
Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#4348 closed defect (fixed)

Validator wrongly merge duplicated nodes.

Reported by: Zibik Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Core validator Version: latest
Keywords: node, duplicated, merge Cc:


Simple test scenario:

  1. I download any area from OSM and create a node.
  2. I send the node to JOSM (and the node has assigned ID)
  3. I select this node and copy it (CTRL + C)
  4. I create a new layer and paste this node here (CTRL + V)
  5. I merge both layers together.
  6. At this point, I have a duplicated node.
  7. I check by validator, it detects a duplicated node.
  8. I click on Fix.
  9. Validator removes the node with assigned ID and replace it with a new (without ID)
  10. JOSM wants to upload the new node.

The problem is trivial for a single node, but it looks otherwise when I prepare import and I have several thousand duplicated nodes.
Do not want to unnecessarily spam OSM database.

Tested on rev. 2813

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comment:1 by Zibik, 15 years ago

I have lost formatting in text :(

Simple test scenario:

  1. I download any area from OSM and create a node.
  2. I send the node to JOSM (and the node has assigned ID)
  3. I select this node and copy it (CTRL + C)
  4. I create a new layer and paste this node here (CTRL + V)
  5. I merge both layers together.
  6. At this point, I have a duplicated node.
  7. I check by validator, it detects a duplicated node.
  8. I click on Fix.
  9. Validator removes the node with assigned ID and replace it with a new (without ID)
  10. JOSM wants to upload the new node.

The problem is trivial for a single node, but it looks otherwise when I prepare import and I have several thousand duplicated nodes. Do not want to unnecessarily spam OSM database.

Tested on rev. 2813

comment:2 by Zibik, 15 years ago

Nobody wants to fix it?

comment:3 by bastiK, 15 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Should be fixed in [3134]

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