Custom Query (14 matches)


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Status: closed (14 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#17934 IOOBE: Relation dialog: removing members refering to selection Don-vip defect major latest fixed
#18039 ant updatecore does not rebuild pot files and can lead to incomplete translations stoecker defect major fixed
#17829 RTKLib Positioning Solution File (.pos) import Don-vip enhancement normal fixed
#17875 IllegalStateException: Already registered a conflict for primitive Upliner defect normal fixed
#17910 Relation editor: Download of incomplete members not possible from cloned relations Don-vip defect normal latest fixed
#17929 SAXParseException at MessageNotifier$ Don-vip defect normal fixed
#17931 [PATCH] Don't break connectivity relations when ways are split Don-vip enhancement normal fixed
#17935 URISyntaxException: Illegal character while trying to see more info about a feature with HTTP/2 plugin Don-vip defect normal fixed
#17943 JOSM Map Styles - can't change the position in the general preferences dialog Don-vip defect normal fixed
#17979 data layer info: additional own numbers for incomplete objects Don-vip enhancement normal latest fixed
#17995 [PATCH] Add sort method for mapcss Don-vip enhancement normal fixed
#18002 IAE: negative width at GpxDrawHelper.drawAll if -1 is tried as parameter Don-vip defect normal tested fixed
#18009 [PATCH] Logo update Don-vip enhancement normal fixed
#18013 Define StartUpWMClass in Linux desktop file Don-vip defect normal fixed
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.