
Opened 14 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#6221 closed defect (fixed)

josm loses focus on TAB in relation editor dialog, with dual monitor setup

Reported by: dpaleino Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Core Version: tested
Keywords: dual monitor Cc:

Description (last modified by stoecker)

The summary really says it all.
Opening the relation editor, and trying to add more tags / go to the value column hitting TAB, josm loses its focus.

This doesn't happen when adding a tag to an object (i.e. hitting TAB inside the small key/value dialog popping up).

I noticed this after switching to a dual-monitor setup.

(as a side note, the relation editor opens up in the second monitor, instead of staying in the same monitor as josm)


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Change History (13)

comment:1 by stoecker, 13 years ago

Description: modified (diff)
Keywords: dual monitor added

comment:2 by stoecker, 13 years ago

Owner: changed from team to dpaleino
Status: newneedinfo

Is this still the case with r5015?

comment:3 by dpaleino, 13 years ago

Waiting for josm-latest.jar to be built for 5015, will tell you :)

comment:4 by dpaleino, 13 years ago

Unfortunately, it still happens (tested latest.jar, at version 5018).

Also, the same behaviour happens with message/exception/... popups (i.e. they appear on the main screen, not on the screen when josm is running).


comment:5 by dpaleino, 13 years ago

Owner: changed from dpaleino to team
Status: needinfonew

in reply to:  4 comment:6 by stoecker, 13 years ago

Replying to dpaleino:

Also, the same behaviour happens with message/exception/... popups (i.e. they appear on the main screen, not on the screen when josm is running).

Please describe your setup better, as this works here as expected. A centered popup opens on the screen, where josm is (including the startup screen). Thought popups saving position surely will stay where they are. You need to move them once.

comment:7 by dpaleino, 13 years ago

  1. I attach a VGA monitor to my laptop.
  2. I open grandr, and set the secondary screen to "extend the desktop"
  3. I start josm from the main screen, and then move it to the secondary one
  4. I do something:
    1. I fire up the relation editor, try to TAB, I lose focus (i.e. the browser (or anything else currently open) on the main screen gets it)
    2. I make some error appear, it appears on the main screen, not on the secondary one

While the two things might seem unrelated, I think they are. Please tell me if I should file a new report for the popup-issue.

If it's useful, I can attach the xrandr output when I do/don't have the secondary monitor attached.


comment:8 by stoecker, 13 years ago

The josm screen position is only remembered on closing JOSM, so as long as you start it on first screen, the errors will also appear there. After restarting josm they appear on second screen. Maybe I should update josm window position more often.

comment:9 by naoliv, 12 years ago

Any news on this issue, please?
I am seeing the same behavior with latest josm (5884) and a dual monitor setup.
I can provide any info if needed.

comment:10 by akks, 12 years ago

In 6064/josm:

see #8125, #6221 (possibly): improve TAB switching in Relation Editor

comment:11 by akks, 12 years ago

Can someone please check if it was fixed?
(non-standard table cell activation was removed)

comment:12 by naoliv, 12 years ago

On my side it seems solved too.

comment:13 by akks, 12 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Good :) (though I was fixing only #8551 )

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