
Opened 2 years ago

Last modified 2 months ago

#22328 new defect

[Patch] Nodes should be exclude from "construction:highway without highway and construction"

Reported by: skyper Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Core validator Version: latest
Keywords: template_report node construction highway railway Cc: mkoniecz, gaben

Description (last modified by skyper)

What steps will reproduce the problem?

  1. Have a node with construction:highway=*, e.g. api/0.6/node/303193688/26
  2. Run validator

What is the expected result?

No warning

What happens instead?

  • construction:highway without highway and construction
  • highway together with construction:highway and conflicting values plus no construction

Please provide any additional information below. Attach a screenshot if possible.

The validator test should exclude nodes. Same might be true for railway

Relative:URL: ^/trunk
Repository:UUID: 0c6e7542-c601-0410-84e7-c038aed88b3b
Last:Changed Date: 2022-08-29 16:59:00 +0200 (Mon, 29 Aug 2022)
Build-Date:2022-08-30 01:30:57

Attachments (1)

josm_22328.patch (4.1 KB ) - added by skyper 2 years ago.
patch, only using way and relation for highway and railway

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (7)

comment:1 by skyper, 2 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

by skyper, 2 years ago

Attachment: josm_22328.patch added

patch, only using way and relation for highway and railway

comment:2 by skyper, 2 years ago

Milestone: 22.09
Summary: Nodes should be exclude from "construction:highway without highway and construction"[Patch] Nodes should be exclude from "construction:highway without highway and construction"

Please find attached patch​ only checking way and relation for highway and railway.

comment:3 by taylor.smock, 2 years ago

I'm not certain about this -- do we have wiki documentation on this?

highway=crossing + crossing=uncontrolled + construction:crossing=traffic_signals + construction:highway=traffic_signals
maybe should be
highway=crossing + crossing=uncontrolled + construction:crossing=traffic_signals + construction=traffic_signals.

Maybe we should add the active commentators on #17607 here?

comment:4 by skyper, 2 years ago

Cc: mkoniecz gaben added
Milestone: 22.09

Unfortunately, there is only little documentation and it is either general (construction=*) or only about ways (highway=construction). Though, nodes are not excluded in the wiki.
Maybe, it is better to use the scheme for all object types. Opinions?

By the way, we should warn about construction=highway/railway/building/landuse.

Edit: Probably one reason for my interpretation of excluding nodes are the missing values in presets and data, so far.

Last edited 2 years ago by skyper (previous) (diff)

comment:5 by mkoniecz, 2 years ago

Maybe this warning should be raised only on construction:highway values matching way classes such as motorway or path or cycleway or tertiary?

comment:6 by goodidea, 2 months ago

I just wanted to point out that there are also false positives for nodes with construction:highway=bus_stop. I don't think that construction=bus_stop should be added here, that would be quite redundant and superfluous. And there is nothing about this in the wiki under Maybe this also affects other highway node tags (e.g. highway=platform, highway=street_lamp, ...).

Example node:

Would be nice if this could be fixed.

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