16 years |
ulfl |
update overview page to show new icons, slightly change the layout to …
16 years |
ulfl |
add an area rule for turning_circle
16 years |
ulfl |
remove "cat overview.osm" call leftover from debugging
16 years |
ulfl |
actually use new icons
16 years |
ulfl |
add emergency_phone (icon already existing)
add amenity=veterinary (no …
16 years |
ce |
added natural=tree on request of
Jan Peter Stotz <jan@…> …
16 years |
stoecker |
added history information - closes #1546 - patch by mail _ ulfm.de
16 years |
stoecker |
added search and selection improvements by Jan Peter Stotz. Closes #1306
16 years |
stoecker |
commandline arg --language works as expected
16 years |
stoecker |
mninor fix
16 years |
ulfl |
use the new power tower_small icon to be less prominent on the map
16 years |
stoecker |
added building
16 years |
stoecker |
translate help system
16 years |
ulfl |
add speed_camera icon
16 years |
ulfl |
add speed_camera and wlan
16 years |
ulfl |
use highway=speed_camera instead of amenity, this makes a lot more …
16 years |
ulfl |
use new glacier and volcano icons
16 years |
ulfl |
use mall icon also for department store
16 years |
ulfl |
use new icons for glacier and volcano
16 years |
stoecker |
increase virtual node size a bit again
16 years |
ulfl |
new waterway=waterfall and some sequence cleanup
16 years |
stoecker |
fixed typo
16 years |
ulfl |
use the "right" bollard icon
16 years |
ulfl |
as hard tabs are used in this file, don't use soft tabs in some places
16 years |
stoecker |
use the mappaint.node.virtual-size as planned
16 years |
stoecker |
fixed default handling for tagging presets
16 years |
stoecker |
allow to use zoom from plugins
16 years |
stoecker |
fixed minor display bug in mappaint
16 years |
stoecker |
fix initial proxy settings
16 years |
ulfl |
use the new waterfall.png
16 years |
stoecker |
fixing NPE. Closes #1532, #1531, #1529. Patch by avar
16 years |
framm |
- fixed virtual node problem where clicking and not dragging one …
16 years |
framm |
- filename checking for audio markers in GPX. Fixes #973.
16 years |
framm |
+ fixed Osm->GPX conversion to retain timestamps.
16 years |
ce |
added baby_hatch, as it already got 15 approvals.
16 years |
stoecker |
reverted checkin conflict
16 years |
stoecker |
added patches from bug #682 (proxy settings) and #1519 (NMEA)
16 years |
framm |
+ npe fix as suggested by Christoph Seitz <christoph_seitz@…>
16 years |
stoecker |
fixed NPE
16 years |
stoecker |
fixed typo
16 years |
ce |
added barrier=bollard
16 years |
ce |
added wheelchair and bike checls for subway entries
16 years |
stoecker |
added gate
16 years |
stoecker |
minor fix
16 years |
stoecker |
fixed preferences handling, reduced number of save processes. Closes …
16 years |
stoecker |
fixed bug #1479
16 years |
ulfl |
repeating the topic "Car/Car Parking" in the label makes no longer …
16 years |
stoecker |
correct description
16 years |
stoecker |
fixed relation handling for multiple times splitted ways
16 years |
ulfl |
use boule.png
16 years |
ulfl |
use racquetball icon
16 years |
ulfl |
use the racquet and boule icons
16 years |
ulfl |
various major and minor changes:
moving around entries, add lot's of …
16 years |
ce |
further power changes
16 years |
ce |
rebuilt power_generator according to changes in map features.
Thanks …
16 years |
ulfl |
speed camera icon from …
16 years |
ulfl |
add a new aerialway group
16 years |
stoecker |
minor fix
16 years |
stoecker |
removed duplicate preset icons, added better message for 500 server …
16 years |
ulfl |
resort some more stuff
16 years |
stoecker |
fixed typo
16 years |
ulfl |
remove icons that are simply duplicates from the styles folder
16 years |
ulfl |
remove icon entries that are identical in styles and presets
16 years |
ulfl |
experimental: move highway exit and some waterway stuff to places that …
16 years |
stoecker |
minor fix
16 years |
stoecker |
don't enforce buffered reading
16 years |
stoecker |
removed old double image
16 years |
stoecker |
removed obsolete stuff
16 years |
stoecker |
added generic mirroring Input stream, replace validator specific one soon
16 years |
ulfl |
fix some icon sizes
16 years |
ulfl |
... and even more icon changes …
16 years |
ulfl |
... and even more icon changes …
16 years |
ulfl |
... and even more icon changes …
16 years |
ulfl |
more icon fixes
16 years |
ulfl |
fix some icon sizes, add some more
16 years |
ulfl |
use a lot of the mappaint icons also for the presets
16 years |
ulfl |
use the new aerialway icons
16 years |
stoecker |
bridge defaults to layer 1 now
16 years |
ce |
fixed some items that accidentally made it into the main preset
16 years |
stoecker |
renamed seperator to correct separator
16 years |
ce |
added fireplace to shelter and bench. I'm prepared to get stoned
on …
16 years |
ce |
initial import
16 years |
stoecker |
added area to styles
16 years |
stoecker |
minor I18N fix
16 years |
stoecker |
make tram better visible
16 years |
stoecker |
another minor search fix
16 years |
stoecker |
fixed search a bit. Closes #1397 and #485.
16 years |
stoecker |
added crossing icon
16 years |
stoecker |
cleanup description
16 years |
stoecker |
added multi-style mappaint support. Closes #1186
16 years |
ce |
sac_scales have been messed
16 years |
ce |
moved racetrack to sport facilities
16 years |
ce |
initial import of a surveillance cam icon
16 years |
stoecker |
added fastfood icon
16 years |
stoecker |
killed the area color in r874
16 years |
stoecker |
added grass style, Closes #1411
16 years |
stoecker |
added ToolBar popup menus. Closes #1087.
16 years |
stoecker |
added zoom icons
16 years |
stoecker |
added some icons, optimized all preset PNG's
16 years |
stoecker |
Fixed exception. Closes #1460