
Opened 16 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#3120 closed defect (fixed)

Add subprojections

Reported by: pieren Owned by: team
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Core Version: latest
Keywords: Cc:


Again, some problems due to the new projection handling. The mapView is not correctly set when working on Corsica (Lambert zone 4) with the current projection boundaries. So, I copy the max boundaries from Mercator and increase the tolerance between the zones before the popup alert message saying "it's far away from Lambert"

Attachments (1)

Lambert.patch (1.7 KB ) - added by pieren 16 years ago. patch

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (7)

by pieren, 16 years ago

Attachment: Lambert.patch added patch

comment:1 by stoecker, 16 years ago

Actually there will be a way which allow to have projection specific settings. So in future you will no longer select Lambert, but Lambert + zone number. The world bounds any everything else then has to depend in the complete set (e.g. UTM then has lots of zones as well not only zone 33).

The problem is currently my programming motivation is low so it will be delayed :-)

The idea is to have a way each projection class describes a gui and this is then displayed in the settings dialog. The result should be a single string containing all settings. Probably a new base class SubProjection or something like that is required for this to come true. The gui should also in real time show the specifics (like world bounds) of each subprojection.

Regarding your patch - It is not compatible with that idea. Can't you implement the world bounds depending on the zone number? That would be compatible with the future.

comment:2 by pieren, 16 years ago

Can't you implement the world bounds depending on the zone number? That would be compatible with the future.

I already tried this but it failed. Maybe because the zone is unknown at startup (zone=-1) and change later at first LatLon convertion to EastNorth.
My solution would be to either split the projection in four projections or keep as it is now in the patch and wait a little bit until the french cadastre changes its projection to Lambert93 later this year (and no zones any more ;-).
But your comment about subprojection is interresting because we are looking for UTM22 for french overseas departements. I still have to check if french UTM means the same as other countries UTM as french authorities always try to create their own standards...

comment:3 by stoecker, 16 years ago

Summary: [PATCH] Lambert ZoneAdd subprojections

Applied in r1887. Thought it is meant to be temporary.

comment:4 by pieren, 16 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

comment:5 by stoecker, 16 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened

comment:6 by stoecker, 15 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: reopenedclosed

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