
Opened 13 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

Last modified 12 years ago

#7016 closed enhancement (fixed)

Copy remaining entries form Potlatch2 maps

Reported by: stoecker Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Core Version:
Keywords: Cc: bastiK

Description (last modified by stoecker)

Potlatch imagery file has following additional entries, which are not in JOSM ATM. Should we copy them? OS 7th series historic is a TMS variant of our entry. Maybe that is better as our WMS one.

        <set minlat="17" minlon="175" maxlat="72" maxlon="-46">
                <name>OSM - Tiger Edited Map</name>
        <set minlat="49.8" minlon="-9" maxlat="61.1" maxlon="1.9">
                <name>OS 1:25k historic</name>
                <sourcetag>OS 1:25k</sourcetag>
        <set minlat="54.5" minlon="-7.8" maxlat="61.1" maxlon="-1.1">
                <name>OS Scottish Popular historic</name>
        <set minlat="17.95" minlon="-74.5" maxlat="20.12" maxlon="-71.58">
                <name>Haiti - GeoEye Jan 13</name>
                <sourcetag>Haiti GeoEye</sourcetag>
        <set minlat="17.95" minlon="-74.5" maxlat="20.12" maxlon="-71.58">
                <name>Haiti - GeoEye Jan 13+</name>
                <sourcetag>Haiti GeoEye</sourcetag>
        <set minlat="17.95" minlon="-74.5" maxlat="20.12" maxlon="-71.58">
                <name>Haiti - DigitalGlobe</name>
                <sourcetag>Haiti DigitalGlobe</sourcetag>
        <set minlat="17.95" minlon="-74.5" maxlat="20.12" maxlon="-71.58">
                <name>Haiti - Street names</name>
                <sourcetag>Haiti streetnames</sourcetag>
        <set minlat="24.2" minlon="-125.8" maxlat="49.5" maxlon="-62.3">
                <name>National Agriculture Imagery Program</name>
        <set minlat="55.3" minlon="-168.5" maxlat="71.5" maxlon="-140">
                <name>National Agriculture Imagery Program</name>
        <set minlon="19.02" minlat="40.96" maxlon="77.34" maxlat="70.48">
                <name>Russia - IRS Satellite</name>
                <sourcetag> IRS</sourcetag>
        <set minlon="23.16" minlat="51.25" maxlon="32.83" maxlat="56.19">
                <name>Belarus - SPOT4 Satellite</name>
                <sourcetag> SPOT4</sourcetag>

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Change History (4)

comment:1 by stoecker, 13 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

See #7270, 5 entries copied.

comment:2 by stoecker, 12 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

I copied the remaining working entries, but could neither NAIP nor Haiti get working. I assume they are dead.

        <bounds min-lat="17.95" min-lon="-74.5" max-lat="20.12" max-lon="-71.58">
        <name>Haiti - GeoEye Jan 13</name>
        <bounds min-lat="17.95" min-lon="-74.5" max-lat="20.12" max-lon="-71.58">
        <name>Haiti - GeoEye Jan 13+</name>
        <bounds min-lat="17.95" min-lon="-74.5" max-lat="20.12" max-lon="-71.58">
        <name>Haiti - DigitalGlobe</name>
        <bounds min-lat="17.95" min-lon="-74.5" max-lat="20.12" max-lon="-71.58">
        <name>Haiti - Street names</name>

Following has two bounds

        <bounds min-lat="55.3" min-lon="-168.5" max-lat="71.5" max-lon="-140">
        <bounds min-lat="24.2" min-lon="-125.8" max-lat="49.5" max-lon="-62.3">
        <name>National Agriculture Imagery Program</name>

in reply to:  2 ; comment:3 by anonymous, 12 years ago

Replying to stoecker:

I copied the remaining working entries, but could neither NAIP nor Haiti get working. I assume they are dead.

Did anyone test this with Potlatch2 ?

in reply to:  3 comment:4 by skyper, 12 years ago

Replying to anonymous:

Replying to stoecker:

I copied the remaining working entries, but could neither NAIP nor Haiti get working. I assume they are dead.

Did anyone test this with Potlatch2 ?

Did test and both do not work for me either

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