ7erw4.png (97.7 KB ) - added by mrgenie 17 months ago.
Showing what should be working - actually works - it's just this stupid bogus menu option that needs to be removed

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (5)

by mrgenie, 17 months ago

Attachment: java_REIzRHrSry.png added

Showing the 2nd bogus entry

by mrgenie, 17 months ago

Attachment: java_qAocQ7erw4.png added

Showing what should be working - actually works - it's just this stupid bogus menu option that needs to be removed

comment:1 by taylor.smock, 17 months ago

Milestone: 23.0523.06

Ticket retargeted after milestone closed

comment:2 by taylor.smock, 17 months ago

Milestone: 23.06

comment:3 by skyper, 17 months ago

Component: External presetCore
Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed

Closed as duplicate of #21691.

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